Alcohol pills are the most effective. List of medications for alcoholism and hangover

Anti-alcoholism pills help you get rid of your bad habit. They are taken consciously, but sometimes medications are used at home without the knowledge of the drinker. Medicines have contraindications and side effects, so prior medical consultation is required.

What types of drugs are used

A competent way to get rid of alcohol addiction is detoxification of the body, comprehensive inpatient treatment. But more often than not, desperate relatives decide, without the patient’s knowledge, to rid him of his craving for alcohol. There are anti-alcohol drugs for this:

  1. Medications that reduce euphoria after drinking alcohol.
  2. Medicines that reduce the severity of hangover syndrome.
  3. Drugs that eliminate negative changes in physiology and psyche that have arisen in connection with alcoholism.

If there are no contraindications, the tablets can be added to food without the desire of an alcoholic. But an important factor in giving up alcohol is a conscious choice.

Causes an aversion to alcohol

The bulk of drugs in this category are based on disulfiram. The substance is strictly incompatible with ethyl alcohol. The dosage is determined by the doctor, otherwise the treatment may result in the death of the patient from a heart attack, stroke, or bleeding disorders.

The principle of action of anti-drunkenness pills is based on the suppression of the enzyme acetaldehydrogenase. Its function is to transform acetaldehyde into harmless acetic acid. When enzyme production is limited, the body reacts to a dose of ethanol with vomiting, tremors, panic attacks, hypotension, and increased sweating. Such reactions cause aversion to alcohol at a reflex level. Contraindications for taking disulfiram-based tablets are:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Hypertension of severe degrees (2–3rd).
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Kidney or liver failure.
  • Asthma.
  • Organic mental disorders.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Endocrine diseases.

Before taking the medicine, a patient with alcoholism undergoes medical treatment. examination. Tablets or capsules for implantation contain disulfiram, polyvidone, magnesium stearate. Used during meals. Start with one tablet, after 2-3 days take ½, after 48 hours - ¼ pill per day. Your doctor will prescribe an individual regimen and course of treatment.

"Esperal" is a complex remedy that corrects cravings for alcohol. The condition worsens only from vodka and other types of intoxicating drinks taken together with tablets - the drug does not manifest itself in any way on its own. Implants and Esperal injections are used to code against drunkenness. The cost of tablets is from 750 to 1,400 rubles, sold by prescription.

Without the knowledge of the alcoholic, tablets are used carefully. Anti-alcohol tablets that cause an aversion to alcohol should not be taken by patients with glaucoma or cancer (other contraindications are listed above).

The Russian analogue of Esperal, the effect of which is milder and the cost is lower - about 110–170 rubles. There are encoding capsules. The active substance, as well as contraindications, are similar to Esperal. Dispensed by prescription.

Before taking it, you must refrain from drinking alcohol for at least a day. The tablet is sprinkled into food at breakfast for a decade.

The basis of the medication is disulfiram + nicotinamide with adenine. The price of tablets is from 1,200 to 1,400 rubles. Treat recurrent manifestations of alcoholism. Sold in a pharmacy with a prescription.

Effective when making a conscious decision to quit drinking. It is possible to use pills without the consent of an alcoholic, but after prior consultation with a doctor, taking into account the above contraindications.

For the first time, they give ¼ tablet, and then add one pill per day to food for a week. When taking more than 80 ml of alcohol together with Lidevin, asphyxia, paralysis of the heart muscle, and convulsions are possible. Do not use together with alcohol-containing products.

Cyaminade is the active ingredient of the drug. Release form: drops. Taken twice a day (one-time maximum – 25 drops, minimum – a dozen). It is popular when added to food without the consent of the alcoholic because it is invisible. The break between doses is at least 12 hours.

Drops are prohibited for those suffering from kidney disease, liver disease, respiratory failure, or heart disease. The effect appears after drinking alcohol - increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure. If the dose of alcohol is higher than 50–80 mg, coma is possible. Side effects of Colme are impotence, depression, loss of appetite. Price – from 1,300 to 1,500 rubles. Purchased by prescription.

The name of the tablets for implantation (or oral administration) is identical to the name of the active substance. The described means, except for “Kolme”, work on its basis, respectively, the “Disulfiram” tablet causes similar side effects, has a similar list of contraindications. The implant is implanted in the inpatient department, the regimen for taking pills for alcoholism is determined individually, the daily dosage starts at 125 mg.

A person suffering from alcoholism can only be treated with his consent. Taking alcohol together with medication will not be without consequences - intoxication develops, vomiting, migraines appear, blood pressure increases, convulsions and hemorrhages are possible. Do not use together with Isoniazid.

Reducing cravings for alcohol

Drugs that discourage drinking are required for complex drug treatment alcoholism. They are also acceptable for use at home, but with the consent of the patient, otherwise the effect is neutralized. Helps against binge drinking together with anti-hangover pills. The mild effect of drugs for alcoholism is aimed at the area of ​​the brain responsible for euphoria when the next dose of ethanol enters the body.

New generation tablets are sold in pharmacies with a prescription. They restore neurobalance in the brain, and the craving for alcohol subsides. Use during the day after or during meals.

The daily dose depends on the weight of the patient with alcoholism (up to 60 kg - 4 tablets, above - 6). The course of treatment is one year. The tablets are based on calcium acetyl homoaurate. Increased sensitivity to one of the components, elderly or childhood, pregnancy and lactation, chronic illnesses liver and kidneys - contraindications for use. Price – about 11 thousand rubles.

Homeopathic tablets are available without a prescription and eliminate cravings for alcohol. Useless for chronic alcoholism. "Proproten 100" has no contraindications other than personal ones allergic reactions. Not for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is permissible to use tablets without the consent of a patient with alcoholism. Over the course of 2 hours, take 4 tablets alternately (every half hour). Next, another 10 hours in a row - one pill per hour. To consolidate the effect, drink one tablet per day for 90 days. Cost – from 200 rubles.

Review of other drugs

List of the most effective drugs for relieving psychological dependence in alcoholism:

  • "Tianeptine"

An antidepressant based on the active substance of the same name. It is used in chronic alcoholics, reducing cravings for alcohol. The tablets suppress anxiety, panic, fear, improve sleep, relieve irritability, and attacks of aggression. Take 3 pills per day before meals. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor. The drug is sold upon presentation of a prescription, the price of the package is 470 rubles. Tablets are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components.

  • "Diazepam."

The tranquilizer calms, removes aggression and tension when giving up alcohol, and restores blood circulation. Take tablets up to 4 times a day. The dose and duration of administration are determined by the doctor, but should not exceed 60 mg at a time. The patient should be notified about taking the medication. The tablets cause side effects: diarrhea, cognitive impairment, allergic reactions. The drug is sold by prescription, the cost is 600 rubles.

The active ingredient is flupenthixol. A strong psycholeptic that has a sedative effect in chronic alcoholism. It has no hypnotic effect. Together with alcohol, the pills cause a coma. Before your appointment, a doctor’s consultation and examination are required. Use with caution in patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency.

The maximum daily dose is 3 mg. Tablets are taken 2-3 times a day with water. Side effects include erectile dysfunction, insomnia, and visual impairment. The drug is dispensed upon presentation of a prescription, the price of the package is 410 rubles.

The basis of the dietary supplement is ginkgo biloba, a complex of vitamins (group B) and minerals (magnesium, selenium). Ideal for correcting depressive states of a person suffering from alcoholism. Reduces cravings for drinking alcohol, improves hangover. The tablets are taken once a day with meals. The standard course is a month. Pharmacy sales - without a prescription, price - 360 rubles. Contraindication – personal intolerance.

The active ingredient is naltrexone. The drug is used intramuscularly (in a manipulation room) or orally (capsules). It is not recommended to administer the drug intravenously. Capsules are added to food without the knowledge of the patient, but the dose is determined by the doctor. A prescription is required to purchase. The cost of a bottle is about 19 thousand rubles, the price of 10 capsules is from 900 rubles.

Intramuscularly administered once a month (380 mg). Side effects - vomiting, hyperthermia, flatulence, acute pancreatitis, myalgia, visual impairment, decreased mental activity. Alcoholism is treated successfully - the desire to drink sharply decreases. Before starting therapy, you should refrain from drinking alcohol for a day.

A doctor should choose a set of drugs to reduce cravings for alcohol. Some tablets and drops can be used with caution without the knowledge of the patient (Acamprosat, Proproten 100, Balansin).

For a hangover

A hangover can be treated with medications, but it is better to take pills in combination with drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol. Medicines like magnesium sulfate are used to relieve intense headaches, nausea, tremors, and rapid heartbeat. The drugs are used to detoxify the body and improve the psychological state of a patient with alcoholism at home.

But even the best means for hangovers require caution when consuming. The tablets have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa and are therefore not recommended for people with ulcers. Sold without a prescription.


A drug based on di- and 3-basic carboxylic acids accelerates the conversion of acetaldehyde to CH₃COOH (safe monobasic carboxylic acid), improves the condition of a patient with alcoholism, normalizes sleep and mood. Tablets are used to relieve binge drinking and alleviate the consequences of intoxication.

"Limontar" is taken for a decade, 2-4 tablets per day. The maximum dose used for treatment last stages alcoholism. The tablet is dissolved in mineral water. The medicine costs 80 rubles. Not recommended for hypertensive patients with glaucoma. Can be used without the consent of the hangover sufferer.

Contains medichronal, which helps get rid of ethanol derivatives, reduces intoxication, improves mental state alcoholic patient. The tablets are used to treat chronic alcoholism in conjunction with other medications. Course – 3 months, two tablets per day. Acute alcohol poisoning is treated with Metadoxil only in intravenous drip form.

The cost of the drug is 1,000–1,200 rubles. Use with caution for people with Parkinson's disease and asthmatics. Allergic reactions are possible.

Effective for headaches because it contains aspirin. It dissolves in liquid due to the presence of bicarbonate. The tablets should not be taken by asthmatics, pregnant or nursing mothers. The maximum daily dose for severe pain is 9 tablets with an interval of 4 hours. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days. In case of overdose, angioedema and bronchospasm occur. The drug costs from 290 rubles.


Analogue of "Zorex". It differs in cost - from 190 to 280 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and region.


The tablets contain glycine and aspirin. It is used similarly to the two previous drugs, the course of treatment is 7 days. Sold for about 200 rubles. It is permissible to dissolve no more than 2 tablets at a time. Side effects are loss of appetite, skin rashes, nausea.

Treatment of alcohol withdrawal is carried out comprehensively, and therapeutic regimens are prescribed by a doctor. If a patient with alcoholism does not want to be treated, medications are administered to food without his knowledge. But doing this without consulting a doctor is dangerous. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

The choice of pills for alcohol addiction is large. But which ones should you choose to really help? This is very current issue. The main thing in the treatment of alcoholism is complex therapy, and it is better if it is prescribed by a narcologist. Only a specialist can choose adequate treatment. Many anti-alcohol medications can only be purchased with a prescription.

Characteristics and principles of anti-alcohol therapy

The big difficulty is that not all alcoholics consider themselves sick, so they simply do not agree to therapy in special clinics or under the supervision of a doctor. This often leads to relatives of patients trying to find a medicine that can be given without the consent of the drinker. The drugs are mixed with food or drink, and the alcoholic does not even know that he is taking them. But that's the point great danger. Some drugs are so strong that when mixed with alcohol they can cause serious consequences for human health and even life. Therefore, you need to be very careful with self-medication.

To understand how anti-alcohol therapy works and what trends in the treatment of alcoholism exist today, it is necessary to consider the main modern drugs, used in the fight against alcoholism.

In the fight against such a serious disease as alcoholism, the main thing is not only to remove dependence on alcohol, but also to remove the negative conditions that necessarily accompany the disease. This could be a mental disorder or a disruption in the functioning of internal organs, etc. Comprehensive therapy should include not only drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol and cause intolerance, but also drugs to stabilize the patient’s psyche. Drugs may also be prescribed to treat pathologies that appear as a result of alcoholism. There can be a lot of options.

Stages of therapy

Complex therapy usually takes place in several stages:

  1. Taking medications that should change the body's reaction to alcohol. Here it is necessary to reduce the alcoholic’s craving for alcohol or to induce disgust towards it. These may be medications based on disulfiram or naltrexone.
  2. Reducing the amount or completely eliminating alcohol can cause the development of withdrawal syndrome, the symptoms of which are similar to poisoning (dizziness, nausea, vomiting, general weakness). If the patient exhibits symptoms of the disease, the neurologist will prescribe medications to alleviate the condition.
  3. Alcoholism is often accompanied by the development of various mental disorders, without treatment of which it is impossible to overcome the addiction.
  4. Medicines that should neutralize or at least reduce negative impact ethanol for internal organs. At this stage, treatment will be aimed at reducing intoxication in the body.

Each stage of complex therapy will solve intermediate problems in order to ultimately overcome alcohol addiction.

All drugs that can cause a change in the body’s reaction to alcohol are divided into 2 groups:

  • causing aversion to alcohol;
  • suppressing the desire to drink.

Drugs of the first group will block the action of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which causes poisoning of the body with all its manifestations. This situation reduces the pleasure of drinking alcohol, which in the future will cause disgust for it. Other medications act on basic metabolic processes, reducing cravings for alcohol on a psychological level.

Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol

Medicines in this group should cause intolerance to alcohol, as well as completely eliminate the feeling of euphoria after drinking it. Anti-alcohol pills will be aimed at blocking the possibility of receiving pleasure, which means that a person can drink, but the previous sensations of intoxication will no longer be there. As a result, the craving for alcohol will gradually decrease. Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol:

  1. Proprothene-100. The medicine has been well studied and will help with hangover syndrome. It can also be used in the treatment of chronic alcoholism (it will prevent breakdowns). Often used for withdrawal symptoms. As a result of the course therapy, there is a decrease in the manifestations of psychopathological disorders (anxiety, insomnia, irritability, etc.), somatovegetative disorders (weakness, headache, sweating and others). Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation. Among the advantages is an affordable price.
  2. Metadoxyl is a drug developed in Italy, which is presented on the market in the form of an injection solution or in tablet form. Effective for chronic alcoholism. Can be used for intoxication during an exacerbation, during withdrawal syndrome. Undesirable consequences include the development of allergic reactions. It is not recommended to use the product for pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Acamprosat. Anti-alcoholism pills are different in that they are not addictive. Take according to instructions, usually 3 times a day. The result will be visible after the course. It is not used for hangover syndrome due to low effectiveness. Main task medications - suppress the desire to drink. Side effects: stomach discomfort, loss of appetite, weakness, dizziness and others.
  4. Colma. The remedy will help with breakdowns; it is often used for chronic alcoholism. If you follow all the recommendations in the instructions, adverse reactions rarely develop. At long-term use medicines function control thyroid gland required. Contraindications: dysfunction of the liver, heart, respiratory tract, kidneys, pregnancy and lactation. It is forbidden to consume simultaneously with alcohol.

Craving-reducing medications can be very effective in combating alcoholism.

Drugs that cause aversion to alcohol

The main active ingredient is disulfiram, which stimulates complete alcohol intolerance and does not simply suppress the feeling of pleasure. During therapy, even a small dose alcoholic drink can cause symptoms of severe intoxication, and a dose of 50 ml can already be lethal. It is for this reason that such drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence are not recommended to be used without the consent of the patient. The result may be unpredictable. Medicines in this group are not available without a prescription.

Typically, disulfiram-based medications are used for inpatient treatment in clinics; it is used for coding. In this case, the patient is told about possible consequences and after administering the medicine they give alcohol test. The microdose of alcohol is very small, but even in this case a person will be able to feel the consequences.

You should use pills that cause aversion to alcohol with caution, as there is a whole list of contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • liver failure;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • pregnancy, lactation period, etc.

Such drugs can help get rid of drunkenness, but only for the period while the person is coded or takes medication. The further outcome will depend on the person himself and the reasons for which he began therapy. If the drinker was forced to undergo treatment in such a radical way, then most likely he will return to drinking alcohol again. This is due to the fact that the person abstained only out of fear, and not out of his own convictions. But there may be a different outcome. Long-term abstinence in combination with psychological help can permanently rid a person of the desire to drink.

Among the most popular products that can be bought at the pharmacy are:

  • Esperal;
  • Torpedo;
  • Barrier;
  • Caprinol and others.

Due to the fact that the unregulated use of these drugs has very serious consequences, the dosage and treatment regimen should only be chosen by a doctor.

Principles of complex treatment

In order to give up alcohol without aggression and other negative manifestations for yourself and others, and after treatment not to return to alcoholic beverages again, the main thing is to use an integrated approach. From this perspective, the psychological aspect is very important and occupies a significant place in the entire recovery process.

For a lasting result, in addition to anti-alcohol drugs, treatment should include:

  • taking medications that accelerate the elimination of alcohol and reduce intoxication in the body;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • taking psychotropic drugs (prescribed by a doctor, as there are many side effects);
  • psychological assistance to the patient.

It is better if the disease is detected initial stage. Considering the specifics of complex therapy, it is necessary to highlight its main provisions:

  • at the initial stage, the body is cleansed of toxins;
  • it is necessary to cause an aversion to alcohol and weaken the pleasure of drinking it;
  • working with a psychotherapist.

The last stage will determine whether the patient returns to drinking or forgets about alcohol forever. At this stage, the patient identifies and understands the primary causes of alcoholism and binge drinking. The doctor must help the person learn to live soberly, not forgetting the joys of life.

Treatment of alcoholism should be carried out in a complex and combine drugs for alcohol addiction and methods of psychotherapy. Today, many drugs have been developed that act on the patient’s body and eliminate cravings for alcohol. There is no single cure for alcoholism that helps with all stages of the disease. Taking medications depends on the body’s tolerance, the stage of alcohol dependence, and the presence of diseases and pathologies in the patient.

There are several stages of treatment with drugs against alcohol dependence:

  • to eliminate pain from a hangover;
  • decreased craving for alcohol;
  • treatment of mental disorders due to illness;
  • removal of alcohol intoxication.

Drugs for alcohol addiction can be used in the form of tablets, injections, drops, for stitching and cleansing the body with a dropper when drunkenness. They can be used without the patient's knowledge, which simplifies the treatment process in most cases. However, treatment should be comprehensive and under the supervision of a doctor, preferably in a clinic.

Anti-alcoholism medications can be used independently at home, but you should first consult a doctor, as they have a number of contraindications. All drugs for coding for alcoholism are divided into 2 groups:

  1. disulfiram and cyanamide drugs, blocking the action of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and lead to severe poisoning, which causes an aversion to alcohol;
  2. systemic medications, reducing cravings for drinking by influencing basic metabolic processes in the body.

Drugs for alcohol intoxication help cleanse the body of toxins and improve the patient’s condition during a hangover. These include Alkoseltzer (Alka-Seltzer), aspirin, glycine and limontar. They quickly cleanse the blood of ethanol breakdown products and remove it from the body. This improves the patient’s well-being, so there is no need to recover from a hangover. However, they do not cure alcoholism, but only soften the symptoms.

What is the code for alcoholism? This group of drugs includes drugs containing the substance disulfiram and teturam. They can be injected under the skin as an injection, taken as tablets or drops, or sewn under the skin. Over a certain period, substances accumulate in the body that block the action of enzymes and cause the patient to have an aversion to alcohol.

The most effective drugs

Almost all drugs, antidepressants, analeptics, tranquilizers that are used to treat mental disorders in alcoholism can only be purchased with a prescription from a psychotherapist, so it is important to take the patient for a consultation with a specialist. Below are the most common and effective medications for alcoholism and their names.



Currently, many psychotherapists use antidepressant Cipramil. This is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which has a strong antidepressant effect, eliminates anxiety, insomnia and reduces cravings for alcohol. It is prescribed by a doctor and can only be used with his or her prescription.

The effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of alcoholism

Effective treatment alcoholism can only be complex. Drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence have only a temporary effect. After completing the course, the patient begins to drink again and even more. If drugs are used without the knowledge of the patient, severe health complications and dangerous conditions can occur, including death. Incorrectly calculated dosage of medication and alcohol consumption can lead to the death of the patient. To exclude such cases, it is necessary to persuade the patient to undergo complex therapy.

Drugs for alcohol addiction used at the initial stage of treatment, to cleanse the body of toxins, cause an aversion to alcohol in the patient, and weaken the feeling of pleasure from drinking alcohol. Then the work of a psychotherapist is required. It helps the patient gradually understand the cause of binge drinking, eliminate new relapses, and returns the person to a sober lifestyle.

The patient must undergo a course of psycho- and physiotherapy so that the treatment brings results. All of the above recommendations are a working option in the case when the patient can no longer fight the craving for alcohol on his own. However, there are many intermediate states when addiction has not yet taken deep roots, and the patient’s willpower can be an effective tool.

For such patients, in addition to psychological support for loved ones, help in physiological terms will also be important. For example, using drops without the knowledge of the patient. Most of these drugs are absolutely harmless - if taken correctly and following the instructions. Having an imperceptible effect on the body, they can also become a means of increasing psychological stability. And this is already 50% success.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects not only the drinker, but also all the people who live next to him. Often an alcoholic does not realize the full danger of his addiction and, not considering himself sick, deliberately refuses treatment and continues to cause a lot of problems for himself and his family. Although it is believed that the adult male population is more susceptible to drunkenness, women and children suffer from it too. There are many reasons that push people onto the dubious path of addiction to the green serpent. This could be dissatisfaction with life, constant stress, unrequited love, problems at work and much more. The genetic factor plays an important role in the spread of alcoholism.

Alcoholism: looking for a way out

The main symptom of alcoholism is a constant desire to drink.

An alcoholic finds any excuse to drink a glass of alcohol. Constant drunkenness leads to personality degradation, after which a person no longer cares what he looks like, what they think about him, or what he needs to do.

Once in, people commit a lot terrible crimes, which they would never have done if they were sober. Today there are many ways to get rid of drunkenness, the most effective of them are: medicines from alcoholism.

To recover from alcoholism, a drinker needs to recognize his problem and make every effort to solve it.

But often alcohol addiction worries not so much the alcoholic himself, but his family. So household members are thinking about what tablets or powders can be secretly slipped into a person’s food so that he or she develops an aversion to alcohol. But few drugs can kill the desire to drink in an alcoholic. Any drugs for alcohol addiction have their own contraindications and administration characteristics, so they should be prescribed by a narcologist. The task of relatives is to persuade the drinking person to undergo treatment and provide him with a calm psychological environment in the house.

Classification of drugs prescribed for alcoholism

Let's look at what anti-alcohol medications can be purchased in pharmacies today. All treatments for alcohol addiction are divided into 3 groups:

  • tablets and drops that relieve hangover syndrome;
  • medications that reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages;
  • medications that cause aversion to alcohol.

Medicines of the first group can be classified as anti-alcohol drugs conditionally, since they do not cure addiction, but only improve the well-being of a drinker after abusing alcoholic beverages. Medicines in this group include “Medichronal”, “Alka-Seltzer”, they can also include the well-known aspirin and paracetamol, and any multivitamins. The danger of these medications is that, while easing the alcoholic’s condition in the morning, they only aggravate his addiction, because they provoke him to uncontrollably drink strong drinks in the evening. They do not fight alcohol addiction and therefore are of no use to a person who dreams of quitting drinking.

Pills, popular in Europe and the USA, whose action is aimed at reducing the desire to drink, are practically not registered in the CIS countries. Prices for drugs in this group, presented on the medical market of our country, often exceed $100 and many of our compatriots simply cannot afford it. The Russian analogue of Western drugs that reduces cravings for alcohol, Proproten-100, did not live up to its mission. The maximum that this medicine can help an alcoholic is to get him out of a long binge and make him feel better after alcoholic libations. A person who has completed a course of treatment with Proproten-100 may again return to alcoholism after some time. Side effect medications – the possibility of hallucinations.

The most popular and effective medications aimed at suppressing alcohol addiction are those that cause intolerance to alcohol in the body. Let's look at what medications there are for alcohol addiction that cause an aversion to drinking.

Alcoholism pills

The first place in the list of drugs for alcohol is occupied by disulfiram (its analogues are Abstinil, Teturam, Antabuse). As a result of treatment with this medication, ingested alcohol is transformed into the toxic compound acetaldehyde, which causes a sharp deterioration in the drinker’s health in the form of vomiting, nausea, tachycardia, headaches, and panic attacks. It gets to the point that the alcoholic can no longer drink and is forced to give up drinking on his own. Disulfiram is an old domestic drug; it was used to treat alcohol addiction back in Soviet times. In medical and labor dispensaries, narcologists forced drinkers to take medicine at the same time as strong drinks, thereby causing severe side effects in them. After such treatment, even the mention of vodka caused a person to gag reflex.

Disulfiram is the cheapest drug for alcohol, so it is available to everyone. The drug has a toxic effect, so treatment with it can only be carried out in short courses. With prolonged use, the drug destroys the liver and causes persistent nervous disorders. It is difficult to carry out treatment without the knowledge of the patient, since the medicine has a specific taste and therefore cannot be mixed with food or drinks. Some time after anti-alcohol therapy, the desire to drink may return to the drinker, but people who have experienced all the “delights” of treatment with disulfiram flatly refuse to carry out repeated courses of treatment against alcoholism using this drug.

The French analogue of disulfiram is Esperal tablets. Its main difference from the domestic anti-alcohol drug is its high degree of purity, which is why the side effects are not so pronounced. In all other respects, Esperal corresponds to disulfiram. To achieve aversion from alcohol, it is enough to take the drug once a day. The first result can be expected within 10-12 hours. “Esperal” acts in such a way that over time a person prone to drunkenness loses the pleasure of alcohol.

“Lidevin” is available in tablet form. It is a combination of the active substance disulfiram with the vitamins nicotinamide and adenine. Vitamins are added to the drug to reduce the harmful effects of disulfiram on the human nervous system. “Lidevin” is well tolerated by patients, but has the same side effects as traditional disulfiram. The drug is recommended for long-term use in the treatment of alcohol dependence.

Solutions and injections that relieve cravings for drinking

“Colme” is a popular Spanish drug for alcohol, produced in the form of a solution for drinking. The main active ingredient in Kolma is cyanamide. It is its strength that causes the patient intolerance to alcoholic beverages. Cyanamide has a similar effect to disulfiram, but it is much milder than the latter. “Kolme” is a non-toxic medication; the course of treatment can last up to 6 months. The transparent, odorless and tasteless liquid can be easily added to food or tea, and the drinker will not even realize that he is being treated for alcoholism. The only drawback of the drug is its high cost (about $40).

A package of “Kolme” is enough for an average of 1 month of treatment. The effect of taking it occurs within an hour after taking the first dose. This anti-alcohol solution received positive feedback on the part of most countries and was included in the list of the main medications to combat alcoholism in Europe and America.

The most common drugs for alcoholism, produced for oral use, were listed above. Now let's get acquainted with medication“Tetlong-250″, intended for intramuscular administration. Active ingredient The medicine is still the same disulfiram, but with a slower rate of absorption. As a result of treatment with Tetlong-250, an accumulation of the drug is formed under the human skin, which continues to act long time after the injection. The drug is administered into the body once every 20 days. To achieve a lasting effect, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment consisting of 10 injections. When combining alcoholic beverages and Tetlong, side effects occur that are characteristic of treatment with disulfiram.

The use of medications plays a leading role along with psychotherapy. The specialists of the Alcohol Help clinic in Moscow constantly supplement the pharmaceutical base used in practice due to the emergence of new, more effective and modern means.

Medicines are needed at the stages:

  • cleansing the body;
  • treatment of chronic pathologies caused by alcohol intake;
  • coding;
  • rehabilitation.

Only a doctor can prescribe pharmacotherapy. It is strictly not recommended to resort to self-medication. Incorrect use of drugs can lead to serious and even irreparable consequences. It should be remembered that the same ingredient included in a medicinal group can have completely different effects on people. Any therapy is selected individually, taking into account the many existing contraindications and side effects.

Medicines used at the detoxification stage of treatment and in restoring the functioning of internal organs

The very first task of a narcologist is to eliminate acute or chronic alcohol intoxication. Alcohol is a poison that most of all has a neurotoxic effect, that is, it affects brain cells. Central nervous system takes the brunt of this toxin. The heart and liver, endocrine organs, gastrointestinal tract. When ethanol breaks down, the body is poisoned by alcohol catabolites, in particular acetaldehydes. To eliminate the toxic effect of these toxic ingredients, it is prescribed.
It includes:

  • Intravenous drip solutions. Infusion bottles contain glucose, potassium salts, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements. Colloidal compositions and plasma substitutes have been developed for weakened patients. With the help of droppers, dehydration is eliminated, acid-base and salt balance is equalized, and toxins are bound.
  • Detoxification medications. The most powerful effect in neutralizing poisons is when used in isolation, ampoules with sodium thiosulfate and unithiol.
  • Diuretics. The task of this pharmacogroup is to promote accelerated elimination of poisons and reduce high blood pressure.
  • Vitamins. Ethanol destroys these vital natural compounds. To compensate for their deficiency, vitamin complexes containing group B, C, PP and others are introduced.
  • Coronary drugs. Their use is advisable for dystrophic changes in the heart muscle, cardiopathy, and rhythm disturbances. They are beneficial in cases of impaired cerebral and coronary circulation and help reduce tinnitus.
  • Hepatotropic and choleretic. They relieve hepatopathy, reduce elevated bilirubin levels, and improve overall well-being.
  • Sedative and hypnotic medications. They soften withdrawal symptoms, normalize the psyche, and eliminate sleep problems. For the same purposes, they are also used antihistamines.
  • Psychotropic medications. This group includes medications that eliminate the development of prepsychotic disorders, alcoholic psychoses, cases of psychomotor agitation, and suicidal ideas. To prevent psychopathology, they are prescribed neuroleptics. Removing fears and mitigating emotional disorders is most amenable to action tranquilizers. In cases of severe mental depression, appropriate antidepressants are selected. Asthenic conditions and decline in mental abilities require the use of nootropics and psychostimulants.
  • Anticonvulsants. Additional pharmaceuticals that eliminate convulsive syndrome and epileptiform seizures.

Means of active anti-alcohol therapy

In order to prevent a breakdown in drug addiction. This procedure involves a set of influences on a recovering person, with the help of which it is possible to achieve sobriety for a fixed period. During this time, the former alcoholic manages to fully restore his health and make a subsequent decision - whether to remain sober or return to illness. If option 2 is chosen, then the patient will soon face the most unfavorable prognosis.
The encoding is:

  • Chemical (introduction of an anti-alcohol drug).
  • Psychotherapeutic (hypnosis, stress therapy).
  • Drug blockade (use medicine, preventing the development of intoxication when drinking alcohol).
  • Mixed.

For chemical coding, drugs based on Disulfiram are used. This substance blocks the enzymatic reactions of alcohol breakdown, which leads to severe poisoning with dire consequences in any attempt to consume wine and vodka products. To avoid serious complications, the patient does not drink at all for the entire duration of the code.