How to find out if a person is damaged. How to check if you have been damaged

Damage is a harmful external energy program that can destroy a person’s protective aura and cause serious harm. An energy blow is not always delivered through the performance of black magic rituals. Negativity is dangerous when it is released from a person’s thoughts in moments of intense anger, envy and irritation. Any strange object found in the apartment or planted under the threshold of the house should give you the idea that they are trying to damage you. With its help, negative energy is transmitted. Most often, to cause damage, ill-wishers scatter poppy seeds, salt, or cemetery soil cast into the negative.

Also, if you suspect damage, you need to understand how vulnerable you are to it.

To do this, you need to consider your own palms:

    A person with a strong biofield has three clear lines: life, mind, heart. If you see that the lines of the mind and heart are intersected by an additional line, then it is easy to jinx you; Cross-shaped symbols on the surface of the palm also indicate strong vulnerability. They may indicate that the energy program has been imposed on members of the older generation. In this case, the negative can be inherited.

Moles scattered in large numbers throughout the body can also signal the presence of damage. They are also a symbol of the fact that a person is susceptible to damage, and he must be given energy protection.

As a rule, people who have noticed something wrong in their own lives often ask the question of how to find out if there is damage? There are many ways to determine the presence of a negative impact. Of course, when asking a question about how to recognize damage, it is necessary to first detect its signs. First of all, the symptoms of the negativity sent are apathy and loss of the desire to live. In addition, diseases often develop that traditional medicine cannot cure, despite the use of the most modern methods.

A negative external program violates the integrity of the aura and it becomes very difficult for a person to push away the negativity that fills the world around him.

The severe state of mind and body is manifested in the following:

    In general weakness and loss of strength; In the appearance of frequent inexplicable pain in different parts of the body; In constant nervous tension; In the occurrence of constant debilitating fears; In excessive internal irritability, when literally everything in the world around us irritates; In sudden mood swings that push away loved ones and friends; In the reluctance to be exposed to sunlight; In the unwillingness to look at oneself in the mirror; In the fact that a person is often injured; In the irresistible desire to remove the pectoral cross; In constant self-doubt; In constant nightmares.

Any suspicion that you have come under a negative influence should make you interested in the question of how to check for damage. Moreover, this must be done immediately in order to prevent the onset of irreversible changes not only in the body, but also in life in general.

When asking a question about how to check whether there is damage, you should understand that it is better to turn to a professional magician to detect negativity. He will perform a special ritual, with the help of which he will not only answer the question of how to find out if there is damage, but will also name the name of the ill-wisher.

But, if this is not possible, then you need to know how to check the damage yourself. The main condition for the success of rituals to determine damage is faith in the effectiveness of magic and in one’s own strength.

A very sure way to determine damage is to use a pendulum. The ritual must be carried out at night during the full moon, and the night luminary must be in the sky during the ritual.

To determine damage, the following actions are carried out:

    A figure of a person is schematically drawn on a white sheet of paper, and the words “Yes” and “No” are written above his head on the left and right; The person is given a name and crossed, and the fingers should first be dipped in sunflower oil. During this, the prayer “Our Father” is read; The following words are pronounced:

    “The Servant of God created by me (the name with which the drawn figurine was named), today you will be for me, your pain is my pain, your troubles are my troubles”;

    The drawing is placed in the middle of the table, at the corners of which church candles made of brown wax are placed and lit in order from left to right; A homemade pendulum swings over the drawn man, and at the same time the necessary questions are asked.

The first question asked should be whether you have damage. If you receive a negative answer, the ritual can be stopped. And if confirmation has been received, then you should continue to ask questions that interest you.

If you suspect damage to yourself, you can confirm or deny its presence with a ritual that involves the use of matches.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you should pour clean water into a glass and read the well-known prayer “Our Father” over it. After this, you need to take a match from a new box and cross the water in the glass with it. You need to carefully grab the burning match by the burnt end so as not to break it. It should burn completely, after which it should be thrown into water.

This action is repeated three times, and then the following conspiracy is repeated:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), make a request to You, Holy Mother of God. Let the strong natural water show me whether there is damage to me, and whether anyone wished me harm. Amen".

After this, you need to consider the position of the matches in the water:

    If they all float on the surface of the water, then there is no damage to you. The cause of poor health is most likely a bad mood or seasonal illness; If at least one match drowns, this indicates the presence of a negative program. The more matches drowned, the stronger the damage.

The test with matches described above always gives the correct result, it is harmless and can be performed at any time. Therefore, in order not to worry, you should use it every time there is a suspicion of an energy attack.

In order to find out whether there is damage, you can use a church wax candle. But for this method you need to have a strong imagination by nature. Having retired to a separate room in the evening, you need to light a candle and sit opposite it. You need to concentrate and look carefully at the wick, watching how it spins. During this process, you should monitor your condition. If you calmly watch the flame and do not feel any discomfort, then there is no damage. But if after a while pain or pain appears in the eyes, then this indicates the presence of a negative program. Damage is also indicated by lacrimation, dizziness and nausea. Moreover, these are very dangerous symptoms that indicate that negativity has begun to work and destroy your body. A sign of the evil eye is a smoking candle. As a rule, this happens immediately after the candle begins to burn. Having confirmed the diagnosis of damage or the evil eye, you need to immediately take measures to remove the negative program. If this is not done, then spoilage can lead to serious disorders in the human body, and sometimes even death.

How to check at home whether a person has damage? There are simple methods you can use. Let's talk about them in more detail.

You may not believe in corruption, but such a phenomenon does occur. Before starting treatment, it is worth making a simple diagnosis to be sure that the cause of the problems is the negative magical influence.

To get started, use one of the following simple methods.

Diagnosis using water

This method will help determine whether there is damage. How to check if there are traces of negative magical influence on you? Very simple. You will need a container of clean water and three coals.

Pour water into the bowl and look into it carefully for a couple of minutes. Concentrate on your thoughts and feelings. Then throw the coals into the water:

  • If the black stones immediately sank to the bottom, negative energy is present
  • If the coals float to the surface, everything is fine.

This elementary method helps to determine only the presence of damage, but will not help to find out what the cause of the evil slander is.

Diagnosis using an egg

Pour water into a glass glass to the middle of the container. Prepare a fresh egg. Before you start diagnosing, make sure that the egg is really fresh.

This is easy to do: put it in water. A rotten egg will float, a fresh one will sink to the bottom.

You will need an assistant. You should sit in a chair and have another person hold a glass of water on the top of your head for three to five minutes. After this, you need to break the egg into a glass and see what it looks like:

  • Remains unchanged, and the water is clear - no spoilage
  • If the white is pierced with white fringe, we can talk about the evil eye or slight damage. Most likely, it was brought up with the aim of bringing failure on you, provoking problems in business or family relationships
  • If there are black spots in the yolk, your health is seriously damaged. You should be especially wary if the yolk looks “boiled”
  • If there is a lot of fringe in the white, there are bubbles and black spots, and the yolk is deformed, you have a very strong and quite dangerous damage. She was brought in with the goal of bringing a person to death

The stronger the damage, the sooner you need to start treating it.

Severe damage: how to check if it is damaged using folk methods

You can also use ancient methods of identifying damage to a person. In the previous section we talked about the most popular methods, but there are others that are no less effective.

For example, you can find out if a person is damaged and check for traces of bad slander:

  • Search your home thoroughly. If you find foreign objects: needles, pins, pieces of hair, you should be wary. These things are often used for magical rituals
  • Diagnostics by fire. Pour water into a glass and hold it in your hands for several minutes, squeezing it tightly with your palms. Then add a pinch of salt to the water and light a match. When it burns out, throw it into the water. If the cinder drowns, there is damage to you
  • Diagnostics with a candle. Light a wax church candle and move it along your body. If the fire remains calm, everything is fine. If the flame “rebels”: smokes, burns unevenly, crackles, goes out, this indicates the presence of the evil eye

Watch a video on how to check at home whether a person has damage:

Signs and symptoms of spoilage

You should also pay attention to your well-being, health, and emotional state. If it changes for no apparent reason, you should be wary. A person who has been damaged may exhibit the following signs:

  • My health is getting worse. This manifests itself in loss of strength and lack of energy. There is no desire to do anything, even to do pleasant and favorite things
  • Apathy and emotional burnout set in. The person is indifferent to everything. The condition can be described as “no strength to feel something”
  • Suicidal thoughts, depression, stress. A person gets nervous over trifles, becomes depressed for no reason, loses interest in life, and thinks: “Why am I living? My existence is empty and meaningless."
  • Relationships with others deteriorate because the person becomes irritable, suspicious, intolerant and dissatisfied
  • Phobias and fears appear that were not there before. For example, fear of closed spaces, darkness, people, sunlight
  • A healthy woman cannot get pregnant, but doctors shrug their shoulders
  • Weight fluctuations: a person may suddenly gain a lot of weight or lose a lot of weight
  • Often there is not enough air - a person periodically begins to choke
  • Unexpected obstacles constantly arise on the way to the intended goal. Plans collapse, problems arise and accumulate, there is a feeling of a “black streak” from which it is impossible to get out
  • Self-esteem suffers. A person cannot look at himself in the mirror, is constantly dissatisfied with his appearance, has complexes and torments himself with criticism.
  • It is impossible to be in church. In the temple there is a depressing state, a feeling of a weight on the shoulders, something is pressing, preventing you from moving, your eyes hurt when looking at the images of saints. With severe damage, a person may faint in church
  • Insects or mice appear in the house for no apparent reason
  • Negative memories of their past constantly dwell in their thoughts, and they also constantly have nightmares

All these reasons make you worry, especially if negative signs of damage occur completely suddenly and unexpectedly. If you suspect that damage is taking place, you need to be healed as soon as possible. It’s difficult to do this at home - it’s better to find a good specialist who can help. Don’t run into a charlatan - contact only based on recommendations from friends.

Poor health, a sharp deterioration in health, can symbolize not only malfunctions in the body, it can also be signs of damage. In order to determine whether you have the evil eye or not, it is not necessary to go to sorcerers and healers, because a number of rituals can be performed at home. Folk advice, rituals and simple actions will help determine how to find out whether there is damage to a man, woman or child, what measures need to be taken to remove the evil eye, who caused the evil eye.

Poor health, a sharp deterioration in health can also be signs of damage

First signs

In order to understand how to recognize damage, whether you have been jinxed or not, it is important to determine what the main symptoms and signs of a curse are:

  1. Lethargy.
  2. Apathy.
  3. Bad dream.
  4. Depression.
  5. Mood swings.
  6. Deterioration of health without any special signs.
  7. Fear of crowds or loneliness.
  8. Night sleep is accompanied by nightmares.

If you have been jinxed, then reading a prayer or being present in church will be painful for you. In the holy temple you will feel bad, you will be accompanied by a desire to leave the church, or you may begin to use obscene language. These are the first symptoms that will help you understand whether you have been jinxed or not. You will be accompanied by failures, quarrels and conflicts both at home and at work. An important indicator health diagnostics. If there are no deviations from the medical side, then it is recommended to carry out a number of simple actions that will help determine the presence of the evil eye. You can perform rituals yourself, at home.

External signs

A person can jinx himself by constantly sending negative impulses, giving preference to faith in disasters and defeats than in success and achieving the goal. Other people can also cause damage: relatives, colleagues, or a person passing by. There are also real external signs that will help determine that the evil eye has been cast on you; you can actually determine the curse:

  1. On the threshold of the house, without your participation, third-party things appeared: earth, constantly spilled water, small garbage, traces of salt or grain, coins.
  2. Leaks and stains on the door.
  3. Greasy marks on the front door handle.
  4. Needles, inscriptions, pins in the door.
  5. There are threads and suspicious things in the corners near the threshold, in the cracks.

Try to understand who could damage you

If you find a foreign object near your house or threshold, do not touch it with your hands. Take gloves or a bag, a napkin, and eliminate the suspicious object, away from home. While eliminating the lining, say the words:

“Where it came from, let it return there, and from whom it came, let it return to him.”

After the ritual has been completed, observe the people close to you, loved ones, neighbors. The culprit of the action, the one who made the lining, will blush (ears, cheeks) when next to you. Having determined the personality, he can answer for the action.

Using wax and water

If you have been jinxed, then you can actually determine the evil eye. Wax and water will help. You can perform the ritual at home, but with the help of a loved one. A person who wants to find out whether he has been jinxed or not must lie down on the bed, and an assistant performs the ritual, standing at the head of the bed. Take a candle and pour water into a bowl. After lighting the candle, wait for the wax to appear. Then the wax needs to be poured into water. It is recommended to do this carefully, it is important that the wax lies evenly on the water, forming a line. If you do everything correctly, and circles and balls form, then this is the first sign that the person over whom the ritual is being performed has been jinxed. If circles form with an empty space in the middle, then spoilage occurs regularly. A simple ritual will help you get rid of the evil eye: collect the wax in paper and burn it, or bury it in the ground, away from home.

Nature to the rescue

How to find out if you have damage, nature, trees, herbs and flowers will help. In the forest (possibly at the edge), you need to collect oregano, nettles and linden blossom (collect linden in good weather, in the morning, after the dew has fallen). Only a woman can perform the ritual. The ritual will help determine whether there is an evil eye on family members or not. It is important to dry the oregano, chop it finely, and brew tea. It is recommended to carry out the ceremony when all family members are at home, at the same time, drinking tea. After drinking tea, monitor your body's reaction. If you feel a sharp headache, you can determine that you have been jinxed. The pain will pass. It is also recommended for females to brew nettle. Before serving the broth to the family, you need to read the “Our Father” three times. The removal of magic is carried out by special rituals and conspiracies. You can turn to professional witches for help, who can answer what to do in such a situation or who caused the evil eye.

Nature, trees, herbs and flowers will help you find out if you have damage.

Identifying the evil eye from a photograph

To actually determine whether you have been jinxed or not, purchase a mirror, and before the ritual begins, it is not recommended to remove it from the package and look into it. For the ceremony you need to prepare a photo and two candles. Light the candles, place the photograph between them, and the mirror should be positioned so that the photograph is displayed in it. After the preparatory stage, say the words of the conspiracy:

“As the candle wax melts, let him show me the mirror of an evil and envious person who has jinxed a dear person.”

To get answers to questions and determine who did the damage, it is recommended to look in the mirror.

Salt to the rescue

This ritual will help you answer and determine in practice whether there is an evil eye on your beloved man or not. Make a bag yourself, put coarse salt in it, so that half of the bag remains empty. The edge through which you poured the salt must be sewn so that the threads are inside the bag and not on top. For three days, place the salt accessory in the room of your beloved man, after the time has elapsed, see the result. Crumbly salt is a sign of the absence of the evil eye, rocky and hard salt symbolizes a curse. Professional help from magicians will help your beloved man.

Identifying the Evil Eye with an Egg

A handy tool like an egg will help answer whether a person has been jinxed or not. The ritual can be performed by both men and women. For the ritual you need to prepare a vessel with water (you can use a glass) and an egg. The egg must be broken so that it smoothly covers the surface of the water in the vessel, maintaining the integrity of the yolk. After the manipulation, place the vessel on the crown of your head, touch your chin to your chest. It is recommended to stand in this position for three minutes. Then look at the egg. If it remains in the same form, then you have not been jinxed. If not, then you need to perform rituals to remove the curse. Black marks on the yolk of an egg symbolize death. An experienced magician can remove such a curse.

Homemade eggs will help detect spoilage

Appearance changes

Changes in the appearance of men and women can symbolize the evil eye. For females and males, it will help to determine whether there is a curse or not:

  1. Leather. If outwardly you notice that the skin on your face has changed, spots have appeared, young girls have wrinkles, and medicine does not diagnose the disease, then this is a sign of witchcraft. The skin of men also undergoes such changes.
  2. A girl will not be able to get pregnant for a long time, even if she is in good health.
  3. Females will not have periods.
  4. Fear of looking in the mirror at your reflection. Disgust from one’s own image can occur in both women and men.
  5. Weight loss in men and women, without significant signs, diets.

Helps identify the evil eye and the church. If you have been jinxed, it will be difficult for you to go to church and read a prayer. The cross you wear around your neck will get lost regularly. Unwanted guests in the form of cockroaches or rodents may appear in the house in large numbers. You will also see a negative reaction from pets, cats, and dogs.

How can you protect yourself from witchcraft?

Rituals, ceremonies, and reading conspiracies will help protect against witchcraft. You can use talismans and amulets. It is recommended to wear a safety pin. She can be talked into. The pin should be worn on the inside of the clothing so that it does not attract people's attention. Attach the pin at the level of the heart, the head of the protective product should be positioned down. If you notice that the pin has come undone, then this is the first sign that you are being affected by an outside negative force, witchcraft and damage.

I will give the most common names.

Dirt, pollution - a touch of envy, bad thoughts of others on a person, in the city everyone has it.
Evil eye- the same as dirt.
Damage- diseases or troubles specially sent by someone.
The curse is common - akin to damage.
Ancestral curse - when they curse not only a person, but his entire family. You can even find a curse from 1000 years ago on a person.
They spoil not only people, but also buildings, houses, land, even an entire city, country.

Now I will give ways how any negative is determined.
1) The simplest one is to exhale all the air and hold your breath for 15-20 seconds.
if free 15 sec. If you stand it, it means everything is clean.
2) Church candles (or any beeswax) - baptize yourself with candles from top to bottom - where the candle crackles, smokes - there is negativity. If it doesn’t crackle or smoke, then look at the candle - black stripes on it also indicate something negative.
3) From a photograph - take a photo of a person and work in the same way as in point “2”
4) On the Tarot - you can diagnose all chakras.

There is a very simple but effective method of determination.

Diagnostics by egg

Fill half a glass with tap water. Take a fresh chicken egg (preferably homemade) and carefully break the egg shell with a knife and pour the egg into the water. The yolk should remain intact.
Sit comfortably, tuck your chin to your chest. Place a glass of water and an egg on the crown of your head. Supporting the glass with your hand, sit without moving for 3-5 minutes. You can change hands if you get tired. After 3-5 minutes, carefully remove the glass from your head and inspect carefully.
1. If the water is clear and the yolk has not changed and lies in the white, and the white lies in a heap, there is no damage to you.
2. The yolk is intact, but columns rise up from the white, like the fringe of a jellyfish, there may be one such column or several, then damage has been caused to you. This is not a very serious damage, mainly for failure in family life, for loneliness, for tears. Such damage often lasts for 3-7 years. After this period, the energy of damage is absorbed into the ether.
If these columns look more like cobwebs, then this is a very slight damage. Such light damage can be caused by “amateurs”, i.e. those who bought a book about black magic and practice doing nasty things to their friends, whose lives they think are better than their own.
Such damage still brings a streak of mild bad luck, incomprehensible ailments, quarrels in the family, and troubles at work.
These books, fortunately, are most often written either by non-real magicians or sorcerers, or by real ones, but who deliberately distort the most important points of “black” rituals and slander, so such slander, again fortunately, causes minimal harm. Magicians and sorcerers, if they are real, understand perfectly well how dangerous such books are in the hands of mentally unstable people, and no amount of money will force a real magician to publish undistorted “black” slander. Magicians have their own ethics. Light damage caused by “amateurs” does not last more than a year. The best part is that she always goes to the one who brought her on and hits him 3 times harder. This is the law.

3. If there are bubbles on the protein columns, then the damage is severe and was done not by an amateur, but by a professional. Such damage is usually done so that you are haunted by failures and debilitating minor illnesses that are difficult to treat, or are not even recognized by doctors; more often this damage is done to harm your financial success. Such damage begins to work suddenly. That is, everything comes at once and it is unclear why, although before everything always worked out perfectly. This damage could be ordered for you by a business competitor or even a neighbor or friend whose car is worse than yours, for example.
4. If there are bubbles and black dots on the columns, or bubbles on the white columns and black dots on the yolk, then the damage was done to death or using grave soil. In this case, the one who ordered the damage hates you so much that only your death will bring him or her relief. This is usually someone who is incredibly jealous of you, or someone who you stand in the way of, or who believes that you have taken something away from them. Damage to death usually begins to take effect after 21 days and takes a person to the grave within a year.

5. If there are bubbles on the white columns, and the yolk around the edges looks like it’s cooked, the damage is done so that you live, but suffer. The same damage is sometimes shown by green, gray or brown spots on the yolk in the absence of protein suppositories.
6. If there are no columns of white, but just the whole yolk as if cooked, then this is a special type of spoilage. This is a restriction so that you never feel free anywhere, even in your own home. And there are no locks, and there are no bars, but it’s as if you are tied hand and foot, stew in your own juice, and there is no happiness, and you want to howl like a wolf.
7. If the white becomes cloudy and the yolk becomes dark (black), you are a potential dead person. Urgently contact a specialist (magician), as you will not live long with such damage!

Symptoms of damage: out of nowhere, shortness of breath, weakness, things are falling apart, failures in love and life, at work, at home, fell out of the blue, etc., but these are individual symptoms, i.e. do not constantly look for them in yourself, do not give rise to the thought of illness.

Again, I warn you: These are simple methods, which means there is an error. Both for the worse and for the better. The best way is to contact a specialist. The magician will accurately determine whether there is damage or not, in a word, he will accurately determine: what, where, when, by whom? At your request, he (the magician) can remove damage, the evil eye, and a curse from you.

Wax casting.

You need to take a bowl of cold water, read a prayer to Jesus Christ against damage, then melt the wax, hold the bowl of water over the patient’s head with one hand (or put it on your photo if you are doing self-diagnosis), pour the wax into the water. I also like this method of finding out if there is damage because with its help you can not only identify the negative and its type, but cleanse a person of weak and medium negativity. Clients ask: “How can I find out if there is damage on me if large waves or bumps are found during casting?” Yes, with such a casting it shows that there is damage. Small bumps and ripples - the evil eye, uneven wavy edges of the casting - fear, excitement. Casting twisting into a spiral - intrauterine fright. Sometimes clients ask: “How can I determine if there is damage on me if the casting is almost smooth and doesn’t show anything, and the person is not feeling well?” In such a situation, you need to accurately determine in which area of ​​the body the negative is localized. To do this, you need to scan a person using clairvoyance, make diagnostic castings for the seven chakras, or carry out another method that helps me in how to find out if there is damage - diagnostics with a candle.

Diagnostics with a candle.

You need to zigzag along the patient’s body or over yourself from top to bottom, slowly, covering the entire body. In the place where the candle is smoked - negativity from anger, damage or a strong evil eye. Where the candle crackled - breakdowns in the energy sector due to damage caused more than once, negativity or an outburst of anger towards you. Where the candle flowed, there is negativity from resentment towards you or towards you, hidden tears, as well as a leak of energy. This ritual on how to find out if there is damage also appeals to me because with the help of this ritual the energy is also cleansed.

Diagnostics with matches.

You need to fill the glass three-quarters full with water, recite the prayer “To Jesus Christ from corruption” over the water, then completely burn three matches and throw them into the water one by one. If the matches float on the surface, there is no damage; if they stand vertically in the water column, there is a negative effect; if at the bottom, there is severe damage. This method only diagnoses damage, and does not remove it, and also does not allow a more accurate determination of the type and cause of the negative.

Diagnostics using Tarot cards.

There are special diagnostic layouts that allow you to check the state of energy. For example, a layout of 7 cards for seven chakras shows the presence/absence of negativity, its causes and type (looks from the meaning of the cards drawn).

Wandering around the world wide web, you often come across articles about black magic, all sorts of magic, the evil eye, and the like, and sometimes you wonder, does this whole world of magic really exist or is it only for those who believe in it? Next we will look in detail at what it is.

Troubles and failures happen in every person's life. For example, quarrels in the family, problems at work, conflicts with colleagues, betrayals of friends, illnesses, accidents... Moreover, if all the troubles come one after another, you involuntarily begin to think - is this just a black streak in life (damn that zebra) or this someone's evil eye, or maybe even damage? And if the phrase “trouble does not come alone” no longer reassures you, and all hope that everything will go away on its own disappears, then it’s worth looking to see if there are any signs of damage to you. Its signs are varied, and they can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. It all depends on how weak and vulnerable a person is. What signs of damage there will be depends on what kind of damage is caused (to love, friends, career, etc.).

What are the obvious and first symptoms and signs of damage that may occur?

If, for example, when you left your apartment in the morning, you saw that:

  • Just before the threshold, soil and seed husks are scattered
  • A puddle of water that came from unknown source
  • A nail is driven into the doorposts.

And all sorts of other oddities that could not appear on their own. They will tell you how to determine damage.

Let's look at the general signs of damage:

  1. If you yourself think that someone has damaged you (intuition usually does not fail)
  2. Poor health, loss of strength
  3. Apathy
  4. Stress, depression, thoughts of suicide
  5. Irritability, suspicion, eternal dissatisfaction
  6. The appearance of unreasonable fears (for example, riding in an elevator, fear of the dark, enclosed spaces, people)
  7. A completely healthy woman cannot get pregnant
  8. Sudden weight loss or weight gain for no apparent reason
  9. Acute lack of fresh air (as if you are suffocating)
  10. Violation of perfectly worked out life plans
  11. You are annoyed by your appearance, reflection in the mirror
  12. The desire to remove the cross if you wear it around your neck all the time
  13. You cannot be in church, look at icons and church candles
  14. The appearance of cockroaches, mice, ants in the house (especially if they have never been there before)
  15. Memories of past troubles
  16. Haunted by nightmares.

In this case (if you are sure that this is not just a black streak in life), you should look for other people’s things in your apartment. This could be anything from a pen accidentally left behind to an item given as a gift for a recent event. If this is really discovered, then you should immediately get rid of this item. And not just throw it away, but burn it. And while the thing is burning, say three times

“Where it came from, go there! Whoever sent it, take it!”

If the person who cast the evil eye on you is from your circle of friends and acquaintances, then you can easily recognize him. After burning the “damaged thing,” his face will burn.

Methods for determining symptoms and signs of damage in humans

If you find any of the above, then you should directly contact a specialist or try to get rid of the evil scourge yourself. You can only do this yourself if you believe that you can do it. Without faith in corruption, spells and prayers, your actions will be useless. Now let's look at more specific symptoms and signs of damage. As mentioned earlier, damage can be caused to various areas of life. Damage can be to relationships, celibacy, loneliness and even death.

Signs of damage to relationships

  • Aggression towards a partner appears
  • Thoughts about another man (woman) arise
  • Feelings change for no particular reason
  • Sexual attraction to a person disappears
  • Feeling worse.

These signs are usually observed in two people at once. But if you observe any of these signs, then you should not immediately think about damage. Maybe, indeed, your relationship has outlived its usefulness and it’s worth breaking up.

Signs of damage to loneliness

  • You are a beautiful, smart girl, but men don’t seem to notice you
  • You meet a guy, but the relationship doesn't last long and breaks up for no particular reason.
  • Suddenly you quarrel with your best friends, and you don't get along with your colleagues

The same points apply to men, because her signs are always the same.

Damage to health

Signs of damage to health most often look like a sudden illness and are similar to. The disease appears out of nowhere and develops quickly. When visiting a doctor, no causes of the disease are identified. And the medications have no effect. It happens that damage is caused to something specific. For example, a person begins to gain weight quickly (damage to obesity) or, conversely, “melts” before our eyes, quickly loses weight (damage to weight loss), there may be a deterioration in appearance or infertility. In general, everything that is somehow connected with the body is all damage to health.

Damage to property

  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Robbery.

In general, anything can happen.

Damage to work and its external signs

  • Everything is falling out of hand
  • Discord with colleagues
  • Deals fall through
  • Sponsors refuse to work.

The most terrible damage to death

Signs of damage to death are the most terrifying thing you can find (God forbid, of course). Few people will dare to do this. There are a great many types:

  1. Death from car accident
  2. Death by water
  3. Incurable disease
  4. Electric shock.

And many, many other reasons why misfortune can happen to a person. And what’s most amazing is that damage to death can occur by itself. Just because someone really hates you or is jealous of you.

So, we found out how to determine and how to recognize damage. And if any of the points from everything said here suit you and you are one hundred percent sure that this is someone’s malicious intent, then you should immediately contact specialists. Luckily there are a lot of them now.

The only thing to keep in mind! You should not go to salons with fortune tellers and clairvoyants. Usually there are charlatans in such establishments. The real ones conduct receptions at home and hardly charge money for it. Or they just don’t name the price. Anyone who turns to such people for help must evaluate the cost of the service themselves.

You can get rid of the damage caused to you yourself, using folk methods.

Let's look at the simplest treatment methods.

Option #1

Option No. 2

If you are a baptized person, then this method is suitable for treatment: you need to buy a candle in the church. At home, light it and move it up and down along your body. At the same time, read the “Our Father” prayer. After reading the prayer, christen yourself with this candle. If, while you are holding the candle along the body, the flame begins to sway and crackle strongly, then you need to pay special attention to this area of ​​the body - baptize this area, saying “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". You need to baptize 7 times. Then continue to read the prayer and move the candle up and down along the body.

Option #3

If you are not baptized, then you can perform the same ritual, only the candle must be an ordinary wax candle (i.e., not a church one), and you do not need to read a prayer. You can simply say out loud words that evoke positive emotions in you (love, kindness, hope, etc.)

If you are of a different religion, then such methods will not help you at all. And it is not recommended to turn to the methods of another religion.

Option No. 4

Another option is to put a pin on your clothing. The head of the pin should look down and should be positioned at heart level. It is advisable that no one sees her.

Option #5

This way you can remove damage from a sore spot on the body (we will need a dry twig that itself fell off the tree). Passing this twig over the sore spot, read the plot:

As you can see, there are very, very many ways. And they are all extremely diverse. It’s impossible to describe, know and do everything. In order to read independently, you need to study special literature, diligently and persistently work on yourself. Such skills are not given so easily. And finding out about the successful result of your conspiracies is very simple: seeing the signs of removing damage is as simple as identifying the signs of causing damage. You just have to remember what symptoms you had and note what has changed now. First of all, of course, the desire to live returns. General well-being and complexion improves. Diseases and phobias go away. Relationships with loved ones are improved. Friends are returning. Career is taking off again. Remember, if removed on time, this means success and victory over evil spells. And in order to prevent a new evil eye from happening again, you should learn to repel negative energy from yourself. To do this, three times in a row, for three days, before noon, with a lit wax candle, read the following plot: