Science festival schedule. Lecture program

October 7–8, 2017, 11:30–17:00, Moscow, Shuvalovsky building of Moscow State University? Fundamental library of Moscow State University.

Lectures in the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University:

  • Lecture by Vladimir Alekseevich Solovyov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the USSR, scientific director of the Faculty of Space Research at Moscow State University “Which road leads to space?”
  • Lecture by Fyodor Borisovich Uspensky, corresponding member of the RAS, doctor philological sciences, deputy Director of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading researcher at the National Research University Higher School of Economics “How many names did a person have in medieval Rus'?”
  • Lecture by Academician Mikhail Arkadyevich Ostrovsky, President of the Physiological Society named after. I. P. Pavlova, head Department of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, head. Department of Photochemistry and Photobiology of the Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS. N. M. Emanuel "The Eye and the Sun"
  • Lecture by Mikhail Valentinovich Kovalchuk, President of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences “From the nuclear project to nature-like technologies”
  • Lecture by Auzan Alexander Alexandrovich, Doctor of Economics, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University
  • Lecture by Sergei Vadimovich Troitsky, corresponding member of the RAS, doctor of physics and mathematics. sciences "The Universe as a Laboratory of Particle Physics"
  • Lecture by Evgeniy Ivanovich Rogaev, doctor biological sciences, Professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University "Ancient DNA in Research of the Past"
  • Lecture by Vilfand Roman Mendelevich, director of the State Scientific Center "Hydrometeorological Research Center" Russian Federation", Doctor of Technical Sciences “Modern methods of weather forecasting. Problems of climate change research"
  • Lecture by Mikhail Vladimirovich Kalyakin, Director of the Research Zoological Museum of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Biological Sciences “The Museum is a territory of scientific discoveries”

Lectures in the Shuvalov building of Moscow State University:

  • Lecture by Armen Yakovlevich Mulkidzhanyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology named after. A. N. Belozersky Moscow State University, professor at the University of Osnabrück (Germany) “How did life begin on Earth?”
  • Lecture by Professor Martin van Krapendonck, Director of the Australian Astrobiology Centre, Dean of the Faculty of Life, Earth and Earth Sciences environment University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia), "In Search of Traces of the Origin of Life"
  • Lecture by Zuo Chun, Professor of the Institute software Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of China, President of Sinosoft Co., Ltd "Big Data and Quality of Life"
  • Lecture by Professor Andrew Harrison, General Director Diamond Light Source - the UK's largest synchrotron “Synchrotrons: illuminating the past. How 21st century technologies are helping to rediscover our cultural heritage"
  • Lecture by Niels Christian Stenseth, professor at the University of Oslo, director of the Center for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences “Biology in the 21st century and its impact on our lives”
  • Dan Shechtman, Israeli physicist and chemist, laureate Nobel Prize in chemistry for 2011 “for the discovery of quasicrystals”, lecture “Quasi-periodic crystals – a paradigm shift in crystallography”
  • Lecture by Ekaterina Igorevna Shishatskaya, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head. Department of Medical Biology of Siberian Federal University, Laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation for young scientists in the field of science and innovation “Like is like. "Living" polymers for the restoration of human tissues" .
  • Rupert Herzer. Vice-Rector of Skoltech University, Germany "Interplanetary Travel: Do We Need to Leave Earth?"

Everyone is welcome. Free admission.

Address: Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, bldg. 4 (“Shuvalovsky building”, or “1st educational building on Lomonosovsky Prospekt”), 1st floor.
How to find: to the right of the new building of the Moscow State University Library (i.e. further from the Universitet metro station and closer to Michurinsky Prospekt).
Directions: from the Universitet metro station (exit the penultimate car from the center, stop on the other side of Lomonosovsky Prospekt) by trolleybus 34 or buses 1, 67, 103, 113, 130, 187 and 260 to the Mendeleevskaya Street stop. For most routes this is the third stop from the metro, but for buses 1 and 113 it is the second. Bus (and minibus) 130 also makes it possible to get to the building from other metro lines - from the Profsoyuznaya and Filevsky Park stations.

The VII All-Russian Science Festival NAUKA 0+ opened on October 6, 2017 in Moscow, TASS reports.

The festival will take place over three days in Moscow and at four regional venues in Samara, Salekhard, Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok. The theme of this year's festival is big data.

Visitors can expect speeches from leading scientists and Nobel laureates, interactive exhibitions, and teleconferences with the International Space Station (ISS) and the Antarctic research station Vostok.

Who to listen to

The All-Russian Science Festival is, first of all, an opportunity to listen to technological and scientific gurus.

So, on Saturday at 12.00, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak will give a lecture on big data, artificial intelligence and professions of the future. The lecture in the main building of Moscow State University is expected to be sold out, but it will be broadcast in additional classrooms, so there will be room.

On the same day, cosmonaut pilot and scientific director of the Faculty of Space Research of Moscow State University Vladimir Solovyov will talk about the work of the new faculty of the university, and the dean of the Faculty of Economics Alexander Auzan will explain how economics influences culture and vice versa. Fyodor Uspensky, Deputy Director of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will tell you how many names you would have had if you lived in medieval Rus'.

Steve Wozniak. Photo:

On Sunday, 2011 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry Dan Shechtman will talk about quasiperiodic crystals, and the director of the largest synchrotron, Diamond Light Source, Andrew Harrison, will give a lecture on why synchrotrons are needed and how they “help rediscover our cultural heritage", and the director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, will explain how weather forecasts are made (you can ask him whether the coming winter will be cold).

As part of the festival, the world premiere of the VR film “Sungir” about the largest Paleolithic site in Europe will take place. ancient man on the territory of the Vladimir region and the first Homo sapiens in Europe.

The film will be shown on Friday evening, at the opening ceremony of the festival, and then its materials will be available at the thematic site.

On Saturday, festival visitors will see the now traditional teleconference with the International Space Station: Sergei Ryazansky, who is on board the ISS, will answer questions about what it’s like to be an astronaut.

Sergey Ryazansky. Photo:

And on Sunday afternoon, there, in the Shuvalov building of Moscow State University, there will be teleconferences with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Antarctic station.

On Saturday and Sunday evenings, Dr. Hal's science show will be held in the auditorium of the Fundamental Library. If you are a child preschool age or the parent of such a child and like to “cheat”, then this show is for you. In addition, for all three days of the festival, a dome cinema will open in front of the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University, in which viewers will be able to learn about the evolution of the Universe from the Big Bang to the present day and much more.

Where to go for a walk

If you are a fan of leisurely strolling and gawking at something interesting, the festival program will include several exhibitions for you.

The exhibition at the Expo Center will, for example, feature areas with dinosaurs from the Amur region, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and weather stations. In addition, there you can literally touch the collection of the Vernadsky Geological Museum and learn how to make a kaleidoscope.

In the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University it will be possible, for example, to look at the television studio High school television or see how pollen is studied in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, and in the Shuvalovsky building - look at modern forensic equipment and figure out what the soil is made of.

What else

In parallel with the main venues at Moscow State University, popular science fun will unfold at the faculties. On Saturday, the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine invites you to take a look at a lie detector, and the Faculty of Economics will tell you how to become a famous scientist.

On Saturday, the Faculty of Biology will treat those who came to the lecture to apples grown in the Botanical Garden of the university, and the Institute of Asian and African Studies will teach Japanese calligraphy and the Persian language.

Interesting events this weekend will take place not only around Moscow University. Thus, the MAI will host its science day with demonstration flights of aircraft modellers, and a large festival program is planned at the RUDN University.

Photo: RIA Novosti

MSPU promises a philological quest (“Philology for Kids,” to which for some reason students are invited), and MISiS promises “fun experiments.” Russian state university oil and gas named after I.M. Gubkina will show how you can pump oil without leaving the classroom, while the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, as expected, will hold a bunch of events on economics, from a quiz about taxes to a seminar on fintech.

The Darwin Museum will host a lecture on mitochondria, which rule the world (if you don’t know who mitochondria are, be sure to go to it), and at Red October on Sunday evening, the best student researchers will compete in the first All-Russian Science Slam in psychology.

October 6–8, 2017, Moscow, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and other sites.

The Festival events will take place over three days and on other sites capital - in MISiS, Linguistic University, MSTU named after N. E. Bauman, Peoples' Friendship University, Polytechnic Institute, State Darwin Museum... A total of 90 sites throughout Moscow will welcome guests interested in science.

At the Central site of the Festival(Intellectual Center - Fundamental Library of Moscow State University and Shuvalovsky Building of Moscow State University) there will be popular science lectures, exhibitions, games, animations, models, popular science videos.

The motto of the Festival remains unchanged -"Make your discovery."
Purpose of the Festival NAUKA0+ - to captivate children, teenagers, students and everyone who is interested in science the world around us, tell what scientists do, how scientific research improves the quality of life, what prospects it opens up for modern people.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,
Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, Moscow,
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

The main theme of the Science Festival 2017 is There will be such a phenomenon as “BigData”, which reflects the global growth of modern science, as well as the development trends of the latest computer technologies. This concept includes areas such as digital technologies, IT, ecology, information security, medicine, etc.

The most significant events of the Science Festival:

  • Lecture hall “Golden Lectures” in the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University. Here, festival guests will be able to listen to open lectures by eminent Russian and foreign scientists, laureates of Russian state prizes and Nobel laureates.
  • Open lecture by the legendary Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
  • The largest interactive popular science exhibition. Part of the exhibition will be dedicated to the future and present of Russian cosmonautics. Every visitor will be able to get acquainted with the sensational discoveries in the space industry over the past 100 years. Some exhibits will be presented to the public for the first time.
  • Teleconferences with the International Space Station, CERN. This is a unique opportunity to learn everything about space and modern science first-hand - personally from ISS cosmonauts and leading world scientists in real time.
  • Exciting science shows.
  • Work of open scientific laboratories for children in the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University. Here every child will be able to try on a new and completely adult role: physicist, chemist, engineer.
  • Work of a large robotics zone in the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University. The newest robots will actively communicate with the public, demonstrate their capabilities and even show emotions.
  • A fascinating exhibition of the United Aircraft Corporation. Among the exhibits, guests of the Festival will see models of jet aircraft and will be able to gain initial skills in piloting a modern fighter on an operating simulator. And famous pilots, scientists and aircraft designers will talk about the present and future of Russian aviation.
  • Excursion tours to laboratories and museums.
  • Master classes from leading world-famous inventors.
  • Scientific discussions about the future of humanity.
  • Screenings of current scientific and educational films from the SCIENCE 2.0 TV channel.
  • Competitions for young inventors “Scientists of the Future”.
  • Educational Academy for Teachers.
  • much more.

From October 6 to October 8, 2017, the NAUKA 0+ Science Festival will be held in Moscow. Central venues of the Festival: Intellectual Center - Fundamental Library and Shuvalovsky Building of Moscow State University, Expocentre Fairgrounds on Krasnaya Presnya.

The first Science Festival in Russia was held in 2006 at Moscow University on the initiative of the Rector of Moscow State University, Academician V.A. Sadovnichigo. Since 2007, the Science Festival has become a citywide event, and in 2011 it received All-Russian status. The purpose of the event is to popularize science and involve talented youth in it. The task is to tell the public what scientists do, how scientific research improves the quality of life, and what prospects it opens up. The constant motto of the Festival is “Make your discovery!”

The main theme of the Science Festival NAUKA 0+ 2017 is big data. This topic unites biology, criminology, ecology, marketing, medicine - it is now difficult to find an area of ​​knowledge in which specialists do not work with big data. What they are and how they change our lives can be figured out at the Science Festival events.

The motto of the Festival remains unchanged - “Make your discovery!” The Science Festival is designed to involve children with disabilities in innovative activities. early age, make them feel like engineers, inventors, instill in them an interest and love for science, writes the Rosregistr portal. The NAUKA 0+ festival demonstrates the latest scientific and technical achievements, proves the need to introduce scientific knowledge into modern life people for the economic and cultural uplift of society. In addition, it is a business platform for effective interaction science, society and business.

The Science Festival is organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with the support of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Moscow government. The program includes speeches by leading scientists and Nobel laureates, interactive exhibitions, the premiere of the VR film “Sungir” about the first Homo sapiens in Europe, teleconferences with the ISS and the Antarctic scientific station. Admission to all events is free.

Science Festival in Moscow 2017 - program, schedule

The detailed program is posted on the festival website. To help you plan an interesting weekend, together with the editors of the popular science portal “Attic” we will tell you what to see and where to go.

Who to listen to

The All-Russian Science Festival is, first of all, an opportunity to listen to technological and scientific gurus.

Yes, on Saturday at 12:00 Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak will give a lecture about big data, artificial intelligence and the professions of the future. The lecture in the main building of Moscow State University is expected to be sold out, but it will be broadcast in additional classrooms, so there will be room.

On the same day, cosmonaut pilot and scientific director of the Faculty of Space Research of Moscow State University Vladimir Solovyov will talk about the work of the new faculty of the university, and the dean of the Faculty of Economics Alexander Auzan will explain how economics influences culture and vice versa. Fyodor Uspensky, Deputy Director of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will tell you how many names you would have had if you lived in medieval Rus'.

On Sunday, 2011 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry Dan Shekhtman will talk about quasiperiodic crystals, director of the largest synchrotron Diamond Light Source Andrew Harrison will give a lecture on why synchrotrons are needed and how they “help rediscover our cultural heritage,” and director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand will explain how weather forecasts are made (you can ask him whether the coming winter will be cold).

What to see

As part of the festival, the world premiere of the VR film “Sungir” will take place about the largest Paleolithic site of ancient man in Europe in the Vladimir region and the first Homo sapiens in Europe.

The film will be shown on Friday evening, at the opening ceremony of the festival, and then its materials will be available at the thematic site.

On Saturday, festival visitors will see the now traditional teleconference with the International Space Station: Sergei Ryazansky, who is on board the ISS, will answer questions about what it’s like to be an astronaut.

And on Sunday afternoon, there, in the Shuvalov building of Moscow State University, there will be teleconferences with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Antarctic station.

On Saturday and Sunday evenings, Dr. Hal's science show will be held in the auditorium of the Fundamental Library. If you are a preschool child or the parent of such a child and love to "cheat", then this show is for you. In addition, for all three days of the festival, a dome cinema will open in front of the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University, in which viewers will be able to learn about the evolution of the Universe from the Big Bang to the present day and much more.

Where to go for a walk

If you are a fan of leisurely strolling and gawking at something interesting, the festival program will include several exhibitions for you.

The exhibition at the Expo Center will, for example, feature areas with dinosaurs from the Amur region, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and weather stations. In addition, there you can literally touch the collection of the Vernadsky Geological Museum and learn how to make a kaleidoscope.

In the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University, you can, for example, look at the television studio of the Higher School of Television or see how pollen is studied in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, and in the Shuvalov Building you can look at modern forensic equipment and figure out what the soil is made of.

What else

In parallel with the main venues at Moscow State University, popular science fun will unfold at the faculties. On Saturday, the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine invites you to take a look at a lie detector, and the Faculty of Economics will tell you how to become a famous scientist.

On Saturday, the Faculty of Biology will treat those who came to the lecture to apples grown in the Botanical Garden of the university, and the Institute of Asian and African Studies will teach Japanese calligraphy and the Persian language.

Interesting events this weekend will take place not only around Moscow University. Thus, the MAI will host its science day with demonstration flights of aircraft modellers, and a large festival program is planned at the RUDN University.
Moscow State Pedagogical University promises a philological quest (“Philology for Kids,” to which for some reason students are invited), and MISiS promises “fun experiments.” Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkina will show how you can pump oil without leaving the classroom, while the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, as expected, will hold a bunch of events on economics, from a quiz about taxes to a seminar on fintech.

The Darwin Museum will host a lecture on mitochondria, which rule the world (if you don’t know who mitochondria are, be sure to go to it), and at Red October on Sunday evening, the best student researchers will compete in the first All-Russian Science Slam in psychology.

Ancient people will appear at Moscow State University

At Moscow State University, at the All-Russian science festival NAUKA0+, a new reconstruction of the appearance of Homo sapiens, who lived 30 thousand years ago, will be presented for the first time. The virtual animation was created by the Visual Science studio and the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The ancient people, whose appearance was reconstructed, lived in Sungir - the northernmost Paleolithic settlement of the first people modern type in Europe. Its inhabitants are considered the ancestors of Eastern and Northern Europeans. Excavations of the ancient site began in 1965. More than 80 thousand cultural and household items, including jewelry, were found at the site of the camp.

The visualization was based on the skulls of two children, 10 and 13 years old, found in a burial in Sungir, and previous reconstructions of the appearance of people from the settlement. Computer simulations were carried out using modern technologies reconstruction of faces, as well as based on laser scanning data and high-precision photography of skulls from burials.

The most interesting lectures on the weekend of October 7 and 78 at the science festival in Moscow

- “How did life on Earth begin?” - lecture by Armen Yakovlevich Mulkidzhanyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University, Leading Researcher at the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology named after. A.N. Belozersky Moscow State University, researcher at the University of Osnabrück (October 7, 11.00, Shuvalovsky building).

- “Operation Asphalt - a little-known episode from the history of the Cold War” - report by Professor Marianne Neerland Soleim from Norway (October 7, 14.45, Shuvalovsky building).

- “Eventually we will find a cure for all diseases!” - lecture by Professor Luke O'Neill, one of the most influential scientists in the world, who ranks first in the field of immunology (October 7, 16.00, Shuvalovsky building).

- “The Secrets of Art Forgeries and How Science Reveals Them” - lecture by Professor Jeffrey Taylor, director of graduate studies at Western Colorado University.

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