Scenario of the competition thematic program for the day of memory of A. Pushkin “In the footsteps of a fairy tale”

for children of senior preschool age

Target: Introduce children to the work of A.S. Pushkin.
Tasks: repeat and consolidate children’s knowledge of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, interesting fragments. Correctly and clearly answer the questions posed, activate your vocabulary. Develop children's speech, the ability to listen carefully to adults. To cultivate love and respect for Russian writers, composers, interest in fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.
Integration of educational areas: “cognition”, “music”, “communication”, “socialization”, “physical culture”.
Equipment: portrait of A. S. Pushkin; cards with questions, a cartoon based on Pushkin's fairy tales, an exhibition of books by A.S. Pushkin, objects from fairy tales (mirror, apple, toys moon, sun), casket, disc with music by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, puppet theater, easels. Children's costumes of heroes, oriental beauty.
Preliminary work:
Implementation of project activities "Lukomorye".

Leisure activities:
(Children enter the hall to the music “Visiting a Fairy Tale.”)

Educator: Hello guys, today I invite you to the wonderful world of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin - “Deeds of bygone days, deep legends of antiquity.” (The children enter the hall in a trickle.)

Educator: the fairy-tale world is great and varied.

All the heroes of these fairy tales
We all know without clues
Tsar Saltan and Chernomor
Pop, Balda and Tsar Guidon
Both Lyudmila and Ruslan
Who wrote these fairy tales? (A.S. Pushkin)

Educator: correct! All these fairy tales were written by the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

Children read the poem “At Lukomorye”
Meowing is heard behind the door. A cat appears from behind the door.

Cat: Hello my friends! The scientist cat is me. I am friends with fairy tales, I myself come to children!
Educator: You are welcome to visit!
Educator: where is your golden chain?
Cat: when I go to visit the children, I ask the brown wolf and the mermaid to guard her.
Educator: dear cat, first, for the sake of order, guess our riddle. Are you ready? Attention!

(Staging of a fragment of “The Tale of the Goldfish” using a toy theater.)

Educator: an old man lived with his old woman
By the bluest sea;
Once he threw a net into the sea,
A net came with one fish,
With a difficult fish - gold.

Fish: “Old man, let me go to sea!
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself:
I'll buy you anything you want."

Grandfather: “God be with you, goldfish!
I don’t need your ransom;
Go to the blue sea,
Walk there in the open space."

Educator: The old man returned to the old woman,
He told her a great miracle.
The old woman scolded the old man:

Old woman: “You fool, you simpleton!
You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish!
If only you could take the trough from her,
Ours is completely split."

Cat: this fairy tale is familiar to me. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish." The old woman was both a peasant and a noblewoman, but the matter ended with the same trough, only not a new one, but an old, broken one. Well done! Thank you, you were real artists.
Educator: Kitty, look, the fish has tasks on its scales. Let's all stand in a circle together and play the game "Fish's Secrets."
Fish questions:
1. How many years did the old man and the old woman live (30 years and 3 years)
2. Where did they live? (near the bluest sea)
3. What did the old man use to catch fish? (seine)
4. How many times did the old man throw the net? (3 times)
5. What did the old man catch for the first time? (mud)
6. What did you catch the second time? (sea grass)
7. What is the old woman’s first wish? (trough)
8. What did the old woman call the old man in anger? (you fool, simpleton)
9. The old man is kind, and the old woman...(evil)
10. The old woman is obstinate, and the old man... (submissive)
11. What did the old man call the goldfish? (empress fish)

Educator: Well done guys and you are a cat.
Cat: I have a more difficult riddle for you. We close our eyes and repeat the spell:
“We know Pushkin’s fairy tales, we love them very much and we read them. We want to get into a fairy tale. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Karabarim!”
(Demonstrates a magic casket.)

There is a casket, and there are objects in it.
I’ll get them, and you can name them!
Game “Guess which fairy tale the objects are from”
The cat takes out all the objects (apple, mirror, moon, sun, wind). My question is very simple: What is the name of that fairy tale? (The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights).
Questions for children:

  • What do they say about an apple? (reading passage)
  • What words does the queen use to address the magic mirror? (reading passage)
  • Who did Prince Yelesey turn to when he was looking for a princess-bride?

(to the sun, moon). Everyone turns to the wind together (wind sounds are heard).
My chest is empty. this is the end of the game.
Educator: thank you, cat. It's our turn to ask you a riddle. Turn around one, two, three, a new fairy tale begins.
Oriental dance of the Shamakhan queen (performed by a kindergarten graduate)
Cat: this is the Shamakhan queen from the fairy tale “The Golden Cockerel”. And the music is so beautiful.
Educator: guys, please tell me what to call the person who composes music? (composer)
I invite everyone to listen to a piece of music. (excerpt from the play “Flight of the Bumblebee” sounds)
What does music remind you of? Who wrote it? From what fairy tale? (The Tale of Tsar Saltan). Depict how a bumblebee flew.

“The prince turned into a bumblebee
It flew and buzzed.
I caught up with the ship at sea.
Slowly sank
Hidden into the stern and into the crack.”

Cat: Well done! You know, guys, in the magical land of Lukomorye, sometimes different miracles happen. There was a commotion in the clearing of fairy tales and all the fairy tales got mixed up. We need to restore order, and for this we will go along an unknown path, but in order to walk along it we need to remember Pushkin’s fairy tales.
Educator: I’ll start a fairy tale.
Cat: and we will continue.
The cat (trying to follow the path, but fails) and the teacher help by reading excerpts from fairy tales, and the children add phrases.
Game “There on Unknown Paths”
The king and queen said goodbye
Prepared for the journey,
And the queen at the window

And Balda said reproachfully:

She was given as a dowry
It had the property of a mirror;

An old man lived with his old woman
They lived in a dilapidated dugout

The wind blows across the sea

Squirrel sings songs
And nuts are not simple,

Educator: Well done, guys!
Cat: here is the clearing of fairy tales.
Educator: in front of you are large saucers (drawn on whatman paper), on which a magic apple rolled, but there are no fairy tales on them. Let's all return fairy tales to their original place (children select characters based on fairy tales). I call them together with the cat. They take their seats.
Teacher addressing the cat:

We know Pushkin's tales
We love it very much and read it
We even learn by heart.
Our Russian spirit lives in them.

Poem "Bogatyrs"(children read)
Wide are you Rus' across the face of the earth
Unfolded in royal beauty!
Don’t you have heroic powers, holy antiquities, great feats?
There is a reason, mighty Rus', to love you, to call you mother,
Stand up for your honor against your enemy
I need to lay down my head for you in need.

Cat: now I know for sure that you know and love the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.
This is Pushkin. It's a miracle.
It's a delight without end.
It will always be in our lives
These fairy tales' voices.

Well guys, all good things come to an end. So our meeting with Pushkin's fairy tales has come to an end. Let's say goodbye to the guests and together with the scientist cat and go through the magic gate to our group.

Goals and objectives:
To introduce students to the world of poetry by A.S. Pushkin, teach to understand its significance for Russia, be proud of Pushkin, be surprised by him, read, memorize, realize that “Pushkin is our everything...”
Through Pushkin's lyrics, teach how to convey a living thought to listeners in heartfelt images, influence the mind and feelings of the audience, be understandable, impressive, and convincing.
To cultivate moral, aesthetic, patriotic feelings; to form cognitive interest and love for the beautiful, the eternal; develop students' creative activity.

Portrait of A.S. Pushkin;
Book exhibition;
Audio recording of G. Sviridov's romance for the film "Blizzard".

Progress of the event:

Teacher: Pushkin... It is probably difficult to find a person who does not know this name. Pushkin enters our lives in childhood and remains with us until the end. Everyone finds something of their own in him, perhaps close and understandable only to him. For some, Pushkin is a teacher who helps them walk along the difficult path of life, others look for answers to numerous questions in his works, and others see in him just a friend to whom they can tell the innermost secrets of their soul. After all, the poet will never push away. On the contrary, he will give advice, so simple and understandable, or say a few kind words, which are so few in our lives.

Every age has its own Pushkin. From an early age we read fairy tales, learn to distinguish good from evil and cruelty. Don’t we ask the princess not to eat the poisonous apple, although we know that she will eat it anyway and fall asleep for many years? Don't we marvel at the greed of the old woman who demanded the goldfish's wealth? A little later we will pick up Pushkin’s beautiful poems, filled with tenderness and love. By reading the stories, we learn Russian history. Returning to his works, we will always discover a new Pushkin.

What was this man like who managed to win the hearts of many generations? (Slide 2)

1st student: In the evening, May 26 (June 6), 1799, the sun set, not knowing that he had a rival. The gold of dawn glittered in the window panes, and the nettles heated by the heat of the day smelled spicy in the vacant lots. And in the light twilight, a young and gentle aroma flowed along the streets. Birch trees were blooming. And suddenly bells began to ring all over Moscow. They thundered at the Neglinny and Pokrovsky gates, on Arbat, on Tverskaya, and in Kitay-Gorod. It was a red holiday bell. A boy was born into the Pushkin family - the future sun of Russian poetry. Muscovites ran out into the streets, threw their caps into the air and shouted “Hurray!” True, these screams and the ringing of bells had nothing to do with the boy. In Moscow they received news of the birth of the granddaughter of Emperor Paul 1. But it is still pleasant that the day when the Russian genius was born was celebrated so festively. (Slide 3.)

Our holiday is dedicated to A.S. Pushkin. We will talk about him, about those who communicated with him, we will walk the roads of his life and work.

Presentation of the participants of the holiday

Jury presentation

1 competition “In the world of dates” (Slide 4)

Participants receive task cards. They give written answers and hand them over to the jury.
October 19, 1811 - how is this date connected with the biography of A.S. Pushkin? (Opening day of the Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo).
1820-1824 - what period was this in the poet’s life? (Southern link).
Remember the first poem of this period (Elegy “The Daylight Has Gone Out”).
“I remember a wonderful moment.” In what year was this poem written? (1825) Where does the poet live at this time, why? (Mikhailovskoe, 2 link).
1833 Autumn. Why is this time significant for the poet? (Boldino autumn is a fruitful period: “The Bronze Horseman”, “The Queen of Spades”, “The History of Pugachev”, “Autumn”).
1837 - how is this date connected with the name of Pushkin? (Was born).

2 competition “Name the work” (Slide 5)

Teacher: I name a letter of the alphabet - you answer with the name of Pushkin’s work for this letter

A – “Anchar”, “Angel”, “Arion”...

B – “Bakhchisarai Fountain”, “Demons”...

B – “Liberty”...

G - “Gavriliad”.

D - “To Friends”, “House in Kolomna”.

E - “His poems are captivatingly sweet.”

F – “Groom”, “Desire for Glory”.

Z – “Winter”, “Winter morning”.

And - “Foreigner”.

K - “Caucasus”, “Dagger”, “To the Sea”.

L - “Licinia”.

M – “Bronze Horseman”.

N – “Nanny”, “Night”.

O – “Autumn”.

P – “Poltava”.

R - “Ruslan and Lyudmila.”

C – “The Tale of...”

T – “Cloud”, “Talisman”.

U - “Prisoner”.

F – “Fountain of the Bakhchisarai Palace”, etc.

3 competition “Historical page” (Slides 6-7)

1. Lyceum is a privileged educational institution. In applying for and admitting his son there, A.S. Pushkin’s father had to provide confirmation of the boy’s origins from an ancient noble family. Who can be considered the lyceum mentor A.S. Pushkin?

1. Professor Koshansky. +

2. Professor Kunitsin. +

3. Professor Galich.+

2. How many poems did Pushkin write during his years at the Lyceum?

3. What modern newspaper was published by A.S. Pushkin?

1. “Legal Bulletin”.

2. “Economic newspaper”, “Arguments and facts”.

3. “Literary newspaper.”+

4. Pushkin was the first connoisseur of this writer’s works, his advisor, and even gave this man the plots for 2 wonderful works that you all know? To whom and what works?

(Gogol; “The Inspector General” and “Dead Souls”).

5. In what works did A.S. Pushkin portray Peter 1?

(“Poltava”, “Bronze Horseman”, “Arap of Peter the Great”).

6. Which Pushkin work is based on a chronicle story? (“Song of the Prophetic Oleg”)

7. “My first friend, my priceless friend” - which friend is this poem dedicated to?

1. Anton Delvig

2. Ivan Pushchin +

3. Wilhelm Kuchelbecker

8. Three geographical names are associated with the name of the great poet. These are the Pushkin family estates. Is there a mistake here?

1. Boldino

2. Mikhailovskoe

3. Linen plant +

4th competition “Music station” (Slide 8)

Teacher: More than 1000 composers turned to the work of A.S. Pushkin. These are Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Mussorgsky, Borodin, Rimsky - Korsakov, Rachmaninov, Shostakovich...

About 500 works of the great Russian poet formed the basis for more than 3,000 musical works. These are operas, ballets, oratorios, cantatas... Over 2000 romances! Finally, this is music for plays, films, television and radio programs.

The main reason here is, first of all, the lyricism of Pushkin’s lines, their musicality, melodiousness...

a) There is one work where Pushkin addresses music directly. This is a reflection on talent and craft, envy and pride, gullibility and betrayal...

-What kind of work is this? Genre?

(Tragedy “Mozart and Salieri”)

b) Against the background of music.

— What work is this music dedicated to?

— Who is the composer?

(Music by G. Sviridov for the story “Blizzard”)

- Genre of the work?

1. Story

3. Tale

- Where is it written?


3. Mikhailovskoe

— A character talking about what happened in the church on a blizzard night?

1. Marya Gavrilovna


Talking about parents who agreed to their daughter’s marriage to a “poor army ensign,” the author cites a proverb. Which one:

1. ‘’Money doesn’t buy happiness’’.

2. ''Money is a gainful business''.

3. “Poverty is not a vice.”

c) Which composer wrote music for operas based on the works of A.S. Pushkin?

- “Boris Godunov”? (Mussorgsky)

— “Ruslan and Lyudmila”? (M. Glinka)

- “Eugene Onegin”? (P. Tchaikovsky)

- “Queen of Spades”? (P. Tchaikovsky)

- “Mazeppa”? (P. Tchaikovsky)

— “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (N. Rimsky-Korsakov)

— “Golden Cockerel”? (N. Rimsky-Korsakov)

- “Mozart and Salieri”? (N. Rimsky-Korsakov)

— “Mermaid” (A. Dargomyzhsky)

5th competition “Literary Quiz” (Slides 9-10)

1) From which work are these lines:

“Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak,
Golden chain on that oak tree”… “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

2) Which literary character could not distinguish an iambic from a trochee? Evgeny Onegin.

3) Which Pushkin poem and poem have the same name? “Gypsies.”

4) “Friend of my harsh days”

—Who is this line dedicated to?

Arina Rodionovna.

5) Among the titles of lyric poems, one does not belong to Pushkin. Which?

1. “Winter morning.”

2. “The Enchantress in Winter.” /F.I. Tyutchev/

3. “Winter evening.”

6) “Our first university.”

— Who did A.S. Pushkin speak so highly of? About Lomonosov

7) Where do these lines come from:

Moscow... so much in this sound
For the Russian heart it has merged!
How much resonated with him! “Eugene Onegin”, chapter 7

8) Poetic stanza created by Pushkin? Onegin stanza

9) Do you know the heroes of Pushkin’s works? Which of them:
“Haircut in the latest fashion, dressed like a London dandy”? (Onegin)
“Wild, sad, silent, like a forest deer, timid”? (Tatiana)
“A handsome man in full bloom, a fan of Kant and a poet”? (Lensky)
“For about forty years he was quarreling with the housekeeper, looking out the window and squashing flies”? (Onegin's uncle)
Did you make a snake out of a map? (Peter Grinev, story “The Captain's Daughter”)
Did you get lost in the field before your wedding? (Vladimir, story “Blizzard”)
Kidnapped on your wedding day? (Lyudmila, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)
Did you dress up in a peasant dress when you went on a date? (Lisa, story “The Young Lady-Peasant”)

10) What was the name of Tatyana’s nanny? Filipevna

6th competition “Based on Pushkin’s fairy tales” (Slide 11 - 12)

Teacher: A fairy tale is often filled with various miracles: a worker punishes his master, a king overhears a conversation between three sisters, a young prince kills a villain, a queen and her son listen to an amazing story of merchants... All this is very interesting! Our next competition. Let's remember your favorite fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. So, let's open the door to the wonderful world of fairy tales...

What words did the queen use to address the magic mirror?

- My light, mirror! Tell,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter...

What did the cockerel cry while sitting on the knitting needle?

- Kiri-ku-ku! Reign while lying on your side!

While paying Balda, the priest offered his forehead. What did Balda say reproachfully?

- Don't chase after cheap prices, priest!

What words does “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” begin with?

An old man lived with his old woman

By the bluest sea...

What words did the old man say to the goldfish?

- Have mercy, lady fish!

As A.S. begins Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"?

— Three girls under the window

Spinning late in the evening...

What words end with the fairy tales “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?

I was there, honey, drank beer -

And he just wet his mustache.

What are the words with which Pushkin ends “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel?”

The fairy tale is a lie, but not a hint!

A lesson to good fellows.

Summing up. Awarding the winners.

Teacher: A.S. Pushkin has long entered the lives and hearts of people of all ages. As soon as the baby begins to understand human speech, “There is a green oak tree by the Lukomorye” enters his consciousness like a magic spell.

Pushkin's poetry belongs to the ever-living and moving phenomena that continue to develop in the consciousness of society. Pushkin is always ours.

A.S. Pushkin is the best thing in each of us - kindness and talent, courage and simplicity, loyalty in friendship and boundlessness in love. (Slide 13)

He raised any of the human feelings - sadness and anger, sadness and joy, love and friendship - to the highest points in his poetry.

And we will see this today.

See you again! (Slide 14)

The work of the great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is known all over the world. This most talented person united nationalities, years, temperaments, and religions with his works. Every person in our country knows by heart at least one line of his brilliant poems. June 6 is Pushkin Day in Russia. Events, concerts, seminars, theatrical performances are held in every city of our Motherland!

Little genius

On June 6, 1799, a boy, Sasha, was born in Moscow! He grew up sickly, but during his short life he wrote many literary masterpieces. In conversation, Russians often quote lines from his works, which are forever etched in their memory. Pushkinsky received official status in 2000 according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. This date is also called Russian Language Day. Festive events and meetings of aspiring poets and writers are held in schools, libraries and universities. Such an event emphasizes the need to know one's mother tongue perfectly. The Russian language is the national heritage of our people, part of the cultural and spiritual development of citizens.

Favorite fairy tales

Many children know Pushkin's fairy tales by heart. The light style and interesting plots capture and amaze the imagination. How subtly and with humor he noticed serious moments and truths. Winged expressions from Pushkin’s works can be heard even from the lips of foreigners.

In each city, the Pushkin holiday is celebrated depending on the age category of those present. Children's institutions organize wonderful performances of fairy tales. Children learn their roles with trepidation and diligence, prepare costumes together with their parents and wait for the day of the performance. Fairy tales are remade in a modern way, but the meaning and moral remain the same. The production of fragments from several fairy tales is well suited for the perception of schoolchildren. The guys will feel like real actors, and the audience will be completely delighted.

Unknown paths

Pushkin Day in Russia - for every schoolchild. Children take part in the festive concert with pleasure and show off their talents. It is better for the host to start the event. He will briefly tell you about the history of this holiday and announce that some old woman came to visit them!

Children show a fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish. Her words can be shortened to ten minutes. You can make the scenery and costumes yourself. For the role of the goldfish, you should choose a smart first grader who can learn his role by heart. After the presentation, the presenter will say that this fairy tale was not chosen in vain. Children all over the planet know it, read it several times, and still can’t get tired of it.

You can end on a lyrical note; the presenter will read the final poem. Pushkin Day in Russia will be so interesting and fun. The scenario is very simple, but the concert will be soulful and warm, because the work of the great poet evokes a storm of emotions.

The poet's pen is missing,

Two hundred years have passed,

His soul is with us all the time,

Our poet is with us today.

A high school student dressed as Alexander Sergeevich appears on stage. He reads the poet’s poem, bows and leaves.

Love books

With the advent of computers and all kinds of gadgets, library attendance has decreased somewhat. But children and adults still want to pick up a real printed book and plunge into the world of adventure. June 6 - Pushkin Day of Russia is celebrated in the library with pleasure and scope. There are several different events taking place every day. The staff introduces the kids to Pushkin’s biography. They talk about his difficult life path, childhood, creativity and tragic death.

Older children also enjoy coming to the library on this day. They share their impressions of the works they read, read out their first poems and prose.

Librarians create beautiful book displays to attract children to read. After all, a book is a storehouse of knowledge.

Fun and learning

On Pushkin Day in Russia, the library opens its doors to groups of children's camps and kindergartens. Librarians escort Alexander Sergeevich and present prizes to the children. Some institutions prepare theatrical performances, excerpts from the poet’s biography, and invite parents to the premiere!

Some branches hold a role-based reading day. This is a very fun activity that children of all ages enjoy. The children read fairy tales with expression and take books home to once again plunge into this world of magic! This is how Pushkin Day in Russia is celebrated in the country’s libraries in an unusual way. The employees try to instill a love for the works of classics and the most talented Russian poets and writers!

Evening meeting with poetry

Pushkin's work is appreciated and loved by people of all ages. Adults consciously reread some works familiar from childhood and again receive indescribable pleasure. For such fans and connoisseurs of Alexander Sergeevich’s talent, events are held on Pushkin Day in Russia. The scenario for adults looks more serious: a lot of interesting information, rare works, reading aloud poems by novice authors.

You can start the evening with an interesting story about the further fate of the children of the legendary poet. After all, little is known about them. And true fans of Pushkin’s work will be happy to hear how the fate of the daughters and sons of a talented man turned out.

Favorite nanny

Everyone knows the name - Arina Rodionovna. This selfless, kind woman raised little Alexander, was his support, friend and even muse! At a festive evening, you should definitely read poems dedicated to her. After all, without her care, guardianship, and support, Pushkin could not have become such a bright personality. Arina Rodionovna invested everything in the boy, as if in her own child. She took him to city performances, to the market, to fairs, and went out into nature with him, instilling a love for all living things. The correct upbringing and development of the boy has borne fruit! Pushkin loved everything Russian, dear to his heart, to the depths of his soul. At the end of the holiday, you can perform a Russian folk song.

Family meetings

At your school or library, you can organize a family competition “In the Footsteps of a Genius.” Timed to coincide with Pushkin Day, the competition will consist of several stages: a quiz, a performance, a poetry reading, and a letter to the poet. Several families will prepare in advance and enter into an equal battle of intellects.

The best prize is a good edition of Pushkin's fairy tales, a collection of poems.

Such events are useful for children and parents, it will unite them and show children the greatness of Russian culture!

Educational summer event. Scenario

Scenario “There, on unknown paths...”

Radio announcer's text:

Poet's birthday

Marks the whole world

After all, more famous than Pushkin,

There is no one in the world!

The phonogram “Dedication” by R. Schumann is played.

Two presenters come out. The text sounds against the background of music.

Presenter 1.

Every time June comes to people,

The awakened juices knit the fruit ovary,

We, with curls like flax and gray hair like a harrier,

We whisper again the forgotten prophetic lines.

I caught them falling from my mother's lips,

And forever immersed in their multicolor.

Presenter 2.

I have known Pushkin since I was a small child,

My mother read his poems as a child.

About the fact that he is the best poet,

It seems to me that she knew it from the cradle.

Presenter 1. Yes, we meet him in childhood. We don’t know how to read yet, we’re just listening. We listen to his fairy tales and poems. And it enchants for life: “An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea...” Or: “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree...”

Presenter 2. We are growing up. We become schoolchildren. And a new Pushkin comes to us. The author of wonderful poems about the Motherland, about the desired freedom, about friendship, about nature...

Presenter 1. 170 years ago a fatal shot rang out on the Black River. The poet died. But the echo of this shot still resonates with unceasing pain in the hearts of millions of people.

Presenter 2. Pushkin is still with us, in the soul of each of us, and his amazing lines, boundless love for the Fatherland, faith in goodness, beauty and justice live on.

Presenter 1.

The entire Fatherland is in festive bloom,

Like a song, the spring light flows.

Hello, Pushkin!

Hello, kind genius!

Together. Happy birthday, dear poet.

Cheerful music is playing, buffoons are running around the hall.

Buffoon 1.

Good people!

Get ready quickly

Make yourself comfortable.

Buffoon 2.

Let's start the fun show

With a mischievous song, and a daring dance.

The buffoons are dancing.

Buffoon 3.

The floorboard is creaking about something,

And the knitting needle can’t sleep again.

Sitting on the bed pillows,

Ears are already pricked up.

Buffoon 1.

And immediately the faces change,

Sounds and colors change

Buffoon 2.

The floorboard creaks softly,

All. Today a fairy tale is coming to us.

Magic music sounds and a fairy tale comes out.

Fairy tale. Well done! Beautiful girls! Welcome to Pushkin's land of fairy tales.

There on unknown paths

Traces of unprecedented animals;

There's a hut there on chicken legs

It stands without windows, without doors;

There the forest and valley are full of visions;

There the waves will rush in at dawn

The beach is sandy and empty,

And thirty beautiful knights

From time to time clear waters emerge,

And their sea uncle is with them;

Buffoon 1.

The prince is there in passing

Captivates the formidable king;

Buffoon 2.

There in the clouds in front of the people

Through the forests, across the seas

The sorcerer carries the hero;

Buffoon 3.

In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,

And the brown wolf serves her faithfully;

Buffoon 4.

There is a stupa with Baba Yaga

She walks and wanders by herself;

Fairy tale. There, King Kashchei is wasting away over gold;

Together. There's a Russian spirit... it smells like Russia!

Fairy tale.

A green oak is visible by the sea;

A scientist cat sits under him and

He tells us his tales.

A ballroom dance ensemble dances against the background of the text.

Fairy tale. To get to the land of fairy tales, you need to overcome many obstacles.


But before...

Buffoon 1.

Get into a fairy tale

We must know in advance

Buffoon 2.

Who loves fairy tales

Buffoon 3.

Who knows?

Buffoon 4.

He will guess all the heroes.

Fanfare sounds.


Now the parade will begin here,

They'll come out to us today in a whole formation

Those with whom you are always glad to meet -

All. Your favorite heroes.

The sound of the sea, the splash of waves. An old man appears. An old woman sits by a broken trough.

Old man.

I caught a fish today

Goldfish, not an ordinary one;

In our opinion, the fish spoke,

I asked to go home to the blue sea,

I bought whatever I wanted,

I did not dare take ransom from her;

So he let her into the blue sea.

Old woman.

You fool, you simpleton!

You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish!

If only you could take the trough from her,

Ours is completely split.

They froze.

Buffoons. Guys! What fairy tale are these characters from?

Children answer the question.

Old man. Now tell me, how many years did the old woman and I live by the blue sea? (30 years and 3 years.)

Old woman. With what words did I scold the old man in this fairy tale? You're a fool, you simpleton.)

Old man. How many times have I cast a net into the sea? (3 times.)

Old woman. Who did I want to turn into in this fairy tale? (Into a pillar noblewoman, a free queen, a mistress of the sea.)

Old man. You know perfectly well what kind of fairy tale we come from.

Old woman. We end this block with a merry dance.

Dance of the old woman and the old man.

A cheerful melody sounds. The queen walks and approaches the mirror.

Queen(sitting in front of the mirror).

My light, mirror! Tell

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

Mirror(recorded with music in the background).

You, of course, no doubt;

You, queen, are the sweetest of all,

All blush and whiter...

But the princess is the sweetest of all,

All blush and whiter.


Oh, you vile glass!

You're lying to spite me.

How can she compete with me?

I'll calm her down...

But tell me how you can

Be nicer to me in everything?

Admit it: I am more beautiful than everyone else.

Go around our entire kingdom,

Even the whole world; I have no equal. Is it so?

Buffoons. Whose portrait did you just see?

(Answers from the guys.)

Tell the truth, young lady,

There really was a queen:

Tall, slender, white,

And I took it with my mind and with everything;

But proud, brittle,

Willful and jealous.

What poisoned the princess? (Apple.)


Yes, I know I was wayward,

But, coming to this hall today,

I want the apples to serve

For your benefit, for your benefit.

Game "Who can collect the most apples"

Props: baskets, apples, headbands.


When picking apples, remember:

Eat them, children, both in winter and in summer.

Leaves. The buffoons run out.

Buffoon 1.

We want the music to ring,

Buffoon 2.

Well, get down to business,

Buffoon 3.

The mischievous accordions will sing,

Buffoon 4.

And with them painted spoons,

An amateur orchestra of camp spooners performs.

Music is playing. The prince appears.


I can't go to sleep

Sadness and melancholy eats me up;

People get married; I see

I'm the only one who's not married.

Buffoons. Who do you have in mind?