Is it possible not to heat a brick house in winter? Help your home survive the cold

Housing in winter is associated with a cozy, warm home where every member of the family enjoys being.

Solving the issue

If you are faced with the question of how to heat country house without gas, then you should consider the most common heating methods. Today it's electricity.

The inability to connect to the central gas supply makes owners of country and private houses think about how to economically heat a house without gas. There are a great many options for heating units and systems today, but most of them are capable of converting the energy of fuel combustion into heat by distributing heated air indoors through gas.

If you are thinking about how to heat a house of 200 square meters. without gas, then you need to consider other solutions this issue. Many owners of private houses in lately are trying to switch to autonomous systems, which are of higher quality, more profitable and more effective. If you are a resident of a low-rise private house or have a dacha, then you can heat these buildings using steam heating, a stove using different types of fuel, stone, as well as autonomous electric heating.

You can find out below how to heat a house without gas and electricity.

Heating without communications

You can install heating without communications and pipes, and the system will consist only of heating devices. When choosing a scheme with radiators and difficult highways, living will become comfortable not only in one room, but throughout the entire house.

They use the most different types fuels - electronic, liquid, solid. It is worth remembering that its traditional types cannot in all cases be called the cheapest and most convenient.

Basic home heating methods

If you are thinking about how best to heat a house without gas, we recommend turning to electricity, which is the easiest way to organize heating.

If we talk about profitability, then electricity is at the very bottom of the ranking. Diesel can be used as fuel for such devices, which is also quite expensive. Thus, 1 Gcal of heat will cost 3,500 rubles. In this case you will have to face unpleasant smell, which will form near the heating unit. Despite its shortcomings, diesel fuel is becoming an affordable alternative fuel for many consumers.

You can also heat your home using coal, which is a cheap fuel. With it, heating will cost four times less than the method described above. Thus, for 1 Gcal of heat you will have to pay one thousand rubles.

If you are faced with the question of how to heat without gas, then you can use peat, which comes in the form of briquettes. It will cost about one and a half times more than coal.

The most common option for heating a house is to use firewood, which costs little, but it is not always convenient to use it, but it will burn out much faster than coal.

For appliances installed in the house, you can use pellets; they are granules created from wood waste. You can get 1 Gcal of heat by paying 1,500 rubles. At the same time this type fuel is very convenient to use for boilers in which fuel can be supplied automatically.

Heating without gas. Alternative options

If there is a permanent or temporary absence of the types of fuel to which a person is accustomed, it is possible to arrange heating at home without gas and even without electricity. According to practice, if you replace these technologies, you can save significantly.

Considering different ways To resolve the issue, you may prefer fireplaces and stoves that run on coal or wood. When choosing this option, it will be necessary to build appropriate brick structures or purchase a ready-made unit. This will help organize an environmentally friendly heating method, and some stove models allow you to cook food thanks to the presence oven and hob.

If someone stood in front of you current question, how you can heat a house without gas, we recommend following the experience of some owners of private homes who resort to original technologies. They are heated by own source electricity. In this case, you can use one of two methods of autonomously generating electricity.

Heating from an independent source of electricity

You will learn how to heat a house without gas and electricity by carefully reading the article. If you want to save money and still be original, you can heat your home using solar energy. To do this you need to buy solar collectors, which are capable of converting solar energy into heat. At the same time, you can use an autonomous heater that works without electricity. Initially, you will have to spend money on purchasing the appropriate equipment, but during operation you will receive light and heat almost free of charge.

Are you still thinking about how to heat? country house without gas? You can also use technology that involves wind to heat. To do this, experts recommend purchasing a ready-made device that is capable of converting mechanical energy into electricity. Many home craftsmen assemble such devices on their own. It is worth noting that such a unit is quite simple to implement; you will need to make a windmill by connecting it to a battery and a generator. Such methods of obtaining heat, according to modern summer residents, are extremely beneficial for country houses in areas where there are no gas pipelines. This is especially true for rarely visited properties.

Heating without boiler and pipes

The heating system can be equipped with a boiler, to which, as a rule, a structure of radiators and pipes is connected. In this case, communications heat several rooms at once, which depends on the power of the device. For country house This is the most relevant solution, because there will be no boilers and pipes.

In the summer, you can use one heat source, for example, a brick or metal stove that will heat two adjacent rooms. Quite often, fireplaces are used with this technique.

If we're talking about about an old Russian house, which is built according to the five-wall principle, then one heat source, for example, a stove, will be enough for it. It is best located in the center, between two adjacent rooms.

Heating based on a heat pump

If you are trying to solve the question of how to cheaply heat a house without gas, you can use a rather interesting technique that does not involve the use of fuel. The technology is implemented through the operation of a unique unit called a heat pump.

Design and operation

The heat pump consists of tubes filled with freon, as well as several chambers, namely a heat exchanger, a throttle chamber and a compressor. Work this device It will be similar to a refrigerator. The operating principle is based on liquid freon, which passes through tubes lowered into the ground or reservoir. There in winter the temperature does not drop below plus 8 degrees. Under such conditions, freon begins to boil; for this it needs only 3 degrees of heat.

Rising upward, the substance, which becomes gaseous, enters the compressor chamber, where it is significantly compressed. As you know, if you compress any substance in a limited space, this leads to an increase in its temperature, so freon heats up to 80 degrees.

Giving off the generated heat through the heat exchanger of the heating system, the mass passes into the throttle chamber, where the temperature and pressure drop, thereby turning freon into liquid. At the next stage, it goes into the depths to warm up and repeat the cycle again.

Still don’t know how to cheaply heat a house without gas? You can use this quite effective technology, the implementation of which will undoubtedly require electricity. However, it will be consumed in disproportionately smaller quantities compared to direct heating of the coolant.

Types of heat pumps

If you are thinking about the question of how to cheaply heat a house without gas, then it would be a good idea to consider the types of heat pumps that will be needed to install a heating system using the technology described above. Models of this equipment differ in the method of heating freon, that is, in the source of low-level heat.

If your home has an above-ground pond, then it is best to choose a water pump that is designed specifically for this purpose. This type of device is also suitable for groundwater. Air and earth pumps can be found on sale. The name of the unit includes the type of coolant in the installed heating system. Thus, the passport for the device must contain the following words: “soil-air”, “soil-water” or “water-water”.

Heating a house without gas using electricity

Quite often, owners of country houses are faced with the serious question of how to cheaply heat a house without gas. The most common heating method is the one that uses electricity.

Depending on financial opportunities you can choose installations and equipment that will be able to provide maximum heating.

Electrical units are available in the following varieties: fireplaces, fan heaters, underfloor heating systems, infrared heating, and convectors. Popular “warm floor” systems are often used to supply heat to residential premises if there is a need to heat the house without using gas. They are installed not only on the floor, but also on the surface of the walls, as well as the ceiling. For a country house, the most relevant solution would be fan heaters, which raise the indoor temperature to an acceptable level within a short time.

Use of electric boilers

When deciding how to heat a house inexpensively without gas, be sure to consider electric boilers as an option. This system heating will be more complex to implement, but at the same time the most effective. You will need to purchase and install a boiler that will heat the water to the required temperature. After this, the coolant will begin to circulate through the heating system.

Considering it as a heat source, there are many advantages, including the following: the ability to heat a home in a short time, ease of operation of the equipment, the ability to regulate the heating level, as well as installation of a heating system at any time, which allows for heating without gas.

Use of solid fuel boilers

Solving the question of how to heat private house without gas, you may prefer a solid fuel boiler. This heating option has become especially popular in European countries. This type of solid fuel units can provide economical heating, as well as ease of operation. Such devices work not only on wood, but also on pellets, coal, and peat. Heat will be supplied through the pipeline thanks to water, which acts as a coolant. This heating method allows you to maintain the required temperature inside the premises for a long time, all this is ensured thanks to a sufficient long burning fuel in just one load.


Once you have learned how to heat a house without gas inexpensively, you can implement one of the ideas presented above. It is important to determine exactly which of them will be optimal in a particular case.

But what will happen to the decoration and furniture if you leave it unheated? We will tell you in detail in this article.

If you come to the house to check

Let us immediately note that for the house to remain at sub-zero temperature without heating some test. When the winter season arrives, the humidity drops sharply, but does not disappear. It settles on various surfaces both outside and inside the building. Naturally, from frost, all moisture turns into frost.

When you decide to visit your home and temporarily turn on the heating, the air quickly heats up, but the walls and furniture remain cold. When air interacts with cold surfaces, condensation will appear. And this phenomenon is much more dangerous for the house than frost. And all objects react to it differently.

For example, plastic or painted wood can easily cope with chaotic temperature changes, and they are not afraid of moisture. But your chairs, sofas and textiles will have a hard time - they may begin to rot. Drywall and untreated wood will quickly swell from moisture. On wooden products Temperature changes cause cracks and other defects to form.

Putty is not afraid of frost, but high humidity is not suitable for it at all. In such conditions, it will quickly begin to swell and collapse, and repairs will be inevitable. Wallpaper also reacts quite aggressively to moisture - paper wallpaper will quickly turn into unaesthetic rags. It is best to glue wallpaper on the walls that can withstand moisture, so they will have a better chance of survival. The glue must also be reliable and not crack when frozen.

As you can see, the idea of ​​visiting the house for a couple of days and heating it is far from the most successful. The more such extremely short heating periods you arrange for your home during the winter, the more damage you will cause to things. And in the spring you will have to make repairs and throw away your favorite interior items. That is why we recommend that you do not visit dachas and houses during the cold season, and even better, mothball the building in the fall. Drain all the water from the heating system, cover the furniture, and take especially valuable things to another place. Then your home will survive the winter well.

If the house is connected to a heating plant, do not forget to turn off the heating until spring. Gradually the house will cool down and prepare for the cold winter. And you will not be afraid of heating problems and will be sure that homeless people will definitely not visit your frozen residence.

How to build such a home so that its heating costs are minimal is a task that modern architects and designers are struggling to solve. And not only them - anyone who comes to their dacha to relax in winter “feels a problem” with electricity bills and fuel prices.

What is a passive house?

Thermal comfort in passive house achieved practically without the use of conventional “active” heating or air conditioning systems. The concept is based on minimizing heat loss, maximizing the collection and accumulation of thermal energy solar radiation(40-60%), use of indoor heat sources (20-30% - from the human body, lighting sources, household appliances intended for cooking, water heating, equipment and electronics). The inevitable deficit of thermal energy of 10-40% is compensated by the recovery and active heating of incoming air in the ventilation system, which serves as the main “heating system” of a passive house.

The concept of the so-called passive house is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world. This is a voluntary building standard. modern home with minimal energy consumption for heating. From 2020 it will become the norm for newly constructed buildings in the European Union.

What is the difference between a passive house and active energy-efficient houses?

According to the classification of the Passive House Institute, several groups of buildings can be distinguished by energy consumption costs (Table 1).

So, ordinary houses up to 20-30 liters of liquid fuel (or cubic meters of gas) are required for heating per 1 m2 of area per year, but in buildings with zero energy consumption the specific consumption of thermal energy for heating does not exceed 5 kW * h/(m2 * year ) - through the use of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, geoheat). And there are also buildings with a positive energy balance, producing more energy than they consume due to natural sources energy and biowaste processing.

Additional criteria for a passive house according to the standards of the Passive House Institute

In addition to the heating costs mentioned, the standard assumes that the specific heat load for a heating source in a passive house should not exceed 10 W/m2. In such a building, high tightness of the outer shell of the building must be ensured: the rate of air exchange at the pressure difference between the inner and external environment at 50 Pa should be no more than 60% (n 50<= 0,6 ч -1).

The heat transfer coefficient of windows U must be less than 0.8 W/(m 2 * K), the efficiency of the heat recovery ventilation system must be at least 75-80%. Enclosing structures should not have temperature bridges with linear heat transfer of more than 0.01 W/(m * K).

Comfortable environment

In most climates in Central Europe, passive houses use 75-88% less energy for heating, hot water heating and ancillary needs than conventional houses. Even when the ventilation system is turned off, a real passive house loses less than 0.5 °C per day in winter and stabilizes at about 15 °C.

A passive house creates a comfortable living environment with a stable temperature regime, without cold walls and floors, without drafts, leaks, condensation and mold, with constantly fresh air, without the need to maintain a heating system. This is a bright house with a large glass area.

Super thermal insulation

To reduce heat loss through the foundation, floors, walls and roof, a thick layer of insulation with a heat transfer coefficient U = 0.10-0.15 W/(m 2 * K) is used. Depending on climatic conditions, the heat transfer resistance of the external walls of passive houses in Central Europe varies on average from 6.5 to 10 (m 2 * °C)/W. The continuous contour of thermal insulation prevents the formation of thermal bridges, which contribute to an increase in heat loss and the formation of condensation. Thus, the durability of structures and the safety of the home increases due to the absence of mold. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, polyisocyanurate, sheep wool, and hemp (hemp) are used as insulation materials in Europe.

In climatic conditions similar to those of the Moscow region, you will need 55-65 cm of insulation for the roof (U roof = 0.07 W/(m 2 * K)), 50-60 cm of insulation for external walls (Uwall = 0.09 W/ (m 2 * K)), 45 cm of insulation for the foundation slab (U fund = 0.07 W/(m 2 * K)).


To maintain comfortable conditions in a Passive House, the entire building envelope must be completely sealed to prevent outside air infiltration and indoor air leakage, thereby minimizing heat loss. Since most building materials are not airtight, a continuous airtight layer is required. Thanks to the ventilation system, there is no need to open windows and doors for ventilation.

Windows and glazing

A passive house should have triple-glazed windows with inert gas filling and two low-e coatings. The edges of the glass are additionally sealed with heat-insulating gaskets. Window frames are made of multi-chamber profiles with cavities filled with insulation. For the Moscow region, the heat transfer coefficient of windows should not exceed U = 0.65 W/(m 2 * K). Under such conditions, a minimum difference is achieved between the temperature on the inner surface of the glass and the temperature of the internal air. Under such conditions, installation of heating devices under the windows is not required.

In cold climates, the house is designed with a maximum glass area towards the equator and a thermal mass (for example, a floor slab) heated by the sun's rays. Windows oriented to the east and west lead to overheating of the house in the warm season and to insufficient heating from the sun's rays in winter.

Bedrooms, an office and a garage usually have a northern orientation, while the kitchen, dining room, living room and bathrooms have a southern orientation.

Thermal mass

Passive houses can be built from either solid or lightweight materials, but each building design includes internal thermal mass to help smooth out daily temperature fluctuations and maintain stable temperatures during the cold and hot seasons.

Passive house ventilation system

The passive heating system involves highly efficient heat recovery systems from counter air flows of ventilation systems (efficiency from 75 to 90%). The volume of replaced air in the room depends on the number of people living in a passive house, and is determined based on the calculation of 30 m 3 / h per person. Air is supplied through air ducts to living rooms and bedrooms, and removed from bathrooms, kitchens and technical rooms to effectively remove odors and excess moisture. To ensure air exchange, all doors between rooms must have a gap of at least 1 cm at the bottom.

In a passive house, energy is spent to ensure air movement in the ventilation system and to heat the incoming air during cold times. The fans in the system must use highly efficient motors so that the ratio of energy spent on ventilation and heat recovery is at least 1:10.

Additional heating of incoming air is most often used in passive houses at street temperatures below +8°C. The maximum heating temperature of the air entering the house is +50°C. To heat the incoming air in cold weather, a small heat pump, a solar collector, a water heat accumulator, or natural gas or diesel fuel burners can additionally be used.

HEPA filters are used to clean the incoming air. Heat recovery ventilation systems are a key technology for new passive housing buildings and for retrofitting existing dwellings. Additional heat sources in a passive house are the use of thermal mass heated by solar energy through equator-oriented windows, and to a lesser extent, wastewater heat recovery.


To minimize overall primary energy consumption, passive houses are designed to maximize the use of daylight, both through glazed surfaces and skylights. Sources of electricity can be solar panels and windmills. For artificial lighting, compact fluorescent lamps, LEDs and low-voltage incandescent lamps are used: metal halide, halogen and xenon. The facades and surrounding area are illuminated using luminaires with photocells or by connecting all luminaires to a central solar panel system.

Home appliances and equipment

Passive House equipment must be Energy Star or Ekoenergy certified and have a rating of at least A++ or A+++. Instead of traditional computers, it is recommended to use laptops that consume 75% less energy.

Solar collectors with an area of ​​6-7 m2 (2 m2 per family member) can produce 50 liters of hot water per family member per day, which provides 60% of the annual demand even in the Irish climate, which in terms of the number of sunny days (1100- 1600 hours per year) is inferior to the European part of Russia. The annual equivalent of solar energy for heating water is equal to the cost of 100 liters of liquid fuel.

Cost and payback of a passive house

On average in Europe, the construction of a passive house is 10% more expensive than the construction of a conventional house. Savings on traditional heating systems help offset the costs of insulating and sealing the building. The construction of passive houses is cost-effective in areas with average annual temperatures not lower than +3°C (Lillihamer, Norway or Cherepovets, Russia).

In the UK, a turnkey passive house with an area of ​​90 m2 costs 135 thousand pounds (10 million 800 thousand rubles), which is 45 thousand pounds more expensive than a conventional house of the same area. The additional investment pays off due to the difference in heating costs in only 35 years. In the Czech Republic, the construction of an ordinary house costs 645 euros (48 thousand rubles) per 1 m 2 of area. A passive house will require 10% more investment, but will pay off faster - in 15 years. With a 25-year service life of the thermal components of a passive house (heat exchangers, insulation, windows), an additional 10 years of operation of a passive house will provide an economic benefit compared to a house of traditional design.

Passive houses reduce the load on the energy grid and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Conventional homes in Europe consume up to 40% of all energy resources and emit 40% of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Therefore, Europe is pursuing a policy to support construction to advanced standards, which makes passive houses even more attractive for construction.

Many people who own country houses or just summer cottages are seriously tormented by the question - what will happen to the house, its decoration, as well as all the installed furniture, if the house is not heated throughout the cold season? This raises another question - what is better for the house: to leave it unheated for the whole winter or to come there from time to time and heat the living quarters? This issue needs to be addressed. So, what will happen to your dacha if you leave the house without heating in winter.

Different parts of the house and furniture may react very differently to such a test. First of all, because different materials used in finishing, repair, and furniture manufacturing react differently to such tests.

Autumn passes, in our country most often accompanied by heavy rains. And finally, winter comes. The air temperature outside and in an unheated house drops sharply. As a result, its humidity also decreases sharply. But moisture does not leave the air without a trace - it is deposited on any surface - walls, furniture, floors, ceilings. If it gets cold quickly enough, the moisture turns into frost and remains in the room until the first thaw in spring. This means that objects remain wet for a fairly short period of time.

What happens if you decide to return to yours and heat it several times during the winter? The frost melts quickly. The air in the room heats up, but the walls and all the furniture still remain cold. It takes at least a few hours for them to heat up. Consequently, when warm air (with a high moisture content) comes into contact with cold objects, drops of moisture will appear on the objects - condensation. Things and the walls of the building will finally dry only after their temperature becomes equal to the air temperature in the room. As mentioned above, this will happen in a few hours.

Under such conditions, different materials behave differently. Glass, plastic, varnished or painted wood will easily withstand such a test - they do not absorb moisture at all. Therefore, drops of condensate will evaporate without a trace after a few hours. But ordinary wood, upholstered furniture, drywall and other breathable materials will quickly absorb moisture. As a result, furniture upholstery may begin to rot and drywall may swell.

First of all, you should remember that not all types of houses can withstand winter without heating. “Such winters are contraindicated for stone and aerated concrete buildings. Both the walls and the decoration of the premises will suffer, not to mention communications and equipment,” says Vitaly Tokarev, general director of the Domostroev company. “In the spring, when the heat returns, there is a high probability of mold and other unfortunate problems.” consequences."

Much depends on how well the house is insulated. If this work is done efficiently, then even in the absence of heating throughout the winter, the temperature inside the building will be significantly higher than outside. So, at a temperature of minus 30°C outside the window with good insulation, the temperature in the house will not be lower than minus 10–15°C. Which, accordingly, will save communications.


Wooden and frame houses allow winter without heating. To prepare the heating system for such a winter, special substances are used that prevent freezing. Adding this substance will allow the pipes to withstand both minus 20°C and minus 30°C. This preparation can be done once, at the beginning of winter.

If new pipes are being installed, All this can be foreseen at once - and you no longer have to remember about it every winter. However, before the start of each new winter season, specialists will still need to be called. They must carry out preventive inspections in case of possible leaks.


As far as water supply systems, the minimum task is to turn off the water. If the liquid remains in the pipes, it will freeze in winter, which will most likely lead to failure of communications. Moreover, restoration will cost much more and take much more time than even laying new communications. After all, depending on the type of placement of communications, you will have to either dig, or dismantle the walls, or both.

In addition, from freezing Usually it is not the pipes that are affected, but the taps and fastening units. But to have a guarantee, it is not enough to turn off the water. It is necessary to call specialists and blow out the pipes. Water must also be removed from all plumbing fixtures. Usually they do it simpler - add anti-freeze liquid to the toilet, sink, etc. This does not provide a guarantee, but it helps.

"To avoid problems with pipes, it is best to insulate in advance the section that runs through your land,” says Maxim Shmanov, technical director of the Service Navigator company. Quite rarely, problems arise with the central supply. Much more often, with pipe runs that are located underground. For It is quite enough to disable communications if one single section freezes.

One of the best technologies- laying an electric heating cable (or better yet, two, along with a backup one). The wire is wrapped around the pipe or placed in a special insulation in the same box with the pipe.

"House owners who don't heated in winter, they often experiment in the first year,” says Maxim Shmanov. - Some through ignorance, some through negligence. Then in early spring they arrive, but there is no water. Because part of the pipe is frozen. And in the second year they are already thinking." And at the beginning of the warm season, before turning on the equipment, you need to heat the house or wait until spring warms it up.

At the same time, it should be noted that some modern types of pipe materials can survive cold winters. This can be found out during purchase and installation. But much more often metal-plastic is used, which cannot withstand such winters.


Requires special preparation and treatment facilities. Preparing for a cold winter depends on their type. There are models that work on the principle of communicating vessels and do not require any preservation at all. It is quite easy to turn off such a system.

"Another species uses the principle pumping from one chamber to another using a compressor,” says Mikhail Alyshev, a specialist at the Kanta company. - In this case, conservation is needed. The system needs to be flushed, dried and turned off."

Theoretically, anyone can do it You can do this yourself, but it will be easier and faster to call a specialist. An important detail - the water supply should not be turned off until the treatment facilities are mothballed (water is required for preparatory work). At the end of winter, before launch, specialists will need to be called again. They will carry out preventative cleaning and reactivate the system.

Regarding washing and dishwashers, then you don’t have to worry too much about the safety of the equipment itself. Although, of course, it will be more pleasant for her to spend the winter in a warm rather than in a cold house. But the main thing is that after the last wash, you need to make sure that the water goes down the drain (and does not remain in the pipes with the risk of breaking them when frozen) and the machine is dry.

Still, it’s better to drown

Thus, the main heavy The consequences that you may encounter if you do not properly prepare your home for the cold winter are failure of communications. If this exit happens right in the building, a sad fate may also await your interior. Experts recommend removing communications into the walls as little as possible. Although, of course, their presence outside is not the most aesthetically pleasing sight.

When you return to house in the spring, no special waiting time is required. If a stable above-zero temperature has already been established, you can immediately begin re-opening all systems.

But in general, although with proper preparation many negative consequences can be avoided and others mitigated, experts and market participants strongly advise not to experiment and still heat the house.

If it is not possible often come, modern technology allows you to control heating systems remotely and know in real time about what is happening in the house - the temperature and the operation of all devices.

"If the house is not heated, but you still decide to come there during the winter, it will take several hours, or even a whole day, to warm up the premises,” states the head of the company “Rus: New Territories” Dmitry Mayorov. - Thus, vacation turns into a struggle for existence, and as soon as you win, it’s time to leave. The situation can be changed by remote control of heating systems. Even if you don't heat all winter, you can at least run the systems and warm up the house the night before you arrive."

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