A pink solution for the treatment of skin diseases. Fukortsin - an antiseptic drug for external use

The drug, known under the name "Fukortsin", is a local antiseptic and antifungal drug. He has for which he received his second name - "Castellani paint".

The solution "Fukortsin" includes several components, including phenol, boric acid, resorcinol, acetone. It is stained with fuchsin - a substance with a pronounced antifungal effect. Synthesized back in the middle of the 19th century and initially used only as a dye, fuchsin has been used in medicine for many decades. It owes its name to a bright color similar to the color of fuchsia flowers. Fuchsin is poisonous and has carcinogenic properties.

Boric acid is traditionally used in medicine as a disinfectant. It is used topically to treat eczema, dermatitis, and (sometimes) conjunctivitis. Otitis media is treated with an alcohol solution by instilling it into the ear or putting a cotton swab moistened with boric alcohol into the ear canal. Widely used in the past, due to its side effects in last years used in medicine less and less. It is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the treatment of children.

Phenol (5% solution) is used in medicine and pharmacology as an antiseptic. This substance is extremely toxic: it causes serious violations of the functions of the central nervous system. In addition, phenol is carcinogenic, so it is used in medicines in small quantities and at the lowest possible concentration. As for resorcinol, it is an effective antiseptic. In a low concentration (up to 2%), resorcinol is used as an anti-inflammatory and preparations with a higher percentage of this substance are used to cauterize the skin surface.

The solution "Fukortsin", thus, is quite effective, but not absolutely safe for health. It should not be used by pregnant and lactating mothers, and children under three years of age. The solution "Fukortsin" is applied only pointwise, touching healthy skin as little as possible - this measure minimizes the toxic effect of the drug. However, in any case, with skin lesions of a large area, it is better to use another drug, since phenol is easily absorbed through the pores and can enter the bloodstream.

The drug "Fukortsin" is used to treat fungal and pustular skin diseases, abrasions and cracks, superficial wounds. He also proved himself well with chickenpox: the bubbles filled with liquid under the influence of this remedy dry out very quickly. It is also known that some use the medicine "Fukortsin" for stomatitis. Given the toxicity of this drug, such treatment can hardly be considered justified, although in this case, as in most others, it acts quickly and effectively. The solution "Fukortsin" is also available colorless, without magenta - its antifungal effect is much weaker.

Many tend to consider this drug outdated and ineffective, along with the well-known "brilliant green" or methylene blue solution ("Pioctannin"). Indeed, "Castellani paint" is practically no longer used in European countries - not least because of its toxicity.

However, cases of poisoning with the drug "Fukortsin" are extremely rare and its only drawback, according to reviews, is a bright color: it is too noticeable on the skin. For this reason, it is better not to lubricate skin rashes with a preparation containing fuchsin before consulting a doctor - otherwise the diagnosis may be difficult. A colorless solution can be used in this case. The answer to the question of how to wash fukortsin from the skin has long been known: alcohol is the best way to cope with this task.

Castellani paint (Fukortsin) is an antiseptic combined drug solution that has antifungal properties. It is also a reliable disinfectant, therefore, it is mainly used for various injuries, injuries and diseases of the mucous membranes or skin.

Castellani paint: composition

Fukortsin belongs to the combined preparations. It is made according to a doctor's prescription.

The composition of the drug includes: phenol, resorcinol, boric acid, acetone, distilled water, ethyl alcohol and fuchsin. This tool is available in the form of a concentrated solution of crimson color, with a pronounced smell of phenol.

Castellani paint: methods of application and indications

The medicine is used:

  • for the effective treatment of various pustular, fungal skin diseases;
  • for the rapid healing of abrasions, erosions, as well as superficial wounds and skin cracks.

The substances of this solution provide a reliable, pronounced antimicrobial effect, due to which infectious agents on the mucous membranes or human skin that are sensitive to the components of the agent die. Therefore, the Castellani paint, the instruction to which is attached, completely localizes the infection, while neutralizing it quickly enough.

The drug, only getting on the wound, causes a slight pain or a short-term burning sensation for a few seconds.

Castellani paint: contraindications

The liquid can not be used on large areas of skin with various lesions. The phenol contained in the solution has an excellent ability to penetrate quickly into the blood. Because of this, its toxic effects may appear, which is expressed in weakness, dizziness or a decrease in pressure.

Fukortsin is prohibited for use during lactation or pregnancy, as well as with hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components that make up this drug.

You should not use this remedy for young children without the appointment of a specialist.

Colorless Castellani paint

To date, the colorless modification of Fukortsin (R-r Castellani Gefe B) is becoming increasingly popular. This drug has the same properties and action as Castellani's solution, while it does not have such a bright pronounced color.

Fukortsin is a serious therapeutic drug that is highly recommended not to be used arbitrarily, without a doctor's prescription. If you suspect some kind of skin disease, such as a fungus, you should contact a specialist for advice as soon as possible, as your diagnosis may be erroneous. The doctor will help you choose the right course of treatment without harming your health. You should also not use it before visiting a Castellani doctor, because the solution, due to its unusual color, changes the appearance of rashes and skin color after application. This can hinder the correct diagnosis of the disease. The only exception is Castellani colorless.

Hello my beloved readers! I am often asked: what is Castellani's solution? It is often prescribed for chickenpox and for almost everyone: both children and adults. What kind of drug is this with a beautiful name? Find out the answer by reading the article.

AT recent times this medication is popular. In fact, there is nothing particularly complicated and mysterious in it. Its efficiency is really high. Moreover, it is more convenient to use than any other antiseptic.

The above drug is a modification of Fukortsin. Therefore, it has the same properties as Fukortsin.

There are two solution options:

  • carbolic-fuxicin solution - a coloring antiseptic;
  • colorless solution.

If you are embarrassed by green or pink spots, then give preference to the colorless look of Castellani. It is no less powerful than coloring. It is comfortable and safe to use.

It has no special side effects, so it can be used by absolutely everyone with chickenpox. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of a colorless solution.

Colorless solution - efficacy and indications

How to treat the disease with this remedy?

It is absolutely easy to use this medicine. In the instructions for use, it is recommended to smear it on previously cleansed skin with cotton wool or a bandage two to four times a day.

The colorless solution can be applied to large areas of the body. After it does not leave traces, it does not stain clothes.

The dye solution must be applied carefully. Thanks to the alcohol in the composition, it dries quickly, after which it does not get dirty. After the liquid has dried, you can additionally treat the rash with a healing ointment or cream.

Price is a significant advantage

An important additional advantage of the above medicine is the meager price. In pharmacies, a colorless solution is offered for 30-50 rubles, and a coloring solution - 20-30 rubles.

Can such a solution have contraindications?

Despite the safety and versatility, the drug has contraindications. For example, it should not be used by breastfeeding women. Its effect on the fetus during pregnancy has not been studied, so pregnant women should not take risks.

Also, Castellani is not prescribed for newborns. The reason for this is alcohol and similar dangerous substances in the composition, which can injure the most delicate baby skin.

Some people are hypersensitive to:

  • phenol;
  • boric acid;
  • resorcinol.

If you are one of these people, then I do not recommend you to be treated with liquid.

Apply with care!

Which is better: Castellani or Zelenka?

Both medications have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. However, the solution that has become the subject of this article has additional effect- antifungal, which greenery does not have.

It should also be noted that it is easier to wash and quickly leaves the skin. This is also an important advantage. Surely all of you know how difficult and long the brilliant green is washed.

What can the medicine be combined with?

In fact, you can combine it with any antimicrobial and antiviral drugs for external use. These include popular ointments for chickenpox:

The main thing is to wait until the solution is completely dry after applying the solution (colorless or pink). Only then can an additional layer of ointment or cream be applied.

Castellani liquid or "Fukortsin" is a combined antiseptic medicinal solution with antifungal properties. In addition, it is also a very reliable disinfectant, therefore it is often used for various kinds of injuries, injuries and or mucous membranes.

Castellani liquid - composition

"Fukortsin" belongs to the category of combined drugs. It consists of several components at once: resorcinol, phenol, acetone, boric acid, as well as fuchsin and This drug is produced in the form of a concentrated solution for external use, with its inherent characteristic smell of phenol.

Castellani liquid - indications and methods of application

Fukortsin is used to treat fungal, pustular diseases of the surface of the skin, the fastest healing of erosions, abrasions, cracks and superficial skin wounds. The active substances of the solution provide an extensive antimicrobial effect, due to which pathogens sensitive to the components of the drug on the skin or mucous membranes of a person die. Thus, the use of this drug allows you to localize the infection and neutralize it very quickly.

Castellani liquid is applied to the surface of the damaged skin area using a glass rod or a small cotton swab dipped in the solution. Processing is carried out 2 to 4 times a day. After the drug dries and the alcohol component evaporates, other therapeutic gels, ointments or pastes can be applied to the wound.

Upon contact with the wound surface, the drug causes a slight short-term burning sensation or mild pain, which disappears within 2-5 seconds, from the moment fucorcin is applied.

Has this drug and a number of contraindications for use

Castellani liquid should not be used on large areas of the skin with various kinds of lesions. The phenol contained in the medicinal solution has an increased ability to quickly penetrate the blood, which can cause the manifestation of its toxic effects, expressed in the occurrence of weakness, lowering blood pressure or dizziness.

Fucorcin is prohibited for use during pregnancy or lactation, as well as for use in patients with special intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components that make up this therapeutic drug.

It is not recommended to use this remedy and for young children without special purpose his doctor.

Castallani colorless

Recently, a colorless modification of the fucorcin liquid or the so-called Castellani Gefe B solution has become increasingly popular. pronounced bright coloration.

"Fukortsin" is a serious medicinal drug, and it is highly not recommended to use it without permission, without a doctor's prescription. If you suspect a fungus or other skin disease, seek the advice of a specialist, and he will help you choose the right course of treatment without compromising your health. It is also undesirable to use castellani before visiting a doctor because, due to its intense color, the solution, after application, changes the color of the skin and the type of rashes, which can prevent the correct diagnosis of the disease. An exception can only be colorless castellani.

Pharmacy chains offer various medicines for chickenpox. The most popular and publicly available is "Fukortsin", which has another name "Castellani". This colorless remedy, intended for the treatment of chickenpox rash, has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. With chickenpox "Fukortsin" is used for both adults and children, strictly adhering to the indicated dosage.

"Fukortsinom" is permissible to treat chickenpox in patients over the age of twelve.

Before treating chickenpox with "Fukortsin", you should familiarize yourself with its features. This transparent colorless liquid "Castellani" is used externally and acts in the fight against fungi and bacteria. It has a pronounced smell of phenol and may be red in color, which remains on the skin in the form of pink spots. Having treated the sores with this medication, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation.

Fukortsin is used not only for the treatment of chickenpox, but also for the treatment of ulcerative lesions, abrasions, wounds, pustules, erosions and fungal infections. In childhood, it is prescribed with caution exclusively by a doctor, since children have increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. You should also use it with caution because of the phenol that is part of it, a toxic component that can harm the baby. A colorless solution of "Fukortsin" is used for spot treatment of skin areas with ulcers.


"Fukortsin" - a drug that does not contain substances that can cause allergies.

The drug used for chickenpox has the following components:

  • resorcinol;
  • acetone;
  • fuccin;
  • boric acid;
  • phenol.

Release form

This transparent or red product is available as a solution in 10 and 25 ml bottles packed in cardboard boxes. You can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription. The shelf life is two years, subject to the temperature regime in the room, that is, it should be cool and away from sunlight.

Application for chickenpox

For the treatment of chickenpox with colorless "Fukortsin" it is better to use cotton swabs, which can be gently smeared directly on the sores on the skin. A cotton stick is dipped in the product and applied pointwise to each blister. Repeat the procedure once in the morning and once in the evening. After treatment, the skin needs to be moisturized, for this you can use a cream. It is important to apply the medication to clean skin.

Contraindications and side effects

A side effect of "Fukortsin" can be weakness, diarrhea, nausea.

Using a long period of time "Fukortsin", the patient may experience side effects, for example, an allergic reaction or dermatitis. In addition, if you smear the chickenpox rash "Castellani" for a long time, then the following "side effects" may be observed:

  • weakness;
  • stool problems;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • vomiting urge.

If the patient observes such manifestations, he must immediately wash off the applied drug from the skin and no longer use it. In some cases, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Drug interaction

Before using any medication in conjunction with Fukortsin, you should consult with your doctor about a possible "tandem" of drugs. For example, it is not recommended to simultaneously smear the skin with Castellani and antifungal medicines, as well as those that contain phenol, hormonal components and boric acid. The use of alcoholic beverages is contraindicated in the course of treatment.

What is better "Fukortsin" or "Brilliant Green"?

A modern medicine - an analogue of "Fukortsin" - is "Calamine", which is widely used in the treatment of chickenpox. This white product does not leave marks on the skin and after application has a drying, disinfecting, antipruritic effect. After applying it to the skin, a white crust remains, which highlights the treated affected areas. However, in addition to Calamine, there are many more medicines for chickenpox rash, but the most common medicine that treats chickenpox is brilliant green. Brilliant Green is an aniline dye that is popularly used to treat wounds. The medication is an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant, acts in the fight against microbes. How much does Brilliant Green cost? The price is affordable for everyone and is around 20 rubles.

In the process of using brilliant green, the skin does not dry out and does not burn, and the wound healing process is activated, which is extremely necessary for chickenpox. The drug is applied no more than four times a day, pointwise applying it to the affected areas of the skin. It is necessary to repeat the procedure daily, then the bubbles will dry up, become disinfected and itch less. In addition, treatment with a solution of "Brilliant Green" is necessary so that the appearance of new blisters can be controlled, since after 7 days of the appearance of the last chickenpox pimple, the patient can come into contact with people, since he is no longer contagious.

The advantage of the "Brilliant Green" solution is the approved therapy for patients of any age.

It is allowed to use the "Brilliant Green" solution at any age, but not more than four times a day. A significant drawback of this drug is its color, which, after application to the skin, leaves green spots, which take time to disappear.

Comparing "Fukortsin" and "Brilliant Green", it should be borne in mind that neither drug nor the second is intended for the treatment of the oral mucosa. Doctors recommend using for the oral cavity, for example: hydrogen peroxide, medicinal herbs or Furacilin. For many, a weighty argument in favor of "Fukortsin" is the possibility of its rapid washing off, however, the disadvantages include a composition that contains acetone, phenol and other components, due to which the drug is not allowed to treat large areas on the body. It is applied gently directly to the inflamed area, so as not to hurt healthy skin.

"Brilliant green" is used more often, since it is allowed at any age, which cannot be said about "Fukortsin", which is contraindicated for children under 12 years old. This is due to its composition, which includes alcohol, which can provoke poisoning or an allergic reaction, and babies can pull their hands treated with this medication into their mouths. Both drugs are in a low price category and with chickenpox have the same effect on the rash. The choice remains with the patient, who, having studied the composition, advantages and disadvantages of each of them, will make a choice for himself. However, it should be borne in mind that medicine does not stand still and in pharmacy chains you can find more effective, convenient and safe medicines against chicken pox.

Nail fungus is a contagious disease that causes discomfort to a sick person and poses a danger to others. It is very easy to catch onychomycosis in public places, especially where the humidity is high.

To treat this pathology, dermatologists prescribe various procedures, for example, nail treatment with Fukortsin. It is known that “raspberry brilliant green” is possible, but not all people know how to remove nail fungus with Fukortsin.

Composition and pharmacological properties of Fukortsin

Fucorcin is a solution with fungicidal and antimicrobial properties, known as raspberry green and castellani paint.

The composition of Fukortsin is represented by the following substances:

  • Acetone - disinfects and dries the affected area.
  • Resorcinol, a component with keratolytic properties, protects healthy tissues from infection and stimulates the regenerative function of cells.
  • Boric acid - an antiseptic effectively fights different strains of fungi and types of infections.

The combined product is intended for external use. It looks like a dark red liquid with a gouache smell. Phenol imparts a specific aroma to the preparation, a synthetic dye fuchsin provides a bright shade.

A more convenient option for treating nail fungus with Fucorcin, as evidenced by patient reviews, is Castellani's colorless paint. Its pharmacological properties are identical to raspberry green, but the colorless medicine does not stain the fingers red. Colorless Fucorcin is commercially available under the name Castellani Gefe B solution.

The timely use of Fukortsin allows patients to effectively fight a fungal infection that has become more active on the nails, skin and mucous membranes of the human body.

What else does Castellani paint help with:

In pediatrics, Fukortsin is used to treat the skin of newborns with fungus and bacterial damage. The solution quickly removes the fungus and heals erosion, sores and abscesses formed for various reasons.

How to use Fukortsin from nail fungus: instructions

You can find instructions for using Fukortsin in the package, but on the eve of using the drug for nail fungus, doctors recommend hygiene procedures.

Preparatory activities begin with cutting and cleaning problem nails. The plates are ground to a slight roughness using a non-rough nail file. On such a surface, the active substances of the drug penetrate deeper into the nail structure faster.

After the preparatory measures, they begin to treat the fungus on the nails with Fukortsin.

The treatment of the problematic surface is carried out using a glass applicator, which comes with a bottle, a cotton swab or a cotton-gauze pad, if the affected area is extensive. The processed plates should become rich pink, like a solution.

If Fukortsin is used for toenail fungus, cotton socks should be worn after medical manipulations. However, here it must be borne in mind that raspberry liquid greatly stains things, so for the duration of treatment it is better to take socks that you don’t mind throwing away.

It is impossible to rub Castellani's paint into the nail and adjacent skin too intensively. Otherwise, the tissues will suffer from a chemical burn.

Fucorcin should be used for onychomycosis daily at least once a day (preferably at night). Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, the treatment of the affected plates can be done 2-4 times a day.

The course of treatment is designed for 1 month. However, if after a week the therapy does not give any result, Fukortsin is replaced by analogues:

  • Acerbin.
  • Fukaseptol.
  • Iodopyrone.
  • Lidochlor.
  • Galmanin.
  • Bactoderm.

The solution has no analogues with a similar composition. According to indications, it is replaced by another agent capable of exhibiting a fungicidal effect.

Fucorcin: side effects and contraindications

When Fukortsin is applied to the nails affected by the fungus, side effects may occur in the form of pain and burning. These sensations indicate that the fungicidal, antimicrobial and disinfectant properties of the solution are manifested.

Negative reactions disappear after a short period of time and do not require discontinuation of therapy. When the Castellani paint dries completely on the nails, the side ridges and cuticles must be protected from drying out and spreading infection. To do this, they are treated with antifungal ointment.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help to quickly remove colored stains from healthy skin. Liquids are mixed in equal proportions and rubbed with fingers.

Contraindications to the use of Fukortsin for onychomycosis on the arms and legs are:

During pregnancy and lactation, it is possible to treat nail fungus with Castellani paint with the permission of the attending physician. The effect of the drug on gestation and breastfeeding has not been established by specialists, therefore, all appointments are made by the doctor in a balanced manner with an assessment of the risks and benefits of using Fukortsin for expectant and nursing mothers.

Price and reviews for Fukortsin

When asked how much Fukortsin costs, the pharmacist will answer based on the volume of the bottle. On the territory of Russia, the price of Fukortsin varies within the following limits:

  • 10 ml bottle - 30 - 60 rubles.
  • Bottle 25 ml - 46 - 90 rubles.
  • Marker 5 ml - 45 - 60 rubles.

Some manufacturers put a special spatula in the package with a bubble, which makes it easier to apply the solution to the area affected by the fungus. However, doctors recommend using cotton swabs for treatment and disposing of them after each procedure.

In their reviews of Fukortsin as a dermatologist, they write that the remedy is a fairly effective tool in the fight against microorganisms. But with extensive application of the solution, they warn of the need to control well-being.

Phenol vapor poisoning can cause dizziness, lethargy, decreased pressure, and irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes. In this case, you need to drink cool water and ventilate the room. If the symptoms do not disappear within 15 minutes, an ambulance should be called.

In general, the treatment of onychomycosis with Castellani paint is harmless to the body and effective. If the solution is used at an early stage of the disease, the fungus can only be removed with this remedy. Advanced forms of nail fungus require complex therapy.

There are many on the forums positive feedback on the use of Fukortsin from nail fungus. Due to the pronounced fungicidal effect, raspberry brilliant green quickly stops the symptoms of the fungus and heals the plates completely.

Nikolai Nikolaevich, 62 years old, Chita:

“After the flu, suddenly there was a fungus on the nails. In view of the small pension (on the advice of a dermatologist), I bought a cheap remedy - fukortsin. After 2 weeks of use, the disease disappeared. I liked the tool, it costs little, only the bed linen was very dirty. Wear old socks."

Irina, 29 years old, Khabarovsk:

“After visiting a public bath, I noticed that my nails began to exfoliate. Went to the clinic, diagnosed with a fungus. The doctor advised to lubricate the plates with fucorcin. After 10 days, my nails again acquired a healthy shade. You can try, if the disease is in the initial stage, the drug will definitely help. ”

(1 times, score: 5,00 out of 5)

Throughout life, our skin is periodically exposed to various traumatic factors. Any person from early childhood knows perfectly well that with various cuts, scratches, abrasions, the first health care is to disinfect the damaged skin surface. Otherwise, bacteria through the wound can penetrate deeply into the body, cause inflammation and the development of severe infectious diseases up to blood poisoning. Therefore, you should always remember how important the hygienic treatment of skin lesions is in the first minutes, otherwise the consequences of the penetration of pathogens will then have to be treated for a very long time.

To cleanse the wound surfaces, special preparations for external topical use, which are called antiseptics, are intended. Disinfectants such as iodine and brilliant green are present in every home first aid kit, and about an extensive range of disinfectants in medical institutions and there is nothing to say. So, one of the effective cleansers is Fukortsin. Indications and instructions for use include the use of this antiseptic solution for the primary treatment of wounds of damaged skin.

pharmachologic effect

This external disinfectant is a dark red liquid with a pungent odor, which has a complex antimicrobial and antifungal effect with a drying effect. It consists of ethyl alcohol, fuchsin, acetone, resorcinol, phenol, boric acid. Such a composition is the best suited for the initial treatment of wounds and the prevention of the development of infectious diseases. skin diseases. The red color of the antiseptic is explained by the presence of fuchsin (a dye of synthetic origin), therefore Fukortsin is sometimes referred to as "red greenery" or "Castellani Paint", although the latter drug is already being produced in the form of a colorless liquid ("Castellani-gefe").


The scope of this antiseptic solution involves the primary treatment of various skin lesions: cuts, scratches, abrasions, cracks, sores, pustular rashes, diaper rash, fungal infections. Even ulcerative formations on the mucous membranes can be treated with this drug, so it is often used in the treatment. Many mothers prefer to use Fukortsin to treat babies with chickenpox, since it can be used to achieve a drying effect much faster than traditional brilliant greens.

Mode of application

This disinfectant solution is applied to the damaged surface of the skin with a sterile swab, and a glass rod with a piece of cotton wool attached can be used to treat the mucous membranes. With sores and pustules, Fukortsin is allowed to be applied several times a day. After the antiseptic liquid dries, apply an antibacterial or antifungal ointment or moisturizer. The drug can be used to treat skin lesions, both adults and children.


Individual intolerance to the components that make up Fukortsin is perhaps the only contraindication to its use. The presence of phenol can cause dizziness, difficulty breathing in some sensitive people, so applying the solution to large areas of the skin is not recommended. You can use this remedy during the period of bearing a child only with the permission of a doctor. At breastfeeding it is not allowed to apply the solution to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands.

Side effect

Absence side effects, with the exception of a short-term burning sensation at the site of treatment of damaged skin - the undoubted advantage of the drug Fukortsin. Indications and instructions for use confirm this fact. However, housewives need to remember that after the solution gets on linen or clothes, it is very difficult to remove the red color of this antiseptic, so care must be taken when applying it.


According to the composition of the contained components, there are no analogues of Fukortsin. To disinfect wounds, you can use external agents of similar pharmacological action, which include the antiseptic preparations Lidochlor, Iodopyron, Galmanin, Bactoderm, Acerbin. Of course, if you wish, it is quite possible to replace Fukortsin with another antiseptic, however, many people prefer to use this particular solution for treating wound surfaces, and it successfully copes with skin damage even in newborn children. The choice is yours!

Fukortsin solution consists of several active components, each of which in itself has antiseptic and / or tanning properties. It consists of: 95% ethyl alcohol, resorcinol, acetone, pure phenol, boric acid, fuchsin and distilled water as a formative component.

Fukortsin's solution is a raspberry-colored liquid packaged in dark glass bottles, most often 10 ml each, sometimes there is a spatula lid for direct application of the drug. The raspberry color of the liquid is given by fuchsin, which is a dye used in pharmacology. Colorless fucorcin can be made at the pharmacy with a prescription.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Fukortsin solution.

The use of Fukortsin is indicated for pustular and fungal skin lesions, wounds, abrasions, scratches, cracks.

Fukortsin is also often used for chickenpox. In all of the above cases, the solution is used for the purpose of local anti-inflammatory, drying action and prevention of secondary infection.
Contraindications for use are pregnancy due to the possible toxic effect of phenol, early childhood(for the same reason) and individual possible features negative response to the drug.

Side effects and overdose when using Fukortsin.

Side effects, as mentioned above, can most likely be associated with the phenol contained in Fukortsin. This compound has volatility and the ability to quickly penetrate into the blood, due to which it can have a systemic effect if the rules of use are not followed. May present with weakness, dizziness due to decreased blood pressure.
Local skin reactions are also possible.

Instructions for use of Fukortsin solution.

The agent is applied locally (dotted, linear) on skin lesion using a cotton swab or the spatula in the lid. Do not use over a large area to avoid the side effects described above. Can be applied up to four times a day.

Features of the use of the drug Fukortsin.

It is necessary, of course, to consult a doctor in order to determine which antiseptic will be more effective in specific case and at a particular stage of the process. It can only be said with a high degree of probability that in pregnant and lactating women, as well as infants, the use of an alcohol solution of brilliant green (“brilliant green”) is more justified in similar cases due to the absence of such a potentially dangerous component as phenol.

If we compare these two drugs - brilliant green and Fukortsin - we can say that the latter has a more pronounced antifungal activity. And their antibacterial properties are about the same.

Reviews about the drug Fukortsin, price

If we summarize the reviews about Fukortsin, we can say that Castellani's paint is a proven tool with many years of experience in use, which is effective and, subject to the rules of use, is safe. However, one should not forget that there are other and constantly appearing new drugs in this field, which can be no less effective in solving the tasks set, without having the indicated side effects.

Many also know that there is a colorless fucorcin, and are interested in where to buy it? If you want to buy colorless fucorcin, you will have to contact a dermatologist for a prescription, according to which you can prepare this solution without fuchsin in a pharmacy where there is a pharmaceutical production.

There are a small number of such pharmacies in cities, they usually prepare topical products according to prescriptions from dermatologists, and subject to the availability of the necessary components. However, it should be immediately noted that excluding fuchsin from the composition, we weaken the drug in terms of its antiseptic effect. From experience, we can say that getting a colorless fucorcin is not an easy task, if you do not want the traces of the use of an antiseptic to be noticeable, it is easier to use another tool (Malavit solution, alunite).

Dermatologists believe that the use of fucorcin or brilliant green for the treatment of chickenpox is not fully justified. Each of them, having a high concentration of alcohol and other tannins in its composition, contributes to the formation of a coarser crust (scab), which subsequently leads to the formation of a more noticeable skin defect in the form of an atrophic scar. The use of, for example, alunite is considered in this case a good alternative, repeatedly confirmed by many patients.

Fukortsin can be washed off with any alcohol-containing liquids.

The price of Fukortsin solution for topical use, vial. 25 ml - 49 rubles.

02:58 Fukortsin: instructions, application, reviews. -

Fukortsin solution (Fucorcinum, or, in other words, Castellani's paint) belongs to the group of alcohol-containing antiseptics, can be used for application to the skin and has a wide antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal) spectrum of action. general description fucorcin solution. Fukortsin solution consists of several active components, each of which in itself has antiseptic and / or tanning properties. It contains: 95% ethyl [...]

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Fukortsin is a disinfectant and antiseptic for external use, which is used to treat various wounds, erosions, cracks, abrasions, as well as pustular and fungal diseases of the skin.

Forms of release and composition

Fukortsin is also called red green or Castellani liquid.

Currently, Fukortsin is produced in the only dosage form- this is solution for external use. Fucorcin in the form of an ointment does not exist.

Fukortsin solution is a dark red liquid with a specific smell of phenol. The solution is poured into orange glass vials of 10 ml, 15 ml and 25 ml. Some vials are supplied with stoppers-droppers or stoppers with brushes for the convenience of applying the solution to the skin.

The composition of the solution Fukortsin as active substances includes the following components:

  • Boric acid - 0.8 g;
  • Resorcinol - 7.8 g;
  • Phenol - 3.9 g;
  • Fuchsin basic (dye) - 0.4 g.
As auxiliary substances Fucorcin solution contains acetone (4.9 g), 95% ethyl alcohol (9.6 ml) and distilled water. After laying all the components in the required amount in a volumetric flask, distilled water is added to it to the mark of 100 ml. Accordingly, the dosage of active and auxiliary components is given per 100 ml of the finished solution.

Fukortsin solution must be stored in orange glass bottles, in which it is sold in pharmacies, without pouring into another container, since the product is sensitive to light. Accordingly, Fukortsin should be stored in a dark place, at a temperature environment not higher than 25 o C.

Therapeutic action

Fucorcin solution has antiseptic, disinfectant and antifungal action, which is provided by the effects of its active components.

Boric acid, phenol and resorcinol violate the integrity of the cell wall of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby causing their death and stopping infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin. Since the components of Fukortsin have antiseptic properties, they have a detrimental effect on a wide range of microorganisms, including fungi.

Accordingly, Fukortsin is used for two main purposes. Firstly, for external treatment of various wounds of the skin in order to disinfect them, prevent suppuration and infection, as well as to stop an already developed infectious process. And secondly, for the treatment of pustular and fungal diseases of the skin.

Indications for use

Fukortsin solution is indicated for use in the following conditions or diseases:
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin (superficial wounds, erosion, cracks, abrasions);
  • Pustular skin diseases (for example, impetigo, acne, etc.);
  • Fungal diseases of the skin.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use of Fukortsin solution

Fukortsin solution can be used to treat any damage to the skin, such as wounds, abrasions, erosion, cracks, etc. At the same time, Fukortsin is used, firstly, for the antiseptic treatment of wounds in order to prevent their infection and the addition of an infectious process with suppuration, weeping and prolonged non-healing. Secondly, Fukortsin is used to treat already infected wounds of the skin in order to stop inflammatory process, elimination of suppuration and weeping with subsequent acceleration of healing. This means that it is possible and necessary to lubricate with Fukortsin any wounds formed on the skin due to various causative factors. So, it is possible to process abrasions received by children during falls, and opened calluses, and squeezed abscesses, and non-healing, weeping umbilical wounds in infants, and inflamed elements of rashes (for example, with dermatitis, eczema, allergies, prickly heat), etc. Only open wounds cannot be treated with fucorcin, since it contains acetone and fuchsin dye. It is necessary to lubricate any wounds on the skin with Fukortsin to prevent infection, drying and stopping the inflammatory process.

In addition, Fukortsin solution can be used for topical treatment of fungal and pustular (pyoderma, impetigo, etc.) skin diseases.

Fukortsin must be applied pointwise to areas of damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions, scratches, cracks, etc.), to foci of pustular rashes or locally to areas of fungal infection. The solution should be applied with a glass or cotton swab, cosmetic disc or cotton swab. Treatment of skin lesions should be done 2-4 times a day. It is allowed to treat the skin with Fukortsin a maximum of 5 times a day. After Fukortsin applied to the skin dries, any other external agents can be applied over it, such as ointments, pastes, liniments, lotions, foams, etc. The duration of the use of Fukortsin is determined by the rate of disappearance of the symptoms of the inflammatory process on the skin. In general, Fukortsin can be used for a long time.

In order not to contaminate all the liquid in the vial, it is necessary to pour a little solution into some small container (for example, a glass, a measuring cap from another medicinal product). Further, to treat damaged areas of the skin, Fukortsin's solution should be collected on a stick, cotton swab or cosmetic disc from a small container into which the product was poured from the bottle. After all the affected areas of the skin have been treated, the remainder of the cast Fukortsin should be poured out of a small container, and the container itself should be washed with water and detergent. For each subsequent treatment, it is necessary to re-cast a little liquid and use it, and not the solution from the vial.

When applied to wounds, Fukortsin can cause short-term burning and itching, however, these phenomena normally disappear within 1 to 3 minutes. If itching and burning after applying Fukortsin did not go away within 5 minutes or began to intensify, then this is no longer a normal reaction, but is considered a manifestation of an allergy. In such cases, you should immediately stop using Fukortsin, wash it off the skin (see the methods below, in the section "How to wash off Fukortsin?") and take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Telfast, Claritin, etc.).

Fukortsin should be applied pointwise or locally to areas of damage to the skin, and not lubricate the skin with a continuous field. This requirement is due to the fact that when Fukortsin is applied to large areas of the skin, phenol, which is part of the solution, can be absorbed into the bloodstream, which can cause toxic effects (dizziness, weakness, respiratory failure).

Fukortsin has a specific smell and can stain linen, clothes and any surfaces that it gets on. At the same time, Fukortsin is difficult to rub off from various surfaces and is poorly washed off from tissues, so the solution should be used carefully so as not to stain linen, clothes and household items (furniture, carpets, etc.).


An overdose is possible with long-term use or when treating large areas of the skin with Fukortsin. In such cases, overdose symptoms are signs of phenol poisoning (which is absorbed into the bloodstream), such as dizziness, weakness, and respiratory failure. If signs of an overdose appear, you should immediately stop using Fukortsin, go out into the fresh air and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Fukortsin usually does not affect a person's ability to control mechanisms, therefore, against the background of the use of the solution, you can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring a high speed of reactions and concentration. However, if extensive skin surfaces are treated with Fucorcin, then phenol may be absorbed into the bloodstream, which can cause dizziness, weakness and respiratory failure, and in such situations one should refrain from various kinds activities that require a high speed of reaction or concentration.

Interaction with other drugs

Fukortsin does not significantly interact with other drugs, so the solution can be used in conjunction with other drugs for both external use and oral administration.

How to wash Fukortsin (how to wash off the solution from the skin, from clothes, from furniture)?

You can wash the Fukortsin solution from the skin in the following ways:

1. Prepare the following solution: mix 2 tablespoons of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide 3%. With this composition, you need to wipe the soiled skin, and the burgundy color will come off the skin without a trace. After treating the skin with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, wash off the remnants of the product from the skin with running water.

2. Prepare a mixture of grated laundry soap with hydrogen peroxide or ammonia. Hydrogen peroxide or ammonia should be added to the soap until a slurry forms. This slurry is applied to Fukortsin spots on the skin, left for several minutes, and then washed off with water.

3. Moisten a cotton swab or cosmetic disc in alcohol or vodka, and wipe the skin stained with Fukortsin. Then wash the treated skin with water and laundry soap, and the burgundy color will come off without a trace.

To remove Fukortsin stains from teeth you need to mix a tablespoon of baking soda with the juice of half a lemon. Apply this solution to your toothbrush and brush your teeth thoroughly. The spots of Fukortsin will disappear completely after the procedure.

You can remove Fukortsin stains from clothes made of synthetic fabrics by simply washing them with laundry soap in warm water. AND to remove Fucorcin stains from natural fabrics(clothes, linen, carpets) you can use the following recipes:

  • Lubricate stains with Faberlic Universal Stain Pencil. Stains should be rubbed with a pencil until the burgundy color is completely gone. After using the stain remover, you need to wash the linen or clothes in the usual way.
  • Lubricate stains from Fukortsin with toothpaste, and leave it on the fabric for 10 to 15 minutes. After that, wash the stains in warm water with laundry soap. After treatment with toothpaste, followed by washing with laundry soap, stains from Fukortsin will completely disappear from the fabric.
  • Make a strong solution of laundry soap, and add ammonia to it. Apply the soap-alcohol mixture to the stains, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.
To remove Fukortsin stains from floors and furniture surfaces you can use sodium sulfite, salicylic acid, Aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid) or chlorine-containing bleaches for linen (Whiteness, BOS, Ac, etc.). It is very easy to use sodium sulfite and salicylic acid to remove contaminants - you need to buy the drug at a pharmacy, apply Fukortsin on spots and quickly rinse with water. Aspirin in the amount of 10 tablets should be dissolved in a glass of water, and the floor or furniture surfaces should be washed with this solution. To remove Fukortsin, chlorine-containing bleaches must be dissolved in water, and the floor or furniture surfaces should be thoroughly washed with this solution.

Fukortsin for children

General provisions

AT official instructions adopted Russian Ministry health care, there is no indication that Fucorcin should not be used to treat skin diseases in children. However, many countries have adopted a restriction on the use of Fukortsin in children under 5 years of age, which consists in the fact that in children from birth to 5 years old, only small areas of the skin (for example, an umbilical wound) can be treated with a solution, and it cannot be applied over a large area. . This limitation is due to the presence of phenol in the composition of the solution, which can be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause toxic effects (dizziness, fatigue, respiratory failure) if Fukortsin is applied to a large area of ​​​​the skin surface.

However, despite the danger of absorption of phenol into the bloodstream, pediatricians in countries former USSR willingly and often prescribed Fukortsin for children from birth. This practice is due to the fact that the drug has been used for a long time, and, according to the experience of observations, it rarely causes any adverse events. That is, the potential danger of using Fukortsin in children under 5 years of age is low, but the effectiveness of the solution is very high and undeniable.

When using Fukortsin in children, it must be remembered that the solution dries the skin, and when processing large surfaces, phenol can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, the solution should be used in children under 5 years of age only to treat small areas of the surface of the skin, and for the shortest possible time.

Instructions for use Fukortsin for children

For children under one year of age, Fukortsin solution is recommended to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, and used diluted to minimize the risk of potential negative effects. For children aged 1 - 5 years, Fucorcin solution can be used in pure form or diluted with water, with care. Under caution, doctors mean the need to apply Fucorcin on as small an area of ​​​​skin as possible and for as long as possible. short term. That is, it is optimal to apply the solution pointwise, and stop using it immediately, as soon as it is no longer necessary and it will be possible to leave wounds, inflammations, sores, cracks or rashes without treatment, since the obvious healing process has already begun (for example, the rashes have dried up, the wounds are covered crust, etc.).

It is necessary to treat the child's skin with Fukortsin 2 to 4 times a day, a maximum of up to 5 times a day. Do not apply the solution to the skin more than 5 times a day, since in this case phenol may be absorbed into the bloodstream with the development of toxic reactions (dizziness, fatigue and respiratory failure).

Fukortsin should be applied to the skin with a cotton or glass swab, cotton swab or cosmetic disc. To do this, the stick is dipped into the solution, lifted, waiting for drops to flow from it, and then gently touch the damaged area of ​​​​the skin. If a cotton swab or cosmetic disc is used, then a solution is applied to them by pressing them against the neck of the bottle and turning it upside down. When Fukortsin is on the disc or swab, it is quickly applied to the skin.

After applying Fukortsin to the skin, you should wait a few minutes until the solution dries so that it does not stain your clothes so much, and then get dressed. If necessary, after Fukortsin has dried on the skin, pastes and ointments can be applied over it.

In order not to stain your hands and furniture, it is recommended to open the bottle with Fukortsin with a cosmetic disk or any soft cloth so that traces of the solution remain on it, and not on the skin and furniture.

Fukortsin treatment of various diseases

Fukortsin with chickenpox

Chickenpox rashes can be treated with Fukortsin, since the solution reduces itching and inflammation, and also contributes to the rapid formation of crusts and, accordingly, recovery. In addition, when treating chickenpox rashes large size They heal with Fucorcin without scarring and marks on the skin.

With chickenpox, rashes are treated by applying Fukortsin pointwise to the elements of the rash with a cotton swab or glass stick. Fukortsin must be applied to the elements of the rash 2 to 3 times a day so that they are constantly covered with a layer of solution. The drug should be used until the crusts fall off at the site of the elements of the rash. After stopping the use of Fukortsin, spots on the skin from it should be left, and not washed off on purpose for 10 to 14 days after the crusts fall off.

Fukortsin for the treatment of wounds in the mouth

Fukortsin can be used to treat wounds in the mouth only in short courses lasting less than seven days, and only small ulcers can be treated. This means that the solution can be applied to the wounds for a maximum of 7 days, after which the use of Fukortsin should be stopped, regardless of how successful the therapy was. It is also necessary to remember that only a small area of ​​the mucous membrane can be treated with a solution, that is, the drug should be applied pointwise, exclusively on the sores.

For spot treatment of sores, it is necessary to touch a cotton swab moistened with Fukortsin exactly to the defect on the mucous membrane. Treatment of wounds in the mouth should be done 2-4 times a day, but not more than 5 times. After treatment of wounds, it is necessary to refrain from drinking and eating for 20-30 minutes.

Fukortsin for wounds

If the wound surface is large (more than 2x2 cm) or the wound is open (the “meat” is visible from the defect on the skin), then Fukortsin cannot be used for their treatment, since in such situations phenol will be absorbed into the systemic circulation with the development of toxic reactions (dizziness, fatigue , respiratory failure).

But if the wounds are small and not open, then Fukortsin can be used to treat them. In such cases, the solution can be used to prevent infection of wounds and accelerate their healing, or to treat an already existing inflammatory process in the wound. In both cases, Fukortsin is applied to the wound 2 to 4 times a day until the formed crusts disappear. In principle, you can stop using Fukortsin even when the wounds are covered with crusts. But if you apply the solution during the healing period of the wound under the crust, then the restoration of the integrity of the skin will occur faster and with minimal risk of scarring or scars. If you stop using Fukortsin after the formation of crusts, then healing will be slower, and the risk of scarring and scarring will be higher.

Fukortsin for nails

Fukortsin solution is indicated for use for the prevention of fungal infection, as well as for the treatment of various injuries of the nail plate of a traumatic nature.

To prevent a fungal infection, it is recommended to treat the nail plates with Fucorcin 1 to 2 times a week. In this case, the solution must be applied to the entire nail, like nail polish. Fukortsin is not suitable for the treatment of an existing fungal infection of the nails, since it does not penetrate deep into the tissues of the nail plate and, accordingly, does not destroy the spores of the pathogenic fungus. And if the spores of the fungus are not destroyed, then the disease recurs again after a while.

For the treatment of various injuries of the nail plate of a traumatic nature (for example, nail breaks in the area of ​​​​its attachment to the nail bed, nail deformity, cutting too short, etc.) Fukortsin is applied to the wound area 2 to 4 times a day. In this case, you should try to treat not only the area of ​​​​damage, but also the skin around it. Thanks to the use of Fukortsin, the areas of damage to the nails do not become inflamed, do not become infected, and the nail itself grows, acquiring a normal shape and size.

In addition, it should be noted separately that Fukortsin is able to cure panaritium, if you start using the solution at the initial stages of its development. In other words, if you start applying Fukortsin when the felon has just begun to form, then this pathological process can be stopped. If you suspect the formation of panaritium, it is recommended to apply a few drops of Fukortsin directly to the area where the nail grows into the skin, 1 to 2 times a day for a week. During this time, the solution stops the inflammation of the skin and soft tissues around the nail plate and stops the nail from growing into the skin, as a result of which the panaritium will be cured at an early stage.

Fukortsin from a fungus

Fukortsin solution is an effective drug for the treatment of superficial skin fungal infections, but is not suitable for the treatment of fungal infections of the nails. This means that fungal skin lesions can be treated with a solution if they are superficial (there are hairs on the skin in the area of ​​fungal infection and there are no ulcers, crusts, scabs, suppurations, etc.), but nail fungus cannot be treated.

For the treatment of skin fungal infections, Fukortsin should be applied to the affected area 2 to 4 times a day until the skin is cleared and acquires a normal appearance and structure. At the same time, it is necessary to throw away cotton swabs or cosmetic discs with which the solution is applied to the skin after each use, and not allow other people to touch them so that they do not become infected.

Fukortsin on the face

Fukortsin solution can be used for spot treatment of inflammatory rashes on the face, such as acne, blackheads, streptoderma elements, etc. In this case, the drug should be applied pointwise, exclusively on rashes, and not lubricate the entire skin of the face with it.

Fukortsin on the elements of rashes on the face is applied with a cotton swab 2 to 4 times a day until they heal or a crust forms on them. As a rule, acne becomes small, inconspicuous, not edematous and not inflamed after one or two treatments with Fukortsin. If Fukortsin is applied to acne a few more times, then they will either completely disappear or transform into small and dense pustules that are easily squeezed out without leaving scars and marks (post-acne).

Fukortsin - analogues

Solution Fukortsin has no analogues in active ingredient, but has analogues in therapeutic action. This means that the analogues of Fukortsin in the domestic pharmaceutical market are medications containing other active substances, but having the same spectrum of therapeutic action.

The analogues of Fukortsin include the following drugs:

  • Acerbin ointment and solution for external use;
  • Brilliant green (brilliant green) solution for external use;
  • Octenisept solution for external and local use;
  • Saledez alcohol solution for external use;
  • Salicylic-zinc paste with Levomycetin for external use;
  • Sanguiritrin liniment for external and local use;
  • Teimur paste for external use;
  • Fukaseptol solution for external use.