List of precious stones and their benefits. We reveal the secrets of using the properties of stones

Stone products have been human companions since ancient times. Houses are built from them, furniture and interior items, and exclusive jewelry are made. The magic of stones is understandable only to those who believe in it. Precious items can not only decorate, but also cure illness and bring success and prosperity to the home. There is even a certain direction in Tibetan medicine - lithotherapy.

For centuries, people have studied magical power stones. It was established how each mineral affects the fate and health of a person. It is very important to choose the right amulet so that it actually brings benefits, and not vice versa. They can be classified as follows, depending on the sphere of influence:

  • talismans against troubles, dark forces (rubies, emeralds and sapphires);
  • amulets that help in amorous affairs and attract good luck (jasper, citrine, quartz);
  • for wealth and prosperity (all green shades of stones, emerald, beryl, aventurine are best);
  • healing amulets;
  • energy minerals for rituals and fortune telling.

The influence of shape on magical properties

How you wear magic stones is of great importance. Some should be worn discreetly, while others only work if they are visible. Thus, rings must be worn on a specific finger in order to achieve the required goal. The left palm is responsible for the psycho-emotional state, and the right palm is responsible for influence environment. The little finger is responsible for mental activity, the ring on it helps to attract wealth, the ring finger symbolizes family and love, the middle finger increases self-esteem, the index finger increases influence and management of people, the big finger helps to seduce.

Brooches and hairpins increase the bioenergy field. Stones of yellow shades, inlaid into jewelry, attract fame, and transparent and blue minerals help improve mental abilities. Earrings, beads, pendants are responsible for the material side of life (orange colors) and creative abilities (pink and green shades). Bracelets are multifunctional amulets, and their properties depend only on the selected stone.

In addition to decorations, figurines and objects are placed in the house, the purpose of which also depends on the shape and mineral composition. In addition, it is important to charge the stone correctly. You should not allow the amulet to come into contact with the wrong hands, so as not to pollute the energy. Requires cleaning periodically from negative energy, why lower the mineral into salt water and hold candles over it.

The influence of color on human health

Magical properties of stones and minerals have different meanings depending on their color:

Characteristics of the most popular minerals

When choosing an amulet, you need to trust your intuition; there are times when the stone attracts you, and sometimes the situation is exactly the opposite. Need to feel your stone, then he will certainly help.

The most sought after gems

Jewelry with a precious stone will decorate even the simplest and most unassuming outfit. Many owners of such valuables do not even suspect that such stones and their magical properties largely determine their fate and help solve impossible tasks. Here brief description their magical abilities and appearance:

Semi-precious stones and minerals

Despite their relatively low cost, semi-precious stones and minerals, their properties in all areas are no less. They also look amazing in any jewelry and are powerful amulets for their owner. Here are the characteristics of some of them:

  1. Aventurine is a type of quartz with shimmering inclusions of other minerals. It is considered the patron of gambling and good luck, but its constant use makes the owner irresponsible. The yellow shade of the mineral attracts money and luck, brown treats skin diseases, pink helps in love affairs, green will bring harmony. The rarest variety is a stone with golden inclusions that brings happiness.
  2. Agate consists of multi-colored curls of chalcedony. Affects the mental side of life - normalizes sleep, gives self confidence. It is believed that agate helps in the treatment of severe chronic diseases. It comes in a variety of colors and shades. Thus, blue stimulates brain activity, pink develops willpower, ocellated protects against the evil eye, green eliminates negative influences, and black is used in magical rituals.
  3. Aquamarine is a type of beryl. This mineral protects travelers on the road and helps make friends. It is good for the liver, stomach, reduces toothache. Recommends wearing it only during the daytime. All varieties of beryl absorb positive energy well and will certainly transfer it to its owner.
  4. Amazonite is a talisman for home and family. This is a subspecies of feldspar, has a bluish color with silvery veins. Helps maintain harmony in relationships and avoid quarrels. Massage with this stone helps in the treatment of joint diseases, such as osteochondrosis, arthritis, relieves swelling and helps prevent varicose veins. It has long been believed that it restores vigor and prolongs youth.
  5. Amethyst is the most valuable variety of quartz. It has a purple color (from light to almost black). The magical properties of this mineral help restore peace, inspire creativity, and relieve nightmares. Used in medicinal purposes for endocrine diseases, stress and depression, restores the body's hormonal levels. The cut must be made of silver or not at all, so that the magical properties do not disappear.
  6. Turquoise is a beautiful blue mineral, very often used in jewelry. In addition to its attractive appearance, it is an indicator of human health - if it fades, then it should be recharged (it has absorbed a large amount of negative energy from the owner) and the body should be diagnosed.
  7. - a type of quartz, sometimes called an Arabic diamond. The uniqueness of this mineral lies in the fact that it balances the emotional state and prevents the adoption of impulsive, thoughtless actions. Used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system if the throat is sore. For this amulet, a charge of positive emotions is important.
  8. The color of the pomegranate resembles the fruit, which is why it is named so. A stone of rich dark red color helps to reveal organizational and managerial qualities and allows you to recognize lies. It has analgesic properties, just apply it to the sore spot and it accumulates pain. Its magical properties will manifest itself only in a decent and highly moral person.
  9. Onyx is a mineral in a range of colors from green to brown with parallel veins. Dishes, boxes, figurines and other products made from this magic stone, saturated with positive energy, will help logical thinking and strengthen the leadership qualities of its owner. Used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, improves metabolism and strengthens immunity. This talisman is credited with mystical properties that allow...
  10. Opal is probably the most exciting and hypnotizing stone with its beauty. Available in a variety of colors and shades, it creates a unique accumulation of light within itself. This is a universal amulet that restores peace of mind, protects against colds, protects lovers and punishes infidels. It is believed that black opal helps to reveal the gift of foresight, and white, almost transparent opal helps to reveal talents. A stunning royal mineral with a mosaic pattern helps to learn all the secrets.
  11. Amber, in principle, is not a mineral, but just an indescribably beautiful frozen tree resin. But just like stones, it brings joy and peace to life. Such an amulet instills optimism in its owner and gives confidence. And wearing a talisman with jasper during pregnancy is a guarantee of a kind and friendly disposition in the future person. Since ancient times, talismans with this stone have helped with headaches, thyroid diseases, and tumors.

Zodiac signs and stones

The magic of stones and minerals, the magical properties of amulets are also selected depending on the zodiac sign. So , magazines and books on astrology It is recommended to choose amulets in the following way so that they bring good luck and happiness:

When choosing a stone, you need to be guided not only by its appearance, but also with your intuition. And also believe that it will help in life and do not forget to restore its energy. Skeptics deny the magical and healing effects of stones, but thousands of years of human experience prove the opposite.

Attention, TODAY only!

Stones accompany humanity throughout its existence. Since primitive times, dwellings have been built from them, utensils and tools have been made, worn as jewelry, and their influence on one or another action has been observed. With their help, rituals were performed to increase productivity and improve weather conditions.

For centuries, the peoples of the world have composed myths and legends related to the origin and magical properties of stones. In India they reverence it, believing that it is the blood of the Gods fighting on the heavenly Olympus. Residents of Egypt have long attributed varieties of stones to specific planets and consider their influence on a person depending on their astrological affiliation. In Arab countries, they were treated with special reverence, attributing to them powerful magical properties. Persian legends say that the history of the stones dates back to biblical times. It is believed that the Tempter Serpent created bright gems to distract Eve’s attention from the flowers created by the Lord.

After a period of calm, stones with their inherent properties are again gaining popularity. They are successfully used in everyday life as decorations, which often act as magical objects.

The role of magic and stone in human life

For centuries, people have tested and described the properties of minerals, created amulets and talismans of various shapes and purposes, in order to claim today that stones can have a healing and magical effect on humans.

The energy of minerals can have a fateful impact on human life. By turning to a stone for help, you can change your character, get rid of bad habits, as well as strengthen the positive personal qualities. Magical objects made from stones can protect from misfortunes and troubles, attract feelings, luck and prosperity. Some types of stones are used in magical rituals to learn the secrets of the universe, return to the past and communicate with the world of the dead. Sometimes this is necessary to protect a person from fatal accidents or to save them from generational curses.

Stones are effectively used in lithotherapy. Despite the denial of science, today we can safely say that minerals are able to cure serious illnesses, influence the psycho-emotional state and signal an upcoming disease before the first signs appear.

However, not every stone is capable of playing a positive role in the life of its owner, therefore, when choosing such an assistant, many factors should be taken into account, including the goal being pursued and its astrological affiliation.

Types of stones in magic items

Often unenlightened people choose a magical object without discerning its purpose. They expect protection, help and assistance, not understanding why a miracle does not happen. The reason is that the actions of an amulet, talisman and amulet, despite the general direction, are different:

  • Stones-amulets and amulets warn against troubles, illnesses and the influence of dark forces. Sapphires, rubies and emeralds are considered effective “guardian angels”.
  • The action of talisman stones is aimed at attracting love, luck and moral wealth. To achieve these goals, jasper, rose quartz and citrine are suitable.
  • Stones that provide material wealth can act as talismans, but their energy is aimed exclusively at increasing cash flows. These properties are attributed to all stones of green shades, especially emerald, beryl and aventurine in green-brown shades.
  • Healing stones that have versatile healing properties and can not only cure an illness, but also prevent it at the initial stage.
  • “Personal” energy stones are an attribute of magicians, mediums, psychics and healers. With their help, they establish contact with phantoms, travel through time, predict events and conduct magical sessions. Forecasters and clairvoyants resort to the help of rock crystal, emerald, amethyst and eye quartz.

Some rules and principles for the use of magical objects made from stones

In order for magical items to work effectively and for the benefit of the owner, they must be used correctly. They are custom-made from natural stones and raw minerals, sometimes charmed for a specific purpose, selected in color and worn on a specific part of the body.

Magical items are worn under clothing, hidden from prying eyes, or in plain sight in the form of decorations designed to attract the following benefits:

  • Hairpins and hairpins enhance the flow of energy, while golden-yellow stones attract fame and improve one’s position in society, while colorless and blue stones help increase intellectual and spiritual wealth.
  • Earrings, pendants and pendants are responsible for the financial sphere and attracting money (orange gems), develop creativity and help to find love (minerals of pink and green tones).
  • Bracelets worn on the forearm or wrist are universal items, so when choosing a talisman you should focus on the properties of the stone;
  • Rings have a wider spectrum of action, so depending on the goals pursued, you need to wear them on a specific hand. Left hand is responsible for the internal state and emotional comfort of a person, the right one is the influence of external factors. Each finger has a specific task: the little finger has a positive effect on logic and intelligence, promotes success in commerce; nameless - responsible for success in love relationships; medium – increases willpower and self-esteem; indicative – helps to increase power and influence over people; big - helps to learn the art of seduction.

Amulets, unlike other magical items, protect not only their owner, but also his home. This can be either jewelry intended for direct contact with a person, or figurines, dolls, horseshoes and other objects of sacred significance and located directly in the house. In this case, protection from negativity is provided not only by the property of the stone, but also by the shape of the object, as well as the ritual performed on it. In some cases, the amulet can play the role of a talisman (for example, a wedding ring or a pectoral cross).

In order for magical objects to work effectively and bring benefits, you should not allow strangers to touch them. You should also periodically cleanse them of negativity. To do this, just move the object over a lit candle, dip it in salt water for a couple of hours and rinse with running water.

It is forbidden to use other people's talismans and amulets, as they may carry accumulations of negative energy from the previous owner. Purchased stones must remain near their owner for a certain time in order to accumulate his energy. The properties of magical objects donated by loved ones or inherited are most clearly manifested.

25 popular magic stones

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Stone from the evil eye and damage

Since ancient times, stones have attracted people with their unique beauty and inimitable energy. It was noticed that the appearance of a stone in a person’s life was accompanied by various events, both positive and negative. The mysterious properties of stones have been studied for thousands of years. They were used as amulets and talismans, attracting good luck and protecting their owner from adversity.

History of studying the properties of stones

This interest in the magical properties of stones is explained by people’s confidence that each stone has its own unique energy. Lithotherapy and astrology study the nature of stones and their influence on the destinies of humanity.

Lithotherapy is the art of stone treatment. The area in which lithotherapy operates affects both the physical and spiritual state of a person. Lithotherapists believe that any ailment can be cured by choosing the right natural stone that has certain properties.

The use of natural stones has become widespread in the practice of Tibetan medicine. They were components of many medicines and material for the manufacture of pyramids and balls of massage devices. Healing properties These items are still in use today.

An integral part of Chinese medicine was the impact of certain stones on biologically active points of the body. In this way, a balance was achieved between the energies of Yin and Yang, and the vital force of Qi increased.

Yogis create protective talismans from stones in order to protect themselves from the negative effects of damage and the evil eye.

The modern art of Feng Shui uses the magical properties of natural stones to neutralize negative energy and enhance positive energy.

Astrologers are convinced that the zodiac sign under which a person was born determines the special properties that his own “lucky” stone should have.

The influence of stone energy on humans

The magical properties of stones can manifest themselves in both positive and negative ways. Studying the energy of these particles of nature, people came to the conclusion that each stone has unique properties and can have different effects on different people.

The first sign that determines the magical properties of a stone is its color. Stones that have different shades of the same color carry similar energy.

  • red stones: garnet, red tourmaline, ruby ​​and carnelian. These stones have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, heart, improve vision and help in healing viral diseases. Abusing the power of these stones can lead to the development of various inflammatory processes;
  • yellow and orange: amber, beryl, topaz, hyacinth and citrine. These stones improve overall physical condition, cure skin diseases and increase appetite. Too much energy from yellow stones leads to activation of the gallbladder;
  • blue and blue stones treat the endocrine system, lung and throat diseases. An excess of blue stones depresses the human psyche;
  • green - emerald, malachite, jadeite, jade, chrysoprase - have a beneficial effect on the immune system, balance blood pressure, help with arrhythmia and headaches. Also, the power of green stones forms positive mood. Their excess leads to the formation of stones in gallbladder;
  • white stones cleanse the body and fight mental disorders. These are pearls, moonstone, opal and chalcedony;
  • black stones can improve concentration, get rid of fears and develop willpower. These include morion and black tourmaline.

Very often, people use certain stones as talismans and amulets. However, there are also rules here, non-compliance with which can lead to dire consequences.

Expensive stones are not best choice for an amulet. They are harsh and have heavy energy. The best amulets are topaz, onyx, obsidian, tiger's eye and cat's eye. When choosing a personal defender, you should rely on intuition. It often happens that a stone that is suitable for certain parameters (for example, according to the zodiac sign) causes rejection in a person on a subconscious level.

Stones that have become family heirlooms have the most powerful magical properties. They carry the energy accumulated by their ancestors. Any jewelry that is passed down from generation to generation for many decades or even centuries should be protected. A stone given by a person who experiences sincere positive feelings will also be a good amulet.

It is believed that all stones and minerals have mysterious properties. We people have known about this for a long time. Each of them, if used with knowledge, can become an excellent talisman or even a talisman for a person. You just need to know which stone is yours and has exactly the properties that you want from it.

Characteristics of mineral stones

It is known that stones are not indifferent to the gender of their owner. There are stones that are suitable specifically for women, and there are those that are suitable for men. Men's the stones shine brightly and have warm shades, and for women they have cooler tones and are not very shiny. If a woman wears jewelry with male stones, then they will not bring her any benefit and may even harm her, and, on the contrary, female stones are absolutely not suitable for a masculine nature.

It is also known that stones that were acquired through theft or deception will not bring anything good to their owner. They can only harm the malicious owner. Since it has long been known that stones carry information, both negative and positive. It can also be said that newly purchased stones begin to show their magic after only a few years. If you inherited a stone or someone gave it to you, then it carries positive emotions and will help you in life as amulets and luck will always accompany you in your life.

When choosing a stone, you also need to know which one suits your zodiac sign. After all, each zodiac has its own character and disposition. But knowing just your zodiac sign is not enough. The owner must feel his stone. If you feel like your stone is in any way burdening you or affecting you negative reaction, then this is not your stone. You need to find others that are right for you. In ancient times, stones were even used in the treatment of diseases. Therefore, it is very important to find the stone that is right for you, which will be able to bring prosperity, luck and happiness into your life, and will become a talisman and amulet for you.

Man has always treated the magical properties of stones with a certain thrift and respect. He had always known that stones and minerals had magic, that some of them were even capable of changing their color according to the mood of the owner or if their owners were in danger. Stones and minerals should not only be precious jewelry, but they also need to be loved and treated with care. Defective or stones with cracks store negative energy and will not bring proper peace and tranquility. The magic of stones has long been known to man and, if used wisely, it will be much more beneficial than you think.

We currently know thousands various types stones and minerals. Correctly chosen the stone will help a person to open up spiritually, can reveal everything good qualities that its owner possesses. Some of them bring good luck and prosperity, others wealth and peace, others protect against the evil eye or can even remove it, and others bring happiness to your hearth. Of course, it is impossible to list all the magical properties of stones, but below we will try to characterize the most popular and accessible of them.

Mineral stones: magical properties

Red stones

  1. Aventurine is an opaque mineral and comes in a red-brown, green or pink hue. Aventurine was called the “stone of love.” He also is a symbol of happiness and collateral good mood. Ancient people believed that aventurine helps with the healing and treatment of wounds, and also strengthens vision and mind, and helps creative people to open up.
  2. Pomegranate red brings happiness and love to the home. This is a stone of passionate and active natures. The magic of the pomegranate gives its owner a source of additional energy. If your life is hectic or there are a lot of events and incidents, then this stone is indispensable as an additional “charge”. Passive people are not recommended to wear this stone, as it will only suppress such a person. Green - helps stabilize the hearth in the house.
  3. - a stone of a leader - a person who leads other people, as it is able to provide him with additional energy. People who are passive or have heart problems are not recommended to wear it. Also is an excellent amulet for its owner, as it has the ability to change color from red to dark red and even gray, foreshadowing the threat looming over its owner. It is believed that ruby ​​is a stone of love and passion that can ignite passion between a man and a woman.

Directory of the healing properties of stones.

Below are the main healing characteristics and properties of the stones.


Medicinal properties aventurine has a tonic effect, useful for those with a tendency to allergic reactions, with hair loss. Reduces warts.


When looked at for a long time, aquamarine has a beneficial effect on vision. Aquamarine has a calming, calming effect on a person, like sea water. It is possible that if a stone is in bio-resonance, it can change the sign of its energy. Wearing aquamarine relieves pain in teeth, stomach and liver. Effective when seasickness. Aquamarine in silver treats diseases of the oral mucosa. It was once believed to strengthen the heart, help with diseases of the lungs, skin and nervous system. Aquamarine has positive energy and improves mood. Revitalizes the mind and cures laziness.


Diamond (diamond) - strengthens all energy centers. In the East, diamond is used as a heart tonic. To do this, you need to place it in a glass of water overnight, and the next day drink all this water in several doses. Diamond protects against stomach diseases, helps with nervous and mental illnesses (schizophrenia, depression), and eliminates insomnia.


It is believed that the duality of the color of alexandrite is magically connected with the duality of human blood - arterial and venous, and the stone regulates hematopoiesis, purifies the blood and strengthens blood vessels. The ring with this stone should be removed before going to bed. The healing properties include the ability of alexandrite to normalize the activity of the circulatory system.


Almandine - from the Makzaban deposit has pronounced medicinal properties. The crusaders also wore rings with almandines to protect themselves from illnesses and wounds. It is no coincidence that these stones have long been credited with the ability to relieve pain. In Rus' it was believed that stones of this kind helped pregnant women during childbirth. Indian Ayurveda says that this stone is beneficial for vata and kapha disorders (that is, metabolic disorders). It helps heal wounds, provides energy for the heart and lungs, and supports the immune system. Yogis note that the soft vibrations of almandine are aimed at the mental and physical body. The stone has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, stabilizes cardiac activity, helps with inflammatory processes. It promotes the regeneration of organs and tissues, stimulates blood circulation and increases potency. Lithotherapists are confident that almandines promote wound healing. These stones also have a positive effect on metabolism and increase potency. Together with pyropes, almandines are “stones of fire.” Almandine protects men from wounds, ensures safe and easy childbirth for women, gives vitality and energy.


Amazonite - calms the nervous system, treats vegetative-vascular dystonia. Balances the mental and etheric bodies. Long-term wearing of amazonite restores youth and improves skin condition. Arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis are well treated with the stone. cervical spine spine. To do this, it is useful to massage painful areas of the body with a piece of amazonite. It helps with liver dysfunction and increased intestinal motility, with epilepsy. Mystics of the late 19th century. It was believed that amazonite gives birth to impulses of youth in old people, improves skin condition and treats nervous exhaustion, but encourages natural laziness.


Amethyst - strengthens the immune and endocrine systems, treats nervous diseases well, and relieves stress. Purifies the blood, cures diseases of the kidneys and bladder, liver and gall bladder. Amethyst increases the activity of the brain, pituitary gland and pineal gland. Treats insomnia and headache resulting from excessive nervous tension. To do this, amethyst is placed on the third eye area. Its name comes from the Greek word "amethystos" - "preventing one from getting drunk", which means that the stone helps to overcome addiction to alcohol. To do this, drink water infused with amethyst, or place amethyst on the solar plexus area. Amethyst serves as an antidote for poisoning, protects its owner from skin diseases, headaches, protects against wounds and clears the mind. The stone is recommended for relieving stress, strengthening the endocrine and nervous systems, increasing the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain, normalizing the action of the pineal and pituitary glands, purifying the blood and increasing energy. It regulates hematopoiesis and improves blood circulation. The stone helps in the treatment of mental disorders, harmonizes all levels of consciousness, promotes increased intelligence and multifaceted personality development.


This is a stone that strengthens dreams. Firstly, it is a remedy for insomnia. Secondly, it strengthens dreams, makes them clean, bright, and memorable.


Turquoise is a universal healer. But it is especially useful for the eyes (contemplation of turquoise in the morning improves vision), heart, lungs, liver, thyroid gland. Turquoise treats colds. And sore throat, flu, insomnia, arthrosis, rheumatism, diabetes, allergies, skin inflammation and neuropsychiatric diseases. Promotes skin regeneration. Turquoise serves as an indicator of health: if the wearer of turquoise jewelry notices that it has darkened, this is sure sign incipient illness. This feature is inherent in the very nature of the stone; it does not tolerate heat, high humidity, or vegetable oils.

The body of a sick person changes temperature and humidity, which is detected by sensitive turquoise. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to go to the doctor, check your health, and sick turquoise can be cured by briefly wrapping it in a piece of raw fatty meat. It is not recommended for older people to wear turquoise; it is harmful to a “slagged” body, and is also dangerous for blind and deaf-mute people. Before contacting turquoise, at least a two-week fast is advisable. Turquoise perfectly strengthens the body, forcing all organs to work in strict coordination, if you wear this mineral in a bracelet with a gold frame on your right hand.


Jet - treats well diseases caused by Yin (cold, moisture, expansion), which lead to a decrease in the energy of the umbilical chakra and, consequently, to a weakening of the function of the kidneys, liver, and pancreas. A heated, preferably flat stone is placed first on the navel area and then on the diseased organ. The whole procedure takes 30-40 minutes. Jet applied to the kidneys increases blood pressure, and used together with lapis lazuli (on the throat chakra) reduces it. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that it strengthened vision and protected against the evil eye. Biruni wrote that this is why jet necklaces were put on children. A talisman for pregnant women, helping to bear the fetus and safely give birth to a child.


Heliotrope - stops bleeding, is, according to Ayurveda, the best blood purifier. The stone is a good remedy for diseases of the liver, spleen and anemia. Treats heart diseases. Often used in combination with red stones. For visual impairment and colds, heliotrope helps if it is placed on the third eye area. In the Middle Ages, it was used to stop bleeding - red spots in the stone were identified with the blood of Christ, shed at the foot of the cross (which is why magical properties were attributed to heliotrope). Necklaces and pendants made of heliotrope were worn near the heart.


Hematite or bloodstone - activates the spleen, has a positive effect on the circulatory system. M. Pylyaev writes that “the bloodstone was once credited with the power to stop all bleeding.” I. Makeev, in an interesting book “Mineralogical information about Russian monuments of the 16th-18th centuries,” cites the following recipe from an ancient Russian medical book: “...The stone is finely crushed and mixed with gulaf water (distilled on rose petals) and with gum, and in that Make pills and in the evening, when you go to bed, swallow them into one spool, and this will stop the bloody vomiting.” Hematite strengthens the physical and etheric bodies.

Like jet, it treats diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas. Increases resistance to stress. The stone can be placed on organ areas where there are blockages and poor circulation. The most famous medical effect of hematite is the normalization of blood pressure and body weight. In addition, it activates the activity of the spleen, increases resistance to stress, improves energy, promotes optimism, mental fortitude and willpower. In ancient times, it was called mainly “bloody” due to the color of the powder and was considered healing for wounds, bleeding, inflammation and outbursts of anger.

Hematite (bloodstone) was actively used in ancient medicine as a hemostatic agent and is in some cases an analogue of magnetite. There is no doubt that bloodstone beads or large inserts in a necklace or brooch can create a weak magnetic field. They believed that bloodstone healed abscesses, bladder diseases and venereal diseases. Powders made from bloodstone were used to treat impaired vision and abscesses.


Hyacinth (zircon) - balances the pituitary gland and pineal gland. Helps with constipation, decreased gastric secretion, intestinal atony, stimulates the liver. Hyacinth tones the nervous system well, treats insomnia and skin diseases. Promotes emotional balance and is a universal healer. Cleanses the entire body. Analysis of its use showed that it has the same qualities as diamond. Overdoses lead to increased production of bile. Hyacinth - good remedy from hallucinations and melancholy. In the old days, hyacinth was said to help women prevent pregnancy. To do this, a heated stone is placed on the area of ​​the root chakra for 2.5-3 hours daily for 8-10 days.

Hyacinth- a stone of the Sun, so it is useful to place it on the solar plexus area for a while every day. It was believed that the stone had another amazing quality - it induced sleep. Gerolamo Cardano said that he himself wore a rather large hyacinth, and found that the stone seemed somewhat conducive to sleep, but not very much, apparently, because the hyacinth was not of the highest quality.

Eye quartz are warm stones; they are strong amulets. They are very beautiful and incredibly healing.

Cat's eye sprouts olive green or soft lavender needles. Heals many diseases, such as diseases of the ears, eyes, heart, skeletal system, gynecological diseases, etc.

Hawkeye sprouts darker, blue-green needles. Excellent for the heart, bones, lungs, nerves and lymphatic system. Good for tired eyes. Very useful for people who work with computers and for TV fans.

Tiger's eye sprouts rusty-red needles. Good for the throat, kidneys, stomach and the entire digestive system.


Rock crystal - strengthens memory, improves speech and thought processes, and helps to obtain secret information. Wearing this stone on the wrist regulates blood flow and prevents the formation of blood clots. But a very long string of crystal beads can cause strange phenomena similar to hallucinations or intoxication. On the other hand, crystal beads increase the milk supply of a nursing mother. Crystal on the neck or on index finger left hand of a sleeping person relieves nightmares. Worn in a ring on the ring finger, it relieves chilliness and the danger of freezing; worn under underwear on the right side of the abdomen, it improves the functioning of the gallbladder. Crystal, according to ancient beliefs, cleanses the body, thoughts, and helps remove toxins from the body; only for this it must be worn on the wrist. There is evidence that high-ranking Templars implanted a small lens into the skin so that they would never part with it. A crystal druse is capable of collecting negativity that accumulates in a room, thus relieving tension from those present.


Pomegranate - cleanses and tones the digestive, respiratory, lymph and circulatory systems, the immune system, and calms the nervous system. The stone helps with high temperature, sore throat and prolonged headaches. Yellow and brown colors Pomegranates have a healing effect for skin diseases, digestion, constipation and allergies. According to Ayurveda, red pomegranate contains “fire” and “earth” (treats the endocrine system and digestion), green contains “fire” and “air” (treats the endocrine system, blood and lymph circulation, nerves), white contains “water” (heals mucous membranes and diarrhea, balances the secretions of gastric juice and salivary glands).

Garnet, especially red, stimulates sexuality, courage, will, endurance and self-esteem.

Jade. Jade

Products made from jadeite, which are in close proximity to a person, bring him health and have a beneficial effect on him, the Chinese believe. According to recently published scientific research in the field of lithotherapy, jadeite, as a stabilizing stone, has a concentrated positive energetic impact per person: strengthens the nervous system, equalizes blood pressure, softens blood vessels, improves blood composition, strengthens male potency, treats kidney and urinary tract diseases. In heated stone, these properties are enhanced. Jadeite is the most beautiful natural material ever used in saunas. Thanks to its unique physical and mechanical properties, jadeite is the most durable stone for saunas. Jadeite saunas are very popular abroad.

The most fashionable and prestigious complexes consider it their duty to equip their saunas with jadeite, including the LUX rooms of the Sandunovsky Baths in Moscow. The cost of an hour's stay in the Juvinex jadeite sauna in New York (on 32nd Street between 5th Avenue and Broadway) is $100. An ancient Chinese encyclopedia, the work of Li Shi Chang, presented to Emperor Wang Li of the Ming Dynasty in 1596, contains a lot of interesting information about jade. Jade, crushed into granules the size of a grain of rice, strengthens the lungs, heart, vocal organs, prolongs life and is more effective if gold and silver are added to its powder.

Another, undoubtedly more pleasant way of using this precious mineral, is a liqueur enthusiastically dubbed the divine jade liqueur. To prepare this elixir, one had to take equal parts of jadeite, rice and dew, put them in a copper pot and boil them. The resulting liquor was carefully filtered. This mixture was intended to strengthen muscles, make them flexible, strengthen bones, calm thoughts, nourish the flesh and cleanse the blood. Anyone who took this drink on a long journey suffered less from heat or cold, as well as from hunger and thirst.

Galen (130 AD) wrote about "green jasper": Some people talk about the power of certain stones, and this is true of green jasper. Touching this stone to the stomach or navel helps. In addition, this stone is inserted into rings and a dragon halo of rays is engraved on it (according to the will of King Nekhepso in the 14th book of his works). Indeed, I myself have carefully examined this stone. For this purpose I wore it so that it touched the navel, and received no less benefit from it than if I had worn it with the engraving about which Nehepso wrote.


Calcium carbonate, which is part of pearls, creates a cooling effect, being a source of soothing healing vibrations, leading to the harmonization of body functions. In the form of ash, it is used to cleanse the stomach and for intestinal inflammation - as an internal cleanser. Can be used in the treatment of hepatitis and in the presence of gallstones. In the Middle Ages, children suffering from anemia were given milk with crushed pearls to drink. For liver diseases, they drank the solution in which pearls were boiled. Pearls promote longevity. Pearls are a good hemostatic agent. Therefore, it is used in the form of powders and infusions for bleeding gums, vomiting blood, and blood hemorrhoids. In order to get charged pearl water, you need to put four or five small pearls in a glass of water and let it brew overnight. The next morning you can drink the water. Pearl water helps with inflammatory processes. It is alkaline and akin to “living water”. The shine of a pearl depends on the health of its owner. After the death of the owner, the pearls become dull. IN Ancient Rome pearls were dedicated to the goddess of love, Venus. Even the ancient Chinese believed that pearls enhance visual acuity and treat ear diseases.

Serpentine serpentine

Serpentine coil is a special cleaner that cleanses specifically from astral toxins. The mineral helps with headaches, unstable blood pressure, at colds, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and digestive system, relieves increased excitability and nervousness, smoothes out emotional outbursts. If there is an evil eye, damage, then the coil even splits. The coil draws out negative formations and emotions from a person’s damaged field, and therefore has been used since ancient times in the treatment of physical and mental illnesses. Very strong energy drink, creating a feeling of protection and peace of mind for the owner. The talisman of healers, pharmacists, doctors, homeopaths, massage therapists, has strong energetic properties and the ability to endow the owner with strength, but only in order to share it with other people in active assistance, not only gross material, but also subtle. As an amulet and talisman, serpentine is a guardian against damage, evil eyes, etc. It is closely connected with the secrets of the universe, secret sciences and knowledge and is useful only to those who want and have the will to learn the hidden mechanisms of the work of the universe. It is a powerful space purifier, so it is good to have it at home, especially in the form of objects resembling a twisted horn, a vase, or an open box.


Emerald heals the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, nervous system, and improves performance. For eye diseases, visual impairment, and if your eyes are very tired, place two stones on your eyelids for 15 minutes. You can apply compresses with emerald water to your eyes and regularly drink water infused with emerald.


Cacholong (milky white) is associated with motherhood, so it is recommended to be worn by pregnant women, as it improves their health and contributes to the successful completion of childbirth. Cacholong strengthens well-being, increases savings, and also improves health and promotes rapid recovery in case of illness. He is the best stone for harmonization and strengthening of a person and his family. In men, it increases sexual potency. Placed at the patient's head, cacholong promotes his speedy recovery.


The energy of corals activates metabolism, has a good effect on blood circulation and cardiovascular system, improves memory. Calcium carbonate contained in corals calms and relieves irritability. Good for treating diseases of the stomach, spleen, intestinal diseases, as well as infectious diseases. Corals treat abscesses and ulcers, including internal ones. If coral is worn on the index finger of the right hand, it cleanses the blood well. If you wear corals around your neck, they will protect you from sore throat, scarlet fever and relieve nervous tics.

Corals are believed to reduce stress and fear and promote well-being. life together. It dispels stupidity, nervousness, fear, depression, homicidal and suicidal thoughts, panic and nightmares, and imparts prudence, courage and wisdom. Coral is used to attract good luck. Also enhances the gift of foresight. Coral is considered a remedy for intestinal spasms, stones bladder, poisoning and insomnia. Modern research has found that corals contain hormones that have a strong positive effect on the human body. Also heals epilepsy, madness, gives wisdom. Coral is considered a remedy for spells and spells.


For many peoples, flint was considered a talisman stone. It was kept in the house to strengthen family well-being, and protective amulets were made from it. In Mongolian healing practice, flints of sacred saffron yellow color (the color of Lamaism) were used for healing gastrointestinal diseases. For this purpose, silicon amulets were applied to the solar plexus area. In healing practice, opal-chalcedony flint is sometimes used to disinfect and activate water. Such water has analgesic, antiseptic and hemostatic properties. The main characteristic of flint: it gives a person energy, charges him, and provides a creative basis. Flint can support a person and give tone.

Lapis lazuli enhances the ability to concentrate and promotes more conscious life. It cleanses the aura of past, already outdated layers. If a lapis lazuli stone is placed on a sore spot, it helps relieve pain, tension and spasms. It is used for joint pain, radiculitis, blood and spine diseases. Lapis lazuli improves pregnancy and prevents miscarriages. For healing, it is useful to combine the stone with rose quartz, amethyst, green aventurine. Ayurveda experts recommend wearing it around your neck in a gold necklace. However, lapis lazuli beads strung on a silk thread help just as well.


This is one of the stones that restores the balance of strength and slows down physiological aging.


Jade - translated from Spanish means "stone of the lower back." The fact is that this stone has amazing viscosity and retains heat for a very long time. Therefore, it was heated and used as a heating pad. Light (white) jade helps especially well against kidney diseases. It is worn on the lower back for a year, and chronic pain and other symptoms completely disappear. Jade has the ability to smooth the face, so ancient cosmetologists applied jade plaques to the faces of beauties after massage. Men preferred to smoke pipes with jade stems, because this stone can neutralize poisonous smoke. The vibrations of jade are harmonious with the heart chakra. It is useful to wear it in beads, pendants and rings. The throne of the Chinese emperor was carved from jade, noble people ate from jade dishes, and jade rings served as a symbol of prestige. Many diseases were treated with jade powder in China. Avicenna treated stomach diseases with nephritis. Jade has a high heat capacity. Therefore, a piece of stone applied to the stomach area or near the kidneys acts as a soft heating pad, relieving pain. Jade always seems warm and pleasant to the touch. Medicinal properties: white jade reduces renal colic and liver pain. Sharpens hearing and vision. Red jade regulates the heartbeat.


Indian astrology believes that onyx is useful to any person because it concentrates bioenergy and draws out diseases. According to Eliphas Levi, onyx is also considered a very useful stone - it soothes pain, it is placed for relief on inflamed areas of the tumor, as well as on the stomach to relieve colic. Wearing onyx sharpens your hearing. According to modern astrological concepts, onyx is a concentrator stone and can “pull out” diseases. Strengthens memory. Set in silver, it helps with heart pain and treats insomnia. It is used for diseases of the nervous system and depression. Relieves stress well. Promotes emotional balance and self-control. Since onyx is very closely related to matter, it is used for indecision and excessive suspiciousness. It increases potency and rejuvenates. It strengthens memory well. Onyx relieves pain in the heart. Striped onyxes are especially good at relieving pain: they are placed on inflamed areas and tumors. Onyx also sharpens hearing and clears the mind. Sardonyx (onyx with red stripes) stops bleeding. Onyx set in silver treats heart disease more effectively and quickly eliminates insomnia.


Has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines. Increases kidney energy, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system. It releases energies that harmonize the mind and emotions, absorbs bad intentions, and therefore can be used as an amulet. If it is constantly worn or meditated with, obsidian helps a person become aware of it weaknesses and shows where the free flow of energy is blocked. Anyone who constantly wears obsidian should not be afraid of changes (primarily in himself) and be ready to accept a new view of the world.

Opal - brings balance to all body functions. Stimulates the pineal gland and pituitary gland. Sharpenes intuition and inspiration. Good for vision. Protects against infectious diseases. Opal sends energies to the heart chakra.


Whoever wears the stone can improve the function of the adrenal glands, kidneys, and pancreas. Balances sexual energy, increases reproductive function. The stone has a calming and relaxing effect. It is a stone of tranquility, it is too calming emotional people, relieves jealousy, resentment and pride, helps with stress and depression, reduces alcohol and drug addiction.