On the procedure for conducting a medical examination for intoxication (alcohol, drugs or other toxic). How a driver is examined for alcohol intoxication Schulte test during a medical examination

Management. Methodology “Schulte Tables”

Scales: stability of attention, work efficiency, degree of workability, mental stability.

Test type: Verbal
Test Description
The subject is alternately offered five tables on which numbers from 1 to 25 are arranged in random order. Schulte tables are a set of numbers (from 1 to 25) arranged in random order in cells. The subject must show and name all the numbers in a given sequence (usually increasing from one to twenty-five). Five non-identical Schulte tables are offered in a row, in which the numbers are arranged in different orders. The psychologist records the time spent by the subject showing and naming the entire series of numbers in each table separately. The following indicators are noted: 1) exceeding the standard (40-50 s) time spent on indicating and naming a number of numbers in the tables; 2) dynamics of time indicators during the survey according to all five tables.
Purpose of the test

Definition stability of attention and performance dynamics. Used to examine people of different ages.

Material: 5 Schulte tables, stopwatch, pointer.

Test instructions
The subject is presented with the first table: “On this table, the numbers from 1 to 25 are not in order.” Then they close the table and continue: “Show and name all the numbers in order from 1 to 25. Try to do this as quickly as possible and without mistakes.” The table is opened and the stopwatch is turned on at the same time as the task begins. The second, third and subsequent tables are presented without any instructions.
Processing and interpretation of test results
Evaluation of results: Divide the total search time across all tables by 5.

The main indicator is the execution time, as well as the number of errors separately for each table. Based on the results of each table, an “exhaustion (fatigue) curve” can be constructed, reflecting stability of attention and performance over time.

Using this test, you can also calculate such indicators as (by A.Yu.Kozyreva):

  • operating efficiency (ER),

  • degree of workability (VR),

  • mental stability (PU).
Work efficiency(ER) is calculated by the formula:

ER = (T 1 + T 2 + T 3 + T 4 + T 5 ) / 5 , Where

  • Ti- time of work with the i-th one.
Estimation of ER (in seconds) is made taking into account the age of the subject.

The degree of workability (DR) is calculated by the formula:

BP= T 1 / ER

A result less than 1.0 is an indicator of good workability; accordingly, the higher this indicator is 1.0, the more preparation the subject needs for the main job.

Mental Stability(endurance) is calculated by the formula:

PU= T 4 / ER

A result indicator less than 1.0 indicates good mental stability; accordingly, the higher this indicator, the worse the test subject’s mental stability to perform tasks.

Based on the results this test The following characteristics of the subject's attention are possible:

Attention is concentrated enough - if the subject spends time corresponding to the norm on each of the Schulte tables.

Attention is not concentrated enough - if the subject spends more time on each of the Schulte tables than the norm.

Attention is steady - if there are no significant time differences when counting the numbers in each of the four to five tables.

Attention is unstable - if there are significant fluctuations in the results according to the tables without a tendency to increase the time spent on each subsequent table.

Attention is exhausted - if there is a tendency to increase the time spent by the subject on each subsequent table.

Test material

Concerning the approval of the Rules for medical examination for the state of intoxication of a driver and the registration of its results. This time we will continue this topic and tell you what an ordinary driver who is unreasonably accused by a traffic police inspector of taking it “on the chest” should know in order to correctly defend his rights.

No “truncated” examination!

It often happens that traffic police officers and doctors often do not conduct a medical examination of the driver in strict accordance with regulations, limiting themselves to carrying out a certain “truncated” procedure. Meanwhile in Guidelines“Medical examination to establish the fact of alcohol consumption and intoxication,” approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated September 2, 1988. ь 06-14/33-14, to which the above-mentioned Resolution refers, states: “When carrying out a medical examination to establish the fact of alcohol consumption or intoxication, it should be borne in mind that the corresponding conclusion needs not only medical justification (medical criterion), but and in legal consideration (legal criterion)."

The above means that until a citizen’s guilt is proven, he is considered innocent of the act charged with him, in this case, driving a car while intoxicated.

The “truncated” examination procedure being carried out violates the rights of citizens and in itself cannot yet be evidence of a state of intoxication.

Clinical assessment is, therefore, the defining stage of medical examination to establish the fact of alcohol consumption and intoxication.

Basic examination techniques

Along with studying mental state the most important place When conducting a clinical examination of the driver being examined, the focus is on identifying disorders of the neuromotor system. Very characteristic feature the effects of alcohol cause gait disturbance. When conducting the “Walking with fast turns” test, the subject is asked to take 5-6 steps in one direction, then quickly turn around its axis and take the same number of steps in the opposite direction.

You can also establish coordination impairments during mild alcohol intoxication by asking you to lift a small object from the floor, touch the tip of your nose with your finger with your eyes closed, or bring the tips together with your eyes closed. index fingers. Symptoms of intoxication include problems maintaining balance in the Romberg position and the appearance of nystagmus (involuntary movement of the eyes from side to side).

When examining eye movements, horizontal nystagmus is detected during gaze fixation in short leads. More sensitive is the Taschen test, which is performed as follows. The subject is asked, standing still, to make 5 revolutions around his own axis within 10 seconds. Then he is stopped and asked to fix his gaze on some object, which the doctor holds in front of his eyes at a distance of 25 cm. The duration of the nystagmus that appears is noted using a stopwatch. Typically, in a healthy individual, the duration of nystagmus does not exceed 10 seconds. In case of intoxication, this figure increases.

With a mild degree of intoxication, the predominant symptom is redness of the sclera of the eyes. An increase in heart rate above 100 beats per minute is also characteristic.

Read the protocol carefully

The medical examination report must contain detailed information about the appearance of the person being examined, his behavior, emotional background, speech, vegetative-vascular reactions, and the state of the motor sphere. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into trouble, before signing the protocol, the examined driver should carefully read the contents of the relevant columns of the protocol and make sure that all actions carried out by the doctor are reflected in the examination report and correspond to reality. If the doctor refuses to familiarize the person being examined with the contents of the report (protocol), the driver must make an entry about this in the report and sign. In this case, a re-examination by another doctor should be requested. But this must be made in writing. This entry must also be made if the detained driver believes that the examination was carried out biased or he does not agree with the doctor’s conclusion.

Our Russian legislation provides for liability not for drinking alcoholic beverages, but for being in a state of driving while alcohol intoxication, and this condition can appear at different concentrations of alcohol in the blood. Forensic medical practice is guided by the following criteria for establishing the degree of intoxication, based on the quantitative alcohol content in the blood of the subject in ppm (pure alcohol content per 100 grams): less than 0.1 - within the physiological norm; 0.1-0.2 - does not give functional changes, i.e. the person being examined is practically sober; 0.3-0.5 - insignificant influence of alcohol, a person may be sober, but may also have subclinical intoxication; 0.5-0.9 - mild degree of intoxication; 1-1.9 - moderate intoxication; 2-2.9 - severe degree of intoxication; 3-5 ppm - acute poisoning, alcoholic coma.

If clinical intoxication syndrome is detected and positive results of instrumental or chemical tests Based on alcohol in the driver’s exhaled air or biological fluids, the doctor makes a conclusion: alcohol intoxication. In this case, the degree of intoxication is not indicated, since in these cases liability occurs regardless of the degree of intoxication. However, the driver must remember that establishing the degree of intoxication may affect the extent of his responsibility.

Laboratory tests needed

If the driver believes that he is sober or has only residual effects, then he must insist on laboratory tests of exhaled air at intervals of 20-30 minutes and testing for alcohol in urine or saliva. At the same time, he must remember that blood is taken for alcohol tests in exceptional cases (severe injuries, poisoning, etc.). Doctors may offer to take blood tests for a fee at the request of the person being examined. In most cases, when conducting a medical examination, doctors are limited to only one chemical method of determining the presence of alcohol in exhaled air using the Rappoport test.

How is this done? 2 ml of distilled water is poured into two clean, dry test tubes. Then a pipette is lowered into one of them, and the subject passes approximately 2 liters of exhaled air through it. The air is purged for 20-30 seconds. Passing through water, the alcohol contained in the exhaled air dissolves in it, and then its presence is determined using a chemical reaction. 20 drops of chemically pure concentrated sulfuric acid are poured into both test tubes and then one drop of a 0.5% freshly prepared solution of potassium permanganate.

The result of the study is assessed within 1-2 minutes from the moment the potassium permanganate solution is introduced into the tube. If within 2 minutes the solution does not change color in comparison with the control, there is no alcohol in the subject’s body, the subject is not under the influence of alcohol at the time of the study.

If the solution is completely or partially discolored, the sample is repeated after 15-20 minutes. Complete discoloration of the solution within 1-2 minutes upon repeated testing indicates the presence of alcohol in the exhaled air, which, if the research methodology is strictly followed, can confirm the fact that the subject has consumed alcoholic beverages. If, upon repeated testing, complete discoloration of the solution does not occur within 2 minutes, the test results are regarded as negative. A change in the color of the solution in the control tube indicates a violation of the test conditions (contaminated glassware, low-quality reagents) and refutes the results of the study.

Compliance with the described sequence of actions is mandatory. In case of violation of this procedure for determining alcohol, the subject must request a repeat test or reflect all violations in the protocol when signing it.

Examination - only in a medical institution

Considering that in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2002. ь 930 states that the medical examination is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; persons who undergo such an examination need to know the contents of these documents.

It is also necessary to remember that, according to Art. 27.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if there are sufficient grounds to believe that the person driving the vehicle is intoxicated, he is subject to referral for a medical examination for intoxication. Therefore, traffic police officers conducting an examination of the driver using a simple “sobriety control” indicator tube is unacceptable; these actions are contrary to the law and the driver has the right to refuse to breathe into the tube.

If the traffic police inspector considers that there are sufficient grounds to believe that the driver is intoxicated, then the inspector must remove the driver from driving the vehicle, but at the same time be sure to draw up an appropriate protocol, then be sure to draw up a protocol on sending the driver for a medical examination and provide copies of these documents. Only after carrying out these actions does he have the right to deliver the driver to a medical facility and, after a medical examination, draw up an administrative protocol on the offense, and not do the opposite, as often happens.

By the way, in the practice of many Kaliningrad narcologists, when conducting a Rappoport test, “crosses” are placed in the protocol. The presence of four crosses allegedly indicates an increased concentration of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air. I would like to note that this is purely amateur activity; this is not provided for by any regulatory departmental documents and cannot indicate the presence of a particular concentration of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air. This position of some unscrupulous doctors contradicts the very technology of conducting the test described above, since when conducting laboratory tests, only methods and devices approved by the Ministry of Health should be used. With their “crosses,” doctors mislead traffic police officers and judges, who are often not at all familiar with the methods of conducting laboratory tests.

Finally, I would like to give advice to all drivers. To avoid all those procedures that you read about here, drive a car only when sober.

For any questions you are interested in, please contact the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Rights of Motorists OSA at tel. 21-05-12.

Georgy Rumyantsev, Chairman of the Regional Organization for the Protection of Motorists' Rights OSA, "Kaliningrad Car Market", No. 7 dated 02/18/2003

Conclusion “The fact of alcohol consumption has been established, no signs of intoxication have been identified” issued if there is convincing evidence confirming the fact of alcohol consumption, but in the absence of a clear clinical picture alcohol intoxication. This condition is characterized by hyperemia (redness) of the sclera, impaired coordination tests, a faint odor of alcohol or the smell of fumes from the mouth. The chemical test will be slightly positive.

With mild alcohol intoxication changes in mental activity are insignificant, there is an increase in vegetative-vascular reactions - skin hyperemia, increased sweating, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), increased blood pressure, rapid breathing, as well as nystagmus, dilated pupils, motor disturbances (changes in gait, staggering when walking with quick turns, instability in a simple and sensitized Romberg position, inaccuracy in performing precise movements and coordination tests, positive Taschen test), positive chemical reactions for alcohol.

With moderate alcohol intoxication more pronounced changes in mental activity are noted - incorrect assessment situations, inhibition or agitation, aggression, inappropriate statements, euphoria, drooling. Vegetative-vascular disorders manifest themselves in the form of hyperemia or, conversely, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, increased heart rate, breathing, fluctuations in blood pressure, and sweating. Dilation of the pupils, sluggish photoreaction, nystagmus, unsteadiness of gait, instability in the Romberg position, distinct violations of coordination tests, decreased tendon reflexes, pain sensitivity, strong breath, positive chemical tests for ethyl alcohol are observed.

Your comments

#1 Andrey (-----.cnt.ru) 13:35 03/30/2008
I have this situation: in the evening I quarreled with my wife, went to the store and bought beer. Then he drank and went back. When I walked past the car, I noticed that it began to roll involuntarily. I got behind the wheel, but was unable to overcome the collision. A patrol passed by, they called the traffic cops, and they drew up a report on the management of the vehicle. in a state of alcohol intoxication. What should I do, I wasn’t driving a car. I explained everything to them, but they made it up anyway.
I refused the medical examination because... in this case, it had nothing to do with the movement of the car. What should I do?

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That means I’m standing in Romberg’s pose... And the doctors are observing and recording

The procedure was not very pleasant: when the pressure was measured, it turned out to be elevated - nervousness took its toll. Although the situation in the drug examination room is not scary and resembles a general practitioner’s waiting room: a couch and a couple of tables. Where are the miracle devices that help drivers get clean water?

In fact, there are no bulky instruments or torture devices here. But I feel that the medical examination begins from the moment I cross the threshold of the office. An addiction specialist evaluates gait, speech and reaction to simple questions and requests. It is clear that a trained eye can identify a drunk or drug addict almost instantly (I hope it is noticeable that I am a positive character?), while the subjective opinion of a doctor is by no means proof of anything.

They offer me to sit on the couch. A few standard medical questions. When was the last time you drank alcohol? It seems like a week ago. Did you use drugs? No. Are you sick? chronic diseases? AIDS? Diabetes mellitus? All responses are recorded in a report. They measure blood pressure (high, damn...)

I undress to the waist and show my arms, shoulders, neck, then thighs and calves. Standard injection sites. Again, the presence of injection marks is not a death sentence (maybe I am an honored donor to Russia), but it does add up to facts. I have nothing like that.

Then some standardized tests. Romberg pose is when you stand straight, feet pressed together, eyes closed, arms extended straight, fingers spread. They say that in addicts, and especially drug addicts, the condition is visible to the naked eye: tremor of the fingers, inability to maintain balance, unsteadiness of posture. There is a complicated pose - this is when the feet are lined up. It’s difficult to stay sober here.

“It happens that they just get into the Romberg position and immediately fall,” comments the narcologist. But I’m okay, I’m holding on.

The task becomes more complicated: now you need to touch the tip of the nose with your finger - a similar test is used by psychiatrists during examination. It's called the finger-nose test. This is followed by another Taschen test - you make a revolution around the vertical axis five times, and then look at the pen that the expert moves in front of his nose. Based on eye movements, he also draws certain conclusions and writes them down in a report.

“Look out the window... Now close your eyes... Look at me...” - this already tests the reaction of the pupil to light: some drugs make it inhibited, and sometimes the pupils do not react or react differently.

Then it comes to the breathalyzer, which, naturally, must be included in the register of measuring instruments and verified. In fact, the same device is used by traffic police officers during the initial examination, except that it works in more comfortable conditions in terms of temperature and humidity. You need to blow hard and for a long time, so hopes of blowing somewhere past are naive. The measurement is taken when you blow so hard that your ears become blocked.

But then the options begin. My breathalyzer showed honest zeros, no clinical signs of intoxication were detected, so at the end of the medical examination report a laconic inscription appears - no intoxication has been established. Yes, and there is no protocol, because after all, it was journalistic curiosity that brought me to the medical examination, and not the traffic police officers (by the way, they are already standing at the door with the next candidate).

If the device shows that the threshold of 0.16 mg/l is exceeded, then wait twenty minutes and take a second measurement. If it also shows an excess, the person is considered drunk. This is an important point: the excess must be in both dimensions.

However, even if the breathalyzer shows zero the first time, but the doctor finds clinical signs of intoxication, a urine test is performed to determine the content of prohibited drugs. These include all drugs and a fair amount medicines. The study is done in a laboratory, with chemists determining the content of specific substances and comparing them with a list of drugs that prevent driving a car.

Video recording of urination

By the way, to prevent urine changes, video cameras are installed in the toilet - doctors emphasize that this is in accordance with Order No. 289 of 10/05/98. If the suspect tries to cheat, this is also noted.

What drugs are prohibited to take before driving? The list of them is large, but there is no single document in which they would be summarized. Since synthetic drugs (spice, salts, etc.) have become widespread, more and more new chemical compounds are being banned, so the database of narcologists is updated quite often.

By the way, some consider spices and salts to be less evil than, for example, cocaine, however, according to narcologists, among the countless and uncontrollable variety of such “chemistry” there are terrible compounds that very quickly become addictive and irreversible. mental disorders. The patient tries to run along the walls - this is, as a rule, the effect of newfangled “synthetics”.

What about medications? Many psychotropic, hypnotic and sedative substances are also contraindicated for driving, and, unlike alcohol, there is no minimum permissible concentration for them. If a substance is detected, a state of intoxication is established with all the sad consequences: deprivation of rights, registration, and so on.

It’s clear with drug addicts – it’s their own fault. How can a sick person identify a drug that can bring him under an article of the Code of Administrative Offenses (or even a criminal offense)? Doctors are adamant: read the instructions. Essentially, there is no other way. Publish lists chemical compounds useless - these are complex molecules with a branched structure and unpronounceable names that are in no way related to the commercial names of drugs we are familiar with. At the same time, narcologists emphasize: the vast majority of drugs that prohibit driving are prescribed by doctors and taken in courses, and if the instructions contain a prohibition on driving (usually a recommendation to refrain from driving machinery), then it is better to give up the car for the duration of treatment. Because the minimum concentration of the drug in the urine will mean that you are drunk.

Well, I’ll say this unofficially: a drug test is done in the presence of clinical signs of intoxication, so if the breathalyzer shows zeros, and you have overcome the Romberg pose, there is a high probability that there will be no further research. So if a medication (say, a sleeping pill) was taken in a small dose and a long time ago, most likely, doctors will have no reason to look for it.

A blood test is taken in parallel with a urine test only in the case of a fatal accident. All drivers involved are checked for intoxication. Urine is used for a drug test, blood for an alcohol test. In other cases, testing for alcohol is done using a breathalyzer.

Measuring pressure provides only one fragment of the overall picture. Alcohol usually increases it, but some drugs can sharply reduce it.

At the same time, it is impossible to recognize a person as drunk based only on clinical signs of intoxication (instability, incoherent speech, etc.) - the decisive word always lies with instrumental measurements. Why then all these Taschen checks and Romberg poses? First of all, to understand whether a laboratory urine test for drugs is needed if the breathalyzer shows zero. Plus, clinical signs are a complement to instrumental tests, which is then taken into account in court and gives a more complete picture of what is happening.

Let me remind you that initially a drunk driver is identified by a traffic police officer by the presence of one of the seven signs of intoxication, which are reflected in the protocol: unsteady posture, incoherent speech, redness of the skin, behavior inappropriate for the situation, the smell of alcohol, poor coordination of movements, and a staggering gait. After this, the employee will ask you to “blow” into the breathalyzer - refusal is tantamount to admitting that you are drunk. If the breathalyzer shows an excess of 0.16 mg/l, you also have two options - agree or request a medical certificate. I would like to emphasize that, in essence, this procedure is voluntary, although refusing it also means admitting your guilt. By the way, they showed me several results of examinations, where the person was found sober despite the initial suspicions of the inspector and narcologists.

I wish you never to end up in this office, and if you do and are sure that you are sober, behave as confidently as possible (without rudeness) and calmly. For nervousness provokes a number of symptoms that can be mistaken for intoxication.

During a clinical examination of the person being examined, attention should be paid to the correct assessment of the smell of alcohol from the person being examined. The smell of alcohol on your breath is almost obligatory when you are intoxicated. However, a subjective assessment of the presence or absence of the odor of alcohol from the breath, as practical experience shows, often leads to errors. The smell of alcohol should be differentiated from the odors of other volatile food, medicinal or cosmetic substances, which may be very reminiscent of alcohol. In addition, the smell can often come from the clothes of the person being examined, soaked in alcoholic beverages, or from bandages or wounds treated with alcohol-containing preparations. Therefore, the smell of alcohol should be determined when the subject exhales deeply at close range.

Medical examination report from order 933n

Who was examined by (position, surname and initials of the doctor (paramedic), information on completion of training on conducting a medical examination: name medical organization, date of issue of the document) Psychiatrist-narcologist Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich certificate No. ……. from 09/25/2017 6. Appearance the person being examined (presence of visible injuries, traces of injections) wears casual clothes, there are no wounds or bruises. work clothes, uniform and possible visible abrasions, bruises Untidy, no injection marks found. He is neat, his clothes are clean, there are no injuries on his body, no traces of injections were found.

7. The person being examined does not make any complaints about his condition. 8. Changes in the mental activity of the person being examined is Euphoric, behavior is adequate, corresponds to the examination procedure, he follows instructions correctly, and is calm.

How is a driver tested for alcohol intoxication?

A mild degree of alcoholic intoxication is established based on the identification of the following symptom complex: - minor changes in mental activity (for example, isolation, slow reaction, hot temper, demonstrative reactions, attempts to dissimulate, euphoria, emotional instability, difficulty concentrating, distractibility, etc.); - increased vegetative-vascular reactions (hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes, scleral injection, increased sweating, tachycardia, etc.); - individual disturbances in the motor sphere (possible: changes in gait, staggering when walking with quick turns, instability in the sensitized and simple Romberg position, inaccuracy in performing small movements and coordination tests, horizontal nystagmus when looking to the side, positive Taschen test); - smell of alcohol from the mouth; - positive chemical reactions to alcohol.

New rules for testing for intoxication will spoil the blood of conscientious drivers

Regulations do not provide for determining the degree of intoxication when examining patients admitted to health care institutions due to injuries. According to the instructional and methodological letter on the procedure for issuing certificates of temporary disability for diseases due to intoxication or actions related to intoxication, as well as alcohol abuse, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on October 18, 1973. (No. 6-14/13) and agreed Receive full text with the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, a certificate in form 094/u (formerly f.054/u) instead of a sick leave certificate is issued in cases of temporary disability due to injuries associated with the intoxication of the victim. In this case, the degree of intoxication is not taken into account.
At the same time, determining the degree of intoxication in some cases has important diagnostic significance and is necessary for the rational prescription of further diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

Alcohol intoxication


  1. SECOND CLOCK: simple clock with the second hand, look at the edge of the second hand, without looking up or being distracted. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time to 20 minutes (up to an hour).
  2. CLOCK “MINUTE”: everything is the same, but we follow the minute hand. Start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the time to 45 minutes (up to an hour is possible).
  3. CLOCK “HOUR”: everything is the same, but we follow the hour hand.
    Start with 30 minutes and gradually increase the time to an hour or more.

The essence of the exercise: no matter what happens to consciousness, you need to follow the edge of the arrow. Unusual states of consciousness must be learned to be retained for as long as possible. Question about Schulte Tables I am interested in the technology of expanding the field of vision using Schulte tables to master the skill of speed reading.

An error occurred.

/ speed reading technique / speed reading technique / Schulte table technique

Determination of ethanol in exhaled air and biological media of the body Ethyl alcohol is highly hydrophilic and, when it enters the body, is distributed throughout all tissues and organs, in proportion to their water content. In alcohol intoxication, there is a phase of absorption (resorption), during which the concentration of alcohol in the tissues of the body rapidly increases, and a phase of oxidation and excretion of alcohol (elimination), characterized by the fact that the concentration of alcohol decreases at a constant rate. However, this naming of the phases is to a certain extent arbitrary, i.e.

because the oxidation and release of alcohol begins immediately from the moment it enters the blood, i.e., from the beginning of the absorption phase.

Samples of Schulte and Taschen

A very characteristic sign of alcohol exposure is gait disturbance. This indicator, as experience shows, is highly sensitive and quite reliable. An unsteady gait and spreading legs when walking are constantly found in people with severe intoxication.

It should be emphasized that similar disorders, although to a lesser extent, are also found in mild alcohol intoxication.

According to the law, a medical examination of drivers is the right of traffic police officers who suspect a person behind the wheel of using alcohol or drugs. The procedure is complex and has many pitfalls, which law enforcement officials take advantage of when extorting bribes from motorists. In order not to lose your license because of a glass of kefir before a trip, you need to know the provisions of the current regulations.

Grounds for examination

A medical examination for alcohol intoxication must be carried out by a traffic police inspector if the following objective signs are present:

  • the characteristic smell of alcohol from a car enthusiast;
  • skin redness;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • "braided" tongue;
  • staggering, uneven gait.

Differences between a simple check and a medical check

There are two types of driver sobriety tests:

  • Intoxication examination (OSAO).

The task of the traffic police representative is to determine whether the driver drank alcohol (not drugs) before getting behind the wheel. Employees use the only method - measuring the alcohol content in the exhaled air of a citizen (“blowing into a straw”).

  • Conducting a medical examination for intoxication (MOSO).

It is checked whether the driver has consumed alcohol or drugs. To answer this question, the citizen must be taken to a licensed medical institution, where doctors will not limit themselves to “blowing into a tube”, but will take a urine test from the “suspect”. blood, will be sent for examination by narcologists. They carry out the Taschen test, Schulte test and other tests.

The procedure for conducting a medical examination for intoxication implies that the question of intoxication is raised after a routine test using a “tube”. There are three reasons for sending a citizen to a medical institution. This is the driver’s disagreement with the results of the MTPL, the traffic inspector’s confidence that the driver is drunk and the analysis is “lying”, the refusal of the motorist to “breathe into the tube.”

The procedure for carrying out CILUMV

If a traffic police officer, seeing a person driving, suspects that he is drunk, he initiates an alcohol test. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • The driver is suspended from driving.

The inspector stops the car and draws up a protocol on the suspension. The procedure is accompanied by a video recording or carried out in the presence of 2 witnesses.

  • The driver is asked to “blow into the tube.”

Whether to agree to the specified proposal is the good will of the car enthusiast. If he refuses, he will be sent to MOSO. There are no sanctions for a negative answer.

  • "Purge".

If the driver has agreed to the CIUL, he is asked to “blow into the tube.” Before the procedure, the inspector talks about the equipment used and the principle of the test. The process takes place in the presence of witnesses or is filmed. Based on the results, a medical examination report is drawn up.

The inspector checks how much the device shows and enters the value into the text of the report. If it is less than or equal to 0.16 mg/liter, the driver is considered sober. He will be allowed to continue on his way unless the traffic police representative expresses disagreement with the results of the procedure.

If the value on the device exceeds the norm, the driver can agree with the readings, after which a protocol on administrative violation is drawn up. The case is sent to court with the prospect of further deprivation of rights. If a citizen objects, he can go to a medical facility for MOSO.

Whatever results the alcohol test gives, they are included in the text of the act. If the parties agree with the readings of the device, the issue is resolved on the spot; if not, the citizen is sent for further research.

Conducting MOSO

A protocol on referral for a medical examination is drawn up if the results of the compulsory motor vehicle accident did not satisfy any of the parties or the car owner exercised the right not to “blow into the tube.”

The following inspection procedure is provided:

  • A protocol for referral to MOSO is drawn up.

Signs of intoxication and the values ​​on the tube test indicated in the text of the report are grounds for referring the driver for further examination.

  • A medical check is being carried out.

The driver arrives at a medical facility where a drug test is carried out. Doctors check the fact of alcohol and drug use, focusing not on signs of alcohol intoxication, but on research results. The motorist is required to take a blood test for alcohol and a urine test, a Taschen test and other tests are done.

The data of analyzes and tests is recorded in the text of the report, printed in 3 copies, one each for the medical structure, the law enforcement agency and the “suspect” himself.

Refusal to undergo an intoxication test is tantamount to voluntary deprivation of rights. The driver’s license will be taken away for the period that would be expected if the fact of using alcohol or drugs was discovered before the trip. If you are confident in your own sobriety, be sure to take the MOSO and get your copy of the act.

Errors when conducting MOSO

Practice shows that the inspection protocol is often drawn up with errors, the parties violate the procedure for conducting CILUMV and MOSO, and motorists do not know their own rights. The following common shortcomings exist:

  • Failure to comply with document preparation standards. The inspector may prepare an alcohol intoxication examination report with errors or refuse to write a report if the result of the “tube” demonstrates the motorist’s sobriety.
  • Incorrect interpretation of analysis results. When examined, the “tube” shows the vapor content in ppm, which is not equivalent to milligrams. The inspector takes advantage of the driver's inattention and gives him the result for excess, and then, taking advantage of the situation, extorts a bribe.

  • Failure to follow the instructions for the “tube”. Most devices that record “alcohol” vapors cannot be used at air humidity above 95%: the results are blurry.
  • Using a faulty device for which all documents are available. It is difficult to establish this fact, but it is possible. If, during a repeated examination carried out after a period of time, it turns out that the citizen is drunk, the “tube” is broken.
  • Involvement of unauthorized doctors for examination. To determine the fact of alcohol consumption or the type of narcotic drugs, specialists who have undergone special training and work at a medical institution that has a state license must be involved.

An independent examination for alcohol intoxication is a procedure that carries a potential risk of deprivation of a driver’s license. If you are confident in your own sobriety, do not be deceived: monitor the correctness of the inspector’s actions and do not agree to provocations.

Methodology “Schulte Tables”

Definition stability of attention and performance dynamics. As well as work efficiency, the degree of attention.

Test Description
The subject is alternately offered five tables on which numbers from 1 to 25 are arranged in random order. The subject finds, shows and names the numbers in ascending order. The test is repeated with five different tables.

Test instructions
The subject is presented with the first table: “On this table, the numbers from 1 to 25 are not in order.” Then they close the table and continue: “Show and name all the numbers in order from 1 to 25. Try to do this as quickly as possible and without mistakes.” The table is opened and the stopwatch is turned on at the same time as the task begins. The following tables are presented without any instructions.

Test material

Processing and interpretation of test results
The main indicator is the execution time, as well as the number of errors separately for each table. Based on the results of each table, an “exhaustion (fatigue) curve” can be constructed, reflecting the stability of attention and performance over time.

Using this test, you can also calculate such indicators as:

  • operating efficiency (ER),
  • degree of workability (VR),
  • mental stability (PU).

Work efficiency(ER) is calculated by the formula:

ER = (T 1 + T 2 + T 3 + T 4 + T 5) / 5, Where T i– time of working with the i-th table.
That is: Operational efficiency (ER) is equal to the total time spent working with tables divided by the number of tables.

Estimation of ER (in seconds) is made taking into account the age of the subject.

Degree of workability(BP) is calculated by the formula: BP= T 1 / ER
A result less than 1.0 is an indicator of good workability; accordingly, the higher this indicator is 1.0, the more preparation the subject needs for the main job.

Mental Stability(endurance) is calculated by the formula: PU= T 4 / ER
A result indicator less than 1.0 indicates good mental stability; accordingly, the higher this indicator, the worse the test subject’s mental stability to perform tasks.