Entry level floor dance. Why is Pole Dance the best idea for beginner athletes? Choosing a form of training

Hello to all readers of my blog! As you know, many girls start visiting fitness clubs to tighten and improve their figure, make their muscles more prominent and achieve a pronounced weight loss effect. The most common and proven method is.

However, not every woman likes such activity. Fortunately, there are many different, alternative fitness programs and activities to choose from, including not only sports exercises, but also dance movements. And today we will focus on such an interesting and relevant option for many modern girls and women as Paul Dance for beginners.

In fitness, Paul Dance is considered a type of exercise that can fully replace strength training. It is essentially an intense dance using a fixed pole or pole. It ideally combines dance plasticity and strength training, promoting the comprehensive development of the body.

Pole Dance consists of many specific movements that develop different muscle groups. Traditionally, this activity is divided into three main categories:

  • Sports Pole (Pole-Dance Fitness) is a dance that combines rhythmic elements with complex acrobatic stunts on the pole. Ideal for those who want to lose weight, become more fit and slender. Frankly, this work is completely on the pole. For example, in competitions you can only touch the floor three times.
  • Exotic Pole (Pole-Dance Exotic) – grace, tenderness in every movement and measured dance as a whole prevail here. Basically, these are beautiful movements on the pole and on the floor, developing/demonstrating natural female plasticity. Approximately 20% is allocated to pole tricks.
  • Art-Pole – here the emphasis is primarily on dance performance, expressiveness and artistry. Its main difference is the ratio of elements on the pylon and on the floor, approximately 50 to 50.

In addition to these main directions, there are many branches. Despite all the diversity, in fact, any experienced teacher can mix combinations of twists, tricks, ground parts and passes from different directions within the framework of their training.

What muscles work during pole training?

The girl has to lift herself onto the pole using the strength of her arm muscles. Static and well develop all muscle groups of the upper extremities, including biceps, triceps, deltoids and especially forearms.

The oblique muscles of the back, trapezius and rhomboids, the teres major, teres minor and serratus muscles, as well as the lumbar quadratus and erector spinae muscles are well worked out during the training process.

Legs are the most problematic area for many girls and are also actively involved in work. Of particular note are the femoral biceps and quadriceps, gluteus maximus, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles.

Benefits and harms

Let's start with the positive side of the coin. The main advantage of sports pole dancing as a hobby is the acquisition of holistic and harmonious physical development. If you do it correctly and pay enough attention to your training, the results will not take long to arrive - after a certain time you will notice how your body changes for the better, your figure tightens, and your muscles become more resilient.

On the other hand, this sport cannot be done without certain problems. One of them, common especially among beginners, is bruises, contusions and sprains. At first they will definitely appear and you will have to put up with them for some time. Special ointments such as bruiseOFF, Rescuer 911 and Troxevasin are suitable for healing.

Frequent pain is another characteristic side feature. In this case, it is not an indicator of muscle growth, but rather an indicator of the adaptation process. Injuries to ligaments and joints are not uncommon here, and therefore it is important to learn to distinguish the sensation of soreness from sprains.

Who should not practice on the pole?

I would like to note that if you do not have adequate physical fitness, then it is better to sign up for classes only after doing aerobics for some time or gym. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid injuries during lessons.

You should also avoid such activities if you have increased blood pressure and there are pronounced problems with the vestibular apparatus.

Other medical contraindications

  • Aggravated inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Psychological and mental disorders.
  • Physiological disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spinal pain and joint problems.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Previous strokes and heart attacks.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Bronchial asthma.

Where to start training?

The first step is choosing the musical accompaniment. Rhythmic tracks in the style of jazz, soul, as well as R"n"B and even rock are best suited. The next step will be choosing a suitable uniform - the main thing is that the clothes are comfortable and do not restrict movement. Since Pole Dance is not a striptease, but an athletic sport, it is inappropriate to come, especially to the first classes, in sexy dresses or miniskirts.

The choice of pole is also important. There are two varieties - dynamic and static. For beginners, the first option is suitable. Next comes the selection of a training program.

You can supplement group exercises in the gym by watching relevant training videos to hone certain tricks and speed up your progress. I highly recommend watching Pole Dance video courses by Anna Eliseeva and similar educational video lessons.

The main technical challenge when taking your first steps is to learn how to climb a pole. And not only with the help of the hands, but also with the lower extremities. And now a few words about warm-up and basic exercises for beginners.

Basic elements for beginners

  • The Basic Lift is a basic lift that everyone should master. Develops tenacity and teaches how to properly hold/climb a pole for subsequent execution of elements of the upper tier.

  • Spins are the most common within Pole Dance. This is where learning begins. In the process, you learn to support your own body weight on the pole, performing elements in the upper, middle and lower tiers, starting to study the element from the lower tier.
  • Frog - simplest option twist, which is taught to everyone without exception from the first lesson. You stand on the left side of the pole, hold on to it with both hands, cling to the pole with your right leg under the knee, and push off from the floor with your left and bend it in the same way.

  • The chair is the first static element in the pole, ideal for a beginning dancer. Develops overall strength, flexibility and coordination of movements. We hold our hands on the pole in a spread, and push off from the floor and bend our legs. We maintain a beautiful position, with a straight back and straight arms. The main mistake of all beginners is poor support with the lower hand and pressing against the pole.
  • Birdie - performed in the upper tier. We stand in front of the pylon, holding onto it with both hands from above. We raise both legs forward and clamp the pole between them, then we lean slightly on one side and transfer our body weight, then we bend both legs. Then we bring the body forward a little and grab the pylon under the armpit. At first, this exercise is very painful, and there may be bruises.

  • The fan/sun is also a rather complex element that is performed in the middle tier, but beginners can do it from the floor. To master it, you will need a certain dexterity, arm strength, abs, stretching/splits and good skills in basic exercises. This acrobatic trick involves spinning on a pole with a one-handed grip and jumping with both feet as you spin.

In addition, quite often in the program for beginners you may encounter such elements as “crane” and “barrel”.

In this context, I cannot fail to mention the importance of warming up and stretching, which should never be underestimated. Good preliminary preparation significantly increases the result of work.

Don’t be lazy, spend 10 to 15 minutes warming up, mobilizing, warming up and preparing your body for the upcoming training. Jumping rope, jogging in place and simple gymnastic exercises in place, including bending the torso to the sides, swinging the legs, twisting the arms to warm up the joints and ligaments, are perfect.


For the first time, you will not need to take with you high heels and special uniforms, which require considerable investment. At this stage, a sports top, regular shorts, a T-shirt and socks will be enough. Then, following the advice of the trainer, you can purchase a special uniform for Pole Dance, presented with the following components:

  • Shorts.
  • Special suits and sets.
  • Gymnastic half shoes or jazz shoes.
  • Bandages and wristbands.
  • Training gloves.
  • Grip aids.

Speaking of the latter: many people believe that at first it is necessary to take pole gloves or magnesium with you, which improves grip on the pole, in order to avoid slipping of your hands. Always follow the instructions and tips of your coach in these matters. If he finds it necessary to use grip products, including magnesium gel, liquid or dry magnesia, powder, cream against wet palms, as well as a means for wiping the pole (this can be ordinary alcohol/vodka) and a rag, be sure to use them.

Newbie mistakes

Floor dancing is not aerobics, in which exercises are performed in a limited amplitude and in a familiar manner. Like other types of artistic gymnastics, pole acrobatics is primarily about working with your own body weight from different angles. Many beginners rush to master complex tricks, receiving many injuries and sprains, being physically unprepared.

Many are quite inconsistent in their training, which is why not only joints and ligaments suffer, but also the result of the work as a whole. Often girls neglect to warm up before, which also reduces efficiency and often leads to injuries, sprains and other undesirable effects. Some people focus on working out movements in one direction. This fairly common mistake leads to a strong imbalance in muscle pumping, which ultimately does not give any aesthetics to the body and often leads to health problems.


Floor Dance is a great opportunity to develop endurance and strength of the body, learn plastic movements to music, master complex acrobatic techniques, become the owner of a healthy and slim figure and always be on your toes. At the same time, of course, we must not forget about regularity and adherence to accompanying diets, which will help speed up the effect of the training.

People's opinions about what gender dance is are completely different.

Older generations often believe that this is vulgarity, inextricably linked with striptease; young people are happy to sign up for courses and participate in pole dance competitions.

So what is it - vulgarity, art, sport or just a type of dance?

Is it worth it, and will it be difficult for an absolute beginner? Let's figure it out.

The history of the formation of gender dance

The controversy surrounding pole dance (from the English pole dance - pole dance) has not subsided for many years.

In the minds of many people, the pole is an integral element of a striptease show, and pole dancing automatically falls into the same category.

Meanwhile, Pol Dance has a very rich history, originating from the cultures of the most different nations from all over the globe.

The use of a pole in the process or ritual dances is mentioned in the monuments of Sumerian culture, myths Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, as well as many other civilizations.

Some of the earliest references to pole dancing are found in African cultures.

The passionate and symbolic ritual dances of African women often included poles, which were used as supports for colorful acrobatic steps.

Destroying persistent stereotypes about gender dance

The main purpose of such dances in ancient times was to attract partners, and the wooden pylon served not only as a dance device, but also as a phallic symbol.

Around the 12th century, India had its own style of floor dance: Mallakhamb.

The pole, originally used in the training of wrestlers, began to be used to perform acrobatic tricks and asanas/

Like most Indian practices, Mallakhamb combined both the physical and the physical.

In Europe and eastern Asia, around the same 12th century, celebrations involving dancing around a pole called the Maypole were widespread.

It was decorated with ribbons and also served as an analogue of masculinity.

Mostly mass dances were held around the Maypole without contact with the pole itself, but its obligatory presence and symbolism remained unchanged.

The tradition of such celebrations disappeared with the spread of Christianity: Maypoles, bright pagan symbols were banned and forgotten.

Indian practice Mallakhamb

Over the next few centuries, pole dance practically ceased to exist in Europe, surviving and developing only... behind the scenes of the circus.

Touring around the world, stunt performers collected equipment different cultures, melting them into their own art of acrobatic performances, inventing new tricks and steps.

It was here that floor dance moved away from its original symbolism and became more focused on creating a spectacular and vibrant show.

It was the circus that at the beginning of the 20th century brought pole dancing overseas - to America, where in the 1950s, pole dancing spread like wildfire in the then insanely popular burlesque shows.

From the USA, pole dancing migrated to Canada, where they began to be danced in nightclubs and brothels - and then this “improved” and colorful version of the dance returned to the states.

This was the origin of the striptease direction of gender dance.

For many decades, the dance had a kind of “halo” of eroticism and seduction.

The surge in popularity and spread throughout the world of modern floor dance owes much to the Canadian Fawnia Monday.

In the 1990s, she became interested in pole dancing and began competing, but more importantly, she released an instructional DVD introducing ordinary people with Pol Dance.

These days, pole dancing is still perceived by many as sensual and erotic and is still actively used in strip clubs.

But this is far from its only and no longer its main meaning.

Modern pole dance can be divided into four main directions:

  1. Entertaining dance show (exotic floor dance)
  2. Artistic gymnastics with choreographic elements
  3. A type of amateur fitness
  4. Professional sport on the pole

In addition, gender dance today is something that both women and men do equally.

Myths and reality about pole dancing

Among people who are not closely familiar with pole dancing, there are many rumors about this activity.

Some are generated by stereotypes, others - that prevent you from getting to know pole dance better.

Pol dance gained notoriety in the 60s of the last century.

I asked my friends most different ages, scoured the web and collected the TOP 5 myths about pole dancing that have nothing to do with reality.

Paul dance - it's cheesy

From the history of the formation of pole dance, it becomes clear where this misconception comes from.

After reading the first part of the article, you should understand that vulgar striptease and fitness using a pole are very different things.

Modern floor dance is an art that unites rhythmic gymnastics, choreography and , and there is nothing vulgar in it.

Pole dancing is always associated with revealing outfits

Pole training does require minimalistic clothing, but not for the sake of seduction - but for the sake of providing the necessary grip on the pole.

The fabrics slide strongly on the steel pole and do not allow the elements to be performed.

But truly revealing clothing in floor dancing is not only not necessary, but also gets in the way: if you constantly adjust your breasts falling out of your neckline, you won’t be able to concentrate on the dance very well.

Today, both men and women are involved in this area

Tip: The best clothing for pole dancing is a crop top or sports bra and mini shorts.

The same applies to the legend of the need for super high heels and wedges.

These can be worn for a demonstration performance or competition, but special shoes are not needed during classes: most people prefer to learn the science of floor dancing in socks or even barefoot.

By the way, even in those rare cases when a high heel is appropriate, it will not cause discomfort - even if you do not know how to walk in stiletto heels.

The right shoes for pole dancing, like any dance shoes, are designed to be comfortable to dance in.

Paul dancing is very hard

Contrary to another common myth, pole dancing does not require special training.

Yes, gymnastic skills or natural flexibility will be a plus, and if you have them, your first successes in floor dance will come very quickly.

Modern floor dance is an art

Pol dance is a sport, and any sports activities provide for gradual development of skills.

During the classes, in addition to pole dancing itself, they do endurance and endurance exercises.

Thorough training of all the muscles of the body allows you to gradually achieve the desired physical shape to perform even the most difficult tricks.

It is completely wrong to think that only people with a gymnastics background can exercise.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t think that since an activity doesn’t require physical training, it will be given to you right away.

Faithful companions of pole dancing are sore limbs and bruises of various shapes and sizes.

This will happen for the first few weeks or months - it all depends on the sensitivity of your skin. When she gets used to intense contact with the pole, bruises will stop appearing.

Pole dance pumps up your arms

Watching the performances of half-dancers, you might think that their maximum body weight while performing tricks is precisely . This assumption is logical... but completely wrong.

As I already said in the analysis of the previous myth, pole dancing involves and gradually develops the muscles of the whole body.

There is no need to be afraid of a sharp “swelling” of the arms and shoulders: after all, floor dancing is not power look sports

On the contrary, floor dancing is, and it develops the body accordingly, for the most part tightening the figure, making it leaner and more sculpted.

Paul dancing is a sport

Pylon - only for…

…young/slender/tall/without complexes - underline what is necessary.

No, no and no again! The only restriction for practicing pole dance can be a state of health.

There is a clear list of contraindications for pole dancing:

  1. Body mass index over 32
  2. Diseases cardiovascular system
  3. Hypertension
  4. Problems with the vestibular system
  5. Musculoskeletal problems

It’s not a fact that your living space will allow you to install a pylon at home

Some history of trauma may also affect the ability to perform pole dancing.

A consultation with a doctor or trainer will help determine whether pole dancing is right for you.

However, neither height, nor age, nor figure imperfections (which ladies often tend to exaggerate) are obstacles to pole dancing.

It's all about your own complexes - which, by the way, floor dancing effectively helps you get rid of.

I hope that clearing up these common myths has helped you understand what pole dancing really is.

And if you've ever thought about enrolling in classes, but some factor has stopped you, it's time to say goodbye to stereotypes, prejudices and uncertainty and finally try!

I want to pole dance! Everything a beginner needs to know

Pol dancing is not only beautiful, but also useful.

The only restriction for practicing pole dance can be health status.

If you are still lacking a little motivation in this sport, I suggest you find out how exercise will affect your body and mind:

  1. The muscles will develop evenly (but not excessively). You will gain a toned figure, a flat stomach, a strong, sculpted back, slender legs and arms, and will forget about cellulite forever.
  2. Your posture will be straightened out and remain straight and beautiful for life. Your gait and all your movements will become smoother and more harmonious.
  3. You will learn to breathe correctly. Deep breathing, in turn, will increase the supply of oxygen to all tissues and organs - which will make you feel better and appearance they will only win.
  4. Cardiovascular training will develop your endurance and reduce the risk of developing heart attacks, strokes and other similar problems in the future.
  5. Metabolism will speed up which will contribute to the active burning of excess calories.
  6. Stress, fatigue and emotional tension effectively dissipate, your mood improves after each workout. And in general, you will notice a significant improvement in your emotional state and will begin to react less to external stimuli.
  7. Blood circulation in the pelvic organs will significantly improve, which will eliminate painful menstruation and improve the cycle. In addition, training the appropriate muscles will ensure an easier and less painful birth in the future.
The result of the training will be excellent physical shape

Of course, all this is true only if the classes are regular.

This does not mean that you will have to go to the pole every day: three times a week is enough to see noticeable results and maintain progress.

Most fitness clubs and pole dance courses operate at approximately this rhythm.

Choosing a form of training

There are many pole dancing tutorials available online and offline.

Starting from a rare disc by industry pioneer Fonya Monday, to a variety of modern publications by numerous trainers.

However, there is one problem with home schooling: it is unlikely that your apartment or house has the pole necessary for classes :).

And if it can still be installed in a private house, then in an ordinary apartment it will be problematic in many respects.

Today, almost every fitness club or dance studio offers group pole classes.

Typically they differ affordable price and a well-developed program.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the group must move at approximately the same pace, and if you need more time to work through one or another element, you may not be able to keep up with the others.

If you are willing to pay enough for classes a substantial amount, you can take individual lessons.

This way you can practice at your own pace and work on connections and elements exactly as much as you need.

Advice: the optimal form of training, especially for beginners, is still group classes. You will be sufficiently motivated and will also have the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and actively exchange experiences during your studies.

What you need for your first lesson

The starting “equipment” is extremely simple.

To start practicing floor dancing, you will need comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement: short shorts and a top with an open stomach and arms.

Professional shoes are not required for a beginner, so you can worry about this later.

At first, you can practice without any problems in socks or even barefoot - if the cleanliness of the room allows it.

You will need clothing that retains body heat.

In order not to take two different sets, it is best to take with you leg warmers and a long-sleeved jacket, which can be removed during the main part of the lesson.

Have you already signed up for a trial lesson?

An excellent help for the first time will be special fingerless gloves for pole dancers, which will save your hands from serious calluses.

You can find them in specialized dance stores - Google them or ask a trainer.

What to expect in your first lessons

The structure of sex dance classes differs little from other dance and fitness classes.

Most often, the lesson is divided into four stages:

  1. Warming up muscles and stretching
  2. Learning dance moves and sequences on the pole
  3. Exercises aimed at development different groups muscles
  4. Stretching to Calm Your Muscles After a Workout

The basic level of pole exercises teaches you how to “feel” the pole and control your own weight, and the correct technique of movements to avoid sprains and injuries.

When the movements become more or less confident, the coach allows the dancers to perform their first twists on the top of the pole.

Advice: don’t worry if, after the first successes, your skills suddenly regress, and even what you already did with confidence stops working out. This is a normal learning process, and after a lesson or two, progress will be restored. Remember: floor dancing is difficult, but there is nothing incomprehensible in the classes.

The only contraindication to exercise can be too much weight.

A few good tips for new pole dancers to remember are:

  1. Prepare yourself mentally for the fact that every muscle in your body will hurt for the first two to three weeks of training, and bruises will become your best friends. All because of a new, unusual load - the body will need a little time to adapt to it.
  2. Don't think about being embarrassed in front of other group members. Everyone comes to pole dancing for new skills and experience, and not to look at and discuss others. Believe me, others may have the same complex deep down in their souls because of their real or imagined shortcomings, but this does not stop them - so don’t let it stop you either.
  3. Remember: the coach is your best friend. Trust him, don’t be afraid to ask and get advice.
  4. Put your maximum effort into every workout. Don’t look for easy ways, and perseverance will be rewarded with quick and noticeable results.
  5. Listen to as much music as you dance to. Studying the tracks, their structure, rhythmic pattern, and accents will help you make your movements more “musical” and better navigate during the performance.
  6. Be attentive to yourself. Excessive discomfort or pain where there should not be pain can be a “wake-up call” from the body - do not ignore it. Analyze your condition, consult with a trainer, and visit a doctor if necessary.

What can you do after a while

Over time (the specific timing depends on the program of your studio and the trainer personally), you will learn to perform dance elements and tricks at all levels of the pole:

  1. Gymnastic techniques and acrobatics at a height of two meters
  2. Rotations, “falls” and plastic elements in the middle, at a height of one and a half meters
  3. Choreographic and plastic steps on the lowest level of the pole and floor
High heels rather the exception than the rule

Twists, handstands, hangs and grips, flags and holds - the pole is full of magnificent, spectacular and exciting elements, it’s impossible to list them all.

To get inspired and finally be convinced that pole dancing is cool, I suggest watching a video of a pole dance performance.

With due diligence, you can create a number just as good - isn’t that already a reason to start?

Pole dancing is a form of fitness based on pole exercises with elements of artistic gymnastics and pole acrobatics. This type fitness is designed to strengthen all muscle groups, improve the level of choreography and plasticity.

Pole dance is a type of sports dance on a pole, which is a pole for performing various elements of choreography and acrobatics. In this type of fitness, special emphasis is placed on musicality and plasticity.

There are several schools of floor dance, which are based on sports orientation, pole acrobatics and complex execution of elements.

Floor dancing for beginners includes simple elements of plastic arts and acrobatics with a pole on the floor. At an intermediate level of skill, rotations around the pole and other dynamic elements are performed. On high level Acrobatic tricks are performed on a pole more than 2-3 meters high.

An important feature of floor dance is the purity of the execution of tricks and the plasticity of transitions from one element to another.

When performing floor dance elements, you must keep your knees straight and your toes pointed, and also work out all the accents and details in the movements. An important criterion for this fitness is the correspondence of the movements to the musical accompaniment.

Pol dance classes require stamina, good coordination, agility and flexibility. Dancers must have high muscle tone, good stretching and grace.

Almost all floor dance classes are based on aerobic exercises, before which a special warm-up is carried out to warm up the muscles. Basically, when performing floor dance elements, the muscles of the upper body, back and abs are involved.

Floor dancing for beginners is carried out in a gentle manner with a long warm-up and enhanced stretching exercises. In the first lessons, you need to learn how to control your body, feel the pole and be able to maintain balance.

Elements of floor dance

Currently, floor dancing is a popular form of dance fitness. Since 2003, international pole dance competitions have been held in many countries. In competitions, the main emphasis is on artistry and athleticism, as well as cleanliness and precision in the execution of elements.

Elements of floor dance can be divided into two main styles: artistic and sports. Sports elements are designed for endurance and high physical fitness, and artistic elements must be original, bright and spectacular.

Training in this area of ​​fitness is carried out in various clubs and schools. International pole dance schools are divided into several categories based on the types of elements and content of the acrobatic program.

The main schools of pole dance include dance and sports. Dance schools train dancers with choreographic programs with an aesthetic focus. Sports schools conduct classes on individual and general acrobatic programs aimed at improving physical fitness, increasing muscle mass and athleticism.

Advantages of floor dancing

The main advantages of floor dancing are:

  • the ability to strengthen muscles;
  • increasing the flexibility and plasticity of the body;
  • skin tightening and slowing down aging;
  • improved coordination;
  • excess weight loss;
  • prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and bone structure;
  • maintaining correct posture.

Also in floor dancing, the aesthetic side of training plays an important role, which allows dancers to become more feminine, attractive, graceful, relaxed and self-confident.

Beginners to Pole Dance, of course, will not be able to immediately master the complex tricks of this dance and acrobatic direction. However, they have access to light basic elements, performed both statically and dynamically. Let's look at the basic Pole Dance exercises for beginner dancers.

Deflection near the pole

Stand next to the pylon, leaning your right shoulder against it. One foot should be closer to the pole, and the other a little further in front of it. Raise your straight arms and grab the pole with them so that your left is slightly lower than your right. Arch your back, move your head back, squat down a little, placing your feet on your tiptoes.


Stand near the pole on the left side, and with your right hand grab it above your head. Then take one step clockwise with your right foot. As you swing your left leg, grab the pole with your left hand. Lift your feet off the floor and grab the pylon with them. It is necessary that the outer surface of the right leg is in front of him, and the back surface of the left is on the outside. Arch your back. Your legs must grip the pole tightly, otherwise you will not be able to stay on it.

Slingshot (spreader)

A static element that involves hanging upside down on a pole. Your buttocks should be higher than your head, spread your legs in different directions. Place your hands between your inner thighs and grip the pole firmly.

Hanging under the knee

The element is also performed in the “head down” position. In this case, you hold your body not with your hands, but with your leg bent at the knee, which clasps the pole. The other leg should be straight and parallel to the floor. Stretch your arms freely towards the straightened leg.

High chair

Squeeze the pole with both feet at your hips. In this case, your legs can be kept straight, parallel to the floor, or bent at the knees. Hold the pole firmly with your hands.


Sit on the pole and squeeze it with your thighs, closer to your groin. Place one leg on top of the other and bend it at the knee. Leave the second one straight. With your elbow bent, firmly grasp the pole and point your other hand to the side.


Stand on the side of the pole. Hold it with both hands: the closest one from below, and the farthest one from above, to create a wide grip. Place your near foot on the pole with your heel up, about 15 cm above the floor. Then push off the pole with this leg, and bring your far leg forward and bend at the knee. The leg resting on the pole should be straight.

Spacer from hands

Stand facing the pole. With your right hand, grab it firmly above your head, and with your left hand below the level of your buttocks. Lifting your legs off the floor, straighten your left leg and point it back, and bend your right leg at the knee.


This item is suitable for those who have back strain. Grasp the pole with your near hand and bend your back backwards, placing your other hand on the floor.


With one hand, grab the pole above your head, and with the other at the level of your buttocks. Push off the floor, spread your legs to the sides and spin around the pole on straight arms. You need to maintain a slight arch in your back.

Simple hand hang

The element is quite simple in technique, but it requires strong hands, since in the process the entire load is transferred to them. The hang can be performed from the position “sitting on the pole” or standing near it. To begin, grab the pole with your outstretched arms, then slowly move your legs back, bending them at the knees. The head should be slightly tilted back.


Grab the pole with your hands so that your bent arm is level with chest, and straightened above the head. Hold the pole under the knee of your left leg. Push off the floor with your right leg and bend it at the knee. As a result, you should spin around the pole with your legs bent.

Twist with double rearrangement of legs

With your right hand, grab the pole and, while twisting, grab it with your right leg under the knee. Perform a spin in this position, and at the end of the element, grab the pole with your left foot and land on both legs bent.

With the help of experienced and professional dance studio trainers Anix Dance You will master the basic elements of pole dancing and move on to more advanced tricks with confidence.

An interesting article about why you should choose pole dancing classes, where to start learning and how to get quick results.

IN modern world the reality is that women have to withstand very strong competition. Marriage or a permanent relationship is no longer a guarantee that a woman will always be under the protection of her man. Therefore, she must constantly improve herself and make every effort to be attractive for as long as possible.

Cult beautiful body today is no joke modern lady not only smart and charming, but also maintains her external beauty for as long as possible. And it is not possible without good physical shape. Floor dancing for beginners helps improve your figure. Next, we will discuss the nuances of pole acrobatics.

What are the benefits of floor dancing?

Poledance quickly builds beautiful body shapes. On the screen it seems that the girls are flying around the pole with ease and ease; in fact, only constant exhausting training allows one to achieve professionalism in dancing. When performing tricks on a pole, a huge number of muscles are involved, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abs and legs work the most.

In addition, dance develops a sense of balance, flexibility, sensory perception of music and oneself in it. A woman becomes more confident, has a beautiful posture, sparkle in her eyes, and a graceful gait. The impact of dance cannot be hidden.

It’s wonderful not only to feel the music, but also to be able to express your feelings through movements. Also, learning poledance gives quite a thrill: fast spins, upside down tricks, false falls, performing exercises that seem to contradict the laws of physics will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pole dance - dance on a pole (pole) combining acrobatics, choreography and elements of artistic gymnastics

How to start doing pole dancing

It is important to evaluate the convenience of the dance hall. Are the pylons far enough apart from each other? You need to understand that spinning around the pole requires a lot of space, and it is important for students not to touch each other. It is also worth checking whether you can see yourself in the mirror from each dance seat, since latecomers usually do not get the most advantageous seats, and assessing your movements in the mirror is very important.

If you have space in your apartment and financial opportunity, it is better to buy a pylon for practicing the elements of your home. This will greatly speed up the results and help you practice the technique “cleanly”. It is not necessary to buy a new pylon; you can choose a used one.

Clothing for classes should be as comfortable as possible, not stretch anywhere, and not interfere with movements. It is important that the areas under your knees, elbows, stomach and ankles are open as these will help you press as firmly as possible into the pole. In addition, you will need alcohol wipes to treat the pole and magnesium - a special powder that helps prevent body parts from sliding along the pole.

Don't forget that pole dancing is a lot of work. Initially, it will not be possible to avoid chafing and bruising. In addition to attending classes to achieve good results It is necessary to devote time to stretching every day, because without this you will not be able to perform movements smoothly and mesmerizingly.

Because pole exercises require strong muscles, it is important to do strengthening workouts such as crunches, push-ups, pull-ups, handstands and rows. But the result is worth it! After all, at the exit the woman will have a beautiful, fit figure and the ability to dance sensually and fieryly.