Which pills help from the leucoplakia of the bladder. Leukoplakia: description of the disease and types of its treatment

Leukoplakia bladder - Symptoms and treatment of this disease are more often associated with women due to a higher predisposition to this pathology. This is one of the diseases that arise due to changes in the tissue and cellular levels, after which the body ceases to function normally. The ailment makes the urinary system more vulnerable to other diseases, when the root cause is most often detected. After all, leukoplakia herself can flow hidden for a long time, without specific symptoms.

The essence of pathology

The bladder from the inside was lined with a special shape of the epithelial tissue - transitional, which does not degenerate as skin epithelium. Normally, the cells are alive, and deadly are constantly replaced with new ones during regeneration. This fabric is adapted to performing functions in this organ: can be separated by protective substances - mucopolysaccharides - against the harmful effects of uric acid and bacterial infections.

Therefore, with the normal functioning of the urinary organs, the shell is not annoyed. Under the epithelium, smooth muscle cells are located, which with conscious urination are reduced for emptying.

With leukoplakia, the epithelial liner is reborn, its cells die and segregate sections are formed. This process consists of the following steps:

  • flake carcation modulation - cells do not even die off, but the tissue of transitional epithelium turns into a flat multicellular;
  • flake carcalet metaplasia - cells begin to die;
  • flake carcinoma metaplasia - plaques are formed from dead cell mass.

This ultimately affects the inner fee of the body (it begins to annoy uric acid), as well as on the functioning of the muscular layer - it loses the contractility, which is why urinary incontinence is developing. The pathological process can be localized in the triangle pole (near the cervical cervical) and not accompanied by an orog. This state proceeds asymptomatic and does not require treatment, but needs control and observation.

Doctors are not yet ready to answer the question of what is the root cause of the disease, but it is assumed that it can develop in people with hereditary predisposition. And infectious diseases affecting the urinary, sexual and other organs of organs, weak immunity, hormonal disorders with an increase in estrogen products can be launched.

Infectious pathogens are able to penetrate the urinary tracts or by blood and lymph.

Symptomatic and varieties of pathology

The symptoms of the leukoplakia of the bladder depend on the variety of pathology:

The manifestations of this disease are very closely associated with urethritis, cystitis (the rebirth of cells increases the chances of inflammatory reactions that accelerate the processes of rebirth), so these pathologies have similar symptoms:

  1. Pain in the field of the pubic bone of a pulling or nocturing nature can spread to the back and manifest themselves during sexual intercourse.
  2. Issues for urination rapid, painful and often false.
  3. After emptying it does not feel relief.
  4. Urine changes the consistency and color, acquires a reddish tint due to blood and becomes muddy because of the impurity of a flaky precipitate.

Based on the fact that the symptoms of leukoplakia are nonspecific, patients cannot distinguish urological diseases and are most often treated from cystitis. Doctors with unnecessary diagnostics can also be confused by these inflammatory processes, for example, with bladder hyperactivity and mistakenly prescribe incorrect treatment.


This disease can be revealed only to a thorough diagnosis that includes:

  • detailed examination of the anamnesis, taking into account the prescription of symptoms, the frequency of inflammatory diseases, the frequency of urges to urination and related symptoms;
  • tearing the pelvis organs, vaginal inspection;
  • taking a smear from the mucous membrane;
  • blood test - on biochemical indicators and general;
  • analysis of urine;
  • bacteriological and immunological studies for infectious diseases, including genital (urine bappose, PCR and IFA);
  • determination of the sensitivity of microflora of the urinary tract to various antibiotics;
  • Ultrasound gOOD SYSTEM;
  • uroofloummetry;
  • cystometry;
  • cistoscopy with biopsy epithelium for cytological and histological studies (gives the most accurate result with the possibility of differential diagnosis between leukoplakia and oncological processes).


Two ways of treating leucoplakia of the bladder are possible - conservative and surgical. The first method provides for the appointment of drugs and procedures:

  • a long course of receiving widespread antibiotics. It may be terminated only after three bacterial crops that did not reveal the pathogens of the infection;
  • anti-inflammatory funds, including hormonal;
  • immunomodulators to maintain the protective forces of the body;
  • instillations with administration medicinal preparations (Heparin or hyaluronic acid) by means of a catheter directly into the bladder. These manipulations restore the protective shell consisting of mucopolysaccharides;
  • eliminating sagging scars and inflammatory process Using a laser, microwaves, magnetotherapy and electrophoresis with hormones.

The methods of surgical treatment are treated in cases where the above-described therapeutic measures do not provide relief. The most famous are such techniques:

  1. Laser coagulation mucous membrane. During the procedure, the affected mucosa layer is irradiated with a high-energy laser. In this place, a scope is formed, which for a month is cleared with the restoration of the normal structure of the tissue. In this case, all the following layers (submembricted and muscular) remain integer.
  2. Laser ablation. This procedure provides for a periodic, impulse impact of a laser for damaged areas, which is considered more accurate. The rehabilitation period is much shorter than in other types of intervention, the recovery is easier and without complications in the form of blood loss and inflammation.
  3. Transuretral resection of the bladder. Reception involves excision of patients with surgical instruments that are entered through the urethra. The wall of the organ during manipulation is not damaged.

Traditional treatment can be complemented by the use of folk agents in the absence of contraindications and after consulting with the attending doctor. You can use calendula info (for taking a bath or inside), Hypericum (inside) and add germinated wheat grains to various dishes. Also advise to eat a daily tablespoon of honey with flax seeds.

Diet and drink

Successful therapy is possible when complying with a special drinking mode and diet. You need to drink at least 2 liters daily, but it must be pure non-carbonated water or grasses (renal herbs). Liquid dishes are also included. Drinking alcohol and containing caffeine drinks are impossible - they are irritated to the mucous membrane.

Nutrition needs to be made diverse, but exclude from the diet any products that irritate the shell of the urinary system. It is impossible to use sharp, smoked, fried and very salty dishes, as well as heavy rich broths for digesting.

Possible complications

If you leave this ailment without treatment and do not contact the doctor with other acceding diseases, complications may develop:

  • urinary incontinence;
  • kidney diseases with subsequent renal failure;
  • malignation - appearance oncological cells At the place of the reborn epithelium.

The list of these complications is expanding if the disease occurs during pregnancy. The disease is able to provoke miscarriage or premature labor, the placenta detachment with the subsequent severe consequences or infection of the microflora fetus organs, which caused inflammation in the mother's body. Enhancement of the fetus is possible only with severe control over the condition of a pregnant woman, as well as a long-lasting course of antibiotics, permissible during pregnancy.

Leukoplakia should be treated seriously, since cellular and tissue modifications are very dangerous. Without treatment, they can provoke heavier pathologies that bring great harm to the body and threaten human life.

Considering the whole spectrum possible diseases The urinary tract, which, in one degree or another, can lead to urination acts to disorders, cannot be overlooked, such as the leucoplakia of the bladder.

Often, patients pass repeated, but absolutely not effective treatment Antibacterial drugs, associating its condition with a often recurrent form of chronic cystitis. The doctor prescribes treatment, pushing away from the patient's complaints, while, as a rule, it is carried out by an insufficient spectrum of instrumental research.

The leucoplakia of the bladder is a long-term inflammatory process, in which the focal replacement of the epithelial layer of the transient type on the cells of the flat epithelium occurs in the organ.

In the process of cellular rebirth, sections of erogenation appear, which are not able to protect the bladder from irritant influence chemical substancesIn addition to urine.

The disease is much more registered among the female population, like most diseases of the urinary tract. There is a direct relationship of this fact with the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the urethra (urethra), which in women is wide enough for free penetration of various kinds of infectious agents.

It must be remembered that this process is a precancerous state, and it, with a long-term existence, is able to give rise to malignant neoplasm.

Causes of occurrence

The leucoplakia of the bladder refers to multifactor (polyethological) diseases. For its beginning, it is necessary to have several reasons that could launch pathogenetic mechanisms.

Endogenous (internal) damaging factors include:

  • hormone disorders associated with an increase in or lowering the level of estrogen in the blood (with pathology in the process of ovulation, during postmenopause and other states);
  • anomalies in the development of the organs of the urinary tract, which are laid on the embryonic stage.

Exogenous (external) reasons include:

  • the introduction of bacterial agents in the bladder tissue and other structures of the urinary tract, with the development of the inflammatory process, in particular with the chronic nature of the flow (cystitis, urethritis and others);
  • the role of viral infection is proved, especially among representatives of the person's papilloma virus who are able to change the transition cells of the epithelium and launch the process of their "rebirth";
  • often the reason for the development of the disease is associated with the presence in the lumen of the bladder of foreign objects or when it is damaged by the walls by moving concretions;
  • the process may be due to the impact of substances with carcinogenic activity or is a complication of radiation therapy;
  • meanous sexual bonds lead to "exchange" between partners of the most different strains of microorganisms, including pathogenic (trichomonas, chlamydia and others);
  • often the process of the disease originates in weakened patients who accept the course of immunosuppressive therapy or HIV-infected;
  • the role of stress, psychoneurotic disorders, conflict situations, long-term lack of sleep and lack of a full rest has been proven.

Playing a certain role of smoking experience, so in women who abuse tobacco products, the disease occurs much more often

What is the process at the cellular level?

If we consider the morphological picture of the process, then in your development, leukoplakia passes several stages:

  • at the first stage, the replacement of the transitional single-layer epithelium on multilayer flat cells takes place, while the structure of these cells remains normal (flat-belling modulation);
  • the process of the rebirth of flat-belling structures and premature apoptosis (death) of healthy cells (flat-flushing metaplasia) is launched;
  • changed fabrics are subjected to oroging, plaques are formed (metaplasia with oroging).

With leuccoplakia of the bladder, areas of flat eroximation arise, wart expansions or foci with erosioned surface. Each of these forms of the disease has different symptoms and determines the severity of the patient's condition, and, it means, the tactics of treatment.

Thus, in addition to the inflammatory component, the disease includes sclerotic changes in the walls of the bladder, which leads to a violation of its contractile and reservoir function.


In general, the symptoms of the disease are very similar to the cystitis clinic, since the process of bladder tissues occurs during the process and the body work is violated.

Urination disorder - a sign that indicates problems in the bladder

It is worth noting that the flat-mell form of the disease can flow absolutely asymptomatic for a long time, while wart or erosive leukoplakia significantly worsens the patient's well-being and leads to pronounced dysurmonic disorders.

The most frequent signs of the disease are painfulnessassociated with urinary act and violations in the work of the bladder (resistant dysuria).

The patient has the following typical symptoms:

  • the leukoplakia of the neck of the bladder is accompanied by severe pain in the emptying of the bubble, burning and a feeling of cutting;
  • the trip to the toilet brings only temporary relief, since in a few minutes the patient reappears the unbearable desire to reckon again;
  • patients complain about the impossible feeling of overcrowding the bladder, which knocks him out of the usual rhythm of life and makes it always be near the toilet;
  • during urination, only a few drops may be distinguished, since a large amount of urine cannot accumulate in an irritated authority ("false" urges);
  • there are unpleasant pulling or new pains in the lower abdomen, which sneak a little after the patient will take a comfortable position in bed;
  • sexing has a pronounced feeling of discomfort or pain that irradiate into the crotch, anal area;
  • often, patients independently note the change in the nature of the blade, which becomes muddy, may appear traces of blood or flake-shaped inclusions.

"Dependence on the toilet" leads patients to social disadaptation and knocks out of the usual rhythm of life


If the disease is not treated in time, then the prerequisites for its malignant rebirth appear (part of the researchers exclude such an opportunity, so there is no irrefutable evidence of the involvement or non-involvement of the process to the oncological transformation of bladder tissues).

Foci of oroging are able to completely "turn off" this part of the body from work, so there is a threat of a violation of the organic tank function.

Lakeaukia can indirectly influence the development of such a state as renal failure, which represents a threat to the health of the patient


The basis of the diagnosis is properly collected anamnestic data and results that will be obtained with an objective and laboratory and instrumental study.

The symptoms of the leukoplakia of the bladder resemble the Custitian clinic, so when the patient is asked the patient, the doctor must clarify whether the treatment was carried out by antibiotics, and whether it was effective. As a rule, if adequate antibacterial treatment did not give the necessary result, it is worth thinking about the presence of a patient with leukoplakia.

Women are subject to mandatory gynecological examination on the chair. Need the necessary strokes.

Laboratory and instrumental examination includes:

  • analysis of blood and urine, if necessary, appropriate samples (urine of non-communo and others) are prescribed;
  • urine sowing to nutritious substrates with the detection of the pathogen and the determination of its sensitivity to one or another antibiotics;
  • serodiagnosis includes the definition of DNA pathogens and antibodies developed against it;
  • Uzi urinary system organs;
  • CT and MRI if necessary;
  • cistoscopy is the basis of diagnostic measures, as it allows you to directly visualize the foci of the changed epithelium, to determine the localization and scale of the process, as well as take the biopsy material for histological and cytological research.

Cistoscopy - a procedure without which diagnosis is impossible

Principles of treatment

Leukoplakia in the projection of the anatomical triangle is poleo, is considered an option for the norm and does not require therapy. This triangle is limited by the following structures: its lower angle is represented by the urethra (urethra) hole, and the lateral angles are the withdrawal holes of the ureters.

Therefore, when a specialist sees in this area of \u200b\u200bthe cellular transformation zone, then they do not represent any danger to patient health. Their development is due to the influence of estrogen. For such patients, only dynamic annual observation is necessary.

Treatment of leucoplace of bladder includes a number general principles Therapies and conservative operational events.

All patients who have a disease that has been found is recommended to comply with the diet, the essence of which is to exclude products capable of annoyingly effect on the bladder epithelium.

The food must be fed in boiled or paired form. It plays the role of the multiplicity of its admission: food is taken often, but in small portions, which contributes to its better absorption. It is worth increasing the use of fruits and green vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish of low-fat varieties.

In order to speed up the process of destroying microorganisms, it is necessary to use useful and "correct" food

It is strictly forbidden to eat dishes containing spices, spices, a large amount of salt. All alcoholic and caffery-containing products are excluded.

A special role belongs to adequate use of fluid, which accelerates the removal of infectious agents from the lumen of the bladder. On the contrary, if the patient restricts itself in water, then favorable conditions are created for even greater reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

In the liquid, the cranberry-lingonberries and compotes, teas based on herbal components must be included in the fluid. mineral water without gas.

Conservative therapy

The approach to the treatment of patients is always individual and combined. Much depends on the duration of the existence and neglence of the disease.

To eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, funds are prescribed with antibacterial and antimicrobial activity. Antiviral medicines are used. Treatment continues for long-term courses, sometimes up to three or more months. The question of the termination of such therapy is established according to the results of several bacteriological studies of the blade. If the pathogenic microflora is not determined by the conclusion of crops, then the treatment is considered adequate and successful.

Anti-inflammatory medicines are used to combat the inflammatory component of the disease, which are used in tablets and in injectable form.

To improve trophic and regenerator processes, patients prescribe therapeutic instillations, that is, administered medicinal products Through the urethra in the lumen of the bubble. This speeds up the healing of the body and eliminates the inflammatory component.

The use of various folk agents in the treatment of leucoplakia of the bladder has an auxiliary value. Properly combined herbs and their components, have a beneficial effect on the work of the organ, normalize the act of urination and accelerate recovery. For these purposes, boarants and trickens of the grass of the Hypericum, ginseng, calendula marigolds, oats grains, plantain root and other components are prepared.

Physiotherapeutic treatment methods are aimed at correction and restoration of trophic processes, prevention of adhesions and scar growing. The patient is carried out by magnetotherapy sessions, electrophoresis with hormonal substances, microwaves and others.


Readings for operational intervention On the bladder tissues are:

  • disorders of the contractual activity of the body, which are due to existing inflammation of existing inflammation;
  • according to the results of histological research, there are morphological signs of leukoplakia 2-3 stages, or cell-atiphy is detected, which threatens cancer reincarnation;
  • the patient has a strong pain syndrome, which is poorly anesthetic by painkillers.

Thanks to the tour, the doctor can directly visualize the entire volume of defeat and carry out excision under the control of the endoscope

Considering methods surgical treatmentIt is necessary to allocate among them the following procedures:

  • Transuretral resection of pathological foci in the bladder walls (tour). The cistoscope is introduced in the patient to the enumeration of the organ through the urethra. Plots of pathologically modified tissues are removed using a special loop. This type of intervention refers to a minimally invasive and high effective method Treatment.
  • The laser coagulation procedure is performed by a special laser device that removes only the surface mucous layer from the bladder wall.
  • The method of laser ablation is also based on the action of the laser, but at the same time the pathological formations with an increased power of the pulse are made. The method allows you to most effect on the affected tissues, while healthy organic cells are practically not affected.


Basic preventive eventsaimed at preventing the development of leukoplaki bubble should be a rejection and elimination of all infectious foci in the body.

Do not neglect the rules of intimate hygiene, exclude all unprotected sex contacts.

Practice sex only with the only and proven sexual partner

Pay due attention to rational and full-fledged holidays, maximize yourself from all conflicts and stressful situations.


If there is a problem with immunity, take strengthening drugs and vitamin complexes.


It is not necessary to independently deal with treatment at home, while relying on the opinions of acquaintances or information from unverified sources. After all, sometimes even doctors spend complex diagnosis to make sure the nature of complaints and objective symptoms in the patient.

Always refer to a specialist as soon as you have to disturb something. Only after the consultation of the doctor, it is necessary to proceed to treatment, and not try to "stroke" unpleasant symptoms, taking symptomatic medicines.

Not many women independently without detailed instrumental intervention can know that they need to undergo the treatment of leucoplakia of the bladder. Even doctors cannot guess this because of the lack of pronounced symptoms in patients. A woman can come to a doctor with complaints about the estimated cystitis, although in fact alert may be associated with the development of leukoplakia. In men, such a kind of disease is relatively less common, everything is due to the cause of the other structure of their genitourinary system.

What is this pathology? This is a burned layer formed in the bladder region due to the transformation of transient epithelium cells into multilayer flat cells. By type, such pathology disrupts the functions of the bladder, is dangerous because it provokes the formation of oncological plaques against the background of the prejudient state of the body tissue.

Etiology leukoplakia

If you compare the structure of the men's urogenital system with female, then in the latter infection with infection can occur faster, due to the close position of the anal hole to the urethral canal. This means that there are many favorable conditions for the penetration of infection so that without obstacles to reach the urinary bubble cavity.

Infection can occur as descending and as the upward way, the most often the disease begins against the background of an unprotected sexual intercourse, due to sex infection in the area of \u200b\u200burethra or other chronic diseases of the organs and systems of the human body.

Provoke the symptoms of leucoplakia of the bladder that can be carious on the teeth, chronic diseases Otolaryngological nature, type of tonsillitis or hymorite. Also such a disease may be subject to people often abusing physical or mental labor against the backdrop of fatigue, lack of rest or stressful situations.

The risk of infection in women increases, if despite the warnings of doctors - not to wear an intrauterine spiral of a more laid term - they don't prudently forget to handle the gynecologist in time, for its replacement or temporary cancellation. In this case, experts warn, in order to avoid possible infection, women should not pull to their attending physician after the expiration of a certain period.

Often, leukoplakia can be diagnosed among patients with endocrine diseases, those associated with dysfunction of the gopotalamus - pituitary system and diseases of the ovaries in women. Result pathological phenomenon In this case, the increased production of estrogen becomes, sometimes arising and against the background of uncontrolled reception oral contraceptives.

The main factor in the development of leukoplakia is an infectious process, the protective properties of a healthy epithelium of the bladder are preserved until their damage to bacteria or uric acid. Such phenomena may imply a change in the structure of the epithelial layer to flat, for example, under the action of long-term infection of the bladder during cystitis.

How does pathology develop at the cellular level

According to morphological studies of the pathological process, lakeaukia may proceed differently depending on the stage of the disease:

  1. Flake carcation modulation. Such a form of illness implies the transformation of the transition layer of the epithelium into multilayer flat cells, while the tissue structure of the bladder remains unchanged.
  2. PlateLoth Metaplasia. Fabrics? Consisting of flat-belling structures begin to be reborn, and the remaining healthy cells continue to die as a result of progression of the disease.
  3. MetaPlasia with oroging. The altered bladder tissue is gradually covered with erupted areas, plaques are formed on its surface.

Based on the above described, three forms of leukoplakia can be distinguished:

  • Flat.
  • Warf.
  • Erosive.

Each of these forms has peculiar symptoms, for this reason they all require individual attention to themselves and are treated with a variety of ways. Such a disease provokes not only the development of the inflammatory process, but also causes deloading disorders in the bladder.

Leukoplakia in pregnant women

As for pregnancy, they can have a bladder leukoplakia we provoke the following ailments depending on the length of the hatching:

  • Call illness in women during pregnancy can infectious processes: human papilloma virus, chlamydia, trichomonosis or other similar kinds of disease. Especially such phenomena are dangerous in the first period of nursing the baby, since they are hazardous factors provoking a variety of anomalies in the child's body. Sometimes it may cause premature abortion.
  • If the disease fell on a later duration of the child's nodding, in this case, the child's childbirth can be completed prematurely due to the infection of the fetus, the placenta detachment. Or in the worst cases, the child may be born with already formed by his pathological deviations.

If a woman who plans to conceive a child was recorded the symptoms of leukoplakia of the bladder during the passage of prophylactic inspection, then it is recommended to abandon this venture until the moment of complete recovery and restoration of body tissues. In such a situation, pregnancy can occur with complications.

However, if the disease was confirmed only at the time when the woman was already in the position, antibacterial agents are appointed to it, while the doctor necessarily monitors how its pregnancy occurs since the ailment is detected and conceived period. As a rule, intensive therapy is not appointed until the woman is born.

Symptoms of the pathological process

Based on these symptoms, the patient may be required take the treatment of urinate leukoplakia:

  1. increase the number of urethra's ureasses;
  2. unpleasant symptoms with a urethra with signs of urine delay in the body;
  3. pulling pain in the lower abdomen with the presence of ailments in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lumbar and pelvic department;
  4. constant sensations of completeness of the bladder;
  5. symptoms of general malaise and weakness in the body.

If the patient has such a kind of symptoms, doctors in most cases are not immediately beginning to suspect the presence of leukoplakia of the bladder, often experts offer their patients to pass anti-inflammatory therapy.

Diagnostic procedures

Leukoplakia refers to the diseases of the hidden type, which is easy to confuse with cystitis. Therefore, in order to specifically find out the cause of the disease, patients who have suspicion of cystitis, can be directed to the passage of a number of necessary diagnostic procedures.

But before the doctor gives a direction to the diagnosis, he will definitely ask the patient about his feelings, and learns how much symptoms manifests itself. Further, after completing the conversation, it will begin to feel the bladder region and make the results obtained into the patient's outpatient card, on the basis of which the patient will be given directions to the passage of diagnostics.

First of all, you will need to hand over the urine to laboratory tests to determine the amount of sugar, urea, creatine and hormonal abnormalities. As for the analysis of blood, it is necessary for detecting in biological fluid nature of the course of metabolism and protein synthesis.

At the second stage, the patient passes an ultrasound study. Such diagnostics makes it possible to determine the level of damage to the cervix and its internal area, with the exception of the transition of infection to other parts of the organs. In addition, urofloumometry can be used, this is the diagnosis that allows you to establish a problem with a patient with a urethra.

The diagnosis of leukoplakia also requires examination of pathology using cystoscopy, which allows to explore the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe bubble through the urethra. As for the use of an excretory urography, it is also an integral procedure for identifying the diseases of the urinary system by applying a contrast substance in the process.

Principles of treatment of pathology

What treatment will be obtained by a patient with a urinary leukoplakia will fully depend on the etiological data and the severity of the disease. Equally, it may be necessary for both missing and conservative treatments. The latter are based on the use of medicines aimed at oppressing the inflammatory process.

What comes here:

  • antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • preparations for strengthening immunity;
  • physiological solutions (analogues of glycosaminoglycans) for irrigation of the bladder in order to increase the regeneration of affected areas;
  • physiotherapy implies treatment and elimination of the symptoms of leukeloplace of the bladder with the help of laser, magnetic and microwave therapy and electorophoresis.

Urinary Bubble Operation

As a last resort, with a small efficiency of the above-described methods, the patient is assigned to the Operal removal of the entire urinary bubble cavity or only its insignificant part.

Transuretral resection, operation to remove affected bladder tissues by means of a special loop attached to the cystoscope.

Laser operation is carried out by action on the affected area electric shockIt allows you to fully burn damaged tissues, protecting them from subsequent infection by forming around a remote protective film.

Treatment of diet

That the treatment gave faster positive result With leukoplakia, it is recommended to regulate its power on the basis of products that do not cause irritation of the bladder tissue mucosa.

Based on this, patients are categorically not allowed to eat:

  • sharp, fried, smoked dishes and spices;
  • salted and pickled products;
  • strongly fat broths;
  • coffee and alcoholic beverages, strong teas.

What products are allowed to eat:

  • fresh fruits with sweet taste;
  • vegetables in fresh or boiled form, with the exception of white and cauliflower, tomatoes, radish, bow, sorrel and garlic;
  • fresh milk and lactic acid products;
  • diverse types of porridge;
  • fish and meat with the exception of greasy varieties.

And another prerequisite for recovery is the normalized daily drinking mode, which includes liquid use per day for at least two liters. This will contribute to the speedy excavation from the body of the patient bacteria that are provocatives of the pathological process.

Useful to drink:

  • kidney tea;
  • weak concentration of green and black teas without adding sugar;
  • purified or non-carbonated chloride - calcium water;
  • berry cranberry-based juices or lingonberries.

How to avoid complications

The walls of the bladder become less elastic due to the long flow of the inflammatory process. With such a complication, many patients suffering from intravenous leucoplaki are forced to face. In the urinary bubble, due to the development of a pathological phenomenon, urine is most often not held and begins to leave spontaneously without the possibility of conscious control from a patient person.

Often such complications, if the patient does not appear for medical care or to be treated independently in fair ways, go into renal failure, up to that period, when the patient suddenly begins to refuse the kidney.

So that this does not happen, after discharge from the hospital or in the process of treatment, patients are recommended not only to avoid infection with infectious diseases, but also to strengthen the protective functions of their body.

It is important to remember that leukoplakia is a good phenomenon, so such a parable needs to be treated in a timely manner and preferably at an early stage, since with a long flow of the infectious process, the disease can provoke a bladder cancer. For this reason, it is very important to get the right medicia treatmentthat will allow not only to avoid the transition of infection to neighboring bodies, but also to cure without transactions.

Prevention of leukoplakia

In preventive purposes, in order to avoid the development of leukoplakia in the field of bladder, It is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • apply contraceptive means for intimate relationships;
  • to pass timely treatment when infected with sexual infections and not only;
  • have one proven sexual partner;
  • strengthen the organism's immune forces at the expense of sports, hardening and proper diet;
  • not allow in the body of signs of hypovitaminosis in winter-spring periods;
  • avoid supercooling the area of \u200b\u200ba small pelvis;
  • comply with the rules of intimate hygiene.

In addition, it is also necessary to pay enough time to rest, sleep, plus not smoking and refuse to take alcohol and drugs.

Leukoplakia - This is one of the diseases that is quite common. It can meet in people of any age, but most often exposed to the pathology of the female representative of the middle and old age.

Data that relate to the time of occurrence is ambiguous, in most cases this is due to the fact that young people are less likely to surveys at which there is a chance of accidental detection.

Pathology is characterized by damage to the mucous membranes of various organs. As a result of leukoplakia, a multi-layered flat epithelium acquires a horny education. Against the background of this process, there is an appearance on the mucous membrane of the formation of a grayish or white.

From the most frequently found target organs, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the upper respiratory tractas well as a urinary tract and anal area.

On leucoplakia should pay special attention And this is due to the fact that in almost a quarter of all cases, the disease can flow into a malignant process. Therefore, when identifying such a situation, a thorough examination should be conducted and regularly monitor the state and dynamics of the process.

The concept of leukoplakia

This disease is considered chronic and this is due to the fact that its development is usually prolonged, including several consecutive stages, as a rule, independently not disappearing.

From a morphological point of view, the process occurs when the transitional epithelium of the mucous membranes is replaced by flat.

As a result, the following transformations can be seen at the cellular level, this is the absence of glycogen formation, the formation of the horn layer, which is normal on this type of tissue should not be.

A greater alertness among doctors this disease causes due to the fact that the exact causes, complications and factors contributing to the formation to the end are not studied.

Therefore, patients who are diagnosed with bladder leukoplakia are recommended to carefully observe and constantly monitor the course of the process to eliminate the development of complications.

There are several types of leukoplakia classification of the bladder, they are all based on various characteristics pathological process.

Depending on which the localization of the disease can be distinguished by two forms:

  • The leukoplakia of the bladder neck is one of the most vulnerable places, and, consequently, the most common form.
  • The body of the bladder becomes affected.

In the development of the damage, several regular phases of the flow can be distinguished:

  • The initial stages of development. The focal replacements of the fragments of the mucous membrane on the plane epithelium sections.
  • Second phase. PlateLoth Metaplasia. It is characterized by the fact that the above single-layer cylindrical epithelium is replaced by a more dense and less vulnerable multi-beam.
  • Third stage. It is connected not only with structural, but also functional changes in the body. As a result of the epithelium, the covering walls is crowned, it becomes more dense, the elasticity of its walls is lost, and, as a result, a full-fledged process of urine evacuation from the organ is disturbed.

Among the diseases of the bladder, several varieties of pathology can be distinguished:

Causes of the appearance of leucoplakia bladder

  1. The main predisposing factor is the infectious factor. This causes the fact that it is most often affecting the mucous membranes of the urinary tract of women. Representatives of this sex have features in its structure, the urethra is somewhat shorter and wider male. Consequently, the risk of penetration of pathology is much higher. A change in the mucous membrane contributes to any inflammatory defeat, especially chronic, which is caused. These are mostly attributed, and.
  2. Also one of the reasons is considered to be a viral infection, represented by the human papilloma virus. It is striking the bladder hematogenic way. In some cases, inflammation can be transmitted through lymph.

For the development of such reasons, the impact of provoking factors is necessary.

Among them are distinguished:

Symptoms of leucoplakia bladder

Symptoms are the following:

Diagnosis of leucoplakia bladder

In some cases, such events may be complicated by hidden symptoms, as well as a long progression period. Often the disease is established at the stage of pronounced changes, which is accompanied by various complications.

Stages of diagnosis:

Complications and consequences

Scientists identified patterns that this disease rarely enters the malignant process, so that many other pathogenic factors on the body should affect the malignant, as well as exist high predisposition to the oncological process. The forge of leukoplakia itself does not prone to the process of malignation. Therefore, only in rare cases, the disease goes into cancer.


  1. The main complication that develops against the background of this pathology is the violation of the functionality of the bladder. Filling function is lost, as well as full emptying. In the development of the latter, excessive urine accumulation occurs in the bubble and the contents of the contents in the ureters are carried out. Such a state provokes the development of ascending infection, leading to the formation of pyelonephritis.
  2. Almost all people suffering from the leukoplaky of the bladder develop chronic renal failure. Severe disease that requires compulsory treatment.

Leucoplakia bladder during pregnancy

Leukoplakia affects pregnancy and may entail the development of serious complications.

Since such a disease leads to inflammatory processes, which involve neighboring organs.

No inflammation, especially associated with a specific pathogen, requires compulsory treatment.

This is especially dangerous on early timing Pregnancy, since the causative agent without treatment can lead to the development of the pathology of the fetus and the anomalies of the structure of the placenta and umbilical cord.

But on the other hand, treatment with specific antibacterial and antiviral drugs may also affect pregnancy.

Leukoplakia in early terms can affect the development of the fetus anomalies and the formation of the placenta. With a pronounced course of the process, a threat of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy may occur.

In the late period of pregnancy, there is a threat of placental insufficiency, premature genera, delays in the intrauterine development of the fetus and the formation of intrauterine infection. The last pathology leads to the development of multi-way, East of Cervical Insufficiency, etc.

Treatment during this period requires capable of attention, since the likelihood of the harmful effects of drugs on the child is high. Therefore, the beginning of therapy is selected taking into account the severity of the pathological process, as well as the factor affecting leucoplakia.

The main therapy is prescribed by experts after the delivery, taking into account the concomitant processes. If a woman has a diagnosis of leukoplakia at the time of pregnancy planning, the treatment requires a full-fledged until its offensive. At the time of therapy it is recommended to use ways of contraception.

Treatment of leukoplakia bladder

Conservative means

These treatments are treated in the form of the first line of drugs used for leucoplakia. Always start therapy recommended with drugsBut with ineffectiveness resort to surgical. Conservative medicine can be combined with folk methods To improve the effect.



The operation is used as a method against the background of the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, as well as the development of complications.

It can be:

  • Coagulative methods for removing the affected mucous membrane (electrocoagulation),
  • Variants of laser ablation (cauterization with laser)

Treatment of leukoplakia by folk remedies

Includes primarily drugs vegetable origin. The mechanism of their action should be based on the provision of anti-inflammatory and sensitizing effect on the surface of the mucous membrane, helping to cure and prevent the inflammatory process.

The following components have similar effects:

Diet with leuccoplasty bladder

The basic principle in the prevention and prevention of the development of pathology is to reduce irritating effects on mucous membranes.

