Natural antidepressant products. Antidepressant products

Mood depends not only on health and external circumstances, but also on the functioning of the endocrine glands: the pineal gland and the hypothalamus. The hormones they produce help regulate sleep, the state of the immune system, emotional mood and resistance in stressful situations. A special place in this situation is occupied by neurotransmitters - a group of chemicals in the main brain that are tasked with transmitting information between neurons. They are synthesized thanks to amino acids. For their formation, care should be taken to ensure a constant supply of certain nutrients. The most well-known neurotransmitters are serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Food against depression: how is this possible?

As he says old proverb: “We are what we eat.” Although many take it lightly, it is very truthful. Our nutrition can have a significant impact on behavior, thinking, and reaction speed. Take, for example, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega (3 and 6). Without them, a person will feel tired, overwhelmed, unmotivated, and will not want to do anything. Of course, such a situation will not arise immediately, but only after months, but, nevertheless, there is nothing pleasant about it.

But first, let's look at the mechanism of influence. Of those listed at the very beginning of the list, serotonin and dopamine have the greatest influence on human mood. And you should focus on them when choosing food. Fortunately, if you ensure the supply of everything necessary for their synthesis, then there should be no problems with other hormones.

What is dopamine?

This hormone promotes a feeling of pleasure when we perform actions that are pleasant to us. Examples include eating food, listening to music, and playing sports. It is thanks to him that people are motivated and feel satisfied. By the way, thanks to drugs such as alcohol, heroin, opiates, cocaine and nicotine, dopamine levels increase. Therefore, a fairly popular opinion is the assertion that it is precisely the deficiency of this substance that is behind harmful addictions.

A decrease in dopamine leads to memory deterioration, a decrease in concentration, and a decline in vitality(also known as vital activity). Also, a lack of dopamine results in a loss of initiative (you want to sit and dream). And a serious deficiency can generally lead to an inability to take active actions. But it must be remembered that its excess causes hedonic behavior.

What is serotonin?

This hormone is synthesized from tryptophan (an amino acid obtained from food). The regulation of mood, the ability to suppress feelings of anxiety, as well as appetite and libido depend on it. If there is a deficiency of this substance, then this results in social disorders, phobias, sleep disorders, memory, endocrine and cardiovascular functions. Also, low levels of serotonin lead to anxiety, depressed mood, migraines, decreased energy, sleep disorders, manic or obsessive states, feelings of irritation and tension, awakens cravings for sweets, memory impairment, concentration, aggressive and angry behavior, slows down muscle movement and speech .

In addition, its deficiency contributes to the occurrence of alcoholism. The fact is that alcohols allow you to briefly increase its level. Although in the future they will lower it. In excess amounts, the hormone causes calm and leads to a decrease in sexual arousal, promoting feelings of well-being and bliss. But its extremely high level is dangerous. But, fortunately, it is impossible to achieve such a situation only by consuming food - only with the abuse of antidepressants.

What are healthy foods?

Antidepressant food is a fairly common and easy way to normalize your condition (if the situation is not completely critical). It should be borne in mind that it does not contain the necessary hormones. With food you can only get what is needed for their synthesis. chemical elements. The minimum program is products containing tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine, vitamins and zinc. Meat, eggs, cheese, bananas, milk, yogurt, fatty fish, nuts (preferably walnuts), cereals, soybeans, and beets help against stress and depression in the long term. For the necessary chemical reactions it is necessary to take care of the availability folic acid and iron. These are the antidepressant products that should be considered for serving first.

In addition to these, individual specific issues must also be taken into account. So, for example, estrogens (female sex hormones) reduce the amount of serotonin. Because of this, some people experience mood swings during the premenstrual period. During menopause, this leads to significant problems. Therefore, during these periods, a special emphasis should be placed on healthy nutrition. Additionally, good lighting and moderate physical exercise.

What to eat?

The list of antidepressant products includes:

  • fish;
  • seaweed;
  • meat and low-fat dairy products;
  • fruits;
  • dark chocolate;
  • vegetables;
  1. Fatty fish. Primarily herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, salmon, cod. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which regulate serotonin metabolism. It can also be found in nuts, seeds, avocados, and unrefined vegetable oil. It is enough to eat two hundred grams of fatty fish twice a week and the body will be provided with everything it needs.
  2. Meat and low-fat dairy products. They are leading sources of substances that stimulate the synthesis of tryptophan and tyrosine, as well as B vitamins. It is better to eat chicken, turkey, lean pork and veal, and egg whites. This group of products helps improve mood and prevent the development of depression.
  3. Sea kale. It may be disgusting to many, but if you consider the best antidepressant products, you won’t be able to ignore it. Sea kale boasts that it is rich in B vitamins, which affect the functioning of the adrenal glands. But they are responsible for the production of adrenaline, the lack of which causes chronic fatigue. The product is also the best source of organic iodine, as well as many other microelements that help normalize work thyroid gland. But it also affects our mood. It is better to use the dried product, not the pickled one. In addition, it can be prepared at home or ground in a coffee grinder to be used as a seasoning and a substitute for table salt.

We continue to compile the list...

Antidepressant products that still need to be mentioned are:

  1. Fruits, especially bananas. They contain tryptophan and vitamin B6. In addition, bananas also contain the alkaloid harman, which contains the so-called drug of happiness - mescaline. It allows you to induce a feeling of euphoria. To maintain strength, it is recommended to eat one banana in the form of puree, that is, mashed and poured boiling water.
  2. Bitter chocolate. It is made from cocoa beans, which contain phenylethylamine. It promotes the production of endorphins. These substances help improve mood. In addition, they also contain magnesium, which helps relieve stress.
  3. Buckwheat and oatmeal. They are rich in tryptophan. In addition, they also contain complex carbohydrates. Slowly absorbed, they normalize blood sugar levels and help regulate insulin concentrations. Why is it necessary? The fact is that it is insulin that transports tryptophan to the brain, where it is processed into serotonin.
  4. Vegetables. Particular attention should be paid to leafy greens, tomatoes, chili peppers, garlic, broccoli, beets, cauliflower and celery. They provide the body with many vitamins and microelements. Beets contain betaine, a vinamine-like compound that has a significant effect on a person’s hormonal status. The capsaicin in chili peppers irritates our brain and stimulates the brain to produce endorphins. In addition, garlic should also be mentioned - it contains a lot of chromium, which has a strong regulating effect on the formation of serotonin. Also useful are tomatoes, which are real treasure troves. useful substances.
  5. Honey. Unlike sugar, it contains B vitamins, folic acid, iron, chromium, manganese and about 180 other different biologically active compounds that increase energy and promote the production of necessary hormones.

What to cook?

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to use synthetic antidepressants. Food at correct selection menus allow you to successfully normalize the body’s position. But to experience this, you need to build the right diet. What should it look like? correct menu? Something like this:

  1. Breakfast. Oatmeal with raisins, nuts, dried apricots, a cup of cocoa, sprouted and washed grains.
  2. Lunch. A cup of green tea, 2-3 cups of dark chocolate, oatmeal or rye bread, an orange.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable soup, garnish with buckwheat or brown rice, a piece of fish or chicken, tomato salad (or sweet pepper) with vegetable oil, chili, green tea or mineral water, rye bread.
  4. Afternoon snack. Nuts, dates, raisins, chocolate chip cookies, yogurt.
  5. Dinner. Cheese or feta cheese, juice or kefir plus vegetable stew from stewed asparagus, peppers, kohlrabi, tomatoes, celery root and greens. You can also drink hot cocoa before bed. As an alternative - a glass of milk with honey.

But this is not the only correct option, which cannot be deviated from. You can use buckwheat, buckwheat, soups made from them, or just raw vegetables. If you have imagination, then there should be no problems with the possibilities and execution options. Separately, it is worth highlighting the use of herbal remedies that influence mood. Medicinal plants, which have a sedative effect on a person, help reduce emotional stress. And this deserves detailed consideration.

Drinking herbs and the effect on the sense of smell

Anti-depression products don't always have to be in the form of food. Most best example the veracity of such a statement is herbal infusions. What opportunities does Mother Nature open to us? If a person is stressed, then oregano, lemon balm, hops, St. John's wort, as well as valerian leaves and root are used.

In conditions where the moment has been missed and apathy and depression have developed, the approach needs to be changed. In such cases, it is useful to brew teas from rose hips, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, raspberries, currants, mint and oregano. In this case, you need to let the drink brew for two hours. This soothing tea will help you relax. Combining St. John's wort with valerian is also effective. It is worth consuming them for at least one week, completely replacing regular tea. This way you can feel a noticeable improvement in your emotional state.

An infusion of mint and hop cones is also interesting. It acts similar to synthetic tranquilizers. But it does not cause such effects and is completely safe for human health. To prepare it, mix mint and hop cones in equal proportions and steam the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Wait half an hour, strain and ready to eat. You can optionally add a spoonful of honey or a slice of lemon.

To normalize sleep and relieve neuropsychic tension, you can make a herbal pillow. For it you need to prepare the following collection: lemon balm, oregano, lavender, hop cones. All these herbs fill a pad made of linen or cotton fabric. The finished product is placed at the head under the pillow.

As you can see, it is not necessary to rely exclusively on natural antidepressants in products. You can also pay attention to aromatic essential oils. Ylang-ylang will allow you to relax and relieve tension, cedar and lavender help cope with fears and anxiety. So there are natural antidepressants in foods, herbs and many other places. The main thing is to search and approach the solution of assigned tasks wisely.

General cooking rules and recipes

The peculiarity of the products in question is that they can often be consumed raw. For example, tomatoes just need to be washed and you can eat them. But for greater convenience, it is recommended to cut them. But in relation to some products (for example, buckwheat, rich in iron), eating it raw can be problematic. In this case, the food must be boiled. This is an important point! The fact is that cooked foods are usually healthier than fried ones. This also applies to those that are antidepressants. Let's look at some simple and quick recipes:

  1. Oatmeal. Fill with water or milk and cook for five minutes over moderate heat. After cooking, you need to let it brew and you can add honey or raisins if you wish.
  2. Boiled eggs. Fill with water and bring to a boil. After which they are cooked for 3-10 minutes, depending on the desired final state.
  3. Fish. It needs to be cleared of scales. You can then make the corned beef or fry it. In the first case, it is dried from water, densely covered with salt (it is advisable to achieve a 1:2 ratio), remains in this position for two weeks, then is ventilated for another five days. At the first and third stages, it should be stored in a net that does not allow flies to get to it.

Gender characteristics of nutrition

Are there specific antidepressant products for different genders? Is it possible to choose something more suitable for women and men? Are there certain foods that you prefer to eat? Not really. You just need to provide a healthy and nutritious diet from which the body will receive everything it needs.

Although, under certain circumstances, you can increase the amount of antidepressant foods in your diet. For women, this is especially true in the premenstrual period, as well as when carrying a child. In such cases, a properly selected diet will minimize discomfort and take out healthy baby. At the same time, it is necessary to select such food so that it can be consumed with pleasure. For example, if you don’t like broccoli, you can replace it with buckwheat and tomatoes.

When preparing food, you may consider replacing salt with seaweed. Use it in pure form problematic. But in the form of a salad or sushi it can be eaten without the slightest problem. This is especially important when talking about antidepressant products for men. After all, it just so happens that the stronger sex is entrusted with great responsibility and has to make decisions on which the well-being of the family depends. And for this you need to have a sober head and an unclouded consciousness.

Therefore, healthy food stronger sex special attention must be paid. But there is no need to go to extremes and start calculating the consumed amount of microelements and vitamins with a calculator. It is enough to simply provide a varied diet that allows you to get everything you need in sufficient quantity.

Is medical supervision required?

In general, when the above antidepressant products are used, medical supervision is not necessary. After all, what is useful and necessary for human body food. And in this case, there is no need to attract an additional specialist. If there are health complications, it will be difficult to manage without consulting a doctor. This is especially true for diabetics, as well as people with digestive, kidney and liver problems.

It is also advisable to consult a specialist if allergic reactions. In this case, it will be necessary to undergo tests to determine the cause. You will also have to choose another product, or use antiallergic drugs. Although, if you have the desire, time and money, you can seek advice and compile a list of foods consumed for a specific person, taking into account lifestyle, stress, and age. Also the doctor taking into account specific features may draw up a list of prohibited products.

A bad mood is probably familiar to every person, however, if fatigue and apathy do not leave you for a long time, and negative thoughts constantly “climb” into your head, this condition can be called depression. Of course, the diagnosis is made by a doctor, but any person who does not suffer from serious mental pathologies can prevent the development of depression. Many people, of course, resort to help chemicals against depression, but we will go a different way. We invite you to use the most natural natural antidepressants - products and herbs. In nature there are a huge number of plants and healthy products that can lift your spirits and relieve depression. Enjoy your health!

Nature to the rescue

Pharmacies are now full of antidepressant drugs, and many of them are effective, but they also have many side effects; Moreover, you cannot take such drugs without a prescription from a specialist. Unlike them, folk remedies- natural antidepressants, they act more gently and do not cause addiction, and sometimes the result is not worse, but even better than the most modern drugs.

True, it is rarely possible to get by with “herbs” and products alone. You can get rid of depression only by completely changing your attitude towards yourself: changing your lifestyle, diet, circle of acquaintances, and often work - health is much more expensive. Nevertheless, herbal infusions and decoctions are very popular among the people, and official medicine also uses them quite often: experts recommend taking them both for prevention and for various diseases.

Healing herbs

In nature, a huge number of medicinal plants, and many of them help cope with depression. Let us briefly list some antidepressant herbs that are known and widespread in Russia.

St. John's wort helps improve brain function and inhibit the production of stress hormones; Hawthorn relieves fear, anxiety and insomnia - it is often prescribed for severe shocks and nervous disorders; Valerian is a generally recognized sedative that reduces anxiety and improves sleep.

Mint, lemon balm, black milkweed, and motherwort are also well known in Russia - many scientific works have been written about each of these herbs.

Ginkgo biloba does not grow here, but it is not a deficiency. The preparations of this plant allow you to restore damaged brain cells, even out the emotional background and increase stress resistance - a mental property that is necessary for everyone today.

Adaptogen herbs also “destroy” depression: for example, tea with Eleutherococcus, ginseng, Schisandra chinensis or Echinacea purpurea helps.

Folk recipes

Here are a few simple recipes, which are easy to use at home.

St. John's wort, cornflower and motherwort herbs (1 tsp each) are poured with boiling water (3 cups) and left for 15 minutes. Place on low heat and cook for about 20 minutes, cool and strain. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day after meals. The course is 10 days, then a ten-day break and repeating the course again.

Herbal tea - an excellent natural antidepressant that banishes apathy and eliminates the effects of stress, is obtained from the leaves of mint and oregano, raspberries and strawberries, rose hips and St. John's wort.

The ingredients are poured into a thermos (1 tablespoon each), brewed with a liter of boiling water, closed for 2-3 hours - the antidepressant tea is ready. You can drink it throughout the day, like regular tea, 2-4 cups, adding honey or sugar to taste. It is not necessary to strain: tea can be poured through a strainer, adding boiling water to the thermos.

Similar to antidepressant medications, but without negative influence An infusion of mint and hop cones works for health. Pour 1 tsp into a glass of boiling water. mint leaves and hop cones, leave for half an hour, filter. Take the infusion 2-4 times a day, ½ cup, adding honey and lemon to taste.

You can drink herbal teas regularly, replacing regular tea, black or green, or at least mixing herbs with tea. Within a week you will notice that not only your mood has improved, but also your overall well-being.

And you can improve your sleep by placing a small sachet next to your pillow, made of linen or cotton fabric, and filled with a mixture of aromatic antidepressant herbs: the same hops and mint, lemon balm, oregano, lavender, chamomile, wormwood, linden, etc. .

You can and should take soothing baths with all of the herbs listed. A strong decoction or infusion (1-2 l) is poured into bath water and 7-8 drops of your favorite essential oils are added. For example, 1-3 drops each of lavender, neroli, geranium, sandalwood, jasmine, bergamot, etc. oils.

Products for depression

Regular food products can be considered natural antidepressants - of course, only natural and fresh ones. Such products contain substances that help the body maintain normal hormonal levels. Both “plant” and “animal” foods will help cope with depression: fresh vegetables and fruits, berries and dried fruits, freshly squeezed juices, cottage cheese, kefir and other fermented milk, low-fat and mild cheese, eggs, fish and seafood; meat and offal – veal, turkey, chicken, liver; unrefined vegetable oils, “pure” chocolate, nuts and seeds. Among vegetable crops, cabbage (broccoli, white cabbage and cauliflower), peas, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, parsley and dill are especially useful.

Anti-stress diet

There are even special anti-stress diets: you can choose a set of natural antidepressant products for yourself and create a diet “to your taste.” Let's give an example of such a diet.

In the morning you can eat a cup of oatmeal (it’s better not instant cooking), with the addition of sprouted wheat (2-3 tsp), nuts, raisins and dried apricots; dried rye bread (2 slices), banana; drink a cup of cocoa.

Lunch: again dried bread, made from rye or oatmeal, orange, unsweetened green tea, 2-3 slices of dark chocolate.

Lunch options may vary. For example, vegetable soup, buckwheat or brown rice with a piece of fish (chicken), with a salad of sweet peppers and tomatoes for the main course, black bread and green tea. Or: vegetable stew of zucchini, several types of cabbage and parsley (celery, dill), soft-boiled eggs (2 pcs.), apple, Orange juice, rye bread (unsweetened bun).

For an afternoon snack: natural yogurt with dates, raisins, nuts and diet cookies.

In the evening: boiled beans, sweet peppers, kohlrabi salad with celery, a piece of cheese (100-150 g), a glass of kefir or juice.

At night: warm milk or rosehip infusion with 1-2 tsp. honey, brewer's yeast (sold in tablets at the pharmacy).

According to reviews from those who have tried a similar diet, their emotional state improves within a week; The daily menu can be varied as desired. It is interesting that, although the diet is not specifically aimed at correcting body weight, weight begins to tend to normal: when overweight a person begins to lose weight, and if not enough, to gain weight. However, if you feel hungry, it is worth adding to the menu herbs that soothe and reduce appetite (bearberry, plantain, nettle, dandelion root, hawthorn, burdock, fennel, corn silk), in the form of infusions and decoctions, and seaweed (not canned). This will avoid additional stress and give the body the necessary energy.

Using regularly, in combination and in different ways At least these natural antidepressants listed here can help you get rid of the symptoms of depression and completely forget about your bad mood. However, if irritability, anxiety, apathy and depression do not go away, you should consult a specialist - a neurologist or psychologist.

Not only your health, but also your mood directly depends on what you eat. Below is a list of anti-stress products that contain substances that help the body produce the “happiness hormone”!

1. Fish

Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to which fish has become a remedy for bad mood. In addition, fatty fish contains large amounts of vitamin B6, which improves mood and strengthens the immune system. It is advisable to eat fish at least three to four times a week, at least 100-150 g. And if daily, then 50-70 g. Try not to fry it in large quantities of flour and butter, but to simmer, salt, and bake.

2. Vegetables and fruits in bright colors

Vegetables with bright colors (beets, eggplants, carrots, sweet peppers, persimmons, tangerines, oranges and other colorful vegetables) will also help lift your mood. Bright colors themselves can drive away melancholy and energize based on a psychological effect.

But in the case of vegetables and fruits, this is not the only issue. Fruits and vegetables of rich colors contain special substances that improve blood circulation in the brain. As a result, the brain receives more oxygen, and you begin to feel noticeably better, and informs us about this in a good mood.

3. Chicken broth

Chicken broth has the ability to have a calming effect on us; it is an excellent remedy for grief. Once in the body, chicken meat is processed into serotonin - the same “happiness hormone” that affects our mood.

Also, do not forget that chicken broth- An excellent remedy for colds and flu. To get the maximum benefit from it, you should add onion, celery and parsley to the broth, but it is better to exclude salt.

4. Sea kale

Sea kale is very rich in B vitamins, which promotes the production of adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue, resulting in worsening mood.

It is better to buy seaweed that is not canned. And then season it yourself with spices and other ingredients (carrots, mushrooms, sesame seeds, etc.). For the lazy ones, there are plenty of recipes on how you can prepare seaweed yourself at home.

5. Bananas

Bananas, in addition to serotonin, contain vitamin B6, which, as we already know, is necessary to lift your mood. In addition, bananas are enriched with the alkaloid harman, which can cause a feeling of euphoria, that is, this is another stimulus for the production of serotonin. These fruits are also good to eat when chronic fatigue and blues. And remember about the positive color yellow!

This mood-enhancing fruit is also very convenient and healthy to use as a snack at work or on the road - because it does not need to be washed or cooked, and it can be stored for quite a long time without refrigeration.

6. Nuts

All nuts, like fatty fish, are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can ensure the proper functioning of brain cells and help eliminate symptoms of depression. Nuts are also rich in an important mineral, selenium, also essential for good mood.

You can eat up to 30 g of this anti-stress product per day. But do not forget that nuts are very high in calories, and a handful of nuts can contain your entire daily calorie intake, so you need to eat them quite carefully, with an eye on your diet, so as not to ruin your mood even more.

7. Chocolate

The fact that chocolate helps lift your mood is not an invention of those with a sweet tooth. Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain a substance that promotes the production of happiness hormones in the body - endorphins. They are the ones that are produced in increased quantities in lovers. And people in love, as a rule, are happy, like children. Cocoa beans also contain magnesium, which helps reduce stress.

But it is worth knowing that only dark chocolate has all of the above qualities.

8. Cheese

Cheese contains amino acids that help maintain good location spirit: tyramine, trictamine and phenylethylamine. Cheese of any kind can lift your spirits.

Hard cheeses are an excellent caries prevention; eating hard cheese even small quantities has a beneficial effect on general condition body: it relieves stress and calms, has a positive effect on sleep, normalizes blood pressure. Mozzarella helps fight insomnia. Soft blue cheeses contribute proper operation gastrointestinal tract. And Gouda, Epuas and Emmental are useful increased content calcium.

9. Eggs

The egg contains many nutrients and consists of a complete set of easily digestible proteins. It is a source of beneficial folic acid, biotin and choline. Eggs contain essential fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D, as well as tryptophan, carotenes and B vitamins, the deficiency of which can lead to depression. So even ordinary scrambled eggs can improve your mood.

10. Oatmeal and buckwheat

Like chicken, oatmeal and buckwheat contain the amino acid tryptophan. These products also contain carbohydrates, which, being slowly absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels, preventing them from going beyond normal limits.

Oatmeal helps normalize the nervous system, calms and balances it; oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the health of hair and nails, skin and metabolic processes in our body, give a feeling of fullness for the whole day, due to the large amount complex carbohydrates.

Remember that the key to health is a balanced diet that helps us look beautiful, feel great and be at our best! In addition to antidepressant products, bad mood and stress can be overcome with the help of massage.

Depression can occur due to many reasons, from physiological to psychological. But there is a simple and tasty way to reduce your risk of developing depression, which at the same time, to some extent, contributes to the “health” of the body. According to this method, you need regular, at least 2-3 times a week, consumption of certain beneficial antidepressant products.

According to Indian nutritionists, stress can arise due to poor diet, and external circumstances it is only provoked. Scientists have developed a list of 8 products that best help combat stress.

List of antidepressant products

1. The first product on the list of antidepressant products is yogurt, which helps increase the level of the “happiness hormone” serotonin. This action is due to the tyrosine contained in it. Milk proteins enhance its effect. It is especially often recommended to consume yogurt in summer and spring, since with long daylight hours it is better absorbed.

2. In second place is dark chocolate, which supplies the body with mood-improving antioxidants and phenethylamine. Phenethylamine is a substance that affects brain cells responsible for a good mood. Chocolate is not only an incredibly tasty food product, but also very healthy.

3. To reduce possible consequences stress, it is necessary to include in the diet antidepressants citrus fruits, which supply the brain with natural sugar and vitamin C, necessary to overcome stress. However, residents of other latitudes may benefit from sweet fruits growing in their region. Citrus fruits, especially oranges, help the brain fight stress due to the fact that they contain a high content of vitamins and natural sugars. And due to the fact that they have bright colors and rich aroma, they evoke positive emotions.

4. In fourth place on the list of antidepressant foods is almonds, which contain zinc, magnesium, vitamins E and B2. When almonds are included in the diet, the above-mentioned serotonin is produced.

5. Nutritionists recommend replacing tea with drinks prepared on the basis of herbs, selected depending on what effect you want to get: calming or tonic. If you need help dealing with stress, you should include fish in your diet, which contains zinc, B vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential components in the treatment of nervous system disorders.

6. The list ends with garlic and broccoli. Garlic has the ability to reduce the effects of oxidative stress. It is not only effective protection against viruses, but also good remedy from depression thanks to the enzymes included in its composition, which reduce the negative impact on nerve cells of the environment. Broccoli, due to the fact that it contains a rich mineral composition, prevents the occurrence of panic attacks, depression and anxiety. Broccoli is the most positive vegetable side dish. It contains a large amount of folic acid, which relieves us of attacks of causeless anxiety.

7. Any greens, tomatoes, peas, asparagus, carrots, bell peppers and legumes have a positive effect on the body. Bananas and grapes are very useful fruits. In addition, it is recommended to consume milk and other dairy and fermented milk products. Don't forget about the benefits of cheese and eggs. In addition to this, it is recommended to consume poultry and lean beef, especially the liver. You can season any dish with basil, tarragon and rosemary.

Natural antidepressants for depression, stress, anxiety, irritability and anxiety can be used in addition to methods such as psychotherapy, acupuncture or light therapy. Recurrent anxiety attacks can also be relieved with the help of improvised remedies - usually these are antidepressants of natural origin, cheap and available in any pharmacy and even in the supermarket.

Natural antidepressants for stress naturally help cope with psychological problems. Below we provide a list of natural antidepressants ( natural products), which will help you not only treat depression, but also prevent its occurrence.

Natural antidepressants for depression

Rhodiola rosea (golden root) - natural antidepressants

Rhodiola rosea relieves both physical and mental fatigue. It is a common stimulant that is taken not only for fatigue, but also for seasonal affective disorder and depression. Rhodiola rosea is beneficial because:

  • promotes active recovery: golden root is effective against asthenia and fights stress
  • regulates the level of adrenaline (a neurotransmitter that is released under stress): Rhodiola rosea is a natural alternative to tranquilizers
  • used for high physical activity to increase endurance and promote heart recovery; Rhodiola rosea is also successfully used in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that helps fight depression by increasing resistance to stress and reducing mental and physical fatigue. Thus, Rhodiola restores the natural “dynamism” of the body. An adaptogenic plant adapts to the body's needs.

In case of seasonal depression, Rhodiola can have a positive effect on:

  • eating disorder (reduces symptoms of bulimia)
  • sleep disorders (relieves excessive drowsiness)
  • emotional state (increases the desire to act).

St. John's wort for depression

St. John's wort has been used for centuries as a remedy mild treatment and moderate depression. For example, in Germany, even representatives of official medicine prescribe St. John's wort as a natural antidepressant.

St. John's wort is probably the most famous natural antidepressant! Recognized by the European Agency medicines(EMEA) and the World Health Organization, St. John's wort is effective against depression, anxiety, mood swings, nervous agitation and digestive problems.

St. John's wort does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms. However, it has been proven that the use of St. John's wort simultaneously with certain medications is associated with side effects - that is, St. John's wort affects the effect of other drugs. Thus, it is strongly recommended not to associate St. John's wort with antidepressants, cyclosporine drugs, birth control pills, some antiviral drugs and anticancer drugs. It is extremely important to get your doctor's approval to use St. John's wort as a natural antidepressant.

Saffron is a natural antidepressant

Saffron, also called "red gold", is a spice that is a very powerful natural remedy for combating depression, stress, low mood and anxiety. Pigment Crocin and essential oil safranal contained in saffron has antidepressant, anti-stress and anxiolytic properties. According to research, the effects of saffron are equivalent to those of synthetic antidepressants, but without any side effects. Saffron maybe best choice than St. John's wort if you are already taking a regular antidepressant, as it has less of an effect on other medications.

Depression is complex disease, which can take many forms and affect each of us. It manifests itself in a sad mood, loss of interest in activities, and decreased energy. These emotional disturbances affect family life, professional and social activity. You can fight depression with the help of effective natural antidepressants, which allows you to avoid many of the side effects of synthetic drugs.

Griffonia simplefolia for depression

Griffonia is an African plant rich in 5-hydroxytryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Griffonia simplefolia acts as an effective antidepressant, but naturally without the significant side effects of synthetic drugs. Griffonia is useful for combating depression, anxiety, stress and sleep disorders. Unlike synthetic antidepressants, Griffonia simplefolia acts on the brain and the entire body.

Valerian - a natural antidepressant

The Valerian plant has long been proven beneficial for treating depression and anxiety. Valerian works effectively on the body and effectively reduces nervous agitation, anxiety, stress and insomnia. The body as a whole feels renewed, and later fatigue sets in.

Turmeric - a natural antidepressant in your kitchen

Turmeric is a powerful spice that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. In addition to its numerous healing properties, turmeric is effective against depression and stress. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful antidepressant, making turmeric an ally in the fight against depression. According to various sources, turmeric is as effective as conventional depression medications, but without the side effects! It activates serotonin, the good mood hormone.

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Omega-3 natural antidepressant

Omega-3 is an excellent natural antidepressant, although the general public is much more aware of its effects on cardiovascular health, dietary balance, pain and inflammation. But, adequate intake of omega-3 also helps in treating depression. The only problem is that it is difficult to get from food required quantity Omega-3 for effective fight with depression, so you can turn to certified natural food additives, no pesticides or heavy metals.

Hops - a natural antidepressant

Hops relieve symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety. It has very interesting relaxing and calming properties. The European Medicines Commission has approved the use of hops to combat agitation, anxiety and sleep disorders.

Ginseng is a life-giving natural antidepressant adaptogen.

Ginseng effectively regulates the immune response and hormonal changes due to stress, thereby maintaining homeostasis. In addition to suppressing the onset of psychological diseases such as anxiety and depression, ginseng also prevents stress-related physiological diseases. ( Bibliography:

Ginseng is traditionally used as medicinal herb in the Far East, Korea, Japan, China. The reason for this is that ginseng contains natural antioxidant compounds. These ginsenosides, which are extracted from ginseng roots, leaves, stems, fruits, have several pharmacological effects. They are divided into about 100 different categories. Many studies have identified ginsenosides effective treatment organ damage and cell death, as well as immunological and metabolic diseases.

Ginseng is used as an adaptogen to treat various diseases, as a tonic and rejuvenating agent. Ginseng is excellent at regulating tension, compared to other shown adaptogens. This effectiveness as an antistress agent has been demonstrated using various behavioral conditioning stress tests. In vivo research has also shown that ginseng has excellent anti-stress effects.

Reishi - have you tried mushrooms for depression?

Reishi has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is especially useful for regulating the immune system - boosting it when it is weakened, or lowering it when the immune system is overactive. The mushroom contains more than 400 different biologically active compounds; Numerous studies have confirmed that in addition to modifying the immune system, Reishi has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and calming effects. nervous system, reduces anxiety, improves mood and promotes better sleep ( Bibliography:

Schisandra to improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression

Schisandra berry is a classic example of an adaptogenic herbal remedy, meaning that it is safe, non-toxic and specifically reduces both mental and physical stress. Schisandra is shown to improve coordination, concentration, and even endurance.

The Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products concluded that regular consumption of Schisandra extract reduces stress-related anxiety and also improves cognitive function. According to researchers, there is pretty good evidence that Schisandra is a fairly powerful natural anidepressant due to its ability to stimulate mood by reducing stress levels and increasing performance in many aspects of life ( Bibliography:,

Melissa - a natural aromatic antidepressant

The plant regulates mood, improves sleep quality, reduces anxiety, nervousness and irritability and anxiety. Melissa helps the body find peace and tranquility without causing harm ( Bibliography:

Melissa officinalis is a perennial shrub plant from the Lamiaceae family. Back in the Middle Ages, this fragrant herb was widespread in Europe; nowadays it is widely cultivated throughout the world. Various studies have isolated a variety of biologically active substances from lemon balm. HPLC analyzes (high performance liquid chromatography) showed that the pharmacological effects of lemon balm extract are provided by rosmarinic acid, ester caffeic acid and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid.

Studies on healthy volunteers have shown that lemon balm extract has the ability to modulate mood and can be considered a tranquilizer and antidepressant of limited use. However, there is no exact data on the gender factor and the duration of the effect, so be sure to coordinate the use of lemon balm with your doctor.

Eleutherococcus, like many plant plants medicinal products, came to us from traditional Chinese medicine, where it has been used for more than 2000 years - oriental healers are confident that Eleutherococcus is able to restore the deficiency vital energy qi.

Eleutherococcus is also considered a natural adaptogen, which means it naturally strengthens the body's resistance to various stress factors and helps normalize and balance the body's immune and endocrine systems.

Official pharmacology recognized Eleutherococcus as an adaptogen in the 40s of the last century, when Soviet scientists began actively studying it medicinal properties. In the USSR, Eleutherococcus was actively used to solve many health problems - from increasing the strength and endurance of athletes to combating radiation exposure after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986.

The plant improves adrenal function, which is associated with the fight against fatigue - chemicals in Eleutherococcus inhibits the binding of stress hormones to their receptors. This means that the better your adrenal glands work, the less hormones that cause stress and anxiety are produced.
Consumption of Eleutherococcus also causes mild sedative effects, which helps relieve symptoms of depression.

However, despite all the benefits of eleutherococcus as a natural antidepressant, do not take it without consulting a doctor - eleutherococcus is contraindicated in high blood pressure and low blood sugar.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this article about natural antidepressants is intended to inform the reader only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.