Ksenia Sobchak appeal to the President. Ksenia Sobchak's appeal to Vladimir Putin

Speech by journalist Ksenia Sobchak.

The Russian TV presenter addressed Petro Poroshenko on the Dozhd channel in connection with the ban on the territory of Ukraine of Yandex, the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, and the mail server mail.ru.

Some of her arguments seem quite compelling. However, TV presenter Yevgeny Kiselev, who has been working in Ukraine for a long time, sharply criticized the journalist.

Here are excerpts from his post.

“I don’t know about you, but it was really funny for me to watch Ksenia Sobchak’s address to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. I immediately remembered: “This thing is stronger than Goethe’s Faust.” And Bulgakov’s “Abyrvalg” - there is something “Sharikovsky” in this whole story, turning obvious things inside out...

Sobchak’s speech, as for me, turned out to be more anecdotal or more amusing than Sergei von Ribbentropovich Lavrov’s latest pearl about “visa discrimination” against the residents of Crimea.

Ksenia Anatolyevna was funny not only because of her appearance- in my opinion, it is impossible to make speeches in such a dress, filled with prosecutorial pathos - and not only with its peremptory nature (not a single phrase like “in my opinion”, “I believe”, etc. - not a shadow of doubt about one’s rightness).

The funniest thing, it seems to me, is the inappropriateness and inadequacy of the genre in which the popular TV presenter performed.

One can sympathize with Ksenia Anatolyevna - for many years now she has not been able to get rid of the poisonous marker with which her role as the mistress of “House-2” marked her, even if it was just a mistake of her youth. It’s impossible to combine the image of a socialite, a darling of glamor magazines, a successful restaurateur and Putin’s goddaughter with the new role of the host of serious programs with a slight oppositional flair. However, as it says folk wisdom, and eating fish and riding a tram is hardly possible.

Be that as it may, for comparison, just imagine how Ksenia Sobchak addresses, say, US President Trump with criticism about his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey? Or - for some other reason - to the President of France, the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

Or - in a deep neckline - reads a moral to Angela Merkel for hosting the strangler of freedom on the Internet, Petro Poroshenko, at her country residence?

By the way, the funniest thing is that the meeting between Merkel and Poroshenko at Meseberg Castle took place on the very day when Ksenia Anatolyevna publicly frightened Pyotr Alekseevich that now he would not be accepted in a decent society, and the German Chancellor would definitely turn his back on him...”

I liked how one of the critics of the decision to ban Russian social networks compared them to the autobahns that Hitler built on the eve of the Second World War. Yes, along them the Wehrmacht quickly transferred its troops to the East. But then, along these first-class roads, the counter-offensive against Berlin just as rapidly developed soviet army. Isn’t Ukraine depriving itself, by fencing itself off from Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, of the opportunity to reciprocally influence Russian public opinion?”

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

On the day of the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro, you were in your hometown. And the terrorist attack, planned or not, happened literally under your nose, as they say. Not as close, of course, as the murder of Nemtsov, but still very close.

At that moment, you were talking enthusiastically with your Belarusian colleague Alexander Lukashenko. Perhaps they exchanged experience on how best to disperse youth rallies: they have fashionable water cannons, but we don’t have these water cannons yet. And at the same time, my aunt, Aunt Larisa, my mother’s sister, was 40 meters underground in that same subway section. Ten minutes after her train passed Tekhnolozhka, a bomb exploded. Only these ten minutes separated my family personally from a great human tragedy. Why did this happen in your city, where you literally personally know all the top FSB officers?

A few days ago, I discussed with my colleague Pavel Lobkov: there are terrorist attacks all over the world, explosions in London, shootings in Paris, waves of violence are rolling in from all sides and parting as if going around St. Petersburg. Because to encroach on St. Petersburg is to encroach on the entire imperial history of a great power and on your long-term presidency. They committed mass murder in your home.

A few days before, we all saw how armed National Guardsmen lined up in a column saved the city from schoolchildren, but a few days later they came with demonstrative searches to the Sestroretsk school and put them facing the wall, allegedly looking for drugs from the schoolchildren. Are you sure this is the correct distribution of forces? Are you sure that the counter-terrorism department, which in St. Petersburg for decades did not allow a single bastard to show itself thanks to the legendary Colonel Korol in our city, and is now almost collapsed and left without agents, is the correct leadership of state security?

From the heights of the Kremlin, you are watching how some GB officers eat others, are friends with businessman Mikhalchenko, have almost eaten up the Ministry of Internal Affairs with various showdowns, and only departments “E” for the fight against bloggers and city crazy people are inviolable and are growing throughout the country.

I know that you always pay close attention to any street activities, but when so many trained fighters share business roofs and spend days catching “pillars” on social networks - haven’t you distracted them from something more important?

Maybe otherwise they wouldn’t have let in Akabarjon Jalilov, who lived in your, our city for 6 years, made sushi, and was a member of radical groups on VKontakte? True, he didn’t write “Down with Putin,” maybe that’s why they didn’t pay attention to him?

They have been blowing up Moscow for a long time, they are blowing up the North Caucasus almost every day, they are crashing into the careless Stockholm crowd, but now they are blowing up the city that you, personally, love so often, and your officials respond to you with regular “putings”, violently assembled according to orders on the square by state employees and students. Is this really a worthy answer?

Source - Dozhd TV channel

Ksenia Sobchak appealed to the president Vladimir Putin after the tragic events of April 3rd in St. Petersburg. She called on the head of state to switch the attention of the special services from the pointless fight against the opposition to the security of the country.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

On April 3, the day of the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro, you were in your hometown, and the terrorist attack - planned or not - occurred literally “under your nose.” Not as close, of course, as the murder of Nemtsov, but still close. At that moment, you were talking enthusiastically with your Belarusian colleague Alexander Lukashenko. Perhaps they exchanged experience on how best to disperse youth rallies; they have fancy water cannons, but you don’t yet.

And at the same time, my aunt, my mother’s sister, was 40 meters underground, in that very subway section. 10 minutes after her train passed Tekhnolozhka, a bomb exploded. Only these ten minutes separated my family from a great human tragedy.

Why did this happen in your city, where you literally personally know all the top FSB officers? A few days ago, I discussed with my colleague - there are terrorist attacks all over the world, explosions in London, shootings in Paris, waves of violence are rolling in from all sides and parting, going around St. Petersburg. Because to encroach on St. Petersburg is to encroach on the entire imperial history of a great power, and on your long-term presidency. They committed mass murder in your home.

A few days before, we all saw how, lined up in a column, the armed National Guard of your former adjutant Zolotov “saved” the city from schoolchildren. A few days later they came with demonstrative searches to the Sestroretsk school and made them face the wall - they were allegedly looking for drugs.

Are you sure this is the correct distribution of forces? Are you sure that the counter-terrorism department, which in St. Petersburg for decades did not allow a single bastard to show itself, thanks to the legendary Colonel Korol, and is now almost collapsed and left without agents - is this the correct leadership of state security?

From the heights of the Kremlin you are watching how some KGB officers eat others, are friends with businessman Mikhalchenko, almost finished the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and only departments “E” for the fight against bloggers and city madmen are untouchable and are growing throughout the country.

I know that you always pay close attention to any street activities, but when so many trained fighters share business roofs and spend days catching “pile up” on social networks, haven’t you distracted them from something more important? Maybe, otherwise, they wouldn’t have missed Akbarjon Jalilov, who lived in your city for six years, made sushi and was a member of radical groups in the same contact. True, he didn’t write “down with Putin,” maybe that’s why they didn’t pay attention to him?

But the World Cup is ahead, which will be the first major event of your fourth presidential term. Having survived the pre-Olympic terrorist attack in Volgograd, we may not survive the pre-football terrorist attack - and so relations with the world are not the warmest now, they may completely deteriorate, this championship - your new toy - will be cancelled.
They have been blowing up Moscow for a long time. They blow up the North Caucasus almost every day. But now they are blowing up the city that you so often confess your love for. And your officials respond to you with regular marches - state employees and students forcibly assembled in the square according to the order. Are you satisfied? Is this a decent answer?

Ksenia Sobchak recorded a video message to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko because of his decree blocking access to a number of Russian social networks and services, the Dozhd TV channel reports.

Sobchak was outraged by the decision of the head of the Ukrainian state and accused him of having been at war with his own people for three years. The TV presenter notes that everyone who fought the war on social networks lost.

“Only a political suicide can fight with social networks and memes. Because you are alone, and half of your people sit on these social networks, who are famous for their rebellion and humor. The people who organized the Maidan, volunteer battalions precisely through social networks are tools of fascist propaganda that you prohibit. The people who paid for the “Revolution of Dignity” with thousands of lives, and you drained this dignity into one decree. cesspool", she claims.

The presenter recalled that the WhatsApp messenger was developed by a Ukrainian who sold it for an amount equal to half the entire budget of Ukraine. Now he is in no hurry to return to his homeland.

“For several years now, federal talk shows in Russia have begun with the fact that things are bad in Ukraine. They began to run out of topics, and now you generously poured them a bunch of sweets from your company Roshen. Now those who in Russia want to ban Telegram and the Internet in general, give advice to Ukrainians on how to bypass your bans. In the rankings of the most downloaded programs in Ukraine are TOR and VPN, which allow you to easily jump over your clumsy decree, which will be carried out by your lazy and corrupt officials,” Sobchak criticizes the Ukrainian. president.

In conclusion, she noted Poroshenko’s “incredible ability” to create enemies for himself out of previously loyal citizens.

“With your decree, you rallied international human rights activists, the Azov battalion and Russians who sympathized with you, who one day declared you an enemy of freedom of speech. And when you need to call some European leader, he will ask for a short certificate about you. And it will be written there - this is the one who did not let the disabled Russian singer into Eurovision and banned social networks. And Merkel or Macron will ask the secretary to call back later,” says the TV presenter.