Embroidered church, chapel, embroidered temple, embroidered icons, embroidered icons (home, home mini-church, home, home mini-church, hospital, family churches, churches, chapels, prayer rooms, prayer rooms, prayer rooms). Embroidered church, chapel, embroidered temple

This is a reflection of you inner world if there are many rooms, they are a symbol of different facets of your life or nature.

Rooms that are on different floors in a dream: symbolize different levels your feelings: the higher the room is, the more important this piece of soul is to you.

A clean, comfortable room made according to Feng Shui: a sign of your peace of mind and, as a result, a stable improvement in your life.

An untidy room: a sign of mental discomfort. Most likely, you have accumulated a lot of unresolved problems, and this causes you anxiety, resulting in feeling unwell or an unimportant state of affairs.

If there are strangers in the room who are friendly: the dream suggests that you are in agreement not only with those around you, but also with yourself.

This means that your affairs, especially those related to negotiations, should be moving forward successfully.

If the guests in the room behave aggressively: the dream indicates your internal discord.

If you do not bring your feelings into balance, conflicts and failures really await you in reality.

An unfinished room: a sign of unfinished business and unrealized plans.

An empty, unsightly room: a symbol of loneliness and spiritual devastation.

At the same time, if an empty room is beautiful and filled with pure light: this is a sign of your spiritual renewal.

If in reality you are hatching any interesting plans, they have every chance of success.

Bright light outside the room's windows: may indicate that some external events will help you find harmony and peace of mind.

Darkness outside the windows of the room: warns that you are too withdrawn into yourself. Try to pay more attention to people and the world around you - this will make your life richer and brighter.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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A prayer room is a room for prayerful concentration and for performing Christian worship. Unlike a temple, it does not have an altar, so the Liturgy is not celebrated in the prayer room, but sometimes prayer rooms are called home churches. Places of worship are located in private houses, mansions, apartments, and sometimes in public institutions. The prayer room in modern perception is often perceived as a place where a Christian is not disturbed by vain worldly sounds, smells, and visual distractions.

In Russian, the name “prayer room” is established for Orthodox and Old Believer rooms, while “prayer room” or “prayer room” is the designation of premises for meetings of adherents of other faiths, as well as sectarians. The adjective “prayer room” in relation to rooms is not entirely correct, although it is also sometimes found in certain texts.

The creation of prayer rooms is very ancient tradition, dating back to the first gatherings of Christian communities in the catacombs. Divine services were held in shelter caves decorated with frescoes on the walls - prototypes of future icons. The first Christians came to these same caves for solitary prayers, and the first Christian holidays took place here. And if Orthodox churches, as architectural and artistic complexes, developed the idea of ​​collective holidays and public prayers, private prayer rooms remained a place for individual and family appeals to spiritual ideals and values.

In the palaces of the Russian imperial family, the equipment of house churches was adopted, which were full-fledged Orthodox churches. But at the same time, there was a tradition of creating Cross rooms - prayer rooms for members royal family, and the king, queen and children had their own prayer rooms.

Prayer houses were also created in the magnificent palaces of aristocrats. Separate churches were often built in landowners' estates, but at the same time, in the mansions there were also prayer rooms in which services were held only for the landowner's family.

Prayer houses often became places for accumulations of icons and various religious items - crosses, arks, small plastic items and textile works of Christian art. The existing custom of donating icons led to the replenishment of such collections, and although many of these unsystematized “collections” were very motley groups of heterogeneous icons and objects, it was there that those artifacts were preserved that are now recognized as historical, cultural and spiritual heritage.

Prayer rooms were especially common in the houses of Old Believers, whose persecution led to the hiding of all signs of religious life from prying eyes. The impossibility of visiting the temple contributed to the emergence of community prayer rooms, in which not only divine services were held, but also all church rites and sacraments.

Unfortunately, during the years of revolutionary hard times and civil war The worshipers were the first to suffer from looting and robbery. It was from the prayer rooms that valuable utensils and icons were stolen; they were the first to remain empty, subsequently becoming modest “rooms” for economic purposes"in the interpretation of Soviet art historians, who kept silent about the existence of traditions of family and home Orthodoxy.

In modern realities, prayer rooms are usually created in fairly large private estates, where it is possible to allocate a separate room.

Iconostasis for a prayer room

The interior decoration of a prayer room suggests the presence of at least one icon, but, as a rule, a small iconostasis is installed in prayer rooms. Sometimes preference in choosing icons for the iconostasis is given to new icons specially painted for this purpose, sometimes the iconostasis is selected from ancient icons, and this requires a very delicate and competent approach.

On a number of websites there are proposals for “competent selection of icons for completing prayer rooms,” but it seems that there is some deceit in this. Creating a prayer room according to the principle of template interior design, as if it were a kitchen or hallway, eliminates the very idea of ​​space for spiritual aspirations.

Of course, the authors of this project, iconologists with experience and knowledge in the field of Christian traditions, iconography and Orthodox history are able to create a harmonious space, imbued with a common artistic idea and Orthodox mood. But we shy away from a flat commercial approach and purely business relationship to such projects.

In creating prayer rooms and selecting icons for them, we always assume co-creation, a collective and meaningful embodiment of aspirations, in which there is a high note of pure thoughts and sincerity of faith.

Icon as a gift for a prayer room

In most cases, already created prayer rooms have icons with basic and common subjects, so donating an icon for a prayer room should be done with a certain tact: there is no need to present the tenth image of the Savior Not Made by Hands or of Kazan. If the donor has seen the prayer room for which the gift is intended, or has at least heard about it, then he roughly knows what icons it already contains, and what style of artistic execution of the icons meets the tastes of the owners of the house. If knowledge about this side of the life of the gift recipient is not enough, it is better to focus on simple, and at the same time logical, iconic plots and motifs.

As a gift for the prayer room you can give:
. icon of the namesake saint
. an icon of a saint with a “professional” accent
. an icon from a certain geographical region(for example, where the owner or lady of the house is from)
. an icon painted in a certain artistic style, if this particular style meets the preferences of the gift recipient
. an icon with some interesting story
. an icon suitable for the collection that the recipient of the gift is collecting.

(embroidery of icons)


St. Martyr. (holy martyr) Irina

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

Lyudmila Cheshskaya

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Seraphim of Sarov

Jesus Christ

Holy Trinity

St. Martyr. Tatiana

Holy Trinity-002

Saint Parthenius

Alexander Nevsky 003


Embroidering icons- one of the types of church applied art, examples of which can be seen in museums and churches. To the number embroidered icons should include embroidered shrouds (of the Mother of God and the Lord), embroidered icons we can see on the banners, embroidered icons are medallions used to decorate the vestments of clergy, any textile product with embroidered faces of saints And angels(this can be shrouds, plates, coverings, covers, air) is embroidered icon, often embroidered icon decorate bookmarks in the Gospel and other liturgical books. Embroidery icons the process is not easy. Not everyone is given the opportunity to join the creation embroidered icons. Like any godly deed, embroidering icons requires certain skills and knowledge of the canons, a pious attitude, as well as the blessing of a priest. In progress embroidery icons Prayerful reverence is given great importance. Creation icons, including embroidered icon, is an act of communication with another world and requires spiritual and physical cleansing. Embroidery icons is the same icon-making as painting an icon with paints, the only difference being that threads are used instead of paint, and matter is used instead of boards. At embroidering icons The same canons apply as when writing with paints. Embroidery of icons- the process is labor-intensive and requires knowledge of various techniques and techniques.
Tradition embroidery icons came to us from time immemorial. Embroidery icons is a unique way of expressing love for the Creator. Study embroidered icons, as well as anointing, not everyone could. To dedicate yourself embroidery icons a special blessing was required. Only in case of blessing embroidery icons it could be consecrated and placed in the temple. If the master did not have the blessing to embroidery icons, it was believed that she did not acquire the proper miraculous power. However, many needlewomen were engaged embroidering icons without the necessary blessing, and this hobby helped them decorate their home with beautiful and unique embroidered icons. This tradition has survived to this day.
In our workshop we embroider icons in compliance with all accepted canons and with the blessing, as well as with the consecration of already made embroidered icons. We embroider icons using facial (personal), golden And ornamental sewing.


House temple ( mini-temple) , home church (mini-church) in the Orthodox Church it is church, which was usually arranged in the homes of private individuals, in palaces, buildings of state, military and public institutions, in educational institutions, prisons, etc. and definitely had an antimension. Usually under browniestemples, house churches separate buildings or premises were assigned to a residential building or institution.


First house churches, home temples (house churches, house churches, family churches, family churches) appeared under Peter I in St. Petersburg, they were actively discovered under Empress Catherine II. Especially a lot brownies, house churches, temples was built at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. At this time brownieschurches, homemade temples often created in dining rooms, assembly and recreational halls. Browniestemples, house churches, amounted to from 50 (in the 1760s) to 20% (at the beginning of the 19th century) of all temples St. Petersburg. Usually they were assigned to parish churches, did not have their own parish and did not occupy special buildings. The main reason for opening brownies temples , house churches (family churches, family temples) it was impossible to have a separate temple. In the first half of the 18th century. The Synod and the St. Petersburg bishop allowed private individuals to open brownieschurches, homemade temples and use them only in case of serious illness of the householder (before his recovery or death). From the middle of the 18th century. number brownieschurches, hometemples, owned by private individuals, was steadily declining, while at the same time the number of such temples in government and public institutions, especially hospitals, charities and educational institutions. IN prison churches separate rooms were allocated for different categories of prisoners, in hospital churches, hospital churches- for contagious and non-contagious patients. For a long time brownies churches , homemadetemples, family churches, family temples prevailed among the Old Believers, numerous home chapels hosted by representatives of heterodox faiths. Mass closures began in 1918 brownieschurches, hometemples, family churches, family temples first in government institutions, then in educational institutions, almshouses and hospitals. Some brownies temples , house churches were converted into parish ones, but by the beginning of the 1930s. they were all liquidated and their property confiscated.


In the past, every Orthodox family always had a shelf with icons, or whole home iconostasis, brownie, house iconostasis. The place where they were located icons called front angle, red corner, holy corner, goddess, icon case or ark. Icon- this is a sacred image separated from everyday life, intended only for communication with God, the main purpose icons- prayerful.
Thus, home icon- this is not just a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation, but a shrine that unites all family members during joint prayer, which is possible only when mutual grievances are forgiven and complete unity is achieved between the people standing before icon.
Increasingly, believers began to show interest in home iconostasis (house iconostasis). Modern man lives in an ever-accelerating rhythm, it is increasingly difficult for him to find time to visit churches, and so he arranges at home home iconostasis (house iconostasis, house iconostasis), to turn to the Holy images of the Patrons at home in your home temple (home church, house church). Essentially home iconostasis (house iconostasis, house iconostasis) is small home temple (house church, house church), which unites all family members in front of icons home iconostasis , and therefore before God. Creation home iconostases (house iconostases) is one of the activities of our workshop. Manufacturing home iconostases (house iconostases) requires some time and knowledge, so contact us in advance if you want to prepare home temple (house church, house church) by a certain date. You can always count on us if you intend order home temple (house church, house church). Price for home iconostasis (house iconostasis) is determined individually, depending on the production time and the images you choose for home iconostasis icons. Home iconostasis (house iconostasis, house iconostasis) will give you warmth home prayer.


Place home icons, house icons it is best on the eastern wall of the room, but if there are windows or doors in this wall, then for the device home iconostasis, house iconostasis it is allowed to use southern, northern or western wall premises.
When choosing a place for home iconostasis, house iconostasis close proximity must be avoided icons with household appliances (TV, tape recorder, computer, etc.).


In a house where Orthodox Christians live in the congregation home iconostasis, house iconostasis a must have icon of the Savior And icon of the Mother of God.
From the images of the Savior for home iconostasis, house iconostasis usually a half-length image of the Lord Almighty, depicted with a blessing hand and an open or closed book (bible), is appropriate. From Mother of God iconography most often choose these icons, like “Tenderness” and “Hodegetria”.
If space permits, then the meeting home iconostasis icons, house iconostasis can be supplemented with images of revered local saints, as well as great saints of the Russian land. The image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered in Rus'.
Row home iconostasis icons, house iconostasis It is good to complement with images of the holy prophets of God and the apostles, the most revered of which are the prophet Elijah, and the apostles Peter and Paul.
Among the martyrs for the faith of Christ, the most revered are the holy great martyr George the Victorious, as well as the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon.
Home iconostasis, house iconostasis can be considered completely complete if it contains images of the Evangelists, John the Baptist, the archangels Gabriel and Michael and icons holidays.
Selection home iconostasis icons, house iconostasis always individual. And the best adviser in this matter can be a priest - the confessor of the family, or any other clergyman, and embroidery icons will help unite all members of the Orthodox family around him.


Nowadays it is increasingly possible to find prayer rooms (prayer rooms, prayer rooms), which are miniature embodiments brownies churches , home temples at hospitals (instead of hospital churches, sick leave temples), clinics, hospitals, medical centers, schools, mine sites, police stations, hotels, orphanages, airports, train stations, universities ( university churches, university churches), colleges, liberal arts academies, military and naval units and institutions, cadet corps, nursing homes, etc.
The central part of any prayer rooms (prayer room, prayer room), as well as brownie temple , house church, family church, family temple, is homeiconostasis (. Home iconostasis (house iconostasis, house iconostasis) serves for collected, inspired prayer.
If Orthodox believers for some reason are unable to visit separate churches, then in such cases they arrange . Similar prayer rooms (prayer rooms, prayer rooms) It is appropriate to set up in boarding homes for the elderly, orphans, disabled people, and homeless people. In such prayer rooms (prayer rooms, prayer rooms) holiday and funeral prayers are held. Not all people in this category are able to visit temples, and then this becomes an outlet for them. IN gets settled iconostasis, candlesticks are installed, elements are displayed church utensils. Everyone living in such a boarding house can come here to pray and light candles for health and peace of soul. prayer room (prayer room, prayer room) in such houses it is open every day. IN prayer rooms (prayer rooms, prayer rooms) you can also perform the sacraments of communion, confession, prayer services and memorial services. On the feast of Holy Easter in prayer room (prayer room, prayer room) You can bless Easter cakes, eggs, Easter, and on the feast of Epiphany - water. Visit prayer room (prayer room, prayer room) for the disabled and elderly, it gives them hope, strength, health, and helps them communicate with God.


Orthodox Christian perceives the house not only as a place of residence, but, in a certain sense, as family temple,family church as a place of daily communication between the family and God. Father families, like a priest, heads family prayers and festive ceremonies. All this is an important component of the life of most Orthodox families. It is quite understandable that people, when creating their home, always make room in it for icons or home iconostasis to say prayer with the whole family. This approach forms the spiritual basis family life , helps create and strengthen family ties. Family Church, family temple have unique means of influencing the home climate family unions and serves as the basis family relations . Family Church, family temple (family mini-church, family mini-temple) as a basis family ministry, is an effective and reliable tool for healing interpersonal relationships that arise in the process family life. Embroidery of icons For family temple can be a fun activity for all family members. Skillfully embroidered icons can take their rightful place in family church. ()

/ Prayer room

Prayer room

In mid-March (04/15/2004) at the Lipetsk Anti-AIDS Center, a prayer room was consecrated, opened on the initiative of the Center’s employees and HIV patients.

This initiative found support from the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Lipetsk-Eletsk Diocese. It was decided to conclude an Agreement on cooperation to carry out joint activities in the fight against such a serious disease as AIDS. With the blessing of Bishop Nikon of Lipetsk and Yelets, priest of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Andrei Surikov took over the establishment of the AIDS Center.

After the consecration, a press conference was held for local media with the participation of Father Andrei, chief physician of the AIDS Center - L.D. Kirillova. and the author of icon paintings, Olga Nekrasova, who kindly presented her works for organizing a prayer room.

On Mondays or Tuesdays, every week, Father Andrei hurries to the service in the prayer room, where HIV+, the Center’s employees and everyone who wishes take part in divine services, confess, perform joint prayers, discuss pressing problems, and prayers are also held for the health of HIV-positive people and employees Center.

Vladyka Nikon approved and blessed this good undertaking and promised prayerful and spiritual support.

On March 23 and 30, and on April 13, prayer services “For the sick and needy,” “Gratitude” and “Easter” were already held in the prayer room.

For the staff of the Center, the creation of a prayer room, as well as for HIV-infected people, was very important event. After all, they are susceptible to emotional exhaustion. They are characterized by “combustion syndrome”. Constantly informing patients about a fatal diagnosis is a heavy burden, and for those with a serious diagnosis, by and large, there is nothing left but hope. Terrible awareness of one’s own illness, for which no cure has yet been found effective means, can break anyone.

In the prayer room, Father Andrei is waiting for everyone who needs a kind, instructive word from the church. According to those who have been there, the atmosphere that prevails here is calming, peaceful, and puts you in a positive mood.

As Father Andrei states, “ Orthodox Church strives to help every person spiritually. Often people with AIDS fall into despair and despondency, and this is a sin. To spiritually support a person, we need joint prayer, conversation, and communication. The Lord is merciful and forgives everything. The main thing is to mourn your sin and have a strong desire to correct it.”

The opportunity to receive compassion, understanding and moral support is especially important for people living with HIV.

And it is very important that a person with HIV infection understands that this is not the “end of life”, that he has a future, that he has the opportunity to live with a loved one, give birth to healthy children and find his place in life, make plans for the future, how no matter how short it may seem.

So, Marina is a little over thirty. Two years have already passed since she was given a terrible diagnosis, and it turned out that she became infected from a loved one who had once injected heroin. And paradoxically, only after her spiritual mentor explained to her that illness is not retribution for sins, she realized that life goes on, met true love, learned to enjoy life and will soon be a mother.

The prayer room now smells of incense and candles are burning. The atmosphere is most spiritual: there are icons on the walls and tables. The author of all the icons is Lipetsk artist Olga Nekrasova, she kindly provided more than 15 of her works made on wood (Vladimir, Kazan, Igorevsk, Smolensk Mother of God, etc.) for this good initiative. There is also the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, which helps people suffering from drunkenness and drug addiction, but the problem of AIDS and drug addiction are very closely interrelated.

The first gifts from visitors to the room have already arrived. The dentist (G.N. Stepanova) presented the icon to Bogolyubskaya Mother of God, Holy Crucifix - an employee of the AIDS Center (Dvurechenskaya M.T.), one of the HIV-infected, the leader of a mutual aid group for people living with HIV/AIDS - a carved icon made on wood.

The parish of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker donated part of its books to the Lipetsk AIDS Center to create a library of spiritual and religious literature in the prayer room.

Those in need of spiritual support can, even in the absence of a spiritual mentor, become familiar with the truths of the Orthodox faith.

A wide range of books will help you find answers to the following questions:

How to pray to God correctly;

How to live in the face of death;

What does the word Church mean and its main properties;

Family life in the Church;

About the sacraments of the Church;

Life and illness;

and many other topics of interest to today's generation.

The resulting literature will help people living with HIV/AIDS in comfortable psychological conditions to satisfy their religious needs, without fear of disclosing the secret of their diagnosis.

This became possible as a result of the implementation, on the basis of the Lipetsk Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, of the “Program for supporting mutual help groups for people living with HIV/AIDS” Russian Representative Office British Charitable Foundation (CAF Russia).