Heating a house with gas cylinders: personal experience. Heating with liquefied gas Floor-standing gas boilers with liquefied gas

If it is impossible to connect to the main gas pipeline, heating units running on liquefied gas are one of the options for efficient space heating. The use of liquefied fuel mixture for heating buildings is similar to heating with main gas, but requires constant cash costs for the purchase of fuel.

Design features of heat generators operating on liquefied gas

The difference between the design of a liquefied gas boiler and a conventional gas appliance operating from the main gas pipeline is the use of a nozzle designed for higher fuel pressure.

Some brands of boilers are initially designed for the possibility of switching to liquefied fuel by replacing the standard nozzle with a device of a smaller diameter. To carry out this activity, you will need special nozzles and additional structural elements for the boiler. Sometimes they are supplied with the unit, sometimes you have to purchase them yourself. The cost of replacing an injector with the purchase of the required parts will be approximately 2-3 thousand rubles. It should be noted that such reconfiguration of the boiler must be carried out by specially trained personnel.

Types and characteristics of liquefied gas

Until recently, the main fuel for liquefied gas boilers was liquefied natural gas. But its storage and use required significant costs, which were justified only when heating entire residential complexes. Gradually, a more economical gas mixture of hydrocarbons began to be used to organize autonomous heating of individual housing. Its main components: isobutane, butylene, isobutylene, N-butane, propylene.

A slight increase in the pressure of the propane-butane mixture causes its transition to a liquid state, which makes it possible for simple transportation and storage. As the pressure decreases and temperature increases, the mixture becomes gaseous.

Advantages of using propane-butane liquefied gas for heating or other needs of the population:

  • The production and processing of this gas mixture is not associated with high costs or technical difficulties.
  • Propane-butane gas is characterized by a small amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Difficulties arising when using liquefied gas for heating:

  • When filling cylinders at a gas station, there is a possibility of purchasing a low-quality, diluted product, which will lead to unstable and inefficient operation of the unit.
  • Changing the cylinder is done manually; this activity requires physical strength, so it cannot be performed by everyone.
  • Liquefied gas is an explosive product that requires careful handling.
  • To ensure complete combustion of the propane-butane mixture, it is necessary to organize an effective ventilation system in the boiler room.

Features of organizing autonomous heating using liquefied gas

When choosing a unit designed to operate on liquefied gas, you need to pay attention to its ability to operate at low pressure. This will allow the gas pumped into the cylinder to be completely consumed.

The high efficiency of the unit also plays a big role when choosing a conventional gas boiler, but for a device operating on a liquefied gas mixture, this indicator is especially important. Installing a unit with low efficiency will lead to the economic infeasibility of using bottled gas.

Based on the results of calculations and analysis of practice, we can conclude that for heating and supply hot water house construction with an area of ​​about 100 m2 on average requires two cylinders per week. That is, approximately 8-9 cylinders of gas are consumed per month of the heating period. If the cost of refilling a cylinder is about 500 rubles, heating costs per month will be approximately 4.0-4.5 thousand rubles. If you need to hire transport to deliver fuel, the costs will be even higher.

The liquefied gas heating system has both advantages and disadvantages. But given the prospect of a main gas supply, the use of bottled liquefied fuel is the most rational solution. Replacing bottled gas with main gas will be a simple, inexpensive and quick process.

The low quality of electricity supplied to most places where gas boilers are installed does not allow full use of functions the latter.

This leads to quick and serious breakdowns, and also significantly reduces service life products.

In this case it is provided use of stabilizer, which controls the frequency and current strength, thereby acting as a “power supply” for the entire gas system.

Main characteristics of wall-mounted and floor-standing gas boilers

When choosing a suitable gas boiler for autonomous heating system necessary take into account certain features of this device so that the selected unit works not only for a long time, but also as efficiently as possible.

Among the most significant characteristics gas boilers can be distinguished as follows:

  • Power

The ability of the boiler to withstand a particular load depends on it. The power of heating equipment always means the volume of premises that can be heated with its help under certain external conditions. climatic conditions. It is very easy to calculate the power sufficient to heat a particular house. It is necessary to start from the fact that for heating 1 sq. m premises with a ceiling height of no more than 3 m enough 100 W boiler power.

  • Number of circuits

Gas heating boilers can have one or two circuits. In the first case, the device is used exclusively for heating the coolant, which will circulate in the heating system. In the second case, one of the circuits heats the coolant, and the other heats water for the water supply system.

Dual-circuit boilers can immediately supply heated running water to the system or are equipped with a boiler for heating water. Single-circuit devices are used mainly in cases where the house where they are installed will not be residential.

Flow-through boilers They quickly heat water only when there is little water intake from the system; they are compact, but at the same time they can heat the water unevenly. Boilers with boilers They heat the water evenly and store a supply equal to the volume of the boiler, but at the same time they are quite bulky and difficult to maintain/repair.

  • Type of control and number of available options

Most modern gas boilers equipped electronic system management for optimal device performance.

Some functions of devices allow not only to use them more efficiently, but also to reduce fuel consumption.

For example, automatic regulation of boiler power depending on the ambient temperature, the ability to program the device depending on the day of the week, time of day, etc.

  • Installation method

Gas boilers can be installed on the wall or floor. The first type is ideal for heating rooms of up to 350 sq. m. Such boilers are equipped with everything necessary for battery life. Floor-standing units are mostly designed for heating industrial premises, since their starting power is 32 kW. Similar gas devices Most often they are single-circuit atmospheric.

Rating of the best models of liquefied or natural gas boilers

Depending on the characteristics of heating devices discussed above, the following is given: classification gas boilers.


Below are the most popular models of gas single-circuit boilers.

Viessmann Vitodens 100

Economical model With low consumption fuel, high power rating ( about 35 kW) and ease of maintenance. It is distinguished by high-quality assembly, ease of operation and high adaptability to various weather conditions.

Photo 1. Wall-mounted gas boiler from the manufacturer Viessmann, model Vitodens 100. Equipped with an electronic control system.

Protherm Medved 30 Klom

The product stands out for its quality and durability, but consumers value the model in question most for its efficiency (with maximum power fuel consumption is about 5 cu. m) and absolute safety. The device has a high efficiency rate ( about 92%) and power ( 50 kW), which allows you to use a gas boiler for heating both small and large rooms.

The device has a built-in tank with a capacity 110 l for heating tap water.

Attention! Disadvantages of the model: possibility of self-shutdown at low gas pressure in the system and dependence on the power grid(piezo ignition will not work without electricity).

Alpine Air FL 8

This is a low-power boiler designed for heating small rooms of up to 50 sq. m.

It is ideal as a garage heating device because it uses natural gas economically ( no more than 0.95 cubic meters m/hour) and has a fairly high Efficiency (94%).

The model is completely autonomous, compact, and has an affordable price.

Among shortcomings You may note sensitivity to gas pressure (if its level is too low, the device may turn off spontaneously).

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Kusaterm 10 20

Applies to models designed for heating bath rooms. The device is equipped with a fan for faster air heating, has high-quality thermal insulation on the surface of the case and a long service life (according to consumer reviews). Among shortcomings You can highlight the considerable cost, which the device fully justifies.


Double-circuit models are used for heating and hot water supply of premises.

Bosch GAZ 6000 WBN 24CRN

Gas wall-mounted boilers of this series with rated power V 24 kW characterized by high efficiency, ergonomic stylish design, stability of operation under conditions of unstable voltage and pressure level in the gas system.

This model was developed specifically for Russia, or, more precisely, for its climatic features.

Vaillant Turbotec Pro VUW 242

Vaillant gas boilers are undoubtedly distinguished by high quality workmanship and incredible operating efficiency, but their maintenance is too expensive.

Ariston Egis Plus 24 FF

Compact, easy to use, multifunctional, quite powerful ( 24 kW) unit for heating medium-sized rooms. This wall-mounted boiler features high functionality even with sudden pressure surges (works great at a pressure of 5 mbar). The model can also operate with extreme temperatures external environment ( up to -52 degrees).

Navien Deluxe 24K

Model operates with maximum efficiency with minimal fuel consumption. The device is not afraid of power surges in the network thanks to the built-in SMPS chip. The boiler is convenient and easy to use. The primary heat exchanger of the device is made of stainless steel, which slightly reduces the efficiency of the boiler, but at the same time significantly extends its durability.

Baxi Main 5 24 F

The best representative of the line of biothermal heating devices. Boiler power ( 24 kW) is sufficient for high-quality heating of a room with an area of up to 240 sq. m.

Photo 2. Gas boiler Baxi Main 5 24 F. It is a wall-mounted device.

The heat generator is designed to operate at a gas pressure of centralized system from 13 to 20 mbar. This means that the device cannot be used in places with frequent pressure surges, but the boiler performed excellently in high pressure conditions: the device operates without failure at pressures of 37 mbar when powered by a mobile/stationary gas holder.

Heating a private house using liquefied gas

Choosing a liquefied gas boiler

An important criterion is power, measured in kW. The heated area is usually 9-10 times larger than this value. That is, by choosing a boiler with a capacity of 11.3 kW, you will heat a room with an area of ​​about 100 m2.

However, it is necessary to make an allowance for the fact that during prolonged and severe frosts, equipment of such power will not be able to maintain the set temperature. Therefore, experts recommend choosing a boiler unit with a reserve.

Other options:

  • Boiler type. According to the method of installation, there are wall-mounted and floor-standing models, and according to functionality - single- and double-circuit (heat + hot water), with an open or closed combustion chamber.
  • Efficiency. The higher the indicator, the more economical and efficient the installation will be. The parameter varies in the range of 90-94%.
  • Pressure . A unit operating on liquefied fuel must operate at low pressure (3-5 mbar). A low value will ensure that gas is produced from the cylinders without any residue.
  • Gas consumption. The figures indicated by the manufacturer are conditional and depend on the power and efficiency of the unit, set temperature indoors and outside, heat loss from the building and other factors.

When planning to build a house, you also need to pay attention to the design of the heating system.

The right solution is to delegate the task to experienced designers who:

  • calculate the amount of heat load;
  • will develop recommendations regarding the selection of heating equipment and related materials.

Knowing the required parameters of the boiler, all that remains is to select the device according appearance and price. Russian boilers are the cheapest. Popular Japanese-made models are twice as expensive. And the “Germans” will cost even more.

LPG boiler

Operating principle

Comparing conventional gas boilers and liquefied gas heating boilers, we can highlight the following differences in operating principles:

  • Less pressure is required for normal operation. The gas-air mixture is supplied under pressure not exceeding 3-4 mbar. The main gas is supplied at a pressure of 0.8-1 bar.
  • Converting liquid fuel into gaseous fuel. The propane-butane mixture is transported as a liquid. It turns into a gas under certain conditions. Constant pressure in the pipeline is one of them. Creating the necessary conditions, ensuring stable operation- tasks of the gearbox mounted between the boiler unit and the fuel tank.
  • Efficiency Heating boilers using liquefied gas operate with an efficiency of 92-95%.
  • Injectors. They have a different (smaller) outlet diameter. This ensures a low supply rate of the gas-air mixture, approximately 0.86 kg/hour.

Operating principle of liquefied gas boilers

Features of operation

When choosing a boiler that runs on liquefied fuel, you should remember to follow the operating rules for these installations:

  • It is prohibited to install boiler rooms in basement or semi-basement premises. Propane-butane mixture is fire hazardous. When mixed with air it becomes explosive. And since the gas is heavier than air, if there is a leak, it does not evaporate through the windows and ventilation, accumulating on the floor.
  • If there is an underground storage facility for cylinders or a gas tank, it should be located no closer than 10 meters from the house.
  • When installing a storage facility in the depths of the site, there will be a problem with getting a gas station to it. There is also a huge list of requirements that must be met. In connection with this, design and installation must be carried out by a specialized organization.
  • It is mandatory to have a contract for maintenance installations.
  • A double-circuit liquefied gas boiler costs much more than a single-circuit boiler. It is recommended to use the second option complete with a geyser. This way you will save money and not be left without hot water in case of boiler failure.

Outdoor installation of propane cylinders

Situation with lack of energy resources

When choosing heating equipment, you should take care of the possibility of using other types of fuel.

Main reasons:

  • To heat a house of 100 m2 with a boiler with an efficiency of 92%, you will need 18 liters of liquefied gas per day, i.e. one 50 liter cylinder is enough for 2.5 days. To ensure uninterrupted operation, 3 main tanks and 3 spare tanks are required.
  • Replacing cylinders involves paying the costs of transporting and filling them.
  • Frequently changing cylinders entails the risk of negligence in this procedure. As a result, leakage, fire, or explosion may occur.
  • Equipping a gas tank requires compliance with a large list of requirements, preparation of design documentation and obtaining permits.

Location of the gas tank for supplying liquefied gas

Small buildings

Cases when a boiler is the best option and the search for alternative heat sources is not important:

  • Building area up to 50 m2.
  • If there are no people in the room, the temperature is maintained at 5-10 degrees.
  • Boiler operation full power needed periodically.

Advantages of choice:

  • There is no need to prepare project documentation and obtain permits.
  • It is permissible to install a low-power boiler unit of any type (wall-mounted, floor-mounted). It is important to have the ability to switch to liquefied gas. There are no devices designed to operate exclusively on propane. All models of equipment on the market can operate on natural gas and liquefied propane.
Advice! To fill the system, choose a non-freezing liquid, which will avoid an accident.

How to convert a heating boiler to liquefied gas

Problems to be solved:

  • Changing the fuel mixture feed rate.
  • Replacing injectors by installing special jets.
  • Changing operating parameters, setting up automation for them.

Most models of modern single- and double-circuit boilers are designed to operate on both main gas and liquefied fuel. It is enough to replace the nozzles and select a different operating mode.

Converting the boiler to liquefied gas fuel

When the heating device is not designed to operate on liquefied gas, switching the boiler to this type fuels are somewhat more complicated. It is necessary to carry out work to reconfigure the control valves and automation.

It is important that all work on reconfiguring the equipment is performed by a licensed specialist!

What is the liquefied gas consumption of the boiler?

To know this information you can by studying the technical documentation. Each model consumption varies, as it depends on a number of factors:

  • Burner type.
  • Selected settings.
  • Performance.

On average, to power a boiler with a power of 10-15 kW you will need 2 cylinders of fuel. Thus, it is more profitable to use main gas.

Heating system using liquefied gas based on the area of ​​the house

Converting the boiler to liquefied gas is only necessary in a number of cases:

  • Temporary transfer. Registration of a new boiler, preparation of design documentation, connection of the installation to the main line - operations that can take six months. During this period, it is economically profitable to use an already purchased boiler in a different operating mode.
  • Using a gas holder. This technique is more economical than using firewood, diesel fuel or electricity for heating the room. Important nuance: Incorrect settings result in a 15% increase in fuel consumption. You should seek help from a qualified professional.

It follows from this

It is advisable to use gas boilers for heating a private home, capable of running on liquefied fuel, for the following reasons:

  • Economic component.
  • High operational safety.
  • The ability to switch equipment to one or another operating mode.

At the same time, operating the boiler in this mode is not comfortable, since it involves constant material costs for refilling the cylinders, and the consumption of physical effort and time for connecting the containers.

To heat an apartment, it is more profitable to use a conventional wall-mounted boiler connected to the central line.

Gas cylinders filled with propane-butane have long become commonplace in the kitchens of country houses. But will it be a rational decision to heat a private house using liquefied gas? Before converting your home heating system to the consumption of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), you need to clarify several issues for yourself. Among them, the most important ones are: what will be the consumption of liquefied gas for heating the house, and how real will the benefits be?

Heating with gas from cylinders

There are often reviews that heating with liquefied gas supposedly requires huge financial expenses. There is an opinion that the purchase of gas equipment, as well as installation and maintenance of the system, is accompanied by excessive costs. But this is not always true, and year after year, heating a private house with liquefied gas in cylinders is gaining new adherents among owners of dachas and cottages.

Advantages of LPG

  • Possibility to arrange autonomous heating using liquefied gas at a distance from gas mains;
  • Ease of transportation that does not require the construction of pipelines;
  • Higher heat capacity of the propane-butane mixture compared to natural gas;
  • Environmentally friendly fuel obtained during oil production and refining;
  • Relatively low cost in the face of rising prices for other types of fuel.

Disadvantages of LPG

  • The cost of gas delivery for heating private houses with liquefied gas in cylinders may increase when the household is located too far from the city;
  • In frosty winter, when heating a private house with liquefied gas, the problem of freezing of the gas reducer arises;
  • If you create a fuel supply in a gas tank installed on your site, then during periods of snow drifts there may be difficulties with the refueling vehicle getting to the house;
  • The design and installation of autonomous heating using liquefied gas is permitted only with the involvement of specialists from authorized organizations. And only the least critical elements of a liquefied gas heating system can be made with your own hands.

Features of heating with liquefied gas

The owner of a liquefied gas heating system is forced to monitor whether the fuel in the container connected to the boiler is running out. Some may consider this feature an inconvenience, but such a heating system can be autonomous and not depend on problems with the central gas supply. You just need to regularly replace gas cylinders or immediately refill sufficient quantity gas to underground storage.

Use of gas cylinders in heating

The option of heating a house with liquefied gas in 50-liter cylinders is ideally suited for country houses and small cottages. To avoid having to disconnect an empty cylinder every two days and connect a full one in its place, you can combine several cylinders into a battery at once. For this purpose, GOK fittings are used. If a homeowner installs liquefied gas heating with his own hands, he has the right to install a battery of no more than 3 cylinders without a project. A larger number of them will require a project.

Gas cylinders are installed not indoors, but in a metal cabinet with outside Houses. In winter, there are often cases of reduced gas supply through the reducer due to the fact that the condensate contained in the cylinders partially freezes.

To prevent freezing of gearboxes at low temperatures, you can install a small electric heater in the cabinet with cylinders.

Gas holder for home heating

It is convenient to use cylinders when gas consumption is not too high, and their delivery service operates uninterruptedly. In other cases, it will be more rational to purchase and install a gas holder - a large underground tank for storing LPG, which will have to be filled with gas only 2-3 times a year. The volume of the gas holder can be from 3 to 10 cubic meters; it is selected in accordance with the power of the heating system.

An underground gas tank is allowed to be located no closer than 10 m from a residential building, and from the road side it must be accessible for a refueling vehicle.

Calculation of costs for the installation of autonomous gas heating

When comparing which type of heating system will be the least expensive, you must first pay attention to the consumption of liquefied gas for heating. It is advisable to compare the upcoming costs with similar costs for other types of fuel and decide which option will be more profitable.

Initial costs for equipment and arrangement

Expenses for purchasing equipment and installation in your home autonomous system LPG heating may vary slightly in different regions of residence. But in general, when compared with connecting to the main gas pipeline, the difference in cost will be insignificant. It will be more expensive only if you use not cylinders, but a gas holder with a volume of several cubic meters. Its cost will be more than 300,000 rubles.

Also, the cost of arranging premises for boilers using LPG is almost equal in cost compared to those using diesel fuel. As evidenced by reviews, heating with liquefied gas only requires higher initial costs when it serves as an alternative to solid fuel or electric heating. But during further operation, the funds invested in heating a private house with liquefied gas will gradually pay off due to the profitability of this type of fuel.

Gas costs for heating a private home

Just a few years ago, a propane-butane mixture was much more expensive than main gas (methane), but over time the price difference between them is decreasing. Therefore, relative indicators of the cost and consumption of liquefied gas for heating demonstrate the feasibility of using this energy carrier.

Most in a simple way To determine the real consumption of liquefied gas for heating a house will be to correlate the mass of gas in one cylinder with the technological characteristics of the heating equipment. In this case, it is more convenient to calculate the consumption by mass, since the volume (in liters) depends on the density and percentage composition of the propane-butane mixture pumped into the cylinder.

A standard 50-liter cylinder can be filled with 35–40 liters of LPG, which in terms of weight gives an average of 22 kg of gas.

Let's look at a specific example to determine the required amount of liquefied gas in cylinders for heating a house with an area of ​​100 m²:

  • To heat the specified area you will need (at maximum standards) 10 kW of heat energy;
  • However, the boiler does not operate constantly at maximum mode, and its average load factor can be taken as 0.5. This means we need 5 kW;
  • With a calorific value of liquefied gas of 46 mJ/kg, to produce 1 kW of heat energy, about 0.1 kg of LPG will be consumed per hour, and for 5 kW, 0.5 kg of LPG will be required;
  • 12 kg, or almost half of the cylinder, will be consumed per day;
  • The monthly consumption of liquefied gas for continuous heating of the house will be approximately 13–15 cylinders.

What will the consumption be if you do not use cylinders, but pump fuel into a gas tank? How often will you have to call a gas station to replenish the gas supply in the “five cubic meter” tank that is most common among consumers? Let's figure it out:

  • Any of the containers for liquefied gas is not filled “to the neck”, but only 80–85%. Accordingly, a tank with a volume of 5 m³ will contain about 4250 liters or (in terms of weight) 2300 kg of gas;
  • We have already determined that in our case, the liquefied gas heating system consumes 0.5 kg of fuel per hour;
  • We divide the total mass of gas contained in the gas tank 2300 kg by 0.5 kg/hour, and we get 4600 hours - for such a time we have enough fuel reserve;
  • Dividing 4600 hours by 24, we get a total of 190 days. That is, one refill of a gas tank with a volume of 5 m³ is enough to heat a 100 m² house for almost the entire heating season (in a temperate climate).

These are theoretical calculations, but in reality, fuel consumption can be significantly reduced. With the correct setting of combustion modes, a gas heating boiler for liquefied gas can consume 1.5–2 times less fuel, and the temperature in the house will be maintained at an acceptable level.

To reduce the amount of gas burned, use automation, which switches the boiler to moderate mode at night, reducing the temperature in the system by 7-9 degrees, thereby achieving a cost reduction of 30%.

Heating equipment for heating with liquefied gas

To heat a private house using liquefied gas, both heating boilers with a water circuit and gas convectors are used. But among all types of similar equipment, liquefied gas heating boilers still lead as the most productive. Reviews of liquefied gas heating using convectors are rarely positive.

Gas heating boilers for liquefied gas are almost no different in design from those that consume mains gas. The only difference is in the design of the burners, since the pressure of propane-butane coming from the cylinder is almost 2 times higher than natural methane. Accordingly, the jets in the burners also differ in internal diameter. There are also some differences in the devices for regulating the air supply.

The design differences are so insignificant that, if necessary, it is enough to just replace the burners in a boiler designed for methane, and you will not have to buy a new liquefied gas heating boiler.

Let's look at the differences between the main models of boilers for liquefied gas heating systems:

  • Boiler type. Among the units for heating a private house with liquefied gas in cylinders, single-circuit and double-circuit boilers are distinguished. The former serve only for the heating system, and the latter, in addition, provide hot water. The combustion chamber in boilers is designed differently; it can be open or closed. Both large floor-standing models and compact wall-mounted ones are available;
  • Efficiency. Judging by the reviews, heating with liquefied gas can become truly rational and economical if the gas boiler has a coefficient useful action not lower than 90-94%;
  • Boiler power. It is considered one of the main parameters when heating a private house with liquefied gas. It is necessary to make sure that the specifications of the unit will allow it to develop sufficient power to provide the entire area of ​​the home with heat, but at the same time avoiding excessive consumption of liquefied gas for heating;
  • Manufacturer. While pipe routing in a liquefied gas heating system can be done with your own hands, a gas boiler should in no case be homemade. Moreover, it is advisable to give preference to well-established domestic or foreign manufacturers.

Liquefied gas boilers are prohibited from being installed in basements, since the propane-butane mixture is heavier than air. When leaked, such gas does not disappear, but accumulates at floor level, which can lead to an explosion.

Gas heating system maintenance

The heating system of a private house using liquefied gas requires periodic monitoring and maintenance. The trouble is if in the middle of winter the boiler suddenly stops functioning normally! Causes of malfunctions of gas heating boilers for liquefied gas

are mainly associated with a clogged burner or fuel filter. It is advisable to detect all faults in advance, and an experienced specialist should search for them.

The technician must check the condition of the liquefied gas heating boiler 1-2 times a year and carry out maintenance with the same regularity. The list of works boils down to inspecting the burners and combustion chamber, cleaning from soot and soot, checking the automation, and adjusting the equipment.

The video will demonstrate what a worthy alternative to natural gas can be liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

In conclusion, we can add that many users are campaigning for heating with liquefied gas; their reviews indicate the effectiveness of the autonomous system. Even despite the hassle associated with periodically replacing gas cylinders.

Modern industry produces a range of household heating boilers using various types of fuel. In this article we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using a mixture of hydrocarbon gases (LPG) for heating. The design of all boilers that use a flame to heat water is basically the same. Firebox, chimney, water tank, automation, that’s the whole list. The main difference is in the firebox.

LPG boilers use special burners that are so similar to natural gas burners that boiler manufacturers produce the same boilers with different burners. Diesel fuel can also be used in these boilers, but the burners are replaced with nozzles.

Fuel selection

The most important criteria for choosing fuel for heating a home are price, which will have to be paid every year and the cost of constructing the structures necessary to maintain optimal temperature. The latter include not only pipes, boilers and external networks, but also investments in insulation of walls, floors, ceilings, triple glazing and other measures, reducing annual costs.

This reduction applies to any type of fuel and is very important in our unstable times. And how much you can save on such events can be seen when viewing official documents. In Russia, since 2000, the thickness of the external walls of residential buildings, according to SNiP, has been increased from 65 cm to 77 cm. In Izhevsk, the calculated standard for thermal energy consumption for heating for two-story houses built in 1999 and earlier is equal to 0.029 Gcal/sq.m. per month and for new houses it is only 0,011. That is, residents of old houses must pay for heating 2.6 times more than owners of apartments in houses with thicker walls. The picture is similar in other cities, the payment rules are the same.

Average annual costs for heating houses

The table shows the approximate ratio of annual costs for various types fuel for heating houses in middle lane European part of Russia (heat consumption standard 0.02 Gcal/sq.m. per month or 0.24 Gcal/sq.m. per year).

FuelUnit of measurementHeat of combustion (Gcal)Boiler efficiency %Price (thousand rubles)Cost ratio %
Diesel fuelthousand l7,5 90 32 100
ElectricitykWh 98 0,002−0,004 50 - 100
Liquefied gasT.10,8 92 23−25 49 - 53
Fuel oilT.9,7 90 14 -15 34 - 36
Firewoodcubic meters2,0 - 2,5 50 1,5 - 2,0 32 - 34
CoalT.5,8 - 6,4 60 4,0 - 5,0 24 - 27
PeatT.2,9 60 1,3 - 1,6 16 - 19
Natural gasthousand cubic meters m.7,9 92 4,0 - 5,0 12 - 14

This table provides an opportunity to approximately calculate the amount annual costs for fuel and its required quantity. For example, you have country house 120 sq. m. with liquefied gas boilers. Buy it with delivery for 24 rubles. per kg. Or, approximately 13 rubles. per liter Calculation: 120×0.24: 10.8: 0.92×24 = 69.6 thousand rubles. per year.

Additional costs for different types of fuel

That’s a lot, of course, but peat, coal and firewood require constant human presence during the combustion process, which creates enormous inconvenience or expenditure of additional funds to pay for the work of stokers. Fuel oil is used only in large boiler houses, so costs increase twofold or more.

Obtaining permission to heat with electricity is problematic, if not fantastic. Of all the listed types, natural gas is the cheapest and most convenient in terms of automation, but not all villages have it. And if there is no gas pipeline, and it is not expected in the coming years, then of the two remaining types, undoubtedly, liquefied gas wins, but the factor of investment in the construction of additional structures interferes:

  1. For diesel fuel you need a separate room and a container of 2 - 3 cubic meters. m. for storage of stock, all this will cost an additional 25 - 30 thousand rubles.
  2. When using LPG, the boiler can be installed in the kitchen, but a special tank is required, the construction of which will take no less than at 200 thousand rubles. True, by cooperating with neighbors, you can significantly reduce capital costs by installing one tank for several houses.

The big disadvantage is the distance from the organization that supplies liquefied gas; if it is more than 100 km, then the price of fuel increases, and you have to increase the capacity to reduce the number of refills. Sometimes used for heating bottled gas. If your dacha is small, mainly used in summer, but occasionally visited in winter, a liquefied gas boiler is very convenient.

In case of not very severe frosts, for heating a house of 50 square meters. m. for 3 days one 40 liter cylinder is enough. Gas costs are higher by 20−30% and there should be antifreeze in the heating system, but there is no need for an expensive reservoir. You can connect cylinders into a group; the rules allow up to 15 pieces. V closed metal cabinet, True, this scheme is used in houses for gas stoves and speakers, but nothing prevents it from being used for heating.

How to choose a gas boiler and not make a mistake

The main criterion is power. In the boiler passport, and often in the name itself, it is indicated in kW. Often indicated heated area in sq. m., usually its value is 9-10 times greater. For example, AOGV-11.3 with a power of 11.3 kW is designed for heating a building in 100 sq. m. But this is not entirely correct. The boiler will heat such an area, but if there is severe frost for 2 - 3 weeks in a row, the house will very cold.

It is better to install a boiler with a reserve, especially since in a few years you will want to add warm garage or heat the attic. But most the best way there will be an appeal to specialists.

Any house is built according to a project, but sometimes in a standard project no heating provided, and installation of boilers, tanks and gas supply pipes is not possible without a project. Pass the data from it to heating designers, the amount of heat load required to heat the house or the hourly heat load, and you will soon receive the necessary criteria for choosing a boiler. Now all that remains is to go shopping and choose between price and appearance. Let's look at the price ranges for some floor-standing boilers running on liquefied gas:

  • AOGV-29.3 ZhMZ Zhukovsky - power 29.3 kW, price 23,000 tr.
  • RB -257 RMF Japan - power 29.1 kW, price 42,000 rub.
  • CNG -35 Germany - - power 34.9 kW, price 64,000 rub.

Features of operation

In conclusion, I would like to dwell on features of LPG operation. A mixture of propane and butane is flammable, and their mixture with air is explosive. In case of leaks, the gas does not escape into the ventilation and vents like methane, and since it is heavier than air, it accumulates on the floor of the premises, so liquefied gas boilers cannot be installed in basements and semi-basements.

It is prohibited to locate an underground LPG storage tank closer than 10 m from houses, and in our small areas this is a problem, since the distance between houses along the street is often less than 20 m.

When burying a gas tank, and this is necessary to avoid condensate freezing, in the depths of the territory there are difficulties with the passage of a refueling vehicle to it. The list of various requirements for the construction and operation of such a tank or group cylinder installation is huge, just listing the names regulatory documents will take up a whole page, so design and installation are permitted exclusively specialized organizations, and then, before starting the gas, it is necessary to conclude a maintenance agreement. It can be arranged with the LPG supplier or with the nearest company servicing gas pipelines.

Wall boilers They are produced mainly with a hot water supply circuit - so-called double-circuit boilers, but their price is usually much higher. In this case, it may be better to install it in the kitchen geyser, especially since if such a boiler fails, you will be left without heat and without hot water.