The benefits of sturgeon. Sturgeon fish

UDC B15.857.B:B15.012:B15.32/.3B


I.V. Gammel1, L.I. Zaporozhskaya1, G.Yu. Magin2,

"GBOU VPO "Nizhny Novgorod State medical academy»,

2LLC "Mulinsky fish farm"

Zaporozhskaya Larisa Ivanovna - e-mail: [email protected]

Multilateral studies of promising sources of fish oil containing biologically active PUFAs have revealed the possibility of using the internal fat of Russian Sturgeon grown in fish farms as a raw material. The developed technology for Russian Sturgeon fish oil from experimental batches of fish from the Mulinsky fish farm is presented. The results of the analysis of physicochemical parameters and chemical toxicological studies presented in the article confirm that Russian Sturgeon fat, obtained from fish grown in artificial conditions, has high biological value and is safer to use in comparison with freshwater and sea ​​fish natural habitat. A method has been proposed for stabilizing the fat of Russian Sturgeon by introducing

0.4% ^a-tocopherol.

Key words: sturgeon fish oil, raw materials sources, fish farms, physico-chemical parameters of fish oil, fatty acid composition of lipids, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA), fat stability, Russian sturgeon.

The carried out many-sided researches of the prospective sources of cod-liver oil, which contains bioactive PUFA, led to the possibility of the use of the cod-liver oil of Russian sturgeon, reared in fish farms, as raw materials. There is given the created technology of Russian sturgeon cod-liver oil from the pilot batch of fish from Mulino fish farm. The received results of the analysis of physical-chemical indices and chem-ical-toxicological researches prove that Russian sturgeon cod-liver oil, received in the conditions of artificial rearing of fish, is characterized by high biological value and more safe for the usage in comparison with cod-liver oil of freshwater and sea fish of natural habitat. There is suggested the way of stabilization of Russian sturgeon cod-liver oil by the introduction of 0.4% d-a-tocopherol

Key words: sturgeon cod-liver oil, raw materials sources, fish farms, physical-chemical indices of cod-liver oil, fatty acid composition of lipids, OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), the stability of cod -liver oil, Russian sturgeon.


The balance of essential omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the human body is an indicator in lipid metabolism. Numerous experimental studies have determined the mechanisms of pharmacological action of omega-3 PUFAs at various pathological conditions characterized by lipid metabolism disorders. The main source of omega-3 PUFAs is fish oil or fats from other aquatic organisms. Consumption analysis medicines and dietary supplements containing fish oil indicates the dynamic growth of this segment pharmacy sales when demonstrating the loss of competitiveness of a domestic manufacturer compared to a foreign one. The latter indicates the relevance of research to find new sources of fish oil and develop domestic import-substituting technologies for their production.

In the production of fish oil, liver oil or muscle oil from marine commercial fish is usually used. There are known publications on the use of freshwater whitefish as raw material sources of fish oil. There is undoubted interest in studying the possibility of using fish oil for this purpose.

freshwater sturgeon, which, according to the classification of I.V. Kizevetter (1973) and I.P. Levanidov (1968), are classified as fatty fish. Features of the fractional and fatty acid composition of lipids of Amur sturgeon fish are given in the works of E.N. Kharenko (2004) and indicate the high biological value of Amur sturgeon fish oil. However, the current environmental situation, which is characterized by high level pollution, the impossibility of toxicological regulation and regulation of pollution of sea and river water bodies, led us to study the possibilities of obtaining fish oil from sturgeon fish artificially grown in fish farms.

The purpose of the work is to obtain and study fish oil from sturgeon fish artificially grown on fish farms in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following problems: obtain experimental batches of sturgeon fish oil; study the fractional and fatty acid composition; determine the main physical and chemical quality indicators; conduct a chemical-toxicological analysis; carry out quality control of sturgeon fat during storage.

Materials and methods

The research material was four species of sturgeon fish artificially grown in fish farms in the Nizhny Novgorod region: Russian sturgeon Acipenser guldenstadti Brandt, Sterlet Acipenser ruthenus L, Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii (subspecies baerii), Bester (Huso huso X Acipenser ruthenus) (Beluga x Sterlet ).

Sturgeon fish oil was obtained at Mulinskoye Fish Hatchery LLC from deposited fatty tissues of fish entrails using “gentle” technology for processing and extracting the final product without the use of organic solvents by melting lipids in a water bath in the presence of antioxidants and chelating agents for variable valence metals, at temperature conditions not higher than +45...50°C and reduced pressure 0.05-0.06 MPa. Fish oil was poured through funnels (with anhydrous sodium sulfate to remove traces of water) into pre-prepared dry orange glass bottles with a capacity of no more than 250 cm3 with polyethylene gaskets and screw-on plastic caps. The containers were filled to the top and hermetically sealed or tightly closed with lids. Stored at low temperatures from -18 to +4°C. To stabilize fish oil samples, the antioxidant d-a-tocopherol (Serva) was used at a maximum effective concentration of 0.4% (Kutuzova I.V., 1997)

Organoleptic properties of fish oil ( appearance, color, smell and taste, transparency) were determined according to GOST 7631 and 7636. Mass fraction of unsaponifiable substances, relative density, mass fraction water and non-fatty impurities, the peroxide number was determined according to the methods of GOST 7636. The determination of the acid number was carried out according to the pharmacopoeial method (SP USSR X1 ed., vol. 1, p. 191). The fractional composition of fish oil lipids was analyzed by TLC (Kates, 1975; Kirchner, 1981). Quantitative determination of lipid fractions was carried out by dentometry of TLC plates on a Chromoscan-3-M device (UK). Analysis of the fatty acid composition of sturgeon lipids was carried out by converting triglycerol fatty acids into methyl esters and identifying the latter by gas-liquid chromatography using the calculation method of “internal normalization” of peaks. The degree of unsaturation of fish oil was calculated using the formula (Ponton et al., 1980). The kinetics of fish oil oxidation was studied using the manometric method using the kinetics of oxygen absorption. The content of toxic compounds and elements in fish oil was determined by methodological instructions MU 5178-90, MU 2142-80, MU 2142-80, MUK and GOST 26932-86.

Results and discussion

Currently, artificial reproduction provides more than 90% of the stocks of sturgeon species in the Volga-Caspian basin, since last decade sturgeon are endangered in their natural habitat. The federal target program “Increasing the efficiency of use and development of the resource potential of the fishery complex in 2009-2014” sets the task of replenishing raw materials

how the base of natural and artificial reservoirs contains valuable commercial species of aquatic biological resources. Since restoration of the Russian Sturgeon species in the fauna of the Nizhny Novgorod region is impossible due to pollution of the rivers of the Volga basin, changes in spawning conditions and other environmental reasons, restoration and conservation of the species requires its artificial breeding. An example of a new type of fish production, which at the same time allows for the formation of a qualitatively different type of commercial product with increased environmental protection in the Nizhny Novgorod region, is the Mulinskoye Fish Hatchery LLC enterprise. It combines in one organizational structure various links of a single production and technological chain: fertilization of sturgeon caviar; obtaining fish fry; growing fish in closed water supply systems. The possibility of obtaining marketable sturgeon within one year, in turn, makes it possible to develop economically viable fish processing industries outside the natural habitats of sturgeon. The prospect of integrated use of fish processing waste further increases the significance of the ongoing research into the possibility of using sturgeon fat as a raw material for the production of biologically active omega-3 PUFAs. Well-known publications (Sytova M.V., 2005) substantiate the technology of complex processing of Amur sturgeon using milk, liver, heart and cartilage tissue. In our work, internal deposited fat was proposed as a potential raw material source of sturgeon fish oil. In addition, the possibility of using fish processing waste from sturgeon grown in artificial reservoirs as a source of omega-3 PUFAs has never been studied before.

However, only at one fish farming enterprise, LLC Mulinskoe Fish Hatchery, production capacity reaches up to 200 tons of sturgeon per year. In accordance with the Unified Standards of waste, losses, yield of finished products and consumption of raw materials in the production of food products from sturgeon fish, the yield rate of cut fish (sturgeon) is in the range of 75.2-89.1%, while the rate of waste (entrails) is expressed by the indicator 10.9-24.8%. Potentially, taking into account the 20% lipid content in the visceral tissues, up to 3 tons of natural fish oil can be obtained annually.

The feasibility of using the entrails of sturgeon fish artificially grown in fish farms as a potential source of omega-3 PUFAs was determined by preliminary selection and analysis of morphophysiological parameters, physicochemical properties and technological characteristics of samples of Russian Sturgeon Acipenser guldenstadti Brandt, Siberian Sturgeon Acipenser baerii, Sterlet Acipenser ruthenus L ., Bestera (Huso huso X Acipenser ruthenus). The research results are shown in Table 1 and indicate the prospects of using the internal fat of Russian Sturgeon and Bester as a potential raw material in subsequent studies. The maximum technological yield of fish oil for the latter was

21.4% and 18.8% by weight of the viscera, respectively. The physico-chemical characteristics of Russian Osetra and Bester fish oils corresponded to those determined for medical fish oil (from cod liver). Significantly lower peroxide and aldehyde numbers suggest greater stability during storage of sturgeon fish fats in comparison with medical fish oil. No less significant is the fact that Russian Sturgeon accounts for more than 70% of the volume of fish farming in fish farms using closed water supply systems.

A detailed study of the fatty acid composition of the fat of Sturgeon Russian and Bester, grown in conditions of artificial fish farming, in comparison with the composition of the fat of sturgeon and whitefish species living in natural reservoirs, made it possible to identify them distinctive features(Table 2). General level PUFA in the fat of artificially farmed sturgeon fish is 29-35%, which is significantly higher than in the lipids of whitefish and sturgeon living in natural conditions Ob, Volga-Caspian basins and the river basin. Cupid TABLE 2.

Fatty acid composition of lipids of sturgeon and whitefish species,


Physico-chemical and technological parameters of fish oil from sturgeon breeds in comparison with medical fish oil from cod liver

Indicator name а р S £ * § рс ss а Siberian sturgeon fat m r e rt is ie Zhb i ch i l rr ie SS b Medical fish oil (from cod liver)*

Density, g/cm3 0.908 0.903 0.918 0.911 0.918

Iodine number, % 12 117.b 125 129.b 121.8 1b2.5

Saponification number, mg KOH/g 179.b 184 180.7 181.3 185.2

Acid number, mg KOH/g 1.27 1.18 1.19 1.23 1.28

Peroxide value, %12 0.09 0.05 0.09 0.08 0.27

Aldehyde number, mg% cinnamaldehyde 0.21 0.18 0.19 0.3b 5.38

Technological yield of fat, % by weight of viscera 21.4 12.1 18.8 7.2 10.3

Note: *For cod liver oil, the technological yield was calculated as a percentage of the liver weight.

Name of LC Index of LC in uk m r i Fat nel-my & ® 2 o § r sk 3 ^ Zh Bester fat Volgoxpian bester fat* Amur sturgeon fat* o ° * “ O & o<и О О S Q. С s g ж s

capric 10:00 --- --- 0.01 0.01 --- --- ---

lauric 12:00 0.01 G,G3 0.03 0.02 --- 0.12 ---

tridecane 13:00 - - 0.01 0.01 - - ---

iso-tetradecane 14:0i 0.01 0.01 --- --- ---

myristic 14:00 13.41 7.21 2.98 2.69 2.4 3.19 2

myristoleic 14:01 - G.77 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.2

tetradecadiene 14:02 --- - 0.03 0.04

iso-pentadecanic 15:0i 0.04 0.03

anteiso-pentadecanoic 15:0аі 0.03 0.02

pentadecane 15:00 --- - 0.25 0.23 0.3 0.68 0.4

pentadecene 15:01 --- --- 0.03 0.02

iso-hexadecane 16:0i 0.03 0.03

palmitic 1b:00 9.4 11.17 16.6 17.92 25.6 16.2 22.3

palmitoleic 16:1 9-cis 28.72 24.47 5.58 5.83 4.8 14.24 10.4

hexadecadiene 16:2 w-b - - 0.16 0.18 0.65

hexatrienic 16:3 w-b --- --- 0.07 0.07 2.1

hexatetraenoic 16:04 0.04 0.06 1.72

iso-heptadecanic 17:0i 0.04 0.04

anteiso-heptadecane 17:0аі 0.09 0.05

margarine 17:00 --- --- 0.22 0.22 0.4 0.85 0.3

heptadecene 17:01 1.54 1.42 0.18 0.18

Heptadecapentaenoic 17:5 w-w 0.61 0.3

iso-octadecane 18:0i 0.02 0.06

stearic 18:00 2.89 2.92 1.37 1.67 3.1 1.33 2.6

elaidin 18:01 9-trans 0.19 0.22

oleic 18:1 9-cis 28.36 31.47 27.67 33.19 47.1 35.17 41.7

vaccenova 18:1 11-trans 2.1 2.33

octadecenoic 18:1 11-cis 0.18 0.16

iso-octadecene 18:1i 0.07 0.05

iso-octadecadiene 18:2i 0.72 0.56

linoleic 18:2 w-b 1.07 1.68 20.36 15.23 0.6 1.89 1.2

u-linolenic 18:3 w-b 0.77 0.51

a-linolenic 18:3 w-3 1.02 1.68 1.11 1.11 1.41

Name of LC Index of LC in uk m r i Fat nel-my & ® 2 o § r sk 3 ^ Fat Bester fat Volgokspian bester fat * Amur sturgeon fat * o ° * then 2 & O<Ы О О S Q. С s g

Octadecatetraenoic (parinar) 18:4 w-3 1.03 1.41 0.07 0.72 1.26 0.2

arazhinovaya 20:00 0.07 0.08 0.15

gondoinovaya 20:1 sh-9 0.98 0.81 4.34 3.37 1.5 4.44 2.5

eicosadiene 20:2 w-b - --- 0.71 0.69 0.8 1.09 0.1

homogamalinoleic 20:3 w-b

eicosatriene 20:3 w-3 --- --- 0.2 0.28 0.4 0.1

arakidonic 20:4 sh-b 0.57 1.52 0.53 0.72 1.3 0.35 2.8

Eicosapentaenoic 20:5 w-3 6.45 6.64 3.64 3.11 3.4 5.39 5.3

heneicosanovaya 21:00 0.05

heptacosapentaenoic 21:5 w-3 0.47

behenovaya 22:00 0.2 0.65

erukovaya 22:1 sh-9 2.17 1.05 0.21

docozadiene 22:2 w-b 0.65 0.72 0.3 0.2

docosatriene 22:03 0.3 0.26

docosatetraenoic 22:4 w-b 0.62 0.74 0.27 0.27

docosapentaenoic 22:5 w-3 1.59 1.36 1 1.05 1.1 1.08 1.7

Docosahexaenoic 22:6 w-3 2.34 4.7 4.67 4.13 7.6 4.07 5

lignoceric 24:00:00 0.06 0.07

nervonovaya 24:1 sh-9 0.13

tetradecadiene 24:2 w-w 0.16

lowland 24:6 w-b 0.21

Total saturated FA 25.71 21.33 21.88 23.64 31.8 22.57 27.6

Total unsaturated fatty acids 74.29 78.67 78.12 76.36 68.2 77.43 72.4

Amount sh-3 PUFA 12.43 15.79 10.96 10.67 12.1 14.08 12.3

Amount w-b PUFA 2.26 3.94 23.02 17.87 2.7 6.95 4.3

Total monoene FAs 59.6 58.94 40.43 45.43 53.4 54.27 52.5

Total polyenes 14.69 19.73 35.27 29.67 14.8 23.16 19.9

Total pentaenes 8.04 8 4.64 4.16 4.5 7.55 7.3

Total hexaenes 2.34 4.7 4.67 4.13 7.6 4.28 5

Sum of penta- and hexaenes 10.38 12.7 9.31 8.29 12.1 11.83 12.3

Degree of unsaturation (Ponton et al, 1980) 128.5 151 117.8 95.7 129.5 141.8 131.9

W-W/W-3 ratio (1-5:1) 0.18:1 0.25:1 2.18:1 1.75:1 0.23:1 0.49:1 0.34:1

EPA/DHA ratio (1.5-2) 2.75 1.41 0.78 0.75 0.45 1.32 1.06

Note: ** Data from Kharenko E.N. (2004) - muscle fat.

(14-23%). The amount of components belonging to the m-3 family of acids reaches 10%, which is slightly lower than in commercial fish oils (12-15%). However, in the lipids of artificially bred sturgeon, attention is drawn to the high (3-8 times higher) percentage of m-6 acids (17-23%). The most promising raw material source of omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs turned out to be Russian Osetra fish oil, the amount of PUFAs in which (35%) is more than 12% higher than that for Bester fat (29%). TABLE 3.

Fractional composition of sturgeon lipids

Lipid composition Russian sturgeon Amur sturgeon* Volga-Caspian sturgeon*

Phospholipids 2.7±0.3 3.4+0.4 13.2+0.3

Monoglycerides - 3.7+0.7 -

Diglycerides - 1.2+0.5 -

Sterols 0.3+0.05 2.6±0.4 1.9+1.3

Free fatty acids 1.2+0.11 0.7+0.1 -

Triglycerides 95.9+1.3 8b.8+0.9 82.7+0.5

Sterol esters --- 0.2+0.05 2.2+0.01

Hydrocarbons --- 1.4±0.2 ---

Wax traces - ---

Squalene traces - ---

Note: *Data from Kharenko E.N. (2004).


Standard kinetic parameters of Russian Sturgeon fat at +60±0.2°C in the presence of 9 x 10-3 M azobiisobutyronitrile (AIBN) and an initiation rate of 5.3 x 10-8 M x ​​s-1

Fish oil Concentration AIBN, M Yndn*, min Wm** x106, m/l x s-1

Russian sturgeon fish oil 9 x 10"3 29.0+1.2 2.73+0.10

Russian sturgeon fish oil, stabilized (1-a-tocopherol (0.4%) 9 x 10"3 452.5+3.5 0.15+0.03

Note:* Упії„ - full induction period;

** Piece - oxidation rate.


Chemical and toxicological characteristics of various raw materials of fish oil

Indicator name Maximum permissible level Marine fish fat (polyene) Muksun fat Ob basin Fat Volgo-Caspian sturgeon Fat Russian sturgeon (artificial reservoir)

Mercury 0.b<0,15 <0,05 <0,09 не обнаружено

Lead 1 0.b 0.1 0.2 0.02

Cadmium 0.2 0.2 0.01 0.05 0.015

Arsenic 1<0,03 не обнаружено <0,03 не обнаружено

HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane) in the amount of 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01

Nitrosamines sum of NDMA and NDEA no more than 0.003 0.002 less than 0.001 less than 0.001 not detected

DDT and its metabolites 0.3 0.08 0.017 0.023 0.008

Cesium-137 No more than b0 Less than 1GG Less than b Less than 7G Less than 3

Strontium-90 No more than 8G Less than b0 Less than 2G Less than 3G Less than 1b

A feature of Russian Sturgeon fat is also an extremely low content of long-chain (C more than 20) saturated fatty acids (FAs) that are quite resistant to oxidation (no more than 0.3%) with an increased content of monoene FAs (in the sum of gondoinic C20:1m-9 and erucic C20 :1m-9 to 6%), while erucic acid was practically not found in the fats of whitefish and osteraceae in their natural habitat. At the same time, Russian Sturgeon fat is characterized (like other sturgeon and whitefish fats) by a high content (up to 35%) of medium-chain monoene FAs - palmitooleic (C16:1) and oleic (C18:1), which, as is known, have an effect in the human body to normalize lipid metabolism.

In addition, the fundamental difference between Russian Sturgeon fat is the increased (up to 20%) content of medium-chain linoleic acid (C18:2 m-6) - the most important representative of biologically active omega-6 PUFAs. As is known, the balance of the ratio of m-6 to m-3 PUFAs in the human body plays a key role in the complete metabolism of prostaglandins. In a modern diet, the ratio of m-6 to m-3 is in the range of 10-30:1, instead of the required 1-5:1 (Fat and fatty acids in human nutrition, report of an expert consultation, FAO, 2010). Comparison of fatty acid composition obtained fish oils of Russian Sturgeon and Bester with fats of other species of sturgeon and whitefish showed that the former contain the optimal ratio of m-6/m-3 PUFA (1.75-2.18:1) in contrast to the latter (0.18-0 ,49:1).

The results of a study of the fractional composition of lipids in Russian Sturgeon fish oil, grown in artificial reservoirs, in comparison with that of sturgeon fish oil in their natural habitat are presented in Table 3. When determining the group composition of Russian Sturgeon lipids, 6 classes of compounds were found. Russian sturgeon fat contains a significant amount of triacylglycerides (95.9%), low levels of phospholipids (2.7%) and free fatty acids (1.2%), which allows it to be classified as neutral lipids. It has been established that the difference between the fractional composition of fat of Russian sturgeon grown in an artificial reservoir and the fractional composition of fat of sturgeon fish living in natural conditions is the predominance of the triglyceride fraction, the reduced content of phospholipids, sterols and their esters. The latter suggests greater stability of Russian Sturgeon fish oil during storage in comparison with sturgeon oils of other breeds.

The high degree of unsaturation of sturgeon fish oil (117.8 according to the formula of Ponton et al., 1980) with the presence of highly labile penta- and hexaenoic PUFAs (up to 9%), which determine the significant tendency of sturgeon oil to oxidative destruction, determined the relevance of measuring its kinetic characteristics using the manometric method . Based on the kinetic curves of oxygen absorption during the autoxidation of sturgeon fish oil at +60±0.2°C in the presence of 9 x 10-3 M azobiisobutyronitrile and an initiation rate of 5.3 x 10-8 M x ​​s-1, standard kinetic parameters were calculated (Table .4). The total induction period for sturgeon fat was

29.0±1.2 min., oxidation rate - (2.73±0.10)x10-6 m/l x s-1. It is advisable to periodically determine the kinetic characteristics during express analysis of the quality of sturgeon oil both upon receipt and during storage. In order to prevent undesirable processes of oxidative destruction of Russian Sturgeon fish oil during storage, we established the kinetic parameters of sturgeon oil (a “marker” of ongoing oxidative processes) after adding the antioxidant C-a-tocopherol in the maximum effective concentration (0.4%). The introduction of 0.4% C-a-tocopherol into sturgeon fish oil contributed to an increase in the induction period and a slowdown in the rate of oxidation of sturgeon fish oil by almost 15 times, which confirms the feasibility of using this antioxidant to stabilize Russian Sturgeon fish oil during storage.

Currently, the threat of pollution of water bodies with potentially hazardous products - salts of heavy metals, mercury, dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls - has increased. Ingestion of heavy metal salts into the body can lead to dysfunction of the central nervous system and other disorders. Recently, it is environmental aspects that often determine the possibility of using natural objects as biologically active food additives or medicines. In publications on ongoing hygienic studies of various commercial fish in the Western Basin, there is alarming information about a high level of mercury, compared to other fish species, in Atlantic cod CaCub toria fished in the Barents and Baltic seas, the liver of which, as is known, traditionally serves as a source of medicinal cod fish oil.

The results of studies of the chemical and toxicological parameters of Russian Sturgeon fish oil, grown under artificial conditions, are given in Table 5 and indicate the absence of mercury and arsenic in the samples and the extremely insignificant presence of toxic metals (cadmium, lead), the content of which is much lower than in sturgeon samples Volga-Caspian basin and whitefishes of the Ob basin. The content of radiation factors in the fat of Russian Sturgeon also turned out to be minimal, therefore Russian Sturgeon fat, obtained from fish grown in artificial conditions, is much safer to use in comparison with the fats of freshwater fish from their natural habitat.

The results obtained were compared with similar ones for fish oil “Polyen”, isolated from seafood in the Arctic Ocean (Murmansk). A comparison of chemical and toxicological characteristics showed that the composition of Russian Sturgeon fat contains a significantly lower (10-100 times) level of all toxic compounds and elements, which clearly illustrates the relatively high ecological purity of Russian Sturgeon fish oil grown by artificial breeding.

As a result of comprehensive physical and chemical studies of three pilot batches of Russian Sturgeon fish oil (for 2 years with periodicity

6 months when storing samples at a temperature of +4±2°C), the following ranges of main quality indicators are established: density 0.908-0.922 g/cm3; iodine value 117.6-129.2% Y2; saponification number 179.6-183.5 mg KOH/g; acid number 1.27-3.34 mg KOH/g; peroxide value 0.09-0.15% Y2; aldehyde number 0.21-0.32 mg% cinnamaldehyde; content of unsaponifiable substances 1,551.88%. Standardization of the fatty acid composition of sturgeon fish oil was carried out according to the content of the total PUFA of at least 30%, including m-3 PUFA of at least 8% and m-6 PUFA of at least 20%. Taking into account the research carried out, normative technical documentation for Russian Sturgeon fish oil “Dietary supplement for food “Vitoil. Sturgeon fish oil”” (TU 9281001-13488538-2012) was developed and approved.

1. A promising source of fish oil with a high content of PUFAs has been proposed - the internal deposited fat of the Russian Sturgeon Acipenser guldenstadti Brandt. A technology has been developed and experimental batches of Russian Sturgeon fish oil have been obtained in the production conditions of Mulinskoye Fish Hatchery LLC (Nizhny Novgorod region).

2. The total level of PUFAs in Russian Sturgeon fat is up to 35%, including m-3 PUFAs - up to 10% and m-6 PUFAs - up to 23%, which indicates its high biological value. The fractional composition of Russian Sturgeon lipids is represented mainly by triacylglycerides (95.9%), low levels of phospholipids (2.7%) and free fatty acids (1.2%). The established physicochemical parameters of sturgeon oil correspond to those of medical fish oil obtained from cod liver.

3. The results of chemical and toxicological studies confirm that Russian Sturgeon fat, obtained from fish grown in artificial conditions, is much safer to use in comparison with fats from freshwater and marine fish from their natural habitat.

4. The proposed method for stabilizing Russian Sturgeon fat by introducing 0.4% d-a-tocopherol ensures the stability of sturgeon fat for 24 months. (storage at temperature +4±2°C).


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13. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 978/ Report of the Joint FAO/ WHO expert consultation on the risk and benefits of fish consumption/ Rome, 25-29 January 2010/ Food and agriculture organization of the united nations world health organization. FAO/WHO. 2011. 63 r.

Sturgeons appeared on earth back in the Jurassic period. Their halo of habitat covers the entire planet. They live in seas, oceans and large rivers. Therefore, eating sturgeon started back in the days of the caveman.

This fish has practically no bones. Her body is covered with a bony, scaly shell with spikes, but even her spine has a cartilaginous structure. Sturgeon is a very tasty fish. It belongs to valuable fish species, and is an important element of the festive table in many cuisines of the world. Cooking sturgeon requires certain skills and abilities. Sturgeon meat does not taste like other fish. It is white in color and has a dense fibrous structure. When skillfully cooked, it is very tender and aromatic meat without a fishy taste or smell. Sturgeon is 86% edible. In fact, only its shell is not eaten. All other parts, including the spine - the vizig, go into culinary processing. Sturgeon meat is used to prepare delicious steaks, shish kebab, delicious cutlets, chops and much more. The heads go into the royal ear, the cartilages are used to prepare broths and aspic. Viziga is known to all cooks in dried form.

Benefits of sturgeon fish

Sturgeon is not only a delicacy, but also a very valuable and nutritious meat. It contains several essential amino acids, protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body, and fatty acids. Eating sturgeon saturates the body with phosphorus and potassium. This means there are huge benefits for the brain and cardiovascular system. Sturgeon does not have a high calorie content, but still has high energy value due to its high digestibility. It is useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis or other diseases associated with high cholesterol. After all, fatty acids are able to break it down and promote excretion from the body.

Harm and contraindications

The main contraindication to the consumption of sturgeon can be considered individual intolerance. However, sturgeon tends to accumulate toxic substances in its cartilaginous tissues. Therefore, it is not safe to consume sturgeon cartilage that is caught in environmentally unfavorable areas. They can become real poison and cases of such mass poisonings are recorded quite often. Sturgeon meat needs careful cooking before consumption. It is better not to give it to small children and elderly people unless you are sure of the cleanliness of the place where the sturgeon was caught. It is not recommended to abuse sturgeon for people suffering from obesity and diabetes.

Sturgeon, all types, raw rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 23.3%, choline - 11.2%, vitamin B5 - 15%, vitamin B12 - 73.3%, vitamin D - 103%, vitamin PP - 41.5% , potassium - 11.4%, phosphorus - 26.4%, selenium - 22.9%

What are the benefits of Sturgeon, all types, raw?

  • Vitamin A responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Kholin is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, and acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestines, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interconnected vitamins that are involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin D maintains homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus, carries out the processes of mineralization of bone tissue. A lack of vitamin D leads to impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the bones, increased demineralization of bone tissue, which leads to an increased risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
still hide

You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Sturgeon is a healthy product that helps maintain health and beauty for many years.

100 g of sturgeon contains approximately 164 kcal. This is a fairly fatty fish - it contains about 10% fat, but also more than 15% protein. Many amino acids, including essential ones. And the protein substances from sturgeon are absorbed by 93-98%. In 100 g there are 2.5 g of unsaturated fatty acids and only 80 mg of cholesterol. Therefore, this fish can be included in the diet menu - the fats in it are healthy and necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Vitamin composition: C, PP, B1, B2. There are also a lot of minerals: calcium and fluorine, nickel and phosphorus, chlorine and potassium, sulfur and magnesium, sodium and molybdenum, iron and chromium, iodine.

What are the benefits of sturgeon?

This fish is a very valuable product, which it is advisable to include in the diet at least sometimes. Proven benefits:

  • reduces stress levels;
  • improves brain function and cognitive functions;
  • normalizes the activity of the nervous system;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • easily digestible and gives a good boost of energy;
  • promotes weight normalization;
  • provides essential amino acids;
  • replenishes mineral reserves;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and teeth;
  • promotes rejuvenation of skin and other tissues;
  • normalizes appetite;
  • protects against the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • does not overload the digestive system;
  • increases resistance to infections;
  • provides the body with amino acids;
  • promotes accelerated tissue regeneration;
  • helps to recover faster from injuries, including bone fractures.

Tender, juicy sturgeon can be eaten in order to preserve beauty and youth, a bright mind, good mood and excellent health.


Sturgeon meat, fat and black caviar began to be actively used in cosmetology in the 20th century.

The Frenchwoman Madame Millet noticed that women working in the caviar industry had young and smooth hands despite their hard work. The savvy woman instructed her subordinates to study the properties of black eggs and their benefits for the skin, and a little later, she launched a line of cosmetics. The cosmetics were a great success as they really worked wonders on the skin and fought against age-related changes.

Today, large-scale production of cosmetics from caviar and other parts of fish from the sturgeon family has been stopped, since they are expensive and rarely found in natural conditions.


The bladder of this fish is used in medicine. It is used to make surgical glue, which is necessary during operations.

Eating sturgeon meat will not harm anyone with atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathologies, or gastrointestinal disorders.


Sturgeon can be included in the Mediterranean diet menu. This food system has been studied by specialists for a long time. Research has shown that its adherents:

  1. They are often long-lived.
  2. They are less likely to suffer from obesity (including abdominal obesity), heart disease and gastrointestinal tract diseases.
  3. There is less risk of developing cancer.

In general, sturgeon does not interfere with any diet, as it provides a person with proteins, amino acids and minerals.

The fat of this fish helps to cope with stress and increased irritability - frequent companions of diets.

The product has tangible benefits on the skin, bones, hair, teeth and nails, in a word, everything that suffers primarily from a poor diet.

If you are trying to lose weight, it is advisable to take sturgeon with boiled and fresh vegetables. Fruits must be present in the diet to timely replenish vitamin reserves.

You can use sturgeon for weight loss:

  • cook;
  • stew;
  • bake in foil;
  • grill;
  • steam it.

Since this fish itself is expensive, it should be alternated with other types of fish. River and sea inhabitants, when consumed, help improve metabolism, do not overload the gastrointestinal tract and are well absorbed.

Whereas sturgeon gives not only a feeling of fullness, but also pleasure from every meal. And during a diet, it is important to learn how to use it correctly, enjoying even a small portion.

Possible harm

Caviar and sturgeon itself can be contaminated with botulism pathogens. Therefore, buy fish only from reliable suppliers.

When purchasing, you should also conduct a visual inspection of the product, and not trust the seller’s words alone.

With caution, so as not to harm your health, this product should be eaten when:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus

Some people have an individual intolerance to sturgeon. This can also be considered a contraindication.

How to select and cut fish

It is advisable to buy live sturgeon, but such fish are the most expensive. Quickly chilled fish is a little cheaper, but its price can scare the inexperienced buyer. Therefore, most often people buy frozen products.

Inspect the frozen sturgeon and make sure that:

  • The carcass weighs 3 kg or more. The small sturgeon is rich only in bones, but has not had time to gain meat and fat.
  • The carcass is intact and beautiful: the fins are not torn off, the tail is in place, the skin is not damaged.
  • The gills are clean, without blood or dirt.
  • There is no extra “snow”, a lot of ice, or bruises.
  • The ice glaze is thin, there are no yellow or greenish spots, there are no foreign inclusions or pebbles.

The cleanliness and integrity of the carcass guarantees that the sturgeon was frozen once and has not been thawed or re-frozen.

If you want to purchase steaks, please note:

  • The packaging should not be torn.
  • There is only one sticker price tag (and not a whole layer of pieces of paper with different expiration dates and prices).
  • Steaks are greyish, slightly creamy, pinkish-beige or almost white.
  • There should be a layer of slightly yellowish fish oil on the outside of the steak.

The fish should have a pleasant, subtle aroma. If sturgeon has a sharp, ammonia-like smell, the product has that same second freshness that Bulgakov criticized.

Sturgeon caviar

Black caviar, which everyone loves so much, has a lot of useful properties. It contains vitamins A, D, E, healthy fatty acids, and many minerals.

But it’s wrong to overeat on sandwiches with black caviar on holidays. For this tasty product to bring real benefits, you need to eat one sandwich several times a week with high-quality butter and crumbly caviar on fluffy white bread.

Sturgeon is a valuable commercial fish, the main representative of the sturgeon order. According to its lifestyle, it can be freshwater, semi-anadromous and anadromous. Sturgeons prefer cool water bodies of middle and northern latitudes (basins of the Azov, Caspian, Baltic, Black and White seas). Their distinctive feature is the peculiar structure of the skull and torso. These animals are characterized by the absence of scales, vertebrae and bones. At the same time, their body is formed by hard cartilaginous tissue, and a distinct chord runs along the dorsal part. In cooking, fish is valued for its tender, nutritious meat and delicious taste.

In addition, sturgeon is used in dietetics to stimulate the immune status, normalize lipid metabolism, stabilize the psycho-emotional background, improve the rheological parameters of the blood and increase vitality.

Interestingly, high-quality glue is made from the swim bladder of a representative of the species for clarifying grape wines.

Description of the king fish

Sturgeon is a predatory bottom-dwelling animal that feeds on small fish, worms and mollusks. This navigator is characterized by an elongated spindle-shaped body, covered with five rows of relief scutes. Moreover, one strip of protective plates stretches along the back and sides of the animal, and the other two along its belly.

The sturgeon's head is conical and slightly flattened on top. The mouth is retractable, toothless, bordered by fleshy lips and two pairs of tactile whiskers. The average length of the fish is 0.8-1 m, weight - 10-30 kg. The color of the body depends on the habitat and ranges from gray to dark brown. The belly of fish is almost always colored light pink.

The lifespan of an individual is 40-50 years. However, sexual maturity in males occurs only at 8-14 years, and in females - 10-20 years. Sturgeon breed in spring and summer on rocky areas flooded by floods. To spawn, animals go to fresh water bodies with strong currents. After throwing the eggs, they “roll” back into the sea. Considering that fertilized eggs have an adhesive shell, they stick to the pebbles for 90 hours. After completion of the incubation period, the fry hatch from the eggs. It is interesting that at first they feed from their own resources (yolk bladder), and then the endogenous “sac” gradually resolves. The first food for the larvae is zooplankton. As a rule, young animals stay for 2-3 years in the places of “birth”, after which they roll into the sea. Further fattening of fish until sexual maturity occurs in salty waters.

It is worth noting that sturgeons are very prolific fish. During one spawning period, they can spawn up to a million eggs.

However, due to poaching and mass fishing, the fish are on the verge of extinction. To preserve the population, the sturgeon order was included in the International Red Register in 1996. Along with this, many countries periodically impose a moratorium on the production of black caviar, and also resort to artificial breeding of individuals in aquaculture enterprises.

Chemical composition

The energy value of sturgeon meat is 105 kcal, and granular caviar is 200 kcal.

Table No. 2 “Vitamin and mineral composition of sturgeon meat and caviar”
Name Nutrient content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
Fish fillet Granular caviar
56 150
11,32 9,2
0,75 0,8
0,5 3,2
0,21 0,18
0,2 0,29
0,1 0,08
0,07 0,36
0,07 0,3
0,015 0,024
0,002 0,015
0 1,7
284 70
211 460
54 1620
35 35
13 40
0,7 2,2
0,04 0,07
0,03 0,02
0,013 0,04
Table No. 3 “Amino acid content of sturgeon”
Name Content of protein structures, grams
Leucine 1,31

It is interesting that the protein structures of sturgeon caviar are represented mainly by complete proteins such as globulins (albumin and ichtulin). The taste of the product increases as the fish ages. The greatest value is provided by golden imperial caviar, obtained from sturgeon that have crossed the 80-year mark.

The most expensive black caviar in the world is considered to be the product of a female white sturgeon. The cost of one kilogram is 25 thousand dollars.

Useful properties

Sturgeon is an excellent source of easily digestible protein. Moreover, in terms of balance and “richness” of protein composition, this fish is not inferior to poultry meat. Along with this, predator meat and caviar contain biologically active components (fatty acids, vitamins and minerals) that have a positive effect on the human body.

Benefits of consuming sturgeon:

  • normalizes carbohydrate metabolism;
  • reduces the concentration of “bad” cholesterol;
  • increases cognitive functions of the brain;
  • stimulates the activity of the immune system;
  • prevents the formation of inflammatory reactions;
  • improves water-salt metabolism;
  • participates in the regulation of blood vessel tone;
  • strengthens the myocardium;
  • normalizes blood clotting processes;
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • increases bone density;
  • improves rheological blood parameters;
  • stimulates the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • slows down skin aging processes;
  • increases sexual desire (libido).

However, despite its usefulness, you should not abuse sturgeon if you have diabetes, obesity and urolithiasis. In addition, to eliminate the risk of botulism infection, it is better to purchase the product from trusted suppliers.

Use in cooking

In the food industry, sturgeon is valued primarily for its tender, nutritious meat. Its fillet has a characteristic fishy taste, vaguely reminiscent of. Sturgeon meat is excellent for any culinary delight: boiling, stewing, frying, baking, smoking, pickling, stuffing. In addition, it is used to prepare kebabs, aspic and canned fish.

The second indisputable advantage of the product is waste-free. The volume of inedible parts of sturgeon is no more than 14%. Moreover, unlike other types of fish, not only meat and caviar are used for food, but also the vertebral vein (elm) and the head. This is explained by the fact that the skeleton of a predator consists of many edible cartilages.

Sturgeon goes well with Provençal herbs, spicy ketchup, dry wine, cheese sauce, mustard and butter.

Sea animal meat is sold fresh, smoked or frozen.

What to look for when choosing fish:

  1. Gills. In chilled sturgeon, the breathing apparatus is dark brown. The gills of a carcass that has been stored for a long time have a gray tint, while that of a rotten carcass is green.
  2. Weight. The weight of high-quality fish should be at least 2 kg.
  3. Condition of the abdomen. A fresh sturgeon’s “belly” is pink in color without any yellowness. The presence of “scorches” on the abdomen indicates improper storage or repeated freezing of raw materials.
  4. Smell. Newly caught sturgeon has a pleasant fishy aroma without foreign impurities. If the carcass has a sour smell, it is spoiled.
  5. Fins. When purchasing frozen raw materials, you should pay attention to the tail of the fish. If it is dry and shabby, the product has been repeatedly frozen or stored for a long time.
  6. Skin. In a high-quality carcass, the protective plates are painted gray (without yellowing, bruising or scorching) and fit tightly to the fusiform body.

Remember, when purchasing frozen sturgeon, it is important to ensure that the ligature has been removed from it. This is explained by the fact that the chord releases a harmful toxin into the meat during prolonged storage. Therefore, when purchasing, it is better to give preference to a live or chilled carcass, which has been stored for no more than 7 days.

Before removing the elm, first of all, get rid of the head, and then cut the tail part in a circle. After this, the chord is removed from the fresh carcass. When performing the procedure, it is important to be extremely careful so that the spinal vein does not tear.

This is one of the most elite and expensive delicacies in the whole world. The cost of 100 grams of product often reaches $600. The high price of fish is due to the annual decline in their population. Considering that industrial production of sturgeon is prohibited in many countries, the main suppliers of the product are artificial fish. Real black caviar has a refined, lightly salted taste with a slight aroma of seaweed. Its color varies from light gray to dark brown. Due to its high cost and peculiar coloring, the product was called “black gold”. The delicacy is most often used as a cold appetizer with sparkling and dry wine. The delicacy is served pure in crystal vases or in turtle shells with small silver spoons. In addition, sturgeon caviar goes well with butter, onions, hard cheese, eggs, vegetables and herbs. To ensure that the product does not lose its taste and “attractiveness,” it is served 15 minutes before consumption. Until this point, the snack should be stored in the refrigerator.

In addition to its excellent gastronomic properties, sturgeon caviar is highly valued in folk medicine. It contains at least 30% easily digestible proteins, 12% fatty acids, 6% vitamins and mineral salts. Caviar is extremely useful for iron deficiency anemia, nervous system disorders, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, and chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition, the product is indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding (due to the content of vitamin E and choline), as well as during the post-rehabilitation period after operations (as a general tonic).

To get the maximum benefit from the product, you should use only high-quality raw materials.

Signs of violation of caviar production technology or storage regime:

  1. Strong sour smell. During prolonged storage of caviar (more than 3 months), accumulation occurs in its grains. As a result, the product acquires a pungent odor.
  2. Thick consistency. This “defect” signals that the caviar has been over-salted in production. A properly preserved delicacy is always crumbly, and the eggs do not contain mucus or released proteins.
  3. Bitterness. Unpleasant taste, in 80% of cases, is characteristic of an over-salted product of low quality. Along with this, the bitterness of the delicacy is imparted by intermediate metabolites formed as a result of the oxidation of fatty acids (in case of violation of the raw material production technology).
  4. Excess fluid. The release of brine most often indicates weakening of the grain during long-term storage or repeated defrosting of the raw material.
  5. Weakened grain. If the eggs burst easily when pressed, the product was not salted in a timely manner.

Interestingly, unscrupulous sellers use vegetable oil and potassium permanganate to disguise expired caviar. To identify such additives, you need to take a pinch of grains with your fingers and then carefully feel them. If the product is very shiny or slips in your hands, it most likely contains vegetable oil.

The best producers of “black gold”: TD “Tsar-Ryba” (Russia), LLC “Aquatir” (Moldova), LLC “Alaska LD” (Ukraine), CJSC “Russian Caviar House” (Russia), LLC “Mottra” (Latvia ), Trade House "Lemberg" (Germany).

In addition, sturgeon caviar is actively used for cosmetic purposes. On its basis, anti-aging products are made for the care of mature and aging skin (after 35 years). The most popular manufacturers of caviar cosmetics: “Mirra” (Russia), “Ingrid Millet” (France), “Kerstin Florian” (Sweden), “La Prairie” (Switzerland), “PFC cosmetics” (Spain), “Care and Beauty” ( Israel). These compositions stimulate the formation of collagen, promote the repair of cell membranes, increase the protective potential of the dermis, restore skin turgor, and saturate the stratum corneum with nutrients.

Currently, an increasing number of people are resorting to breeding sturgeon at home. Moreover, if you follow all stages of the technological process, you can obtain products that are not inferior in quality to livestock caught in natural reservoirs. It is advisable to start choosing premises for swimming pools after studying primary information about artificial fish breeding.

To raise predators, you will need a plot of land with an area of ​​at least 30 cubic meters. m. It is better to choose a room away from roads, since sturgeon are very shy fish. At the same time, it must be adapted for heating in the winter season. To grow sturgeon professionally, you will need 5-7 tanks, where the fish will be sorted as they grow older. However, it is enough for beginning breeders to use one small container with a diameter of 2-3 m and a depth of 1 m. In such a pool, about 1 ton of fish can be raised in a year.

In order for sturgeon to grow well, containers should be equipped with compressors, filters, pumps and a pipeline (for water changes). In addition, you can purchase an automatic feeder and incandescent lamps.

If tap water is used for water supply, it is important to ensure that no residual chlorine enters the pool. To eliminate volatile compounds, the container is additionally equipped with a carbon filter.

Caring for fish involves keeping the pool clean. To do this, change 10% of the water daily, clean the walls of silt, monitor the temperature conditions and the serviceability of the filter systems. The optimal water temperature in the cold season is 17-18 degrees, in the summer season - 20-24 degrees.

Considering that when purchasing fry it is difficult to determine the rate of their future growth, fish should be sorted weekly into different tanks. At the same time, the cultivation of strong individuals takes no more than 6 months, medium - 7 months, weak - up to 9 months.

To successfully breed sturgeon, you will need nutritious, high-calorie food. It must contain at least 45% protein, 25% crude fat, 5% dietary fiber, 2% phosphorus and 1% lysine. When choosing food for fish, it is better to give preference to waterproof foods that swell and sink in water. The feeding frequency for adults is 4 times a day, for fry – 5-6 times a day. At the same time, the intervals between feedings should be equal. Otherwise, the sturgeon may refuse to eat.

What to fish with

Large sturgeon is a desirable catch for every fisherman. However, catching a predator with a donk or a float rod is not an easy task. Therefore, before hunting sturgeon, you should thoroughly prepare.

Helpful tips for attracting adults:

  1. It is better to use fry, earthworms, smoked capelin, pickled ridges, and millet porridge as the main bait. To prevent small fish from snatching up the bait, it is strung on a hook and then wrapped with thread or fishing line.
  2. Bait for sturgeon should be aromatic. Considering that in search of prey the animal is guided by its sense of smell, onions, dill, smoked meats or anise oil can be used as a seasoning for the bait.
  3. It is better to prepare complementary foods from low-fat ingredients. If the bait is too nutritious, the fish quickly gorge themselves and go deeper.
  4. The bait is placed exclusively at the bottom of the reservoir. During the day it is better to hunt in the depths from a boat, and at night - near the shores. In the first case, it is advisable to use a short, strong spinning rod, and in the second, a long float tackle (at least 5 m).
  5. Nozzles for catching fish should be sharp, but soft and voluminous. Sturgeon fish are characterized by a large mouth opening, so they do not notice small bait. If an animal swallows a hard hook, it immediately spits it out (perceiving it as a stone).

Remember, the sturgeon bites very sharply, but first tastes the bait. Therefore, first there is a slight trembling of the fishing line, and then a powerful jerk occurs. After biting, the fish is hooked, waiting until strong shocks pass. The line is then slowly wound onto the spinning reel. If a sturgeon makes a “candle” in the air, you need to try to grab it by the tail and drag it into the boat (or to the shore).

  • Prepare the filling. Beat the cream and egg (separately) with a mixer, and then combine both masses. Add salt and pepper to the mixture. Grind the salmon fillet in a blender (not very finely). Combine the contents of both containers.
  • Place the filling inside the prepared sturgeon carcass.
  • Sew up the belly of the fish with thick threads.
  • Place the stuffed sturgeon on an oiled baking sheet.
  • Bake the product at 180 degrees for 60 minutes.
  • The finished fish is laid out on a beautiful dish and decorated with vegetable flowers, herbs and a “net” of mayonnaise.


    • sturgeon – 1.8 kg;
    • – 200 g;
    • onion – 150 g;
    • (boneless) – 100 g;
    • egg – 2 pcs;
    • parsley (fresh) – 1 bunch;
    • gelatin – 25 g;
    • allspice – 10 g;
    • parsley root – 5 g;
    • salt - to taste.

    Cooking diagram:

    1. Cut up the sturgeon. To do this, remove the entrails from the fish, and then rub the carcass with salt (for 5 minutes). After this, the product is washed with water, the fillet is separated from the ridge, and the fins, tail and head are cut off.
    2. Pour cold water over the cuttings and put on fire. Cook for 3 minutes. Then drain the used liquid into the sink.
    3. Place the “recyclables” in a saucepan with fresh water and bring to a boil. After this, add carrots and onions (pre-chopped) to the broth. Simmer the mixture for 30 minutes over low heat, constantly skimming off the foam.
    4. Remove the head, ridge, and tail from the broth.
    5. Place the fish fillet back into the broth, add salt and spices. Boil until tender (15 minutes).
    6. Transfer the finished meat into a juicing bowl, and strain the broth through a fine sieve.
    7. Place chopped carrots and egg on the fish steak.
    8. Dilute gelatin in 100 ml of water and then pour into the fish broth. Heat this mixture to 90 degrees.
    9. Pour the prepared broth over the fish. Refrigerate the dish.

    Jellied fish is served with horseradish, mayonnaise, olives or lemon juice.


    Sturgeon is a valuable commercial fish that lives in the basins of the Caspian, Black, Azov, Baltic and White seas. Representatives of the species lead a benthic lifestyle. They feed on small fish, shellfish or worms. Sturgeons, in most cases, go to fresh water bodies to spawn. At the same time, in search of favorable conditions for laying eggs, they can cover enormous distances (up to 500 km). Interestingly, sturgeons are very prolific fish. In one breeding cycle, a female can lay up to a million eggs. However, due to uncontrolled fishing, this fish is on the verge of extinction. To preserve the population, the sturgeon order was included in the International Red Book in 1996 (protection status EN).

    Commercial fish is sold both live and chilled, frozen and smoked. It is perfect for almost all types of culinary processing: frying, baking, boiling, marinating and stewing. In addition, it is used to make balyk, canned food and aspic. In addition to its excellent nutritional properties, the delicacy is highly valued in folk medicine. Considering that it contains a large amount of easily digestible protein, sturgeon is an excellent alternative to poultry meat. Along with proteins, the tissues of marine life contain many micro- and macroelements.

    The product must be consumed (at least 2 times a week) for atherosclerosis, mental disorders, arterial hypertension, anemia, hypothyroidism, hypercholesterolemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and also after undergoing major operations.