The most beautiful Colombian women (23 photos). What girls who serve as a rebel group in Colombia look like Colombia country of beautiful women

Medellin is known to you primarily because of Pablo Escobar, especially after the release of the Narcos series (by the way, a very cool series, I recommend it). In general, because of drugs, Colombia has a pretty bad reputation. But today Colombia is one of the safest and most prosperous countries in the region. And Medellin is considered the most beautiful city in Colombia. It is very diverse: there are expensive areas with good restaurants and hotels, and there are slums. In some slums, by the way, you can safely enter, because there is clean and safe. The authorities are actively putting things in order.

01. The adventure began at the airport. All arrivals are sniffed by a dog. She sniffed me and my friend too and ... sat next to one of the bags! For those who are not in the know, this is a very bad sign. The dog sits down when it finds something. The first thing the owner of the dog asked was if there was money in the bag. There was indeed money in the bag. And the dog happily began to nose straight into the bundle of banknotes. It looks like one of the bills was used for the use of cocaine, there were traces of the drug on it, and the dog smelled it. The border guard let go without further questions, but it was alarming)))

I leave the security area and call Uber. In Medellin, he works fine, the car arrives quickly, but here, too, not everything is simple. While I was waiting for the car, local taxi drivers came up to me and said that Uber should not be called. Yeah, you can't, I'm sending them to hell. I go to my driver, but he does not open the doors and says:

- Go up to the second floor, to the departure area, I'll drive up there now. I can't pick you up here!

I get up, wait for him, he drives up, stops, goes to open the trunk, and then the police take us!

It turns out that Uber was banned here, but the application still works. At the airport, taxi drivers and police keep a close watch to ensure that passengers do not use the inexpensive and convenient taxi service.

As a result, they let us go, and the driver was taken away for a showdown. I had to take a regular taxi and pay 3 times more.

02. Medellin is an incredibly contrasting city! There are quite modern neighborhoods with expensive houses.

03. There are ordinary shopping centers.

04. Selling expensive alcohol.

05. In coffee shops, where excellent coffee is prepared, every second person has a MacBook on the table. People are not afraid to leave things when they go to the toilet, people do not look around and are not afraid that they will be robbed. Women wear gold and diamonds, men wear expensive watches. Can you imagine this in Brazil or Argentina?

06. But as soon as you drive a little to the center, poor areas begin, where the driver does not even want to stop.

07. There is crime, the poor and the trash.

08. Beggars and trash market.



11. People are lying on the sidewalks, a lot of drug addicts.

12. Business as usual for the center of Medellin.

13. Pablo Escobar is one of the most famous criminals and drug lords in the world. In the late 70s, he founded the Medellin cocaine cartel, with which he made himself a huge fortune (Forbes denounced it as more than $ 3 billion). Escobar has always been guided by the motto Plata o Plomo, which means "silver or lead". If he failed to bribe his opponents, he dealt with them very cruelly and often executed them with his own hand. But at the same time, he provided broad support to the poor, trying to win their love and affection. He built entire neighborhoods of housing, erected stadiums, laid roads, and eventually the Medellin poor began to think of him as something like Robin Hood. And after a real hunt was opened for the drug lord, many peasants helped him hide from the police, special services and the military.

14. But Medellin is known not only for the activities of Escobar. The famous Colombian artist Fernando Botero was born here. He who became famous for the fact that all objects in his paintings and sculptures look very fat and grotesque.

15. Now in Medellin you can find a large number of his works. There is a large sculpture park of Botero, his museum, art galleries and studios for artists. All this together is called the "city of Botero". It was built with the aim of turning Medellin into the cultural and artistic center of Colombia and trying to get rid of the stigma of the homeland of the famous drug lord.

16. Botero's sculptures are highly recognizable and highly regarded all over the world. One glance is enough to understand who their author is: “With volumetric forms I try to influence ... the sensibility of people. Emphatically enlarged bellies - that's my style! Belly is the best way to convey the charge of sexuality that I want to put into my creations. "



19. This area attracts tourists and is relatively safe.

20. Tourists

21. Local women have interesting feature- they wear mobile phone behind the belt of the pants.

22. I don’t know how convenient it is.

23. When you ask the girl to call the phone, keep in mind that they will literally get it from one place.

24. Colombian girls are considered incredible beauties and often win all kinds of beauty contests. For example, in 2014 the Miss Universe title was given to Colombian Paulina Vega. In 2015, Colombian Ariadna Gutierrez also won. True, later it turned out that the entertainer had misread the name in the envelope, and in fact the title was intended for a Filipino girl.

25. In fact, there is a problem with beautiful girls. They are either not local or made.

26. An ordinary Colombian looks something like this. She is fat and has a very peculiar figure. If you see a beautiful Colombian woman, then this is the work of plastic surgeons. This industry is incredibly developed here.

27. It is considered quite normal to give your daughter plastic surgery on her 18th birthday.

28. City center

29. Office of "Beeline")))

40. Right in the center is a huge junk market.

41. Local GUM




45. Merchants scurry among the rows of tents.


47. The hit of the season is a scary doll.


49. They openly sell fakes for clothes of famous brands.

50. They also sell giant fried ants)




54. Jesus is like Urgant.

55. Colombia is a Christian country where all believers are divided among themselves by the Catholic and Protestant churches. By the way, there are overwhelming majority of believers here.

56. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that sometimes Jesus can be found even on the gas filler flap.


58. Cycling infrastructure


60. In Medellin, there are often people with signs "200".

61. They offer to talk on the phone for 200 pesos (4 rubles) per minute. As a rule, they have several phones that are connected to unlimited tariffs. It is cheaper to speak on such a phone than to pay the local tariff on your own.

62. Calls are offered here even cheaper - only 2 rubles per minute.

64. In order not to steal the camera from the post, they put a special collar made of thorns.

65. By the way, the Colombian national team in next year will come to Russia for the FIFA World Cup! In 2014, she was eliminated from the championship in the quarter finals, and before that she could not qualify three times and therefore did not participate.



68. Original landscaping


70. There are many bus routes throughout Medellin. People use them to get where there are no metro stations. The ticket costs about 36 rubles.

71. As in Moscow buses, there are turnstiles at the entrance. There is nothing worse than turnstiles at the entrance to buses.




Has anyone ever wondered why so many supermodels are native to Brazil? The simple answer to this is because Brazilians are one of the most ethnically united nations on the planet. This results in a large mixture of different shapes, skin tones, hair and eye color. Such a mixture of races creates, perhaps, the most ideal bodies. And Brazilian women not only have such forms from childhood, from which we know the expression "Brazilian ass", but they work hard on them, be it a fitness club or a plastic surgeon's knife, because Brazilians love to live on the beach, like, for example, in Rio. If you go to any fashion shows around the world or just open Sports Illustrated, you will definitely find a Brazilian beauty there and most likely more than one.

Another 50 photos and nine countries.



Next to Brazil is Russia, which is most likely the nation with the most stunning women per square kilometer. If you even ride the subway in Moscow without going deep into the wilds of Siberia, you are guaranteed to find a girl there from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off. By the way, supermodel Irina Shayk was born in Siberia, and whether we like it or not, some of the most beautiful women that you could ever find.



If you talk to gentlemen who prefer blue-eyed blondes, then most likely you will think that they will tell, first of all, about Sweden. But will you say when you find out that the most stunning blondes can actually be found in Slovakia? Countless women around the world spend small fortunes every day on what the girls in Slovakia have quite naturally. And it doesn't take long for them to get attention from the opposite sex.

Even though blondes are not uncommon in Slovakia, Swedish girls deserve to win in the category of the most beautiful blondes, and thanks to this they have won several world beauty contests.

As for the Miss Universe and Miss World contests, many countries are concerned that the beauties from Venezuela will again take the victory with them. Women in Venezuela spend a lot of money on appearance because everyone knows that female beauty has become the largest source of national pride. It really doesn't matter that the capital city of Caracas is completely unattractive. Gorgeous women make this city unforgettable.

Okay, the reality is that not all women from Colombia will look like Sofia Vergara. However, there are many who have come close to her beauty. Colombian women are proud and try to show their forms. Who can deny that they are so sexy? Make sure you can control your urges when you go on vacation to Bogota.

Why does it happen that different people on the planet take brides from Ukraine? This topic has already been discussed in beat and many times. The answer is simple, Ukrainian women are good dressed women who look after their figure very well and have alluring charm and attractiveness. Take a walk around Kiev and you will have all the answers to yours about these beautiful girls.

Not everyone agrees, but we argue that in the Middle East and the Arab world, Lebanese women are the most beautiful. After one of the photographs from 2006 was published in one of the magazines, many photographers around the world began to pay attention to this fact. The photograph depicts young and tanned women in Beirut, a war-torn area. The radiant and cheerful mood of the people will amaze all guests of the Lebanese capital.

It may be a bold statement, but the most attractive women in Africa can be found in Angola. This nation is one of 2 sub-Saharan countries to hold the Miss Universe title. Models from this country are really popular all over the world. Ladies in Luanda are currently constantly competing in local competitions to get noticed by international modeling agencies.

It is highly unflattering for America that it has a well-known reputation for being home to the largest number of overweight people in the world. With such a diverse mix of people, there isn't one particular type of woman in the United States. From Eva Mendes to Jessica Alba, from Jennifer Lopez to Rihanna, there is a wide variety of types, skin colors and personalities.
But there are some cities inland that stand out for how many hot girls there are. If you take cities like Los Angeles or Miami, then there is the highest concentration of beautiful women on the planet.

When they say that Colombians are one of the most beautiful on the planet, and even Russians with Ukrainian girls are lagging behind them, this is not just a figure of speech, but a factual fact. Burning Latinas literally hang in bunches from every street, causing untrained gringos to rush to where they should and a desperate desire to throw everything to hell, settling in the Colombian wilderness.
I'll tell you a short story. Once I drove past the town of Monteria, on the way from Cartagena to Medellin. I went to eat at a cafe, but then I still almost did not understand Spanish at all. They called me a girl named Adriana, who could speak English in half. She's funny, with braces, she looks about 15-16 years old. We got to talking - foreigners are a novelty there. Her shift was over, we went to the park on the embankment, she talked about her city. Then he says - come to our house, we will have dinner with our parents.
Well, I did. They were very surprised that on foot - they say, in the city in the evening it is scary, there are banditos around. In reality, in this Monteria, with the departure of the sun, all the ghouls creep out, and normal people sit at home.

Adriana turned out to have a younger sister, Melissa, who is still a child. We had a wonderful evening, looked at their photos, had dinner and went to the hotel, having previously finished on FB, as it happens.

And now 7 years have passed. Melissa had her birthday yesterday. This is an ordinary Colombian chica, there are a lot of them.

Adriana also turned into "" girl-uhh! "")) In the photo - on the left. Nearby there is some girlfriend, also quite to herself:

Real Colombian guitar shapes, beautiful face, perfect white teeth. Sometimes I come across her photographs in my feed, put likes and write flattering stories. My Spanish has gotten much better over the past seven years.

Two sisters on their birthday. The Colombian wilderness gives out something that is desperately lacking in Europe and the United States.

Colombian girls are known for their sensuality. The homeland of beautiful women is in the northwest of South America. Colombian girls are very independent, but at the same time they have traditional views. Independent Colombians are good housewives and caring wives. It so happened that sultry macho are breadwinners and earners, and women can afford to recede into the background. Colombians are very sensual and loving. They are not only very beautiful, but also reservedly sexy, it is attractive and chaste at the same time. Pay attention to the 10 most beautiful women in Russia 2015.

Relationships are very important for Colombians. They are permanent and usually live long with one man. This is part of their mentality. Although Colombia is a developed country, its people honor the traditions of the Latin people, whose values ​​differ from those of America and Europe. Colombian skin is usually tanned due to the scorching sun and hot climate. Cat's eyes came from ancestors - Indian tribes. Dark hair, beautiful brown eyes and radiant smiles - these are the women of Colombia. We present to your attention 10 sexiest Colombians.

Well, her hips sure aren't lying. This Colombian beauty, or simply Shakira, gives the heat every time she steps on stage. Born Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripol, singer, songwriter, dancer, producer and model. She was born and raised in Barranquilla and began performing at school. Success did not overtake her immediately. Her first albums did not make a big splash in the Latin music market.

Glory came to her when she tried herself in England, with the sixth and seventh albums, Fijacion Oral, Vol.1 and Oral Fixation, Vol.2... Her song Hips Don’t Lie blew up the stage and forever secured the status of a superstar for Shakira. Today she is one of the 10 most popular singers of 2015. Her name became a brand, and she herself appeared as a judge on NBC on the show "The Voice". The sexy Colombian star shines wherever she goes.

Natalia Paris, one of the most recognized models in Colombia. Now, at the age of forty, she continues to excite South America... From a model, Natalia Paris Gavria became a successful business woman, releasing personal hygiene items under her own brand. In March 2013, Paris spoke out about how children can grow up to be homosexuals by eating hormone-infused chicken.

Then she changed her mind, saying that chickens with hormones were involved in early puberty in girls. The National Farmers' Federation of Colombia was forced to issue a report refuting Paris's unscientific arguments. She didn't touch the chickens anymore.

Sometimes the combination of two bloods can give rise to unearthly beauty. As happened with Naval Ayub. From birth Navl Michel Ayoub Valderrama, a beauty combining Colombian and Lebanese blood. She inherited a striking appearance, which made her a beauty queen. In 2004, Ayub presented the Colombian capital Bogota as “ Miss Bogota».

Her second homeland was not left without a beauty queen, in 2014 Ayub was crowned as “ Miss Lebanon"And in the same year participated in a theatrical performance, on the occasion of the choice" miss World". The model appears on the pages of magazines around the world, delighting with her sultry beauty.

Andrea Serna is tall with curvaceous forms, has excellent physical characteristics and a stunning smile. The famous Colombian model is often in the spotlight because of her love for different hats. After finishing her modeling career, she became a successful television and radio host. She appears on television as a host or guest on a show.

Her voice can be heard on the radio, as a DJ, and she herself completed her studies as a television producer. Serna was born in Caldas, became famous in Santiago de Cali, and now lives in the bustling capital - Bogota. She became the producer of the Colombian version of “ X-factor". She may not be very famous all over the world, but in Colombia she is a superstar.

Carolina Guerra was born in 1986. A stunning beauty, famous Colombian model, actress and TV presenter. In 2005 she represented the capital of the country as “ miss bogota". Filmed in films ( including showing off a beautiful naked body), and appears regularly on Colombian television.

Has hosted local MTV and has appeared on numerous TV series including “ Crowned Goddess", Which was broadcast on the channel Telemundo in the USA. Guerra is a successful model and has appeared on many spreads. In addition to everything, she became the host of the show " Colombian top model».

Manuela Arbelaez is a Colombian and American model and actress. She was born in Medellin in 1988. In 2006 she moved to the United States and lived in New York, New Jersey. Shortly after moving to America, Arbelaez became a finalist in the beauty contest and the reality show " Latin Beauty", Which was shown on the channel Univision... Ultimately, she finished in sixth place. Arbelaez became a model in the show The Price of Luck.

In 2010, Manuela starred in Robin Thicke's video for the song “ It's in the Mornin '“. She also appeared as a guest guest on the soap opera “ Daring and beautiful". In 2012, the magazine Complex chose Arbelaez to be the first in the top " 25 most attractive TV show contestants».

In addition, in 2012 she was chosen as a model for the presentation of the main trophy 54 Grammy... That's a lot, Arbelaez is super sexy.

Paula Garces is an American actress who was born in New York City in 1974, grew up in Medellin, Colombia, and then returned to East Harlem in New York City. The Colombian American has played many roles, charming everyone with the image of the girl next door. In 1995, she landed the lead role in the feature film Michelle Pfeiffer Dangerous thoughts».

Since then, the Colombian beauty has appeared a lot on television and the big screen. She starred in such famous TV series as:

  • "The Sopranos"
  • "CSI: Crime Scene In Miami",
  • "Good wife",
  • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

Garces also appeared on the big screen in the film " Harold and Kumar". The beauty sees her future in Hollywood, we also believe that we will see her more than once.

Paola Andrea Rey, née Paola Andrea Rey Arsinegas. She was born in 1979 in San Gil, Santander, Colombia. She worked as a model and actress in Colombia and is known all over the world. The sexy brunette has starred in a number of telenovelas, including " Nanny "," Secret Passion "and" My second self».

She also starred in feature films. One of which, " Like a cat with a mouse”, Was awarded many prizes and awards. Rei starred for Fuego in 2005. Was the face of a cosmetic company Nitrojina... Roy is not so popular in Colombia for nothing.

She was born in Medellin, Colombia. Sandra Valencia is one of best models Latin America. With parameters 90-57-90 - the model world standard. Her brown hair and green eyes make her stand out from the rest. The young model has already starred for Diesel, Americano, Leonsia, Chevignon, Onda-de-Mar and many others.

In addition to these companies, she was the face of Besame Lingerie showing the body in all its glory. Valencia was also one of the models chosen by Leonisa for Ecuador Fashion Week. It seems that we should see this beauty more often.

Sofia Vergara today is 43 years old, she is still beautiful, it seems it was quite recently, when she, being a supermodel, smoked on the pages of a magazine and blew up the Internet. She was born in Barranquilla, Colombia. The busty beauty studied to be a dentist before she left to conquer the modeling business.

Sofia has many films and roles under her belt. She works to become the most successful Colombian woman in Hollywood and grab all the attention with her flawless figure and Latin charm.

With a colorful scene of jealousy. A classic Latin beauty on a narrow street blocked the movement of the car in which her husband and a young girl were. "Louis! You won't get away with it that easily, Louis-e-is! Let it come out! "- the lady demanded that the mistress urgently get out of the car. The traffic was paralyzed, a crowd of curious gathered, other women noisily supported the angry wife. The police had to remove the mistress from the car and hide her from the righteous anger of his wife.

Fire / frost

Colombians are famous for cruel drug traffickers, but at the same time, this nation is one of the most polite and pleasant to talk to: they call even young children "you" and "senior". They are like a battery with two poles, where, on the one hand, there is a deep religiosity, and on the other, an exciting pagan passion. Well, you read "One Hundred Years of Solitude"? Here is Marquez just from Colombia.

My second Colombian romance fell on the era of student unrest and I remember the amazing sense of security in the mouth of a volcano. There were armored vehicles in front of the university, and my boyfriend occupied an observation post for me on the pedestrian bridge to watch the students throw Molotov cocktails. It was not boring, honestly.


"We are now together forever!" - can often be heard on the first day of an affair with a Colombian. They sincerely believe in this and reason like this: take a closer look at each other? What for? Tomorrow may never come (the eerie years of guerrilla terror are telling), so "always" will be short. During the day, the Colombian will say about his love several hundred times and describe in detail the nuances of the storm of feelings in his soul. It is customary to call the lady of the heart “princess”, “queen” and for some reason “mamasita” - mommy (it’s not hard to guess what old Sigmund would say about this).

But Freud Freud, and in sex it is customary to lose control, turn off your head and surrender to the flow of passion. I have always had the feeling that the body temperature of Colombians is, on average, one and a half degrees higher. Both their skin and their breath are hot, burning.

Sex in public places is prohibited by law, fined ... and because of this, it is so desirable. Apparently, it is the violation of the taboo that attracts people. My Russian friend Anastasia told (in secret) how she went to the toilet at McDonald's, her then-Colombian boyfriend dropped in after her and gave her a quick sex in a booth. And at the sweetest moment, an employee came into the toilet together with a manager. “Well, at least they let me finish, they are polite,” Nastya laughed afterwards.


Colombia has a huge number of jealous killings. Here they shoot, cut, send bandits, set fire to the cars of cheaters and cheaters. Headlines can be seen in the newspapers: "Girl ran over unfaithful boyfriend by car, but insists on an accident", "Rejected lover offered poisoned beer to ex-girlfriend."

My first Colombian boyfriend was Othello too. It was from him that I learned that birthday greetings from someone else's man on the wall in social network- this is a reason for a serious scandal. Talking at the party was also banned (he made a scene of jealousy right during the party, not even after; why wait, let everyone see that the senior is outraged!). He also gave me a masterpiece of deduction: “How can you answer a man on the street, what time is it? - What's wrong with that? - Do not you understand?! He's bothering you! If he needed to know the time, he could ask anyone! "

A friend of my beloved Colombian once disappeared abruptly. A year later, it turned out that he suddenly left the country after his wife's betrayal and divorce. "I was afraid that I would just kill both her and this freak!" - much later he shared with us, holding back tears and rage.

Revenge and self-interest

If a Colombian woman divorces her husband, she takes away all... This is considered normal and accepted behavior. Ruth's friend, in response to my questions, was perplexed: “Maintain friendly relations? Let him give the finca (dacha) first, but for now, why should I be friends with him? "

On the other hand, Colombian men also consider it normal to look for a girl with money and then ask her to finance his projects. Invest in a loved one, so to speak. My boyfriend's friend Juan Felipe borrowed money from his wife for a business. And then the spouse fell in love with a certain Rodrigo, went to live with him, and the business of the abandoned spouse fell apart - could not stand the stress. But the wife did not write off the debt! After some time, the police arrested Juan Felipe's property - ex-wife kicked him out of his (bought before marriage!) apartment until he returned all the money.

Love magic

The pervasive presence of the "magic" industry is striking. In the capital of Colombia, Bogota, there is a covered market for magic supplies and a huge pavilion selling "plants of power." The simplest recipe for attracting a potential partner is as follows: buy a special candle "Para atraer amor" in the witch market, then get three bitter herbs and three sweet ones in the pavilion with plants. You will also need sea salt and Aqua Florida cologne. At home, you need to make a decoction of bitter herbs and salt and douse in it - this will remove the aura of failure. Then take a tincture of sweet herbs and rub with Florida - this will create an attractive aura. Light a candle, read Theotokos, and in three days He or She will appear! For severe cases, you can find recipes that include hair, bird claws, animal hair and other exotics.

It is quite normal here to receive from a friend - an educated city dweller! - to the question "How can I meet someone?" an answer like "I have a good fortune-teller, go" or "Why don't you do a spiritual cleansing, I have a familiar shaman." Many ladies store magic potions for future use and spray themselves with them from a spray bottle before going out into society.


Colombian men don't cry. They are crying. In Cartagena, we sit in a taxi with a Russian tourist friend. A minute later, she makes strange gestures to me with her eyebrows, pointing at the driver. I look closely - crying. Sobbing and wiping away tears with a huge light green handkerchief! A heartbreaking romantic song is playing on the radio. The taxi driver is clearly looking out for someone in the direction of travel. “Macho crying,” I shove my friend in the side with my elbow. Moreover, men here cry more often than women, who are more likely to get angry and spread everything around (temperament is the same).

Catholics are serious

There are many Orthodox Catholics in Colombia. I was acquainted with a 30-year-old virgin who “took care of himself for his wife,” a 42-year-old businessman who, when asked why he was not married, answered: “I am a Catholic, this is very serious for us - marriage is forever”. Former Russian woman Tatyana complained about all the delights of the explosive combination of sexuality and religious exaltation in her Colombian husband: curtains of Christ's images in the bedroom, constant atonement for sins and "dirty thoughts", as a bonus - an unstable erection ... Nevertheless, when they divorced , the only question that worried my husband was: "Did you meet with anyone else while we were together?" When it comes to jealousy, all religious tolerance evaporates somewhere.

And yet, if you want a thrill, Colombia is a must see! Everyone here invariably likes Russian girls. But I advise you to keep cultural characteristics in your head and lower your eyes to the floor when communicating with a man. Sweat e papa?

Also consider yourself a connoisseur of any country? Have you studied the local men and the peculiarities of national romance from A to Z? Write to us at[email protected] - you might be our next erotic geography expert!