Quail eggs composition and nutritional value. Quail eggs composition

Quail eggs are a popular food item. They are often used in cooking, dietary nutrition, or for health purposes. This is also due to their benefits for the body.

Despite their small size, they are the richest source of useful vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements.

The chemical composition of quail eggs

Quail eggs are much smaller in size than usual chicken eggs. The weight of one egg can be 9-18 grams (depending on the quail breed).

The quail egg contains:

If we compare the composition of a quail egg and a chicken egg, then in terms of content nutrients the former will be richer. For example, they contain three times more vitamin A, and eight times more iron.

Nutritional value of the product

The nutritional value quail eggs quite high. 100 grams of the product contains:

  • proteins - 12 g.;
  • fats - 13 gr.;
  • carbohydrates - 0.6 g ..

Calorie content of quail eggs

Compared to chicken eggs, the calorie content of quail eggs is slightly higher. It is 168 calories per 100 grams of product.

But if we take into account the small size of the eggs, then the calorie content of the dish as a whole turns out to be low. For example, a serving of five eggs will contain about 75 to 80 calories.

Double product benefits

It turns out that not only protein and yolk are beneficial, but it is also ground to a powder state and used as a vitamin supplement.

The structure of the quail egg shells includes: calcium carbonate, which is 90% total weight shells, and many useful trace elements.

The shell is very useful for a growing child's body, as well as for osteoporosis, rickets or anemia. Shells are also an excellent supplement for the health of hair, nails and teeth.

To prepare the powder, the shell is placed in water and boiled for about 7 to 8 minutes. After that, you need to drain the water, rinse the shell and boil again for 7 to 8 minutes. After that, it is dried and ground in a mortar or coffee grinder.

Useful properties of quail eggs

The product is almost universal: it is useful for both adults and children, it can be used for allergies or dietary nutrition. Due to the composition of quail eggs, the benefits of their use are enormous.

  • Immunity is strengthened and improved general state organism. It is recommended to consume quail eggs during recovery and convalescence periods.
  • Hypertension and cardiovascular diseases are also an indicator for the use of the product. Thanks to vitamins and minerals, blood vessels are strengthened, heart function improves.
  • The inclusion of quail eggs in the diet helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. This is especially useful for children and the elderly.
  • If you are allergic to chicken eggs, they can be replaced with quail eggs (except in cases of individual intolerance). This will help keep your diet rich and healthy.
  • When the body is depleted or under increased stress (physical labor, stress), quail eggs will help support the body and not undermine health.
  • Lysozyme in quail eggs is a natural antiseptic. This property helps with various inflammatory processes in organism;
  • Tyrosine, which is part of the composition, promotes cell renewal. This property has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Improve memory and concentration;
  • Quail eggs are often included in the diet. They are nutritious and healthy. They are well absorbed by the body and contribute to weight loss.

Benefits for children

It is imperative to include this product in the children's diet. Vitamins, minerals and protein included in the chemical. the composition of quail eggs, help the body in the formation of bone and muscle tissue, have a beneficial effect on immunity, concentration and the ability to assimilate information.

Quail eggs are necessary for children suffering from allergies, various dermatitis and inflammations.

Enough 1-2 eggs a day to maintain immunity. At the same time, the risk of colds is reduced by 2-3 times.

The benefits of quail eggs in the female diet

The presence of vitamins and minerals (especially vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants) helps in the prevention of cancer.

It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and decreases susceptibility to stress.

Quail eggs will be especially useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding... Pregnancy is softer and easier, teeth and hair are kept in good condition, the manifestation of toxicosis decreases. Also, the woman maintains a healthy hormonal background.

Quail eggs are also used for skin and hair care. They are included in masks and various nutritional mixtures.

The benefits of quail eggs for men

Regular consumption of the product helps to strengthen the body and immunity. The product is great for men who are fond of sports or with increased physical activity... The rich composition contributes to the formation of muscle tissue.

In addition, the body's ability to recover increases.

Gradually strengthening the cardiovascular system, the metabolism and the process of hematopoiesis improves.

How to eat quail eggs

Rinse eggs thoroughly under running water before use. Or pour boiling water over them. Especially if they are used raw. This will help get rid of pathogens on the eggshell. This measure is necessary both when using the eggs themselves and the shell.

The shell is quite fragile and when cleaned boiled eggs small fragments can often come across. To avoid this, special scissors are used. They grab and fix the bottom of the egg, and the top can be simply cut off.

When boiling, time should be controlled. For a soft-boiled egg, 1-2 minutes are needed, and for hard-boiled about four.

The shorter the duration of the heat treatment, the more benefits will be retained in the product. A lot of important substances are contained in the yolk of a quail egg. Therefore, eggs with liquid yolk are recommended.

Cooking applications

Quail eggs are widely used in cooking. They are boiled, pickled, used for baking, and included in salads.

Small eggs with bright yolks decorate any dish perfectly.

Use in dietary food

The greatest benefits can be obtained when the product is consumed raw. Or after light heat treatment. For example, they can be boiled for 30 seconds. This cooking method practically does not change the amount of vitamins and minerals in the quail eggs.

Restrictions on the use of the product

Despite the vitamin-rich composition of quail eggs, there are restrictions on the use of this product. The daily dosage depends on the age and condition of the person:

It is necessary to introduce this product into the diet gradually, starting with a small amount. It's worth starting with half the daily allowable dosage. Gradually, the amount can be increased, depending on how you feel.

The state of the body is improving rather quickly. Already after 10 - 14 days, the first changes may be noticeable.

Shelf life and storage conditions

According to GOST, quail eggs are divided into:

  • dietary, the shelf life of which is 11 days;
  • canteens that are suitable for consumption within 30 days.

All eggs are packed on the first day. Diet are marked with the letter "D" indicating the date of packaging. After 11 days, dietary eggs become table eggs.

It is necessary to store quail eggs at a temperature of about +8 ° C, with an air humidity of 75 - 80%.

What else you need to know about quail eggs

Before you include quail eggs in your diet, you need to know some facts about them.

  • The use of raw eggs is possible only in complete safety. To do this, you must purchase the product from a trusted seller and follow the rules of hygiene. Be sure to wash the shells thoroughly before use and always check the shelf life.
  • Quail eggs contain cholesterol. But such cholesterol is called beneficial. It is well absorbed by the body, participates in the course of biochemical processes in the body and does not clog blood vessels.
  • Quail eggs are not low-calorie foods. They enter the diet thanks to choline. It helps to establish fat metabolism. Thanks to vitamins, a stable emotional state is maintained. But as you know, stress has a bad effect on the metabolism, which is reflected in the figure.

Quail eggs are a healthy, dietary food. In chinese alternative medicine Quail eggs have been used for thousands of years to treat conditions such as asthma and rhinitis, hay fever and spasmodic coughs, as well as eczema and psoriasis. Modern research has shown that healing properties quail eggs are associated with their rich composition.

Photo by Shutterstock

Nutritional value of quail eggs

Quail eggs are rich in vitamins and minerals. Their small size is deceiving, as their nutritional value is three to four times higher than that of chicken eggs. So, in one chicken egg 11% of proteins, and in a quail - 13%, a quail egg contains 140% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B1, and in a chicken - 50%. In addition, quail eggs contain five times more iron and potassium.

Quail eggs also contain: - vitamin A; - vitamins of group B (B2; B6, B12); - vitamin D; - iron; - magnesium; - zinc; - copper; - phosphorus.

The fact that they do not contain "bad" cholesterol, but are rich in "good", helps to rank quail eggs as a dietary food.

The protein in quail eggs contains ovomococid, which prevents the development of allergies. Chicken proteins do not contain this compound.

Eating quail eggs regularly can help fight many diseases. This product is useful for disorders in the digestive system, problems associated with gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcer. Quail eggs strengthen the immune system, improve memory, increase brain activity and stabilize the nervous system. They are used for anemia, as they can increase hemoglobin levels, and also remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. Quail eggs can prevent kidney and liver stones from forming and, in some cases, promote their elimination. Chinese healers have used quail eggs in the treatment of tuberculosis, asthma and diabetes. They also believed that these eggs have anti-aging properties.

It has been proven that children who regularly eat quail eggs are less likely to get sick infectious diseases... For men, quail eggs, rich in phosphorus, vitamins and proteins, serve as an excellent stimulant of sexual activity. For women, quail eggs are in demand not only as food, but also as a component of various firming masks for hair and skin. Quail eggs are useful for pregnant and lactating women, they are believed to have a beneficial effect on the quality of breast milk.

Also, naturopaths believe that quail eggs are useful for people experiencing stress, depression, panic and anxiety attacks, patients with migraines, different kinds allergies, bronchitis, heart problems. Quail eggs stimulate growth, help control blood pressure and lipid metabolism.

Some people claim that quail eggs can help fight cancer and AIDS, but this is not proven by scientific research.

How are quail eggs used for medicinal purposes?

For medicinal diet food quail eggs are recommended to be eaten raw. Those who do not really like the taste of raw eggs are recommended to add them to orange or tomato juice. You can also make eggnog from quail eggs. Since the shell of quail eggs is not so porous and the egg itself is surrounded by a dense membrane and contains lysocin, which fights bacteria, you can eat them raw without fear of salmonellosis. To strengthen the immune system, you should consume 3-5 eggs daily for 12 to 20 days.

In Asian countries, a raw quail egg dish called uzuro is popular. To prepare it, break the egg into a glass and add the chopped green onions, some soy and hot sauce. They drink usuro in one gulp.

What can be made from quail eggs

Quail eggs contain more yolk than chicken eggs and have a more pronounced flavor. They can also be eaten hard-boiled and soft-boiled, put in salads and on sandwiches, made into cream and omelets. Dip a quail egg in boiling water for one minute if you want a soft-boiled egg, two minutes if you need a bagged egg, and three or four minutes if your goal is to make a hard-boiled egg. You don't have to boil the eggs, but put them in hot water and cover with a lid.

When adding quail eggs to baked goods, you should know that due to the content of yolk in them, it will be heavier and denser. Replacing chicken eggs with quail eggs, instead of one egg from a chicken, take 5–6 eggs from quails. Appetizers with quail eggs turn out to be elegant. For example, you can bake them in the oven in champignon hats, lightly pepper, season with salt and herbs, or make canapes with them.

Most recently, we discussed the topic 🙂 Today we will talk about useful and harmful properties ah chicken and quail eggs.

The egg is the basis of life... It contains all the necessary substances for the formation of the embryo and the development of the embryo by nature itself. This fact alone pushes the egg to Olympus of beneficial properties for humans. Eggs are used in nutrition by vegetarians as a protein supplement to their diet.

The benefits and dangers of all eggs have been talked and argued for a long time and a lot, and the disputes tend to one way or the other, depending on the results of new research. And thank God eggs as a product have been rehabilitated and you can eat them every day, of course, if you are not concerned about losing your weight. Anyway, 4-5 eggs a week is absolutely healthy!

Egg composition (chicken quail and other birds)

In their composition, eggs contain water, proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes, macro-microelements:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acid(Omega-3),
  • folic acid;
  • choline- improves memory and promotes transport and withdrawal, strengthening of the heart muscle;
  • lecithin-, the work of the brain, promotes production, is a building material for cells.
  • biotin (vitamin H (B7) Is a rare vitamin that is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and interacts with insulin.
  • leucine- improves activity, participates in protein synthesis, restores muscles after physical exertion.
  • an egg contains almost all the elements of the periodic table in the form of trace elements that are so necessary for us to ensure the vital activity of the body: they are especially rich in potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron.

One chicken egg contains 14% Daily Value Protein for a person .

Calorie content of chicken eggs 155 - 160 kcal / 100 g.

Composition and Comparative characteristics chicken and quail eggs

The table shows that quail eggs contain more vitamins and microelements.

By weight, one chicken egg (50 - 70 g.) Contains from 4 to 6 quail eggs (10-12 g.).

Quail eggs useful properties

Quail eggs feature

Quail eggs deserve special attention. Already their attractive appearance, reminiscent of sea pebbles, makes quail eggs a choice product for children. They are not only tasty and very useful for the child's body, but also do not cause diathesis and do not have any side effects.

Quail eggs contain a special substance tyrosine that participates in the formation of skin pigment and gives it a healthy look. This property of eggs determines their use in the cosmetic industry.

Quail eggs are rich lysozyme- an enzyme that has the ability to dissolve harmful bacteria, thereby providing immunity and increasing human health. Lysozyme cleanses the kidneys and liver in the body. In addition, thanks to him, the protein in the quail eggshell is stored for a long time and does not deteriorate, and after time it simply dries out. The shells of quail eggs are thicker than chicken eggs, so eggs can be stored twice as long as chicken eggs.

And finally, it has been scientifically proven that quail eggs cannot be infected with salmanellosis, for the reason that the body temperature of quails is 42 degrees, which does not allow salmonella microorganisms to survive. This opinion was recently confirmed by E. Malysheva, the host of the Live Healthy program. Moreover, it has been established that quail eggs are practically sterile.

Thus, it turns out that quail eggs are even more useful than chicken eggs.

The calorie content of quail eggs is 168 kcal / 100 grams.

There are folk ways treatment and improvement of the body. So for the recommended reception of quail eggs:

Quail egg treatment

There are good results in the treatment of diseases such as

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart ischemia;
  • liver disease and chronic cholecystitis;
  • in the fight against obesity and for weight loss;
  • rickets and dystrophy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diathesis and various skin diseases.

The benefits of eggs for dietary nutrition, for children, men and women

  • Chicken, quail eggs are a natural dietary product, easily digestible up to 98% protein, used in human nutrition since ancient times. Quail is especially useful.
  • Beneficial substances, such as amino acids found in eggs and involved in the construction and formation of organs, make it possible to use the yolk in the nutrition of children infancy... Once upon a time, complementary foods began at 3-4 months, today doctors slightly delayed the period to a later one and recommend from 10-12 months.
  • Eggs have a low calorie content and at the same time, they can be used for diet and weight loss. So, one egg is only 80 kcal and 13% protein-protein!
  • For men, eggs are an irreplaceable product, they help to build muscle mass so necessary for them in physical work.
  • Eggs are stored well enough and for a long time - they are irreplaceable on the road, in a snack at work, thanks to their satiety, they are loved by the people. Eggs are an irreplaceable product and, as we can see, are useful to all categories of the population, from children to old people.

To get rid of the problem of short stature, the researchers suggest early age eat at least one egg a day. According to the assurances of scientists, this is enough for the child to begin to stretch upward.

The researchers conducted their experiment in Ecuador. Here, according to scientists, the country is not rich, therefore, at an early age, children do not receive the necessary amount of nutrients necessary for growth.

160 children took part in the program. At the start, their age was 6-9 months. Half were given one egg per day, the control group remained on their normal diet. Six months later, the results were compared, Gazeta.ru reports.

It turned out that children who received one egg every day had practically no problems with growth and normal development, while in the control group the children remained, as expected, less developed.

Eggs contain many nutrients according to pediatricians and researchers. Children who do not receive the required amount have pronounced delays in physical development. This problem is especially relevant for poor countries.

Eggs, on the other hand, are a product available almost all over the world, and also inexpensive. The daily consumption of eggs by children can at least partially compensate for the lack of all the components necessary for growth, which children must receive with food during development and adulthood.

Eggs can be used in any form from raw (if you are sure of their quality to boiled, fried, as an additive to salads)

Eggs with white or brown shells to choose

Everything is at your discretion. There is no particular sensitive difference between white and brown eggs, their composition is approximately the same. The color of the shell determines the color of the hen. White chickens lay white eggs, variegated brown ones.

Scientists have only found that brown eggs contain more omega-3s than white ones. Although this difference is insignificant. In addition, there are opinions that browns have slightly less cholesterol than whites. This is all provided that the chickens are kept in the same conditions and eat the same feed.

The strength of the shell is more often due to the age of the hen. The older the bird, the stronger the shell. And very often, nutritional adjustments increase the strength of the shell.

So when choosing eggs, you should not be guided by color, more important is the time when they were laid and what they fed the bird, that is, the taste of the eggs.

Useful properties of eggshell

There are many discussions about the benefits of eggshells. Doctors consider it useless and poorly or completely indigestible by the body. However, artificial calcium preparations are prescribed for everyone, and yet eggshells are natural. It is formed inside the body of a chicken, quail or other bird, therefore this fact already suggests its greater benefits than any calcium-containing drug or dietary supplement with it. In addition, people who take the shell testify good results in treatment.

I suppose that this is another collusion of doctors with pharmaceutical companies, who will buy the drugs if eggshells are available to everyone free of charge.

Poultry shells are 90% calcium carbonate, the rest is at least useful 27 microelements: iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, sulfur, silicon, copper, fluorine, molybdenum. Silicon and molybdenum are rarely found in other foods, and calcium carbonate from the shell is well absorbed by the body.

Therefore, eggshells and quail and chickens are an important source of these elements. You can use it in writing, with a lack of calcium, rinsing well with water, drying and grinding in a coffee grinder. In this case, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to the crushed shell. However, it is important to know that the body is really deficient in calcium, otherwise it may be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and harm the entire body.

It is better to start taking eggshells gradually with a small dose at the end of a teaspoon, bringing it up to 1/2 teaspoon for an adult per day. It is better to take it in the morning, immediately after drinking a glass of water, in order to avoid constipation. You can divide the portion in half: in the morning and before lunch.

Egg harm

1.It is because of the content in the egg that nutritionists attacked him. But as a result of new research, it was found that, although the egg yolk contains cholesterol, it is thanks to a special enzyme lecithin, which not only compensates, but also removes fats from the body. Scientists have determined that harmful saturated fats are 1.5 times less than healthy unsaturated fats.

2. An egg is an allergenic product. However, allergies most often occur in children aged 5-7 years. That is, the occurrence of egg allergy in adults is unlikely. Therefore, in childhood it is worth limiting the consumption of eggs by a child or always monitoring the body's reaction to this product.

3. The egg is a high-calorie product. His calorie content is 155 kcal per 100 gram of product or 75 -80 kcal per egg. On the one hand, this is good, but for people who care about their weight, it is a negative factor. For these categories, it is important to limit consumption to 1 egg per day. This is recommended by nutritionists, but they do not show clear evidence of the dangers of eggs. In addition, it was found that workers in poultry farms who consume this product often and many did not reveal any deviations in health at all, and if there is, then no more than other people.

  1. Opportunity to get infected salmanellosis... Don't eat untested eggs. All eggs that are sold in stores are quality controlled. In addition, all chickens are vaccinated on farms. Quails are not subject to vaccination, but usually because of their young age (quails begin to lay eggs at the age of 45-55 days). And yet, if you are not sure about the quality of the eggs, you need to cook them longer, at least 10 minutes.
  2. However, no need to digest eggs, it is known that the longer the egg is boiled, the harder it will be absorbed.

So, as we can see, there are still more useful properties of eggs than harmful ones. However, it must be remembered that all these beneficial features refer to poultry eggs. Many producers, in pursuit of quantity, stimulate egg production in chickens through various chemical additives, antibiotics and the wrong feed. We can only guess what quality these eggs, which you and I, of course, eat.

It is necessary to monitor the date of production of the product, eggs that are not more than 7 days for chicken are considered dietary. Quail has a shelf life of normal conditions increases 2 times and reaches 1 month. If the shell is intact, quail eggs can be stored for 30 days at a temperature of 18-23 ° C and 60 days at a temperature of 3-7 ° C. There is an opinion from personal experience that the shelf life in cool conditions reaches 4 months. Although why store eggs for so long, because the factor of the freshness of the product is important, then the benefits increase a hundredfold!

And remember always that measure is important in everything. Be healthy!

The quail egg is considered a dietary product necessary in the diet for the normal development of the child's body, for recovery in the postoperative period and for various diseases. The egg has a fairly thin light shell with characteristic dark spots. The weight of one quail egg ranges from 10 to 12 g.

Quail eggs and their beneficial properties have been known to mankind since the times Ancient egypt... The study of the properties of quail eggs in modern society was carried out by the Japanese, and the publication of scientific articles on the benefits of this type of eggs made quail eggs world famous.

The use of quail eggs and the consumption rate

Quail eggs are eaten raw, baked, boiled and fried. Their daily rate depends on the age of the person. So for children from 1 to 3 years old, the daily number of quail eggs is 1-2 pcs., From 3 to 10 years old - 3 pcs., From 10 to 18 years old - 4 pcs., From 18 to 50 years old - 5-6 pcs., Older 50 years old - 4-5 pcs. The effect of eating eggs appears no earlier than after two weeks of daily use. Eating eggs should be systematic, otherwise there will be no prophylactic and therapeutic effect.

Considered Best to Consume raw eggs, however, it is not always possible to be sure of the health of the bird and, accordingly, the egg. Therefore, with proper heat treatment, you can achieve maximum safety of all nutrients. So the process of cooking eggs should not exceed 15 minutes, if heating occurs for a longer time, then all vitamins and amino acids are destroyed.

Selection and storage

If the egg shell is not damaged, then quail eggs can be stored for 30 days at a temperature of 18-23 ° C and 60 days at a temperature of 3-7 ° C.

Calorie content

Fresh quail eggs contain 168 kcal. Quail eggs have a high fat content, which provides for their moderate consumption by overweight people.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of quail eggs

Composition and presence of nutrients

Quail egg contains many nutrients, including vitamins (, B1, B2, PP), micro- and macroelements (iron, phosphorus, potassium, cobalt, copper, calcium), essential amino acids (threonine, tyrosine, glycine, lysocine, and histidine).

One of the main advantages of quail eggs is the absence of any contraindications to their use. They do not cause allergic reactions even in half-year-olds.

Quail eggs are used in the treatment of diseases such as gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers, metabolic and digestive disorders, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, drops blood pressure, anemia, heart diseases, diseases of the organs of vision, genitourinary system, gallbladder and pancreas.

The presence of quail eggs in a child's diet contributes to better mental development, improved memory, concentration, strengthening of the nervous and immune systems. Especially the use of eggs has a positive effect on retarded children. Pregnant women are recommended to use this product to prevent the development of pregnancy pathologies, strengthen bone and dental tissue, and also to maintain immunity. For people in a more mature age, quail eggs are prescribed to combat chronic cholecystitis, remove excess cholesterol from the blood, and also to dissolve fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

In addition to all, the substances contained in eggs contribute to the binding and elimination of radionuclides. This is especially important for people whose work is associated with an increased risk of radiation exposure, people undergoing chemotherapy to fight cancer, and those who have already received a dose of radiation, for example, as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

For the prevention of rickets, hypocalcemia, fragility of bones, use a powder based on the shell of quail eggs. To cook it at home, you need to boil the shell of raw eggs twice for 5 minutes, then pour apple cider vinegar for a day, rinse in cold water, dry and grind in a coffee grinder or in a mortar. The powder should be taken once a day for 1 tsp. adults and 0.5 tsp. children under 10 years old.

Use in cosmetology

In addition to direct use, quail eggs are used in cosmetology for the preparation of firming and toning masks for the face, body and hair. For dry skin, you can use a mask of 3 yolks and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The mixture should be rubbed well and applied to the skin with massaging movements. You need to keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

With excessive activity of the sebaceous glands and oily sheen, unbeaten raw will help to cope egg white quail eggs. It should be applied in several layers as the previous one dries. After 15 minutes, the mask must be washed off with cool water.

For brittle and overdried hair, you can prepare a mask based on 3-4 quail eggs, vegetable oil (100 ml), preferably olive oil, and liquid honey (2 tablespoons). Beat the whole mixture thoroughly with a mixer and apply evenly over the entire length of the hair. Then cover your head with a plastic cap and a warm towel. After one hour, the mask should be thoroughly washed off with warm water and shampoo.

In cooking

Quail eggs in cooking are used to decorate banquet dishes, salads, omelets and mayonnaise.

Dangerous properties of quail eggs

It is a huge misconception that quails do not contract salmonellosis due to their high temperature body. It is a myth. Like any other poultry egg, it can be infected with the salmonella pathogen, and their use can lead to toxic poisoning of the body.

Excessive consumption of eggs can also cause stomach upset, due to the fact that most of them are not absorbed.

Can you drink raw quail eggs?

The quail egg is a wonderful dietary product that quite successfully displaces the chicken egg from the market. Why? Because it is quail eggs that contain those micronutrients that people need in our age - in the era of advanced technologies, denatured semi-finished products and terribly unnatural taste preferences. So to speak, all the relevant trace elements and vitamins are in one product (despite all the seeming absurdity of this approach).

Where are such conclusions from? Well, now we will try to put everything in its place. And let's start, as usual, with the chemical composition.

The chemical composition of a quail egg

Quail eggs: beneficial properties

What is missing in quail eggs ... Seeing such an abundance, we can assume that this product is able to cure a person from dozens and even hundreds of ailments. But is he capable?

Now many experts, and at the same time charlatans of all stripes, say that quail eggs can improve vision, remove radionuclides, increase potency, improve digestion, strengthen immunity, bones, teeth, nails and hair, fight viral and bacterial infections, stimulate normal nervous activity and even increase the intellectual abilities of people.

Too many positives for such small testicles? Perhaps. However, in the thoughts of all experts there is one clarification - to get the effect, you need to eat at least 100, or even 200 quail eggs. Moreover, this must be done over a fairly long period - from a month to a year. And yet ... you need to eat eggs EVERY day, without missing out on this wonderful "medicine". Moreover, the eggs must be raw, otherwise the lion's share of all nutrients will simply be destroyed.

Well, now you have all the necessary initial data for an adequate assessment of the beneficial properties of quail eggs. And now it makes sense to talk about them in more detail.

It is believed that the inclusion of quail eggs in the daily diet contributes to the early elimination of acute respiratory infections, asthma, pneumonia, as well as headaches and anemia. In addition, quail eggs help with gastritis and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

There is also an opinion that quail eggs may well perform the functions of sedatives and stimulants, because they can stabilize the activity nervous system and the brain even in the most stressful situations.

Useful quail eggs for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, have a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, fight cancer and have difficulties in regulating hormonal levels (due to a positive effect on the thyroid gland).

Quail eggs are also recommended for children, and literally everyone. Some - to accelerate growth and development, others - to stimulate brain activity and prevent rickets (quail eggs contain vitamin D in an assimilable form). You should not give quail eggs only to children who have not yet "hit" a year. For their digestive system is not ready for such foods. Although some doctors still allow the use of quail yolks at this age. So decide for yourself ...

Pregnant women, according to doctors, can and even need to eat quail eggs daily (2-3 pieces per day). This will eliminate the lack of micronutrients and help maintain a woman's hormones in a more or less stable state. Moreover, some argue that with quail eggs as breakfast toxicosis is easier to tolerate.

Note also that quail eggs have a very valuable shell, which consists of calcium, which is easily accessible to the human body. Just be aware: this applies exclusively to the shell of a raw egg. When heat treated, this calcium turns into useless "chalk". So crush the shells of raw eggs, mix them with lemon juice and eat them to your health.

Once again, we draw your attention: in medicinal purposes raw quail eggs are recommended to be eaten daily without interruption for several months. And separately from other food - preferably half an hour before breakfast.

Quail eggs: harmful properties

Quail eggs have no frankly harmful properties. However, these include a fairly high allergenicity (despite the beliefs of charlatans). The white of a quail egg is different from that of a chicken egg, but this does not mean that it is safer. In addition, the more quail eggs you eat, the higher your chances of developing allergic reactions from this product.

So if you are prone to allergies, then think carefully before starting a long "course of treatment" with this folk remedy.

It is also important to understand that any eggs are a protein product. Therefore, with some diseases of the liver and kidneys, they cannot be eaten.

The benefits and harms of raw quail eggs

As for raw quail eggs, there is always the possibility of contracting salmonellosis (again, despite the opposite opinion of charlatans). So either choose your egg supplier carefully or always boil them.

Allergic reactions are more difficult to earn with raw eggs than with cooked ones. Therefore, in this regard, raw eggs are even safer than boiled, baked or fried eggs.

Otherwise, the benefits and harms of a raw quail egg completely coincide with what is written above. At the same time, raw eggs contain several times more useful digestible substances than the same eggs, but thermally processed.

Cooking applications

In fact, quail eggs are a complete replacement chicken eggs... Therefore, they can be added everywhere: from omelets and salads to mayonnaise and baked goods.

The main thing is to understand that quail eggs are smaller in size, and you need to cook them less: 1-2 minutes - soft-boiled, about 5 minutes - hard-boiled.

Important! We strongly recommend eating only dietary quail eggs, even though they can theoretically be kept in the refrigerator for as much as 2 months. And please don’t eat eggs with shiny shells. For they are definitely not fresh.