About centers for collective use and unique scientific installations. Regulations for the provision of services by the Center for Collective Use of Scientific Institutions

The basic organization of the General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the Institute of General Physics named after A.M. Prokhorov RAS"


1.1 The work of the Center for Collective Use of Unique Scientific Equipment (hereinafter referred to as the Center for Shared Use of Unique Scientific Equipment) is based on the principles used in international laboratories equipped with scientific instruments highest category complexity.

1.2 The main goal of the CCP is to increase the level scientific research, through the formation of modern research complexes in the field of nanotechnology, meeting international standards for the technical and operational characteristics of the instrumentation.

Main directions of development:

  • expanding the activities of the Shared Use Center to provide services for the collective use of equipment;
  • improvement and modernization of the material and technical base;
  • development of research, innovation and scientific-methodological activities;
  • creation of scientific, analytical and technological equipment;
  • development of information resources;
  • strengthening human resource potential.

The basic equipment of the CCP are:

  • General purpose X-ray diffractometer Bruker D8 Discover A25 DaVinci Design;
  • Modulation interference microscope - MIM 321;
  • Centrifuge CPS Disc (CPS Disc Cent);
  • Ultra-high vacuum STM GPI-300.02;
  • Electron microscope LIBRA 200 FE HR;
  • Ultratome Leica EM UC7;
  • Fischione 1010 Ion Mill;
  • Ultrasonic disc cutter from GATAN;
  • Universal system for mechanical surface preparation. Leica EM TXP;
  • System of three-beam ion etching of materials to great depth. Leica EM TIC020;
  • Laser scanning confocal microscope LSM-710-NLO;
  • Atomic force microscope. Seiko Instruments NPX 200.
  • Scientific research nanotechnology complex "Riber SSC2" based on an ultra-high vacuum center for surface research.
  • A stand for measuring the spectral dependence of the sensitivity of elements of matrix IR photodetectors.
  • Installation of measuring parameters of elements of matrix IR photodetectors in accordance with GOST 17772-88.

Measures to expand the scope of services of the Center for Communications

It is planned to expand the list of services provided by the Center for Use to scientific organizations interested in using the equipment of the Center for Use to conduct their own scientific research by including services for newly developed and acquired methods. It also provides for:

  • creation and constant updating of an Internet site containing information about scientific areas of activity, research capabilities of the Center for Use, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the instrument base of the Center for Use, conditions for providing access, including remote access, to unique research equipment, and the most significant projects carried out with the use of the Center for Common Use equipment, a list of scientific publications that reflected research conducted using the scientific equipment of the Center for Common Use;
  • preparation and holding of scientific seminars and schools on the formation and development of a network of central communication centers for the implementation of new methods and algorithms for data processing, both at the stage of direct operation of navigation systems, and at the stage of certification and attestation tests;
  • provision of scientific and methodological assistance and consultations for carrying out research and development work by the implementing organizations of the Federal Target Program and third-party organizations, the use and implementation of methods developed at the Shared Use Center during experimental research and at experimental installations;
  • preparation and publication of information booklets about the Center for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment in order to provide detailed information about available techniques and instruments.

1.3 The provision of CCP services is carried out according to one of the following schemes of interaction with customers:

1.3.1 Commercial order based on an agreement to perform research work.
1.3.2. Participation in joint projects (Federal target programs, departmental programs, etc.).
1.3.3. Free (or with partial payment) provision of services at the expense of funds Basic scientific research programs of state academies of sciences, Federal Targeted Program or at the expense of the IOF RAS’s own funds.

1.4 The work of the Center for Use "Technological and Diagnostic Center for the Production, Research and Certification of Micro and Nanostructures" is carried out according to preliminary applications approved by the Director of the Center.

1.5 Priority is given to the work carried out within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Target Program.


2.1 The center can carry out work for any third party organizations on the basis of a concluded agreement: .

2.2 At the request of the customer, a clause on the delimitation of intellectual property rights may be included in the standard contract for the provision of services to the Center for Communications.

2.3 At the request of the customer, the results of the work of the CCP can be confidential, about which a corresponding clause is drawn up in the concluded contract for the provision of services.


3.1 The Center for Use can carry out work for third-party organizations on the basis of joint participation in federal targeted program projects, departmental programs, etc. as a co-executor.

3.2 A list of equipment and a description of measuring and technological capabilities is given and published on the TsKP page.


4.1 The center can carry out work to provide services free of charge or with partial payment at the expense of funds Basic scientific research programs of state academies of sciences and Federal Targeted Program or at the expense of the IOF RAS’s own funds, the base organization of the Center for Common Use.

4.2 The customer of this type of work can be the contractor Basic scientific research programs of state academies of sciences, FTP, higher educational institutions and other users who have passed the examination and internal approval of the Center for Use.

4.3 As a rule, this type work involves conducting standard research without the need to adapt equipment and research methods to the user’s tasks.

4.4 Free provision of services is possible within the limits of time and resources determined by the management of the Center for Communicating Services, and the performers Basic scientific research programs of state academies of sciences and Federal targeted programs have priority over other customers of this type of work.

4.5 In a request for work, the user must provide motivation and justify the relevance of the research being carried out.

5.1 A request for work to be carried out at the Shared Use Center by employees of third-party organizations must contain the following documents:

5.1.1 Covering letter with the signature of the manager and the seal of the customer’s organization.
5.1.2 Completed form.

5.2. In a request for work to be carried out at the Shared Use Center by employees of the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a signed head must be submitted. department of the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Center for Collective Use "New Materials and New Technologies", hereinafter referred to as the Center for Shared Use, was formed in accordance with Order No. 13a of the Director of the Institute of Biochemistry and Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences dated April 23, 2001, on the basis of laboratories and other divisions of the Federal State budgetary institution Science Institute of Biochemical Physics named after. N.M. Emanuel of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBCP RAS).

The CCP is guided in its activities by current legislation Russian Federation, the Charter of the Institute of Biochemistry and Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Regulations on the Center for Shared Use “New Materials and New Technologies”.

The main directions of research conducted at the Center for Common Use.

Center for Collective Use "New Materials and Technologies" of the Institute of Biochemistry and Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences - a unique chemical and physical complex for interdisciplinary research, covering the fields of genomics, proteomics, creation medicines new generation, development of analytical systems to ensure chemical and biological safety, development of new catalysts, new energy carriers and energy conversion systems, new methods of clinical diagnostics, as well as new polymer, biopolymer and composite materials.

Specialization of the Center for Use: modern physicochemical methods for studying substances at the molecular level and the dynamics of chemical and biological processes, including using chromatography-mass spectrometry, NMR and EPR spectroscopy, confocal microscopy, optical microscopy, IR and UV spectrometry , Raman spectroscopy, laser light scattering.

TsKP is not structural unit IBCP RAS, it includes specialized methodological centers and sectors operating on the basis of laboratories and other scientific departments of IBCP RAS, namely:

Center for Magnetic Spectroscopy (EPR-, NMR-)

Organized on the basis of the Center for Magnetic Spectroscopy of the Institute of Biochemistry and Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Head: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Kovarsky Alexander Lvovich

Mass Spectrometry Center

Organized on the basis of the laboratory of mass spectrometry of biomacromolecules.

Head: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Nikolaev Evgeniy Nikolaevich,

deputy head senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Kononikhin Alexey Sergeevich.

Confocal Microscopy Sector

Head: Doctor of Biological Sciences Muranov Konstantin Olegovich.

Organized on the basis of the laboratory of physical and chemical principles of regulation of biological systems.

Optical Microscopy Sector

Organized on the basis of the laboratory of physical chemistry of compositions of synthetic and natural polymers

Head: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. Popov Anatoly Anatolievich.

Spectrometry sector in the UV, visible and near-IR ranges, pulsed photolysis

Organized on the basis of the laboratory of photosensitization processes.

Head: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kuzmin.

Sector of IR-Fourier spectrometry

Organized on the basis of the laboratory of physical chemistry of compositions of synthetic and natural polymers.

Head: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Anatoly Anatolyevich Popov

Raman Spectroscopy Sector

Organized on the basis of the laboratory of electrophysics and radiophotonics of composite materials and nanostructures.

Head: Ph.D. Shchegolikhin Alexander Nikitovich.

Laser light scattering sector

Organized on the basis of the laboratory for physico-chemical modification of biopolymers.

Head: Ph.D. Plashchina Irina Germanovna.

Head of the Center for Communal Use "New materials and technologies"

Deputy Director of the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Anatoly Anatolyevich Popov

Contact person:

Deputy Head of the Center for Use, Head of Department, Ph.D. Krylova Larisa Petrovna

New quality level research and development is possible only on a modern experimental base, which is based on multifunctional research complexes that can significantly expand the capabilities of experiments and intensify the process of conducting them.

Increasing the efficiency of using research complexes should be ensured due to their high load, which is successfully carried out in specially created centers for the collective use of scientific equipment (CCU).

Centers for collective use solve an important problem - they provide the opportunity to conduct research for a wide range of scientists and research teams using modern and expensive equipment, and create the opportunity to increase the efficiency of using such equipment.

The advantage is also the concentration of not only equipment, but also specialists who are fluent in this equipment and are capable of performing any tasks of this profile. At the same time, it is important for the Center for Common Use to formulate its own long-term research programs, taking into account applications from interested organizations.

Currently, in most developed countries, a network of research centers for the collective use of scientific equipment of various profiles and expensive installations and complexes has been formed. Work on the formation of a domestic network of shared centers began in the 80s of the last century and continued with the participation of the Russian Foundation basic research(RFBR). Subsequently, this work was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Science of Russia and continued by Rosnauka of Russia in accordance with the priority measures for the implementation of the Fundamentals of the Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of science and technology for the period until 2010 and further prospects within the framework of the federal target scientific and technical program “Research and Development in priority areas for the development of science and technology" for 2002 - 2006 (FSNTP).

Since 2005, support for the development of the Shared Use Center has been carried out as part of the implementation of the event “Promotion of the development of a network of centers for the collective use of scientific equipment” by the Federal Center for Scientific and Technical Technology.

Rosnauka is forming a network of shared use centers taking into account the shared use centers already operating in Russia and the distribution of scientific and technical potential among the regions of the country. The network of 56 shared centers created by Rosnauka in 2005-2006 is the basis for the formation of regional key elements of the future national network of shared learning centers.

The equipment of organizations in which collective use centers are located can be characterized by the following data. As of December 1, 2006 in 56 TsKP accumulated 1674 pieces of scientific equipment on total cost more 7 billion rubles, which is about 5,5 % the cost of the domestic fleet of machinery and equipment in the research and development sector.

The development of the Shared Use Center network creates the opportunity to quickly change the negative trend of aging of the scientific equipment fleet. Thus, the support of the Center for Acceptance Center within the framework of the activities of the Federal Center for Scientific and Technical Technology made it possible to update the instrument park of the centers by 15% in 2005 and by 19% in 2006 compared to 2004 and increase the efficiency of conducting exploratory research and complex developments.

Further development of the network of shared use centers will be ensured by the implementation of the federal target program “Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2012,” which provides for the implementation of the event “Development of a network of centers for the collective use of scientific equipment.”

Primary importance in the implementation of this activity should be given to solving the following main tasks:
- formation of a modern instrument base by accumulating precision expensive scientific equipment in the Shared Use Center and creating multifunctional research complexes;
- improving organizational and economic mechanisms for providing services in the field of research for various organizations;
- increasing the level of loading of scientific equipment at the Shared Use Center by forming our own annual research plans and research plans at the request of interested organizations;
- ensuring the uniformity and reliability of measurements when conducting scientific research using equipment;
- development of a unified information environment in the central communication center network;
- supporting the development of domestic scientific schools, improving the qualifications of researchers and attracting young specialists;
- conducting research in priority areas of science, technology and engineering at the global level.

In the future, centers for collective use should become the main reference points in the regions for providing exploratory research, comprehensive development, implementation of significant innovative projects and help increase the interest of young specialists in the scientific field.

This catalog contains information about centers for the collective use of scientific equipment created and operating in scientific organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities and scientific organizations of various departmental subordination.

The catalog materials reflect information about 56 research centers that carried out research work under government contracts with Rosnauka in 2005–2006. The network of centers for the collective use of scientific equipment presented in the catalog covers all federal districts Russian Federation.

The information about the shared use centers presented on the website is based on materials from the catalog of collective use centers released by Rosnauka in February 2007. (“CATALOG OF CENTERS FOR COLLECTIVE USE OF SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT (PROJECT IMPLEMENTERS IN 2005 – 2006 OF THE FEDERAL TARGETED SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PROGRAM “RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN PRIORITY AREAS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT” 2002 – 2006)" / Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering, Center for Applied research - M., 2007. - 149 p.)

Institute's Shared Use Center organic chemistry RAS (Center for Shared Use, Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS)

The Center for Collective Use of the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CPC) was created in 2005 with the aim of effective use unique intellectual potential and expensive analytical equipment, conducting interdisciplinary research, fundamental and applied research, training qualified specialists, developing scientific schools in the most important areas of science and technology. The work of the Center for Use is focused on the implementation and support of projects carried out in priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering of the Russian Federation.

Highly qualified specialists of the Center conduct research in the following areas:

Establishing the structure of chemical compounds

Performing compositional analysis

Separation of mixtures

Study of the morphology and size of particles on the surface of substances and materials

Study of catalytic processes and hybrid organic systems.

A unique instrument complex has been formed at the Shared Use Center, equipped with research instruments in the field of NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and electron microscopy, which makes it possible to study complex materials consisting of an inorganic nanostructured base, organic functional nanocomponents and polymer coatings, to solve unique problems volume and multitasking tasks in the field of nanotechnology, organic and organoelement chemistry, biochemistry, polymer chemistry and materials science.

Main services provided by the Center for Communications:

NMR spectroscopy in solutions and solid samples, non-standard media (ionic liquids, colloidal systems), high-resolution mass spectrometry organic compounds, electron microscopy

Analytical support in the field of chemistry, biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, materials science and nanotechnology.

Structural and conformational analysis of natural and synthetic organic compounds

Establishing structure and definition physical properties catalyst surfaces using a complex of modern instrumental and computational methods





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PAGE TITLE Scientific and technological infrastructure of the Russian Federation: centers for the collective use of scientific equipment and unique scientific installations | ckp-rf.ru Reviews
DESCRIPTION The portal contains information about the network of centers for the collective use of scientific equipment (CCU) and unique scientific installations (UNU), about megascience installations, about scientific infrastructure

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Scientific and technological infrastructure of the Russian Federation: centers for the collective use of scientific equipment and unique scientific installations | ckp-rf.ru Reviews


The portal contains information about the network of centers for the collective use of scientific equipment (CCU) and unique scientific installations (UNU), about megascience installations, and about scientific infrastructure


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Skip to main content. Center for Collective Use State Engineering Center FSBEI HE MSTU STANKIN. Equipment and services provided EN. Agreement for the provision of services EN. Official website of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MSTU "STANKIN". Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Official website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Official website of the Center for Communal Use of the Russian Federation. Center for collective use of the GIC 2017.

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Skip to main content. Federal Center for Collective Use State Engineering Center MSTU STANKIN. Equipment and services provided. Application and contract for the provision of services. The leadership of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO of Russia) visited the Center for Shared Use of the State Research Center of MSTU STANKIN. Official website of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MSTU "STANKIN". Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Official website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

State Engineering Center MSTU "STANKIN" at the international exhibition "Technoforum - 2015" at the Expocentre Fairgrounds | Federal Center for Collective Use "State Engineering Center" MSTU "STANKIN"


Skip to main content. Federal Center for Collective Use State Engineering Center MSTU STANKIN. Equipment and services provided. Application and contract for the provision of services. State Engineering Center MSTU STANKIN at the international exhibition Technoforum - 2015 at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. Official website of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MSTU "STANKIN". Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Official website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

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Skip to main content. Federal Center for Collective Use State Engineering Center MSTU STANKIN. Equipment and services provided. Application and contract for the provision of services. A young scientist from the State Research Center MSTU STANKIN took part in the 8th International Exhibition of Composite Materials and Technologies for Their Production COMPOTEC-2016 in Carrara, Italy. Official website of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MSTU "STANKIN". Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Official website of the Central Communal Program of the Russian Federation.

A delegation visited the State Engineering Center MSTU "STANKIN" National University them. Arturo Jauretche from Argentina | Federal Center for Collective Use "State Engineering Center" MSTU "STANKIN"


Skip to main content. Federal Center for Collective Use State Engineering Center MSTU STANKIN. Equipment and services provided. Application and contract for the provision of services. The State Engineering Center MSTU STANKIN was visited by a delegation from the National University. Arturo Jauretche from Argentina. Official website of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MSTU "STANKIN". Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Official website of the Central Communal Program of the Russian Federation. Center for collective use of the State Research Center 2017.

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