One voting day on September 10th. Bulletin for issuing

This fall, election of different levels will be held in 81 subjects of the Russian Federation. In less than a week 16, the names of the new governors will announce, in six - deputies of legislative assembly. In Yakutsk, they will choose a new mayor, residents of another 11 regional centers will need to decide with deputies of urban councils. What will be for a spoiled newsletter and how to vote not at the place of registration, I learned "AiF-Kaliningrad".

Who can vote?

Any citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 years old, registered in the region, city or village, where elections are passing.

The elections cannot participate in the elections that the court decision is incapacitated or is contained in the fields of imprisonment. At the same time, those who are in the investigative insulator, but not condemned, this right has retained.

Where to vote?

You can find your site on the site of the Central Election Commission.

The main feature of a single voting day in 2017 is testing instead of abreparation certificates (they will be applied only in two regions - in the Leningrad and Bryansk regions) of the new voter inclusion system in the lists not at the place of residence. Experiment will be held in 20 regions: Buryatia, Karelia, Mari El, Mordovia, North Ossetia, Udmurtia, Krasnodar and Perm, Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Kirovskaya, Novgorod, Penza, Ryazan, Saratov, Sakhalin, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Yaroslavl regions and in the city Sevastopol.

Until August 5, voters had to submit special statements in favor of elections to include in the lists to vote on a plot in another city. With the condition that a citizen will vote within the Unified Election District - the territory on which elections are held. For example, give a voice for the candidate for the governors of the Kaliningrad region, being in Moscow, will not work.

As they say in the election committee, the new system is preparing for the presidential election of 2018: a citizen of the Russian Federation will be able to vote on any polling station of the country.

When to vote?

Plots will open on voting day at 8:00 local time. Exactly 12 hours later they will complete work. This year, a number of regions extended the mode of operation of polling stations: Perm Territory And Karelia can vote from 8:00 to 22:00, in the Kaliningrad region - from 7:00 to 21:00.

This is done for the convenience of people - as it managed to visit the plots not all. In the Kaliningrad region, for example, with such a request to deputies, representatives of Garden Societies appealed.

What documents take with you?

To get a bulletin, you need a passport or a document replacing it (military ID or a temporary certificate of a citizen Russian FederationIf the passport is issued). Pension and driver's license in this case are not a substitute passport document!

Note that the number of ballots in each region will be different - it depends on how many elections of different levels simultaneously passes on a particular site.

How to fill in the newsletter?

The easiest way is to put a tick or another sign in a square belonging to the candidate or party list. In the election committee they say that if the newsletter is without marking or there will be more permissible, it is invalid. They will only take into account when calculating the total number of votes.

You can write in the newsletter with feathers and ballpoint handles, including multi-colored, as well as markers.

What will happen if you spoil the bulletin?

If the form is spoiled by chance - contact the members of the Commission with a request to issue a new one. The defective newsletter is repaid immediately - the left lower angle must be cut off. By the way, the crumpled bulletin (if it is correctly filled) will not be invalid.

How and when will the votes be considered?

Since the end of July, the CEC information and reference center has been working to advise citizens by elections. Questions can be set on multichannel free phone calls from Russia: 8 800 301-12-09. From August 30, it works around the clock.

In Russia, on September 10, a single voting day was held. Elections affected all subjects except Ingushetia, Magadan region and St. Petersburg. In 16 regions chose the governors, even in six - deputies of regional parliaments. The most discussed event was the election of municipal deputies in Moscow. About what curiosity this day remember and how the social network was reacted on what was happening, - in our selection.

On the eve of the elections, many unusual campaign posters appeared. For example, a candidate for deputies of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk by what is the same name of Viktor Tsoi. He even chose a lines from the songs of the "Cinema" songs as a slogan.

Activists in Cancer and Deer Costumes delayed Near the Moscow City Hall. They held posters with inscriptions "Our Elections" and "All Found". Costumes on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe organizers of the action symbolize the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin and Vice-Mayor Anastasia Rakov.

Journalist Sergey Glyaev showed How the Rosgvardeysians vote.

None of the elections do not cost without scandals and curiosities.

From many cities, there were reports that the voters were offered money for what they would vote for a certain candidate. Some sites even conducted contests with gifts - just to attract young people to the elections.

More than 6,000 election campaigns ended on Sunday. Judging by the preliminary results, without sensations: Representatives of the party of power won almost everywhere and with extremely low voter activity.

First results

According to preliminary data of the Central Election Commission, in the regions (with the exception of the Kaliningrad region and Karelia), where direct elections of the governors were held, the acting managers are leading. For example, more than 87% of voters voted in Buryatia for Alexey Tsydenov, in the Tomsk region for Sergey Zhvachina - over 58%, in Sverdlovsk region For Evgenia Kuivashev - more than 60%. Partspit " United Russia"I received 45.4% of the vote in the Sakhalin wound in the Sakhalin region (in the second place of the Communist Party from 16.3%), in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - almost 49% (here in the second place of the LDPR from 20.6%), in the city of Vladivostok - 39.5% (CPRF - 22%).

The highest turnout of voters was recorded in Mordovia (71.2%), Saratov (52.4%) and Belgorod (47.5%) regions. In the rest of the regions, it was below 40%. Karelia (23.5%), Novgorodskaya (24.8%), Kaliningrad (26.3%) and Kirov (27.2%) of the region were outsiders among the "governor's" regions. In the elections in the city of regional capitals, voter activity was even lower, and the absolute anti-advertet of the day set Vladivostok - 12.7% (see table).

The turnout is fully stacked in the overall picture, somewhere, even a little higher than in the elections to the State Duma, notes the deputy secretary of the Unified Russia's Soviet Council Evgeny Revenko: "We speak to all voters" Thank you ". For the party, elections are very important - this is a serious examination of voter attitude a year after the federal elections. "

Experts The first results were also not surprised. "We now hear a lot of words about the benefits of a natural low appearance and the absence of significant violations," the political scientist Konstantin Kalachev is ironic. - violations and truth is less, but the logic is simple here: less competitiveness is less violations. " The trends are understandable - the turnout in the elections of the governors is higher than the deputies, notes the political scientist Andrei Kolyadin: "The high activity of voters in Mordovia, Belgorod and Saratov regions is completely predictable. Suddenly for me [high] turnout in the Sverdlovsk region. " Bombs and sensations have not yet happened, says political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov: "There were also traces of the center of the Center to avoid the injection of appeal, and traces of public passivity, and the failures of the headquarters. Most likely, the turnout on most territories will be recognized as natural - consens to the region and with the Quality of Campania with electoral traditions.

The usual violations

The CEC did not record critical violations that could affect the results of the voting, the Secretary of the Mayan Grishin Commission said: "Many appeals that cannot be called complaints from the places. Of 318 complaints of more than half - about illegal agitation on the day of silence. All these facts will be checked, recorded "(quote by" Interfax ").

Observers disagree with this. In the municipal elections in Barnaul, the early voting was 5.6% of the list of 5.6% of the list of about 20%, i.e., every fourth voted early, says the "Voice" coordinator Stanislav Andrejichuk: "In the end, people came to the plots - and it turned out, What kind of someone has already voted for them early. "

According to the co-chair of the "Voice" Grigory Melkonanz, "blatant chambers" were in the elections of the governor in the Saratov region and in the elections of the claimation Krasnodar Region. There were also complaints about the violation card of violations that the "Winleprint Lottery" was issued together with ballots in the Sverdlovsk region. Holidays and lotteries used as tool testing to increase turns, Melkonyanz believes: "It was done very roughly, there is no normal evaluation of such actions law enforcement agencies and electors. After the elections, we will ask the CEC to give a legal assessment to such actions, because because of this, the meaning of the elections is lost - people go on them not for the sake of formation of the authorities, but for the sake of prizes. "

W. opposition parties Also a lot of complaints. The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyugan once again said that he would insist on holding elections "at a more favorable time", because now "many citizens are forced to work on their gardens and gardens to stock food for winter." Sergey Mironov leader Sergey Mironov allocated a large-scale early vote in Barnaul and the concerns of the "mass falsifications" in the Krasnodar Territory, where the party sent about 900 representatives: "In case of violations, we will give a very tough assessment of this reserve of the administrative resource and do not recognize the election." Yaroslav Nilov (LDPR) stated that the declining year from year to year "reduces confidence in power and the institution of elections," and said that in his party "waiting for second rounds in some governor elections."

Moscow specifics

Appendix at the municipal elections in Moscow at 18.00 amounted to 12.01% (Experts of the Procremal Development Fund civil society predicted it at 10-15%). There was almost no informing about these elections in the city, but the Chairman of the Mosgorizbilkoma Valentin Gorbunov said on Sunday that it was sufficient: "I think that only one who did not want to know about them is not aware of the elections. ESEMES got, they got newspapers, everyone got. " "As informed, such a yavka," Ella Pamfilova objected him.

According to Gorbunov, no complaints requiring interventions of the MGIK, on \u200b\u200bSunday have not been received. However, the ex-deputy of the State Duma Dmitry Gudkov, whose headquarters supported about 1000 candidates, reported an abnormally large number of votes at home: "Compared to previous years more four times. "Voice" also called the grand vote of the biggest problem in Moscow. The concern is also the participation of social workers in the proper voting of socially unprotected groups of citizens, Melkonyanz says: "Apparently, it was focused on them, and with a low turnout of their voices can become decisive. Therefore, such technology is very significant in municipal elections in Moscow. " Deputy chair of CEC Nikolai Bulaev called these statements by "assumptions", and Gorbunov said that complaints about the voting at home did not come to the MGIK.

According to Gorbunov, as of the end of the Saturday, about 60,000 statements about the essay voting were submitted, and this figure is not final. In 2012, in Moscow there were 158,000 "Nadomnumbs", he added. In March 2012, municipal elections in Moscow were combined with presidential. The appearance in the presidential election in Moscow then amounted to 58%.

At the same time, on the eve of the vote, the Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin dismissed the head of the Novo-Peredelkina Jury Nosenko and his first deputy Svetlana Antonov "For gross violations", and also announced the replacement of all the chairmen of the district elections of this area. The reason was the video posted on Youtube, in which Antonova transmits envelopes to representatives of the PEC and instructs them about working with "supporters". Antonova refused to answer the questions of the Vedomosti. In addition, on Sunday, the results of early voting were revoked in the "Airport" area, since the number of envelopes with ballots of voters exceeded the number of those who filed an application for early voting.

With such an appearance for victory, it is enough to sagitate and mobilize a person 450-500, emphasizes Kalachev, "But it was necessary to earn it with legs." And the problem, in his opinion, was not in the drying of the appearance: "The opposition could not ride his agenda, demonstrate the real unity of plans and actions. The main topic - you want Sobyanin in 2018 to have a real competitor, vote now, - so people did not explain. And Sobyanin led his various columns. Everything is quite technological. " According to Vinogradov, the level of appearance in Moscow is expected, new risks for the federal agenda was not created, and the "rest will be forgotten": "In the future, it can be expected that the emphasis will be transferred from the appearance of purity - with an emphasis on new Moscow and a serious decrease in household at home "

In the near future, a single voting day will be held in Russia, 36.5 thousand different posts and mandates will be held. Elections will cover 82 out of 85 regions of the country, and 46 million people will be able to take part in them - about half of all voters in Russia.

In total, 5.8 thousand elections of different levels and 230 local referendum will take place on this day. There will be no elections only in the Magadan region, Ingushetia and St. Petersburg. On the rest of Russia, on Sunday, at 8 am local time will open areas for voting.

Key elections - gubernatorial. According to their results, in essence, the first circle of updating regional management teams will be completed, which began with the return of direct elections of the governors in 2012. Over the five years, the elections of 67 regions passed the election procedure, the remaining subjects of the federation will receive elected chapters on the results of the vote on September 10, experts of the civil society development fund were considered.

Direct governor elections will be held in 16 regions. A total of 75 candidates are involved in them. The average competition at the governor elections is 4-5 people in place. The least rivals for the post of chapter are registered in Buryatia (three candidates), most of all - in the Sverdlovsk region (six candidates).

In the elections of the governors, competition is 4-5 people in place

Direct elections chapters will also be held in the Perm Territory, Mordovia, Karelia, Udmurtia, Mari El, Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Kirovsky, Novgorod, Ryazan, Saratov, Tomsk, Yaroslavl regions and - for the first time in Sevastopol. Five candidates claim the head of the head of the hero city. Residents of the Saratov region and Udmurtia will simultaneously choose the head of the region and deputies.

To win the candidate for governors, you need to gain the absolute majority of votes, that is, more than 50% of the votes of voters from the number of those who came to the elections. Only in the event that no one is gaining more than half, the second round of elections is appointed. Such a system acts in all 16 regions, the only thing that is different is denoted by law the timing of the second round. In some regions, repeated voting is assigned 14 days after the first elections, in others - after 21.

At the same Sunday, indirect governor's elections will be held - in Adygea, where the chapter is elected by the Regional Parliament from among the candidates submitted by the Russian President. At the end of August, Vladimir Putin introduced three candidates for consideration, and on September 10, deputies of the State Council of the Republic will gather at a special meeting, on the agenda which only one question is about the election of the chapter. The name of the elected head of Adygea will obviously become known on Sunday, and the preliminary results of direct governor elections in 16 regions are expected to be summed up on Monday.

In addition, two deputies of the State Duma have to be elected and thus complete the process of forming the lower house of parliament. Dovials in the State Duma will take place on two single-mandate districts: Kingisepps of the Leningrad Region (Sergey Naryshkin who won there last fall, he headed the foreign intelligence service) and 77nd Bryansky (whoever, Vladimir Zhutenkov, whoever passed the mandate there).

The election of deputies of regional parliaments belongs to the number of major parliaments - there will be six. In five of them, the same scheme acts as in the elections to the State Duma: half of the deputies are elected on party lists, another half - on single-member districts (Udmurtia, Krasnodar Territory, Penza, Saratov and Sakhalin region). In yet another region (North Ossetia - Alanya) there are no single-mandate systems, there are only partners here.

In Moscow, video cameras will stand at all areas

The peculiarity of the current elections is partially run by the innovations of the electoral system, which will then be used in the presidential elections in March 2018. First of all, it new order Votes at the location without unsaveable certificates. The voter, who, on the election day, can not come to the site at the place of registration, could attached to the site convenient for him in advance and even remotely (submitting an application through the Public Services portal). Now 187 thousand people took advantage of this opportunity, the head of the CEC Ella Pamfilov said. Obviously, the presidential elections are wishing to vote not at the place of registration it will be much more, especially since then the choice of a convenient site will not be limited to one specific region. We add that it is possible to change the site at the last moment (four or less days before the day of the elections), for this, in its precinct commission, you need to get a special application with a protecting brand.

In addition, this year, for the first time, the camcorders were equipped not only by district commissions, but also territorial, where after completing the voting, the data of the final protocols are introduced into the Election system "Elections". According to the CEC, on September 10, camcorders will work in 40 thousand wits and 2.7 thousand ticks in the country. The whole video surveillance will be covered only by Moscow, where the elections of 1502 municipal deputies will be held.

Complaints for the use of Adminresturs during the election campaign was less, Ella Pamfilova noted. She promised hard to cancel the results of the elections in those areas where violations will be fixed.

To talk a lot and say nothing ...

Report of the Governor of the region Evgenia Savchenko on the results of the activities of the regional government in 2016

Dear deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma! Dear invited! Dear friends!

In the sign, symbolic for our people, 2017, Belgorod joined confidently, with a good back for the future, as evidenced by the final indicators of the development of the region last year and five months current year. All statistical materials for 2016 are present in the Retament Hall. They were repeatedly published in the media and talk about one thing: all social obligations to the residents of the region over the past year are fulfilled, and most indicators economic Development The area over the past year has exceeded forecasts.

But today, speaking with an annual report on the work done, I can not note in this historical context another fateful date: 25 years we live in a new state - the Russian Federation. The responsible and important stage of constitutional construction and state Device new Russia. Together we went through a big way, there were many barriers, acquired, sometimes allowing mistakes, a unique experience, and today the gigantic jerk, which was committed - a strong, sovereign, democratic world power was reborn from post-pre-stroke chaos and unstores, our homeland.

Therefore, summing up the socio-economic development of the region for last year, I want to retreat from the usual format and appreciate the significant contribution of Belgorod in the formation modern Russia Over the past quarter of a century, and then together with you, dear friends, to determine the ways of the development of the Belgorod region in the medium term, taking into account the upcoming regular five-year election cycle. This is our conversation today.

So, the modern image of the Belgorod region is strikingly different from what we had at the beginning of the way. Today, our area is in the forefront of the socio-economic development of Russia in many indicators, is famous for record achievements in industry, agriculture, housing construction, development of the social sphere. And this is the great merit of our countrymen, who did not pass before the difficulties, did not complain about the fate, and stubbornly went forward and selflessly sought his goals.

For the past quarter of a century, we managed not only to preserve, but also to create a new framework of the regional economy, to provide a developed social, transport and engineering infrastructure. We did not allow the impoverishment of the people, but on the contrary, created relatively decent conditions for the work and life of Belgorod. Hence the conclusion: the task of the authorities of all levels, and if you want, the mission on the comprehensive development of the field and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants. How it looks in dry figures of statistics, let's see.

Dynamics of the development of our area for a quarter of a century. The population in 1990 was almost 1 million 400 thousand people. Over the past years, it has increased by 155 thousand. And on January 1 of the current year, the population of our region amounted to 1 million 553 thousand people.

Next indicator - index industrial production - relative to 1990 increased in 3.2 times (?).

The agricultural index over the years has increased practically three times (?).

Entering housing. In 1990, the region introduced 717 thousand square meters, over the past year 1 million 350 thousand square meters - almost two times more. Including the entry of individual housing - before, in general, individual housing construction was practically not encouraged, not only in our field, and in general in the country - last year the figure increased 20 times in relation to the 1990s.

Important social indicators. Children's mortality: In 1990, it amounted to 1 thousand born 14.7, last year - 6, decreased by 2.5 times.

The number of students in five of our leading universities. In 1990, 18.7 thousand people, last year - over 50 thousand people, increased almost 3 times (?).

As our intellectual potential has changed, scientific. The number of doctors of sciences during this period has increased more than 6 times.

And one more very interesting indicator, please take it without any irony - alcohol consumption. It is known that in the 90s, the whole country consumed at least 11 liters per person per year. In 1996, an alcohol consumption of 8.26 liters had to reach 1 Belgorod, in 2016 - 5.33 liters. Reduced one and a half times. This is also, I believe, a very important indicator, and we are here we occupy a leading position with the republics of the North Caucasus.

On the other hand, as the place of the Belgorod region has changed among the regions for 25 years.

In terms of population in 1990, we held 39th place among the regions of the Russian Federation, last year we rose by 10 points - 29th place.

In terms of gross regional product, economy. In the 90s we held 36th place, last year - 27, rose by 9 points.

The volume of gross regional product per capita is the most important economic indicator. In 1998, we occupied 36th place, last year - 17th place, an increase of 19 points.

The amount of agricultural production in agricultural enterprises. In 1998 - 15th place, last year in the 2nd place after the Krasnodar Territory, an increase of 13 points.

The turnover of small enterprises is an important indicator demonstrating how small business develops. In the 1990s, we were in 49th place, now at 19. Growth is 30 points.

Turnover retail per capita. In the 1990s, we occupied the 40th place, now 27, an increase of 13 points.

The unemployment rate, the social indicator is very important. In the 90s, on the 23rd place we were, last year by 7, the growth of 16 points.

The following indicator is the population below the poverty line - on it we held in the 1990s 18-20 place, last year we are in 2 place, that is, in fact, we have the population of the poverty in the least about almost all regions of the Russian Federation.

And another couple of indicators that characterize the social dynamics of our region are the amount of the subsistence minimum. In the 1990s, we were on the 24th place, last year by 2, the growth of 22 points.

Current money income per month. In the 90s we were the 47th, now, last year in 21st place among the regions of the Russian Federation.

As a final comment on statistics, I will say that following the rating of the quality of life of the population in the Russian regions held by the RIA Rating Agency, the Belgorod region currently takes 6th place in the Russian Federation. Ahead of us Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region, Republic of Tatarstan and Krasnodar region.

And today, analyzing the traveled path, and most importantly, learning lessons for the future, allow itself to note the key strategic solutions of the authorities of the region, the implementation of which allowed us to become the path of social stability and an advanced economic growth in the nineties and zero years. Among these factors, I want to note the following.

First. In the 90s, when an economic transformation was in full swing in the country, which led to the collapse of the economy and impoverish people, before the rule of the region there was a task: how, on the one hand, to support the standard of living of people, and on the other hand, to maintain and strengthen their hope for tomorrow. In this regard, two projects were initiated: first, this is the support of individual housing construction, and secondly, it was decided to gasify the field of the People's Building method. Belgorod region in a matter of years, the first in the country, completed gasification and 2/3 of rural residents received "blue fuel".

Very successful, especially in conditions are not monetary, but a barter relationship in the 90s, the project of supporting the construction of their own home has also shown. Priority and resource support received individual housing construction (initially, as you know, in rural areas, and then in the district centers, cities of our area). Over the years, more than 14.5 million square meters were built in the region. Meters of manor housing, which allowed almost 500 thousand people, or every third Belgorod, to improve the existing housing conditions or change the apartment to his own home, and this is a huge social achievement. Moreover, in zero years we managed to go to the new city-planning format - agglomeration for Russia. And this our experience has not yet managed to repeat. Realizing these two projects, people felt that they were not thrown on the mercy of fate.

The second factor. The dramatic situation in the 90s has developed in agriculture. A practically uncontrollable collapse of collective forms of business led almost everything from the village and Sellian into a stupor state. However, we first found a way out of the situation and boldly went on a fundamental reform of agriculture by organizing large vertically integrated structures. And today our agriculture is one of the most advanced in Russia, and on the volume of production in the calculation of 1 hectare of Pashny, we have no equal.

Along with the industrialization of agriculture and the emergence of large enterprises in the field, a project for the support of rural entrepreneurs "Family farms Belogoria" is initiated and currently operating, which is united today over 5 thousand family enterprises today. And this project has not so much economic how much is a huge social value.

Of course, our extraordinary decision on the purchase of agricultural land in regional property was as follows of success in agriculture. We bought almost half. Thus, we have proven that it is not possible for the land of the land at all, it leads to the prosperity of the village, but rather the opposite.

Third factor. All these years, the regional government built a favorable investment climate, which is based on trust, transparency and maximum involvement of regional and district authorities in the implementation investment projects Any format, as well as the separation of risks with investors due to the provision of guarantees, guarantees, etc.

And our efforts did not disappear: the lack of investment area has never experienced, and in the national rating of the state of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Belgorod region, the Belgorod region took second place last year. Our credo - economic freedom for entrepreneurs with the maximum support of the authorities - and further will determine the main vector of economic development of the region.

Fourth factor. We understood that the region could not be successful without intellectual, scientific elite, modern universities, and above all universities. That is why it was decided for more than 20 years ago about the organization of the Development Fund. With the support of the whole area on the site of the Pedagogical Institute, a powerful state Universitywhich soon entered the university elite of the country and acquired the status of the National Research University.

Other universities of the region are not lagging behind: So, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law has become the first in the country among non-state universities, and university of Technology Recently became a support university playing key importance in the development of an innovative economy. Significantly changed their external and inner appearance and became very prestigious universities Agrarian University. Gorina, Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Putilin, Regional Institute of Arts and Culture.

Fifth. The regional economy cannot develop a steadily without a well-established system of reproduction of qualified personnel of workers. That is why the first in Russia our region has implemented a project to create a Belgorod model vocational educationThe essence of which is in the deep integration of the interests of employers, custody and students themselves. And we achieved the main thing: studies in our technical schools, schools became attractive and prestigious for young people, and enterprises of the region get well-trained personnel.

Sixth factor. Nothing affects the formation of the mood and consciousness of citizens as a state of habitat. Understanding this, the "Green Capital" project was initiated, which is successfully implemented at the present time. This project has many subprojects: it is the landscape arrangement of publicly available places, and a solid afforestation, and a bookmark of new parks and recreational areas. The "Green Capital" project came to all Belgorod men. As there is no limit to the perfection of the habitat, there will be no end to this project. He is our dality, as it changes not only the habitat, but also the souls of people for the better.

Not limited to the project "Green Capital" and realizing that the natural environment and environmental equilibrium is extremely important for our field, which for the last century and decades are strongly deformed, especially for soil fertility, the concept of basin environmental management and agricultural biology program . The first years of their implementation were given an encouraging result: for the first time in the last few centuries, the degradation of the main wealth of our wealth is suspended - Chernozem. This is extremely important for present and future generations of residents of the region.

Seventh factor. A special approach to Belgorodchin has been developed in road construction. So, in zero years, the program of arrangement of the road covering of all the streets in all settlements of the region was implemented. The roads with a firm coating thanks to this program received tens of thousands of households. Their length amounted to 9175 kilometers. This project has received hot support for the inhabitants of the region, and only one who lived in rural off-road conditions can truly evaluate its significance.

The eighth factor. During the years of radical changes that we have experienced, it has never been important to preserve the spiritual and moral code of society and not to lose the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the people. I believe that we have successfully coped with this task. Hundreds of cultural institutions - clubs, houses and palaces of culture, libraries, museums, theaters, philharmonium, and hundreds of creative teams have emerged and reborn hundreds of creative teams have emerged and repaired. The Museum-Reserve "Prokhorovsky Field" was the spiritual and historical and cultural Mecca of National importance. Hundreds of temples are renovated and reinstated during this time, and we are grateful to the ROC for productive consciousness in the spiritual revival of the region. The fruits of our efforts are reflected in the ranking of regions on the spiritual and moral state, where our area took 1 place in the Central Federal District.

Ninth factor. Along with the development of culture in the field, there has always been much attention to education, health care, social protection, support for the elderly, disabled, children, as well as support physical culture and sports, including high achievements. Svetlana Gorcina, Fedor Emelyanenko, the Belogorier volleyball club became the pride of all residents of the region.

Tenth. An innovative approach was demonstrated in the organization of management in all authorities. We were the first in the country a historical transition from the old, situational administration to a new project management model. It combined with the transition to the electronic format for the provision of public services to residents of the region through the MFC on the principle "one window" not only more than more than the effectiveness of state and municipal management, but also builds a new customer-oriented type of relationship between power and citizens.

I listed, dear friends, the main, but far from a complete list of key areas of our collaboration, which allowed to translate the area to a new, modern, competitive paradigm of socio-economic development ... .. etc. etc.
