How should a household air conditioner work correctly? How does an air conditioner work (split system)

Despite the fact that there are air conditioners in almost every home, only a few users correctly imagine the circuit diagram of such a device and how it works and is connected. In this article we will try to cover this topic in detail.

General diagram of the air conditioner operation

The entire system is built on the ability of substances to absorb heat during evaporation and release it during condensation. This air conditioner circuit is incorporated into the operation of a modern split system. The main substance inside the closed system of the device is freon. Having the ability to change its state of aggregation by changing temperature and pressure, we will be able to cool the radiator and drive air from the street through it.

But first, let's get acquainted with the basic elements of a split system. The circuit and principle of operation of the air conditioner involve the use of two units: external and internal. What are they for?

Outdoor unit

This unit is installed outdoors and mainly serves to cool overheated freon (it does not take air from the street, the air conditioner is used to cool the air in the room. Ventilation units are used to take in outside air). It consists of the following nodes:

  • Fan.
  • Capacitor. In this part, freon is cooled and condensed. The air that passes through the condenser is heated and discharged to the street.
  • Compressor. Main element an air conditioner that compresses freon and ensures its circulation throughout the entire circuit.
  • Control unit. It is commonly used in outdoor units of inverter systems. In conventional air conditioners, all electronics are most often located in the indoor unit.

  • 4-way valve. Used in models that can operate for heating (most modern air conditioners). This element, when the heating function is activated, changes the direction of movement of the refrigerant. As a result, the outdoor and indoor units change places: the indoor unit works for heating, the outdoor unit for cooling.
  • Various fitting connections through which copper pipes are connected between the indoor and outdoor units.
  • Refrigerant filter. It is installed in front of the compressor in order to protect the latter from dirt that may enter the system during installation.

Indoor unit

It includes elements:

  • The front panel through which air enters. It can be easily removed so that the user can get to the filters.
  • The coarse filter is a regular plastic mesh that traps large dust (for example, animal hair, fluff, etc.). This mesh needs to be cleaned once a month.
  • Filter system consisting of carbon, antibacterial, electrostatic filters. Depending on the air conditioner model, some filters may not be present at all.

  • A fan for circulating clean air in the room - cold or heated.
  • Evaporator. It is a radiator where the ice coolant enters. This radiator is heavily cooled by freon, and the fan drives air through it, which instantly becomes cold.
  • Blinds for adjusting the direction of air flow.
  • The indicator panel shows in which mode the air conditioner is operating.
  • Control board. It houses the central processor and electronics unit.
  • Union connections - pipes connecting the indoor and outdoor units are connected to them.

The air conditioner circuit is simple and logical, but some users do not understand why two units are needed? After all, you can take warm air from the room and run it through the air conditioner, cooling it. But it's not so simple: you can't produce cold without producing heat. And the heat needs to be removed outside. A two-block system is ideal for this purpose. There are also other systems, such as single-block ones. There, the heat is removed outside through a special air duct taken outside the apartment.

Detailed diagram of the air conditioner operation

Now that you know the basic elements, you can consider in more detail how this system works. So, when the cooling mode is activated from the control panel, the compressor in the system turns on. It builds up pressure and forces gas through the radiator. After passing through the radiator (in the outdoor unit), the gas becomes liquid and hot (if you remember, when it condenses, it releases heat).

Now the hot liquid freon (which was a gas before the radiator) enters where the freon pressure decreases. As a result of this, freon evaporates, and a cold gas-liquid mixture enters the evaporator (freon becomes cold when evaporating). The evaporator cools down and the fan blows the cold from it into the room. The freon gas then enters the condenser again, and at this point the circle is completed.

This circuit diagram conditioner is valid for all types. Regardless of the model, power and functionality of the system, all air conditioners are built exactly according to this principle, including automobile, industrial and household ones.

Air conditioner connection

The air conditioner installation diagram is simple, but the installation itself is quite complex. It can only be done by specialists who have the appropriate equipment. The whole difficulty lies in installing the outdoor unit and pumping freon inside. It is also necessary to make a huge hole in the wall, and if the house is panel, the complexity of the work increases.

As for connecting to the electrical network, it is enough to simply connect the internal unit of the device to an outlet, nothing more. But the air conditioner power connection diagram is a document that displays the location of various components and information for service centers. It is of greater interest to engineers who repair and connect equipment. In the context of this article, it is impossible to provide a single air conditioner connection diagram, since it may be different for different models.

Connecting blocks

After the external and internal air conditioner units have been installed, they must be connected to each other. This is done using a copper four-core cable. The cores must have a cross-section of at least 2.5 mm 2. The air conditioner connection diagram that comes with the device itself is, to some extent, an instruction manual. Usually the connecting cable is laid together with the freon line, although it can also be laid in a separate plastic box.

Connection via leased line

After connecting the two units to each other, you need to connect the indoor unit to the network. You can use the nearest outlet, however, given the rather high power of the installation, experts recommend providing a separate power line for it, which will go directly to the meter. This will remove a large load from the common line of the apartment's electrical system. The cable can be laid to the shield using a special groove or in a plastic box. Do not leave the wire exposed.

The panel into which the air conditioner power line (and the general line of the apartment's electrical system) will enter must be grounded. In this case, the cable power must be connected through a circuit breaker of a certain power. It is calculated using a special formula: air conditioner power divided by voltage (220 or 230 V). To the obtained value you need to add 30% for power reserve.

Connection to the apartment's general power supply system

Connecting the device to a regular outlet that belongs to a common power line is only possible if your air conditioner is not powerful and will not create a large load on the network. If the power consumption of the air conditioner is 1 kW or less, it can be connected to a regular outlet. Typically, models designed to cool 20 square meters have this power.

After purchasing climate control equipment, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of use and all the capabilities of the device. Full functionality is described in basic instructions for operating the air conditioner. If you follow all these rules, the life of the equipment will be long and will not require frequent repairs.

Types of household air conditioners

Mobile air conditioner device

An air conditioner is a device that can control the climate and air temperature in a room. Conventionally, technology can be divided into 3 types. Everyone has positive and negative aspects regarding exploitation. Depending on the type of equipment, additional functions are offered.

  • Mobile. Installation of the device does not require special equipment; if necessary, it can be easily moved to another location. Can be used in any room. The disadvantage is that it is noisy and problems often arise during operation. The radius of movement within one room is up to 2 meters.
  • Window. Takes up little space and is inexpensive. An already installed device is difficult to move to another place, since the housing is mounted in a window opening. To ensure effective air conditioning, do not cover the unit with curtains. Makes a lot of noise. Application is possible in rooms where people spend a minimum amount of time.
  • Split systems. The complex installation process requires a professional approach. The noisy part is located outside, and the cooling unit is located indoors - on the floor, wall or ceiling. Many additional functions: humidification, cleaning, heating, ionization, etc. The air conditioner can be controlled using a remote control or an external panel.

When installing a device for controlling the microclimate in a room, you need to know how to use it correctly and maintain it for full and high-quality functioning. Over time, the paint on the body deteriorates, the filters become dirty, and parts fail.

General instructions for using air conditioners

The instructions for any equipment begin with installation recommendations. The quality of installation determines the efficiency and service life without breakdowns. Without experience, it is better not to do such work yourself. Professionals will quickly install the equipment and give the owner a certificate of completion and warranty documents.

Important Recommendations:

  • While the device is operating, do not insert foreign objects between the grilles.
  • Keep children away from the air conditioner during operation and rest periods of the device.
  • To cool the room, set the temperature to 21-23 degrees. If you set the temperature lower, you may get sick.
  • A continuous pace of work will lead to damage to the compressor, so it is worth giving time to rest.
  • When the air conditioner is operating, close windows and doors and protect from direct sunlight.
  • Do not operate air conditioning equipment in rooms with high humidity.
  • Periodic maintenance of the equipment involves cleaning the filters. Carry out the procedure every 2 weeks.
  • Turn on the device after checking the quality of the network connection and the integrity of the wires.

It is important to know at what temperature the air conditioner can be turned on: for the external part of the split system, the minimum limit is -5; for the internal part, the maximum limit is +37 degrees. Restrictions may vary depending on the humidity outside or inside the house. If the humidity outside is high, minimum threshold should not fall below -2.

The equipment can work continuously for about 6 hours. It is recommended to turn off the air conditioner for a while every 2 hours. The device cannot be started if the case is warm or hot. The period of rest and work should be commensurate.

When operating climate control equipment, it is not recommended to be in the area of ​​the cooling air flow. The risk of catching a cold in this case is high even at optimal air temperatures.

You can only adjust the operation of the air conditioner with clean and dry hands - this is the most important safety rule when working with electrical appliances.

If the device has not been used for a long period, you need to turn it on in test mode. Even a minimal period of stagnation requires cleaning the filters and the device body before starting. For remote control, you can use a smartphone or other phone if there is a connection to the smart home system.

Before starting work, the device must be configured.

How to turn on the device correctly

Before turning on you must:

  1. Check the presence of filters in the housing.
  2. Make sure the air duct grille is clear.
  3. Clean the area around the device as much as possible.

Further adjustment of the air conditioner concerns operating system and work with setting modes.

Symbols on the control panel display

There are two options for starting climate control equipment - from the remote control and using a button on the device body. Usually the buttons are labeled English, so it’s worth looking at the meaning in the instructions.

On the control panel, in addition to turning it on/off, you can change operating modes, adjust the temperature, and set basic commands. Depending on the model and manufacturer, the panel may be located at the bottom or at the top. The “start” button is clearly marked. Modes are selected using the “mode” button. The smart display will show the actions being performed. The condition for quality work is fulfillment of the requirements specified in the manual included with the purchase.

Install remote access Using the remote control is easier than operating from the panel. There is a display on the control panel that provides information regarding the functionality of the modes, battery charge, operation of timers and indicators.

Brief instructions for PU air conditioner:

  • ON/OFF button – starts and turns off the climate control equipment.
  • "▲"/"▼" buttons adjust heat and cool.
  • The "MODE" button allows you to select a mode.
  • “FAN SPEED” button to control the cooler rotation speed.

Climate control modes

You can turn on the air conditioner in several modes: in winter – heating, in summer – cooling, ventilation, dehumidification. Each parameter has its own characteristics. You can set a test mode that will help determine operating conditions. Autorestart allows you to use previously set parameters after switching on.

Setting the temperature

Buttons “▲” or “▼” – setting the temperature value in steps of 1 degree. How many degrees are set can be seen on the display. There is no need to leave the room while the climate control device is operating if all parameters are set correctly, without sudden changes.

Air conditioner operating modes

Cool/heat mode

You can set the air conditioner to cool or heat the room using the control panel or the panel on the device. You need to enter the menu with a list of modes and select the one you need.

In fan mode, it is impossible to control the temperature using such an algorithm. First you need to pause.

In a simple budget device, in heating mode the air within the ventilation radius is slightly heated, so it cannot replace heating. In winter, the home air conditioner is practically not used for heating.

Launching other modes

You can use an air conditioner not only for heating or cooling air - the purpose of a split system is broader. Modes of humidification, self-cleaning, drying, etc. are provided. To select the necessary operating parameters, you need to go to the menu to select operating modes. For drying - DRY function, for automatic operation - Auto. All symbols are specified in the instruction manual.

The air conditioner may operate in each mode with the loss of some additional functions: it is impossible to control the turbine rotation speed or change the temperature. You should first set up a comfortable microclimate.

Cleaning the air conditioner

The instructions for the air conditioner provide proper care. Especially if the device is active and works regularly. The split system must be cleaned periodically to maintain vacuum.

Cleaning the indoor unit.

  1. Remove the cover and take out the filters. Wash them in warm water with a non-aggressive detergent.
  2. Carefully remove the rotary fan and wipe the blades with a damp cloth.
  3. Carefully clean the heat exchanger using a vacuum cleaner. For hard-to-reach places, use a thin brush.
  4. After the components have completely dried, install them in place.

Forced drying of filters is prohibited. When exposed to hot air, the grilles may become deformed. Pipe drainage also occurs naturally.

If there is rust on the body, you need to call a specialist. Possible freon leak.

Cleaning the outdoor unit

  1. Remove branches, leaves and large debris from the grille and fan blades.
  2. Remove the cover. Clean surfaces with a cloth or vacuum cleaner. Be careful not to let water come into contact with electrical parts.
  3. Wash the radiator plates using high water pressure: shower, hose, car washer.
  4. Reinstall all parts.

The external unit does not need to be cleaned as often as the internal one. However, it is important to remove large debris in a timely manner so that the device does not overheat.

An air conditioner is a device for regulating and maintaining optimal temperature in domestic premises, construction sites, transport and other places where people are located. The most popular are compression air conditioners: they both cool the air and heat it.

The operation of the device is based on the ability to absorb heat during evaporation and remove it through condensation. Let's take a closer look at how this procedure occurs in a split system.

Air conditioner circuit diagram

Main components of this unit is:

  • Compressor.
  • Evaporative element.
  • Thermoregulation valve.
  • Fans.

External unit

The air conditioner consists of an indoor and outdoor module, the latter is located outside the building. This is caused by the noisy operation of the fan and compressor, as well as the independent removal of warm air into the atmosphere.

Outdoor unit design

Despite the variety of air conditioners, their external module always has the same components:

  1. Compressor. It is capable of compressing freon and imparting a certain movement along the contour.
  2. Capacitor located in the outdoor unit. It turns the refrigerant into a liquid state.
  3. Evaporator. The radiator is located inside the device - it serves to convert freon from the watery phase to the gaseous state.
  4. Thermostatic expansion valve (TRV). The device reduces the refrigerant pressure.
  5. Fans. The task of these devices is to blow air over the evaporator and condenser to create more intense heat exchange with the atmosphere.
  6. Filters. These parts of the air conditioner protect the circuit from foreign particles (dirt, dust)

IMPORTANT! When the air conditioner operates in warm air injection mode, the external module is equipped with a four-way valve, which is controlled from the internal module. It is responsible for changing the supply modes of warm and cold air flow.

Indoor unit

An indoor air conditioner is necessary to provide cool air in the room. The design of this unit allows you to take in air from the street and distribute it evenly in the room. In this regard, the main elements internal structure are:

Radiator(evaporator). It received this name because during the cooling stage freon evaporates in the tubes, and the principle of operation of the circuit is based on this phenomenon. The power of the unit largely depends on the size of this device: the larger the air conditioner, the larger the evaporator should be.

It is an interlacing of tubes with plates that increase the plane of heat transfer. The refrigerant moves through the capillary vessels at a certain speed and temperature.

Fan(impeller, shaft). To quickly cool the room, it is necessary to force the air flow through a cooled radiator. This is where this impeller helps.

For many models, the evaporator outlines the fan configuration, thereby making the installation of the internal module compact. This creates effective circulation of air masses.

Fan motor. It is attached with a special bracket to the module box and serves to rotate the impeller.

Drainage bath. During operation of the air conditioner, condensation forms on the radiator. And this tray exists to collect it. In addition to moisture, it collects dust, dirt and other foreign particles. Therefore, for better care behind it, this device is removable.

Vertical and horizontal blinds. These elements move from small motors and are attached under the drainage tray. At the same time, horizontal curtains regulate the air flow up and down, and vertical ones - left and right.

Command block. This microcircuit is a board to which all significant starting elements of motors and sensors are connected through wires.

Coarse filter. It looks like a plastic mesh to which small particles of dust, dirt, and wool stick. This filter needs to be cleaned once every two weeks to avoid overloading the engine.

Air conditioner operation

All components of the unit are connected to each other by copper tubes and thereby form a refrigeration circuit. Freon circulates inside it with a small amount of compression oil.

The air conditioner allows you to perform the following process:

  1. The compressor receives refrigerant from the radiator at low pressure of 2-4 atmospheres and a temperature of about +15 degrees.
  2. When working, the compressor compresses freon to 16 - 22 points, due to this it heats up to +75 - 85 degrees and enters the condenser.
  3. The evaporator is cooled by a flow of air having a temperature lower than that of freon, as a result of which the refrigerant cools and transforms from a gas into a watery state.
  4. From the condenser, freon enters the thermostatic valve (in household appliances it looks like a spiral tube).
  5. When passing through the capillaries, the gas pressure drops to 3-5 atmospheres, and it cools, while part of it evaporates.
  6. After the expansion valve, liquid freon enters the radiator, blown by an air flow. In it, the refrigerant is completely converted into gas, takes away heat, and therefore the temperature in the room decreases.

Then the freon with low pressure moves to the compressor, and all the work of the compressor, and therefore of the household air conditioner, is repeated again.

Types of air conditioners

Manufacturers produce all types of air conditioners, investing heavily in their business. As a result, a modern consumer can choose any model according to any parameters.

Air conditioners split systems

Split type devices are great for small rooms.

NOTE! Based on installation, units are divided into floor, window, wall and ceiling air conditioners.

There are two types of such devices: separation systems and multi-dividing systems. Wall-mounted split system units consist of two blocks: a small internal unit and a large external module.

The external device contains the loudest devices. A multi split system is formed by combining several indoor units into a single outdoor module. This allows you to optimally preserve the design of the house.

Ceiling type air conditioners

In rooms with a large area, as a rule, units for installation on the ceiling are chosen. Their advantage is that the cooled air is evenly distributed horizontally throughout the room without directly affecting people.

A massive ceiling-mounted air conditioner is almost invisible, and it is indispensable when you need an extensive air flow to the most remote parts of the room, while the jet length in some models reaches up to 55 meters.

There are also duct and cassette ceiling air conditioners. In this case, the first devices are completely hidden behind a suspended ceiling or in a channel, and the second type - cassette blocks look like ceiling tiles size 600×600 mm.

Split system

Although the disconnect system consists of indoor and outdoor modules, its operating principle is no different from any other type of domestic ceiling air conditioner.

The housing of the external unit itself contains a heat exchanger, a fan and a compressor. Additional elements Split systems consist of a dryer, expansion valve and connecting pipes.

And also to connect the unit to the electrical network, it contains the necessary starting and control devices.

Industrial air conditioners

Such devices are designed to serve areas larger than 350 meters and therefore they have a number of features, thereby differing from household air conditioners. The design of precision equipment may vary.

They are often installed in houses where a special microclimate is needed for each room - shopping centers, banks, hotels. Industrial air conditioners are divided into the following systems:

Multizone devices. These VRF and VRV air conditioning units include up to 64 indoor modules and up to three outdoor units. In total, they are located on communications up to 300 meters long.

It is possible to set a separate temperature for each indoor module and provide its own microclimate in each room. The error in the set temperature is only 0.05 degrees.

"Chiller fan coil". Devices with this system differ in that not freon is used inside the circuit, but water or antifreeze. The central refrigeration unit is called a “chiller”, and the heat exchange elements are called “fan coils”.

The advantage of such a unit is that the distance between these components can be any, since water flows through ordinary pipes.

Central and rooftop air conditioners. These devices are varied in their action. They are used in the form of heat exchange units, fans, air purifiers and humidifiers.

It is called central because air mass It is processed in the indoor unit and then moves through pipes between the rooms. Installation of air conditioners of this type and installation of communications is particularly complex and requires an external source of cold.

If possible, it is better to choose roof monoblocks, which are easier to install.

Air conditioner malfunctions

Today's climate control equipment is equipped with a warning function about possible breakdowns. You just have to decipher the diagnostic information.

The unit does not turn on

This is the most common breakdown of an air conditioner and probably every user has encountered it. These problems usually occur due to the electrical part:

  • The device is not connected.
  • The command chip is faulty.
  • There is no connection between the outdoor and indoor units.
  • The control panel does not work.
  • The circuit breaker has tripped.
  • Incorrect switching when sending signals.

And finally, the device may fail due to simple wear and tear of parts.

Switching off the split system after a short period of operation

This phenomenon occurs due to overheating of the compressor, as well as due to a breakdown of the protective relay. The unit heats up due to contamination of the radiator on the external module.

In such cases, preventative cleaning of the grille should be carried out. And also after refueling, the balance in the radiator and condenser circuits may be disrupted.

Condensate leak from the indoor unit

In the summer, owners of air conditioners may experience overflow of condensate tanks. The reason for this may be freezing of the heat exchanger, which should be insulated. If leakage appears at the joints, then you need to tighten the nuts. If the drainage tube becomes clogged with dirt, it should also be cleaned.

The air conditioner is not working at full capacity

This type of malfunction occurs mainly in the summer. The device consumes a large amount of energy during operation, but is not able to provide the required temperature conditions. The reason here most often lies in dirty air filters.

ATTENTION! Although thin purifiers, ozonizers, and ultraviolet light lamps improve the air, they also significantly affect the cost of the unit.


If an unpleasant odor begins to appear from the device, there are several reasons for this. If there is a burning smell, you need to check the wiring, and it is recommended to do this at service centers.

When the stench gives off dampness or mold, it means that a colony of bacteria has formed inside the unit. You can get rid of it with the help of an antifungal drug.

The benefits and harms of air conditioning

>Pros of the device

The main advantage of air conditioners is that they create a microclimate suitable for humans in the room. This, in turn, increases labor productivity, improves mood and well-being.

Therefore, the main advantage of this air conditioner is the creation of favorable conditions for work or leisure. The main task of such units is to lower the temperature during hot periods and heat the air during cold periods.

In addition, installing air conditioners in service centers or in Internet rooms allows you to avoid premature breakdowns of computer equipment due to overheating.

And also some models of such units are capable of performing several more useful functions:

  1. Purifying the air space from unpleasant odors. For example, window air conditioners are often installed in the kitchen and toilet.
  2. Humidification or dehumidification of indoor air.

Disadvantages of devices

However, if the air conditioner is used incorrectly, it can cause certain harm to human health:

  • There is a possibility that these devices may harbor harmful bacteria.
  • Climate control equipment favors the spread of viruses.
  • Air conditioners, passing air through themselves, kill useful elements in it.
  • Compressors create noise during operation.

In fact, in most cases, this refers to myths, and such statements are not true. To avoid unpleasant phenomena, you do not need to be under a cold stream of air flow.

Systematic cleaning of the unit and its preventive repairs will help to avoid improper operation of the device. And if you follow these basic rules, the air conditioner will create a pleasant microclimate in the room, which is so necessary for a person to have a pleasant rest and fruitful work.

Let's start with something simple. Substances have this property - when they evaporate, they absorb heat, and when they condense, they release it. The operation of the air conditioner is based on this physical phenomenon.

The operating principle of the air conditioner is based on changing state of aggregation refrigerant (freon) depending on the temperature and pressure in a closed system. First, let's get acquainted with the main components of the air conditioner.

The main components of any air conditioner are:

A modern air conditioner has an electronic unit that controls operation depending on the selected mode. All modern models have a remote control that allows you to set parameters.


The outdoor unit of the air conditioner consists of the following main components:

  1. A fan that creates air flow to blow across the condenser.
  2. A condenser is a radiator in which freon is cooled and condensed; the air passing by the condenser is heated and released into the environment.
  3. A compressor that compresses the refrigerant and maintains its movement through the refrigeration circuit.
  4. The control board is usually installed in inverter air conditioners. In non-inverter models, they try to place all electronics in the indoor unit.
  5. A four-way valve is installed in models with a heating function. In heating mode, this valve changes the direction of movement of freon, while the indoor and outdoor units seem to change places: the indoor unit works for heating, and the outdoor unit for cooling.
  6. Union connections (not visible in the figure) for connecting copper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units.
  7. The freon system filter is installed in front of the compressor inlet and protects it from dirt particles that may enter the system during installation of the air conditioner.
  8. A protective cover that covers fitting connections and electrical connectors.


The indoor unit consists of the following main components:

  1. The front panel is a plastic grille through which air enters the unit. The panel can be easily removed for servicing the air conditioner (cleaning filters, etc.)
  2. A coarse filter consisting of a plastic mesh. It is designed to retain coarse dust, animal hair, poplar fluff, etc. For normal operation of the air conditioner, the filter must be cleaned at least twice a month.
  3. The filter system consists of various fine filters, which usually include: carbon (removes unpleasant odors), electrostatic (retains fine dust), antibacterial, etc.
  4. A fan designed to circulate purified and cooled or heated air in a room.
  5. An evaporator is a radiator (heat exchanger) in which cold refrigerant is heated and evaporated. The air blown through the radiator is cooled accordingly.
  6. Horizontal blinds are designed to adjust the direction of air flow vertically. These blinds are electrically driven and their position can be adjusted using a remote control. In addition, the blinds can automatically perform oscillatory movements to evenly distribute air flow throughout the room.
  7. The indicator panel consists of indicators (LEDs) that show what operating mode the air conditioner is in and indicate possible malfunctions.
  8. Vertical blinds that regulate the direction of air flow horizontally.
  9. A control board (not shown in the figure), on which an electronics unit with a central microprocessor is located.
  10. The fitting connections (not shown in the figure) are located in the lower rear part of the indoor unit. Copper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units are connected to them.

It should be noted that the air conditioner does not produce cold (or heat), but transfers it from indoors to outdoors. Depending on the selected mode, the air conditioner either transfers heat from the room to the street, or from the street to the room (heating).

To cool the air in a room, the heat generated by the cooling must be removed. Heat is energy. And energy, as we know, cannot disappear without a trace. This is why the air conditioner consists of two units: indoor and outdoor. There are also single-block cooling systems that remove heat through an air duct vented to the outside.

The carrier of thermal energy in an air conditioner (as in a refrigerator) is a special refrigerant. Most often it is freon.



As the refrigerant (like any other liquid) evaporates, it takes away heat. You can conduct the following physical experiment: wipe your hand with alcohol or an alcohol-containing solution (for example, cologne). You will feel cold. This alcohol evaporates and takes away your body heat.

And vice versa, when condensing (transforming from a gaseous state back to a liquid), a substance gives off heat. For example, in a steam room, when you move, you feel the heat from the condensed steam.

When the air conditioner operates in cooling mode, the refrigerant evaporates in the heat exchanger of the indoor unit and condenses in the outdoor unit. When the air conditioner operates in heating mode, the refrigerant condenses in the heat exchanger of the indoor unit and evaporates in the outdoor unit.

The operation of an air conditioner is based on a change in the state of aggregation of a special substance under the influence of temperature and pressure. This substance is most often freon, which can change from a gaseous state to a liquid one. To understand an air conditioner, you must first become familiar with its structure.

How does an air conditioner work?

Modern air conditioners are equipped electronic unit, which allows for remote control. There are external and internal blocks. The outdoor unit consists of a fan, condenser, compressor, control board, four-way valve, filter. A fan is needed to blow air across the condenser. The condenser is a radiator in which freon is cooled and condensed. When air passes by it, it heats up.

The compressor compresses the freon and ensures its movement along the refrigeration circuit. There is a four-way valve that can heat the air. It changes the direction of movement of freon. The indoor unit then begins to work for heating, and the outdoor unit for cooling. The filter is located in front of the compressor inlet, its function is protective. The outdoor unit is closed with a lid.

The internal unit of the air conditioner includes a front panel, a coarse filter, fine filters, a fan, an evaporator, a control board, and blinds. Air flows through the front panel. Coarse filter - a plastic mesh to retain relatively large objects. Fine filters remove odors and trap fine dust and bacteria. The fan is aimed at circulating purified and heated/cooled air in the room.

How air is cooled and heated using an air conditioner

The freon is heated in the evaporator, after which it evaporates. As air passes through the evaporator, it cools. The blinds regulate the direction of the air flow, their position can be adjusted remotely. Indoor and outdoor units are connected copper pipes. The control board contains an electronics unit with a microprocessor.

The air conditioner itself does not produce cold or heat; it transfers it from indoors to outdoors or vice versa. When freon evaporates, it takes away heat, and when it condenses, it releases it. The process of condensation is the return from a gaseous state to a liquid state. In cooling mode, freon evaporates in the indoor unit and condenses in the outdoor unit. When heating, the opposite happens. This is how heat is transferred from one medium to another.