Cossacks 3 sacred league walkthrough. Fast construction of buildings

Hello people, today you will be the first to know things that no one could have imagined yesterday. Features based on game bugs, interesting mechanics, or just small tricks for combat and economics will be presented here.
I have prepared a video version for you LiptonVpaketike. On his channel you can also find various Cossack subtleties, as well as walkthroughs of various games, including the game Cossacks-3. Let's go!

Invulnerable Defense

Complexity: average
Utility: high
Versatility: high

Probably many of us were annoyed by endless raids by the Sich, who constantly run out of the darkness into mines/city centers/markets, etc. So, there is a fairly simple way to protect yourself from such attacks. To implement it, we will need peasants and any unit that can protect buildings, for example, a spearman. Let's take Poland as an example:
1) As mentioned earlier, you will need peasants and 1 pikeman, we bind them as follows (purely for convenience):

2) Then we approach our pikeman to the desired location for the construction of the building:

3) Without moving the mouse, we select our peasants (just press the “ 1 ") and select the building with the key (for example, the city center was used, that is, press " C«):

4) As soon as the pikeman enters the building area, we immediately lay it down, you will have 1.5-2 seconds until the pikeman stops, then the building can no longer be built, the building area will either move sideways for construction or turn red. As a result, we should get something like this:

5) When the pikeman is standing in the center of the building, we need to give him the following commands:
- protection (key " G"), in order not to tear the pikeman off the building when you select all the pikemen on the map. We put it on the building.
- attack prohibition (key " D"), so that the enemy does not begin to suspect why he cannot capture the building
- stand still (key " S") so that the pikeman does not leave the building on his own, because he will no longer be able to go back.
The pikeman stands exactly in the center of the building, although visually this is not the case, because when planting, the cursor is located exactly in the center of the building.
As a result, the Sich Cossacks simply do not reach the pikeman, who stands in the center of the building and, therefore, cannot capture him:

(don’t be alarmed, you can complete the building; in the article it is not completed for clarity)

This also works great not only on buildings, but also on mines; to do this, you need to place a pikeman directly under the mine icon():

At first, the model of the mine will turn red when the pikeman approaches it, but then it will be possible to build again, only then it needs to be laid in order to carry out the plan.
Important note! If you can’t build a mine on a pikeman, then try approaching them from the other side, this should help.

Fast construction of buildings

Complexity: low
Utility: high
Versatility: average

If you don't like how long it takes to build a building and you have a lot of free peasants and time, you should implement this trick. For example, it is necessary to build an 18th century barracks for Poland, but the standard number of peasants for its construction is 25 man and it will be built 4.5 minutes. Then we do the following:

1) We lay it with standard 25th peasants, and around the foundation we distribute additional peasants as evenly as possible, as close to the building as possible:

2) We select all the peasants in the barracks area and begin to very quickly click on the construction of a building for them. A better effect can be achieved if you download some kind of auto-clicker, but even without improvised means you can achieve a good result:

For example, the barracks on the left are being built 96 peasants, that is, almost in 4 times more than if it were built by a standard number of peasants (on the right), and it will be built accordingly not 4.5 minutes, A a little over 1 minute.

Drummer protection

Complexity: low
Utility: average
Versatility: high

A small trick that will help you see the card open longer. When reconnaissance, players send drummers across the map to illuminate the area (drummers have the largest lighting radius). But already literally after 2-3 minutes Most of the drummers are killed by the slash running all over the map. To avoid this, you just need to put 2 pikemen to protect the drummers using the command (key " G"), then killing the drummer will be a big problem for small quantity Sich Cossacks.

Quick win

Complexity: low
Utility: high
Versatility: low

If you want to surprise your opponent 4000 \5000 \1.000.000 initial resources and 0 pt, then it’s worth trying this feature. It can be accomplished using 5 nations: Scotland, Austria, Poland, Ukraine And Sweden.
The trick is quite simple and doesn’t require much practice:
We build the following buildings in order with all the peasants: → →. And as soon as the stable was built, we immediately order one of the fast riders there, depending on which of the 5 nations we are playing for.

From left to right: Croat (Austria), Winged Hussar (Poland), Sich Cossack (Ukraine), Hakkapelit (Sweden), Raider (Scotland).

Well, the last thing that remains for us to do is to run in and capture the opponent’s entire base with one knight, while he finishes building the market
It is best, of course, to do such a trick when there is a close distance between you and your opponent and when the opponent is not of a very high level or if he likes to play with the economy at the beginning of the game.

Anti-round dances

Complexity: average
Utility: high
Versatility: high

Secret developments against nerds. Latest technologies. A very useful chip that restricts free movement on your opponent’s map.
Let's imagine a situation, you have 72 peaks accumulated at your base, you make a squad out of them, but 1 squad of 36 people comes against you, and then a second one of the same kind and they start running away from you in different directions, trying to get to your rear. What to do? It's very simple! Choose any unit you want to destroy and attack it with your 72 pikemen. It is advisable to attack the central pikeman in the enemy squad, so that our squad goes exactly behind the center of the enemy squad. Then select 1 peasant and build a fence like this around the units:

(player blue, opponent red)

The main thing is that the borders of the fence are as far as possible from the enemy squad. Also pay attention to the small hole in the fence on the left, now you will understand why it is needed.
As soon as we lay such a fence, the enemy squad turns sharply 180° and comes into our clutches

If we made a solid fence, without a hole, the enemy squad would simply stand still, instead of going to merge with us, which would give the opponent additional 2-3 seconds to be saved.

And so we killed half the detachment without losses on our side, but half of the enemy detachment still remained and was running away from us. What to do now? And now we simply remove the fence we laid and the enemy detachment again turns 180° and again comes at our detachment with raised pikes.

Usually the enemy squad crumbles even before the fence is removed, but if he has better leveling up for defense, then he will have to do everything to the end

All actions take place in 7-8 seconds and it is very difficult for us to control such a move. And if we manage to do this several times at the beginning of the game, then this is an almost guaranteed victory.

This concludes the first part of the tricks for the game Cossacks-3, next time it will be even more interesting!

To master all the nuances of the gameplay and quickly get involved in hostilities, watch the walkthrough of Cossacks 3 with a video posted on the RBK Games platform. For those who prefer to play without tips, we recommend using these useful tips:

  • A victorious war is impossible without a strong economy, so open up resources and improve infrastructure.
  • If you've watched any materials about the game, you've probably noticed the dynamism of the plot. Therefore, it will be useful to train units at the first opportunity - you will have to fight very often.
  • Online video guides on YouTube demonstrate the peculiarity of the market in multiplayer - the prices are the same for everyone. Each transaction changes the cost of resources, so be proactive and buy what you need before others.
  • If you look at how experienced gamers win, you can find a single strategy: several city centers, developed resource extraction, maximally built buildings and a huge, constantly learning army. Soldiers are “produced” in an endless loop: the game automatically starts training new recruits if some of the troops die.

Subtleties of army management

Many streamers offer to watch the online walkthrough of Cossacks 3: watching others allows you to see new combinations of troops. As you know, the effectiveness of units depends not only on technology or numbers - structure is of no small importance. To create a formation, you need to train an officer (except cavalry) and a drummer in the barracks.

There are three types of formations in the game:

  • Linear, when troops are pulled out in several long lines. Recommended for shooting units.
  • A column is ideal for close combat or countering cavalry.
  • Square is a defensive formation, especially effective for protecting artillery. While the enemies are trying to break through the “square,” the cannons from the center fire at the enemy. It is better to place shooters and spearmen in the square.

If you regularly watch video games, you can learn many effective combinations: artillery in the middle of a square during defense, howitzers in front of a linear formation, shooters surrounded by melee fighters and many others. By the way, well-known streamers consider the following scheme to be the most optimal strike group: cheap and quickly trained spearmen on the front line, behind them are howitzers lined up, followed by riflemen with firearms and artillery as trailing ones.

On the RBK Games platform you can watch the walkthrough of the game Cossacks 3 in its entirety or separately for each campaign. In addition to video materials, it will be useful to view text guides and tips from other players on our forum. Happy military campaigns to you!

In the Cossaks 3 strategy, the developers have implemented several single-player campaigns in which players are invited to take control various countries. However, as in the first part of the series, these campaigns are quite difficult to complete, so we decided to write a walkthrough for one of them, namely: “How to become a Generalissimo.” It includes five separate missions.

1. Thwart enemy plans

Task: you need to gather your troops and talk with the general after making all the necessary preparations.

First of all, we create an army. We spend resources wisely, since some types of resources will no longer be replenished until certain tasks are completed. Afterwards we speak with the commander-in-chief.

Objective: it is necessary to free the peasants who are being held captive near the crossing.

With the previously created army, we leave the fortress and drive away the Turkish troops entrenched next to the mills. Chase them and destroy everyone you can reach. Convoys with several detachments of enemies will begin to sail to the other side of the river using a ferry. We select a small group of soldiers in advance to immediately transport them to the opposite shore using another ferry. This group must catch up with the convoys and deal with them before they reach the allied fortress.

However, this is not necessary. Even if the convoys get into the fort, the game will not end - the enemy will simply gain a slight advantage.

Then we use ferries to transport our entire army to the other side. We head to the open fortress and kill all the enemies there. This battle shouldn't cause you any problems.

Objective: four Turkish fortresses located in the southeast should be destroyed.

After receiving a new mission, the location of three forts will immediately be revealed to us, since we have already destroyed the fourth.

Note that there is a neutral settlement in the northeast of your base. If you send a cuirassier there, you can recruit 40 pandurs (good marksmen). To the east of your own village you can find captured peasants. We advise you to free them as quickly as possible, since extra pairs of workers will be very useful, because you cannot hire peasants in this task. If you go even further east, you can stumble upon allied troops.

To the south of your village there will be a crossing where several more of your peasants are being held. Deal with the guards and free the prisoners. The three remaining fortresses will be shown on the map, so you can easily find them.

Remember the place where you came across the allies? So, in the southwest of them you can meet a small group of soldiers who will share interesting information with you. They are not enemy spies, so you can listen to their advice. Place as many riflemen as possible at the top of the gorge and wait for the Turks to arrive. You can easily deal with your opponents and capture their cannons, which can be used to destroy the gates of the main fortress, located in the northeastern corner of the map. Next we attack the fortress and deal with all the Turks.

2. Holy League

To complete this mission you need to destroy all the Turkish armies. A loss is counted if all your units are killed.

We advise you to collect 4 thousand gold and 10 thousand units of food as soon as possible. In this case, the Venetians will help you. Convoys with resources should be transported to the southwestern corner of the map. Just leave them there and in a couple of minutes friendly armies will arrive at you. When you capture a fortress located in the north-west of the map, the Polish army will come to your aid.

Start developing the city right away. Subject to availability sufficient quantity resource, send the convoy to the bottom of the map. You can assign minimal security to the caravan, since you will not encounter resistance along the way, but at the very beginning you will receive help from Venice.

Try to destroy the bandits located in the north. In this case, a group of good units will appear on the map, which will come under your command for a small fee. In the upper right corner you can find a chest with some gold. Send a couple of soldiers there to organize the convoys. As for the Turkish armies, they are located in the east and southeast. After you deal with them, the mission will automatically end.

3. Conquest of Italy

To complete this mission you need to deal with the entire French army, marked in white on the map. You will also have to destroy the diplomatic center and 3 academies. The French army will be assisted by Mantua and the Spaniards.

The Spanish camp is located southwest of your primary location. By default they are neutral towards you, so they will not raid. However, things can change if you get too close to their base.

At the bottom of your camp you can stumble upon a merchant who will offer a treaty with the Venetians for “only” 10 thousand gold coins. If you decide to pay, you will be able to march your troops through the Venice base. However, the passage will only remain open for a few minutes. The French will then turn to the Venetians and demand that they close the gates. You will be able to conclude an agreement with Venice again by paying 15 thousand coins, but this time access to the passage will last for a limited time, so try to get your army through it as quickly as possible.

If you go through the gates of Venice, you will come across their camp. They will be neutral not only towards you, but also towards the French, so you can simply ignore them. Even lower will be a detachment from England. They will offer you their help for 2 thousand coins. There's no point in refusing them. Once you reach the upper right corner, you will find the exit from the Venetian camp to the east. Right next to it will be the base of Mantua, which is fighting on the side of the frogs. Deal with Mantua as soon as possible, as he will constantly send his troops to you.

If you go further east, you will find the French army. You need to destroy it to complete the mission. Thus, if you decide to go through the Venetian camp, you will not have to fight Spain, but in this case you will spend a lot of gold coins.

4. Rescue of Turin

In this mission you will take part in a large-scale battle between several armies. The first step is to study the enemy's positions, and then develop a plan of attack and return to camp.

To win this mission you need to destroy all French troops. You will lose if all your soldiers are killed.

First of all, we will examine the positions of the French troops. The necessary advice can be obtained from the field marshal. In the northern part of the map you can find a ford with which you can bypass enemy defenses. There is a French fortress in the south that should be captured as quickly as possible.

After the start of the battle, from the east and northeast, from time to time, the French would receive reinforcements in the form of cavalry units and infantry. Note that you don’t have to complete the first task if you already know the location of the enemy army and have drawn up a rough plan of attack. Therefore, you can immediately approach the Italian fortress located in the west and chat with the field marshal - to do this you need to come close to him.

As soon as you talk to him, a fairly large squad will come under your control. Immediately start moving north. It is worth sending cavalry to the front line to quickly destroy soldiers with long-range weapons. Naturally, the French will notice your maneuver and send their cavalry to intercept. By this time you will already be at the very top of the map in the middle. Defeat the French cavalry, and then attack the upper French troops from the rear.

Don't forget to send one of the hussars to the officers of the 2nd additional detachment, ordering them to attack. At the average difficulty level, you can order two other units to attack. Note that the hussars are standing next to the field marshal. You just need to give them the task to approach the necessary officers located on the right side of the Italian troops.

Once the 2nd additional unit completes its objective, you will have full control over it. By the end of the battle, all units will be under your command. Halfway through the battle, Venice will decide to open the gates of Turin and send its troops to your aid. Deal with the remnants of the French troops to complete the mission.

5. Siege of Belgrade

To complete this mission you need to force Belgrade to surrender. If you lose all the soldiers, you will fail the mission.

Your troops will appear in the upper right corner of the map. Belgrade is located right in the center. First of all, we advise you to go west without crossing the river. First you will meet peasants. You can either kill them all, or simply let them go. This decision will not affect anything in the future.

In the upper left corner you will find a Turkish fortress. There is little security here, so you can easily destroy it. After capturing the fortress, ships and rafts will arrive to you along the river. The latter can be used to transport an army across water.

On the western side in the middle you can find artillery without guards. Be sure to capture it to bombard Belgrade from afar. You can convince the city to surrender if you transport all the troops to the other side of the river and attack it. However, we will warn you in advance that Turkish troops may attack you from the south, so constantly monitor your rear.

Full, open map in the first mission. - this is the fortress of the allies and also your settlement. - this is a village with an army. The point is that if you send your cuirassier there, then you get 40 archers. - there are peasants here, so everything is simple here: you send an army there, free the peasants and get workers (since you can’t hire them in this task, they will be extremely useful). - this is another additional army (allies). - here it is necessary to free the peasants near the crossing. - this is the fortress to which the convoy is sent. - This is the second key fortress, located in the southeast. - This is the third key fortress, located in the southeast. - This is the fourth key fortress, located again in the southeast. - this is the main fortress of the Turks.

. Goal: "Gather the soldiers and talk to the general when you're ready"

First of all, build an army. However, please note that only those resources that appear at the beginning of the game will be available to you. The point is that until certain goals are achieved, there is no way to replenish resources. So use your available resources wisely.

. Goal: “Free the peasants at the crossing”

So, as soon as the army is ready for battle, talk to the general, who will be marked with an exclamation mark. Immediately after a short conversation, leave the fortress and go to drive the Turks away from the territory of the mills. Just follow them and kill everyone you can along the way. At some point, the convoys with a group of enemy soldiers will sail to the opposite side using a ferry. Be careful here, because it is necessary to allocate a detachment in advance in order to transport the army to the opposite shore without any delays by another ferry. These convoys must be caught up and destroyed before they manage to get inside the fortress.

However, if you were unable to stop the convoys that entered the fortress, then nothing particularly serious will happen. In any case, after this you need to use the ferries again to get to the territory of the open fortress. A battle awaits your army there, but it will be quite easy. However, immediately after this, four fortresses will have to be destroyed, each of which has much more serious troops.

. Goal: “Destroy 4 Turkish fortresses in the southeast”

First of all, the location of all three fortresses will be revealed to you. And three for the reason that one of them has already been captured and cleared. If you want to take a longer look at where and what is located, then the map is located a little higher.

Also pay attention to the blue dots that are located to the left of the number “4”. So there will be a man standing there with two guards. When you meet this person, he will share with you quite useful information. I recommend listening to him, because he is not a spy. In general, place shooters at the top of the gorge and wait for the Turks to appear. Moreover, remember that the more shooters are on top, the greater the chance of defeating the Turkish detachment with minimal losses. The Turkish detachment, in turn, will come from the main base.

This Turkish detachment will in turn transport artillery. So, immediately after destroying the enemy soldiers, the artillery can be captured and the fortress gate in the upper corner of the map on the right side can be immediately destroyed without any problems.

Episode 2 - "Holy League"

Full, open map in the second mission. - this is your key base. - here, if you destroy a small Turkish criminal gang, then a small group of soldiers will appear, which will immediately offer their services (I recommend not to refuse them). - this is a Turkish fortress, having destroyed which, Polish troops will appear (these troops consist of cavalry units). - here you need to send convoys with food and gold for the Venetians, as a result of which you will receive an army that will support you (it is enough to send convoys at the very beginning of the game). is the blue Turkish army that must be destroyed. - this is the green Turkish army that must be destroyed.

So, to complete this episode, you need to defeat the Turkish troops. If you lose all your troops and peasants, then the mission will fail. If you collect 10,000 units of food and 4,000 gold coins, then the Venetians will lend their assistance in this matter. However, the convoys with these resources will need to be taken to the lower left corner of the map. Do you remember?

Also pay attention to the black dots on the map - this is the northern fortress. If you capture it, then the Poles will also help you in the battle. Don't forget to develop the city. And as soon as possible, send a convoy with resources to the lower left corner so that the Venetians can provide assistance in the battle. There will be no threat to the convoy along the way, so there is no need to worry in vain.

Immediately after the destruction of all two key armies, the task will come to an end. It is also worth noting that in the upper right corner of the map you can find a chest with gold. You can approach it with absolutely any of your units, after which convoys will appear. To get the gold, the convoys must be delivered to your base.

Episode 3 - "The Conquest of Italy"

Full, open map in the third mission. - this is the place where you have to set up your own base. - this is a Spanish camp that is considered neutral, so there will be no raids, but if you pass them with your troops, then you will also have to fight the Spanish army. - a merchant (old man) will appear in this place, offering for a fairly modest fee (only 10,000 gold coins) an agreement, again with the Venetians. The essence of the deal is simple: you pay money, the Venetians allow you to pass through their camp. The agreement can then be concluded again, but for 15,000 gold coins and only for a limited amount of time, after which these “guys” will forever close the passage through their camp. So don't forget to withdraw your troops on time. - the aforementioned Venetian camp is located here - neutral troops who do not provide assistance to any of the represented opponents. - an English detachment is already located in this place, but in order to stumble upon them, you will first have to pay the Venetians for passage. Only after this will it be possible to hire an English combat unit for only 2,000 gold coins. - Mantua’s camp is already located here. The point is that this vile man decided to help the French, so it is for this reason that he will regularly attack your camp with his troops. So I recommend destroying it as quickly as possible. In addition, if you decide to go through the territory of the Venetians, then first of all you will have to face the troops of Mantua. - Well, this is the final goal - the French enemy camp.

To win, it is necessary to completely destroy the troops of the French army, three French academies and one diplomatic center. On the map, French troops will be marked in white. However, this is not all, because, among other things, the French will be assisted by the Spaniards and Mantua. Finally, remember that after a certain amount of time, a Prussian detachment will appear right next to your camp, offering you its free services.

Episode 4 - "Saving Turin"

Complete, open map of the fifth mission. - these are your troops. It is they who will have to be led at the very beginning of the massacre in order to at least slightly disperse the formation of the enemy army, so it is best to attack from the flank. - this is the second additional combat unit, but which you cannot control. - this is the third additional combat unit, but which again cannot be controlled. - This is the last additional unit, the management of which is not under your control. - there is a ford in this place. Thanks to the ford, it will be possible to bypass the French and attack their army from the flank, having previously dealt with the rangers (who are located in the territory of the ford). In addition, some French troops could even be attacked from the rear. - this is French reinforcement that will pass through the bridge, which you can already take under your strict control. - this is the part of the French army that will be attacked by the second additional detachment. - this is the part of the French army that will be attacked by the third additional detachment. - this is that part of the French army + castle that is already being attacked by the fourth additional detachment. - this is Turin. The Venetians, who will be neutral at the very beginning of the massacre. "- it is from this point that other additional detachments for the French army will advance.

First, carefully examine your enemy’s positions and draw up an attack plan, after which, with peace of mind, return back to headquarters. To win, you must once again destroy the French. If you lose all your soldiers during the game, then you lose.

So first of all, carefully examine the positions of the French army. You can get useful tips from your field marshal. The ford, which is located at the top in the north, deserves special attention. Thanks to this ford, it will be possible to bypass enemy defenses. And don't forget about the French fortress in the south, which is best destroyed.

Also understand that you don’t have to complete the first task. If you know about the location of the troops and the plan of action, then simply go to the Italian fortress, which is located closer to the west (a little to the left on the map), next to the third additional detachment. The field marshal will stand in this place. You need to talk to him, and to do this you will have to get closer to him (at the very beginning, control the cavalryman and the drummer).

Immediately after this, your personal combat squad will be under your strict control. Head up north. I recommend sending cavalrymen who have swords there - they will quickly kill the rangers with minimal losses. After this action, the French will almost immediately find out about your trick. So at this moment it’s time to cross the river a little to the right in order to find yourself in the very center of the map. In this place, the first thing you do is destroy the cavalry on the right side, and then attack the French troops above from the rear.

Simultaneously with the above actions, send one of the hussars to the officer of the second additional combat detachment. On normal level difficulty, it will be possible to give the order to the other two units to begin the attack. The hussars (aka messengers) will be located at the same fortress where the field marshal with whom you recently spoke is located. It is enough to simply give an order to the selected area, which is located around the officers, which is located to the right of the Italian army.

As soon as one of the additional units completes the assigned task, a message will appear notifying you that the troops are awaiting further orders. So from this moment on, it will be possible to lead another detachment. But by the end of the battle, all units will come under your leadership. And around the middle of the battle, the Venetians will open the gates of Turin and go to provide assistance. To complete the mission, all that remains is to finish off the last remnants of the enemy forces.

Episode 5 - "The Siege of Belgrade"

Complete, open map of the fifth mission. - your troops are in this place, and you don’t have to wait for reinforcements - there won’t be any. - on the way to the fortress in the west, you will meet peasants, killing or releasing them will still not change anything. - artillery troops are located at this point, and without any security. Therefore, a completely logical question arises: why not take them under your sensitive control? - There is a Turkish fortress here. The fortress is guarded by a rather weak army, so destroy the towers, gates and kill everyone who can resist you. - here is the very Belgrade that you have to convince to surrender. Before the attack, you have to transport your troops to the opposite bank. - the Turkish enemy army is located at this point. The fight will be quite difficult. - here, after capturing a small Turkish fortress (in the west, upper left corner of the map), your fleet will appear. The fleet will include a couple of ships and rafts. Naturally, use rafts to transport troops across the river.

To win the final episode, you have to force Belgrade to surrender. And as usual, you will lose if you lose all your troops. First of all, go to capture the Turkish fortress, which is located in the west.

The first campaign in "" is divided into five parts, each of which reflects one or another significant historical event in the history of Austria. In this walkthrough we will look at all the episodes, analyzing their subtleties and describing best options to complete on standard difficulty.

With a break in the enemy's plans

Problem 1

First of all, you need to increase your army, and then talk to the commander. In special buildings that are indicated on the map, start recruiting soldiers.

You will only be able to station a certain number of warriors, since your resources are strictly limited. So do not spend them on one type of troops, but distribute them wisely, equipping a full-fledged army with infantry, cavalry and artillery.

Problem 2

As soon as the army is assembled, report to the general and go to the crossing with the peasants. It will be captured by the Turks - kill them and capture the point.

Separate a detachment of soldiers from your army in advance and bring them to the shore. In any case, some of the Turkish soldiers will reach the ferry and try to escape from you by moving to the opposite part of the land. When they run, you must immediately send a dedicated detachment after them (putting it on the ferry), which can finish off the remnants of the army and prevent the convoy from reaching the fortress.

Then transport the main army to this shore, again using the ferries. When the troops are in one place, line them up and begin the assault on the fortress. The fight will be easy, so don't expect any serious losses.

Objective 3: Capture four fortresses in the southeast

After capturing the first Turkish fortress on the coast, you will receive a more difficult task - to conquer four more. Check out the map below if you want to know the exact location of your own and enemy bases.

1) Your home base

2) An ordinary village in which neutral troops are located. Send one cuirassier there if you want to get an additional forty arrows.

3) Neutral peasants are located here. Since in this part of the campaign you cannot hire peasants yourself, you can free these ones, after which they will begin to serve you.

4) Part of the allied forces.

5) More peasants who can be freed.

6) The fortress that you will capture immediately after the crossing.

7) The second base of the Turks, located below and to the right.

8) Third base, located in the same place.

9) The fourth base, also located in the southeast.

10) The main forces and head fortress of the enemy.

Take a closer look at the blue dots that are barely visible to the left of point “4”. In that place there is a rather useful person - a spy who will easily provide you with interesting information. On his advice, post shooters above the gorge and wait for some time. After a few minutes, the Turks will pass here, whom you can completely kill if you post many shooters (occupy the entire height of the gorge).

This group is equipped with artillery, which you can repel. Ultimately, it will be useful to you during the capture of the main fortress. Finally, don't launch an attack immediately when the Turks first appear - let them get further away.

Holy League

In this part of the campaign you will have to fight a huge Turkish army. If all your peasants and soldiers die, you will be defeated.

For additional help, accumulate ten thousand provisions and four thousand gold, place the resources in wagon trains and transport them to the southwest of the map, where the Venetian settlement is located. For such generosity they will thank you not only with one “thank you”, but also with brave warriors.

At the top of the map there is a hostile fortress, whose soldiers continually raid Polish villages. If you capture this base, you will receive help from the Poles.

At the same time, develop the city. Get resources quickly to get the Venetian regiments. The map below shows you exactly where everything is.

1) Your head fortress.

2) Turkish thugs, whose death will bring a small detachment of warriors to your side.

3) The same fortress, the capture of which will give you the famous winged hussars (from Poland).

4) The place where the merchants of Venice are located. Send them help to get additional troops.

5) The first Turkish army to be defeated.

6) The second Turkish army, subject to defeat.

When you have dealt with both armies of the Sultan, the task will end. However, before completing it, you can go to the northeast of the map, where a treasure with gold will appear. One unit is enough to open it. After this, convoys will appear that will deliver the money to your base.

Capturing the Apennines

To gain the upper hand, in this mission you will have to defeat the French army. In addition, it is necessary to destroy several academies and the house of diplomats.

Along with the French, you will be opposed by the Spaniards and the small state of Mantua. Look at the map to thoroughly understand the list of actions.

1) A gathering point for your armies and peasants, where you need to build a fortress.

2) The settlement of Spain, which initially treats you indifferently, but with caution. They will not attack your lands, but will immediately attack you as soon as you pass their camp.

3) Another point of traders from Venice. By paying the local merchant elder ten thousand gold, you will receive recognition from the Venetians, who will peacefully allow your troops through their base. Keep in mind that in a few minutes the French will put pressure on the merchant republic, urging it to annul your agreement. The latter will submit, but you can open the passage again by paying fifteen thousand gold. This time the path will again be open for a limited time, after which it will close forever.

4) The base of Venice, which took the neutral side in this battle.

5) English mercenaries who will easily join your army for two thousand coins.

6) Troops of Mantua. They help the French army, being their full ally. Expect constant raids from this side, or immediately gather an army and destroy it.

7) The final goal of the mission is the French base.

At a certain point, if the mission drags on, you will receive reinforcements from the Prussians. The iron troops will fight for you for free.

About the liberation of Turin

Conduct reconnaissance and outline an offensive plan

To achieve victory in this part of the campaign, you will again have to fight the French. If you lose all your troops, you will be defeated.

The field marshal will tell you how to inspect enemy positions. At the top, for example, you can find shallow water and wade through the river. It is best to advance from here to bypass the enemy's main defensive positions. On the completely opposite side of the map there is another enemy fortress, which is best to eliminate first.

When you enter the battle, the French will begin to receive constant reinforcements in the form of cavalry and ordinary soldiers from two sides - the northeast and the east. Let's look at the map to get detailed information about enemy positions.

1) Your army is located here, which you will have to lead from the flank.

2) The second part of your army, which will be controlled by the AI.

3) The third part of your army, which will be controlled by AI.

4) The fourth part of your army, which will be controlled by AI.

5) The same ford that is guarded by the French rangers. Kill them to be able to move the entire army to the flank and attack from the side. A small detachment can be taken to the very top to attack from the rear.

6) Replenishment for the French army will come from here. Close this bridge with a separate army so as not to allow reinforcements to pass through.

7) One of the units of the French army, with which the second part of your army will fight.

8) One of the units of the French army, with which the third part of your army will fight.

9) One of the units of the French army, with which the fourth part of your army will fight.

10) The immediate formal goal of the mission is Turin, which will remain neutral until the start of the battle.

11) Another vein through which replenishment for the French army will pass.


At the very beginning, you don't have to complete the first task. Familiarized with the enemy's positions, you can immediately go to the Italian fortress, which is located to the left of your third army. Here you will find a field marshal who will give you valuable information.

After this, you will be given control of a whole detachment (before this, only a cavalryman and drummers were available). As cavalrymen, head north to deal with the French skirmishers. Now the enemies will know about your intentions - go past the river, go to the center of the map and get ready for battle. After destroying the cavalry, attack the French army from the rear.

At the same time, send a messenger to the first neutral detachment of your army to give the order to attack. For more high level difficulty, you need to send a hussar to each of the detachments, when, as in normal situations, you need to send only one. The messengers, if you haven’t noticed, are awaiting your command at the same base where the field marshal is stationed.

When the auxiliary army completes its assigned task, you will be notified that the army is awaiting new instructions. After this, you will be able to manually control this group, and by the end of the battle - all armies. In the middle of the battle, the Venetian regiments will leave Turin and head towards you to help.

From the battle of Belgrade

To complete the Austria campaign, you need to capture the city of Belgrade. You will fail if all your warriors die.

The following map will show you the exact location of the enemy troops.

1) Your entire army is stationed at this position (there will be no reinforcements).

2) On the way to the base, which is located on the right side of the map, peaceful peasants are located. You can kill them or leave them in peace - it won't make any difference.

3) There is abandoned artillery here, which you can appropriate for yourself with impunity.

4) At this position there is an Ottoman fortress, the capture of which will not be difficult. There are few guards there, so feel free to attack.

5) The final goal of the campaign is Belgrade. You must attack this city with all your might to force the garrison to surrender.

6) Here you will encounter the main forces of the Ottoman Empire. Get ready for a brutal fight.

7) By capturing the Turkish base in the northwest, you will receive a fleet. There will be few ships, but they will help you quickly transfer armies across the river.

Video: cost and characteristics of Austrian troops

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