Which of the singers on our stage is Jewish. Famous actresses of Jewish origin

Pseudonyms of the Jews of the USSR in the field of cinema

Alfred Grieber

Theater and film actor, theater director and teacher Alexander Sanin (Alexander Akimovich Schoenberg) (1869-1956).

Theater and film actor, theater director and theater teacher Leonid Leonidov (Leonid Mironovich Wolfenzon) (1873-1941). People's Artist of the USSR (1936).

Theater and film actor Vladimir Vladislavsky (Vladimir Vladislavovich Elnik) (1891-1970). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1948). People's Artist of the USSR (1967).

Theater and film actor and director Iosif Tolchanov (Iosif Moiseevich Tolchan) (1891-1981). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1950). People's Artist of the USSR (1962).

Theater and film actor Georgy Tusuzov (Gevorg Luisparonovich Tusuzyan) (1891-1986). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1961).

Actor, playwright and screenwriter Leonid Lyubashevsky, D. Del and Daniil Del (Leonid Solomonovich Lyubashevsky) (1892-1975). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1939). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1941).

Writer, screenwriter, screenwriter and critic Oleg Leonidov (Oleg Leonidovich Shumansky). (1893-1951).

Actor, variety artist, singer, musician and orchestra leader Leonid Osipovich Utyosov (Leizer Iosifovich Weissbein) (1895-1982). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1942). People's Artist of the USSR (1965).

Film director, screenwriter and film theorist Dziga Vertov (David Abelevich Kaufman, later also known as Denis Abramovich and Denis Arkadyevich Kaufman) (1895/1896-1954).

Theater and film actress Faina Grigoryevna Ranevskaya (Faina Girshevna Feldman) (1896-1984). Three times winner of the Stalin Prize (1949, 1951, 1951). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1937). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947). People's Artist of the USSR (1961).

Theater and film actress and theater teacher Cecilia Mansurova (Cecilia Lvovna Vollerstein) (1896/1897-1976). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1943). People's Artist of the USSR (1971).

Theater and film actor Emmanuil Geller (Emmanuil Savelyevich Khavkin) (1898-1990). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974).

Film director, screenwriter and actor Friedrich Ermler (Vladimir Markovich Breslav) (1898-1967). Laureate of four Stalin Prizes (1941, 1946 - twice, 1951). People's Artist of the USSR (1948).

Playwright, screenwriter and film theorist Natan Zarkhi (Natan Abramovich Gurevich) (1900-1935). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935).

Theater and film actor Anatoly Goryunov (Anatoly Iosifovich Bendel) (1902-1951). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1946). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1950).

Theater and film actor, director and screenwriter Erast Garin (Erast Pavlovich Gerasimov) (1902 - 1980). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1941). People's Artist of the USSR (1977).

Film director, playwright, screenwriter and actor Alexei Kapler (Lazar Yakovlevich Kapler) (1903-1979). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1941). Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1969).

Theater and film actor Boris Olenin (Boris Yulievich Girshman - Gersht) (1903-1961). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1949). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1950).

Cinematographer Vladimir Semyonovich Nielsen (Vladimir Solomonovich Alper) (1906-1938).

Cinematographer, documentary filmmaker, film director, screenwriter, photographer and teacher Roman Karmen (Roman Lazarevich Kornman) (1906-1978). Laureate of three Stalin Prizes (1942, 1947, 1952). Honored Art Worker of the Azerbaijan SSR (1959). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1960). People's Artist of the USSR (1966). Laureate of the National Prize of the GDR (1970). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1975). Hero of Socialist Labor (1976).

Writer, playwright, screenwriter and journalist Oscar Kurganov (Oskar Ieremeyevich Esterkin) (1907-1997). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1972).

Director and screenwriter Jan Fried (Yakov Borukhovich Friedland) (1908-2003).

Film director and screenwriter V. Vladimirov (Vladimir Petrovich Vainshtok) (1908-1978). Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1969). Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1978).

Director Roman Grigoriev (Roman Grigorievich Katsman) (1911-1972). Winner of two Stalin Prizes (1949, 1951). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965). Honored Art Worker of the Uzbek SSR (1971).

Actor and singer Mark Bernes (Mark Naumovich Neiman) (1911-1969). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1951). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1965).

Director, screenwriter and playwright Zakhar Agranenko (Zakhar Markovich Erukhimovich) (1912-1960).

Theater and film actor Vsevolod Yakut (Vsevolod Semyonovich Abramovich) (1912-1991). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1946). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1959). People's Artist of the USSR (1980).

Playwright, screenwriter, writer and poet Maurice Slobodskoy (Mikhail Romanovich Slobodskoy) (1913-1991).

Theater and film actor Zinovy ​​Efimovich Gerdt (Zalman Efroimovich Khrapinovich (1916-1996). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1959). People's Artist of the USSR (1990).

Playwright, writer, screenwriter and poet Alexander Volodin (Alexander Moiseevich Lifshits) (1919-2001).

Animated film artist and director Leonid Shvartsman (Israel Aronovich Shvartsman) (1920). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2002).

Film director and screenwriter Samson Samsonov (Samson Iosifovich Edelstein) (1921-2002). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1978). People's Artist of the USSR (1991).

Film director and screenwriter Alexander Alov (Alexander Alexandrovich Lapsker) (1923-1983). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965). People's Artist of the USSR (1983).

Actor and theater director Mikhail Vodyanoy (Mikhail Grigorievich Wasserman) (1924-1987). Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1957). People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1964). People's Artist of the USSR (1976).

Writer, playwright and screenwriter Leonid Zorin (Leonid Genrikhovich Zaltsman) (1924).

Theater and film director Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros (Natan Isaevich Efros) (1925-1987). Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1976).

Film director Mikhail Kalik (Moses Naumovich Kalik) (1927).

Writer, screenwriter, film director and journalist Ephraim Sevela (Efim Evelevich Drabkin) (1928-2010).

Playwright and screenwriter Mikhail Shatrov (Mikhail Filippovich Marshak) (1932-2010).

Director, screenwriter and actor Alexander Mitta (Alexander Naumovich Rabinovich) (1933). Winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1972). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2002). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2004). Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Theater and film actor Semyon Farada (Semyon Lvovich Ferdman) (1933-2009). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1999).

Theater and film actress Ariadna Shengelaya (Ariadna Vsevolodovna Shprink) (1937). People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1979). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2000).

Screenwriter, playwright and writer Arkady Inin (Arkady Yakovlevich Gurevich) (1938). Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation.

Writer, screenwriter, producer and director Eduard Topol (Eduard Vladimirovich Topelberg) (1938).

Composer Alexander Zhurbin (Alexander Borisovich Gandelsman) (1945). Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation.

Theater and film actress Tatyana Vasilyeva (Tatiana Grigoryevna Itsykovich) (1947). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1992).

Most full list Jewish artists of the Russian stage. Part I. June 21st, 2013

I wrote like them, and now like us. I had to sweat a lot more to find bits of information.

1. Leonid Agutin (Leonty Nikolaevich Chizhov)- Soviet and Russian singer, songwriter, composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in Moscow, in a Jewish family of musician and tour manager Nikolai Petrovich and a teacher primary school Lyudmila Leonidovna (nee Shkolnikova).

2. Angelica Varum (real name Maria Yurievna Varum)- was born in Lvov in the family of composer Yuri Ignatievich Varum and theater director Galina Mikhailovna Shapovalova. Tinned artist of the Russian Federation.
Father Yuri Ignatievich (Itskhakovich) Varum recalls: "My grandfather's surname Robak, he comes from Warsaw, where my father was born. When the Second World War, his brothers and sisters, forced to flee Poland, decided to take a rare surname "Varum" for themselves, so that after the war it would be easier to find each other. Stuck in Warsaw, my grandfather Yudka died in the ghetto along with his entire family. A deeply religious man, he enjoyed great authority, they came to him, like a rebbe, for advice, for resolving controversial issues.

3. Larisa Alexandrovna Dolina (Larisa Alexandrovna Kudelman)- Soviet and Russian pop and jazz singer, actress. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. She was born in Baku in a Jewish family of builder Alexander Markovich Kudelman and typist Galina Izrailevna Kudelman (née Dolina). AT three years old moved with her parents to Odessa, native city parents.

4.Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov- Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and poet, Honored Artist Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Father, Major Mikhail Semyonovich Gazmanov, was a professional military man, a Tatar by nationality; mother, Zinaida Abramovna (1920-2006) - a cardiologist in a military hospital, Jewish by nationality.

5. Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli- Soviet, Georgian and Russian singer, actress, composer, Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR (1989), People's Artist of Georgia (1991), People's Artist of Ingushetia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
"I am a man of the world. I grew up in an international family. My father is Georgian. I am as emotional as he is. And my mother is Jewish. Here I am in her mind. For Georgians, I am Tamara Gverdtsiteli, and for Jews - Tamara Kofman - Gverdtsiteli, I was born and raised by a Jewish mother, and over the years I feel more and more of my Jewish genes. can only be explained by the feelings that I have towards my mother and the closest people ... My grandfather Vladimir Abramovich, whom I remember very well, belonged to the Kaufman family. After the revolution, part of the family emigrated from Russia. "

6.Jasmine- Russian pop singer, actress, model, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan. Born in a family of mountain Jews. Great-grandmother lives in Israel.

7. Leonidov, Maxim Leonidovich- was born in a family of actors of the Leningrad Academic Comedy Theater, Honored Artists of the RSFSR Lyudmila Alexandrovna Lyulko and one of the founders of the famous skits Leonid Efimovich Leonidov (real name Shapiro). The famous Russian singer lived in Israel for six years, recorded two music albums (in Hebrew and Russian), played in a musical, starred in a movie. And then he returned to his native St. Petersburg, recorded his hit about “Vision Girl”. Now Maxim lives in Russia, but continues to love Israel.

8. Lolita Markovna Milyavskaya (Lolita Markovna Gorelik)- Russian pop singer, actress, TV presenter and director. Mom, singer, worked in a jazz band. My father worked with my mother as an entertainer, conducted the orchestra. During the tour of her parents, little Lolita was brought up by her grandmother. In 1972, the parents divorced, in 1974, the father emigrated abroad.

Humanity has been living on our planet for many centuries. During this time, our roots have become so intertwined that it becomes almost impossible to figure out what nationality you are. I would not be surprised that if you dig deeper, among my ancestors there are residents of some Mozambique.

At the same time, it is very funny that very often Jewish roots are found in people. Even those who consider themselves an ardent representative of one nation have Jewish ancestors. And Russian celebrities not at all an exception. Today we will talk about famous artists who have enough Jewish relatives, and some even come from Israel ...

Larisa Dolina (Larisa Kudelman)

The future People's Artist of the Russian Federation was born in Baku in a Jewish family. Father - builder Alexander Kudelman, mother - typist Galina Kudelman (nee Dolina). When the girl was 3 years old, the family moved to their hometown of Odessa.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The singer has said many times that she was born in an international family. Her mother is Jewish and her father is Georgian. “I was born and raised by a Jewish mother, and over the years I feel more and more my Jewish roots”, - Tamara shares with the press.

Maxim Leonidov

A famous Russian singer who lived in Israel for 6 years, where he even published an album in Hebrew. In addition, Leonidov has a second citizenship. It's not hard to guess which one.

Boris Moiseev

The future famous singer was born in prison because his mother showed dissatisfaction with the then authorities. And the boy’s childhood passed in a small Jewish ghetto in the provincial Mogilev.

Mikhail Turetsky

The well-known head of the Turetsky Choir was born into a Jewish family from Belarus. The father of the future singer and conductor was Boris Borisovich Epshtein.

Elena Sparrow (Elena Lebenbaum)

The Honored Artist of Russia, whose numbers are laughed at by millions, was born into a Jewish family of Yankel Movshevich Lebenbaum and his wife Nina Lvovna.

Maksim Galkin

In one of his interviews, the humorist and parodist said that there are enough Odessa Jews in his family along the line of his mother.

Valery Syutkin

“My mother's surname is Brezhidskaya. She is of Polish and Odessa blood. To put it bluntly... So I'm a normal Polish inhabitant of Odessa. I have Jewish roots!”- says the singer.

Vladimir Vinokur

The comedian, singer and TV presenter was born in the Jewish family of the builder Natan Lvovich Vinokur.

Angelica Varum

The singer recalls: “My grandfather was born in Warsaw and his surname is Robak. After the outbreak of World War II, he and his brothers and sisters were forced to flee. They took the rare surname Varum, so that later it would be easier to find each other. And another grandfather Yudka got stuck in Warsaw and died in the ghetto. He was very respected, they went to him, like a rabbi, to help resolve controversial issues.

Leonid Agutin

Like his wife, Leonid also has Jewish roots. He was born into a Jewish family of a musician and primary school teacher.

Oleg Gazmanov

The composer, poet, singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation was born in the family of a military man, Mikhail Gazmanov, who was a Tatar by nationality, and a doctor, Zinaida Abramovna ...

Jasmine (Sara Manakhimova)

Russian singer, Honored Artist of Dagestan was born in a family of mountain Jews. Her great-grandparents still live in Israel.

Lolita Milyavskaya (Lolita Gorelik)

Lolita's father worked with the girl's mother as an entertainer, and also conducted the orchestra. When they were on tour, the girl was raised by her grandmother. In 1972, the parents divorced, and two years later Lolita's father emigrated to Israel.

Mikhail Shufutinsky

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation was born in the family of a doctor and war veteran Zakhar Davidovich.

Clara Novikova

The Russian surname Novikova received from her first husband, who was a musician. And she was born in Kyiv in the family of the director of a shoe store, Boris Zinovievich Herzer.

Alexander Kutikov

Famous Russian musician, vocalist, composer, music producer. Honored Artist of Russia. Born into a Jewish family.

Of course, these are not all celebrities who have Jewish roots. I'm sure you didn't even know about many of them. But still, fans love them not for nationality or origin, but for creativity.

It's no secret how Jews were treated during World War II. It is no secret to anyone what this nation had to go through in our country both in the pre-revolutionary and in the Stalin era. Anti-Semitism was extremely widespread, and it still exists today. Meanwhile, there are many Jews among well-known, talented people, real professionals in their fields.

Who are the Jews

Jews are often called Jews. However, they are not entirely synonymous. Jewish - nationality, this is a person whose mother is Jewish, professing Judaism. Accordingly, a Jew is one who belongs to the Jewish faith. If a person was not born a Jew, but converted to Judaism, according to the current law in Israel, he is also considered a Jew. From the word “Jew”, a biting nickname “Jew” was formed, which was previously used to call all people of a given nationality in a negative way.

The word "Jew" comes from the biblical "Hebrew", it can be translated as "alien". This value is directly related to the origin of this ethnic group.

Origin of the Jews

According to the Bible, the first Jews appeared on Earth in the second millennium BC. They arose on the territory of ancient Canaan, when the Semitic pastoral nomads crossed the Euphrates (hence the "aliens") and mixed with the Canaanite farmers and the pre-Semitic population. Those who appeared in Canaan were subsequently divided into twelve tribes, and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are considered their ancestors.

Later, the Jewish population stratified around the world, diasporas appeared (the so-called part of a people who do not live on their territory) in different countries. As a result of the Jewish genocide after the Second World War, Israel was created.

Famous Jews of Russia: the past

As soon as the unfortunate Jewish people have been humiliated in all ages, in all countries, emphasizing that these people cannot have any special features, merits and talents, that people like them - "Kids" - cannot and should not achieve anything. Nevertheless, among the outstanding people in the most diverse fields that exist, the Jewish nation is immeasurable. Which once again proves that it is not a matter of nationality. The point is in the person himself.

Among the descendants of Jacob who lived and worked in the last century, there are many who have achieved recognition in their midst. These are scientists, actors, and writers… Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Zhabotinsky, Yakov Sverdlov, Lev Trotsky, Abram Ioffe, Evgeny Lifshits, the Gnessin family and many, many others - this is not a complete list of famous Russian Jews of the nineteenth-twentieth centuries. About some of their "colleagues" - a little more detail below.

The science

Many people know the famous psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, but not everyone knows that his real middle name is Simkhovich, and in the surname instead of “t” there should be “d”. Both his mother and father belonged to the Jewish people. He graduated from the faculties of law, as well as the faculties of history and philology, taught, began to study psychology from the study of the psychology of art (he released a monograph of the same name).

At the turn of the century, the future aviation designer Semyon Lavochkin was born in Smolensk. At birth, he received a slightly different name - Shlema Aizikovich Shoper. His father, a Jew by origin, worked as a melamed (that is, a teacher). He served in the army, graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School, first became an ordinary designer, then - the head of aircraft design. Machines created by Lavochkin took part in the battles of the Great Patriotic War.

Future Laureate Nobel Prize in physics and a famous scientist also comes from the Jewish ethnic group. Born and raised in Baku, where he graduated from two faculties - Physics and Mathematics and Chemistry. The first scientific works appeared in print in the late twenties.

Yakov Isidorovich Perelman is a person who, perhaps, everyone knows. He was born in Bialystok (now Poland) to a Jewish family. He published his first essay at the age of seventeen. At the same time he studied at the institute and worked in a magazine. He received the specialty of a forestry scientist, but did not work on it, choosing a different path for himself - science and publications. The first voluminous work - one part of "Entertaining Physics" - became available to a wide range of readers in 1913 and immediately made a splash. This is how the genre of "entertaining science" appeared - that is, science that shows the familiar, the ordinary from an unexpected, interesting side.


The Anton brothers and famous composers also had Jewish roots. Their father was a merchant, their mother was a musician. In the early thirties of the nineteenth century, most of the family converted to Orthodoxy, thanks to which they were able to settle in Moscow. Anton Rubinstein first demonstrated his talent in public at the age of ten, Nikolai, who is six years younger, began performing in concert at the age of seven. Subsequently, Nikolai was also a conductor, as well as a piano teacher.

Isaac Beru Tsalievich Dunaevsky, or, as is more familiar to many, simply Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky, is a famous Soviet composer, author of music for a huge number of films. His Jewish family was musical, from the age of eight he learned to play the violin. He graduated from the conservatory in the class of this musical instrument, worked for four years in Kharkov as a composer and conductor. In 1924 he settled first in Moscow, later in Leningrad.

Alfred Schnittke came from a family of mixed blood - his father was a Jew, his mother was German. At first, the future composer spoke German, he learned Russian later. He began to study music at the age of twelve in Vienna, where his father worked after the Great Patriotic War. Later he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, remained there as a teacher.


Songwriter, singer-songwriter (they are also called bards) Alexander Galich at birth received the name Ginzburg. Both of his parents belonged to the Jewish family, his mother worked at the conservatory, his father was an economist. At the age of fourteen he published his first poem, and after the ninth grade he entered the Literary Institute and the Stanislavsky Studio, studied at two institutions at the same time, but did not graduate from any. In 1940, he co-wrote the first play, at one time he worked in this genre. He began to write songs and perform them with a guitar on his own in the late fifties.

The famous writer and poet, Nobel Prize winner in literature, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, is also one of the most famous Jews in Russia. His father was an artist, his mother was a pianist. For six years, the future writer studied music, he composed several piano works himself. He entered literature at the beginning of the second decade of the last century.

The famous children's writer is also included in the list of famous Russian Jews (pictured). His father was a Jew (later he converted to Orthodoxy), his mother was Russian. The youngest Eugene was also baptized into Orthodoxy. He studied first as a lawyer, but then chose the profession of a writer. He worked under the leadership of Marshak, was involved in the creation of the famous children's magazines "Chizh" and "Hedgehog". He wrote plays that were never staged while Stalin was alive.

In general, it must be said that Soviet literature is especially rich in famous Jews of Russia. Pavel Antokolsky, Isaac Babel, Osip Mandelstam, Lev Kassil, Veniamin Kaverin (real name Zilber), Yuri Tynyanov, Emmanuil Kazakevich, Agniya Barto, Viktor Dragunsky, Samuil Marshak, Anatoly Rybakov, Yuri Levitansky, Evgeny Dolmatovsky and others - a whole galaxy of names, left their mark on Russian (and not only) literature.

Theater and cinema

Natan Isaevich Efros - Anatoly Vasilievich Efros received this name at birth, a theater director who should be attributed to the famous Jews of Russia. He was fond of theater since childhood, graduated from the directing department of GITIS. Throughout his life he worked in several theaters, was the author of many productions.

Arkady Raikin is also on the list of famous Jewish actors in Russia. He was born in Riga in a Jewish family, was fond of theater from early childhood. When the family moved to Petrograd, he began to study in a theater group, later graduated from a technical school for performing arts, and worked at the Lenkom Theater. Variety brought him great fame, rather than theater - he became very popular, performing with a variety of pop miniatures.

In addition to Raikin, famous Jewish actors include Leonid Utyosov (Lazar Weissbein), Rostislav Plyatt, Zinovy ​​Gerdt (Zalman Khrapinovich), Faina Ranevskaya (Feldman) and others.

Famous Jews of modern Russia

The above are briefly listed people who left a mark in science, art or other professional fields, but who, unfortunately, have already long years not among the living. Some, who can be called our contemporaries, died relatively recently - in the new millennium. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the film director, theater and film director Vladimir Motyl, film director Mikhail Schweitzer, circus performer Igor Kio, actor and director Mikhail Kozakov, and art critic Vitaly Vulf.

Below is a little more detail about famous Jewish people in Russia who are still alive.


A businessman, multibillionaire, owner of the Chelsea football club, governor of Chukotka - all this is about Roman Abramovich, who comes from a Jewish family. Entrepreneurial activity has been engaged since the end of the eighties of the last century, thanks to which he made his fortune.

Outrageous politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky is known to everyone in our country. He was born in Kazakhstan and for the first eighteen years he lived under his father's surname - Edelstein. Zhirinovsky is the mother's surname. Since the early nineties, he has been the head of the LDPR party.

Acting environment

Actor Valentin Gaft is also one of the most famous Jews in Russia (pictured). Since the late fifties of the last century, he has been playing in the theater, and at the beginning of the new century he made his debut as a director. Managed to star in more than a hundred films - and this is not the limit!

Director and screenwriter Valery Todorovsky is also a Jew. He was born in Odessa, graduated from the screenwriting department of VGIK. He is the director of ten films and the screenwriter of fifteen.

Music environment

Surprisingly, a huge number of contemporary performers have Jewish roots. For some you can't even tell. This list includes Leonid Agutin (Leonty Chizhov), his wife Anzhelika (Maria) Varum, Oleg Gazmanov, Jasmine, Boris Moiseev, Marina Khlebnikova, Mikhail Shufutinsky, soloists of the Bi-2 group Leva (Igor Bortnik) and Shura (Alexander Uman ), Maxim Galkin, Valery Syutkin, Arkady Ukupnik.

Mikhail Turetsky, the founder of the famous Turetsky Choir, also belongs to the Jewish people. His real surname is Epshtein, while Turetsky is his mother's surname. The artist took it in memory of relatives from the maternal side who died during the Holocaust.

Also among the famous Jews of Russia is the People's Artist of our country Larisa Dolina - her real name is Kudelman. She was born in Baku, from the age of seven she studied music, worked in the State Orchestra of Armenia. In addition to the "folk", she also has the title of "Honored" artist of Russia.


As you can already understand, there are hundreds of talented Jews in our country. You can list them endlessly. Famous Jewish doctors in Russia, for example, include Leonid Roshal and Ilya Mechnikov, Jews in the environment of science and education - Anatoly Wasserman and Zhores Alferov, in journalism - Vladimir Solovyov.

All of them are just a few of those talented people who belong to the Jewish nation. There are enough professionals, as well as amateurs, among any nation - it doesn’t matter if you are Russian, German or Jewish.

Recently I noticed that many comedians and actors on the Russian stage and in the cinema are Jews, I looked more closely - it turned out to be the majority. Interested, but how is it in Hollywood and it turned out exactly the same. But, at least, finding information about the nationality of their celebrities is much easier.

It turned out to be a rather curious list with many surprises. The list has been compiled purely for educational purposes.

In the list of actors whose faces are more or less recognizable to the Russian-speaking audience, I took myself as a focus group). As a preamble, a famous quote from Lenin: “Of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us..

16. Ben Stiller (Benjamin Edward Stiller)- Born in the family of comedians Jerry Stiller and Ann Mira. Irish mother, father of Jewish origin from a family of immigrants from Poland and Galicia.

17. Sacha Noam Baron Cohen- was born into a Jewish family in Surrey. Parents: Gerald and Daniella Baron Cohen. My father was the owner of a men's clothing store. Daniela's mother Naomi Weiser was born in Israel.

18. Daniel Jacob Radcliffe– mother Marcia Janine Gresham Jacobson, casting agent, born in South Africa, in a Jewish family of immigrants from Russia and Poland.

19. Amanda Peet Born to social worker Penny Peet (née Levy) and corporate lawyer Charles P. Jewish mother.

20. Sarah Michelle Gellar- born in New York, was the only child of Roselin (maiden name Greenfield) - educator kindergarten, and Arthur Gellarov. Both of Sarah's parents are Jewish.

22. Dustin Lee Hoffman- the second child in the family of Harry and Lillian Hoffman. Mother Lillian (née Gold, 1909-1981) is a jazz pianist, father is Harry Hoffman. Both are descendants of Jewish emigrants from Russia and Romania.>

23. Kate Garry Hudson Kate Hudson was born to singer Bill Hudson and actress Goldie Hawn. Among the mother's ancestors were Jewish immigrants from Hungary. She was brought up in the spirit of the Jewish religion.


24. Jesse Adam Eisenberg (Jesse Adam Eisenberg American actor, best known for his roles in the films Squid and the Whale, Park of Culture and Leisure, Welcome to Zombieland and Social network". He was nominated for an Oscar for his role in The Social Network. Born into a Jewish family of immigrants from Ukraine and Poland.