Coffee while breastfeeding. Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding?

The question is can I drink? coffee during lactation, almost all new mothers ask. A woman, being responsible not only for herself, but also for the baby, instinctively refuses the invigorating drink. In most cases, this is due to prejudice against caffeine. Facts and myths, as well as the peculiarities of using the product during a special period of a woman’s life, will be discussed in this review.

Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding?

Interesting! Caffeine is found in chocolate, cocoa, and tea. Green tea contains even more caffeine than an invigorating drink. However, its use is not contraindicated for guards.

Coffee during lactation: truth and myth

A cup of coffee is quite capable of raising blood pressure, influence the nervous system, activate mental and physical performance. The above information is scientifically proven facts. Next, it makes sense to “go through” the myths:

  1. Coffee should be replaced green tea. The component equivalent to caffeine in green tea is theine. This substance can also excite the nervous system and have approximately the same effects as caffeine. Conclusion: green tea is not the best substitute for coffee for a nursing mother.
  2. You may prefer coffee decaffeinated. This product does contain a small dose of caffeine. Such a drink is not capable of adversely affecting the formation process. nervous system baby. However, it contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol, which can later lead to complications for the baby.
  3. The child must be accustomed to “adult” food. The newborn's digestive system is imperfect - it is not prepared to digest and eliminate caffeine. You can teach a baby to eat from a common table only from the age of six months.
  4. One cup of drink a day won't hurt. Regular use of the product is addictive. By systematically drinking one or two cups of coffee a day, a woman runs the risk of developing a “caffeine” addiction in her baby.

How exactly does coffee affect a child's body?

Practice shows that caffeine can indeed negatively affect a child’s development. Among these adverse effects:

  • stimulation of the nervous system. The baby becomes capricious and whiny. His sleep is disturbed, his appetite disappears;
  • stimulation of an allergic reaction. It's about about the true allergen. If after a cup of an invigorating drink drunk by the mother, the baby develops a rash, constipation, and allergies are likely to develop;
  • diuretic effect. The child’s body may not have time to replenish moisture loss in a timely manner;
  • removal of useful components from the body, for example, calcium.

Attention! The above facts do not at all confirm a 100% probability of adverse reactions on the part of the child’s body. Everything is individual and depends on the health of the newborn.

The effect of caffeine on the feeding process

Women can avoid concerns regarding the effect of caffeine on lactation. The component does not affect the quantity and quality characteristics of breast milk if the new mother does not abuse it and prefers a quality product.

List of contraindications

Drinking coffee with gw indeed acceptable, however, in some cases even one cup of the drink is prohibited for a nursing mother. Among the absolute restrictions:

  • prematurity of the baby;
  • kidney diseases;
  • increased blood and eye pressure;
  • heart disease;
  • insomnia;
  • anemia.

Important! The consequences of drinking coffee under restrictions can cause significant harm to the health of the newborn: he may lag behind in physical or emotional development, gain weight and grow poorly, the child may begin to lose hair on his head and weaken his immune system.

How to choose a product for a nursing mother?

Freshly ground coarse beans contain the lowest concentration of caffeine. An order of magnitude more substance is contained in an industrially produced powder product.

Instant coffee is not an option for a nursing mother. This product is made from inexpensive varieties of coffee, and the likelihood of purchasing not ground beans, but freeze-dried powder in this case is very high. If this is the case, artificial caffeine is used to make instant coffee, the concentration of which is several times higher than the content of the component in natural coffee beans. The same applies to the famous coffee "3 in 1".

Not long ago, a “miracle” product appeared on the market - green coffee. We are talking about unroasted beans, which contain much more caffeine (theine) than heat-treated beans. This option will perfectly help out the “coffee lover”, but not the nursing mother.

Often mothers buy teas to increase lactation, however, their taste is not very pleasant. In this case, using green coffee will come in handy. It is only important to maintain the proportion: 1 part of the weakly brewed main component (for smell only) and 3 parts of tea to stimulate the production of breast milk.

Green coffee can only be drunk when the baby is six months old. This should be done immediately after morning feeding - the woman will have 4 hours left to remove the substance from the body. The daily dose of the product for mothers is 400 ml.

Excessive consumption of such a drink can lead to upset of the digestive system, increase acidity levels, and cause gastritis and ulcers.

Attention! It is important to purchase the product from a trusted manufacturer and always check the expiration date on the packaging.

Is there an alternative?

Many nursing mothers try to reduce the harmfulness of the drink by giving preference to various coffee substitutes. Below are the most popular alternatives:


This drink is free from a tonic alkaloid and is rich in many vitamins, macro- and microelements, and other useful components (potassium, iron, acids, tannins).

Chicory when breastfeeding You can drink it: it calms the nerves, restores work gastrointestinal tract, activates metabolic processes. However, not every nursing woman is allowed to use this product. The limitations include the following pathologies:

  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • varicose veins;
  • heart disease;
  • gallbladder pathology.

Drinking the drink can not only aggravate the course of the disease, but also harm the child. Warning signs include: sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, irritability, moodiness, and tearfulness of the baby.

Barley drink

The product stimulates the process of breast milk secretion. The main component of the drink is barley grains, rich in proteins, vegetable fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition, this coffee can help a woman fight pathologies of the kidneys and digestive organs.

You can buy this drink in powder form or prepare it yourself by drying and roasting the grains on the stove. Next, the product is ground in a coffee grinder, filled with water and infused.

Acorn coffee

Acorns are very useful fruits: they are rich in proteins, tannic acids, starch components, which help relieve puffiness, attenuation inflammatory processes, spastic reactions.

It's about the best alternative coffee in the case of breastfeeding women. The drink tones up and prevents the development of gastric and cardiac pathologies.

You can buy this product in a store or prepare it yourself. In the latter case, you have to collect acorns (in October-November), bake the fruits in the oven until pink, peel them, grind them using a coffee maker and boil them.

Coffee with added milk or cream

Since it is important for nursing mothers to consume as little caffeine as possible, you can dilute your cup of coffee with milk or cream. In addition to the fact that the product reduces the amount of the base component, it also saturates the body of the mother and child with calcium. If you choose between a black drink and coffee with milk, it is better for a young mother to give preference to the second option: it is gentler on the digestive system and does not irritate the stomach.

Attention! During the brewing process, it is important to really reduce the concentration of coffee. For example, to the usual 100 g of the component, add only 1/3 of a spoon (not the same 100 g) and add milk or cream. This option is truly less harmful.

Whether she should drink the black invigorating liquid or not, the woman must decide for herself. If a nursing mother decides not to give up coffee during breastfeeding, she is advised to adhere to several rules for drinking the drink:

  1. During the first 12 weeks of birth infant adapts to new foods. Drinking an invigorating liquid during this period is extremely undesirable.
  2. Mommy should only pamper herself with a cup of coffee in the morning, after feeding the baby. After 1.5 hours, the active ingredient reaches its maximum concentration in mother's milk. Until the next feeding, the alkaloid level will decrease.
  3. You shouldn't get carried away with coffee: experts recommend drinking no more than one small mug per week.
  4. Preference should be given to dishes minimum size: sometimes feeling the pleasant aroma of a drink is quite enough for a woman to satisfy her desire.
  5. Drink more to prevent dehydration clean water. The black liquid, drunk in any quantity, should be followed by a glass of drinking water.
  6. When you consume caffeine, calcium is washed out of your body. To compensate for the deficiency of the component, you should consume more dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, fat, cottage cheese, etc.).
  7. If a woman chooses an invigorating liquid, she should limit the consumption of products containing caffeine (chocolate, coffee, tea, etc.).
  8. To reduce the concentration of caffeine, you can not boil the drink, but brew it and let it brew.
  9. The product must be introduced into the female diet gradually, monitoring the condition of the newborn.

In this article you will find answers to the following questions: can a nursing mother have coffee, can a nursing mother have coffee with milk, when can she drink coffee when breastfeeding? Find out what is better - instant or grain, black or green, pure or with milk. Also, is a caffeine-free product really that harmless?

Coffee is one of the oldest drinks in the world. There are suggestions that it began to be used as a drink as early as the ninth century, but actual mentions of it came to us from the seventeenth century. Its homeland is considered to be Africa and, in particular, Ethiopia. Later it spread to Egypt and Yemen.

If a woman has given birth to a child and is breastfeeding, this does not mean that her diet now consists only of chicken breast and boiled buckwheat. If a mother often drank coffee before giving birth and is upset that her favorite drink will be prohibited during breastfeeding, there is good news. Let us remember that drinking coffee has:

  1. Invigorating effect. This is true for a young woman when the baby requires attention. Caffeine, a so-called alkaloid, helps cope with constant drowsiness associated with lack of sleep.
  2. The substances contained in it are help fight depression and improve mood. A problem that can affect any woman is postpartum depression, and regular consumption of an invigorating mixture during breastfeeding reduces this risk, or helps to get out of depression with minimal consequences.
  3. Its regular use also stimulates memory and reduces the risk of brain diseases. This is relevant for women with small children - so as not to simply forget that they need to turn off the porridge on the stove or start the wash.
  4. Reduces the amount of carcinogens in the blood. What not useful property? Firstly, the risk of getting cancer is significantly reduced with frequent, but not excessive, consumption of the drink. And secondly, due to the fact that the mother’s body is cleansed of harmful substances, the baby gets only the best from her. This is also facilitated by its diuretic property.
  5. In addition, with promotes more productive mental activity and reduces headaches.

5 CONS for mom and baby

5 factors why you should not consume in large quantities while breastfeeding:

There is no need to be afraid that a cup of coffee drunk by the mother will prevent the child from falling asleep during breastfeeding. Its effect on the central nervous system is minimal
  1. The alkaloid in grains is harmful to the child’s nervous system. Is this true? Let's say right away that no. It has some harmful effects on the baby, this fact is not subject to any doubt. This is due to the fact that it is not absorbed and is not excreted from the little person’s body. Therefore, this alkaloid accumulates in tissues. But the effect on the nervous system is minimal. There is no need to be afraid that the baby will be overexcited and suffer from nervous disorders in the future.
  2. “Invigorating mixture” removes calcium and vitamin C from tissues. This is bad even for healthy people, and especially for a nursing mother. Pregnancy, childbirth and feeding cause a colossal deficiency of calcium in the mother’s bone skeleton, and if it is further strengthened by regular excessive consumption of the product, then the situation can become critical.
  3. There is a myth that a child may become constipated. This is an individual reaction of a small organism, and not necessarily to this particular product. Constipation can be caused by nervous tension, lack of sleep, junk food mothers and others.
  4. The product is a strong allergen, and this is the honest truth. In infancy, all children are very susceptible to allergies and extremely negative reaction for coffee during breastfeeding.
  5. It is a strong diuretic, and because of this, there is a lack of water in the body. But this problem can be easily solved; it is enough to simply increase the volume of water consumption.

Standards for safe use

Is it possible for a nursing mother to drink coffee without harming her health? The answer is yes! There are situations when you can’t live without a “drink of vivacity,” and it’s better to drink it than to torture yourself.

For such cases, there are 5 techniques to ease the load on the baby’s body:

1 Express breast milk in advance, and if the baby asks for food, give it exactly. After time, the alkaloids will leave the body. But there is a possibility that the baby will not want to take the bottle, so you need to check this outcome in advance.

2 Do not boil freshly ground grains, but only brew them with boiling water– in this case, fewer alkaloids will get into the water, and the effect on the baby will be less negative.

3 Also add more cow's milk, its use allows you to neutralize excess harmful substances. But please note that before this you need to make sure that your baby does not have an allergic reaction to milk. Lactose allergy is one of the most common allergies in infancy. We tell you in detail whether you can drink milk while breastfeeding. Coffee with milk during breastfeeding in the absence of lactose allergy is very good decision.

4 In addition, you can use the following psychological technique. If you are used to drinking several glasses a day, and it is difficult for you to give up your usual norm - replace large cups with small ones. In this case, even if you drink several cups a day, it is extremely negative influence will not be observed.

5 Drink not very strongproduct exclusively of Arabica variety. The answer to the question “Can nursing mothers use instant coffee?” definitely negative. A real noble drink, prepared from good grains in compliance with all technologies, will not be very useful, but still will not have a negative impact on health, unlike instant drinks.

Decaffeinated coffee while breastfeeding

There is a fairly widespread belief that such a product is much safer than usual when breastfeeding. This fact is quite easy to refute.

Firstly, the content of alkaloids in such a drink is still present, but slightly less than in a regular drink.

Secondly, such drinking is completely useless, because due to the low content of stimulating substances, the necessary invigorating effect will not be provided. Therefore, it is best not to drink it at all.

Regular heavy coffee consumption increases the development of cholesterol plaques.

It is also quite common to believe that green tea is completely harmless. In this case, it’s rather the opposite. If coffee is not recommended during breastfeeding due to the fact that caffeine has a negative effect on the baby, then green tea contains no less of it, but on the contrary – much more. So it will be extremely difficult to achieve a lack of influence with this replacement.

Chicory is a golden alternative for those for whom the product is contraindicated

Chicory - very useful product and is an excellent grain replacement during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

An excellent coffee substitute is chicory. And in terms of usefulness it is far ahead

Why is it useful:

  • does not contain alkaloids, therefore will not have any negative effect on the baby’s health;
  • contains insulin, which controls the amount of sugar in the blood, which means it is useful for diabetics.
  • chicory also adds energy to the body, but it does so through B vitamins, which are beneficial to humans;
  • contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.

Green grains: benefit or harm

This type of grain contains several times less alkaloids, which means it can be assumed that it is less harmful than regular grains. The negative quality of the drink is that due to the effect of reducing appetite, there is a possibility that the child will not receive enough beneficial elements.

And besides, due to the hype for “fashionable” green grains, a large number of counterfeits are sold, which can cause irreparable harm to the baby’s immunity.

Nutrition practice for nursing mothers abroad

In no developed country is there any restriction on a mother’s nutrition after childbirth, much less the question “Can a nursing mother have coffee?”

For example, in a maternity hospital in the USA they can easily serve orange juice for breakfast. And no one believes that good nutrition can harm the baby. On the contrary, doctors are of the opinion that the mother’s body knows better what it needs for a speedy recovery after childbirth.

From the first day of the baby’s life, the mother is allowed to eat absolutely everything in small doses., but introduce food that may cause an allergy gradually so that in case of an undesirable reaction, the allergen can be quickly identified. Therefore, coffee while breastfeeding abroad is not at all uncommon, but rather even the norm.

It will also be useful to know about the dangers and benefits, as well as such a popular food product as.


Coffee is actually not as harmful a drink as it seems. If you use it correctly, then a nursing mother should not have any problems.

Chicory is a worthy replacement, but only if there is no allergic reaction to it. But if the product is made from green beans, caffeine-free or instant, then it is better to avoid it. So the answer to the question “Is it okay to have coffee while breastfeeding?” – you can, but wisely!

What kind of nutrition should a nursing mother have, says Dr. Komarovsky:

The birth of a baby and breastfeeding impose certain obligations on a woman. We have to reconsider the regime, give up friendly gatherings with any alcohol, forget about sweet carbonated drinks with dyes and artificial flavors, and the diet of a nursing mother is significantly different from her prenatal diet. But what about a cup of invigorating coffee in the morning? Is it really possible that the young mother, who does not get enough sleep and often just collapses from fatigue, will also have to give up on her?

Not everything is so bad: there is no clear ban on coffee during gw. Although you still have to be careful. How and why? Let's start to figure it out.

The benefits and harms of coffee drinks, their role in nutrition during breastfeeding

“Ban on everything” is a convenient tactic for outsiders, used quite actively by pediatricians in the past. And in such a situation, when the young mother was afraid of every product, the question of whether coffee was ok while breastfeeding or whether it was better to abstain was considered almost seditious.

Fortunately, today doctors are much more accepting of this issue. And this is quite justified, because in fact, a coffee drink can bring a lot of benefits. In addition to the fact that the presence of tannins in it has an invigorating effect, helps to gather strength, tones and awakens, coffee beans contain:

Plus, it's simply delicious. And coffee with milk during breastfeeding can also reduce appetite, an increase in which during the period of lactation often leads to unconscious overeating.

However, coffee can be harmful to a breastfed baby, especially if the mother drinks it in large quantities, such as 5-7 cups per day. Therefore, the optimal dose, according to various experts, should not exceed 1-3 servings.

Komarovsky demonstrates a confident and adequate position in relation to coffee during breastfeeding. He recommends giving up this drink completely in just three cases:

  • if your baby has an allergy to “coffee” milk. We will discuss this condition in more detail below;
  • if after feeding the baby becomes overly excited, sleeps poorly, cries and worries. Caffeine is not effectively eliminated from the child's body infancy, therefore, accumulating, can cause a negative response from the nervous system;
  • If the mother or child is prescribed the drug euphyllin as part of pulmonary therapy, caffeine enhances its effect on the body.

If the above is not observed, the decision about whether coffee can be drunk while breastfeeding is made by the breastfeeding woman herself.

Which coffee is better to choose and what precautions to take?

Natural, of course. Bean or ground, by and large, does not matter, although you need to understand that the strength of freshly ground coffee will be higher than that which was ground a long time ago. If you need to reduce this strength, it is recommended not to brew the mixture in a Turk or coffee machine, but simply pour boiling water directly into the cup. You can then strain.

But instant drinks, various variations of “three in one”, as well as decaffeinated coffee are not recommended during breastfeeding: the raw materials used for their production are not the best, in addition, the technology involves the use of chemical processing, which does not have the best effect on child's health. By the way, decaffeinated drinks still contain caffeine, albeit in smaller quantities.

You should not savor your favorite drink in coffee shops, cafes and restaurants - there is a risk of consuming a drink made from low-grade raw materials. It is best to buy and prepare coffee with your own hands, controlling its quality and strength.

The following actions will help partially neutralize the effects of coffee on the body of mother and baby:

  • It is best to enjoy your favorite drink immediately after feeding - this way most of the caffeine will have time to leave the body before the child’s next meal;
  • Since coffee has a diuretic effect, and calcium is washed out with the liquid, it is advisable to introduce more into the diet of a nursing mother. fermented milk products, as well as clean water. Ideally, each cup of coffee should be offset by a glass of neutral liquid;
  • when choosing a coffee blend, it is better to prefer the more aromatic and at the same time less intense Arabica to strong robusta;
  • When planning meals for a nursing mother, it is worth excluding or at least minimizing other caffeine-containing products from the menu - chocolate, cocoa, black and green tea, and, of course, cola and Pepsi.

A baby is allergic to coffee: does it happen?

This type of allergy exists in both adults and breastfed infants. According to experts, it is caused by chlorogenic acid contained in coffee beans.

An allergic reaction to this component in an infant can be expressed in skin rash, shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing, bloating, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, incessant hiccups, and especially difficult cases– tachycardia and severe chills.

Appearance similar symptoms- a signal that nutrition during breastfeeding should be reviewed and adjusted. If it is clearly proven that the baby’s body reacted specifically to coffee, it will have to be excluded from the diet completely, replacing it, for example, with strong tea, which does not contain the allergy-provoking substance.

In addition, if the baby is allergic to chlorogenic acid, other products containing it will have to be removed from the diet of a nursing mother, in particular, chicory, sunflower seeds, and decoctions with blueberry leaves.

The conclusion from all of the above can be drawn as follows: whether you drink coffee while breastfeeding for your own pleasure or refuse it by force of will should depend only on how your child reacts to traces of this drink in breast milk - subject to the restrictions and making the right choice coffee blend. In all other respects, the young mother is given complete freedom of action.

Coffee is a delicious and invigorating drink with which almost every person starts their day. But during the period of pregnancy and lactation, most of the usual products are not recommended for consumption. Therefore, young mothers are interested in whether it is possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding, since they do not want to even accidentally harm their baby.

Breastfeeding women try not to drink coffee because of a fairly common myth. It is believed that when the mother drinks this drink, the child becomes too nervous. There is some truth in this prejudice, since caffeine really does not have any benefit for babies. Organism little man I’m just not yet able to assimilate and eliminate it.

Accumulating inside, this substance can have a harmful effect on the baby, but this will only happen if the mother drinks at least 3 to 4 cups of coffee daily. Such situations, unfortunately, occur very often, since coffee is an addictive product. As a result, not only the mother becomes dependent, but also the baby, who constantly receives a considerable dose of caffeine with milk.

However, this substance contains not only coffee. It is present in chocolates, cocoa beans, and teas. Moreover, in green its concentration is significantly higher compared to coffee. However, for some reason this drink is considered extremely beneficial for health and is recommended to be consumed regularly.

Therefore, drinking coffee while breastfeeding is acceptable, but occasionally - 1 cup every 2-3 days. Immediately after birth and in the first 8 to 10 weeks of the child’s life, it is better to abstain from the “energy drink”.

How does coffee affect lactation?

The drink, as a rule, does not have a significant effect on the amount and process of milk production. Consumption in minimal quantities does not in any way affect its quality and composition.

But excessive coffee consumption reduces the concentration of iron in milk, and this can cause anemia in the newborn. The highest concentration of caffeine is observed 1 – 1.5 hours after consumption. This substance is completely eliminated after 5–10 hours.

Negative consequences of drinking the drink

When introducing a new product to her menu, the mother should carefully monitor the baby’s condition. It is possible that an unfamiliar food or drink will trigger allergic reaction. If an allergy occurs, you should avoid the product at least for a while.

Excessive coffee consumption can lead to increased nervous excitability and anxiety in the child. The baby begins to sleep poorly and cries constantly, exhausting all family members.

Caffeine increases blood pressure and can negatively affect the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels, which, of course, is not necessary for any mother.

Is there any benefit?

There are still benefits from drinking the drink for the mother. With a small child, it is difficult to get enough sleep and rest, and in some cases, only coffee helps improve performance. After drinking a cup, a nursing mother feels a surge of vivacity, strength and energy, so necessary for caring for the child and other household chores.

For many, it is also an advantage that caffeine speeds up metabolism and helps lose excess fat. body fat that appeared during pregnancy.

Coffee with milk during breastfeeding - is it possible or not?

Coffee with milk is much healthier compared to a regular drink. One cup a day is unlikely to have a bad effect on the little person, but it will bring a lot of pleasure to mom.

You can find decaffeinated coffee in supermarkets and online stores. You should also not drink it while feeding, since there is still caffeine there, although in a smaller volume. The product itself undergoes serious processing, the dangerous effects of which on the body have not yet been fully studied. However, US cardiologists believe that such treatment causes a lot of harm to the cardiovascular system.

It is better to opt for natural substitutes - chicory or barley.

They are much cheaper and have numerous useful properties:

  • have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalize hormonal balance.

They taste almost identical to coffee, but do not pose any harm to the baby. Milk, spices and dried fruits are added to chicory and barley coffee to taste. But you need to be careful with honey, because it is a strong allergen.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about this issue?

Komarovsky believes that if the drink does not affect the baby’s condition in a negative way, then the mother can safely drink this drink, but in reasonable quantities.

Sometimes the baby has problems:

  • moodiness;
  • poor sleep;
  • skin rash;
  • nervous excitement;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

In such cases, the mother needs to check whether coffee is actually the cause of this condition. If yes, then it is better not to drink it.

Another contraindication is treating the baby with certain medications that contain substances similar in action to caffeine. This is fraught with overdose and side effects.

Rules for drinking a drink for a nursing mother

It is better to buy a high-quality product in beans and grind them yourself. Then the woman will know exactly what she is drinking.

An instant drink has almost no benefit, because it is made from low-grade raw materials.

In addition, it is subjected to chemical processing and various third-party ingredients are added to the composition to reduce the cost of production. In this case, the allergy occurs not so much to the coffee beans, but to the additional components of the composition.

Rules for drinking coffee:

  1. It is better to drink it before noon and immediately after feeding. So, the next time you use it, the harm from caffeine will be minimized. It is best to drink coffee when the child is already eating complementary foods. This will increase the interval between feedings and reduce the caffeine concentration to a minimum.
  2. You should not consume chocolate with your drink.
  3. It is recommended to simply pour boiling water over the coffee and leave for 3–4 minutes, but do not cook.
  4. You need to include more cottage cheese in your diet. Coffee removes calcium from the mother’s body, and during lactation many people are sorely lacking it.
  5. After each cup of drink, it is advisable to drink at least 1 glass of clean water. Caffeine contributes to dehydration, and a nursing mother needs to drink a lot to produce sufficient quantity milk.

If life doesn’t seem so joyful without coffee, then it’s not necessary to completely give it up during breastfeeding. From time to time, a nursing mother can enjoy her favorite product without any harm to her baby. Nevertheless, during this wonderful period it is better to switch to more healthy drinks– fresh juices, compotes, smoothies. It’s tasty, healthy, and tonic!

Every new mother selects any drinks during the postpartum period especially carefully - so that they do not harm the baby in any way.

Many women are often interested in the question: can a nursing mother have coffee with milk, and if so, which one, and in what quantities is it allowed to drink during breastfeeding? It is on this topic that we will talk today in this article, and at the same time we will find out how black differs in general aromatic drink from everyone else.

Without plenty of warm drinks, it is virtually impossible to maintain lactation, because such a trick significantly increases the production of breast milk and even makes it easier to cope with crises when a newborn baby does not have enough mother’s milk. Most often in domestic families, young mothers drink tea and herbal infusions, and least often - black coffee.

It is believed that if you dilute such a drink with boiled milk, it will become much weaker and less harmful. However, modern doctors assure us that research has proven the usefulness of this product. And if you use it in small quantities, then not about any side effects out of the question.

In fact, coffee beans are a rich source of natural oils and antioxidants that support the beauty of women's appearance and even help protect body cells from cancerous growths. Also scientific research have proven that moderate coffee consumption helps strengthen vascular system and reduces the risk of strokes and even heart attacks.

Among other things, a cup of aromatic black drink in combination with hot milk will help a young nursing mother take her mind off her daily worries and give her beloved at least a couple of minutes for well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Positive aspects of a coffee drink in combination with milk during lactation

  • Like any warm drink, coffee provokes a rush of milk to the breast, which cannot but be highlighted as a positive effect.
  • Moreover, coffee has a pronounced diuretic effect, as a result of which the lactogenic properties of this drink increase even more. Coffee can increase lactation when consumed wisely.
  • If a nursing mother often has low blood pressure and lacks physical strength, then a cup of aromatic coffee with milk will help to cheer up and feel more active.
  • Coffee is also an excellent antidepressant. Its grains contain similar substances that were found in cocoa beans. This means that coffee with milk can really lift your mood.
  • Even the aroma of roasted black beans can reduce anxiety, apathy, postpartum depression. Coffee tones and relieves the blues, and its oils also have a beneficial effect on the condition of women's skin.
  • The drink is also useful for those women who intend to lose weight while breastfeeding - coffee with milk perfectly suppresses appetite and helps overcome even strong feelings of hunger.
  • In reasonable quantities, coffee drinks train cardiovascular system and help her stay healthy, as well as speed up her metabolism and even remove toxins from the body.
  • Reviews from many nursing mothers indicate that coffee with milk may well act as the main morning drink and that after drinking it, the day usually starts with a better and more positive mood than without it.

How can coffee with milk be harmful to a nursing mother?

Of course, the benefits of coffee with milk are obvious, but there are also a number of warnings and even contraindications to drinking it during lactation, which you also need to know about. First of all, coffee is not recommended for women who have gastrointestinal diseases, since a black drink can aggravate them.

In such cases, it is especially harmful to drink coffee on an empty stomach, and even more so to add it to a cup. cow's milk. The fact is that the protein present in animal dairy products enhances the effect of many substances that make up coffee beans. Therefore, for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a young mother needs to limit her coffee consumption and drink it only after meals.

Possible contraindications to drinking coffee with milk during breastfeeding

  • When it comes to the benefits of coffee beans, this means expensive ground coffee, and not at all its cheap analogues and, especially, not sublimated powder and not soluble analogues.
  • When breastfeeding a newborn, drinking instant coffee is not recommended, since it has no benefits at all, but there are often a lot of harmful substances inside the package. chemicals and production waste.
  • If you decide to drink coffee during lactation, then choose only a high-quality product and brew the drink yourself and always fresh. If coffee grounds remain in a cup for too long, the drink may become poisonous. human body. Exactly like tea.

  • You should not drink coffee with milk if your baby is allergic. The fact is that coffee oils are very saturated and there are a lot of different substances in the beans, and therefore it is impossible to exclude their passage into the mother’s breast milk. In addition, the child’s body can react to milk - it is a high-protein product of animal origin.
  • It is forbidden to drink very strong coffee or consume it in excessive quantities while breastfeeding, even if you dilute the drink with milk. The acceptable norm is no more than one small cup per day, and it is advisable to make coffee a little weaker and less rich than usual.
  • You should not drink any tonic drinks in the first month of breastfeeding your baby, and this recommendation applies to all young mothers without exception. It is impossible to know for sure how the baby’s still fragile body will react to such a new drink for him.
  • Avoid coffee with or without milk if your baby has a restless character and often cries if he is tormented. intestinal colic and gases, if he is prone to dermatitis and diathesis. Also, those mothers whose children are hyperactive should not indulge in the black drink.
  • During lactation, weak coffee in the amount of one serving is allowed for a nursing mother in the first half of the day. You should not drink it before going to bed, or on an empty stomach, or just to drink something warm. In small quantities, black coffee with milk is beneficial, but in large quantities it can cause serious harm.
  • If a nursing mother has a tendency to edema or often has low blood pressure or hypertension, then it is better to be careful with coffee or give it up altogether.
  • Always remember that there are some diseases (especially those affecting the nervous system), which even one cup of black drink can significantly intensify, thereby provoking their exacerbation.

Can a nursing mother have coffee with milk?

So, black coffee with milk can be both beneficial for a nursing woman’s body and quite dangerous. It's all about what quality of drink you drink, when and in what quantities.

If your infant is already a month old, does not suffer from colic or tummy pain, behaves calmly and most often looks happy, then you can taste one incomplete cup of the drink, then monitor the child’s reaction.

If you have one or more significant contraindications to drinking coffee, even with milk, then it is better not to tempt fate and give it up, replacing the drink with, say, chicory, which is considered safer.

Otherwise, if you observe reasonable moderation and do not drink regularly, it cannot be said that coffee beans cause any significant harm during breastfeeding, and therefore, as an exception or several times a week in the morning, it is quite possible to allow yourself a cup of hot coffee with milk for a nursing mother .