Test for the biological age getting up with. Definition of human biological age test

There are two types of age - chronological and biological. The first is indicated in the passport and the state is necessary for statistics. Biological reflects the state different systems organism. In most cases, it differs from the number indicated in the passport. If the biological age is greater, then it is worth thinking about your lifestyle and state of health. Chronological more? Then the body is fine.

A test will help to know your biological age, it is enough to allocate twenty minutes of time and stocking the stopwatch and a long ruler.

What affects the condition of the body

The condition of the body depends on several factors:

  • genetic heredity;
  • lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • food.

The genes play a major role in the body's state, but it is good to look good not only thanks to genetic heredity. To maintain itself in the tone, it is necessary to periodically engage exercise. Gymnastics and morning charging will allow the body to function correctly.

Alcoholic beverage abuse, smoking cause serious diseases. Harmful habits adversely affect the body's condition. The nutrition plays an important role. Fast food products are best excluded from the diet, saturating it fresh fruits and vegetables, food rich in vitamins, minerals and useful elements.

The important advantage of the human body is that its cells are constantly updated, allowing you to achieve the desired state.

Test for calculating age

How to find out a human biological age? To do this, it is necessary to test different systems of the body. But the result is not worth trusting a hundred percent, as many additional factors are taken into account: lack of sleep, stressful situations, colds.

But in the case when the test results Repeated when it is re-conducted and not pleased with the indicators, it is necessary to think about their health and take appropriate measures. Age is by checking such systems:

Cardiovascular state

In order to determine the age of heart and blood vessels, it is necessary to calculate your pulse in a calm state within one minute. The result should be recorded, after which it is necessary to do ten - fifteen squats in the most fast pace.

Then the pulse is re-measured and the results are compared. To calculate, you need to find the difference between the two indicators:

Work tendons and ligaments

To check the state of the ligaments, you need to bended as much as much as possible and try to touch the floor with your fingers. Exercise must be taken carefully, without sharp movements and a jerk. According to the result, you can establish the condition of the tendons:

Test for coordination

In the next exercise, several organism systems are involved. It is necessary to close the eyes and raise one leg. If it is difficult to keep the equilibriumIt is better to exercise near the wall or chair - to be able to rely on them with your hand. You need to move time on the stopwall and calculate the results:

Determination of skin condition

Test for the determination of the age of biological skin You can calculate as follows: it is necessary to delay the skin on the back of the hand and hold it in this position for five seconds. The indicator depends on the results:

Test joints

Sustains have their age. Their flexibility may vary in women and men, children and adults, but it is possible to calculate age with one exercise. It is necessary to start one hand from the bottom behind the back, and the second stretch over the shoulder, try to make hands in the castle. The results are as follows:

Biological age of nervous cells

The nervous system is checked by the reaction rate. It is necessary to ask someone from the loved ones to hold the long line for the end with the "50" mark. The subject must put the hand at the "10" mark, but it does not touch the line. The assistant releases a ruler, it needs to quickly catch. Biological age nervous system can be calculated using the indicators:

To calculate the biological age of the whole body, you need to add all six indicators and divide the amount by 6. The results of this test with each test may differ in force physiological factors. You can also go through a biological age test online, answering questions about the status of different organism systems.

ATTENTION, only today!

Each of us has repeatedly noticed that people having the same passport age, sometimes they are not at all like the same.

One at the age of 40-45 years already looks almost an old man, and the other in 60 is young, energetic and full of life.

Academic gerontologists, in addition to calendar age, usually take into account the biological age of a person who shows the degree of aging of the body and its individual bodies and systems. And very often the indicators of these criteria do not coincide. A person can be healthy and full forces and at 70 years old, and sometimes even in 20 overwhelm diseases and early aging comes.
As a result of long-term observations, scientists made the conclusions that women are growing slower than men, and live for 6-8 years longer and perhaps this is explained by the fact that men agreed a little faster.
The biological age also depends on the place of residence and climatic conditions. Less calendar of the peoples of the south (Abkhaz, Georgians, Karakalpakov). The closer to the north, the closer the biological age to the calendar, and sometimes even greatly surpasses it (especially at the Nenets, Chukchi, Eskimos, Buryat).
The state of our health depends not on the number of years of the years, but on the degree of preservation of the body. It is this factor that determines the human biological age.
The absolute system of measuring biological age does not exist. But there are many techniques to determine biological age, but many of them require special equipment.
However, it is possible to pass a series of tests at home, which show how much our body is worn - they give an assessment of the state of the body and its real biological age.

The results of this study make it possible to understand which age group corresponds to the body of a particular person.

1. The flexibility of the spine

This test allows you to determine the condition of the ligaments and the tendons of the spine.

Standing, lean forward, you can bend your knees. Where did you reach the palms?

  • Put the palms on the floor - your bundles of 20 years;
  • Touched the floor only with fingers, the palms did not reach - 30 years;
  • Reached the palms to the ankle - 40 years;
  • Put the palms below the knees - 50 years;
  • Touched the knees - 60 years;
  • Did not reach the knees - 70 and older.

Another way consists in counting the number of slopes forward that you can do for a minute.

  • More than 50 movements correspond to age of 20 years;
  • from 35 to 49 times a minute, 30-year-old leans
  • from 30 to 34 times - 40-year-old,
  • from 25 to 29 - 50-year-old man.
  • Older years older corresponds to no more than 24 slopes per minute.

The spine protects the spinal cord from damage. The vertex pillar as a single anatomy-physiological construction is held with ligaments and muscles. In the spinal cord there are many centers of the vegetative nervous system from which the spinal brain nerves depart, on the channels of which are complex reflex functions.
The deterioration of the flexibility and mobility of the spine can lead to a violation of the efficiency of neuro-regulatory processes and deterioration of the work of some organs and human body systems.

2. Reaction speed

For testing will have to resort to the services of the assistant. Ask a familiar or relative to take a ruler of 50 cm long and keep it vertically for the end corresponding to the zero mark.

You should put a hand 10 cm below the other end of the line.

The assistant must suddenly release the line, and you - to catch it at the time of the fall, cling between big and index fingers.

The reaction rate is measured by the divisions on which your fingers will be. In this case, the age-related table looks like this:

  • 20 cm - 20 years;
  • 25 cm - 30 years;
  • 35 cm - 40 years;
  • 45 cm - 60 years.

This test allows you to determine the time of a simple motor reaction and the duration of nervous excitation. The time indicator of this reflex serves as an important indicator of the functional state of human nervous centers.

3. The state of the vestibular apparatus

It will be necessary to help any of the home.
Fruit, close your eyes, stand up on one leg, the second step is silent into the head of the support leg.

The assistant carries on the clock how much you can simultaneously.

  • 30 seconds and more - you are 20 years old;
  • 25 seconds - 30 years;
  • 20 seconds - 40 years;
  • 15 seconds - 50 years;
  • 10 and less seconds - 60 years.
  • Could not stand at all - 70 and older.

4. Health and Lung State

The safety of the lungs can be determined by a distance from which a person can blew a burning candle.

  • 1 meter - your light 20 years;
  • 80-90 cm - 30 years;
  • 70-80 cm - 40 years;
  • 60-70 cm - 50 years;
  • 50-60 cm - 60 years;
  • Less than 50 cm - 70 years and older.

There is a test that defines the biological age in respiratory frequency. To do this, it is necessary to calculate how many cycles consisting of a deep breath and complete exhalation you are capable of making per minute. Age matching is:

  • 20 years - 40-45 cycles;
  • 30 years - 35-39 cycles;
  • 40 years - 30-34 cycles;
  • 50 years - 20-29 cycles;
  • 60 years - 15-19 cycles.

5. Preservation of joints

Get both hands behind your back: one bottom, second over your shoulder.

Try at the level of blades to connect your fingers. What happened?

  • The fingers are easily clung to the "Castle" - your joints of 20 years;
  • My fingers got in touch, but it did not come out - 30 years;
  • Palm is close, but the fingers do not concern - 40 years;
  • Palm behind your back, but rather far from each other - 50 years;
  • Barely brought the palm behind the back - 60 years;
  • It is impossible to start both hands behind the back - 70 years.

6. Determine the strength of the muscles

Lower on the solid surface on the back, bend your legs in the knees and make such an exercise: Raise your shoulders and blades. The loin remains pressed. Hands lay behind head or cross on the chest ..

How many times did you manage to do?

  • 40 times - judging by the strength, you are 20 years old;
  • 35 times 30 years;
  • 28 times - 40 years;
  • 23 times - 50 years;
  • 15 times - 60 years.
  • Less than 12 times - over 65 years.

7. Pulse control before and after exercise

Count your pulse. Then quit 30 times in a fast pace.
Again measure the pulse.

According to the degree of increase in the pulse, you can judge your biological age:

If the pulse rose to:

  • 0- 10 units - age corresponds to 20 years;
  • 10-20 units - age corresponds to 30 years;
  • 20-30 units - age corresponds to 40 years;
  • 30-40 units - age corresponds to 50 years;
  • more than 40 units or a person could not exercise until the end - age corresponds to 60 years and older.

You can measure the pulse by palpation of a sleepy or radial artery. The palpation of the radial artery is carried out when pressing the index and middle finger of one hand on the inner side of the wrist.

Sleepy artery find, put an index finger to the neck in the middle of the line connecting the lower jaw and the middle of the clavicle.

The number of heart impacts is determined per minute (counting the number of shots for 60 s).

See more details In the rhythm of life: a normal human pulse

8. Skin condition and peripheral vessels

Grab the skin on the back of the palm with large and index fingers, squeeze for 5 seconds and release. White spot will appear on the skin.

Note the time during which it will disappear.

  • Up to 5 seconds - your skin 20 years;
  • 6-8 seconds - 30 years;
  • 9-12 seconds - 40 years;
  • 13-15 seconds - 50 years;
  • 16-19 seconds - 60 years.
  • More than 19 seconds - 70 and older.

9. State of the central nervous system

For this test, a small preparation will be required. Ask the assistant to draw a plate consisting of five lines on a sheet of paper, five cells in each, and enter into the cells of the number from 1 to 25, having them chaotically.

Then take a pencil and try quickly, without distracting, consistently touch the cells in order of increasing numbers (from the first to twenty-fifth).

  • If your age corresponds to 20 years, no more than 35 seconds should be taken to it.
  • A thirty-year-old man will show the result from 36 to 40 seconds,
  • 40-year-old will meet 41-50 seconds,
  • The 50-year-old will spend about 60 seconds.

You can also use a simple flash toy: Test: the biological age of your brain.

By the way, such as simple toys can easily be easily trained: Memory Matrix: Flash game training game

10. Libido

For a male body, a direct dependence of the frequency of the realized sexual contacts from biological age is characterized:

  • at 20, this figure is 6-7 times a week,
  • at age 30 - 5-6 times
  • 40-year-old - 3-4 times,
  • a man at the age of 50 years or more is able to test and successfully implement sexual attraction for no more than 2 times a week.

To find out the final result, it is necessary to find the average arithmetic measured parameters: fold all its results and divide by 10. This figure will be biological age.

The calendar and biological age of a person may not coincide.
It happens that the biological age is less than the calendar and this indicates slow aging and one can predict a longer life expectancy.
If these ages are equal, then the normal physiological process flows in the human body.
If the biological age is larger than the calendar, then this may be a sign of premature aging to which chronic diseases lead.
There are other factors that the aging process accelerate is psycho-emotional stress, neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, avitaminosis.

There are other tests to determine the correspondence of your calendar biological age. These tables contain some of them.

It is interesting

Looking at those who look younger, it can be noted that they, in their most, incorrigible optimists, lead a healthy lifestyle, spend a lot of time in nature, it is pleasant to communicate with them. Natural methods of treatment are preferred in the event of a disease, but it rarely happens to them ... The list can be continued.

For example, the famous Paul Bragg in its 80 years looked at 60, surfing, starvation, running and led a very active lifestyle.
Or Tibetan monks - they know the secrets of longevity and look much younger than their globe.

In the photo below 67 Summer Gao Mightian. He began his classes at 60, when he retired.

After many years of work at the factory for the 60 years, he had all, especially legs and spin. He was engaged in 7-8 hours a day stretching exercises. Now he is 67 years old, and he forgot about his illnesses and does not appeal to doctors at all. Answering the question about what makes him happy, without thinking, calls a few things: order, many friends, good mood And love for people.
Based on sovetchiki.org, Natyropat.ru

See also:

Test: The skin issues our biological age

How old are you really?

Man aging: causes, signs and prevention of aging

Test: The skin issues our biological age

Buy expensive cosmetics, and the result is not visible?

Most likely, it does not fit your skin ... age ...

IN lately Cosmetologists increasingly advise us to select the skin care products in strict accordance with its "real age".

What is surprised: it may well be that in the current conditions of stress and overloads your leather is older than you for 10 years. How to find out how much your years in fact

On the biological age of a person more influence the conditions ambient, lifestyle, as well as heredity. Usually younger than their years are people who have a favorable daily lifestyle combined with positive heredity.

Knowing the true biological age of your skin, you can draw conclusions about your lifestyle, pick up cosmetics and procedures. If you like a scientific approach, you can resort to a special procedure to determine the skin of the skin: there are special skin scanners for this.

They are able to objectively evaluate such essential skin parameters as lipid composition, dryness or fatty, aqueous saturation, elasticity, susceptibility to ultraviolet, predisposition to allergies. And already from these calculations is determined by the main skin parameter - its biological age.

If such a procedure is not available to you, you can try to determine the age of the skin using tests. Specialists different manufacturers There are sometimes controversial recommendations on this matter, therefore, they bore suggest a few tests to determine the biological age of the skin to reduce the possibility of an error.

Test 1.

First, we will pass a simple test, which developed the American Herontist Ray Walford.
Big and firmly squeeze the skin on the back of the brush hand for 5 seconds. Came up time in the second hand, not "on the eyes".

After releasing your fingers, look for what time the Whismer skin will return to its original state:


  • 5 seconds - you are about 30 years old;
  • 8 seconds - about 40 years;
  • 10 seconds - about 50 years;
  • 15 seconds - about 60 years.

Test 2.

Take the lower eyelid and hold it, then release and look at how long the folding fold is straightened.

Ideally, this should take 2 seconds. The skin in the eyelid is very thin, and often it makes it easier to see the first signs of aging. Often people think that these signs are not aging, but simply fatigue, lack of sleep, excess sun.

The elasticity of the human skin is attached to the collagen fibers contained in the dermis. Elastin molecules are responsible for elasticity.

Wrinkles are folds on the skin, which occur when the number of these molecules is significantly reduced, as a result of which the skin of the face suffers from the loss of moisture and elasticity.

Pay attention to such signs of aging:

Test 3.

Raise your eyebrows. If the leather on the forehead was wrinkled, then the muscles of the forehead are in Hypertonus. Hyperthonus - a sign of muscular fiber old age.

Test 4.

And now smile and look in the mirror - do you have nasal wrinkles (wrinkles from the nose to the corners of the lips)?

With age, these nasolabial folds change: become deeper and long, and the corners of the lips are lowered down. When the formation of collagen slows down, the existing collagen begins to disintegrate. Normally, collagen helps prevent wrinkles and folds, but when it becomes less and it breaks down - the skin loses its elasticity and elasticity.

So the skin without collagen saves, it is delayed, and wrinkles are formed.

Test 5.

Look at your cheeks - is there pigment spots on them? As a rule, pigment spots occur with frequent and strong exposure to solar ultropiolet rays.

The skin has a pigment melatonin that protects it from the harmful effects of UV rays, absorbing them. Maximum melatonin production is observed in childhood, then goes to the decline, and in old age, the hormone is almost not formed. It is melatonin that is responsible for the process of aging, and rather, the rhythm of producing this hormone regulates the whole cycle of human life.
The maximum melatonin production in the body is achieved by 25 years, and then begins to decline. After 60 years, the level of melatonin is naturally reduced to 20% of the norm and below

Pigment stains from excessive exposure to UV rays appear at any age, but in the normal normal there should be no more than 10%.

Now the study of melatonin continues in many laboratories in the world. Scientists argue that melatonin is capable not only for the good third to extend the life of a person, but also to change its quality - to preserve youth and allow to remain energetic and cheerful throughout life.

Test 6.

Here is another popular test to determine the biological age of your skin.
In daytime lighting, carefully examine your face and for each revealed phenomenon, put the appropriate balls that should be summed and to the end result also add a number 20:

  • brown spots +5.
  • wrinkles between eyebrows +3
  • "Goose paws" +4
  • wrinkles under the eyes +4
  • bags under the eyes +4
  • upper the upper century +4
  • clearly pronounced nasolabial folds +3
  • wrinkles around lips +5
  • muscle weakening oval face +5
  • wrinkles on the lips +4
  • wrinkles on the neck +5
  • double chin +4.

The resulting digit and is the true age of your skin.

Test 7.

Well, now the test of professionals. Loreal dermatologists recommend take as a foundation 21 and subtract or add numbers to it corresponding to your chosen answers to questions.

1. Your skin ...

Smooth, smooth 0
- sensitive, prone to redness +1
- Dry, rough +2
- with advanced pores and "black dots" - 1

2. How much is your skin:

Very elastic 0
- Elastic +1 fairly
- in certain zones lost elasticity +2
- noticeably less elastic than a few years ago +3
- The contour of the face "Floored" +4

3. Does your skin shine?

No +1
- Yes, all face -1
- only T-zone 0

4. Do you have wrinkles?

No 0
- Some of the Mimic wrinkles +1
- Already noticeable wrinkles around the eyes and in the nasolabial folds area +2
- "Goose paws" around the eyes are clearly visible +3
- Deep wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and lips +4

5. Do you have acne?

Sometimes 0
- Polyna -1
- Never +1

6. What does your face look like if you slept little (you can choose several options at once):

Excellent 0
- a little looked at +1
- swollen +1.
- bags under the eyes +1
- Facial color dull, grayish +1

7. Your lifestyle (You can choose several options at once):

Do sports and watch your meals - 1
- Most of the day spend indoors with dry air +1
- smoke +2.
- often experiencing stress +1
- spend a lot of time in the sun +3
- constantly sit on diets +2

The result obtained at the end is approximate, but still an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "present" increase your skin: o).

Test 8.

With it, you can learn a completely specific figure that can be like to please and disappear.

1 . As a basis, your chronological age is taken. Remember how old you are? Write down this number. Responding to questions, add or deduct as recommended:

2. The degree of exposure to the Sun:

Apply Cream with SPF daily - 2
- attend the solarium +7
- stay about 8 hours outdoors during the day +8

3. To care for the skin you:

Daily use makeup remover, moisturizing cream - 2
- Use anti-aging means (anti-Age cosmetics) - 5

4. Take vitamins or nutritional supplements:

Daily several drugs - 4
- Daily one drug -3
- Periodically accept antioxidants (vitamin C, or vitamin E) - 1

5. often experiencing stress +3

6. Your night sleep 7-8 hours - 3

7. Engaged exercise or fitness minimum 1 hour per day - 2

8. You live in the megalopolis +2

9. Your lifestyle:

Drink at least 4 portions of alcohol per week +3
- smoke +8.
- Do not smoke, but forced to constantly be in a crushed room +7

10. Use 8 and more water glasses daily - 2

The result is the real biological age of your skin.

Now, armed with accurate data about the true age of your skin, we may think about how to help her. By the way, do you know that The age of a woman gives ... her smell?

If you are not pleased with the results of the test, it means that it's time to spend more time to give the face and take care of yourself.
Studies have shown that stop the aging process can be immediately. Scientists are confident that we are able to use their biological potential up to 120 years: O)

Some entertaining facts about the skin

And remember that in a mature age look attractive and young, one cosmetics is small (see Face care in adulthood), It is necessary to continuously work, causing it, follow health and nutrition, lead an active lifestyle, to love yourself and others. And then an attractive face will be a reward for this constant work.

19:00 7.11.2015

Scientists believe that the number of years lived little about his present age. After all, everything solves completely different age - biological. How to calculate it?

His watch is ticking in the brain and muscles, and not defined in the passport. As far as you are young, we define with the help of the test. Make all exercises offered by us. Speak all your results and divided by 7. This mid-graded value and will be your biological age.

  • Measure your pulse before exercise. Then pitch 30 times in a fast pace. If the pulse rose to:

    0-10 units - your age corresponds to a 20-year-old person;
    10-20 units - 30-year-old;
    0-30 units - 40 years;
    0-40 units - 50-year-old;

More than 40 units, or did not be able to perform squats to the end at all - then you are 60 years old and older.

  • Your partner holds a ruler of 50 cm long at 0 vertically down. Your hand is about 10 cm below, and as soon as the partner releases the ruler, try to grab it with great and index fingers.

If you grab a ruler at a level of 20 - your biological age is 20 years old, at 25 cm - 30 years old, at 35 cm - 40 years old, at a mark of 45 cm - 60 years.

  • Tilt forward, bending the legs in the knees, and try the palms to touch the floor.

    If you manage to put your palms completely on the floor - your biological age between 20-30 years.
    If you touch the floor only with your fingers - you are about 40 years old.
    If you get your hands only before the legs - you are about 50 years old.
    If you reach only to the knee - you have been for 60 years.

  • With firmly lit eyes (important!) Stand on the right or left foot. Other legs raise about 10 cm from the floor. Let the girlfail will point the time during which you can resist the leg:

    30 seconds and more - your age corresponds to a 20-year-old person;
    20 seconds - 40 deteral;
    15 seconds - 50-year-old;
    Less than 10 seconds - 60 years and older.

  • For 5 seconds, pinch the skin on the back of the brush hand with large and index fingers. The skin burns a bit. Talking how much time it takes that the skin (white spot) has acquired the former look:

    5 seconds - you are about 30 years old;
    8 seconds - about 40 years;
    10 seconds - about 50 years;
    15 seconds - about 60 years.

  • If you have sexual attraction that you do without any problems:

    4-5 times a week - your age corresponds to a 20-year-old person;
    5-6 times a month - 30-year-old;
    3-4 times a month - 40-year-old;
    1-2 times a month - 50-year-old;
    If less and 60 years old and more.

  • Take both hands behind the back and try at the level of the blades to catch the fingers into the castle. If you are:

    Easily made it - your age is 20 years old;
    Just touched his fingers - you are 30 years old;
    If the hands only approached, but did not touch - you are 40 years old.
    If you could not make your hands behind your back and bring them closer - you are 60 years old.

In many ways, how many years you will live, depends on you yourself. If you want to live for a long time, follow these rules:

  • Rejection of bad habits

No rejuvenation recipes will give the desired effect if you smoke. After all, you take away 10 years of life! And let one smile increases life for a complete minute, smile at least an hour - the action of the cigarette does not neutralize it. Smoking, like other bad habits: work at night, incorrect nutrition, Runs, gives impetus to the emergence of many diseases that are much crushing our lives.

  • Check out

Each of us has a predisposition to a particular disease. Cold, stress, overwork - and pathogenic microflora begins to act. If you get rid of frequent colds, the body will have more efforts to fight aging. But do it slowly and gradually: wipe off with water, take a contrast shower in the morning and in the evening. Even after short-term water procedures under the influence of cold water, the vessels of the skin are narrowed, and they contain up to 30% of the whole blood of a person. Part of this blood seemed to be supplanted internal organs And the brain, thereby increasing the transportation of nutrients and oxygen. The metabolism is increasing, cheerfulness and good mood are returned.

  • Move every day

Hydodina is the shortest path to premature old age. A good walking walk - 3 km per day - gives a great effect. Check in the morning. Once there was a popular jogging, but after 40 it can lead to a heart attack.

  • Listen to yourself

Only listening to your body, you can find out what is more suitable for you: skiing, sauna, or bathing in the hole. Wellness classes should bring you pleasure, otherwise they do not make sense. Reasonable motto: pain - pain. Stay with a runny house for a couple of days. Don't drink tablets if you can do folk remedies. And I want to lie down - lie.

  • Live in harmony with you

Do not believing to yourself as an experimental rabbit, experimented with your body, trying to ourselves one after another all power systems, diets and purification. Better care. And remember when proper nutrition and the lifestyle body copes with cleaning itself!

  • Pinting moderately, do not overeat

Want to lose weight - go to the gym or pool.

  • Not diet, but exercise

Do not strive to lose weight by all means, focusing on the standards of the model business - take into account your complex. Keep in mind: so that immunity after a two-week low-calorie diet is recovered, you need several months. Use salt moderately - no more than 2 g per day. Do not refuse red meat - there are all trace elements, closer to 45 give preference to white and dairy products.

  • Watch the cleanliness of your body

If constipation happens, plant laxatives can be used, and better - eat more fiber and less sites. As for the cleansing enema, if you are healthy, it is easy to arrange the enema, it is not necessary to die to problems with the liver and disorders of the intestinal microflora.

During the post, when the body is updated, you can make microclism with a solution of chamomile and apple vinegar. Much more efficiently cleans the sauna (if there is no hypertension) - then the enemas are not needed. Peter herbal teas, go to the sauna 2 times a month.

  • Natural products and clean water

On the crane install a special filter. Alternatively, the purchase of drinking water is suitable, on which you also prepare food, or artesian.

Photo in the text: Depositphotos.com

    The test passed for the first time and he surprised me enough. As a result, my biological age coincides. Which of my acquaintances spoke about this test, no one converged. Apparently they are not lucky.

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    My name is Karina, I am 33 years old. It was very interesting to undergo this test for the biological age. It turned out to be my age about 25 years. I'm shocked, I thought that there would be less, but this result is not bad in principle, I am very pleased and happy at least 90 years old I put it.

    One name surprised my brain, manifested itself immediately to pass this test. The developers and the creators approached very original and really pulled to themselves as a test. I first encountered such a test. I really liked everything, my age eventually 16, although I am 30.

    The grandmother showed me the test asked for him quickly, said that the result would be very surprised me. And really, I am 35, and in the end it took 18, so nice, already goosebumps. My grandmother in 89 came out that she was 41, she looked at the happiness at all and remembered youth.

    The test is not for nervous heh, passed, I liked everything, the creators really tried to create so many fascinating tests for any age. I am 32, and in the end it turns out 24, well, you will have it in mind and use, the main thing is how much you feel.

Each of us gets in its own way: someone faster, someone slower. Scientists from the University of Duke, who observe the group of volunteers for many years, revealed that people differ from each other speed of aging process. At the same time, this process can be kept under control if you follow your lifestyle.

Each of us gets in its own way: someone faster, someone slower. Scientists from the University of Duke, who observe the group of volunteers for many years, revealed that people differ from each other speed of aging process. At the same time, this process can be kept under control if you follow your lifestyle.

Scientists have proven that the actual age by date of birth does not correspond to how many years your body, that is, biodegradable age. Biological age of man - This is an assessment of the state of the body, taking into account the flow of all metabolic processes in it. In other words, the biological age of a person is calculated depending on how they function exchange processes in organism.

Indicators of human biological age can be higher or below the actual. It all depends on what lifestyle you lead. People who feed on balanced, which do not have bad habits engaged in sports may have a biological agent - 30 years, while their actual age can overlap for the mark of 55 years. The same rule works in reverse order.

Do not be upset if your biological age exceeds the actual. Remember, its indicator can be adjusted for the better, turning to healthy image Life. It is important to take into account the following: the biological age parameter depends on the state of the body at a specific point in time. The indicator of any person at the end of the hard work week will differ from the indicator after the holiday.

Moreover, scientists have proven that the process of aging the body can be slowed down and even turn back! What does it depends on and how to return to your body youth?

Our body is wears under adverse conditions: hard work, sedentary lifestyle, improper nutrition, constant stress, inland, harmful habits, lack of sports, frequent walks and so on. Thus, by changing your diet and lifestyle as a whole, you can deceive time in the literal sense of the word.

Interesting: Over the past few years in Russia, the biological age of people increased by an average of 15 years compared with the actual date of birth.

But how to find out your biological age yourself, you ask? Easily! Specialists recommend to carry out a simple test. Below are several tasks, which can be consecrated to understand, what is your biological age:

1. Measure your pulse, fix the result, followed 30 squats in the fast pace. Measure the pulse again, write down the difference. If the pulse rose to:

  • 0-10 units - you are 20 years old;

    10-20 units - 30 years;

    20-30 units - 40 years;

    30-40 units - 50 years;

    more than 40 units - 60 years and older.

2. Pinch yourself big and index finger For the skin on the back of the brush, hold the plug in the course of 5 seconds, then release the skin and fix it, for how many seconds your leather from the whisen (when the pinch is blocked blood vessels Under the skin, blood ceases to circulate in the usual mode) to its original state:

    for 5 seconds - you are about 30 years old;

    for 8 - about 40 years;

    for 10 - about 50 years;

    for 15 - about 60 years.

3. Get your hands behind your back and make them up in the "lock" at the level of the blades. If you:

    made it easily - you are 20 years old;

    just touched the fingers - 30 years;

    could not touch - 40 years;

    they could not start their hands behind the back - 60 years.

4. Checking the reaction speed: Ask someone to hold the 50 centimeter school ruler vertically, zero down. At the same time, your own hand should be below 10 cm. Your assistant is unexpected for you to let go of the line, and you - try to grab it with index and thumbs. The result is measured in centimeters:

    if you detained a ruler at a set of 20 cm - 20 years;

    25 cm - 30 years;

    35 cm - 40 years;

    45 cm - 60 years.

If the test results did not pay you, but upset, we strongly advise you to pay due attention to your lifestyle:

1. Engage in sportsAfter all, even 30 minutes of physical activity per day will help the body in the tone, prevent the aging of the skin and the body as a whole.

2. Drink more clean water . About the rate of water consumption, read in our article

3. Recover your diet. Exclude fatty, fried dishes. Increase the volume of fresh vegetables and fruits. In general, go to balanced nutrition, because it is not for nothing that they say: we are what we eat! In order to contact an individual consultant who will make you a workout and nutrition plan, follow the link.

After a couple of months, you will re-pass the test. Most likely, your actual age will give way to biological in the indicators. Remember that the listed tests determine your biological age approximately, experts will help reliably.

December 8, 2016, 17:49 2016-12-08