Home remedy for toothache. How to relieve toothache at home

Toothache is rightfully considered one of the most painful sensations; it can be pulsating, aching or cutting. There are many ways to get rid of it, the main thing is to know when and what means are best to calm it down.

First aid for acute toothache

Considering that toothache can occur at any time, for example, while relaxing in nature, far from the civilized world, you should remember the algorithm of actions that can significantly reduce the pain syndrome.

It consists of:

For information! You should not apply hot lotions or compresses to a sore tooth, otherwise the inflammatory process will only intensify and worsen the patient’s general well-being. It is also not recommended to use antibacterial drugs on your own, since they can change the overall clinical picture and symptoms that make it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

The most powerful drugs for relieving acute toothache

The table shows the names and descriptions:

Drug name Description and Application
The drug allows not only to eliminate severe pain, but also associated manifestations, including inflammatory lesions of the gums. This effect is due to the presence of codeine, the active substance, in its composition. The recommended dose at a time is one piece, but not more than six per day. The drug is contraindicated in patients with disorders of the liver and kidneys, hypertension, and Crohn's disease. The painkiller is available for both the adult population and young patients in appropriate forms: tablets, syrups, suppositories.


This is an effective, potent drug characterized by a pronounced antipyretic effect. The pain begins to disappear 15-20 minutes after taking the medication and does not return within 4 hours. Restrictions on its use apply to pregnant women (in the first trimester) and children under 15 years of age. The drug is able to relieve the inflammatory process at the site of the lesion.


The drug, unlike other drugs of similar action, is low in cost. It is used if the pain is mild and aching in nature. It is not recommended to crush the tablet and place it directly on the affected tooth, so as not to damage it. tooth enamel. In accordance with the instructions, the optimal rate for adults is 1 tablet three times a day, for patients under 14 years of age it is allowed to use the drug in the amount of ½ tablet twice a day, and for children over 14 years old - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day with equal interval between medication doses. Contraindications include liver and kidney disease in the patient, as well as low blood pressure.
The drug is in demand among consumers because it contains active ingredient– nimesulide. Thanks to the strong action of this component, the medication copes well with acute toothache and relieves it for 3-4 hours. The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that inhibit the synthesis of substances that provoke pain and inflammation. Pregnant women should not take the pills.
The drug is positioned as a fairly strong pain reliever, the main component of which is ketorolac, a substance with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This ingredient helps cope with severe pain. Daily norm The medication is 3 tablets, divided into three doses and washed down with a glass of water. The interval between doses should be 4 hours. If you do not drink liquid immediately after taking the tablet, the effect will be slightly later. It is not recommended to take the medicine for pregnant women, nursing mothers, persons with individual intolerance to certain components of the drug, as well as those suffering from liver and kidney diseases.


The drug is effective for mild and moderate dentalgia, helping to significantly reduce severe pain. Metamizole sodium, the main component of the drug, is able to block the formation of prostaglandins. The medication reduces pain well, but its anti-inflammatory properties are somewhat less pronounced. The total number of tablets per day is 4 pieces, a maximum of 6 pieces is allowed. Patients with certain blood diseases, disorders of the liver and kidneys should not take the tablets.


The active ingredient of this medication is para-acetylaminophenol, which is not inferior in its effectiveness to Nise. The drug copes well with reducing painful manifestations in the affected tooth and quickly reduces high temperature bodies. After preliminary consultation with a doctor, tablets are given to young patients in the presence of acute toothache. The moderate dosage of the medicine is 4 g during the day, divided into 4 doses.
The drug contains paracetamol and ibuprofen, which relieve symptoms very quickly. painful sensations without calling negative consequences for the body. It can be used even if children have toothache. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 4 tablets for the adult population.


A drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which has a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect. The medicine is intended for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate pain. The dosage of the drug depends on the type and intensity of pain, in most cases it is 1 tablet (25 mg) every eight hours. The daily norm is no more than 75 mg. The drug is contraindicated in persons with bronchial asthma, peptic ulcers stomach, severe heart failure, allergies to certain components, disorders of the liver and kidneys.


The medicine is characterized by a strong analgesic and antispasmodic effect. For adults, the optimal dosage of the drug is 1-2 tablets at a time, but not more than 6 tablets per day. It is not recommended to use the drug to reduce toothache for persons with tachycardia, glaucoma, hypotension, intestinal obstruction, renal or liver failure.

Pharmacy products

To reduce pain, you need to soak a cotton swab with medicine and insert it into the carious cavity.

On the pharmaceutical market you can purchase special dental drops that help reduce the severity of toothache, but this is a temporary measure.

This is an alternative solution to tablet analgesics.

These pharmacological agents are used topically, directly on the affected tooth, while tablets have an effect on the entire body. Dental drops can be used even by children over 12 years of age.

Despite the variety, all the drops presented in the pharmacy have the same composition (peppermint oil, valerian tincture, racemic camphor) and are in almost the same price segment.

To reduce pain, you need to soak a cotton swab with medicine and insert it into the carious cavity; the procedure lasts 5-10 minutes.

It is recommended to rinse the mouth to reduce pain with a soda solution, saline solution (1 teaspoon of sea salt per 1 glass of water) or a decoction of chamomile, which is prepared from 1 tbsp. l phyto-raw materials and one glass of water.

A good result is achieved by using 3% hydrogen peroxide, adding ½ tbsp to one glass of water. l. pharmaceutical product.

Injections for unbearable pain

Injections are indeed one of the most effective means to remove inflammatory processes in affected teeth. Thanks to such manipulations, the medicinal drug enters the bloodstream faster.

A mixture of aspirin, diphenhydramine, and analgin is very popular, since such an injection can instantly alleviate the patient’s condition. Enough good result The injection using ketanov is different.

Traditional methods

Considering that traditional methods less dangerous for the body, unlike medications, but this is provided that the use is carried out in moderation.

The following options are considered the most effective: folk recipes that will help remove sharp pain at home:

Unconventional methods at home

In the absence of painkillers, you can do acupressure.

There are three points that can be reduced toothache at home on your own:

What methods are suitable?

For pregnant women

It is very difficult for pregnant women to find suitable pills that are safe for their unborn baby.

For pregnant women, it is very difficult to choose suitable pills that are safe for the unborn baby.

Of the medications allowed during pregnancy, you can use No-shpa, Spasmalgon, Paracetamol.

Among the folk remedies for acute pain, clove powder is suitable, which is placed on the gum near the affected tooth, a mixture of fresh aloe and colanchoe juice, taken in equal proportions.

When breastfeeding

For nursing women, the most suitable pharmacological agents for acute pain are lidocaine and ultracaine. The medicine is used in the form of injections. After the injections, it is better not to feed the baby for 2 hours.

To relieve severe pain

If the tooth is very seriously bothering you, then to alleviate the condition and relieve pain, you need to rinse your mouth with a soda solution with added iodine and take a painkiller (Nise, Ketanov, Baralgin).

Traditional methods may not provide the desired result; this will require the use of potent agents.


The cause of aching pain may be contained in the gum tissue, in the pulp that fills the tooth cavity, in the periosteum of the jaw.

The choice of medications will depend on the intensity of pain:

  • moderate pain is reduced by Spazmalgon, Nurafen, Askofen, Beralgin;
  • acute pain syndrome is relieved by Pentalgin, Nimesulide, Ketarol, Ketanov.

Acute toothache causes a lot of trouble, but if you know how to eliminate it, you can quickly remove it. The main thing is to follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for the medications and prepare decoctions according to the recipes.

Toothache is one of the most severe and unpleasant; get sick Maybe suddenly and at the most inopportune moment.

It’s good if you can turn to a dentist for help, but it happens that it hits you at home, and you can’t get to the doctor.

There are many ways relieve toothache: pills, massage or traditional medicine.

Main reasons

Toothache is an alarming symptom that may indicate dental diseases:

  • Thinning enamel, the appearance of microcracks.
  • Bad or incorrectly carried out filling.
  • Caries, most common reason toothache; in the first stages, the tooth reacts with mild pain only to pronounced external stimuli - cold, hot, sour or sweet food and drinks. At running course illness sensations become pronounced and can be present both during food intake and on their own.
  • Pulpitis(inflammation of the soft tissue of the tooth) - a complication against the background of caries, characterized by severe, aching or pulsating, more often occurring in the evening or at night. Sometimes it can radiate into the ear. Pain with pulpitis difficult to medicate or folk treatment.
  • Periodontitis(infectious, traumatic, medicinal) - characterized by prolonged aching sensations; in the process of pathology development, it acquires an intense pulsating character, which indicates development of purulent inflammation.
  • Periodontitis has similar symptoms to periodontitis.

Toothache occurs due to hypersensitivity , as well as due to injuries (dislocation, bruise of a tooth).

How to treat toothache in an adult quickly and at home

It often occurs at night or when a person is at home. Good if you have it at hand painkillers, they will help stop it. But it also happens that the necessary pills are not available or there are contraindications for taking them. In this case, they resort to folk remedies, or even perform acupressure.

Reference! First of all, thoroughly brush your teeth and remove any remaining food between them so that eliminate unnecessary irritant for a sore tooth.

How to get rid of it with pills

  • Analgin effective for toothache of moderate intensity; taken orally or apply a tablet to a sore tooth. Daily dose - 4 tablets. The first appointment begins with 1/2 tablet, after which the dose is increased if necessary.
  • Paracetamol copes with mild pain. Daily dose - 8 tablets By 500 mg; one-time - 1 - 2 tablets By 500 mg or 3 - 5 tablets per 200 mg.
  • Aspirin- for mild to moderate pain. Daily dose - 6 tablets, one-time - 1 - 2 pills.
  • Nurofen copes with acute and intense pain. Daily dose - 6 tablets, one-time - 1 - 2.
  • Ketanov- the most powerful drug that effectively relieves severe and acute toothache. Daily dose - 6 tablets, single - 1 - 2.
  • Nise effective for toothache of any intensity. Accepted according to 1 tablet 2 times per day.
  • Pentalgin- for moderate to severe toothache. Daily dose - 4 tablets.

Reference! It will also help relieve toothache for a while. Valocordin- a cotton swab moistened with medicine is applied to the sore tooth.

Folk remedies

    Onions and garlic. Four cloves of garlic and 1/3 The onions (you should get equal parts) are crushed into a pulp, then a couple of pinches of salt are added.

    The resulting mixture is placed on the tooth and covered with a cotton swab. Onions and garlic, thanks to phytoncides, have antibacterial effect, and salt promotes the outflow of exudate.

  • Clove oil. A piece of gauze is moistened 3 - 4 drops clove oil and apply to the gum near the tooth; if there is no oil, chew clove flowers for a few minutes.
  • Chamomile infusion, calendula, St. John's wort or sage: 1 dining room pour a spoonful of dry herbs (you can mix several herbs) 500 ml boiling water and let it brew for about an hour. Rinse your mouth in the area of ​​the diseased tooth.
  • Pumpkin tails. Ten dry tails are poured 200 ml boiling water, let it sit for an hour and rinse your mouth until it subsides.
  • Propolis quickly relieves swelling and inflammation. Apply a small piece of propolis to the gum near the tooth.
  • Salo. A small slice (previously cleared of salt, if present) is placed between the cheek and tooth.
  • Plantain. The root of the plant is washed well, crushed and applied to the tooth. 30 minutes.
  • Walnut(foliage). 2 sheets poured 200 ml boiling water and let it brew for an hour. The infusion is used as a rinse and a cotton swab soaked in the infusion is applied.
  • Vodka. 50 ml mix with a pinch of salt. One A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is kept in the mouth near the tooth.
  • Periwinkle infusion. Two tablespoons of inflorescences are poured 200 ml boiling water, let it brew and rinse your mouth.
  • Tincture on birch buds. 50 g kidneys are filled 200 ml vodka, let it brew 10 days; moisten a cotton swab in the finished tincture and apply it to the sore spot.
  • Elderberry infusion. Two tablespoons of young inflorescences are poured 200 ml boiling water, let it brew for an hour, then rinse your mouth.

Photo 1. Dried flowers and clove oil in a bottle, it is used on a cotton swab, applied to the gum near the tooth.

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Application of acupuncture massage

If it is impossible to use other methods of relieving toothache, carry out acupressure. There are several points of influence:

  1. Between the index finger and thumb, on the back of the hand. Massage is performed with the thumb second hand by pressing for 2 - 3 minutes, until the massaged area turns red.
  2. To the left of the nail plate, on the index finger. Massaging is carried out until there will be no slight pain at the point of impact.
  3. A depression in the left cheek at the junction of the upper and lower jaws (easy to find when opening the mouth). Use your index finger to press firmly on the point once, then - 5 times more gently, after which a circular massage is performed (about 30 movements).
  4. Between average and index finger, on the back of the hand. The point is massaged by pressing the nail of the index finger second hand until mild pain appears.

Proper execution of acupuncture massage techniques will help get rid of it quickly for toothache.

The danger of self-medication

One bad tooth can bring a lot of suffering to a person and provoke many problems. Toothache reduces a person’s ability to work and vital activity, forces them to refuse food and sleep, prevents them from concentrating on anything, and causes a lot of other suffering.

Can be used as treatment medications, and also folk remedies. But their effect is very often temporary, so it is necessary to consult a dentist and identify the cause of the tooth disease.

Causes of toothache

Reasons directly related to teeth:

  • advanced caries with infection in the dental tissues can cause severe toothache, which manifests itself only when exposed to irritants. Tooth cracks, poorly filled teeth, dentin exposure in the cervical area of ​​the tooth are the main factors of toothache;
  • pulpitis causes spontaneous toothache. It can occur during meals, during the action of irritants on the affected dentin, as well as in a calm state, especially at night, and is of a continuous aching nature. A characteristic indicator of pain is its spread to the ear area, or to the temporal part, and to withstand this pain for a long time impossible;
  • Periodontitis causes aching and sharp pain attacks that are pulsating in nature and increase when you touch the tooth. The gum becomes inflamed and swollen, and the tooth becomes loose;
  • with mechanical injury. Pain occurs some time after injury. Painful sensations are associated with exposure of the nerve;
  • pain during teething in children.

Pain manifested from damage to neighboring formations: nerve endings, bones, etc.:

  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • headache and migraine;
  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • heart diseases: myocardial infarction and ischemic disease hearts;
  • neuritis of the facial nerve.

Emergency help for toothache

If acute toothache occurs, the first thing to do at home is to stop eating and brush your teeth, as food particles cause pain.

Next, apply a piece of ice to your cheek in place of the sore tooth. This freezes the tooth and temporarily relieves severe pain. It is also possible to make a mesh of iodine on the cheek of the diseased tooth.

A piece of salted lard or fresh beets applied to a sore tooth will relieve pain. A road leaf or its peeled root will relieve pain. Rinsing your teeth with vodka can also reduce pain.

If the methods listed above fail to alleviate the situation, you can use rinsing your mouth with a freshly prepared decoction of calendula herb. You can use a cotton compress applied to the sore area.

At home, easily accessible and effective method The oral cavity will be rinsed with sea water with baking soda and a few drops of iodine. This reduces pain and disinfects the oral cavity.

You can moisten cotton wool with a few drops of valerian, mint and camphor and apply it to the sore tooth.

Medicines for toothache

What medicines will help quickly at home? Medicines have different action for each person. Some people can eliminate pain with aspirin, while for others, even strong tablets may not help with pain. Therefore, below is a list of medications according to their effect in ascending order:

  1. Analgin. Used for moderate tooth pain. You can take up to four tablets per day. Start with 0.5 parts of the tablet and use the rest within an hour. The tablet is used not only internally, but also by applying it to a sore spot;
  2. Paracetamol and aspirin. Also used for mild pain syndromes;
  3. Nurofen. You can use up to six tablets per day. Helps with increased and acute pain for eight hours;
  4. Ketanov. These are the strongest remedies for various types pain. Helps in relieving acute toothache. The effect lasts more than eight hours.

The following drugs will also help relieve pain: Nise, Pentalgin, Valocordin, Spazmalgon.

How to eliminate toothache during pregnancy?

It is recommended to get rid of toothache during pregnancy in the following ways:

How can you relieve toothache in a child?

Folk remedies for tooth pain

What folk remedies can soothe toothache:

Acupressure for toothache

Massaging certain points for toothache is an effective method of saving from this disease. Its correct implementation can be in a good way counteracting unbearable sensations at a time when there is no way to acquire medicinal product. There are several treatment points:

  • on the back of the hand, between the thumb and index finger. It is necessary to act on it within two to three minutes. Massaging is carried out by applying pressure with the thumb of the other hand. Press until a red spot appears on the skin;
  • on the index finger, on the left side of the nail. Massaging is carried out until pain occurs. This method improves overall well-being and stops pain in the tooth;
  • in the depression of the left cheek where the jaws meet. It can be felt freely when you open your mouth. You need to press it lightly with your index finger. Then apply pressure five times and massage in a circular motion at least thirty times, or until the pain in the tooth subsides;
  • on the palm, between the middle and ring fingers. Apply pressure with the nail of the other hand until a feeling of painful discomfort arises in this area;
  • on the wrist, where the pulse is felt. Grated horseradish or garlic is applied to this place and bandaged tightly for thirty minutes.

To start reading the plot, you need to perform several basic manipulations with your consciousness:

  • get rid of doubtful thoughts and mentally prepare for healing. You need to believe that this method can help;
  • find and localize the source of pain, imagine its shape, color, density;
  • tune in to the positive and modify the pain. Talk to it, minimize its volume, change it to a more pleasant color;
  • replace definitions. Change “pain” to “whining”, “throbbing”, etc.;
  • pronounce the words of the spell correctly. In this case, it is permissible to take a small plot of text, pronounce it more than three times, and perceive each word as a desire of your consciousness.

Conspiracy 1

Attach index finger to the place with a bad tooth, reading the plot seven times in a row:

“As the red sun falls below the horizon and is no longer visible, as the bright-faced moon disappears in the sky, so the pain left after them and did not return.”

Conspiracy 2

A very simple plot. You need to pronounce it clearly, without doubting the power of these words:

“The moon is in the sky, the sun is in the oak tree, the worm is frozen in the tooth. Amen".

If you are afraid of visiting the dental office for a long time, dental problems and associated pain arise.

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to apply the following rules:

  1. Eliminating or reducing the consumption of sweet and sour foods;
  2. Do not chew hard objects that can cause dental injury;
  3. Rinse your teeth with non-alcoholic products;
  4. Clean your teeth and tongue regularly;
  5. Have your teeth examined by a specialist twice a year.

There are many in various ways that help get rid of toothache at home. This is the use of medications and folk remedies, the use of massage and spells.

But all these remedies are just assistants in the treatment of dental problems. Therefore, a timely visit to the dentist will help you save your bad tooth and forget about the suffering it brings.

And some more tips on how to relieve toothache at home in the next video.

Of course, the most correct and logically verified way is to visit the dentist as quickly as possible in order to accurately determine the cause and begin adequate treatment. But we still have to wait until we see the dentist, and the tooth (though maybe not a tooth, but somewhere nearby) already hurts. Therefore, let's look at the measures emergency assistance, capable of at least reducing pain to a tolerable level.

Yes, a little preliminary preparation is required. If possible, brush your teeth and/or rinse your mouth with clean warm water - this will increase the effectiveness of pain relief measures.

What can be done immediately

1. Rinse your mouth with salt water...

Dissolve ¹⁄₂ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly until the solution is gone. This is one of the most popular, even grandma’s, express methods for getting rid of toothache. And this is the very case when the grandmothers were right.

Salt water is natural disinfectant, and research Rinsing with Saline Promotes Human Gingival Fibroblast Wound Healing In Vitro prove: it really helps reduce inflammation in the oral cavity.

If the cause of pain is inflammation (for example, pulpitis or infection), salt rinsing will be a good way not only to calm the pain, but also to slow down, or even completely stop the development of the unhealthy process.

In addition, vigorous rinsing of the mouth will help get rid of food particles and other small foreign objects stuck between the teeth or the surface of the tooth and the gum, which sometimes cause pain.

2. ...or hydrogen peroxide

The advice, at first glance, is strange, but effective. Like saline solution, hydrogen peroxide has disinfectant properties that can Evaluation of the effect of hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash in comparison with chlorhexidine in chronic periodontitis patients: A clinical study reduce inflammation and reduce associated pain. Bonus: Hydrogen peroxide softens plaque, making it easier to remove later.

To prepare a rinse solution, mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water in a 1:1 ratio. Do not swallow it when using.

3. Apply a cold compress to your cheek

The higher the temperature, the more painful it is. Blood moves more actively, blood vessels dilate, and internal pressure on the inflamed area increases. If you apply a cold compress to it, the blood vessels will narrow and the pain will become less noticeable. In addition, cold can reduce Self-care approaches to treating pain swelling and inflammation.

This solution applies to almost all types of pain. If your tooth hurts, you can do this, for example: apply it to your cheek for 10–20 minutes:

  • soaked in cold water towel;
  • an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth (if available).

If your teeth are not resistant to the cold, you can simply suck on a piece of ice like a lollipop.

Yes, unlike cold ones, warm warming compresses are a bad option. Firstly, they will only dilate the blood vessels, increasing pain. And secondly, they can contribute to the development of inflammation, if it is the cause of pain.

Heat can alleviate suffering only in one case: if the pain is caused by trigeminal neuralgia (it radiates to the teeth, and therefore is often confused with dental pain). However, until you are sure that it is neuralgia we are talking about, you should not play with heat.

4. Chew the garlic

This specific seasoning has been used medicinally for centuries. And, in general, it is quite reasonable. Modern research confirms Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects medicinal properties. It not only destroys harmful bacteria that cause inflammation, but also relieves pain.

If your health allows, you can simply chew a clove or two. Another option: grind the garlic into a paste and apply it to the tooth and gum next to it.

5. Make a compress with clove oil

The method is exotic, but what if you happen to have a bottle of this essential oil lying around? If so, congratulations: you are the owner of a very effective Experimental evaluation of anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of clove oil in mice(at least for mice, whose reactions are similar to humans) toothache remedies. Clove oil contains the natural antiseptic eugenol. This substance not only kills germs, but also reduces pain almost as well as the rather powerful anesthetic benzocaine. The effect of clove and benzocaine versus placebo as topical anesthetics.

Apply a few drops of clove oil (you can dilute it with a couple of drops of olive or sunflower oil) on a cotton swab and cover the affected tooth, as well as the adjacent part of the gum. Let the compress remain in your mouth for at least 10–15 minutes.

Another option is to add a few drops of clove oil to warm water, shake thoroughly and use as a mouth rinse.

6. Don't lie down

Or, if you still want to lie down, place a pillow under your back so that your upper body, including your head, remains elevated. By lowering your head to the level of your heart or below, you risk increasing pain: this will happen due to increased blood supply and dilation of blood vessels.

7. Take a pharmacy pain reliever

This is perhaps the most obvious and convenient option if pain overtakes you at work or in. Ibuprofen-based products have proven themselves well.

But with my grandmother’s method - crush analgin into a paste and apply it to an aching tooth - it’s better not to indulge. Active ingredient analgin - metamizole sodium - can indeed have a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. However, it must be taken into account that metamizole has an acidic structure. This means that if the pain is caused by enamel damage or mild caries, it will likely worsen the situation.

What needs to be done as quickly as possible

Keep in mind: you still need it. The described methods relieve pain, but do not eliminate its cause: diseases of the teeth, gums or neuralgia. Therefore, even if you manage to get rid of the pain, be sure to consult a dentist. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will help you.

And even more so, go to the dentist if your tooth hurts for a day or longer, and also if swelling appears and rises. Perhaps the infection that caused the toothache has entered the bloodstream. And this is fraught with serious consequences.

When we start having attacks of toothache, we can’t think about anything else other than getting rid of it. Pain happens different types: permanent, increasing, pulsating. A toothache can strike at one moment and ruin your mood for the whole day. Therefore, you need to know some techniques that will help soothe toothache at home.

How to quickly relieve toothache?

Tooth pain begins suddenly, regardless of the time of day and is asymptomatic. Sometimes it happens that a tooth hurts from dentistry, for example, at the dacha. And you don’t have the opportunity to urgently see a dentist. What to do in such cases?

The easiest way to relieve pain is to use medications. If your teeth hurt during lunch, then you should refuse to eat, brush your teeth thoroughly and rinse your mouth. Then you need to take a painkiller tablet: Nurofen, Analgin, Ketanov.

If you don’t have a first aid kit with the necessary supplies near you, then try to find a cotton swab and dip it in Valocordin or alcohol and make a compress on the painful area. Try to rinse your mouth with a solution of salt or soda as often as possible. Please note that the water must be boiled and warm. You can add a couple of drops of iodine to your rinse.

These techniques relieve toothache for a short time. But what to do if the pharmacy is far away and the home medicine cabinet is empty? They come to the rescue traditional methods.

Home techniques

How to soothe toothache at home? Using ingredients found in your home, you can make preparations to relieve toothache. The most effective and simplest methods to relieve pain are:

  • If your tooth hurts badly, salt and pepper will help you. Combine two types of spices in a one to one ratio and add some water to them. This tool applied to the problem tooth as a paste. Leave the product on for ten minutes, then rinse your mouth.
  • Potato. Cut a potato wheel and apply it to the sore tooth. Keep the potato compress until the painful symptoms disappear.
  • Garlic. Has antibiotic actions. It perfectly fights pathogenic microbes. Rub the garlic with salt and garlic. Apply the resulting paste to the tooth. Sometimes you can simply chew a clove of garlic on the side of the jaw where the source of pain is located.
  • Onion. Everyone has long known healing properties onions, which have an antimicrobial effect. As soon as you feel pain, apply a piece of onion to the sore spot. This will help relieve toothache.
  • Warm water with salt. The simplest remedy for toothache. Take a glass of warm water and add a spoonful of salt. Rinse your mouth with the solution as often as possible.
  • Soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the sore tooth.
  • An alcoholic drink such as vodka or cognac can relieve pain. Just rinse your mouth with a glass of drink.
  • Chamomile will help relieve toothache. It is used for rinsing and compresses. An analogue could be calendula or a drug called Rotokan. The latter is infused with alcohol.

Alternative medicine

There is a technique for toothache in which certain points on the body are massaged. To relieve tooth pain, take ice and rub it between your index finger and thumb.

You can relieve the aching sensations with essential oils. The esters of clove, lemon balm, lavender and fir are suitable for this. St. John's wort oil is a very good pain reliever.

You can numb your tooth as follows:

  • apply a little oil to a piece of gauze;
  • apply the tampon to the sore spot.

If the condition allows you to keep your teeth clenched, then a tampon is placed directly on the surface of the tooth and the jaws are clenched. Keep the tampon in your mouth until you feel better.

For those who trust Chinese medicine and know how to find acupuncture points on the skin, acupressure will help. It is better to do it not with your fingers, but with a piece of ice.

The point for dental pain relief is on the back of the hand. Mentally extend your thumb and index finger to your wrist and massage the area where they intersect with a piece of ice, pressing with moderate force.

The pain subsides after approximately 10 minutes of massaging the indicated point. Even a child can be relieved with this method, since acupuncture is considered a fairly safe method.

Acupuncture should not be used against toothache only by pregnant women - it is believed that stimulating this point speeds up labor.

During acupuncture, you need to press points located on the side of the body opposite from the diseased tooth.

The next point, massage of which will help if a tooth hurts, is located near the earlobe between the lower jaw and cheekbone. It is massaged with the thumb and index finger.

Many people prefer homeopathic medicines; they are made exclusively from natural ingredients and have no serious contraindications. Let's highlight the most effective and popular means:

  1. Aconite – copes well with all types of pain. It relieves tooth pain caused by the ARVI virus.
  2. Arnica. Arnica oil is an excellent remedy. Cope with toothache caused by jaw injury. It also helps speed up the healing of gums and wounds after tooth amputation.
  3. Coffea is a medicine that eliminates toothache caused by nervous system. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Suitable for pregnant women.

Preventing toothache

It is worth noting that if you neglect dental care, then you have a high risk of developing serious dental diseases with complications.

If a tooth has been hurting for a long time, there is more than one rule that will help stop the development of pain:

  • Perform thorough oral hygiene as often as possible. Rinse your mouth. At the same time, you should not diligently clean the sore area so as not to injure it. Leave the sore spot alone, and never pick the sore tooth with a toothpick. Try not to touch it with your tongue.
  • Do not chew food on the side of the jaw where the pain is located.
  • Do not heat the sore spot. Heat increases blood circulation, and the pain becomes more severe. In addition, there is a possibility that the tooth hurts due to gum disease, which is accompanied by the presence of an abscess; a warm compress can cause it to rupture and spread the infection throughout the oral cavity.
  • Lie down as little as possible. Despite everything, the supine position of the body is fraught with acceleration of blood circulation in the oral cavity, which leads to increased pressure on the teeth. This becomes a source of increased pain.
  • Try to distract yourself, even though it’s not easy. Do what you love, watch an interesting movie, call your friends for a chat. The more thoughts you have about pain in your head, the more intense the pain feels.

Important! Visit your dentist as soon as possible. Self-medication is strictly prohibited; all methods home use designed only to relieve pain while awaiting medical help. Only a dentist can relieve pain by diagnosing the oral cavity with subsequent treatment procedures.

Instant methods for toothache

How to soothe toothache if it occurs suddenly? There are a few ways to make things momentarily easier. In addition to all the methods that were listed earlier, there are such useful techniques as:

  • Rinse with baking soda.
  • Sometimes the following happens: in the presence of dental pathology associated with malocclusion, the pain intensifies if you keep your mouth closed. In such an unusual situation, try to keep your mouth slightly open.
  • Never use antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor. This is very dangerous. Such drugs are used only according to strict instructions, based on the dentist’s opinion. In other cases, they have a harmful effect and are fraught with the manifestation of many side effects.
  • You can start massaging the hand that corresponds to the side of the jaw where the pain occurs. This method helps in situations where you do not know how to relieve toothache. Pay special attention to the area between your fingers.


There are several types of drugs:

  1. Non-narcotic drugs. Suitable for mild pain. Aspirin, analgin and others.
  2. Non-narcotic drugs of enhanced action. Suitable for moderate pain. Ibuprofen, nurofen. Such drugs have a number of side effects, carefully study the instructions and draw the right conclusions. Do not take more than two tablets of this group per day.
  3. Narcotic group of medications. These are drugs such as: morphine, fetanyl and others. There is no need to use such drugs even with severe pain. They have an impact on the psyche, especially avoid using them if you are going to the dentist while driving.
  4. Antispasmodic drugs and agents. Drotaverine and No-shpa. They relieve muscle spasms. They are not often used for tooth pain, but they are effective in some cases. But sometimes the tooth may begin to hurt more.

Additional funds

The following drugs complement the list of pain relievers:

  1. Actasulide. Copes with inflammation and pain. It has contraindications for problems with the intestines and stomach.
  2. Grippstad. The active substances of this drug ensure its long-lasting effect.

Pain relief in children and pregnant women

What to do if a child or pregnant woman has a toothache? After all, most of these categories of people are contraindicated medicinal drugs. Children's teeth are susceptible to caries more often than adults, because their enamel is less durable.

Pregnant women experience tooth pain no less often. Especially during the formation of tooth buds in the unborn baby.

  1. Apply “Star” balm to the cheek on the side where the source of pain is located.
  2. Applying clove oil to a sore tooth.
  3. Regular rinsing using traditional medicine methods.

Important! Children and pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using powerful painkillers and antibiotics. Use only traditional methods and immediately contact your dentist for help.

Caries in very young children is associated with maternal diseases different terms pregnancy or poor quality nutrition.

In addition, a child's baby teeth are encased in thinner enamel, which allows tooth decay to develop faster than it does in adults.

Often, a child’s caries affects not one tooth, but several located nearby. This leads to pulpitis or periodontitis, and the teeth have to be removed.

A child’s primary molars erupt by the age of 5-6 years. Within a few years, caries may appear on them due to the fact that the enamel on newly erupted baby teeth is often covered with cracks, and infection quickly spreads to them.

Caries on baby teeth develops at a fantastic rate, so even with the slightest pain, you should not anesthetize the child, but take him to a pediatric dentist - after all, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it may be too late, and the tooth will have to be removed.

It is clear that each of the above methods only helps to relieve pain slightly; you should not hope that if the pain has become weaker, then the problem has been eliminated. Only a qualified specialist can determine the source of pain and completely get rid of it.

Self-medication may only seem successful from the outside, but one day a new wave of inflammation will occur, which will be impossible to stop. You can relieve pain at home, but you should not get carried away. Do not put off visiting the dentist, because the disease can be much more serious than it seems at first glance.

Video: How to relieve toothache