Science about man's economic life. Essay: Human needs, their types and means of satisfaction

Subject: The main issues of the economy.

Lesson 3. Fundamentals of mankind's economic life.

  • A method of organizing the activities of people aimed at creating the goods required for consumption.
  • Science examining the behavior of participants in the process of economic activity.

Life benefits.




Give and write down the examples.

What benefits are there more than the desire of people, use them?

Compare among themselves the number of natural and economic benefits.

What benefits are available in more?

What benefits are used by man more often?

Natural benefits

If you carefully read the records in the notebook and led examples of natural goods correctly, then you know that you can not use what you can't do with your own hands .

Economic benefits.

For the production of vital goods, people use:

Nature resources

Production factors


Own work



Production factors.











From the number of workable population of the country and

spent time spent.

What does the magnitude of this factor depend on?

Land .

- natural resources suitable for the production of goods.


- Buildings and structures, machines and equipment, railways, ports, etc.


- Services that provide society people with certain abilities, creating new firms at their own fear and risk.


- information transmitted to people in oral or writing, as well as on electronic media.

Development of ways to use resources.

The appearance of the first



natural Good

The appearance of the first

outcomes of labor

The appearance of the first





cattle breeding



I. stage of division of labor.

The primitive society was divided into:

  • farmers or catoters
  • hunters

II. stage of division of labor.

As society grows, the need for each good increases and individuals have the opportunity to produce individual benefits.

III stage of division of labor.

With increasing need for individual products, artisans begin to concentrate on the production of any one good.

Development of ways to use resources

development specialization

those., focusing the production of a certain product in the hands of the one who produces it better


contributed to

increase the number of goods produced

the appearance of surplus products

appearance exchange

Performance -

The volume of goods produced for a certain amount of time (hour, day, week, etc.) using a certain number of resources.

Productivity Number of products

labor spent time

A task

A task.

10 people work in the bakery. Each of them works out for 8 hours of working time during the day. The day baked 800 loaves of bread.

What is the productivity of each employee in 1 hour?


Performance \u003d (800: 10): 8 \u003d 10 (boo / hour)

Methods of production:

Make how much you need yourself (natural economy)

Part of the goods to make yourself, and balances exchange to other benefits.

What kind of production is more profitable?

Natural economy

Man is predicted to

if not to say - it is impossible to produce everything good for yourself.

Number of exchange and trade.

People began to exchange goods not from occasion to occasion, but put it the basis of their lives.

There was a new concept of blah ha.

The regular exchange of OLO Gami in the form of sale and selling was based on trade.



- Intangible benefit, having the form of useful people's activities.


- Material item, useful people.

Advantage of specialization.




increased volume

affordable good


excess volume

goods offered

for sale


the income of sellers

  • What are the life benefits do you know?
  • List the factors of production.
  • What contributed to the emergence of exchange?
  • What is the advantage of specialization?

Life benefits.




Production factors.






  • Specialization allows people

improve the performance of resource use.

  • Improving resource use performance allows people

improve well-cost.

  • Learn entry in notebook.
  • Explain (writing) What are the negative consequences of specialization.

All living inhabitants of the Earth are predicted by nature, but only people learned how to get goodnecessary to meet your needs in volume and assortment more than the wildlife can give.

Not all benefits, however, it is necessary to really extract - air, for example, we do not produce, it is given to us by nature. And therefore economic science shares all the life benefits into two groups:

Giving benefits - these are the vital benefits (mostly natural), which are available to people in the amount of much more than the magnitude of the need for them. Therefore, they do not need to be produced, and people can consume them for free. It is to this group of goods. air, sunlight, rain, oceans.

Gifts benefits- Goods available than whose need is more people's needs, and their consumption of their alone does not lead to the occurrence of the lack of these goods for others.

And yet the main circle of the needs of people is satisfied due to not giving, but economic benefits. Those goods and services whose volume is:

Economic benefits - Means of satisfying human needs available to people in a smaller volume than the amount of these needs.

The fact that people now live are better than in antiquity, achieved due to the increase in the volume and improve the properties of these goods (food, clothing, housing, etc.).

Humanity has achieved this at all because invented the wheel, tamed wild animals, created agriculture and learned to handle fire. The true source of current well-being and power of the peoples of the Earth is an extremely developed mechanism for association (cooperation) efforts for the sake of solving common tasks. Moreover, the most important of them is the production of an increasing amount of vital goods, i.e. Creating conditions for improving people's life.

For the production of life benefits people use nature resources, their work and special adaptations. (Tools, equipment, production facilities, etc.). All this is called production factors.

Adopted allotment three main types of production factors:

Speaking O. laboras a factor of production, we mean the activity of people in the production of goods and services by using their physical and mental capabilities, as well as skills acquired as a result of training and experience. In other words, there are no abilities of people as such to organize production activities, but the right to use these abilities for some time to create a certain type of benefits. In this way, under the purchase of labor, there is a purchase of specific labor services throughout the course.

Work - the use of mental and physical abilities of people, their skills and experience in the form of services necessary for the production of economic benefits.

This means that the volume of labor resources of society depends on the number of the working-age population of the country and the number of time that this population can work for the year.

Speaking O. earthas a factor of production, we mean all types of natural resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of economic benefits. The dimensions of individual elements of natural resources are usually expressed by land areas of a particular purpose, water resources or minerals in depths.

Speaking O. capital we mean all the factors of production that are used to create material goods or providing services, but not in their composition completely, although they can wear out. For example, in the manufacture of the car, the metal sheet turns into its body and then it can not be used. But the assembly line on which this car is going to remain in the enterprise shop and after the finished car came from it. So, on this line you can collect cars and further. True, over time, the equipment of this assembly line from work is extinguished more and more, so it will once have to be repaired or replaced by a new one.

Capital- all types of production factorsUsed to organize the production of goods necessary for people, but are not included in their composition completely and therefore can be used to make many pieces of goods or the provision of many services.

In economic science, it is customary to distinguish:

The volume of the entrepreneurial resource of the Company is practically impossible to measure. Indirect view You can make up based on data on the number of owners of firmswho not only created them for their money, but also manage themselves. Thus, according to the 2002 census, it turned out that in Russia entrepreneurs who use employees, about one million people, which is 1.5% of the employed population. Plus about two million (3%) - individual entrepreneurs.

Note that the hired leader (manager) cannot be called an entrepreneur: he does not matter to his money and in case the failure of the company can only lose their position and wages. The owner of the firm can lose all the money he invested in its creation.

In the XX century immeasurably greater than before, the value for economic activity has acquired another very specific type of production factors - information . Under information, we understand all the knowledge and information that people need for conscious activities in the world of the economy. The amount of this resource is not amenable to accurate measurement, although its value is enormous.

Improving ways to use economic resources (production factors), humanity laid the two most important elements as a basis for its economic activity: specialization and trade .

We can talk about different types (levels) of specialization:

But the entire pyramid of specialization is the specialization of the labor of people. She is based on the principlesdeveloped by people for many centuries to develop their farm. The most important of them are:

Specialization- focusing a certain type of activity in the hands of the person or economic organization that cope with her better than others.

The separation of labor in human society is constantly changing, and the specialization scheme itself is becoming more and more complex.

Remembering the story, we will find that labor specialization arose for the first time only about 12 thousand years ago, as a result of the Great Agrarian Revolution. It was then that people first discovered that the cultivation of agricultural crops allows not to die with hunger and in sedentary life. So, you can no longer wrench in search of food and build your home.

It was then that happened the first division of labor: some people specialized only on the hunt, others became cattle or farmers.

The second division of labor: the separation of mental and physical labor in the ancient period gave rise to science and art.

The current lists of the specialties consist of thousands of professions. The overwhelming majority of them require training (sometimes many years) special skills and labor techniques.

What is the value of labor specialization, why did she become the most important stone in the foundation of the economic life of society? There are several main reasons for that.

FirstlyAll people are different from nature, and more simply, they are endowed with different abilities, therefore they are not alternatively adapted to perform certain types of work. Specialization allows each person to find the sphere of activity, the type of work, the profession in which his abilities will be most fully, and the work will be the least.

Secondly, specialization allows people to seek all big skills. In implementing a favorites for itself. And this makes it possible to produce benefits or provide services with an increasing level of quality.

Thirdly, the growth of "skill" allows people spend on making goods less time and avoid its losses when switching from one type of work to another.

In other words, specialization turned out to be the main way of increasing performanceall resources (factors of production) that people use for the production of the economic goods they need and, above all, the resource that we call labor.

Performance- the amount of benefits that can be obtained from using a certain type of resource for a fixed period of time.

For example, labor productivity is the number of products that the worker made per unit of time (for example, per day, month, year). And the performance of the Earth will be measured by the weight of the harvest obtained from 1 hectare of Pashnya per year.

So the Russian economy produced 905 thousand foreign cars and 311 thousand ways and ozas. Only 120 thousand cars collected by screwdriver technology.

As in fact, there is an increase in productivity due to the deepening of specialization, you can trace on the example of the assembly conveyor invented by the famous American engineer and an entrepreneur Henry Ford.

Economy in persons Henry Ford and labor productivity One of the most remarkable, albeit ambiguous inventions of humanity in the field of specialization and division of labor appeared conveyor - mighty productivity improvement. His creator was Henry Ford (1863-1947) - Father of the mass automotive, man is talented and hard. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe conveyor was born he was born after the company created by him (the third in a row, since the previous previous ones were ruined due to the lack of the experience of the organization's organization) ceased to cope with orders that in one year increased twice. In the spring of 1913 in the assembly shop magneto (Basic Ignition System Element) Ford launched the world's first conveyor. Previously, the collector Magneto worked at the table on which he had a complete set of details for this device: magnets, bolts and terminals. A skilled assembly collector (9 o'clock.) Collected about 40 magneto. According to the new system, each collector had to perform only one or two operations (i.e. specialized to even more than before, when he knew how to fulfill all the operations on the assembly of Magneto), before the magneto blank passed into his neighbor's hands. This made it possible to reduce the time to assemble one magneto from about 20 minutes. up to 13 minutes 10 seconds. And when Ford thought to replace the former low table for assembling to the raised higher moving ribbon, which herself set the pace of work, the assembly time was reduced up to 5 min. Easy to calculate that labor productivity has increased 4 times! When the principle of conveyor assembly was introduced by Ford in all workshops, time at the assembly of the chassis of the car decreased from 12.5 hours. DR 93 min.. Labor productivity has grown 8.1 times. This provided an increase in labor productivity of the entire Ford plant. When in 1914, the release of cars here increased 2 times, the number of workers managed to maintain the same. Meanwhile, the same increase in the release in previous years required from Ford and a two-time increase in the number of employees. This outstanding result turned Ford to the largest US car company and forever inscribed his name to the history of mankind as one of those whose ingenuity made it possible to find a new way to improve welfare. Such an increase in labor productivity allowed Ford to produce their cars with far less costs than competitors sell them cheaper and seized the market. Under these conditions, no other competitors remained, except for the introduction of the conveyor and in their enterprises.

It is due to the specialization of labor and growth on this basis of its productivity, people first encountered the possibility and profitability of the transition from the accidental and irregular exchange of benefits to permanent trade them. After all, a person can satisfy its benefits needs only two peaceful ways.:

Gradually, people were convinced of the preference of the second way. The reason is simple: performance growth based on specialization allows you to increase the amount of products produced. If you use additionally produced by one benefits to the benefits made by others, then as a result, it is possible to obtain more of a variety of products at your disposal compared to their independent manufacture.

The awareness of this fact prompted people not to exchange from occasion to occasion, but to make it the basis of their lives. In other words, people discovered that the best result bring the transformation of goods created by them to goods and services and use them for regular exchange.

Product - any good (most often material subject), which is the subject of sale.

Service - intangible benefit, having a form of useful people activities.

That is why if someone is able to produce a certain kind of benefits better than others (with absolutely or relatively lower resource costs or with the best properties), then it is advantageous only to it. All other benefits can be obtained by exchanging.

The ability to exchange benefits - a unique feature of people who distinguish them from other inhabitants of the Earth to at least than the serve or the ability to think.

It is the regular exchange of goods and services that underlies the most important field of activity of people - trade, i.e. exchange of benefits in the formure-selling sales of goods and services for money. Trade connects people and firms specializing in the production of certain goods or the provision of various services, in a single whole - the country or the planet in general. Without trade, the development of specialization would be impossible, and therefore people would be harder to achieve an increase in the volume of economic benefits affordable.

Trade - Voluntary and mutually beneficial exchange of goods in the form of purchase and sale of goods and services for money.

Moreover, only a combination of specialization and trade made it possible to resolve the contradiction between the desire of people to obtain a huge variety of various benefits and the ability of each person to produce only a limited range of benefits.

Pages of economic history of mankind How people learned to trade « Everywhere, where there is trade, there and Mraven Mr. " Charles Louis Montesquieu (1689-1755), outstanding French thinker and historian Trade was born in unsumemented antiquity - it is even ancient farming. In Europe, archaeologists managed to find evidence of the existence of trading another 30,000 years ago, i.e. in the paleolithic era. Initially, trading went between tribes, then - between nations living far from each other (so international trade was born before internal). Trade was carried out primarily, luxury objects (precious and finishing stones, rare wood, spices and silks, etc.), and its wandering merchant merchants: Arabs, Friezes, Jews, Saksa, and then the Italians who have become one of the world's leading commercial nations. The merchants tied the peoples and countries with each other, becoming passing and diplomats, and geographers. Over time, even the so-called shopping cities appeared in Europe: Venice, Genoa and the Coastal Cities of Germany, who formed Hanseatic Union (Hamburg, Shttin, Danzig, etc.). Trading has played a huge role in the history of mankind. It was the merchants who became the initiators of the navigation in search of unknown land, where expensive goods could be mined. It is worth remembering that in Columbus the main goal of swimming was purely trading interests. He wanted to find a shorter way to the shores of India to make it easier and cheaper to carry expensive exotic spices to Europe.. However, merchants contributed to the history of not only geographical discoveries (however, like piracy and slave trade), but also the birth industry.
This is what Adam Smith wrote about this: "The inhabitants of the shopping cities were exported from richest countries the refined goods of manufactory production and precious luxury goods and thus gave food to the vanity of major landowners who have bought these goods with greed and paid for them with huge amounts of raw product of their lands. .. When the use of these products has become so common, which caused significant demand for them, merchants to save the cost of transportation, they tried to establish the production of such goods in their homeland. " So, large handicraft production began to be born first of the trade, and then manufactory-. During the present plants and factories.

Even in their room, you will find the benefits created by different types of specialized work: builder, furniture maker, glass manufacturer, manufacturer of dishes, joiner, electrician, machine builder, etc. No person is able to master all many professions needed to create a variety of goods we use today. In addition, the creation of each good requires a certain time, and if a person had created all the benefits for himself, then many of their needs he could - at best, to satisfy only on the slope of days.

On the contrary the combination of specialization and regular metabolism of specialized labor makes it possible to receive benefits:

If the country skillfully clips among themselves "gears" of specialization and trading, then:

Symbolically, this connection can be represented as hours that measure the course of economic progress of humanity (Fig. 1.3).

Fig. 1.3. Economic hours

And while the dial of these clock is intact, and the arrows move in the right direction, the country is riches and people live in it all better and better. But if the country is violated in the country of development of specialization or productivity falls if trade is developed too weak or people do not invest part of their income in the development of production of goods, then economic difficulties arise in this country. And interruptions or stopping hours of economic progress always lead to the same result: to live people get worse, the crisis comes.

This rule applies to all countries. Even to those whose citizens seem to be guaranteed a wealthy existence due to their disposal to natural wealth. Sure, the presence of such wealth facilitates the path to high well-being, but by itself the richness of the subsoil, passengers or forests do not guarantee. For example, after the end of World War II, a number of countries in Southeast Asia committed a giant leap, overtaking in the pace of development of their economies even the United States (Fig. 1.4).

Now, some of these countries have become powerful economic powers noticeably affecting all the world economy. Meaning natural resources, many of them are endowed with very scoop and started their way in extreme poverty..

An example gives Russia. Her natural wealth was huge. Their rational use could make our people one of the most prosperous in the world. But despite the fact that most of the XX century. Russia, being under the domination of the planning-team system, spent its natural wealth on a huge scale, this did not provide our high-level citizens of welfare.

So, according to UN experts, Russia is now on the level of wealth only at the 67th place in the world (between Albania and Bosnia). Note that this level of wealth was determined with:

Since our natural resources are steadily decreasing, they can even be held at this low-person place, not to mention that to rise above, Russia will be able to, only increasing the scale of the production of useful people of economic benefits and retaining the degree of education of its citizens. After all, if you only focus on the economic criterion - the value of the annual product of the country per capita is, then Russia (with its $ 12,500. income per capita) is generally on the 81st place in the world, slightly overtaking Costa Rica, Botswana and Mexico.

It is possible to solve this problem in the only way - to master the art of a rational organization of economic activity. It is thanks to this art that the high level of welfare of citizens of developed countries of the world has been achieved - even those that are deprived by natural wealth. However, our economic science is still too young, although it's not just that. It is necessary to take into account the political, historical and cultural traditions of Russia.

Today, Russians are residents of the country with huge oil and gas fields and world-famous black soil soils - can only dream of such a level of welfare, which exists, say, in Holland. Meanwhile, it is a country with a cool climate that does not have deposits of many minerals and retracting land for farmers by the sea (almost half of this country lies below the sea level and is protected from flooding only dams). But the Dutch added to their hard work a great possession of modern methods of organizing economic life, and it is this that provides them with high quality of life.

All living inhabitants of the Earth are predicted by nature, but

only people learned how to extract the benefits necessary to meet

your needs, in volume and assortment more than can

give wildlife.

Not all benefits, however, have to really produce - air, for example,

we do not produce, it is given to us by nature. And therefore economic

science shares all the life benefits into two groups:

1) giving benefits;

2) Economic benefits.

Given benefits - these are the vital benefits (mostly natural),

which are available to people in the amount of much greater than the value

needs to them. And therefore they do not need to be produced, and people can

require them for free. It is to this group of goods among the air,

sunlight, rains, oceans.

Given benefles - benefits available more than people's needs,

and the consumption of their alone does not lead to the occurrence of these

goods for others.

And yet the main circle of the needs of people is satisfied due to

not gift, but economic benefits, i.e., those goods and services whose volume:

1) insufficient to meet the needs of people in full

2) can be increased only by the cost of production factors,

i.e. those elements of the production process, without which it is impossible;

3) it is necessary to distribute in one way or another.

Economic benefits - means of satisfying human needs,

available to people in a smaller volume than the amount of these needs.

And if people live better now than in antiquity, it is achieved

due to the increase in the volume and improvement of the properties of these goods

(food, clothing, housing, etc.).

Humanity has achieved this at all because he invented the wheel,

tamed wild animals, created agriculture and learned to contact

with fire. True source of current well-being and power

the peoples of the Earth are an extremely developed mechanism of association

forces for the sake of solving common tasks. And the most important of them - production

increasingly life of life products, i.e. creating conditions

to improve the lives of people.

For the production of life benefits, people use nature resources,

your work and special devices (tools, equipment,

production facilities, etc.). All this is called factors


It is customary to allocate three main types of production factors:

3) Capital.

Speaking of work as a factor of production, we mean activities

people in the production of goods and services by using them

physical and mental capabilities, as well as skills acquired

as a result of learning and experience. In other words, for the organization

production activities are not bought

people as such, but the right to use these abilities during

some time to create a certain type of good. Thus

way, under the purchase of labor mean the purchase of concrete

labor services for a certain period of time.

Work is the use of mental and physical abilities of people, their

vokes and experience in the form of services necessary for the production of economic benefits.

This means that the volume of labor resources of society depends on the number

The concept of unemployment

Unemployment is defined as a contingent of people older than a certain age that are not working suitable for work and seeking it in the period under review.

Unemployment is an integral property of a market management system. The number of unemployed increases significantly during periods of crises and decreases during periods of rates. It is believed that moderate unemployment is a source for economic growth, because It is a reserve of unemployed labor, which can be used upon subsequent expansion of production, the presence of unemployment enhances entrepreneurial incentives, the fear of losing the work is the best organizer of the discipline of labor, etc. Byell the reasons for moderate unemployment (from 3 to 5% employed) is considered Satellite development of a market economy.

The unemployment rate is calculated as the percentage of the number of unemployed to the total labor force (the workforce includes both employed workers and unemployed). Unemployment is never uniformly distributed among the country's population. There are regional, age, sex, national and other differences.

In the neoclassical model, unemployment arises as a result of violation of the laws of the market due to the intervention in the competitive mechanism or the state or trade unions. These non-market forces affect the level of wages and do not give it to the equilibrium state, so entrepreneurs cannot offer the work of everyone who wants to pay for remuneration. Consequently, in the neoclassical unemployment model, it is voluntary in nature, because it means refusing workers to work for low pay for their work.

In the Keynesian model, unemployment occurs as a result of the lack of aggregate demand for goods and services, because of what entrepreneurs reduce the demand for production factors, incl. and labor. Consequently, it is not voluntary, but forced.

Introduction 3.

Economic theory and its functions 4

Formation of needs 6.

Basics of man's economic life 7

Economic mechanism 12.

Conclusion 17.

List of used literature 18


No in human society, not a single area of \u200b\u200blife, not a single profession, not a single country, where a person could feel absolutely independent of the world of the economy, he could smear his law on her laws. It is not for nothing that in the old days, scientists trying to imagine such a person free from the economy, could present it only in the image of Robinson Cruzo - the only resident of the island's uninhabited island.

Nevertheless, they want it or not - they are forced to consciously or unconsciously be challenged under the demands of the world of the economy to live in contentment and joy, and not wander in search of alms and temporary proud above the head. As soon as the first cry, we fell into this world - after all, it depends on its device, for example, in what conditions a childbirth passed and how the mother and baby doctors will be hurt. And after graduating from school, we fully subordinate our lives to the economic conditions of the country where we fell to live - these conditions determine the choice of our profession, the standard of living and even its duration.

Economic theory and its functions

There are several different definitions of the subject of economic theory.

Marxist definition.

Economic theory examines economic relations of production, distribution, exchange and consumption at various stages of society.


The subject of economic theory studies as people and society choose a way of using scarce resources that may have multipurpose appointments in order to produce a variety of goods and distribute them now or in the future to consume various individuals or groups of society.

Definition of the economy in the textbook of McConnela and BR.

First, the economy is a study of human behavior in the production, distribution and consumption of material goods and services in the world of rare resources.

Secondly, the economy explores the effective use of limited production resources or management of them in order to achieve maximum satisfaction of the material needs of a person.

There are several functions of economic theory.

Cognitive function;

Methodological, i.e. Economic theory explores general (and economic relations, and productive forces) and is a methodological basis for other sciences, because Receives general economic laws that are the initial methodological package for research in other sciences.

Practical function - to ensure economic policy on the basis of theoretical developments.

Man is a biosocial creature, i.e. He is part of all living on Earth and at the same time he converts this nature.

The life of society, his members endlessly multifaceted. This-culture, science, study, rest, travel, sports and finally the production of various goods and services. What is the main thing here? Answer this question is not so simple, because there is no person who would deal with something one. There is an area of \u200b\u200bactivity that underlies the existence of the entire society and every person, regardless of where he lives, in a distant Australia, in the hot Florida or in harsh smoke. This economic activity, without which all other types of vital activity are unthinkable.

Economic activities are not simply members of society, but economic agents to which are not only ordinary workers in all areas of national economy, but also managers, bankers, household owners and apartments, shares and bonds, land plots, farmers, general director of enterprises, etc. . D. All of them can make the necessary solutions within their economic competence and implement them using various methods and means. The activity of economic agents, patterns, its determinants, make up the subject of economic theory.

Economic theory analyzes a person as a factor of productive forces and a subject of economic relations, regardless of the social form of production.

Economic theory allocates in man mainly what is responsible for the task of explaining the economic behavior of people in various economic systems with limited resources and infinity of human needs. Of course, the image of the "man of economic", or "homo economicus" suffers with certain one-sidedness, since a person is not only "Economic man". Nevertheless, the economic activity of people-essential characteristics of the realization of the human personality, the condition, the basis and prerequisite of all other parties to the life of both a separate person and society as a whole.

Particularly emphasize a huge role in the motivation of the economic activity of psychological factors. After all, not a gift, if not all, the theorists of the past and the present, with the explanation of the economic behavior of people, operate with such concepts as "tendency", "preference", "waiting", "intention", etc. So, for example, in Russia For centuries and built to the degree 70-year-old dominance of the Communist ideology, collectivist and paternalistic psychology turned out to be a significant barrier in conducting market reforms, the psychological basis of which, with necessity, is a reasonable individualism and economic chosenness of economic agents.

The functions of a person in the process of labor and production are determined by general economic laws.

a) the law of compliance of factors of production, i.e. The contents of the workforce in each given period is determined by the state of the applied means of production and developed technologies; At the same time, the means of production and technology makes certain requirements for the maintenance of labor.

b) the law of reimbursement of labor costs - the development of the means of production and development of technologies determine the level of labor costs and the amount and nature of its reproduction.

c) the worker always functions in a historically certain socio-economic form, i.e. Its position is determined by his belonging to any social group.

d) with the development of production, the requirements for the quality of the employee are increasing, to its improvement.

e) Man - the ultimate goal of production and satisfying his needs is a specific purpose of social production.

The system of economic relations is a relationship between people in society about the material goods and services, their distribution and consumption between classes and social groups, between countries, enterprises or firms, within enterprises, between small and large owners in the city and village; The whole system of economic relations is considered in relationships in their unity.

The system of economic relations must comply with the state of production to ensure its development and efficient functioning.

Material production is the material basis of economic relations.

Formation of needs

The company always forms the needs of its population, but the formation of these needs is due to objective factors:

a) the development of social production. With the development of production, people are tested and the needs of people. The law of elevation of needs is an objective economic law and is valid throughout the history of human civilization.

b) demographic factors. The full age of a person, and for society as a whole - the corresponding structure of the population.

c) natural climatic conditions.

Society is trying to form reasonable needs, i.e. Needs, the satisfaction of which provides conditions for the life of people who meet the economic and social opportunities of the Company; Needs that contribute to the high social activity of workers. Reasonable needs are formed by economic, organizational and socio-psychological measures.

Fundamentals of the economic life of humanity

All living inhabitants of the Earth receive food from nature, but only people have learned how to produce the benefits necessary to meet their needs, in the amount and assortment greater than the wildlife can give.

Not all benefits, however, it is necessary to really extract-air, for example, we do not produce, it is given to us by nature. And therefore, economic science shares all the vital benefits into two groups:

1) giving benefits;

2) Economic benefits.

Given benefits are those vital benefits (mostly natural), which are available to people in the amount of much more than the magnitude of the need for them. Therefore, they should not be produced and people can consume them for free. It is to this group of goods: air, sunlight, rain, oceans. And yet the main circle of needs of people is satisfied at the expense of not giving, but economic benefits.

And if people live better now than in antiquity, it is achieved due to the increase in the volume and improve the properties of these goods (food, clothing, housing, etc.).

At first glance, it may seem that humanity is obliged to progress with this success and technology. This is true, but only partly. If humanity had no economic mechanisms, then with all their ingenuity, we would still live in the caves (although it may be more comfortable than in the Stone Age), and they fed wildly by plants, child and fish.

The fact is that the main invention of the human mind is not at all the wheel, taking the wild animals, plow or fire in the focus. The true source of the current well-being and power of the peoples of the Earth-borrowed livelihood and developed to the highest degrees mechanism to combine efforts to solve common tasks.

At the level of instinct, such a behavior is inherent in many inhabitants of the Earth, living communities (ants, premiums, wolves, monkeys). But only people managed to realize all its benefits and potential opportunities and create a sophisticated mechanism for economic cooperation on this basis. The fruits of this particular work ensured the fantastic expansion of people's capabilities and became the basis of the entire progress of civilization.

The main discoveries made in this mankind and became the leading "gears" of the mechanism of economic cooperation, it is specialization and trade.

The basis of specialization-pempped by man in the wilderness The mechanism of separation of functions, the most perfect in ant and bees.

But the natural mechanism is based on instinct and genetic laws. It is unchanged because it was brought to perfection in relation to the image of the existence and the biological form of a given living species, polished evolution in antiquity and since then almost stable.

On the contrary, the lifestyle of people is constantly changing (although biological evolution and almost ceased to them). And such a variability in combination with the growth of life comfort became possible only because people were able to supplement the biological separation of functions (primarily between a man and a woman) also the mechanism of conscious specialization 1.

We can talk about different types and levels of specialization:

1) the labor specialization of individual people;

2) specialization of business organizations;

3) the specialization of the country's economy as a whole.

But the entire pyramid of specialization is the specialization of the labor of people. It is based on the principles produced by people for the long ages of development of their farm. The most important of them are:

1. Conscious division of labor between people.

    Training people new professions and skills.

    The possibility of flexible change depending on the needs of society.

The division of labor in human society is constantly changing, and the Specialization scheme itself is becoming increasingly difficult.

Recall the story, we find that the labor specialization arose only about 12 thousand years ago, when the Great Agrarian Revolution occurred.

It was then that people first discovered: the cultivation of agricultural crops allows not to die with hunger and in sedentary life. So, you can no longer wrench in search of food and build your home.

It was then that the first professions were alone: \u200b\u200ba hunter, cattle and farmers. And it was the most important and difficult step towards creating modern civilization. Now the lists of the specialties include many thousands of professions.

The overwhelming majority of them require training (sometimes many years) special skills and techniques of labor.

What is the value of labor specialization, why did she become the most important stone in the foundation in the economic life of society? There are several main reasons for that.

First, all people are different from nature, and simply put on different abilities. Therefore, they are not alternatively adapted to perform certain types of work. Specialization allows each person to find the sphere of activity, the type of work, the profession, where his abilities will be most fully, and the work will be the least.

Secondly, specialization allows people to achieve increasingly cleverships in the fulfillment of the chosen activity. And this makes it possible to make benefits or provide services with an increasing level of quality.

Thirdly, the growth of swelling allows people to spend more and avoid its losses when switching from one type of work to another.

In other words, specialization turned out to be the main way to improve the performance of 1 all resources (production factors) that people use to produce the economic benefits of them, and above all of the resource that we call labor.

For example, labor productivity is the number of products that the employee made per unit of time (per day, for the month, per year). And the performance of the Earth will be measured by the weight of the harvest obtained from 1 hectare of Pashnya per year.

As in fact, there is an increase in performance at the expense of deepening specialization, you can trace the example of the assembly conveyor invented by the famous American engineer and an entrepreneur Henry Ford.

It is thanks to the specialization of labor and the growth on this basis of its productivity, people first encountered the emergence of an excess of benefits made by them above what is needed to ensure their lives of their families. And then the ancient economic question arose: what to do with excess products?

The answer was to this question 2.

And if the country skillfully connected among themselves "gears" of specialization and trade, then:

Specialization leads to an increase in performance. Performance growth increases excess benefits over minimum, providing people survival;

An excess of benefits is exchanged by people by trading;

Revenues received as a result of trade are sent to the development of production and improving the specialization of labor.

Fig. 1 Economic hours

Symbolically, this connection can be represented as hours that measure the course of economic progress of humanity (Fig. 1).

And while the dial of these hours is intact, and the arrows go in the right direction-country rich and people live in it better and better. But if the country is violated in the country of development of specialization or performance falls if trade is developed too weakly or, on the contrary, distracts too many resources of the country, then economic difficulties arise in this country. And interruptions or stopping hours of "economic progress" always lead to the same result, live people get worse.

This rule applies to all countries. Even to those whose citizens seem to be guaranteed a wealthy existence due to their disposal to natural wealth. Of course, the presence of such wealth facilitates the path to high well-being, but by themselves the richness of the subsoil, passengers or forests do not guarantee.

Therefore, after the end of World War II, a number of countries in Southeast Asia (Hong Kong, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan) made a gigantic jump, overtaking in the pace of development of their economies even the United States. Now these countries have become economic "dragons", noticeably affecting the entire global economy.

Meanwhile, many of them are very vengeful and started their way in extreme poverty. Few people remember today that, for example, Japanese metallurgists were forced to bring scrap metal from the USA from the disassembly of old skyscrapers, there was no other raw materials.

An example gives Russia. Her natural wealth was huge. Their rational use could make our people one of the most prosperous in the world. Alas, it failed to achieve this. Over the past two centuries, Russia could only approach the United States in terms of economic development, but after 1990 the backlog increased again.

Meanwhile most of the twentieth century. Russia is under the domination of the planning-command system, feverishly spent its natural wealth, and now there are not very many of them. For example, the marginal fields of gold of Russia are enough for 3-5 years of production, and the explored oil reserves for 35 years. At the same time, the largest remaining deposits are located in the hard-to-reach areas of Siberia and the Far North. To get to them you need a huge cash, which the country has no.

Therefore, the probability of becoming the transformation of our country from the exporter of mineral raw materials in his importer is increasingly growing. Already today, domestic metallurgy cannot live without delivering some types of ore from Kazakhstan. In other words, the poor organization of the economic and political life of Russia led to the fact that even the sale of indispensable natural wealth did not make Russians weiss.

Today, according to experts, the cost not yet mined from the depths of our country of mineral raw materials is 28 trillion dollars. There are so many approximately 2 million tons of gold or all the products that Russians can make years for twenty years.

And this is the last margin of durability that the generation entering into life now. If, with his life, it will not be able to clean up the economy and create a highly productive economy, then in 40-60 years old, our citizens will be labored in poverty as well as citizens of the poorest countries of Asia and Africa. According to the recent estimates of UN experts, Russia is now in the level of wealth only at the age of 53. It must be said that this level of wealth was determined by:

natural resources of the country,

the degree of education of the nation and the achieved scale of the production of economic benefits.

Since our natural resources are steadily declining, he will be held at this low-speed place, not to mention that rise above, Russia will be able to, only increasing the scale of the production of useful people of economic benefits and retaining the degree of education of its citizens.

Economic mechanism

The main reason for the extraordinary complexity of the economic mechanism is that he must meet the interests of all people, allow them to benefit from participation in the division of labor and the exchange of fruits created by their own hands.

The economy cannot be constructed contrary to person. History shows that there are only two levers of impact on people so that their work becomes productive: violence and economic interest.

For centuries, people tried to use mainly the first of these levers - violence. It seemed easier and more rational. But passing through the centuries of wars, uprisings and revolutions, humanity gradually realized that violence is not the best way to increase productivity. The collapse of the slave and feudal societies, crises experienced by many countries after the bourgeois revolutions, forced humanity to develop ways of living together and economic cooperation, allowing:

guarantee the right of every person to act, guided by the considerations of their own benefit (in its widest understanding, and not just as the greatest income from labor costs);

to send the actions of people so that, by implementing our own interests, they at the same time contributed to the growth of the welfare of the whole country as a whole;

restrict people to achieve their own benefits by deception or infringement of the rights of other people.

Of course, the development of economic processes is managed by objective laws. But they do not care about the universal laws of physics or the axioms of mathematics, but are objective for reasonable creatures that inhabit the planet of the Earth.

Features of human nature had an extremely strong impact on the economic mechanisms of civilization. And without aware of this circumstance, it is extremely difficult to understand why the economy is arranged exactly, and not otherwise. Without pretending to truth in the last instance, you can still say that such features of a person are particularly clearly traced in the economic life device, such as:

® striving for welfare growth;

® a sense of property;

® thirst for justice;

® Natural egoism;

® inclination to exchange;

® humanity;

® striving for excellence;

® Opportunities.

How did these features of human nature affect the economic mechanism of human civilization?

The desire for welfare - The main factor in the economic development of humanity. After all, a person (in any case, most people) is arranged in such a way that he always wants to live even better, even more comfortable, even more interesting. Lifting up the steps of economic, cultural and moral development, people acquired many a wide variety of needs and invented a lot of ways to satisfy them.

"The infinity of the desires of human" makes people constantly search for methods for producing material or other benefits. And this affected the formation of the economic mechanism of our civilization in two ways.

Firstly, The dissatisfaction of needs forced people to look for such ways to organize their activities that would ensure the steady increase in the production and quality of products. We can say that needs are a production engine production, but and production creates needs Offering buyers. Online types of goods and services. For example, people had no need to record telecasts until the video recorder was invented.

Secondly, To fully meet the needs of people, growth in the production of goods, improving their quality and the creation of new varieties. And this is possible only through the use of the main resource of humanity - the physical and mental capabilities of the people themselves.

From here it stems one of the main problems of the economy: to consume more, it is necessary to produce more. But for this you need to apply great efforts as mental, so often physical. Meanwhile, most of the people do not like to redo themselves.

To resolve the contradiction between natural for any living being, the desire to save their own strength and satisfaction of growing needs, humanity was forced to build an economy so that she encourage people to work intensively. In other words, only through work a person can achieve the growth of his well-being.

True, there were always people who believed that the easiest way to grow their welfare is robbery around.

Speaking that the economy is based on the prompting of man to work, it is very important to note two circumstances. First, not every work leads to an increase in welfare. This goal can be achieved only by a person, the fruits of labor of which useful and recognized society. Both of these sign are essential. After all, if the results of labor can not benefit, then no one will pay for them for a penny. Secondly, the utility of goods 1 does not guarantee the manufacturer a good income.

Natural egoism - The reason for many difficulties of mankind, including in the field of economics. Fortunately, stuffing bumps and bruises because of their own egoism, humanity has learned and fight this disadvantage. And the main means of struggle against human egoism was the mechanism of economy 2.

This complex and continuously developing mechanism gave the opportunity to humanity to introduce his own desire for benefits and egoism in the framework, allowing people to constantly cooperate with each other.

It should be noted that for the sake of pacifying the negative traits of its nature, people had to create not only economic, but also legal mechanisms. It was this that led to birth in all countries of the world a completely special type of laws - economic legislation 3, limiting the possibility for manifesting human egoism and cunning into particularly unwanted forms for society.

Template to exchange "It's one of the features of human nature, which plungely distinguishes us from other living beings of the Earth and plays a huge role in the economic mechanism. How witty hesitated Adam Smith: "Nobody has never seen that the dog consciously changed bone with another dog ..."

Spirit of rivalry Ensuls in the economy with auxiliary "engine" development. The most striking manifestation of this feature of human nature is the componunity 1.

Competition is born of purely objective reasons. Since funds that buyers can spend on the purchase of goods are always limited, then manufacturers of goods will inevitably have to fight each other for the opportunity to get this money for their products.

Feeling property - One of the main foundations of the economy. In the most complex mechanism created by a person in order to secure him with his property and protect it from encroachings from others, it is difficult to see ancient roots, but they are. These roots stretch into the animal past of a person and are generated by the most natural causes.

Humanity for his history tried many forms of ownership, but the most rational property was the individual, or, as it is more common, private 2.

The formula of the property is expressed in three words:

i own, I use, manage, And neither one cannot sacrifice without prejudice to the benefit of society as a whole. The property guaranteed by the Company means that the owner of the property can do everything with him that he wants, if only this does not violate the interests of others and therefore is not prohibited by law.

The pursuit of excellence - One of the best features of human nature that gave birth to such a phenomenon as art. But the desire for perfection is noticeably manifested in the field of economics. People strive to become owners are becoming more comfortable, comfortable, useful and just beautiful things. It has long been noticed by manufacturers of goods and to this day pushes them to the continuous improvement of their products as a method for achieving victory in competitive struggle and conquest of favor (and money!) Buyers.

But this is human nature! - Around this wonderful desire for perfection, humanity was also forced to build bastions of legal protection to protect him from dishonest people. After all, so tempting to steal an interesting idea and embody it into your products to increase their competitiveness 1.

Unfortunately, the whole history of art and trade is full of examples of fakes of goods and works of art. Therefore, the economic legislation of almost all countries of the world includes rules for protection of aviation law 2.

Thirst for justice - Purely human desire, which imposed the most powerful imprint for the entire history of mankind. The desire to achieve justice gave birth to the uprisings and revolutions, which allowed the society to gradually get rid of restrictions on the equality of the rights and possibilities of all citizens. Alas, thirst for justice sometimes dictated to people very distorted ideas about what this justice consists. It was the ugly brainchild of the human mind that became, for example, the idea that justice is the same level and the lifestyle of all citizens.

Adam Smith also thought a lot about what social justice and came in the end to the conclusion that social justice - This is the right of everyone freely compete with its skill and capital with the skill and capital of another person or group of persons.

The desire of justice is one of the fundamentals of building such important economic mechanisms as labor and taxation.

Humanity - One of the most beautiful traits of man. Its nature is complex and contradictory, and people cannot be reduced to pursuit of their own gain (although it is the most important engine of the economy). Like many other inhabitants of the Earth (remember, for example, stories about how the elephant and dolphins support their wounded conifers), people inherent in the desire to help weak and sick. In the field of economy, this excellent property of a person led to the birth of special mechanisms for social protection and support of minors, elderly and sick citizens, to which huge funds are spent.

In other words, the economic mechanism of humanity was formed as a result of a thousand-year struggle of people with their own disadvantages and finding ways to implement all the best, which is in man.


We live in a very interesting and difficult time, the time of sharp and deep economic, political and social changes in Russia, and other CIS countries. The usual stereotypes of the perception of the world were destroyed, there is a deep rethinking of basic, conceptual postulates in the theory of social development. Russian economic science with difficulty breaks out of dead arms of dogmatism and scholasticism, leaving a pillaby road of world economic thought.

Reformed activities for the transformation of the totalitarian, supermonopoly, militarized and ineffective Russian economy into a self-regulating market system are encountered, among other things, the difficulties associated with the extremely weak preparedness of the overwhelming majority of members of our society to work in new market conditions.

List of used literature

    Lipsitz I.V. Economics. - M.: Publisher "Vita-Press", 1996.-320 p.

    Lipsitz I.V. Economy without secrets. - M.: "Case LTD", 1993.-352 p.

    Abstract lectures at the rate "Economic theory" Head: Savkin V.P. Associate Professor of the Department of "Economic Theory", Dnepropetrovsk Diet, 1996

    "Economic theory" edited by prof. Chepurin M. N., prof. Kiselevova E. A., Kirov, 1995.-624 p.

    Market economy: Dictionary / under Society. ed. G. Ya. Kiperman. - 2nd ed., Dop.-M.: Republic, 1995.-495 p.

1 Economic benefits are the goods and services, the volume of which:

1) is insufficient to meet the needs of people;

    can only be increased by labor and other resources;

    it is distributed among those who are able to pay the current price of these goods.

1 specialization-focusing efforts of each of the participants in the economic life of society on the implementation of only one particular type of activity.

1 Productivity - the number of benefits that can be obtained from the use of a single type of resource for a fixed amount of time.

2 Trade and voluntary and mutually beneficial exchange of excess benefits.

1 The usefulness of the goods is the ability to satisfy the needs of people who have already existed earlier or born after the appearance of this goods on sale.

2 Market economy - a way to cooperate people with each other in the field of economy, based on the market economy and assumes for each freedom to choose a deal of transaction and freedom to establish prices for its goods .

3 Economic legislation - Code of laws and regulations that determine the rules for the conclusion and implementation of contracts in the field of economics, as well as the procedure for judicial consideration of disputes related to such contracts and the penalties of those who violate contracts and the law of business behavior


Human needs, their types

And the means of satisfaction.

About g l and in l and e:

1. Introduction. one

2. Types of human needs. 1-4

3. The foundations of the economic activity of mankind.

Specialization and trade. 4-8

4. Limitedness of economic resources and related

with a problem. 8-10

5. Conclusion. Principles of distribution of goods. eleven

1. Introduction

The great scientist of ancient Greece Aristotle was denonated to the economy. He connected two words: "Eykos" - the economy and "nomos" -

con, so that the "economy" is literally translated from ancient Greek

this is the "economy laws".

The economy indicates science, which:

1) studies ways to organize people aimed at creating

denmark Good needed by them for consumption;

2) examines how people use the available limited resources for

satisfying your unlimited needs for life benefits.

There are three main participants in economic life: family, firms and the state. They interact with each other, coordinating their activities

anyone directly friend and through the markets factors

warming (that is, resources with which you can organize

the work of goods) and consumer goods (benefits that directly

personal people).

Firms and the state play a big role in the economy, but man,

family are the main actors of the economy. Economic figure -

any country should be carried out for satisfaction the needs of Liu -

dei in specific benefits.

The behavior of people, their solutions in specific economic situations

determine the activities of firms, state organizations, markets.

Exploring the behavior of people, economic science helps people, firming

mom and state foresee the consequences of their decisions in the field of economics

2. Wides of human needs.

The main needs of a person are biological needs.

These needs are the basis for the formation of specific needs.

people (the need to quench hunger gives rise to a need for certain

food types). The first task of economic activity (economy) and was

satisfying these needs.

The mains include human needs:

In clothes;

In housing;

In safety;

In treating diseases.

These needs are needed for a simple survival of people, but they are

are a very difficult task. Until now, people cannot fully

sew these problems; Millions of people on Earth are still starving, many have no prick over head and elementary medical service.

In addition, humans are much more than just a set of

catching for survival. He wants to travel, having fun, comfortable life, beloved classes, etc.

3. The foundations of the economic life of humanity. Specialization I.


To meet their needs, people first used only what they could give wildlife to them. But with the growing needs of

la need to learn how to get good. Therefore, the benefits are divided into

two groups:

1) giving benefits;

2) Economic benefits.

Gifts benefits - These are the life benefits (mostly natural) that are available to people in the amount of greater than the need for them. They do not need to be produced, they can be consumed free of free. For such benefits

xia: Air, water, sunlight, rains, oceans.

But basically the need for a person is not satisfied due to the gift,

but Economic Goods , that is, goods and services whose amount is insufficient

to meet the needs of people to fully and it may be

lyricted only as a result of the manufacturing process. Sometimes you have

redistribute benefits in one way or another.

Now people live better than in ancient times. It is achieved thanks to increase the volume and improve the properties of these goods (food,

clothes, housing, etc.).

The source of the well-being and power of the peoples of the Earth today is

an extremely developed mechanism for combining efforts to solve common tasks, including the most important task, production is increasingly

life benefits, that is, creating the best living conditions of people.

For the production of life benefits, people use natural resources,

your work and special devices (tools, equipment,

roating objects, etc.). All this is called "production factors".

There are three main factors of production:

3) Capital.

Work as a factor of production is the activity of people in production

goods and services through the use of their physical and mental

opportunities as well as skills acquired as a result of learning and experience

work. For the organization of production activities is bought right

to use people's abilities for some time for

denmark of a certain type of good.

This means that the volume of the society's labor resources depends on the number -

the working-age population of the country and the number of time it

the population can work out for the year.

Land as a factor of production - these are all types of natural resources,

on planet and suitable for the production of economic benefits.

The dimensions of individual elements of natural resources are usually expressed by

impairing land of a particular purpose, volumes of water resources or

minerals in depths.

Capital as a factor of production, this is all production and technical

the device that people created to increase their strength and expand

the possibilities of manufacturing the necessary goods. It consists of buildings and sorah -

indigenous Production, Machinekov and Equipment, Iron

roads and ports, warehouses, pipelines, that is, from what is needed for

implementation of modern technologies for the production of goods and services. Capital volume is usually measured by the total cash value.

To analyze economic processes, another variety of factual

production of production - Entrepreneurship. These are services that provide

society people endowed with the ability to correctly appreciate what new

goods can be successfully offered to buyers, which technologies

the activities of the available goods are worth introducing to achieve greater benefits.

These people are ready to risk their savings for new commercial

projects. They have the ability to coordinate the use of other facts

production tori to create the necessary benefits to society.

The volume of the entrepreneurial resource of the Company is impossible to measure.

the tick view of it can be based on data on numerical

top owners of firms that have created them and guilty.

In the twentieth century, another type of factors produced

: information , that is, all those knowledge and information that are necessary

people for conscious activities in the world of the economy.

Constantly improving ways to use economic resources

owls, the basis of their economic activities put two important

element: Specialization and trade.

Specialization has three levels:

1) specialization of individual people;

2) specialization of business organizations;

3) Specialization of the country's economy as a whole.

The basis of all the specialization is the specialization of the labor of people who


a) a conscious division of labor between people.

b) learning people to new professions and skills.

c) the possibility of cooperation, that is, cooperation for the achievement of general


For the first time the division (specialization) of labor arose about 12 thousand years

ago: some people specialized only on the hunt, others were

tovodes or farmers.

Now there are thousands of professions, many of which require training to special skills and work techniques.

Why is specialization is the most important tool in the economic life of humanity?

First, people are endowed with different abilities; they are different

those or other types of work are fulfilled. Specialization makes it possible to everyone

a person find the job that the profession where he can show himself with the

best side.

Secondly, specialization allows people to seek more and more

favorited for yourself. And this leads to the manufacture of benefits

or providing services with higher quality.

In -Wray, the growth of the celerty allows people to spend on the manufacture of benefits

fewer time and not having his losses when moving from one

type of work on another.

Thus, specialization is the main way to increase

performance all resources (production factors) that people use to produce the necessary economic benefits, and before

total labor resource.

Performance - This is the amount of benefits that manage to get from

units of a certain type of resources during a fixed

riga time.

So, labor productivity is determined by the number of products that

roe made a worker per unit of time: in an hour, per day, for the month, for the year.

One of the most significant inventions of humanity in the field of special

civilization and separation of labor came the conveyor. This is the mighty

increased labor productivity.

The creator of the conveyor was Henry Ford (1863-1947), the father of the mass car

mobilestroy, talented man. The conveyor was born after him after

how created by him the company for the production of cars stopped

credit with orders that in one year have doubled.

Then (in the spring of 1913) in the assembly shop Magneto Ford launched the first

world conveyor. Until that time, the collector worked at the table where he had

full set of details. A skillful collector collected about 40 magneto for shifting.

Now each collector had to execute one or two operations on

assembly (that is, specialized even more than when he knew how to perform

all assembly operations). It made it possible to reduce the time to assemble one

magneto from 20 minutes to 13 min.10 sec. And after Ford replaced the former

low table on the above moving tape, which set the pace

work, the assembly time has decreased to 5 minutes. Labor productivity

grew 4 times! After the implementation of the principle of the conveyor assembly in all workshops

labor productivity increased 8.1 times, which allowed in 1914 an increase

eating cars 2 times. Ford got the opportunity to produce his ma-

tires with less costs than competitors sell them cheaper and

separate sales market. This led to the fact that competitors had to

implement a conveyor in its enterprises.

Thanks to the specialization of labor and the growth of labor productivity people

came to the transition from the accidental and irregular exchange of the existed blah -

gami to permanent trading them. There was a transition from self-sufficiency, then

there is from natural economy, to obtain benefits made by others

people. People gradually made sure that thanks to the exchange of benefits

get at your disposal more products and make them more diverse-

mi compared to their independent manufacture. After the people became

exchange is not from the case of the case, but made it the basis of their life. So appeared products and Services used by them for regular

The ability to exchange benefits - the unique ability of people, distinguished

it is from other inhabitants of the Earth. How witty noticed the Great Schot

landsky economist Adam Smith (1723 -1790g.):

"Nobody has never seen that the dog consciously changed bone with another dog ...".

Regular exchange of goods and services was the basis for the most important

people's activities - trade , that is, the exchange of benefits in the form of

lie-selling goods and services for money.

Trade was born in ancient times, she is ancient even agriculture.

She existed in the times of Paleolithic - at the dawn of the Stone Age, about

30000 years ago. The tribes who lived Dale-

to each other. Traded luxury objects (precious and finishing

stones, spices, silks, rare wood, etc.). Engaged

these are the wandering merchants-Arabs, friezes, Jews, Saxons, and then Italians.

Over time, trading cities appeared in Europe: Venice, Genoa and Pribra

the cutting cities of Germany - Hamburg, Shattin, Danzig and others.

Trading has played a big role in the history of mankind. Thanks to her

the merchants were laughed in the search for new lands where it was possible to get

hour goods. The main goal of Columbus was also trade int -

resa. He wanted to find a shorter way to the shores of India to make it easier and

cheaper to carry goods to Europe. Thanks to the trade, many were made

other geographical discoveries, as well as modern industries were born

. Of the merchant money began to appear a major handicraft production

and then manufactory - harbinger of factories and factories.

It is trade that combined people in the company specializing in

production of certain goods.

No person is able to master all many professions,

goals to create a variety of goods used today

The combination of trade and specializations makes it possible to get

goods in greater volume, in a larger assortment and faster.

If the country skillfully uses the combination of specialization and trade, then this will lead to:

Growth of labor productivity;

Increase in the volume of available goods;

An increase in the growth of consumption of benefits, respectively, income growth


An increase in trade income that can be directed to development and

improving the production and specialization of labor.

This applies to all countries, even to those who have large natural wealth, because the riches of the subsoil, passengers and forests themselves

prosperity does not guarantee.

Thus, natural wealth is huge in Russia, their rational use

russia could make the people of Russia one of the prosperous in the world. But Russia,

depending on what was under the control of the planning command system,

spent its natural wealth on a huge scale, did not provide

soft level of well-being to its citizens.

According to UN expert estimates, Russia is in terms of wealth only on

53th place. It will be able to rise above only increasing the scale of production

watering useful people of economic benefits. All this task can only be

mastering the art of a rational organization of economic activity.

4. Limitedness of economic resources and arising in this

Communication problems.

For people to meet their needs in good, you need much more resources than it has always been available to humanity.

The limited resources people encountered in antiquity when

the earth was the only available source of production.

The graph shows the occurrence of a gap between the material

the desires of people and the possibilities of their satisfaction.

An increase in nature resources occurs due to the development of the field

minerals, construction of hydroelectric power plants, development

virgin lands, etc. On the schedule, the line of resources - a hollow submission

massaya. Rini, which rises cool upwards, - Sweets

ti. In the first period of the development of humanity, the potential nature of nature to feed people who were a little surpassing them

rests. Due to the increase in the number and increase in the needs of people

humanity faced a new situation - a deficit.

Humanity Another 11-16 thousand years ago could extort out due to lack

food and escorted by him only due to the emergence of agriculture.

The needs of people, the population of the Earth continues to

but grow. The increase in the life of the life of the life of people behind the growth of people's need, despite the fact that they learned how to use nature resources and other factors of production.

With the exception of a small number of products, rain, solar heat, - all other means of meeting the needs of humanity

available in limited volume. So, oil reserves in the depths of the Earth

128.6 mlp. It is her physical limitations. People actively use

it is pushing it, but now it is only available to those who can pay for the costs of

its prey and transportation. The economic problem creates not physical

kaya limited resource, and the ability to get it only spent other

resources. So, to get an additional volume of oil, you need to spend

other limited resources: electricity, oil workers, metal for

manufacturing oil equipment and pipeline pipes), etc.

Therefore, the economic activity of people is directed all the time

on the seizure of resources from the sphere of satisfaction one to satisfy

the needs of other people.

Economic resources are always limited.

Limitation Labor It is related to the fact that the number of able-bodied people of any country is strictly fixed at any time.

In physical and mental abilities, people are not all suitable for specific work. This problem can be partially solved by

attracting workers from other countries, retraining and retraining

bootniks more efficient specialties, but it does not give instant

results, as it requires a certain time to implement them.

Limitation Earth (natural resources) is determined by the geography of the country and the presence of mineral deposits in its depths. This limitation can be reduced by turning previously fruitless soils in


Limitation Capital Determined by the country's previous development,

the fact that she managed to accumulate. This limitation can be reduced by

construction of new factories, highway, gas pipeline lines and additional

manufacturing equipment. But it takes time and costs.

Limitation Entrepreneurship due to the fact that nature is not

everyone gives these talent.

Limitation Resources forced people to accept the appropriate

measures. People have long been started to consolidate economic resources in their own

. A separate person or group of people can:

- own resources, that is, actually possess them;

- Enjoy resources, that is, use them at their discretion

to get the current income;

- dispose of , that is, to have the right to transfer them to other persons, for example

The rest of people must respect these rights. Consolidation of resources in

citizens allows them to submit these resources for a fee to those who need them. Forms of income from this can be the most different and depend on the type of resources provided.

Most of the major states of Russia (benefits) is associated with the shadow

venalty (criminal access to resources, etc.) and with the post-state

property (privatization, land, budget funds).

As a result of "clamping" under the cover of the slogan on vouchers

noah Privatization Property turned out to be sprayed broken between

separate links of inseparable technological chains.

This led to the ineffectiveness of the Russian economy today.

5. Conclusion. Principles of distribution of goods.

To satisfy your all increasing needs, humanity

forced to constantly look for answers to the main questions of the foundation

noah, that is, the main issues of the economy:

1. What and in what quantity to produce?

2. How to produce?

3. How to distribute manufactured goods?

Solving the question "What and in what amount to produce?", People in the final

account distribute limited resources between producers of various -

good benefits.

Deciding "how to produce?", People choose preferred for

they are methods (technologies) manufacturers that they need.

Each of the possible options for technological solutions implies

its combination and scope of use of limited resources. And

the choice of the best option is not easy task that requires comparabia -

weighing, weighing the value of various resources.

Answering the question "how to distribute manufactured goods?",

people decide to whom and how many bonds should be in the ultimately. how

carry out the distribution of goods so that it does not cause people feelings not -

justice due to differences in the comfort of life?

People solved this problem as follows:

- "Right strong" - the best and in full receives the one who can

take the benefits of the weaker force of the fist and weapons;

- "The principle of equaline" - Everyone gets approximately equal to

"No one was insulting";

- "The principle of the queue" - the benefit goes to the one who used to take place in line

those who want to get it.

Life has proven the fear of using these principles since they are not

integrand people in more productive work. In such a distribution

division of goods, even if you work better than others and get more for it,

not guaranteed to acquire the desired good. Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of the countries of the world (and in all richest countries) at present

the complex mechanism of market distribution prevails.


1.I.V. Lipseits "Economics", Moscow, 1998

2.G.Evlinsky "Russian economy: inheritance and opportunities", epicenter,