The image of a business woman is the style of a modern business woman. Business etiquette for women: how a businesswoman should behave in various situations Generally accepted rules of business correspondence

How to recognize a business woman?

You can recognize a future businesswoman at school: she is a capable girl, but, according to teachers, sometimes with hooligan habits. But in fact, she is simply protesting against school drill, fighting for her freedom, striving for knowledge and power at the same time. She often behaves like a boy because she is already in adolescence The difference in requirements for the two sexes is depressing.

She proves her right not to be a good girl, as is often required of girls at school. And studying comes easily to her, even if she sometimes doesn’t learn her lessons.

The first difficulties appear at the institute. Often the selection committee acts, as they say, on the basis of gender: girls are given less preference in exams than boys. As one old professor said,
“Why waste time on young ladies? After graduation, they will still marry wealthy men, will not work, and will take care of the house and children.
Only young men can be trained to be real scientists, and it is not a pity to waste time and effort on them.” Unfortunately, this is the point of view of many teachers. high school, especially fanatics of their business. But the future businesswoman is not at all going to limit herself to diapers and the kitchen! However, you cannot convince teachers, and therefore it is sometimes more difficult for a girl to go to college than for a boy. Especially where there are few young men or where the specialty is initially considered “male.” And if such a girl nevertheless makes her way and enrolls, then you can be sure: in terms of intellectual abilities, she is much higher than those young men who were accepted with her. During her student years, a businesswoman begins to ensure financial independence.

Her scholarship is often not an increased one, but a very ordinary one (because her grades do not reflect her real level of knowledge), but she almost always works part-time while studying. In addition, he leads an active social life.
After all, in addition to the fact that she has high intellectual potential, she is also an energetic lady and she tries to spend this energy not on trifles, but in order to achieve something specific in life. In particular, doing social activities, she lays the foundation for her career and satisfies her desire for power. In the past, such girls became Komsomol leaders, but now they are starting to break into business from their student days.

Women who are career-oriented from a young age usually do not have time to start a family. They confidently move towards their intended goal - the boss’s chair.
They don’t think about family, putting it off until later. They begin to think about it closer to 30, having received a position. Since to achieve this position they had to make much more mental and volitional efforts than men, at this level they are surrounded by men who seem unworthy to the women themselves. Such women want to see a strong, successful man next to them, but just such men want to see tenderness and weakness in a woman.

A business woman, ideally, is a bright personality, she is feminine, not cruel or cold, intellectually and physically active, she makes decisions herself, but perfectly captures the moods of others; She is not accustomed to petty supervision of her subordinates. She is ready to take risks, purposeful, self-confident, and responds with dignity to criticism, remarks and even insults. Able to quickly switch from one social role(“manager, business woman”) to another (“daughter, mother, wife”), confident in the understanding, support and help of her husband and children. Climbing the ladder of success turned out to be difficult and unsafe. A businesswoman must constantly prove to herself and others that she is doing her job. Approximately 1/3 of all nervous disorders in business women come from the clash between their role as a leader at work and as a performer at home.

But a woman has a number of advantages, which, if realized, she can become a successful leader. A woman leader has a more subtle social intelligence; she is more sensitive to the nuances of relationships, including the attitude towards herself. She knows how to evaluate and predict the behavior of other people. True, she, more than men, faces the danger of being led by her emotions. And hysteria and leadership are incompatible things. A woman has more contact and practical thinking. If a man is inclined to make long-term plans, to count on the long term, then a woman prefers a concretely guaranteed result, “here and now.” A woman controls her own and others’ mistakes better than a man; she tends to be better at articulating her thoughts and expressing ideas. It has been noticed that she reacts less than men to advances and sexual advances in business relationships. She clearly distinguishes between business and entertainment.

Style business communication.

To be perceived as a person, you must first of all be one.
A person with integrity: intelligence, his own style, own position, will certainly be perceived as a person. It is quite natural that a man reacts to your sexual attractiveness (by the way, sex appeal has a positive effect not only on men, but also on female representatives).

Men, as a rule, give very low ratings to completely asexual individuals. If your business partner is a woman, then she will most likely cause a negative reaction, an excess of elements of sexual provocation in your clothing or behavior. Any formal relationship requires great restraint. There are a number of rules, the implementation of which allows you to tune the interlocutor (regardless of his/her gender) to a business style of communication. Let's start with the appearance.

During business negotiations and meetings, your posture should be both quite free and discreetly smart. A woman huddled on the edge of a chair, frantically clutching her purse, shows with all her appearance stiffness, embarrassment, and self-doubt. A pose that is too loose can be perceived as evidence of your swagger.
It is better to sit straight and gesticulate freely within the so-called intimate area with a radius of about 45 centimeters around your body. It is better not to keep the bag on your lap, but to put it or place it next to you.

It is necessary to look kindly and carefully into the face of your interlocutor, showing that you are interested in what he says. At the same time, if you and your interlocutor business relations, then direct your gaze to the upper part of the face, just above the eyebrows, and to indicate attention, occasionally look into the eyes (a long gaze into the eyes can make your interlocutor feel uncomfortable). During emotional communication, the gaze automatically moves from the eyes to the lower part of the face - this is immediately felt.

The characteristics of your voice also matter in communication. If you have a high-pitched voice, at least try not to make it shrill, as in this case you can cause the interlocutor an irresistible desire to close his eyes and cover his ears. A high pitched voice is very annoying and tiring and is associated with tension or dependence. Therefore, try to make your voice chesty and pleasant, lowering it as much as possible. But don't speak too quietly or hesitantly. Are you really that afraid of your interlocutor? A voice that is too loud and deafening to your interlocutor is also bad.


A measured pace of speech is best perceived when you allow yourself to take short pauses, showing that you are thinking about what you heard before answering something. You immediately get the feeling that you are a “reasonable person.” It is undesirable to speak too quickly, overwhelming your interlocutor with streams of information. He may not immediately understand what kind of grandiose project you are telling him about, and he may interrupt you and ask you to repeat it all over again. You will waste time, and most importantly, you will make it clear that you are a petty, dependent person and are trying to say everything as quickly as possible before they kick you out. An increased rate of speech is always associated with dependence and frivolity. And if you speak too slowly, you will tire your interlocutor: he already understands everything, and you are still finishing the phrase.


In business and political circles, it is customary to shake hands.
A handshake is a traditionally masculine way of greeting. For most women, it causes slight discomfort, since she does not know in advance whether her hand will be vigorously shaken like a party comrade or someone will try to kiss her. To avoid confusion and awkwardness, it is better to present your hand neither in a vertical plane (as for shaking), nor in a horizontal plane (as for kissing), but in an intermediate position at an angle to the plane: if you want to kiss, if you want to press. The handshake should be concise and quite energetic.


Never fuss - it makes a bad impression in any case. If, when arriving at a business meeting, you quickly slip into the office, quickly say hello, fussily hand over some important documents, while dropping something, then consider yourself lost. It is much better to enter slowly, calmly say hello, and inquire where you can sit. Do everything without fuss, excessive frequency in plasticity, speech, facial expressions.
In a word, act as if you are a chic, luxurious woman and can afford to take your time. Sit down smoothly, slowly take objects, lifting them as if they were alive, speak calmly - by doing this you will undoubtedly make a pleasant impression on your interlocutor. Be friendly, open, restrained in emotional expressions, and do not demonstrate excessive assertiveness and self-confidence.


Here, as in many other things, the golden mean is good. Gestures should be proportionate to the rhythm of speech and approximately correspond to what you are talking about. The more formal the communication, the more restrained the gestures should be. But at the same time, its complete absence is perceived as constraint. Avoid neurotic gestures that indicate your embarrassment and nervousness: picking your ear, picking under your nails, scratching, adjusting your clothes, hairstyle. Most people don't even realize how important gestures are in conversation. A gesture can convey much more information about us than we want. Gestures too often give us away and the unwise use of some gestures sometimes leads to undesirable results. Therefore, to win over your interlocutor, use offering gestures in your conversation that allow you to see your palms.
This is a testament to your openness. But negative, oppressive gestures should be avoided. By decisively cutting the air with your palm, you can give your interlocutor an unpleasant feeling that they do not want to agree with him on anything.
If you are not going to put pressure on the interlocutor and eventually swat him like a fly, do not press the table with your palm facing down. Do not clench your fists during a conversation and do not point your finger at your interlocutor like a mentor. Also forget for a while the rejecting palm gesture: “Just a minute! I haven’t said everything yet!”, thereby showing that you want to continue your wonderful monologue, and let him listen. This gesture will make your interlocutor feel that you don’t want to talk to him and will increase the distance between you.


Now let's talk about the distance that is established between people in any business conversation. Each person, depending on his personal emotionality, determines the appropriate distance for a given case. Emotional people seem closer and more understandable, constrained and restrained push the interlocutor away longer distance. The reduction in distance is indicated by lively facial expressions, when they play with eyebrows, squint, smile, lively intonations, relaxed poses. As soon as the interlocutor wants to increase the distance, he immediately tightens his face, turning his face into an impenetrable mask, and begins to broadcast in the dispassionate voice of a loudspeaker or television announcer. If you deliberately want to increase the distance, simply start calling your interlocutor by name and patronymic more often than necessary. In general, it is necessary to mention the name of the interlocutor in a conversation from time to time. If you talk to a person for two hours straight and never call him by name, he may suspect that you have completely forgotten who you are talking to. Using bureaucratic, cumbersome or outdated verbal constructions such as “of course”
“certainly” causes bewilderment, increases distance and indicates a rather cool attitude. Therefore, one should always try to take into account a lot of nuances in relationships, by playing with which one can find the optimal communication style that suits both interlocutors.


Imagine coming to a meeting in a room where there is no air conditioning, or you are seated in a lower seat than your interlocutor, or facing a window, because of which you see only a dark silhouette against a bright background. You are placed in unfavorable conditions and pressure is put on you.
In this case, if you feel that you are uncomfortable, say that you would like to change seats, citing, for example, the fact that the light is in your eyes. If they don’t meet you, then it’s better to refuse negotiations. Own the situation and manage it. I hope that the above tips will help you develop a self-possessed style of behavior, devoid of fuss and unnecessary attempts to show off all your advantages. This style will help you, on the one hand, maintain a certain distance, and on the other hand, demonstrate interest and friendliness. Remember, the more something true there is in a person, the more free he is in his behavior, the less he needs to pretend to be something.

Cloth business woman.

Previously, there were no business women in our country - only party and trade union activists. They dressed accordingly: “school” suits and modest blouses with a crew neck (an option was a bow on the bust). As the classic sang, “and my wife, comrade Paramonova...”

But now Russia is confidently becoming a world leader in the number of business and elegant women. The success of an enterprise depends to a large extent on how businesswomen are dressed.

What should her costume be like?

Boring, predictable and impeccable - these are the definitions that are indispensable for a women’s business suit, says the famous Moscow stylist, creator-director of the Koty group from the famous company Margaret Astr
Andrey Manovtsev.

The main danger that awaits a woman when choosing a business suit is its hyper-provocativeness. A business suit demonstrates not only financial possibilities business woman, but also her upbringing, taste, knowledge of business etiquette. Therefore, a woman should always remember the rule: if you are doing business, you need to be ready to make certain sacrifices in fashion.

Despite the fact that the silhouette of a women's business suit has remained virtually unchanged for thirty years, the suit itself is constantly undergoing cosmetic adjustments. This is due to the evolution of the concept itself
"classic". Classic style these days it obviously gravitates towards moderately free, democratic lines that allow combination with other styles.

Some democratization of the classics is manifested primarily in the loose cut of the jacket. It is fitted - but slightly, and this is not accentuated.
Everything else is not strictly regulated. The jacket can be either double-breasted or single-breasted; up to, below and above the hip line. Buttons must be real bone or covered with fabric or leather. It is advisable that they be the same color as the suit. The clasp can be caliper (internal), like in Chanel suits. The shoulder is slightly widened and slightly raised, but nothing more.

What the newfangled liberties do not apply to is the skirt.
Innovation is taboo here. The skirt should be straight, tapered at the bottom, tight-fitting to the hips, with a slit at the back of no more than ten centimeters.
The classic length of the skirt is mid-knee. But it can be a little above the knee, and a little below. A mid-calf length skirt is only good for women with leg problems.

Gold and silver straps on the skirt are excluded. Conversely, leather straps are welcome self made with the logo of famous companies.

The trousers are of a purely classic cut, slightly tapered at the bottom. A sign of bad manners is tight trousers.

Fabric and color play a big role in choosing the right women's business suit. Preference is given to smooth fabrics - English tweed and wool, as well as satin, matte silk, velvet and boucle. Viscose and all kinds of stretch are excluded.

The color scheme is not variegated: gray, beige, various shades of dark blue, deep burgundy, brown and black.

We must remember that the same color and texture of fabric may be acceptable at one business event and completely unacceptable at another.
For example, according to etiquette, a cotton suit can only be worn if you and your business partner are having breakfast or lunch in a restaurant on outdoors. You can only appear in a pure white suit at a dinner in the summer.

A pinstripe suit is suitable for formal occasions in the afternoon.

When choosing a women's business suit, special attention should be paid to the manufacturer.

It is best to buy business suits from such well-known companies as
Armani, Max Mara, Lanvin, Trussardi, Cerruti, Robert Barton, Betty Barclay,
Chanel, Guy La Roche - calm, non-provocative items that comply with the canons of business etiquette.

But the suits that Russians love from Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, fashionable Gucci, Moschino, and Japanese fashion designers are less suitable for business meetings. Their models are more suitable for bohemians.

If you are invited to dinner, outfits from Valentino and Gianfranco are appropriate
Ferre. The main thing: collectibles from the latest catwalk shows are not suitable for a business woman. Her business suit should be immaculately boring, simple and clear, like the crust of stale bread. Ideally, a business suit is tailored specifically for a specific woman in a fashion house of a famous designer. You won't see another suit like this; it will definitely have the company logo indicating the person for whom the personal model was made.

It is known that a business suit, consisting of a skirt and jacket, is often intended for events in the first half of the day. Trousers and a jacket are good in the evening.

A black business suit is good either for evening business meetings or for formal public appearances.

Anastasia Gareeva about the image of a business woman.

It's no secret that in the world of business people, taking their image seriously and maintaining a favorable image of their company is extremely highly valued. And this is not surprising, because one of the most important components of business is interpersonal contacts. The success of communication directly depends on people’s ability to present themselves and leave a good impression.

You may know all of Carnegie's books by heart, but a stain on your skirt or too bright lipstick will ruin all your attempts to influence your business partner. You can be a genius and have a very good understanding of your subject, but charming curls will become a stumbling block on your way up the career ladder. While knowledge and application of at least the basic laws of business image and business etiquette can turn you into a true business lady (of course, if you have a certain amount of business acumen).

So what is image? Leaving aside all the complex socio-psychological and philosophical concepts and definitions, it can be decomposed into very specific components. Your clothes, hairstyle, makeup, gait, manners, speech, place of work, apartment, car, dacha, husband, children, pets (as well as the absence of any living creatures in your home), your habits, taste preferences, attitude towards alcohol , literary preferences (or lack thereof), love (or indifference) to art, etc. - all this works for your image (or against it). This list alone can make your head spin and you may get the impression that you can’t handle it all alone. However, you should not give up and pin your hopes on the image maker (however, if financial capabilities allow, then why not?). But it seems to me that the image maker’s clients are mostly men (those who really have a hard time by nature!). And you are a woman, which means you have a natural instinct
(intuition, sixth sense) how to look and behave. In this you have a huge advantage over the stronger sex.

One of the building blocks of image is clothing. We are accustomed to focusing on the second part of the common expression: “You are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind.” Of course, this is partly true. But why wait until your partners and interlocutors appreciate all the subtleties of your mind? Isn't it better to immediately present them with a business card of your seriousness and respectability? After all, the first (favorable) impression will only contribute to your appreciation. In addition, the style of your clothing can affect the attitude of your superiors towards you and what assignments you will be entrusted with. Of course, it is much easier for men (due to their inherent conservatism and stereotypical thinking) to constantly wear some kind of business uniform. For women, clothing is, first of all, a way of self-expression. And although they have to accept the rules of the team, sometimes there is a need to stand out, and certainly in something selflessly orange or purple. However, remember that the following thought may creep into the boss’s head: “Can I entrust an important client to that flowered one over there?”

In general, if you work in a reputable company or want to take a vacant position in it, dress in such a way as not to shock others and not to offend the company’s image with your appearance. All sorts of latest squeaks, squeals, sobs and other breaths of fashion (if you are their fan and follower) can only cause bewilderment among employees (and this is at best). But the classic has always been and remains a win-win option. A couple of impeccable suits, a few elegant but formal blouses and classic shoes are almost enough to create the desired look. It is very important to master the art of selecting clothing items and accessories. Then you will be able to create a wide variety of compositions, and you will not be disgusted by monotony. Your helpers in the fight for elegance are shawls, scarves, light scarves and, of course, ties. They can be tied and draped in a variety of ways, depending on the task at hand and the inspiration that comes to you. A simple but exciting game with accessories will allow you to always feel at ease - whether at a business meeting, at a buffet reception, at a conference or at a dinner with the boss.

Regarding the attitude towards clothing in the world of business people, I remember one interesting story. A Russian translator who worked at the American UN headquarters said that appearance employees there are subject to constant monitoring by special employees. So, at the entrance to the building there are women who stop and send home all those who, in their opinion, are dressed inappropriately. Moreover, this can happen to one person 2-3 times a day until his clothes take on the proper form. All women there are required to wear tights, closed heeled pumps, even in 30-degree heat, and change their blouse at least once a day.
Dresses, sweaters, trousers, long skirts and other items of clothing beloved by our compatriots are not allowed. Perhaps we should take an example from them.

Let me move on to the next element of the image. You will agree that the most respectable clothes will have no effect if you don’t have a hairstyle. And if you are a business woman, then in the workplace you should not show off the beauty of your hair by letting it fall over your shoulders or curling it into stunning curls. The rules of business world etiquette dictate that a woman should not have short haircut and not a complex hairstyle, but medium-length hair (not below the shoulder line). However, if you don’t want to part with your “girlish beauty” at all, you will have to make sure that your hairstyle does not evoke associations with a crow’s nest or your head does not look like the head of that beach girl from the calendar. You can choose your hair color depending on your goals and intentions.
Of course, red, purple and similar shades will only work against you. But it is known that a female leader with dark hair involuntarily evokes respect for herself, while blond ones are popular and have a favorable attitude from their subordinates. So if you are a leading person, if you are used to being the mistress of the situation and holding the reins of power in your hands, your color is dark. If your leadership style is more democratic, light colors will only contribute to this.

Properly executed and appropriate makeup for the occasion can not only highlight your natural charm, but also become one of the factors in a successful career. And, on the contrary, if you show up one day in the office with a face a la “vampire woman,” you run a high risk of running into unflattering remarks. It is difficult to give general advice, because every woman’s face is individual. However, avoid flashy colors and an abundance of cosmetics. And common sense and a sense of taste will tell you the right tactics.

Is it worth repeating the truism that neither clothes, nor hairstyle, nor makeup will make you respectable if you cannot wean yourself from biting your nails or sniffling. Remember the heroine of Audrey Hepburn: good manners turned a street girl into a real lady! And if your parents didn’t bother to instill them in you as a child, it’s not so scary. Gait, facial expressions and gestures are just as susceptible to change as clothing or hairstyle.
Look at yourself in the video. Do you like everything? If not, at least you'll know what you need to work on.

The obstacle to success for many is their own speech. Too fast (or, conversely, too slow) pace, swallowing or chewing words, lisp - very unpleasant things.
Especially for those whose work involves telephone conversations, meetings and conferences. However, only a small proportion of people have organic defects (anomalies of the larynx, nasal and oral cavities), due to which they cannot speak correctly. The rest are simply too lazy to train their voices. If you have problems with diction, your persistence, coupled with the efforts of a rhetoric specialist or a book on how to speak correctly, will do the trick.

And finally: all the components of the image you have chosen are only combined with each other and perceived naturally when they are inspired by your inner content. And if your desire for success is sincere and supported by daily work, you will not have to force your nature, getting used to a new image. It’s just that at a certain stage in your career you will realize that you are already that very businesswoman whose image has been exciting your consciousness for so long.


Business etiquette is an established procedure for behavior in business and business contacts.

Etiquette, if understood as an established order of behavior, helps to avoid mistakes or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the main function or meaning of etiquette business man, can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that promote mutual understanding between people in the process of communication. The second most important function of etiquette is the function of convenience, that is, expediency and practicality. From the smallest details to the very general rules, etiquette is an approximation to everyday life system.

One of the first rules that determine etiquette itself is that you should do this not because it is customary, but because it is either expedient, or convenient, or simply respectful towards others and yourself. Etiquette is one of the main “tools” of image formation. In modern business, the face of the company plays a significant role. Those companies that do not observe etiquette lose a lot. Where etiquette is present, productivity is higher, better results. Therefore, you should always remember one of the most important postulates that businessmen all over the world know: good manners are profitable. It is much more pleasant to work with a company where etiquette is observed.
It has become the norm almost all over the world. This is because etiquette, due to its vitality, creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts.

We must remember that etiquette helps us only when there is no internal tension arising from an attempt to do something according to the rules of etiquette that we have never done before.


1. Anastasia Gareeva, Magazine “Everything for the Office” N 19, 1997
2. Alekhina I.V. Image and etiquette of a business person. - M.:EEN, 1996
3. Ksenia Sarmatova “Woman’s Career”
4. “MOTHERS-DAUGHTERS” No. 18, September 1998

Aristocratic manners were instilled in girls from noble families from an early age in special schools and gymnasiums, such as the “Institute for Noble Maidens.” But even the most impeccable etiquette of a woman does not automatically make her a “lady.” A worthy woman by her appearance alone commands respect. And it doesn’t matter whether blue blood flows in her. A true lady is distinguished from all women by her well-groomed appearance, restraint, adherence to moral and ethical standards, and at the same time openness to communication, goodwill and charm, which in no way depend on noble origin or external attractiveness. To become a real lady, you need not only to instill in yourself good manners, but also to adhere to certain guidelines in life.


We are often greeted by our clothes. Acquaintance begins with an assessment of appearance, a first impression is formed, and then a stable opinion. Clothes and shoes should always be clean, neat, and appropriate for the occasion. An overly open neckline or a too short skirt borders on vulgarity and accessibility. But a woman’s appearance is not limited only to clothes, even if they are from the best brands.

Body culture plays a decisive role in whether others, and above all ourselves, will like us. Well-groomed hair, teeth, and nails can tell more about a woman than a display of outfits. A healthy, toned body, a relaxed, calm face without tense folds between the eyebrows, smooth graceful movements look incredibly attractive.

Play sports, get plenty of rest, eat right, don’t overuse bad habits- the basic tenets of a real lady.

Good health is the best brand that not only makes a woman beautiful at any age, but also gives her the opportunity to fully enjoy life. A healthy, well-groomed woman at any age will need a minimum of effort to highlight her best features with the help of neat makeup that is close to her natural appearance. Confident, with a friendly smile on her face, she will look elegant in any clothes. A drop of unobtrusive aroma and discreet accessories will only emphasize the sophistication of nature and add a mysterious charm to the image.

The ability to say hello correctly

Any meeting starts with . The first spoken word can set the tone for the entire conversation, and sometimes trigger a chain of further life events. This is why self-control is so valued in both high society and business. With words you can destroy everything or, conversely, revive it. Non-verbal manifestations are no less important in communication: intonation, facial expression, body position.

Courtesy is the hallmark of a real lady. Friendly intonation and a welcoming half-smile are an integral part of the rules of etiquette for women. Words of greeting must be pronounced clearly, looking openly into the face of the interlocutor. A reciprocal trustful attitude involves addressing the interlocutor by name or patronymic.

There are basic rules of behavior that need to be practiced until they become automatic. A real woman will never wonder who says hello first. She clearly knows:

  • the man greets the woman or women first;
  • the youngest in age or rank greets the elder first;
  • a latecomer greets those waiting;
  • whoever enters the room greets those present;
  • someone walking down the street or along a corridor greets those who stand in his way;
  • whoever joins the feast greets everyone at once, and then separately with his neighbors at the table.

In the business world, greetings are always accompanied by a handshake. But a woman who knows her worth knows very well that the right handshake will only confirm her status as a lady. She will not curry favor and become like men. According to etiquette, the woman extends her hand first and decides who to give it to. In this case, you don’t have to take off the glove; an exception here is made only for very elderly men. If a man extends his hand to a woman first, this indicates extreme tactlessness. In all cases, a woman can simply confine herself to nodding her head. And a real lady will only kiss those closest to her when she meets.

Ability to carry yourself with dignity

Impeccable manners, grace in movements and gestures, facial expressions emphasize self-confidence and knowledge of the rules of etiquette. A worthy woman always remains on top, even when no one sees her. To learn such self-control, psychologists advise playing at being an actress and imagining that the filming video camera is constantly on. Or a queen who is always looked at and admired.

Very often we find ourselves in unpredictable situations when we risk humiliating ourselves with a thoughtless reaction. Slippery jokes, indecent gestures, glances - the environment is not for ladies. Therefore, you need to clearly define for yourself the boundaries of what is permitted and strictly adhere to the line of behavior inherent in a worthy woman.

This doesn't mean being a prude and a bore. You need to be able to beautifully confront a boor and demonstrate rejection of unworthy behavior, but at the same time be open and sincere. A good sense of humor is a win-win weapon in any situation. And the ability to listen and give in are priceless qualities of a woman, for whose sake any man would be ready to grab a sword.

Correct posture

A straight back, neck and head held high indicate openness and self-esteem. Likewise, vice versa, just straightening your back can give you self-confidence. If you're unlucky with your posture, it's time to do some simple exercises: wall stand, squats with a book on your head, or magical Japanese gymnastics with a towel. And more often imagine a crown on your head - the straighter it stays there, the more attractive we look. A true lady never loses her posture, because a straight back is a sign of aristocracy.

Standing correctly

It is unbecoming for a real lady to prop up the wall or shift from foot to foot. Good manners also prohibit crossing your legs or arms. It is allowed to keep your legs in the third position while standing, placing one leg slightly forward. Women are categorically not advised to become like a man and keep their hands in their pockets. Even a teenage girl in this position will look like a tomboy. You should also not wave your arms or gesticulate forcefully. The closer the arms and elbows are to the body, the more graceful the woman’s pose looks.

Walk correctly

Gait real woman exudes confidence. Sometimes they say: “it goes like a swan swims.” This is the secret of attraction. You need to keep your head straight, your chin slightly raised, and you should not look at your feet. The etiquette of a true lady is to walk slowly, without jumping at every step. You can imagine a straight line in front of you and place your foot closer to it.

Although there is a cult of model appearance in society, you should not imitate their gait, which looks deliberately artificial. Good manners include not shuffling or clicking your heels too loudly. The leg should be brought forward from the hip, step with the whole foot, without wagging the hips too much. Movements while walking should look graceful and create the impression of lightness and floating.

Sit correctly

Sitting beautifully according to etiquette is a real art, which is acquired through hard work on oneself. After all, we often forget ourselves and do not control all our movements and postures when we are busy or engrossed in a conversation. Therefore, the ability to sit correctly and change posture needs to become a habit. Then elegance will become a natural behavior and will avoid funny or unpleasant moments.

Women's etiquette categorically rejects the cross-leg pose. Most women find it very comfortable, but it is still in bad taste. The men's habit of crossing their legs probably arose when women began to wear trousers en masse. But a real lady sits with her legs brought together, her knees tilted slightly to the side. Both feet are on the floor. The most you can do to change your position is to cross your legs at the ankles. Hands rest freely and relaxed on your knees, shoulders slightly lowered, back straight.

Calm and poise

Women are characterized by natural emotionality, which, among other qualities, attracts men. But emotions must be expressed correctly and in doses. Too violent a manifestation of joyful feelings looks like a cheap performance. Such a woman may well be considered stupid. In the same way, in the heat of anger, a woman should not rush into battle with others, sinking to the level of a market trader.

A decent woman will behave with restraint in any situation. She is tolerant of other people's mistakes and does not interfere in conflicts, allowing the natural course of events to resolve the problem. A true lady will never complain about life. If she has difficulties, she can only tell her closest friend about it. And she herself has the most valuable gift - the ability to listen.

Restraint in expressing emotions, minimal gestures, modesty and tact - these are the main distinguishing features of a real woman.

Competent speech

A woman who knows her worth does not limit her interests to watching primitive TV series or reading women's novels. She has a rich inner world, she is well-read, has a fairly wide vocabulary and can easily carry on a conversation on any topic. She's watching latest news, but will not get involved in debates on politics or religion, even if she has her own opinions on these issues. She will try to keep the conversation positive and will never gossip about anyone behind their back.

The intellectual level of a person is visible by his vocabulary. A variety of adjectives makes speech rich and not boring. Thanks to her education and sense of tact, a true lady will be able to support a small talk “about nothing”, respond to a joke with a joke, avoid ambiguous phrases by politely moving the conversation to another plane, show interest or interest the interlocutor herself. Art is one of the basic skills that a modern independent woman should have.

Punctuality and politeness

Punctuality is an integral part of the rules of etiquette for women. At home, in front of her loved ones, a woman can still be capricious and allow herself some weaknesses. In the business and cultural spheres, it is unacceptable to be late, showing disrespect for partners, colleagues, and friends. Politeness is highly valued both in the workplace and in other areas of life. A woman who respects herself will also respect others. If you happen to be delayed, she will definitely notify you by phone and apologize in advance for being late. A woman’s organization and ability to complete assigned tasks on time increases her rating in the business sphere and contributes to career growth.

They say that to change your life, you just need to start doing something new. To become a real lady, you need to analyze your habits, manners, skills and abilities, and determine what you like or don’t like in your own life. It's never too late to start changing something, the main thing is to take the first step in the right direction.

In the 21st century, a businesswoman is no longer a rarity. Quite a lot of representatives of the fair sex occupy leadership positions. In this regard, let's look at the issue of business etiquette. Knowledge of the norms of behavior in business circles is necessary, first of all, in order to ensure the respect of partners and career growth.

To familiarize yourself with the basic rules of business etiquette, today there is a pretty good book, the authors of which are Susanne Gehlbach-Grosser and Jutta Hoffmann. It's called "Business Etiquette for Women." It lays out in accessible language all required material, which will be especially useful for beginning businesswomen.

Business etiquette for women and rules of communication

The etiquette of business communication between a man and a woman involves several components, which we will consider in more detail later.

Sometimes the greeting itself causes difficulty for a woman. She may be confused, not understanding whether to shake a man’s hand or raise it so that he can kiss his hand, as is customary according to the rules of social etiquette. If you are meeting this man for the first time, then offer your hand so that you can kiss it and shake it. This will provide some freedom of choice to your interlocutor.

An important component business conduct is the style of communication and behavior with partners, management or subordinates. With whomever and in any situation, you must behave in such a way that your interlocutors develop a feeling of respect and trust towards you. No matter who you are talking to, be it your superiors or your subordinates, you should never adopt a dismissive posture, and do not sit on the edge of your chair. In this case, you will demonstrate to management your uncertainty and confusion. It is best to sit deeply in a chair and keep your back straight.

Watch your gestures. Do not wave your arms in all directions, but if gestures are necessary, then do not go beyond a radius equal to half a meter around you. Gestures should be smooth. During a conversation, keep your palms in sight, thereby you will be able to gain the trust of your interlocutor. Do not place the bag on your knees in front of you, as this will serve as a signal of your inner closedness. It can be moved to the side or behind your back.

Now let's move on to the look. He should be friendly and show interest in the conversation. For comfortable communication, move your gaze from your partner’s eyes to something else, but at the same time, do not lose eye contact for a long time, as this will be perceived as a loss of interest in the interlocutor. It is also unacceptable to closely examine your communication partner; this may be perceived by your interlocutor as your insolence and bad manners. Do not show brightly colored emotions, both positive and negative.

Voice timbre is of no small importance during negotiations and meetings. Screaming, and especially squealing, is a violation of business etiquette. The voice should sound confident and loud enough so that everyone present in the room can hear it, and not outside it. Speech should be measured with obligatory pauses, otherwise colleagues and partners will not be able to grasp the essence of what was said and will perceive you as a frivolous and frivolous person.

Business etiquette for women and dress code

Business etiquette also places certain demands on a woman’s image. There is a saying: “they meet you by their clothes, but they see you off by their mind.” Believe me, if you don’t look decent, then few people will want to do business with you, no matter how smart and professional you are.

The clothing etiquette of a business woman is quite strict. She should look stylish, fashionable and at the same time in accordance with all the rules of the dress code.

The suit must be a classic color (black, gray). Moreover, in lately It is customary to wear a black version for more significant and special events, and leave a gray suit for everyday work.

A classic option for work is a combination of a white blouse, a fitted jacket and a straight-cut skirt or pencil skirt. But you can replace it with a strictly cut dress, the length of which should not be above the knee. You should also be prepared to wear tights flesh-colored at any time of the year.

Shoes must be closed. This is a classic model of shoes with stable and low heels. In summer, you can wear models with open heels. Shoes must be chosen from genuine leather, the color of which should not be bright and flashy.

When creating the right appearance for a business woman, do not forget about makeup and manicure. The skin of your hands and face should be well-groomed. Makeup is best done in nude shades, but you shouldn’t overdo it either. There should be a minimum of cosmetics on the face to only highlight natural beauty. Nails should be short and neatly shaped. Their color should not distract the attention of your interlocutors from communicating with you.

It is easy to find information on this issue on the Internet, which can be downloaded for free.

Video on the topic of the article

Business woman etiquette. What do you mean by this?

\\ Secretarial work. -2004. -No. 5. - P.52-55.

Create an image of a confident person

Four basic rules of the code of conduct

Rules of greeting and introduction for women

Behavior of business women

Clothing selection criteria

Modern wardrobe of a business woman

Accessories, hairstyle, makeup

A few tips for the “boss in a skirt”

6) don't let fashion dictate the length of your skirt;

7) do not take off your jacket at work;

8) do not wear glasses with trendy frames;

9) drink in moderation at cocktail parties and formal dinners;

10) do not buy clothes for work rashly.

Eight “always” rules when choosing business clothes:

1) wear a suit with a skirt during working hours;

2) sew a new suit taking into account the specifics of the job;

3) wear simple shoes with medium heels (4-5 cm);

4) wear flesh-colored stockings;

5) wear a coat and a raincoat that covers a skirt or dress;

6) use a good quality pen;

7) when traveling on weekends, wear good quality sportswear;

8) before you get dressed, think about who you will have to meet and what you will need to do.

A woman, of course, enjoys much greater freedom in choosing the style of clothing, texture and color of fabric than a man, whose clothes in most cases are of the same cut. This provides a woman with greater opportunities to choose clothing styles that best suit her individual tastes and suit the characteristics of her figure. At the same time, you need to remember that a good style of clothing should emphasize the appropriate beauty of shapes and correct existing figure flaws.

A conservative suit has been and remains the main item in a business woman's wardrobe. There are five types of costumes:

The first type of suit is a traditional wardrobe attribute. It imitates the colors and design of a men's suit, the jacket can be with or without lapels. A jacket with lapels is suitable for working in a company whose staff is dominated by men; a jacket without lapels is good for all occasions. If you are going for an interview with a company whose business area is unfamiliar to you, the color of the suit with a jacket without lapels should be dark blue or gray;

The second type of suit is distinguished by a bright color - red, purple, crimson, violet or a spectacular pattern. It can be made of fabric in a large herringbone pattern or with a pattern in the form of a large checkered pattern;

The third type of suit is a stylish, professional model. Various color shades and cuts determine the creation of an image that symbolizes the softness and femininity of a business woman. The third type of suit jacket is usually worn without a blouse;

The fourth type includes exquisite suits in pastel colors (pale yellow, creamy white), the sophistication and femininity of which is emphasized by small velvet collars and original trim on the neckline or sleeves. It is believed that such costumes are appropriate only in the warm season;

The fifth type of suit, a conservative cut, is preferred by successful business women. It can be dark plum, dark burgundy, etc., its elegance and impeccability are indispensable when working with the highest-ranking persons.

It should be noted that the division of costumes into five types is quite arbitrary and does not reflect their actual diversity. The type of clothing should be determined based on the current situation. Of course, it’s good to have all five types of suits in your wardrobe, but many women do not have this luxury. Those who want to do business for a long time and seriously should purchase at least two or three models that complement each other. For example, a stylish professional suit pairs well with a suit for success, while well-chosen accessories can make a conservative model look fashionable.

It should be borne in mind that men and women evaluate a business suit differently. Research shows that men prefer a suit for success because it makes women look more competent, with men over 55 preferring a traditional suit with lapels. The second type of suit has become almost a uniform, as it enjoys constant success among female office managers. A plaid suit gives the illusion of increased height. By using rich and bright colors, a short woman is able to attract attention and look confident. The wrong choice of shade or size of a design can highlight a lack of taste or inconsistency. And although a woman dressed in such a suit seems to be impressive, a man may perceive her differently.

We recommend loose rather than tight skirts that would not stretch as much when walking or sitting. For spring and summer, a light suit is required. Recommended colors: ivory, taupe, taupe. The lighter the suit, the better the quality of tailoring it should be. Any woman, regardless of her natural characteristics, can wear a grayish-beige or grayish-brown suit.

Every working woman should have a red suit in her wardrobe (or at least a red jacket to complement her skirts). A great neutral color is purple, and in dark, rich shades such as violet tones. Purple can also be worn by almost any woman.

The accessories and additions to clothing used have a great influence on the formation of style. Let us at least dwell on the bag, which can say a lot about the owner.

It is believed that a large bag is typical for an active person with a broad outlook and increased efficiency. Typically, this bag is easy to open and has many compartments.

An elegant bag is worn by sophisticated people who devote a lot of time to their appearance and toilet. Although they go to work, they devote most of their time to extraneous conversations.

A miniature handbag without a handle (analogous to a cosmetic bag) is worn by discreet and organized people. They put keys, cosmetics, a notepad, a pen, and small change in it.

The diplomat is worn by women who want to emphasize their seriousness and receive a certain moral satisfaction from it.

The bag is matched with shoes and gloves that match both in color and material.

A business woman should not wear expensive jewelry at work, in the office, a few pieces of jewelry are enough. But only high quality jewelry should be used.

A business woman's hairstyle should be relatively compact. In a work environment, intricate combinations are not desirable. It is not recommended to dye your hair a bright, trendy color - this harms business authority. Hair color should be in harmony with the color of your skin and eyes. Medium length hair is considered the most suitable for a business woman.

A business woman should always look cheerful, decisive, and self-confident. Cosmetics can help create this impression. Makeup should be inconspicuous and, of course, be in harmony with hair color, cut, eye color, and face shape. With perfume, like makeup, it is important not to overdo it. The smell of your perfume should not be felt at a distance of more than 45 cm. Business women are recommended to use French perfumes from reputable companies. Owners of such perfumes are considered smart and attractive by male business partners.

A woman leader, in general, faces many ethical issues, especially one who has just received a leadership position.

How can a young woman leader build her relationship with the team? Swedish psychologists conducted a special mass survey of a large number of “chefs in a skirt.” As a result, a number of tips were formulated on how to be an “ideal boss.” Here are some of them.

Power - this is something that should not be trumped, much less abused. Use it at appropriate moments, but very sparingly and moderately, preferably in a positive direction, that is, in the interests of subordinates.

In relation to predecessor and what he did tests your tact. Try, without attracting attention, to collect information about what kind of person he was and how his subordinates treated him. But the information received is intended for your personal use only. Never criticize the previous owner of your chair. On the contrary, if something from the “legacy” he left behind deserves approval, do not hesitate to highlight it on occasion.

Solution may be required of you on your first day in a management position. Don't panic if you don't know what to decide. Consult with your closest assistant or veterans of the company. It is impossible to know and find out everything at once. There is no shame in making the first decisions after consultations.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Employees are not only subordinates and performers, but also partners. Don't be afraid to trust them independent work. Don't be ashamed to admit that you don't know something. Such recognitions do not repel subordinates, but, on the contrary, increase their role and trust in you.

Initiative - a very valuable quality for any chef. Don't expect too much from others. Demand more from yourself, and always treat the initiative of your subordinates with goodwill and sincere interest.

In your office There may be purely individual things. It is quite acceptable for a woman’s hand to be felt. Don't be afraid that you will be judged for being feminine. A vase of flowers or bright curtains on the window are quite acceptable. A study, of course, is not a boudoir, but also not a monastery, and bright little things are always pleasing to the eye, tired of the monotony of the official setting. Let yours workplace does not resemble a man’s workplace, but there is no place for typically feminine items.

What color should the walls be? office? The color of walls, furniture, office equipment (as well as your clothes) can evoke pleasant and unpleasant feelings, and you can use it to determine your prevailing emotional mood.

White is the ideal color, the color of dreams. It doesn’t repel anyone, but it doesn’t convey information either.

Black color is a symbol of uncertainty and a gloomy perception of life. If your clothes are always dark in color, they may think that you are unhappy, prone to depression, or doubt your abilities.

Gray color is loved by sensible and distrustful people who think for a long time before deciding to do anything. This color is also preferred by those who are afraid to “stick their heads out.”

The blue color “speaks” of modesty and melancholy. People who are prone to blue color get tired quickly. It is extremely important for them to feel the confidence and goodwill of others. A person who does not like this color usually tries to give the impression that he can do everything, but at heart he is not confident and closed.

Green color is liked by people who are looking for a way to assert themselves and are afraid of falling under the influence of others. Anyone who does not like this color is afraid of everyday problems, tries to get away from all difficulties, not to overcome them.

Red is the color of passion. He is loved by a brave, strong-willed, powerful person. However, sociable types also like it. People who are irritated by this color are very faithful and stable in their relationships, but they have an inferiority complex, they are afraid of quarrels, and are prone to solitude.

Brown is preferred by those who are firm and confident, value tradition and love family. Those who dislike this color are prone to pride and selfishness; these people are secretive and have difficulty engaging in frank conversations.

Yellow color characterizes calmness, ease in relationships and intelligence. People who prefer this color are sociable, curious, courageous, easily adapt to conditions, love to be liked and attract attention. Those who dislike him are concentrated, pessimistic, and have difficulty making new acquaintances.

Of course, this tonal rainbow does not exhaust real tones; the best effect is produced by halftones, a mixture of different colors. But it is important to emphasize once again that the color of your clothes, walls and all the furnishings in the office can tell a lot about the hostess.

In my office receive guests personally, of course, whenever possible. As a boss, you are more personable than a male deputy. Sometimes someone’s visit to a company may start at the wrong time, when you are very busy - there’s nothing you can do about it. Under normal conditions, remember: contacts with people enrich and develop, do not avoid them.

Always be kind, welcoming, open and friendly. Unless absolutely necessary, do not emphasize your superiority in one area or another: this does not arouse the sympathy of others. Everyone already knows that you are the boss and have somehow earned your appointment.

No need to overexpose femininity on display, but there is no need to disguise it either. You are by nature different from a man, and therefore do not learn to manage from him. Do not adopt the dry, paper language of men, men's gestures and manners. Be consistent in maintaining your femininity and success is guaranteed.

It is unacceptable to take out anger on subordinates. You cannot conduct a conversation harshly, in a scandalous tone. But sincerity and truthfulness of emotions are highly desirable. Therefore, if you really have a reason for dissatisfaction, do not hide it. It is always better to express your displeasure to someone in the appropriate form than to suppress it in yourself and accumulate hostility.

Remember that it is impossible to please everyone. There will always be at least one detractor. Don't be upset about this. But never use your superiority in position and do not take revenge. Vengefulness - a repulsive character trait that will only bring new enemies.

A new post requires a lot of effort at first, but then the work will become easier. At the same time, you should not give up your personal life and neglect the interests of your family. Don't sit in your office in the evenings. Subordinates do not like bosses who try to emphasize their hard work, measured by the hours spent in the office.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that following the rules of etiquette allows a business woman to establish and maintain good relationships with subordinates, colleagues and business partners.

Date of publication: 01/28/2018

Lately there has been a lot of debate on the topic of who should let whom through first and where - at the door, into the elevator, when going up and down the stairs. We present an article by our etiquette expert Nadezhda Kharlanova, a teacher at an etiquette school in Tyumen, about rules that will help you quickly navigate these issues.

“There is no sitting man with a standing woman” - this is one of the beautiful simple rules etiquette for men. And for hundreds of years, women have become accustomed to male courtship within the framework of social etiquette, at a minimum: they help put on a coat, pull up a chair, let us go forward, do not smoke without our permission...

Where did such respect for a lady come from in modern etiquette? Historically, she was born in the Middle Ages and was part of. A knight is required to show courage, honesty, magnanimity, generosity, hospitality and courtesy. He had to choose a lady for himself to worship her, perform feats for her and glorify her beauty.

Serving a lady became the canon of behavior for men for many centuries to come. And this is very good, because every adequate man at least partially meets these standards of nobility, which have not changed over so many centuries. Just like the relationship between women and men in its essence.

A lady is considered to be of higher status: a man must be the first to greet, wait for the lady to extend her hand for a handshake, stand up when she enters or approaches the room, not start eating at the table until the lady has started eating, etc.

Due to the fact that a woman is physically weaker, a man looks after, helps and protects: he gives up his seat in transport, and on the steps of the stairs - the side that has railings, helps to carry weights, supports and protects.

At the same time, a lady can always delicately thank her partner for his nobility and generosity, at least with a nod of her head. And when meeting a man, you can look great on dates, be sweet and charming, create a pleasant atmosphere, and skillfully carry on a conversation.

But before we consider modern rules for women, we will focus on very important principles of etiquette - situationality and common sense.

This means that the same rules can vary depending on where and for what reason we communicate. And in order to correctly build a line of behavior, we must immediately determine in what etiquette situation we are: in a secular or business situation.

So, a few secular etiquette situations.

How do a man and a woman position themselves on the stairs when going up and down?

When going down the stairs, the man’s place is in front; when going up, it’s a couple of steps behind the lady, in a word, lower. This is necessary in order to always have time to help if she stumbles. In this case, you need to stick to the right side. If a man and a woman are walking in opposite directions and collide, the woman has the right to remain on the side with the railing, even if she is breaking the right-hand traffic rule. According to the rules of etiquette, the side with the railings is for the elderly and children.

On the street….

In almost any situation where people walk one after another (both outdoors and indoors), the man lets the woman go ahead. He can walk ahead only in cases where his help is needed - for example, getting out of a vehicle and offering a hand, making his way through a crowd, overcoming an obstacle, entering a “danger zone.” According to the status of a large and strong defender, a man comes first in all “danger zones”.

A man, accompanying a lady, usually walks from the outer, more dangerous side of the sidewalk. In addition, the custom of walking to the left of the lady has survived to this day - since a hundred years ago many men carried a sword on their left side. For the same reason, wanting to walk with a lady on his arm, a man offers her his right hand.

When meeting a woman in a narrow passage or doorway, a man must give way. He takes a step to the side (usually to the right) and lets her pass, turning to face her.

Elevator - who gets in first?

If we consider the elevator as a “danger zone,” then the man’s duty is to enter first and make sure that everything is safe and there is no danger. If these are some special large and beautiful elevators, perhaps with the use of staff, then the lady can enter completely calmly, because everything has been checked. So, the man comes in first, but not everyone knows about it. In the case when a man lets a woman through, having other information about the rules, wanting to show a sign of respect, the woman thanks and boldly enters the elevator. If several people are waiting for the elevator, those closest to the door enter first and try to fit in the elevator according to the number of floors.

About the doors...

It is often believed that a man should let a lady through the door. But there are nuances here too. How to do this correctly and elegantly, and what is the woman’s reaction?

The most important thing to consider here is the situational factor. Let's behave naturally and use common sense!

A man should enter first if he does not know whether there is some kind of “danger zone” inside: it is possible that it is dark there and he will need to turn on the light, or there is another heavy door on the way. If a man knows in advance that it is clean, bright and joyful, then he can open the door and let the lady in first.

When entering and exiting doors, a woman and a man interact almost as if in a dance:

  • If you get to the door first, open the door and hold it for the lady.
  • If you approach the door at the same time as your lady, or when she approaches first, then it makes sense for her to step to the side so that her companion can open it freely without hitting anything.
  • If the woman opened the door herself, hold the door open.
  • If there are double doors with a vestibule on the way, then it is better to first open the first door, allow the lady to enter the vestibule to the second door, then enter after the companion yourself. If a woman has stopped in the vestibule and is waiting for you, go to the second door and do the same.
  • If the door opens from you, and you know about it, then think in advance about the trajectory of your joint movement and try to go through the door first.
  • If it so happens that the lady was at the door first and pushed it, then move a little to the side on which the door hinges, carefully extend your hand over the woman’s head to hold the door and allow the lady to enter.
  • If someone is walking behind you, then when you go through the door after the woman, hold the door so that the person walking after you has time to put out his hand and hold the door for himself. But this is provided that the person follows immediately behind you. If he is a few steps away from you, then there is no need to hold the door.
  • In a situation with a revolving automatic door, it makes sense to extend your hand to slow down the rotation and allow the woman to pass quietly. At a regular automatic door, just let the lady go first and then go through yourself.

At the restaurant…

It is considered good form if the man who invited arrives a little earlier. If a man is delayed, he must call and notify the head waiter. A woman enters a restaurant alone and introduces herself as whose guest she is. If a lady and a gentleman meet before entering the restaurant, the man lets the woman go ahead.

Taking off outerwear in the wardrobe, the man first helps his companion undress. It is customary to dress in the same order, first the man hands the coat to the lady. A mirror hangs in the wardrobe in order to straighten your hair and check your overall appearance. You should tint your lips and adjust your outfit in the dressing room.

A man enters the restaurant hall first, followed by a woman. The man takes first attention to himself. When a man and a woman go to their place, the man goes first and the lady follows him. If the head waiter accompanies you, he goes first, then the lady, then the man. On the way to the table, the man gets ahead of the woman and helps her sit down if the waiter does not do so.

A woman has the right to take best place. The most honorable and comfortable places are those with your back to the wall, facing the window or the entrance to the hall.

The man sits to the left of the lady or opposite her if the table is only for two.

I hope that this article has brought enough specificity to the question of who lets whom through when entering and leaving the premises. And you will no longer have any confusion in any such situation.

And if you still have questions, you can ask them

Author of the article: etiquette expert Nadezhda Kharlanova. School of etiquette in Tyumen
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