Desperate girls in leopard print dresses: the photographer showed the life of ordinary Russian women in a village where matriarchy reigns and there are almost no men. Heartwarming photographs of women from Russian villages, in which everything is for real Show women on holiday in Russia

Once upon a time, rural life in our country was a priority, it was where life was in full swing and business was done. And despite the fact that rural areas make up a significant part of Russia’s territory, over time the state turned its attention to major cities, practically leaving villages without funding and infrastructure. Thus, people leave villages for small towns, and the population of small towns moves to larger ones. This trend is especially observed among men who leave for cities to work, which is why there is an increase in matriarchy in villages. Thus, the villages become empty, but life in them ceases, and the best The proof is the wonderful photographs of photographer Olya Ivanova. In 2009, Olga went on a tour of Russian villages, working as a magazine photographer. She was fascinated by village life, and this is probably why she managed to take such a personal series of soulful photographs of women from Russian villages, which Umkra invites you to enjoy further.

“There is a special feeling of freedom, mainly due to communication, completely different from the city,” said Olya Ivanova

"There are no strangers, everyone knows each other"

"Relationships can be formal, unpleasant and cold"

“Sometimes there is real drama and intrigue, but everyone looks out for each other.”

“I discovered a closed community of people living lives completely different from mine, so I was interested in looking at it from the inside.”

"In 2013, I was invited to an expedition to the Vologda region, to a small village on the river bank"

"This is a very beautiful place with dense forests, fast northern rivers and harsh people"

"It took about six hours to drive from the nearby city of Vologda"

"If you don't know the area, it's highly unlikely you'll find it."

“I was lucky to live with the locals, mow with them, make pancakes, and take care of children.”

“A year later I returned there to take photographs on my behalf”

“I didn’t have to look for a topic for long: I was lucky enough to capture Village Day, a holiday celebrated in villages throughout Russia on different days of the summer.”

“It turned out to be a great opportunity to capture village life with all its social aspects.”

"On this day, all young people, children and grandchildren who work in cities return to the village"

“This is a celebration of your native place, your roots, family and home.”

“Everyone prepares in advance and worries about what they will wear, drink and do.”

During the filming, Olga noted that almost all the work was done by women

"Men refuse to participate in Village Day, dance, cook or help organize the holiday"

"It's perceived as weakness"

“Women come to the celebration in beautiful leopard print dresses and high heels, while men show up in shapeless tights with a bottle of beer in their pocket.”

“A village woman is very often the head of a family whose well-being depends on her.”

“Men try to pretend out of habit that they hold all the power, but as a rule they are completely dependent on their wives.”

“I haven’t studied the statistics, but it seems that there are indeed more women in the villages”

“Men often leave to make some money in construction, traveling long distances.”

"Men often die before age 50 due to alcohol abuse"

“There is a theory that after World War II, when many people died in battle, the attitude of single mothers towards their sons became especially tender, so they grew up infantile and weak.”

"Cheap alcohol, a corrupt and brutal army, high levels of aggression, driving without a seat belt - all these factors do not contribute to the life expectancy of men."

“The village woman is strong, she can do almost everything herself, she does not need a man for housework or raising children.”

“She does everything that is supposedly a man’s job: mowing, carrying heavy logs, chopping wood.”

Looking at these photographs, you may get the feeling that rural girls are all smart and beautiful. It’s worth noting right away that the selection of photographs with village girls contains not only real photos, but also pictures from thematic photo shoots. However, this does not change the essence, since even professional models, trying on the image of an ordinary village girl, are literally transformed, becoming incredibly charming and magically attractive.

In the village and in the countryside there is still a certain flavor of antiquity that has not yet been destroyed modern world. The peculiarities of culture and traditions here have not yet been completely erased, and in some places you can see something beautiful that is almost lost and is becoming less and less noticeable. The spirit of the village with its wooden houses, stoves, bathhouses, a special way of life, clothing and the nature of the conversation, rural residents can surprise and fall in love with themselves from the first second.

The photos presented below may appeal not only to the beauty of the incredibly charming girls, but also to their atmosphere, color and originality of the village. Village girls seem unspoiled by the bustle of the city and the constant race for money and success, and by any available means and methods. This makes rural beauties seem much more purer soul and a body that cannot help but touch the most living thing in the soul. In the end, all the girls presented are simply unreal beauties. Just the sight of them, a fleeting glance, makes your heart skip a beat. Russian beauties in the background beautiful views, blossoming nature look simply irresistible. If you are a city dweller, then do not be surprised if after viewing these photos you have an unbearable desire to go to the village, rural outback, to spend a weekend or an entire vacation there.

Beautiful photos of rural or village girls

Russia has been an agrarian, rural country for so long that this part of our culture and history cannot be eradicated by any reforms or innovations. And even though today most people strive to move to cities, villages live in the Russian outback. They got one characteristic feature- men for the most part rush to earn money and therefore in the modern Russian village there is a purely woman's face. But what, see below.

Olga Ivanova is a photographer who, since 2009, has been traveling through Russian villages and towns and taking pictures of the life that she finds there. The difference with city life, and even with advertising posters about “vacation in the Russian outback” is colossal. These photographs are lively, soulful, imbued with freedom and inspiration.

Olga says that it all started simply - she was invited to a cultural expedition to visit a small village somewhere in Vologda region. And unexpectedly for herself, she found a completely different, unknown community there. Closed in its own way, living a completely different and incomprehensible life for a modern Russian woman. And it was all the more interesting to look inside it.

The place where the village was located is very beautiful. Forests and thickets, like in fairy tales, deep and fast northern rivers, a minimum of civilization and the harsh morals of the local inhabitants. From the nearest city it takes at least six hours to get here along what is conventionally called a road. There are very few random guests here and the influence “ big land” is barely felt.

Village society is a group of people where, by definition, there cannot be strangers. Everyone knows everything about each other, which is not so easy to understand and master. Olga was lucky - she turned out to be not a visiting tourist, she was accepted into the community. And she lived in the village just like everyone else: she worked in the garden, looked after the children, fried pancakes and went mushroom hunting.

The village is a closed society, but not a strict community of ascetic hermits. Passions boil inside, dramas unfold, there is room for cruel grievances and true friendship. In difficult times, everyone helps each other, although at other times they may not look in your direction. This is a very interesting world - on next year Olga stocked up on supplies and came to the village with the purpose of photographing life there in every detail.

Village Day. A holiday, the existence of which many Internet users do not even suspect, yet it is celebrated throughout the country. It does not have a clear date or regulations; everywhere it is an original celebration. Olga was lucky: she arrived in the village just before preparations for such a holiday.

What is especially interesting about Village Day is the unprecedented influx of people. Everyone who left for cities or other regions makes time and returns to relax and celebrate. Great opportunity consider, study the social aspects of village residents, compare past and present generations. Which is what the photographer took advantage of.

More and more Russian men are leaving villages in search of work. Meanwhile, women raise their children and revive matriarchy. Photographer Olya Ivanova is one of the few who decided to capture the life of ordinary village women. - Not here strangers. At times there are dramas and scandals, but the locals still treat each other warmly. I've never encountered this. In 2013, I went to the Vologda region to a small village on the river bank. To get here you need to drive 6 hours off-road. Without a guide you cannot find the village itself. I discovered a closed community of people living lives completely different from mine, so my main interest was to show it from the inside.

On weekends, the whole village sits down to eat, drink and dance. The celebration is held near the local House of Culture, which serves as a bar, nightclub and theater. Residents submit their numbers.

Observing the life of the village, Ivanova realized that most of the work was done by women. The men were mostly absent, and the few she encountered didn't want to be photographed. “Men refuse to perform on the village day, dance, cook or help organize the holiday. This is perceived as weakness. Women come to the celebration in leopard print dresses and high heels, while men appear in shapeless trousers with a bottle of beer in their pocket, but there are still five unmarried girls per man, so even the worst “product” does not linger.”

“The village woman is very often the head of the family. The well-being of everyone in the family depends on her: she makes sure that everyone eats well and is healthy, and also takes care of the house. Men try to pretend out of habit that they hold all the power in their hands, but usually they are completely dependent on their wives,” says Ivanova.

Women's dominance in the community is partly determined by demographics: life expectancy for men in Russia barely reaches 65, and many men leave villages to find work. All factors contribute to an invisible matriarchy at the core of a society obsessed with masculinity. “I haven’t studied the statistics, but it really seems like there are more women in the villages. Often men die before reaching 50 years of age due to alcohol abuse,” explains Ivanova.

Village women remain Ivanova’s favorite topic. Her heroines different ages and professions, but they are all part of an archetype that perfectly illustrates the role of women in Russian society - or at least what is expected of them. “The village woman is strong, she can do almost everything on her own, she does not need a man for housework or raising children,” says Ivanova. “She does everything that is supposedly a man’s work: mowing, carrying heavy logs, chopping wood. She works hard, but doesn't complain, she has a very big heart, she loves her own and other people's children, helps neighbors and relatives, but she still dreams of a strong man. At the village disco, all the ladies in leopard print dresses sing their favorite song: “Oh, God, what a man, I want a son from you.” This seems to be the only function of men.”