Overall unhealthy lifestyle. Healthy and unhealthy lifestyle

My incorrect and unhealthy lifestyle

Health is more expensive than money. This is certainly so, but also without money with health will be somehow not very. So I have so. Two past weeks I was forced to work in a day. This is no doubt an unhealthy lifestyle. In this mode about sports and physical education and speech it could not be. Give God to relax and recover a bit.

What is an unhealthy lifestyle

What is it - an unhealthy lifestyle? In a traditional understanding, the unhealthy lifestyle is binding mainly with habits harmful to health. It is smoking and drinking alcohol, drugs, and so on.

All this is so. But, the concept of an unhealthy lifestyle is much wider. In a more complete and proper understanding, the concept of a unhealthy lifestyle includes not only the above-listed habits, but in general, a lifestyle that does not contribute to the preservation and improvement of health.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova determines the meaning of the word unhealthy as:

  1. Caused by unhealthy, painful
  2. Bad for health
  3. Testing ailments, patient
  4. Incorrect, abnormal

So it turns out that an unhealthy lifestyle is the absolute opposite of a healthy lifestyle. The last on this site is already written a lot.

Tell me, an office worker conducted on a chair at a computer most of the day, and even after working, trying to stick and rest leads a healthy lifestyle? Of course not! This is also an unhealthy lifestyle. Health from such a day of the day will not be added accurate. And to relax after work, I want because the body is weak and untranslated.

A man needs to move a lot. The more the person moves, performs some exercises, the less tired it will be from his immediate work. After all, he is used to much greater loads! And at the same time it will help to avoid many other health problems, including various diseases.

Factors and signs of an unhealthy lifestyle

How many people, so many opinions about a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle. For someone, drinking 3 liters of beer for it is great and great (stagnation sign in different places). Someone alcohol does not accept at all. Also on other issues. But still specialists see the factors and signs of an unhealthy lifestyle in the following:

  1. Irregular or insufficient level of physical and motor activity
  2. Lack of non-compliance of the day
  3. Incorrect or unbalanced nutrition
  4. Overwork and nervous breakdowns
  5. Defective rest
  6. Non-compliance or violation of the rules of hygiene
  7. Dissatisfaction with work, life situation
  8. Abuse of smoking, alcohol, drug addiction

What will reduce the effect of an unhealthy lifestyle

What is the progress here in classes, if you do not have to talk about the classes yourself. However, there is no humus without good. And the unhealthy lifestyle can be tried to turn into a healthy, well, at least partially. Nevertheless, you can and at work to do physical education, if there is a little time. And this can be done unnoticed for others. This here is about some exercises, including static loads.

Here, for example, some exercises for those who are forced to conduct a not quite healthy lifestyle:

  1. Sat, holding hands for a chair or the edge of the window sill. This exercise performed. As it affected her health, you can read by reference. I received several approaches of 20 squats per day.
  2. Straighten your back, fix posture and pull the stomach. Watch constantly behind the posture and that the belly is in tension. After a while you get used to watch this and it automatically turns out. Walk slim and beautiful! By the way, it is very effective method Reset a little overweight.
  3. Strain various muscles and keep in tension while possible. This can be done for completely different muscles. For example, we rest in the palms into the table lid and give it to it while the muscles themselves will not weaken from fatigue. Or sitting at the table to strain the muscles of hips. Such exercises can be performed for completely different muscle groups.
  4. With any opportunity to get up and walk. Smear sit. This recommendation concerns most office workers, offices and other jobs with sedentary work.
  5. Buy sneakers and in your free time, before or after work at least run a little. Running is the easiest way to support your health.

Leo canister is often called human-orchestra. Scientist, cardiac surgery, public figure, teacher, promoter healthy lifestyle, president public organization The "League of Health of Nation" and just a sociable person with pleasure shared his experience and recipes for a healthy lifestyle.

Doctor about a healthy lifestyle:
- To say that you can simultaneously make a nation of healthy - it means to smell. It is impossible to make an absolutely healthy person who smokes 40 years old. You can only try to extend your life. But to teach live meaningless generation, which is not yet burdened with bad habits, we can. And it is not so difficult. Our experience shows that one person who was turned on the path of healthy life is not really one person, it is 5-6 people who he will stop smoking, drink, will make it open ... After all, an unhealthy lifestyle - a low-educated of people. We have no one before the operation of Yeltsin, no one knew what aorto-coronary shunting is, and in terms of the number of heart disease, our country is in the list of leaders ... We have no habit of wondering our health!

Do you know where people live longer in Moscow? In the central area! When we found out, - we had a shock: after all, here the most ridden air, noise, a fuss, a lot of stress ... and we decided to find out what such a paradox is connected with. It turned out that in the Central District of Moscow lives the most people with higher education - people who do not allow disrespectful and dismissive attitude towards themselves. A person with a higher education is elementary regularly cleans his teeth, takes a shower, keeps out of any day of the day, does not get drunk, as a rule, does not ourselves ...

Public Worker About Health Nation:
- When the Germans 35 years ago set themselves the goal of the nation's rehabilitation, all conditions were created for this: a lot of treadmills in a wide variety of institutions, in parks - special runways for runs, pools, artificial lakes, etc. there is a mood on a healthy lifestyle Save to this day! 3 years ago I stayed at the comrade in Germany, I got up at 7 in the morning (since you could sleep) and saw my own eyes - as the Germans with unchanged smiles run on faces in the morning: fat, thin, young, elderly - everything. So they start every day every day. Maybe, among other things, therefore there is a longer life expectancy than we.

We generally stopped running, stopped walking ... We do not have for this conditions! I live on Leninsky Avenue, always very much loved to walk, walk ... went from Leninsky Prospect to Gagarin Square. There - back occupied about an hour. And the best sport did not imagine myself! Now try to go through Leninsky Prospect - there are cars in 8 rows, secondly, I could, smoke, thirdly - in our time it is physically unsafe.
And about to do somewhere cycling paths, it is impossible to think!

When we conducted a competition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle to the presidential grant, we received 1600 projects! The ideas of our people have a lot and understanding that a healthy lifestyle is what we need now. But for some reason, when it comes to everyday compliance simple rulesMany find out are not able to resist the temptation to be lazy, drinking and eat, which fell ...

Ex-smoker about smoking:

- I quit smoking when I already had a 20-year-old smoker experience. And made it simultaneously.
And I subscribed me to this pure accident. I was a young professor, smoked, like a steam locomotive, and a patient came to me for consultation. I talked with him, he thanked me and says: "Doctor, when I went to you, went to the toilet, cleaned my teeth, so that he was not a pelling tobacco from me .. and you have here .... the smoke will turn out to be!" I answered him: "Do not take me an example!"
And this case I crashed into the mind that it was after him I decided to quit smoking. And now I say to all your doctors: how can you smoke, knowing great that it is a way to heart attack, to hypertension, to lung cancer etc.?..

Scientist of diet:
- In September last year, I stopped eating chocolate, which consumed in huge quantities: came from the operating room, eaten the tile of bitter chocolate and worked for another 5-6 hours. It was a kind of doping. But over time, I realized that, probably, it would not lead to good, and I sat down on a diet of American astronauts, where sugar, bread, salt excluded. I lost 9 kilograms, and I feel much more comfortable than before, while I still have a brutal appetite! Although their relatives swear, but it seems to me that it is for me to benefit.
In the morning, as a rule, I eat cottage cheese, come from the operating room - light yogurt or egg (Who walled and carefully stuck into my portfolio). And at home - already full dinner.

About myself:

- I arrive in this light in the only role in the role: as a cardiac surgeon. Sometimes it takes me until 16 hours a day. Everything else stems from this: my scientific work, social activity... Once I just felt something to say something to this world, because I think that much in it needs to be changed. Probably, something is global in this regard, I can hardly do one. But to participate in the process ... why not?
I was lucky. Just when such thoughts began to come to me, the group of activists began to create a "league of the health of the nation" (there was no me there then). They turned to me so I signed an appeal to the nation. And then a constituent congress took place, and I was unexpected for me, I was chosen by the president of this organization.

The way she has developed is generally a whole story. At the beginning it was assumed that a few people would be as part of the League, which will contain it. But in the end, no one, of course, did not contain it. Therefore, at first it all kept on one enthusiasm. But nevertheless, we gradually have achieved that it acquired a certain weight, influence. And now, I think, we will be able to gradually change the consciousness of people for whom the "healthy lifestyle" is an empty sound.

Optimist about relaxation:
- There is a lot of ways to relax in addition to those who harm health.
I knew the father of one of my employee, a famous mathematics: he lived up to 93 years. He almost until the death danced with his wife. And they received great pleasure from this. I think this passion played a key role in the fact that he lived such a long, happy life.
If a person has no other hobbies in addition to smoking and drinking, then the price is the price to him. And when they are, the need for harmful ways of relaxation disappears itself. Here is a simple recipe for getting rid of harmful habits: Get useful habits.

there is beautiful women, Men, Classic Literature, Sport, Music ... - The whole world is filled with paints and content that you see quite differently when free from delicate dependencies. These paints and content - and there is a better stimulus to start living right!

All his life, he struggled with his bright articles to strengthen the Russian state, bravely exposing sales officials, liberal democrats and revolutionaries, warning about the threat of hung over the country. In Russia, the power of the Bolsheviks did not forgive him. Menshikova shot in 1918 with extreme cruelty in front of his wife and six children.

Mikhail Osipovich was born on October 7, 1859 in Novoriaz, Pskov province near Lake Valdai, in the family of a college registrar. He graduated from the county school, after which he entered the technical school of the maritime department in Kronstadt. Then he participated in several distant marine campaigns, whose writer's fruit appeared in 1884 was the first book of essays - "according to the ports of Europe". As a marine officer, Menshikov expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bconnecting ships and airplanes, thereby predicting the appearance of aircraft carriers.

Feeling calling for literary work and journalism, in 1892, Menshikov resigned in the rank of headquarters. He got a correspondent to the newspaper "Week", where he soon paid attention to his talented articles. Then he became the leading publicist of the newspaper of the conservative sense "New Time", where he worked up to the revolution.

In this newspaper he led his famous heading "Letters to the Middle", which attracted the attention of the entire educated society of Russia. Some called Menshikov "reactionary and storm" (and someone calls so far). However, all this is a malicious slander.

In 1911, Menshikov, exposing the origin of Western backstage against Russia, warned:

"If a huge fund is going to flood Russia and terrorists in America, then our government is worth thinking about it. Really and now the state of our guard will not notice anything in time (as in 1905) and will not warn trouble? ".

There were no measures in this regard to power then. And if they accepted? It was unlikely that I could come to Russia in 1917 with the money of the American banker Jacob Shif Trotsky-Bronstein, the chief organizer of the October coup!

The ideologist of the National Russia

Menshikov was one of the leading publicists of the conservative direction, speaking by the ideologue of Russian nationalism. He became the initiator of the creation of the All-Russian National Union (VNS), for which he developed a program and charter. This organization, which had a faction in the State Duma, entered the moderate-right elements of the educated Russian society: professors, retired military, officials, publicists, clergymen, well-known scientists. Most of them were sincere patriots that later proved many of them not only with their struggle against the Bolsheviks, but also a martyr's death ...

Menshikov himself clearly foresaw the national catastrophe of 1917 and, as a true publicist, beat in Nabat, warned, sought to prevent it. "Orthodoxy," he wrote, "we were freed from ancient wildness, autocracy - from anarchy, but returning before our eyes to wildness and anarchy proves that a new principle, saving former, is needed. It is a nationality ... only nationalism is able to return to us lost piety and power. "

In the article "The Concent Century", written in December 1900, Menshikov called on Russian people to preserve the role of the dormitory people:

"We, the Russians, have slept, unsubscribed by our power and glory - but I hit one thunder of heavenly after another, and we woke up and saw themselves in siege - and from the outside, and from the inside ... We do not want someone else's, but ours - Russian - Earth Must be ours. "

The opportunity to avoid the revolution of Menshikov saw in strengthening state power, in consistent and solid national politics. Mikhail Osipovich was convinced that the people in the Council with the monarch should manage officials, and not they. With the passion of the publicist, he showed the fatal danger of bureaucracy for Russia: "Our bureaucracy ... brought the historical force of nation for no."

The need for indigenous change

Menshikov's close relationship supported with great Russian writers of that time. Gorky confessed in one of the letters that Menshikova loves, because he is his "enemy of heart," and the enemies "are better to tell the truth." For his part, Menshikov called the "Song of Sokol" of Gorky "evil morality", because, according to him, he saves the world not the "madness of brave," carrying an uprising, but "the wisdom of meek", such as Chekhov Linden ("in the ravine").

It is known 48 letters to Him Chekhov, who treated him with constant respect. Menshikov was in clear from Tolstoy, but at the same time criticized him in the article "Tolstoy and Power", where he wrote that it was more dangerous for Russia than all revolutionaries taken together. Tolstoy answered him that during reading this article he experienced "one of the most desirable and expensive feelings - not just goodwill, but directly love to you ...".

Menshikov was convinced that Russia needs indigenous changes in all areas of life without exception, only this was the salvation of the country, but he did not feel illusions. "No people - that's what Russia is dying!" - Mikhail Osipovich exclaimed in despair.

Until the end of his days, he gave merciless assessments of self-satisfied officials and the liberal intelligentsia: "In essence, everything beautiful and great you drank a long time (downstairs) and lit (at the top). Unlocked the church, aristocracy, intelligentsia.

Menshikov believed that each nation should persistently fight for their national identity. "When it comes to," he wrote, "about the violation of the rights of the Jew, Finn, Pole, Armenian, the indigrant cry rises: everyone screams about respect for such a shrine as nationality. But only Russians will deteriorate about their nation, about their national values: perturbed cries are risen - mansome-natives! Intolerance! Harvest violence! Rough arbitrary! ".

Outstanding Russian philosopher Igor Shafarevich wrote: "Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov - one of the small number of insightful people who lived in that period of Russian history, which seemed otherwise (and now it seems) cloudless. But the sensitive people are already at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, they saw the main root of the impending misconduct, who collapsed later on Russia and we are still experiencing (and not visible when the end comes to them). This main spill of the Company, carrying the danger of future deep shocks, Menshikov saw in the weakening of the national consciousness of the Russian people ... ".

Portrait of modern liberal

Many years ago, Menshikov became vigorously exposed those in Russia who, as today, poured it, will be paid to the "democratic and civilized" west. "We," Menshikov wrote, "I don't get the eyes from the West, we are walked to them, we want to live just so and no worse than" decent "people in Europe live. Under the fear of the most sincere, acute suffering, under the oppression of feeling urgency, we need to furnish yourself with the same luxury, which is available to Western society. We must wear the same dress, sit on the same furniture, there are the same dishes, drink the same fault, see the same spectacles that they see Europeans. To satisfy your increased needs formed by the layer places all major requirements for the Russian people.

The intelligentsia and the nobility do not want to understand that the high level of consumption in the West is associated with the exploitation of a significant part of the rest of the world. As if Russian people work, they will not be able to achieve the level of income, which in the West receives by pumping into their own favor of unpaid resources and labor of other countries ...

The formed layer requires the people of extreme tension from the people to secure the European level of consumption, and when it does not work, outraged by the osnosis and backwardness of the Russian people. "

Does the Menshikov drew more than a hundred years ago with his incredible insights, the portrait of the current Russophobous liberal "elite"?

Bump for honest labor

Well, isn't these words of an outstanding publicist are addressed to us today? "The feeling of victory and overcome," Menshikov wrote, "the sense of domination on her earth was not at all for bloody only battles. The courage is needed for any honest work. All the most expensive, which is in the fight against nature, is all brilliant in science, arts, wisdom and faith of people - everything is moving precisely by the heroism of the heart.

Any progress, every discovery of akin to revelation, and every perfection has a victory. Only the people who are accustomed to battles saturated by the instinct of the celebration over obstacles are capable of something great. If there is no sense of domination in the people - no genius. Noble pride falls - and man becomes a slave from the lord.

We are captured by slave, unworthy, morally insignificant influences, and it is from here - our poverty and incomprehensible to the Bogatyr people weakness. "

Isn't because of this weakness collapsed Russia in 1917? Isn't therefore falling apart in the 1991 mighty Soviet Union? Isn't that danger threatens us today if we give the global onslaught to Russia from the West?

Revenge revolutionaries

Those who undermined the basics Russian Empire, And then in February 1917 he captured power in it, they did not forget and did not forgive Menshikov's position of the persistent German staff and a fighter for the unity of the Russian people. Publist was removed from work in the "New Time". Having lost at home and savings confiscated soon by the Bolsheviks, the winter of 1917-1918. Menshikov spent on Valdai, where he had a cottage.

In those bitter days, he wrote in his diary: "27 Feb.12.III.1918. Year of the Russian Great Revolution. We are still alive, thanks to the creator. But we are robbed, ruined, deprived of work, driven out of your city and houses are doomed to hungry death. And tens of thousands of people are tortured and killed. And all Russia is reset in the abyss of still unprecedented in the history of shame and disaster. What will continue and think is scary, - that is, it would be scary if the brain was not already borrowing and before insension clog the impressions of violence and horror. "

In September 1918, Menshikov was arrested, and after five days shot. Note, the famous black-made publicist of Menshikov was said to be said in the note in Izvestia: "The famous Black Hundred Publicist Menshikov was shot by the Extraordinary Field Staff in Valdai. The monarchist conspiracy is revealed, at the head of which Menshikov stood. A subtangral black-based newspaper was published, calling for the overthrow of Soviet power. "

In this message there was not a word of truth. There was no conspiracy and no newspaper Menshikov then did not release.

He was revenge on his former position of the persistent Russian patriot. In a letter to his wife from prison, where he sat six days, Menshikov wrote that Chekists did not hide from him that this court is "Act Revenge" for his articles that have printed before the revolution.

The execution of the outstanding son of Russia occurred on September 20, 1918 on the banks of the Valdai lake opposite the Iversky monastery. His widow, Maria Vasilyevna, who has witnessed with the children, wrote later in his memories: "Come in custody to the place of execution, the husband became a face to the Iversky monastery, it was clearly visible from this place, knelt down and prayed to pray. The first volley was given to intimidation, but this shot was injured left husband near the brush. The bullet pulled a piece of meat. After this shot, the husband looked around. Followed a new volley. Fired in the back. Husband fell to Earth. Now, Davidson jumped to him with a revolver and fired twice twice in the left temple.<…> Children shot of their dad saw and cried in horror.<…> Chekist Davidson, shot in the temple, said what she was doing with great pleasure. "

Today, Menshikova's grave, miraculously preserved, is located on the old city cemetery of the city of Valdai ( Novgorod region), next to the church of Peter and Paul. Only many years later, relatives made the rehabilitation of the famous writer. In 1995, Novgorod writers, with the support of the administration of the public Valdai, opened a marble memorial plaque on the estate of Menshikov: "Shot for convictions."

In connection with the anniversary of the publicist in St. Petersburg State Sea Technical University, all-Russian Menshikov's readings were held. "In Russia, there was no equal to Menshikov of the publicist," the chairman of the All-Russian Movement of the Fleet Support Captain 1 rank Mikhail Neshev was emphasized in his speech.

Vladimir Malyshev

My lifestyle: components of a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle and ways to correct my own lifestyle

From the earliest childhood, we know that health needs to take care of the right lifestyle. We are talking about the importance of charging, sports and healthy nutrition. But for some reason, we remember health only when something hurts and immediately begin to reason, they say, health is an invaluable wealth, which is given only once in life. We give themselves the word that from tomorrow in the morning we will eat oatmeal, do a charging, otherwise to go out on the jog. But here, the doctor gives a medicine, the pain goes and in the morning we hug a pillow again and promise yourself that tomorrow I'll definitely get up early ...

I would like to tell about my lifestyle, to appreciate how much it can be called healthy and understand what to do to stay in good health as possible.

In truth, I was lucky from the very beginning: I was born and grew in the small peaceful city of Davlekanovo. Since childhood, I was taught to take care of myself and lead the right way of life, often told that health is a gift, and it needs to be preserved. Of course, like all the children, I agreed and did what they ordered, but at that time health was just a word for me, empty sound. Since then, years have passed, and only now I begin to understand the true value of the parental councils, and is very different with my health.

Of course, I also led a lifestyle, which from the point of view of a third-party ordinary can be called healthy. As a child, he played football, ran with friends to swim on the river, rode a bike, winter hockey and skiing. Among other things, the parents had his garden, which supplied us not only to environmentally friendly products, but also a lot of physical work from early spring to late autumn.

Some mass industrial production In our city is also not too developed, therefore, the air, and water is much cleaner than in the metropolis, and this, in turn, is a huge plus for health.

In general, I did not have to complain about the army to complain about health, although, like all the teenagers, I was betrayed with cigarettes for some time and allowed myself to drink beer.

For the first time, conscious thoughts about a healthy lifestyle visited me after the wedding, when my wife and I began to plan the birth of our firstborn.

I know that most of my peers do not think about how their own state of health can affect the future offspring, and children refer to the birth of children, as they say "Sleeves." The arguments in favor of such a relationship are simple: "Well, we have somehow gave birth to and raised without planning." But I believe that we are responsible for the health of our future children, and therefore they are simply obliged to properly prepare for their appearance. Moreover, not only the health of women, but also men plays an important role.

It was then that I began to take more healthy food, completely abandoned alcoholic beverages, began to go to nature together with my wife and just to be in the fresh air, in particular go to work and from work on foot. After consulting with the doctor and reading the mass of useful books and articles, we have developed your own program for pregnancy and the birth of the baby.

I believe that it was thanks to such detailed training that our son was born healthy and strong. Now he is already a year, he is very active, intelligent, and most importantly - a healthy child.

Although the child planning remains behind, healthy habits are still preserved in my life. I still go to work on foot, I play football with friends in my free time, we go to nature already threesome, we walk a lot, eat healthy food and just rejoice in life, because optimism plays an important role in becoming health.

Yes, sometimes I allow myself to drink beer, eat a calorie or just harmful productAnd often in touch. Even before the army, I built the horizontal bar at home to keep the body in good shape, and now children's swings hang on it. Very often, I listen to music with headphones, and although never turning the sound at full volume, it does not benefit my hearing. But the biggest minus I consider the conditions in which I now have to work. By profession, I am an electric welter, which means that with the factors harmful to health, I come across daily. Therefore, come from work, I try to give vacation my eyes: Instead of watching TV, walk with my son.

Despite the fact that in my life there is enough "unhealthy" factors, I consider myself healthy. On the this moment My growth is 167 cm. And the weight is 60 kg. Accordingly, BMI \u003d 21.5. The volume of the waist is 75 cm, pulse 70 beats per minute.

According to the results of the tests, the level of sugar in my blood is 5.3 mmol / l, and the cholesterol level is 4.8 mmol / l. Arterial pressure 120/80.

Based on this data, I can appreciate my health on the top three on a five-point scale.

To save and strengthen your own body, I want to start running in the morning, go to the pool, with the help of special exercises and charging complex to enlarge muscular weight Body, completely abandon alcohol, bad habits and oily foods. I want to receive higher educationIn order to change the profession in the future and work in more comfortable conditions, without much risk to health.

With sadness, I look at the leaving comrades: one by one they leave the halls of restaurants, bar racks and stuffed market rows and, putting sneakers, are moving to the Wrestlers for health. Sneakers! This amilateral shoes smelling the Chinese slave labor and the digestible logos. This sweaty. Why do they need, my comrades, health, if the struggle is so expensive for him? Why do they need extra five years of life, if you pay for them you need twenty two years running from yourself, overheard in the locker rooms sports clubs conversations, torn tendons, sore knees? In order to regret in old age about missed? Well, or to wait for another great year, when the Grand Wine is obtained from grapes? So there are many other great years, they passed, and the wine had reached the age when he needed to drink when they need to enjoy - at the table, with anywhere not running friends.

One my friend constantly talks about weight loss, in social networks, the loss of live weight in social networks does not allow yourself an extra crumb. So what? She is now thin, like a sculpture of Jacketti, her waist - that the leg of Fuzhar, she is a girl in his fifty. That's just the skin of the girl - not maiden, she is a crumpled parchment, which is wrapped by an exact skeleton; What is the sense that Japanese skirts of the XS skirts are fastened on an osine waist, if there is no life in this elegant statuette?

Why? When? Why did Kudoba become a measure of health and beauty? I do not even talk about this my friend and millions of the winds swore bony girls-anorexichek, I'm talking about quite healthy - soul and body - people who exchanged the joy of night eating Chinese noodles on the idea of \u200b\u200bexistence in someone else's body, for a couple of sizes lagging behind that its owner is prescribed by nature.

Frame from the film "Guys with trunks".

Yes, once the stomach was a sign of wealth, then the lack of belly became exactly the same sign. But the truth is that today wealth does not have any external signs; What the right with the dignity to wear Casio watches will have to pay more expensive than any rolecakes; What T-shirts and jeans in the poor and billionaires are the same and that the only privilege of wealth is not to think about the conventions, to get up at any time, ride the world and do not comply with the diet. Because the diet is slavery, and the only correct answer to the question of the waiter about allergies and intolerance: "Cheap champagne". It is a bad pop that is incompatible with health, not food or drink at all. It is boring, turned into arithmetic food - a terrible poison. God gave us feelings to hear music, see paints, distinguish thin flavors and enjoy the taste of a steak of a weathered beef. What, tell me, the ability to understand Shenberg differs from the ability to understand Burgundy? . A good chef, by the way, today do not be without Schönberg, Saya Twombyl and Maurizio Kattelan, because Served in the best restaurants - the same work as music with painting, that the theater with cinema, and evenly also supplied in the best restaurants - the result of a large Scientific research.

In general, this help seems to me perversion. No, I am not against perversions, but not up to the same degree, not until the abandonment of everything is the best that civilization gave its unreasonable Chadam! Perversion must complement the picture of life, and not to endure bills. Perversion must be something pleasant. Love for oysters, in the end, also perversion, but do not compare it with nasty perversions like jogs on slush, fitness per hour of peak or swimming in a twist with chlorine! These are jogging, fitness and swimming in the pool - and there are real perversions, this is what you have to speak in a low voice, having not attracted attention. No, it's not necessary to deal with zozh in the style of "mi in a square" (Mizululin, multiplied by Milonov) is also not necessary, but let the perverts do their job secretly, not engage in proselytism among young people, let them go to their three letters without noise and pump. Because health is not the amount of waist, not the cubes on the stomach, not cross and marathons, health is when you do not fall out of gluten, when the body absorbs lactose when, burning a piece of cheese, you don't run like a piece of meat Quickly throw on the grill and eat, drinking red wine when from food - and from life! - Have fun, not a feeling of guilt.

All this sickness is purely religious insoluction. Perhaps attacking him, I even break some law that protects ecstatic feelings from insult, and the group of parishioners of the World Church of Witnesses Cowards already runs in their sweaty sneakers to the Zoological Court with a claim. But I can't enjoy the principles, I will not close the mouth of the runners, I swear gluten! I like dinner and dined in the best restaurants in the world, and I will continue this my knife, my exclusively unhealthy lifestyle, my crusade to the shining Mishali stars gastronomic Jerusalem. And I also have faith - in the fact that the next one your heresy cannue in the fly, without leaving the trace, because any lifestyle, in which we do not harm each other, it is - healthy. And by the way, my gourmet and hedonism - they are useful to everyone, especially during periods of crisis. From your running of stupid jobs are not created, and from my increment - more like! Waiters, dragging plates, cooks, cooks, dishwasher, farmers growing chickens, cows and vegetables, hunters, beating game, collectors and benuts, mushrooms, scientists learning food value Muravyov and Zhukov-Coroedov, carpentry, making tables and chairs, restaurant critics - all depend on my appetite, my reluctance to run and lose weight, my wallet and, in the end, my health. Health, but not a healthy lifestyle, me, and not my image! And yes, I spread love. Love for breast, to purple artichokes, to the aspiring in the season, to the curves of smelly apples, to the paste-made paste, to olive Oil, Chile, Vasabi, Dijon mustard, to the old champagne, to tea from Taiwan, to Far Eastern Scallops, to Langustin and marine Ejam from the Faroe Islands, to a marble beef and a fat tunny abdomen, to tomatoes from Sicily and Mozarella from under Naples, to parmesan, to the Bayon ham and truffle from Perigora, to Borovikov, to white weathered with sour cream, to Bogg and Bottarga, to duck eggs and goose liver, to the cheese of goat milk, to just baked bread and rustic butter, to the bitter chocolate, to a ripened guaava and a little non-fermented figs, torn from the branch, to the cilantro, Celery's root, squid with a grill baked on Kostina Barashka, to the soup Tom-pit, to Couples with a izgoya, to summer cabbage and a low-headed cucumber, to a single-beam whiskey and to the watermelon, to potatoes in any form and to lental chowder, to the frozen fat, to the repex, radish and radish, to the huge white beans, to the spring water and to you - expensive brothers and sisters in gurmanship .