Equals x. Solving Quadratic Equations

Quadratic equations are studied in 8th grade, so there is nothing complicated here. The ability to solve them is absolutely necessary.

A quadratic equation is an equation of the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0, where the coefficients a, b and c are arbitrary numbers, and a ≠ 0.

Before studying specific solution methods, note that all quadratic equations can be divided into three classes:

  1. Have no roots;
  2. Have exactly one root;
  3. They have two different roots.

This is an important difference between quadratic equations and linear ones, where the root always exists and is unique. How to determine how many roots an equation has? There is a wonderful thing for this - discriminant.


Let it be given quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0. Then the discriminant is simply the number D = b 2 − 4ac.

You need to know this formula by heart. Where it comes from is not important now. Another thing is important: by the sign of the discriminant you can determine how many roots a quadratic equation has. Namely:

  1. If D< 0, корней нет;
  2. If D = 0, there is exactly one root;
  3. If D > 0, there will be two roots.

Please note: the discriminant indicates the number of roots, and not at all their signs, as for some reason many people believe. Take a look at the examples and you will understand everything yourself:

Task. How many roots do quadratic equations have:

  1. x 2 − 8x + 12 = 0;
  2. 5x 2 + 3x + 7 = 0;
  3. x 2 − 6x + 9 = 0.

Let's write out the coefficients for the first equation and find the discriminant:
a = 1, b = −8, c = 12;
D = (−8) 2 − 4 1 12 = 64 − 48 = 16

So the discriminant is positive, so the equation has two different roots. We analyze the second equation in a similar way:
a = 5; b = 3; c = 7;
D = 3 2 − 4 5 7 = 9 − 140 = −131.

The discriminant is negative, there are no roots. The last equation left is:
a = 1; b = −6; c = 9;
D = (−6) 2 − 4 1 9 = 36 − 36 = 0.

The discriminant is zero - the root will be one.

Please note that the coefficients have been written down for each equation. Yes, it’s long, yes, it’s tedious, but you won’t mix up the odds and make stupid mistakes. Choose for yourself: speed or quality.

By the way, if you get the hang of it, after a while you won’t need to write down all the coefficients. You will perform such operations in your head. Most people start doing this somewhere after 50-70 solved equations - in general, not that much.

Roots of a quadratic equation

Now let's move on to the solution itself. If the discriminant D > 0, the roots can be found using the formulas:

Basic formula for the roots of a quadratic equation

When D = 0, you can use any of these formulas - you will get the same number, which will be the answer. Finally, if D< 0, корней нет — ничего считать не надо.

  1. x 2 − 2x − 3 = 0;
  2. 15 − 2x − x 2 = 0;
  3. x 2 + 12x + 36 = 0.

First equation:
x 2 − 2x − 3 = 0 ⇒ a = 1; b = −2; c = −3;
D = (−2) 2 − 4 1 (−3) = 16.

D > 0 ⇒ the equation has two roots. Let's find them:

Second equation:
15 − 2x − x 2 = 0 ⇒ a = −1; b = −2; c = 15;
D = (−2) 2 − 4 · (−1) · 15 = 64.

D > 0 ⇒ the equation again has two roots. Let's find them

\[\begin(align) & ((x)_(1))=\frac(2+\sqrt(64))(2\cdot \left(-1 \right))=-5; \\ & ((x)_(2))=\frac(2-\sqrt(64))(2\cdot \left(-1 \right))=3. \\ \end(align)\]

Finally, the third equation:
x 2 + 12x + 36 = 0 ⇒ a = 1; b = 12; c = 36;
D = 12 2 − 4 1 36 = 0.

D = 0 ⇒ the equation has one root. Any formula can be used. For example, the first one:

As you can see from the examples, everything is very simple. If you know the formulas and can count, there will be no problems. Most often, errors occur when substituting negative coefficients into the formula. Here again, the technique described above will help: look at the formula literally, write down each step - and very soon you will get rid of mistakes.

Incomplete quadratic equations

It happens that a quadratic equation is slightly different from what is given in the definition. For example:

  1. x 2 + 9x = 0;
  2. x 2 − 16 = 0.

It is easy to notice that these equations are missing one of the terms. Such quadratic equations are even easier to solve than standard ones: they don’t even require calculating the discriminant. So, let's introduce a new concept:

The equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 is called an incomplete quadratic equation if b = 0 or c = 0, i.e. the coefficient of the variable x or the free element is equal to zero.

Of course, a very difficult case is possible when both of these coefficients are equal to zero: b = c = 0. In this case, the equation takes the form ax 2 = 0. Obviously, such an equation has a single root: x = 0.

Let's consider the remaining cases. Let b = 0, then we obtain an incomplete quadratic equation of the form ax 2 + c = 0. Let us transform it a little:

Since arithmetic square root exists only from a non-negative number, the last equality makes sense only for (−c /a) ≥ 0. Conclusion:

  1. If in an incomplete quadratic equation of the form ax 2 + c = 0 the inequality (−c /a) ≥ 0 is satisfied, there will be two roots. The formula is given above;
  2. If (−c /a)< 0, корней нет.

As you can see, a discriminant was not required—there are no complex calculations at all in incomplete quadratic equations. In fact, it is not even necessary to remember the inequality (−c /a) ≥ 0. It is enough to express the value x 2 and see what is on the other side of the equal sign. If there is a positive number, there will be two roots. If it is negative, there will be no roots at all.

Now let's look at equations of the form ax 2 + bx = 0, in which the free element is equal to zero. Everything is simple here: there will always be two roots. It is enough to factor the polynomial:

Taking the common factor out of brackets

The product is zero when at least one of the factors is zero. This is where the roots come from. In conclusion, let’s look at a few of these equations:

Task. Solve quadratic equations:

  1. x 2 − 7x = 0;
  2. 5x 2 + 30 = 0;
  3. 4x 2 − 9 = 0.

x 2 − 7x = 0 ⇒ x · (x − 7) = 0 ⇒ x 1 = 0; x 2 = −(−7)/1 = 7.

5x 2 + 30 = 0 ⇒ 5x 2 = −30 ⇒ x 2 = −6. There are no roots, because a square cannot be equal to a negative number.

4x 2 − 9 = 0 ⇒ 4x 2 = 9 ⇒ x 2 = 9/4 ⇒ x 1 = 3/2 = 1.5; x 2 = −1.5.

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What's happened "quadratic inequality"? No question!) If you take any quadratic equation and replace the sign in it "=" (equal) to any inequality sign ( > ≥ < ≤ ≠ ), we get a quadratic inequality. For example:

1. x 2 -8x+12 0

2. -x 2 +3x > 0

3. x 2 4

Well, you understand...)

It’s not for nothing that I linked equations and inequalities here. The point is that the first step in solving any quadratic inequality - solve the equation from which this inequality is made. For this reason, the inability to solve quadratic equations automatically leads to complete failure in inequalities. Is the hint clear?) If anything, look at how to solve any quadratic equations. Everything is described there in detail. And in this lesson we will deal with inequalities.

The inequality ready for solution has the form: on the left is a quadratic trinomial ax 2 +bx+c, on the right - zero. The inequality sign can be absolutely anything. The first two examples are here are already ready to make a decision. The third example still needs to be prepared.

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First, let's remember the basic formulas of powers and their properties.

Product of a number a occurs on itself n times, we can write this expression as a a … a=a n

1. a 0 = 1 (a ≠ 0)

3. a n a m = a n + m

4. (a n) m = a nm

5. a n b n = (ab) n

7. a n / a m = a n - m

Power or exponential equations– these are equations in which the variables are in powers (or exponents), and the base is a number.

Examples of exponential equations:

In this example, the number 6 is the base; it is always at the bottom, and the variable x degree or indicator.

Let us give more examples of exponential equations.
2 x *5=10
16 x - 4 x - 6=0

Now let's look at how exponential equations are solved?

Let's take a simple equation:

2 x = 2 3

This example can be solved even in your head. It can be seen that x=3. After all, in order for the left and right sides to be equal, you need to put the number 3 instead of x.
Now let’s see how to formalize this decision:

2 x = 2 3
x = 3

In order to solve such an equation, we removed identical grounds(that is, twos) and wrote down what was left, these are degrees. We got the answer we were looking for.

Now let's summarize our decision.

Algorithm for solving the exponential equation:
1. Need to check identical whether the equation has bases on the right and left. If the reasons are not the same, we are looking for options to solve this example.
2. After the bases become the same, equate degrees and solve the resulting new equation.

Now let's look at a few examples:

Let's start with something simple.

The bases on the left and right sides are equal to the number 2, which means we can discard the base and equate their powers.

x+2=4 The simplest equation is obtained.
x=4 – 2
Answer: x=2

In the following example you can see that the bases are different: 3 and 9.

3 3x - 9 x+8 = 0

First, move the nine to the right side, we get:

Now you need to make the same bases. We know that 9=3 2. Let's use the power formula (a n) m = a nm.

3 3x = (3 2) x+8

We get 9 x+8 =(3 2) x+8 =3 2x+16

3 3x = 3 2x+16 Now it is clear that on the left and right sides the bases are the same and equal to three, which means we can discard them and equate the degrees.

3x=2x+16 we get the simplest equation
3x - 2x=16
Answer: x=16.

Let's look at the following example:

2 2x+4 - 10 4 x = 2 4

First of all, we look at the bases, bases two and four. And we need them to be the same. We transform the four using the formula (a n) m = a nm.

4 x = (2 2) x = 2 2x

And we also use one formula a n a m = a n + m:

2 2x+4 = 2 2x 2 4

Add to the equation:

2 2x 2 4 - 10 2 2x = 24

We gave an example of on the same grounds. But other numbers 10 and 24 bother us. What to do with them? If you look closely you can see that on the left side we have 2 2x repeated, here is the answer - we can put 2 2x out of brackets:

2 2x (2 4 - 10) = 24

Let's calculate the expression in brackets:

2 4 — 10 = 16 — 10 = 6

We divide the entire equation by 6:

Let's imagine 4=2 2:

2 2x = 2 2 bases are the same, we discard them and equate the degrees.
2x = 2 is the simplest equation. Divide it by 2 and we get
x = 1
Answer: x = 1.

Let's solve the equation:

9 x – 12*3 x +27= 0

Let's convert:
9 x = (3 2) x = 3 2x

We get the equation:
3 2x - 12 3 x +27 = 0

Our bases are the same, equal to three. In this example, you can see that the first three has a degree twice (2x) than the second (just x). In this case, you can solve replacement method. We replace the number with the smallest degree:

Then 3 2x = (3 x) 2 = t 2

We replace all x powers in the equation with t:

t 2 - 12t+27 = 0
We get a quadratic equation. Solving through the discriminant, we get:
t 1 = 9
t2 = 3

Returning to the variable x.

Take t 1:
t 1 = 9 = 3 x


3 x = 9
3 x = 3 2
x 1 = 2

One root was found. We are looking for the second one from t 2:
t 2 = 3 = 3 x
3 x = 3 1
x 2 = 1
Answer: x 1 = 2; x 2 = 1.

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It has been necessary to compare quantities and quantities when solving practical problems since ancient times. At the same time, words such as more and less, higher and lower, lighter and heavier, quieter and louder, cheaper and more expensive, etc. appeared, denoting the results of comparing homogeneous quantities.

The concepts of more and less arose in connection with counting objects, measuring and comparing quantities. For example, mathematicians of Ancient Greece knew that the side of any triangle is less than the sum of the other two sides and that the larger side lies opposite the larger angle in a triangle. Archimedes, while calculating the circumference, established that the perimeter of any circle is equal to three times the diameter with an excess that is less than a seventh of the diameter, but more than ten seventy times the diameter.

Symbolically write relationships between numbers and quantities using the signs > and b. Records in which two numbers are connected by one of the signs: > (greater than), You also encountered numerical inequalities in the lower grades. You know that inequalities can be true, or they can be false. For example, \(\frac(1)(2) > \frac(1)(3)\) is a correct numerical inequality, 0.23 > 0.235 is an incorrect numerical inequality.

Inequalities involving unknowns may be true for some values ​​of the unknowns and false for others. For example, the inequality 2x+1>5 is true for x = 3, but false for x = -3. For an inequality with one unknown, you can set the task: solve the inequality. In practice, problems of solving inequalities are posed and solved no less often than problems of solving equations. For example, many economic problems are reduced to the study and solution of systems of linear inequalities. In many branches of mathematics, inequalities are more common than equations.

Some inequalities serve as the only auxiliary means of proving or disproving the existence of a certain object, for example, the root of an equation.

Numerical inequalities

You can compare whole numbers and decimal fractions. Do you know the rules of comparison? ordinary fractions with the same denominators but different numerators; with the same numerators but different denominators. Here you will learn how to compare any two numbers by finding the sign of their difference.

Comparing numbers is widely used in practice. For example, an economist compares planned indicators with actual ones, a doctor compares a patient’s temperature with normal, a turner compares the dimensions of a machined part with a standard. In all such cases, some numbers are compared. As a result of comparing numbers, numerical inequalities arise.

Definition. Number a more number b, if difference a-b positive. The number a is less than the number b if the difference a-b is negative.

If a is greater than b, then they write: a > b; if a is less than b, then they write: a Thus, the inequality a > b means that the difference a - b is positive, i.e. a - b > 0. Inequality a For any two numbers a and b from the following three relations a > b, a = b, a To compare the numbers a and b means to find out which of the signs >, = or Theorem. If a > b and b > c, then a > c.

Theorem. If you add the same number to both sides of the inequality, the sign of the inequality will not change.
Consequence. Any term can be moved from one part of the inequality to another by changing the sign of this term to the opposite.

Theorem. If both sides of the inequality are multiplied by the same positive number, then the sign of the inequality does not change. If both sides of the inequality are multiplied by the same negative number, then the sign of the inequality will change to the opposite.
Consequence. If both sides of the inequality are divided by the same positive number, then the sign of the inequality will not change. If both sides of the inequality are divided by the same negative number, then the sign of the inequality will change to the opposite.

You know that numerical equalities can be added and multiplied term by term. Next, you will learn how to perform similar actions with inequalities. The ability to add and multiply inequalities term by term is often used in practice. These actions help solve problems of evaluating and comparing the meanings of expressions.

When solving various problems, it is often necessary to add or multiply the left and right sides of inequalities term by term. At the same time, it is sometimes said that inequalities add up or multiply. For example, if a tourist walked more than 20 km on the first day, and more than 25 km on the second, then we can say that in two days he walked more than 45 km. Similarly, if the length of a rectangle is less than 13 cm and the width is less than 5 cm, then we can say that the area of ​​this rectangle is less than 65 cm2.

When considering these examples, the following were used: theorems on addition and multiplication of inequalities:

Theorem. When adding inequalities of the same sign, an inequality of the same sign is obtained: if a > b and c > d, then a + c > b + d.

Theorem. When multiplying inequalities of the same sign, whose left and right sides are positive, an inequality of the same sign is obtained: if a > b, c > d and a, b, c, d are positive numbers, then ac > bd.

Inequalities with the sign > (greater than) and 1/2, 3/4 b, c Along with the signs of strict inequalities > and In the same way, the inequality \(a \geq b \) means that the number a is greater than or equal to b, i.e. .and not less b.

Inequalities containing the \(\geq \) sign or the \(\leq \) sign are called non-strict. For example, \(18 \geq 12 , \; 11 \leq 12 \) are not strict inequalities.

All properties of strict inequalities are also valid for non-strict inequalities. Moreover, if for strict inequalities the signs > were considered opposite and you know that to solve a number of applied problems you have to create a mathematical model in the form of an equation or a system of equations. Next, you will learn that mathematical models for solving many problems are inequalities with unknowns. We will introduce the concept of solving an inequality and show how to check whether given number solving a specific inequality.

Inequalities of the form
\(ax > b, \quad ax in which a and b are given numbers, and x is an unknown, are called linear inequalities with one unknown.

Definition. The solution to an inequality with one unknown is the value of the unknown at which this inequality becomes a true numerical inequality. Solving an inequality means finding all its solutions or establishing that there are none.

You solved the equations by reducing them to the simplest equations. Similarly, when solving inequalities, one tries to reduce them, using properties, to the form of simple inequalities.

Solving second degree inequalities with one variable

Inequalities of the form
\(ax^2+bx+c >0 \) and \(ax^2+bx+c where x is a variable, a, b and c are some numbers and \(a \neq 0 \), called inequalities of the second degree with one variable.

Solution to inequality
\(ax^2+bx+c >0 \) or \(ax^2+bx+c can be considered as finding intervals in which the function \(y= ax^2+bx+c \) takes positive or negative values To do this, it is enough to analyze how the graph of the function \(y= ax^2+bx+c\) is located in the coordinate plane: where the branches of the parabola are directed - up or down, whether the parabola intersects the x axis and if it does, then at what points.

Algorithm for solving second degree inequalities with one variable:
1) find the discriminant quadratic trinomial\(ax^2+bx+c\) and find out whether the trinomial has roots;
2) if the trinomial has roots, then mark them on the x-axis and through the marked points draw a schematic parabola, the branches of which are directed upward for a > 0 or downward for a 0 or at the bottom for a 3) find intervals on the x-axis for which the points parabolas are located above the x-axis (if they solve the inequality \(ax^2+bx+c >0\)) or below the x-axis (if they solve the inequality
\(ax^2+bx+c Solving inequalities using the interval method

Consider the function
f(x) = (x + 2)(x - 3)(x - 5)

The domain of this function is the set of all numbers. The zeros of the function are the numbers -2, 3, 5. They divide the domain of definition of the function into the intervals \((-\infty; -2), \; (-2; 3), \; (3; 5) \) and \( (5; +\infty)\)

Let us find out what the signs of this function are in each of the indicated intervals.

The expression (x + 2)(x - 3)(x - 5) is the product of three factors. The sign of each of these factors in the intervals under consideration is indicated in the table:

In general, let the function be given by the formula
f(x) = (x-x 1)(x-x 2) ... (x-x n),
where x is a variable, and x 1, x 2, ..., x n are numbers that are not equal to each other. The numbers x 1 , x 2 , ..., x n are the zeros of the function. In each of the intervals into which the domain of definition is divided by zeros of the function, the sign of the function is preserved, and when passing through zero its sign changes.

This property is used to solve inequalities of the form
(x-x 1)(x-x 2) ... (x-x n) > 0,
(x-x 1)(x-x 2) ... (x-x n) where x 1, x 2, ..., x n are numbers not equal to each other

Considered method solving inequalities is called the interval method.

Let us give examples of solving inequalities using the interval method.

Solve inequality:

\(x(0.5-x)(x+4) Obviously, the zeros of the function f(x) = x(0.5-x)(x+4) are the points \(x=0, \; x= \frac(1)(2) , \; x=-4 \)

We plot the zeros of the function on the number axis and calculate the sign on each interval:

We select those intervals at which the function is less than or equal to zero and write down the answer.

\(x \in \left(-\infty; \; 1 \right) \cup \left[ 4; \; +\infty \right) \)

Consider the function y=k/y. The graph of this function is a line, called a hyperbola in mathematics. General view hyperbolas are shown in the figure below. (The graph shows the function y equals k divided by x, for which k equals one.)

It can be seen that the graph consists of two parts. These parts are called branches of the hyperbola. It is also worth noting that each branch of the hyperbola approaches in one of the directions closer and closer to the coordinate axes. The coordinate axes in this case are called asymptotes.

In general, any straight lines to which the graph of a function infinitely approaches but does not reach them are called asymptotes. A hyperbola, like a parabola, has axes of symmetry. For the hyperbola shown in the figure above, this is the line y=x.

Now let's look at two common cases of hyperbole. The graph of the function y = k/x, for k ≠0, will be a hyperbola, the branches of which are located either in the first and third coordinate angles, for k>0, or in the second and fourth coordinate angles, for k<0.

Basic properties of the function y = k/x, for k>0

Graph of the function y = k/x, for k>0

5. y>0 at x>0; y6. The function decreases both on the interval (-∞;0) and on the interval (0;+∞).

10. The range of values ​​of the function is two open intervals (-∞;0) and (0;+∞).

Basic properties of the function y = k/x, for k<0

Graph of the function y = k/x, at k<0

1. Point (0;0) is the center of symmetry of the hyperbola.

2. Coordinate axes - asymptotes of the hyperbola.

4. The domain of definition of the function is all x except x=0.

5. y>0 at x0.

6. The function increases both on the interval (-∞;0) and on the interval (0;+∞).

7. The function is not limited either from below or from above.

8. A function has neither a maximum nor a minimum value.

9. The function is continuous on the interval (-∞;0) and on the interval (0;+∞). Has a gap at x=0.