Recipes for diet 7. Diet “7th table” - what you can and cannot do

Most from poor nutrition kidneys suffer. Each intake of a harmful fatty dish only aggravates the situation.

To solve the problem of kidney disease, it is necessary not only to abandon the “forbidden fruits” recipes, but also to adhere for some time to the menu of a special therapeutic diet, Table number 7. It has nothing to do with the low-carbohydrate diet, and menu table number 9, as many mistakenly believe.

Diet Table number 7

Diet goal Table number 7 in case of kidney disease and, strictly speaking, its very essence is to bring the functioning of the internal organ, in this case the kidney, to a stable operating mode.

Kidney diseases lead to feelings of heaviness and severe pain in the abdominal area.

In order for the kidneys, so to speak, to regain their usual normal functioning, it is necessary to rid them of toxins and wastes. Diet Table number 7 for kidney disease implies this point.

Toxins and wastes are contained in the following prohibited recipes and products:

  • high-calorie flour products;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty soups and broths;
  • canned foods;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • chocolate;
  • spices;
  • strong hot drinks and alcohol.

Basic principles of nutrition

Therapeutic diet Table number 7 for kidney disease recommends include recipes from the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner next list products:

  • fruit juices, compotes and jelly;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat vegetable soups;
  • steam omelette;
  • soups and porridges from cereals;
  • potato;
  • vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • jam and honey;
  • fruit and vegetable salads.

Kidney diseases, of course, are treated with medication. But eating food from the usual forbidden recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner in combination with pills will not lead to a tangible result and will only worsen the situation.

Therefore, if you have kidney disease, you should definitely follow the menu, which includes diet recipes Table number 7 until you feel complete recovery.

After recovery, it is not recommended to completely return to the usual recipes, since there is a high risk of recurrent kidney disease with the worst consequences.

Menu for the week

If you have kidney disease, it is very important to create a menu with food recipes for the whole day. But eating on a schedule is a bit of an endurance test, so arm yourself with patience.

Diet Table number 7 - menu for the week:


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, toast and tea with raspberry jam;
  • Lunch: low-fat soup of vegetables and herbs and a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes combined with tomato and cucumber salad, washed down with apple compote.


  • steam omelette with herbs and orange juice;
  • buckwheat soup with lean meat cutlets and weak black tea;
  • fruit salad and green tea no sugar.


  • chocolate and a glass of milk;
  • mashed potatoes combined with low-fat fish cutlets wash down with berry jelly;
  • vegetable salad, cottage cheese and lemon tea.


  • cottage cheese with sour cream and a cup of green tea without sugar;
  • stew of vegetables and herbs, a glass of tomato juice;
  • mashed potatoes with vegetable salad and a glass of low-fat kefir.


  • toast with honey and a cup of weak coffee with cream;
  • buckwheat porridge, vegetable stew and a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • kiwi and banana salad, wash down with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.


  • wash down fruit yogurt with berry jelly;
  • mashed potatoes with low-fat meat cutlets and a glass of orange juice;
  • cup apple juice and toast with raspberry jam.


  • sour cream and curd mixture and toast with unsweetened tea;
  • wash down fruit salad with a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • vegetable salad with sour cream and dill, tomato juice.

How to eat if you have kidney disease?

If you have kidney disease, for breakfast, lunch and dinner it is recommended to prepare dishes according to recipes from the products of the standard diet menu Table number 7.

Sample menu for the day therapeutic diet Table number 1 looks like this:

  • Breakfast: toast with honey or jam and a glass of orange juice;
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes and a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with herbs and sour cream, washed down with tomato juice.

In order to slightly diversify the diet for kidney disease and treat yourself to something new delicious recipe, we present to you an excellent option for “brightening up” the diet Table number 7:

Apples Kiev style

Apples Kiev style


  • apples - 5 pcs;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 5 tbsp jam.


  1. Peel and core apples;
  2. Boil a little, after adding a little lemon juice;
  3. fill the empty space of the core with jam;
  4. Cook the apples in the oven for 25 minutes.

When dieting Table number 7 in the diet for every day appropriate fatty foods in moderation and fermented milk products. Menu for the day, which includes these recommendations, looks like this:

  • Breakfast: processed cheese tea with lemon;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew, combined with low-fat chicken cutlets, washed down with a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: a mixture of finely chopped banana, kiwi and pineapple, washed down with orange juice.

We provide recipe hearty dish relevant to the diet Table number 7 for pregnant women:

Potato casserole with vegetables


  • 10 large potato tubers;
  • 200 g cabbage;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 10 tomatoes;
  • a glass of sour cream.


  1. Peel the potatoes and chop coarsely;
  2. chop cabbage and carrots;
  3. cut tomatoes and onions into slices;
  4. place potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes and cabbage in layers in a baking dish, after greasing each layer with sour cream;
  5. bake for 30 minutes.

With this inflammatory disease kidneys, as pyelonephritis, it is necessary to follow a therapeutic diet Table number 7, excluding spicy and fatty foods, as they “irritate” the intestinal walls and “contaminate” internal organs toxins and waste.

With this disease, you should adhere to the standard special diet menu Table number 7, daily diet which looks like this:

  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes with vegetable salad and a glass of fruit juice;
  • Lunch: milk porridge with jam and weak tea without sugar;
  • Dinner: fruit salad and low-fat yogurt.

Recipe dishes containing a list of diet menu products Table number 7 for pyelonephritis:

Millet balls

Millet balls


  • 300 g millet;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of cardamom;
  • breaded crackers.


  1. wash the millet and cook in boiled water within 20 minutes;
  2. pour the finished millet with milk and add sugar;
  3. cook this mixture for 40 minutes;
  4. mix with egg and add cardamom;
  5. roll the mass into the shape of meatballs;
  6. “roll” in breading flour and fry.

Nutrition for gastritis

Therapeutic diet Table number 7 for a disease such as gastritis is prescribed in its usual form: exclude fatty foods, add fruits and vegetables.

Menu for the day looks like this:

  • Breakfast: a glass of orange juice and toast with cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew with low-fat fish cutlets, washed down with a glass of apple juice;
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes with vegetable salad, low-fat yogurt and lemon tea.

Gastritis limits the diet in many favorite foods, but the Table Number 7 diet “replaces” them with excellent recipes. We provide you with an example of one of them:

Pilaf with raisins and prunes

Pilaf with raisins and prunes


  • 200 g raisins;
  • 400 g prunes;
  • a glass of rice.


  1. wash the raisins;
  2. wash the prunes, remove the pits and chop coarsely;
  3. wash the rice;
  4. cook rice in boiled water for 20 minutes;
  5. add raisins and prunes to the finished rice;
  6. mix the ingredients.

Features of nutrition in glomerulonephritis

With such severe kidney disease as glomerulonephritis, the following must be observed: menu diet Table number 7 for the day:

  • Breakfast: fish bits and orange juice;
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes and vegetable salad, washed down with unsweetened tea with lemon;
  • Dinner: salad of bananas, kiwi and low-fat yogurt, washed down with a glass of orange juice.

For kidney disease, the therapeutic diet Table number 7 is not limited to a similar menu and presents to you delicious healthy recipe:

Baked pasta with egg

Baked pasta with egg


  • 200 g pasta;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a glass of milk.


  1. cook the pasta and strain through a sieve;
  2. place pasta on a baking sheet;
  3. mix egg with milk;
  4. pour this mixture over the pasta;
  5. cook in the oven for 40 minutes.

Diet Table number 7 according to the Pevsner method

For kidney diseases, diet menu Table number 7 “allows” baked products exclusively from yeast dough. Vegetable and fruit salads, in combination with low-fat yogurt, will serve as a healing agent for the intestinal walls, which will undoubtedly affect the improvement of kidney function.

Diet Table number 7 for this disease appointed at any stage of this disease and its results are always highly effective, without any side effects.

Dietary restriction number 7 for kidney disease is appropriate for people of all ages. You just need to exclude fatty, high-calorie foods from your diet.

Dietary table No. 7 according to Pevzner is prescribed to people suffering from various kidney diseases and other disorders associated with an imbalance of salts in the body. The diet is prescribed as an addition to the main treatment, but if the rules are followed, it has an excellent positive effect and speeds up recovery.

Indications for use of table No. 7

Dietary table No. 7 is prescribed for:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • nephropathy;
  • acute and chronic nephritis;
  • hypertension.

The essence of the kidney table is a sharp reduction in salt intake. Impaired kidney function means that the kidneys cannot process large amounts of fluid, so salt, which retains water in the body, is reduced to a minimum, and in the case of hypertension, completely eliminated. At the same time, the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet is maintained. The diet should include more foods containing B vitamins and vitamin C. A diet for pyelonephritis is especially effective.

Features of therapeutic diet No. 7

List of allowed and prohibited foods for the diet table 7:

  • broths - only vegetable broths are allowed;
  • meat and fish - semi-finished products, sausages and frankfurters, as well as all fatty varieties are completely excluded;
  • smoked meats are completely excluded;
  • cheeses - all varieties are completely prohibited;
  • butter - butter without salt and vegetable oil are allowed;
  • legumes are completely prohibited;
  • pickles - excluded completely;
  • vegetables - all are prohibited acute types, such as onions, garlic, turnips, radishes, horseradish, as well as all vegetable sauces;
  • mushrooms - all types are completely excluded;
  • milk - all products are allowed in reasonable quantities, including ice cream, but it is better to limit sour cream and cream;
  • fruits - all are allowed;
  • cereals - all are allowed, but you need to cook without salt;
  • eggs - allowed in any form, but no more than 2 pieces per day, while the amount of meat and fish must be reduced;
  • drinks - everything is excluded except weak coffee and tea, juices from fruits and vegetables, herbal decoctions;
  • sweets - honey, jelly, jam are allowed, chocolate should be completely excluded.

You should also avoid all types of bread and pasta - the dough from which they are made is quite salty. , other than what is already contained in the products.

The diet should be sufficiently high in calories - 2500-3000 kcal per day.

All meat and fish foods should be prepared in two steps - first boil and then fry or bake. Broths that remain from cooking cannot be used.

If you have a hard time giving up salt, try finding substitutes. For example, you can add lemon juice to salads, which will make the taste richer and not so bland. You can add a little to dishes seaweed(she's good), which has a salty taste. You can also use spices and herbs, such as cumin or coriander. Very small quantities sometimes you can add soy sauce, diluted with water. In addition, after about a week of a salt-free diet, the body will no longer require as much salt as it consumed before, and the diet will be much easier to tolerate.

This diet does not require a large amount of liquid per day - no more than 0.8-1 liters.

You need to eat small meals, 4-6 times a day. Between main meals you need to have snacks, it is better if they are fresh fruit.

Menu option for table No. 7 for every day

Approximate menu for the week.


  1. Omelet, rye bread toast, pomegranate juice.
  2. baked apple with honey.
  3. Potato cutlets, barley soup, milk.
  4. Cottage cheese with pureed berries, kefir.
  5. Boiled chicken, vegetable salad, apple juice.


  1. Buckwheat, weak tea, hard-boiled egg.
  2. Baked pumpkin.
  3. Milk soup with rice, potato and chicken casserole, jelly.
  4. Rosehip decoction.
  5. Boiled squid, cream sauce, vinaigrette, apple juice.


  1. Pasta with sour cream, herbs, yogurt.
  2. Cottage cheese with fruit, kefir.
  3. Casserole with meat, cottage cheese with sour cream, tea.
  4. Watermelon.
  5. Fruit soup, tea.


  1. Oatmeal, light coleslaw with chicken, juice.
  2. Carrot casserole, sour cream, tea.
  3. Vegetable soup with egg, pumpkin porridge, carrot juice.
  4. Baked apple.
  5. Cottage cheese casserole with apple, rose hip decoction.


  1. Rice with fruit, compote, unleavened bread.
  2. Apple and plum puree.
  3. Boiled fried potatoes, boiled beef, tea.
  4. Tomato salad, sour cream, juice.
  5. Corn porridge, Orange juice.


  1. Pasta casserole with egg, cereal, milk.
  2. Fruit jelly.
  3. Steamed meat cutlet, tomato sauce, vegetable salad, juice.
  4. Apple.
  5. Pumpkin porridge, carrot salad, tea.


  1. Pilaf with prunes, compote.
  2. Apple.
  3. Baked potatoes, boiled squid, kefir.
  4. Vegetable casserole, tea.
  5. Cottage cheese casserole, kefir.

Remember that it is better to create a complete menu in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor. If strictly followed, this diet will help restore the water-salt balance in the body.

Any kidney disease is a pathology that seriously disrupts the metabolism in the body. But even with such a serious diagnosis, a special gentle diet, which doctors call “Diet Table 7,” can have a significant healing effect. Moreover, this diet therapeutic nutrition will help restore the water-salt balance and cope with edema, which is often a constant companion to kidney disease.

Features of the “Table 7” diet

Indications: with renal failure, with acute nephritis, for metabolic disorders, as well as for the prevention of swelling of the legs;

Duration: as prescribed by a doctor;

Peculiarities: the “Table 7” diet limits the consumption of protein (up to 70 g per day) and salt (up to 6 g); and also reduces fluid intake to a reasonable minimum;

Energy value: on average 2,500 kK;

Volume of fluid per day: no more than 0.8 - 1 l;

Best type of preparation: baking, steaming, boiling, stewing;

Meal frequency for the “Table 7” diet: fractional, 4-5 meals per day;

Diet "Table 7": what is possible, what is not

Meat, poultry, fish. For meat and poultry, the emphasis should be on low-fat varieties (veal, beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey and others). The same is with fish - preference should be given to low-fat fish species - cod, haddock, navaga, pollock, perch, pike perch, pike and others. Meat and fish dishes should be boiled, baked or steamed. Prohibited are smoked and pickled foods, lard, any fatty meats and fish, caviar, and canned food.

Eggs. Eggs can be added to dishes when cooking with almost “impunity”. However, it should be remembered that eggs are a protein product, which means that if you enjoyed a steamed omelet for breakfast, then the portions of meat or fish that day should be sharply reduced.

Bread and flour. Any bread and pastries are allowed in the diet, in the preparation of which salt and spices were not used.

Dairy products. You can: milk, cream, fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.). The only taboo is cheese.

Vegetables. In the “Table 7” diet, you can eat almost any vegetables and in any culinary solution. The exceptions are onions, garlic, radishes and radishes, as well as sorrel, spinach and salted and pickled vegetables.

Cereals. On Diet 7 you can eat almost all types of cereals, as well as pasta.

Fruits and desserts. Fruits are allowed in any form, and among desserts, preference should be given to low-fat and low-calorie sweets. The most forbidden sweets are chocolate.

Drinks Drinks allowed include tea (black, green, herbal), fresh juices (preferably diluted 1:1 with water), and weak coffee. Sweet soda is prohibited, as well as mineral water With increased content sodium

Additional prohibitions. The main prohibition concerns salt in pure form, as well as salt-containing products (marinades, pickles, canned food, smoked meats, semi-finished products, fast food, etc.). In addition, when following the “Table 7” diet, you should be careful when consuming mushrooms, legumes and all kinds of sauces industrial production. Mustard and horseradish are also prohibited.

Sample menu for a day on the “Table 7” diet

You should eat diet table 7 in fractions - 4-5 times a day. For example, the menu for the day might look like this:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, 2 toasts with jam, tea;
  • Lunch: fruits to choose from;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, steamed veal cutlets with a side dish of baked potatoes;
  • Afternoon snack: steam omelette;
  • Dinner: pasta with seafood and cream sauce;

Healthy recipes for the Table 7 diet will help diversify your diet:

Pasta with shrimp and herbs

Ingredients: 200 g pasta, 200 g peeled shrimp, any greens to taste (basil, green onions, cilantro, etc.), 5 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Wash the greens, dry them and grind them in a blender along with olive oil.
  • 2 Place pasta in boiling water and cook according to package instructions. In our case, the water should not be salted!
  • 3 Lightly fry peeled shrimp on olive oil until they turn pink. Then transfer them to a plate and wipe with napkins to remove excess fat.
  • 4 Place chopped greens, shrimp and paste in a saucepan or high-sided frying pan and simmer for 4-5 minutes.

Omelette with vegetables

Ingredients: 5 eggs, 1.5 glasses of cold milk, vegetables of your choice, 30 g butter.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • 2 Vegetables such as potatoes, broccoli, carrots, etc. First you need to cook until half cooked.
  • 3 In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and cold milk. The more actively you beat, the fluffier the omelette will turn out.
  • 4 Add vegetables to egg-milk mixture. Grease the baking dish butter, pour in the mixture and place in the oven for 7-10 minutes.
  • 5 Place a few tomato slices on top of the omelette and bake for a couple more minutes.

Low-calorie pumpkin cupcakes with curd cream

Ingredients: 80 g wheat flour, ½ tsp. baking powder, ½ tsp. soda, ¼ tsp. cinnamon, a pinch of ginger powder, 1 egg white, 50 g vanilla sugar, 3 tsp. butter, 2-3 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, 50 g pumpkin puree (you can use a jar baby food), 1 tbsp. l. low-fat milk, 2 tbsp. powdered sugar, half a glass of natural yogurt;

Cooking method:

  • 1 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, ginger powder and cinnamon.
  • 2 Thoroughly grind the softened butter with vanilla sugar until a homogeneous white mass is obtained. Add egg white, pumpkin puree, milk, and mix again.
  • 3 Add a mixture of flour, ginger powder and cinnamon to the resulting mixture. Mix the dough thoroughly until smooth.
  • 4 Divide the batter into the muffin tins (or special cupcake tins), but make sure they are no more than a third full (as they bake, the batter will rise and fill the tins completely).
  • 5 Place the cupcakes in the oven for 10-12 minutes. After the time is up, pierce the dough with a toothpick - if the stick is dry, the cupcakes are ready!
  • 6 For the cream: mix cottage cheese, yogurt and powdered sugar into a homogeneous mass. Beat it until it turns into an airy cream. When the cupcakes have cooled, spoon 1 tsp onto each cupcake. cream.

As you can see, despite the restrictions and the clearly medical nature of the diet, “table 7” cannot in any way be called a strict and meager regimen. On the contrary, there is a place for culinary creativity, opportunities for creating a holiday menu, and even a chance to enjoy “healthy” sweets. Diet table 7 will allow you to eat tastefully, and at the same time take care of your kidneys, especially in cases where the functioning of these organs is impaired...

Diet No. 7a

The main purpose of diet No. 7 according to Pevzner is to maximize kidney function by sharply reducing the amount of protein in the daily diet. Protein unloading of this kind allows not only to restore kidney function, but also has a number of positive effects, such as reducing arterial hypertension and removing nitrogenous waste.

Indications : glomerulonephritis is acute with severe and moderate severity at the onset of the disease; chronic glomerulonephritis with severe renal failure.
General characteristics a diet enriched with vitamins, with a reduced energy value due to a sharp limitation of proteins and moderate - fats and carbohydrates, allowing for maximum sparing of kidney function, unloading of protein metabolism, improving the removal of nitrogenous wastes and under-oxidized metabolic products from the body, creating favorable conditions for blood circulation and reduction arterial hypertension.
: proteins – 20 g, fats 70–80 g (20–25% vegetable), carbohydrates – 350 g, energy value – 2200 kcal.
: unsalted bread, pancakes and pancakes made from yeast dough without salt; cereal and vegetable soups, seasoned with sour cream, sautéed onions, and herbs; egg yolks in dishes; whole milk, cream, sour cream, yogurt; butter, ghee, vegetable oil; any dishes from cereals and pasta; fresh vegetables in the form of various dishes, parsley, dill; any fruits and berries in raw, baked and dried forms; compotes, jelly, jelly, sugar, honey, jam, non-chocolate candies; weak tea, fruit, berry and tomato juices, rosehip decoction.
Excluded foods and dishes : regular bread, confectionery, flour products with the addition of soda; legume soups, meat, fish and mushroom broths;
any meat and fish, cottage cheese, cheese; cooking fats, pork, lamb, beef, margarine; dishes from legumes; pickled, salted, pickled vegetables, spinach, sorrel, radish, radish, mushrooms; chocolate, ice cream, strong coffee, cocoa, mineral water.
Diet : all dishes are prepared without salt; boiling, baking or light frying without breading are used; food is taken 5–6 times a day while maintaining bed rest; The diet is prescribed for 5–7 days.

Sample one-day menu for diet No. 7a.
1st breakfast: oatmeal pudding with apples (200 g), squash puree with egg whites (140 g), apricot juice (200 g).
2nd breakfast: pear (100 g).
Dinner: vegetarian soup from prefabricated vegetables (250 g), boiled meat (30 g), fruit salad of apples, prunes and apricots (150 g), cranberry jelly (200 g).
Afternoon snack: milk (200 ml).
Dinner: rice pilaf with fruit (90 g), vegetable salad on vegetable oil(150 g), tea with sugar (200 ml).
For the night: milk (200 g).
All day: bread (100 g), butter (60 g), sugar (40 g).

Diet No. 7b

Indications : acute glomerulonephritis and exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis, after diet No. 7a.
General characteristics : a diet with moderate protein restriction, a significant reduction in fluid content, is aimed at sparing kidney function, anti-inflammatory effects, enhancing the removal of nitrogenous waste from the body, reducing arterial hypertension and creating favorable conditions for blood circulation.
Chemical composition and energy value : proteins – 40 g, fats – 80–90 g (20–25% vegetable); carbohydrates – 450–500 g, energy value – 2700–3000 kcal).
Recommended and excluded foods and dishes : differs from diet No. 7a in that it is included daily boiled meat or fish (50 g), milk or kefir (200 g) or 1 egg or cottage cheese (100 g).
Diet : food is taken 5-6 times a day; as prescribed by the doctor, the patient is given up to 2 g of salt per day to add salt to individual dishes.

Approximate one-day diet menu No. 7b.
1st breakfast: pumpkin pudding (270 g), applesauce with whites (140 g), plum juice (200 g).
2nd breakfast: grated carrots with sugar (155 g).
Dinner: mixed vegetable soup (250 g), boiled meat (55 g), tomato and cucumber salad (150 g), cherry jelly (140 g).
Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction (200 g).
Dinner: rice with raisins (180 g), protein omelet (110 g), tea (200 g).
For the night: plum juice (180 g).
All day: bread (150 g), sugar (40 g), butter (40 g).

Diet No. 7 (basic)

Indications : acute glomerulonephritis during the recovery period, chronic glomerulonephritis without exacerbation, nephropathy of pregnant women.
General characteristics : a diet with limited proteins and sodium chloride, excluding extractive substances that irritate the kidneys and stimulate the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.
Chemical composition and energy value : proteins – 80 g (50% animal), fats – 90 g (20–25% vegetable), carbohydrates – 400–500 g, energy value – 2700–3000 kcal.
Recommended products and dishes : the same as in diet No. 76, with an increase in the amount of protein-rich foods (meat, fish, cottage cheese, egg white etc.).
Excluded foods and dishes : the same as in diet No. 7a.
Diet : food is used in boiled and chopped form, frying meat and fish after preliminary boiling is allowed; eating 5 times a day.

Sample one-day diet menu No. 7.
1st breakfast: soft-boiled eggs (2 pcs.), crumbly buckwheat porridge with butter (90 g), tea with milk (200 g).
2nd breakfast: pumpkin porridge with rice cereal (280 g).
Dinner: vegetarian borscht (250 g), boiled meat (55 g), mashed potatoes (250 g), fresh fruit compote (200 g).
Afternoon snack: baked carrot-apple zrazy (230 g), pilaf with fruit (90 g), cherry juice (200 g).
Dinner: prune jelly (200 g).
All day: unsalted bran bread (250 g), sugar (50 g), butter (20 g).

Diet No. 7 (table No. 7)- a therapeutic nutritional system prescribed to people in cases of dysfunction.

This nutritional system creates favorable conditions for the normal functioning of the kidneys during their inflammatory damage, increases the effectiveness of treatment (by improving metabolic processes in the tissues of the kidneys, as well as other organs), has an antiallergic effect, and also improves urination.

The goal and objective of diet No. 7 is to limit the load on the kidneys, reduce edema, reduce blood pressure and restoration of water and electrolyte balance.

Chemical composition of diet No. 7:

  • proteins 70-80 g (50% animal origin, 50% vegetable origin);
  • fats 80-90 g (30% vegetable, 70% animal origin);
  • carbohydrates 300-350 g;
  • liquid 0.8-1.5 l.
  • salt 3-6 g (you can add a little salt to the finished dish);

Weight of daily ration: 2.3-3 kg.
Daily intake of diet No. 7: 2400-2700 kcal.
Diet: 4-6 times a day.

Indications for use of diet No. 7:

  • mild form (which is not accompanied by a sharp disruption of kidney function, loss of protein and red blood cells in the urine);
  • moderate and severe form of glomerulonephritis (during the recovery period);
  • chronic (beyond the acute stage, without signs of renal failure);
  • nephropathy of pregnancy (late toxicosis);

Diet No. 7 (table No. 7) - food

What can you eat on diet number 7:

Soups: vegetable with the addition of cereals and potatoes. Dairy – limited. You can season with butter, sour cream, and onions (after boiling and sautéing).

Cereals: various cereals and pasta.

Vegetables, greens: various vegetables in any culinary preparation, also parsley.

Meat, fish: Low-fat varieties of meat and fish boiled, baked or lightly fried (after boiling). Boiled tongue.

Eggs: yolks in dishes. Eggs are allowed up to 2 per day, soft-boiled or scrambled eggs (with reduced consumption of meat, fish or cottage cheese).

Fresh fruits and berries: various fruits and berries, both raw and boiled.

Dairy products: milk, sour cream, cream, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, dishes made from it.

Sweets: honey, jam jelly, sweets, ice cream (fruit).

Flour products: salt-free bread, pancakes, pancakes with yeast and without salt.

Fats: unsalted butter, ghee and refined vegetable oils.

Drinks: tea, weak coffee, compote, jelly, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, rose hip decoction.

What not to eat on diet number 7:

  • meat, fish and mushroom broths;
  • legumes, onions, radishes, radishes, sorrel, spinach;
  • salted, pickled and pickled vegetables and mushrooms;
  • fatty meats and fish, fried and stewed meat or fish without prior boiling;
  • sausages, sausages, salted fish, smoked meats, caviar, canned food;
  • cheeses;
  • chocolate;
  • regular bread, flour products with added salt;
  • strong coffee, cocoa, mineral water (rich);

Diet No. 7 (table No. 7): menu for the week

Diet No. 7 is varied and healthy. Below is sample menu for a week.

Prepare all dishes without salt; it is better not to add salt to dishes, but, if allowed, add a minimal amount to the finished dish.

Steam the dishes, boil them, and after boiling you can bake them and lightly fry them. The food temperature is normal.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, steam omelette, tea.
Lunch: rose hip decoction.
Lunch: vegetable borscht, mashed potatoes, steamed fish.
Afternoon snack: baked apples.
Dinner: rice, vinaigrette, compote.


Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, tea.
Lunch: jelly.
Lunch: vegetable soup with millet, chicken fillet for a couple.
Afternoon snack: yogurt.
Dinner: pasta, meatballs, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.


Breakfast: milk soup with rice, tea.
Lunch: cottage cheese with fruit and sour cream.
Lunch: cabbage, veal with vegetables.
Afternoon snack: fermented baked milk.
Dinner: potato casserole with vegetables, steamed chicken cutlets.


Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, boiled beet salad with vegetable oil.
Lunch: fruit salad.
Lunch: soup with potatoes and cauliflower, meatballs with vegetables.
Afternoon snack: jelly.
Dinner: cabbage rolls, vegetable salad with cottage cheese.


Breakfast: cheesecakes with sour cream and jam, tea with milk.
Lunch: decoction.
Lunch: vegetarian borscht, steamed fish with vegetables.
Afternoon snack: fruit ice cream.
Dinner: boiled potatoes with butter, steamed cutlets, vegetables.


Breakfast: pancakes with sour cream and jam, tea.
Lunch: freshly squeezed fruit juice.
Lunch: vegetable soup with buckwheat, boiled tongue, fresh or steamed vegetables.
Afternoon snack: fruit.
Dinner: barley porridge, meatballs, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: milk soup with pasta, tea.
Lunch: yogurt.
Lunch: vegetable soup with wheat cereal, jellied meat, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
Dinner: vegetable stew, vinaigrette.

Health, peace and goodness to everyone!