Increasing amylase treatment. Reasons for increased amylase in the blood

Blood amylase at diagnostic procedures can give insight into the condition of the pancreas and salivary glands, since these are the glands that produce amylase. If we talk about pathologies, then amylase analysis is reliable for pancreatitis.

When you see the term alpha amylase in a blood test, you may wonder how simply amylase and alpha amylase relate to each other. In life, medicine deals with three types of amylases: alpha, beta and gamma.

Beta amylase is characteristic of bacteria and fungi and also occurs in plants. Gamma amylase works in acidic environments at a pH of about 3. But alpha amylase is precisely “tuned” to the conditions that are maintained in the human body. In particular, it is active at a pH of about 7. Let us recall that in human blood the pH is maintained very strictly at the level of 7.4 with a very small deviation.

Amylase is a digestive enzyme responsible for catalyzing the breakdown of complex carbohydrates(starch, glycogen, and some saccharides) to simple monosaccharides that are easily digested in the intestines.

For human body characteristic work of one of the types of amylase. Without going into unnecessary details of the biochemical process, we note that we say alpha amylase, meaning amylase for humans, which is for the most part identical (although there are nuances).


The pancreas is responsible for the production of alpha-amylase (this type of amylase is one of the components of digestive juice) and salivary glands(the enzyme is secreted into the oral cavity by three pairs of glands). Amylase is active only in the gastrointestinal tract and conditions of a narrow pH optimum (7.1).

The main function of amylase is to hydrolyze starch.

The process of its enzymatic breakdown begins in the oral cavity, under the action of salivary amylase. After food reaches the stomach, the work of salivary amylase stops, since the pH of the stomach is 2-3 (under these conditions the enzyme is inactive).

In people who like to “snack on the go” and chew food poorly, salivary amylase is practically not involved in the process of starch digestion. Therefore, its hydrolysis occurs mainly in the duodenum and jejunum, under the action of pancreatic alpha-amylase (PG).

One more thing to consider is the activity time. The fact is that alpha amylase is active during the day, since meals correspond to this time of day, but at night the body rests, and along with it the digestive enzyme does not show activity.

Very important! By not chewing food properly, “snacks on the run,” and allowing ourselves trips to the refrigerator at night, we thereby turn off alpha amylase from the process of digesting food. This is fraught with at least the development of pancreatitis.

Amylase in the blood

Amylase does not function in the blood. It is detected in the analysis in minimal quantities, as a result of the natural renewal of pancreatic cells and salivary glands. About 60 percent of the amylase circulating in the blood is salivary, the remaining forty is pancreatic amylase.

The enzyme is excreted from the body primarily by the kidneys and urine. Given the small size of the amylase molecule (compared to other enzymes), it passes freely through the glomeruli. In this regard, it can normally be detected in urine. Enzyme levels in urine increase as blood levels increase.

The human body is a complex device that is constantly in operation. Ensuring its uninterrupted operation is difficult, but possible. To do this, a person monitors his health, pays attention to certain signs, and internal organs they themselves “give clues” in the form of symptoms if something is wrong. One of these tips is. Let us explain to you what it is and why alpha-amylase is elevated in the blood.

Nutrition and diet

It is selected by the attending physician and is aimed at not overloading the digestive system. Fried and fried foods are excluded from the diet. fatty foods food, meat dishes, seasonings and spices. Tobacco products, alcohol, strong brewed tea and coffee are strictly prohibited during the treatment period. As a rule, such treatment of alpha-amylase in the blood is carried out on an outpatient basis, i.e. the patient is at home.

Remember that all kinds of diets and medications, as well as treatment for increased alpha-amylase, should be carried out exclusively under the close supervision of a qualified doctor.

Do not diagnose yourself, do not self-medicate, and then you will not have problems not only with the digestive system, but also with your health in general. Take care of yourself and your health.

Alpha amylase - enzyme, promoting the breakdown of carbohydrates in the digestive tract. Under its influence, complex carbohydrates break down into simpler ones that are absorbed in the intestines. The enzyme is produced by the pancreas (pancreatic) and salivary (diastase) glands. Deviations from the norm in alpha amylase levels indicate pancreatic pathologies and other diseases.

Alpha amylase values ​​differ by age, in the elderly and in the young. The only factor on which the indicator of this enzyme does not depend is gender identity. It does not affect its level in any way. Amylase values ​​may vary depending on the laboratory tests used to determine it.

Therefore, when receiving the analysis result, you need to pay attention to the norm indicators, which are usually printed nearby.

In fact, the age of the patient also does not have a significant effect on the enzyme level. The enzyme norm in children under two years of age differs from the average, which is from 5 to 65 units. If the indicator tends to zero, then its levels are reduced in this age group. The norm for adults and children over two years of age is the same and corresponds to the level from 25 to 125 units. Decreased amylase below 25 considered to be a decrease in the enzyme. In older people over 70 years of age normal level enzyme will correspond to the amount from 20 to 160 units.

The question may naturally arise as to why children under 2 years of age are so singled out. The enzyme is actively used by the body to break down complex carbohydrates. Children under 2 years of age are mainly on breastfeeding and eat mother's milk. Milk contains virtually no carbohydrates that need to be broken down. Therefore, the baby’s body produces much less alpha-amylase. Therefore, a fairly low level of the enzyme in the baby’s blood is normal.

In other values, the diastase rate corresponds to 1 - 17 U/h.

What analysis is it determined by?

To determine whether amylase in the blood is reduced, it is necessary to pass a biochemical analysis. Often, to draw up the most complete picture of the pathology, a diastase analysis of a daily urine sample is prescribed simultaneously with a biochemical blood test. The amount of enzyme in the urine makes it possible to determine the causes of the disease. The blood, passing through the renal glomeruli, releases the enzyme, forming primary urine, from which most of the enzyme subsequently reabsorbed during reabsorption. Urine has higher amylase activity than blood.

Among all studies to assess health important place takes a biochemical blood test. It makes it possible to identify pathologies at an early stage and promptly apply methods to eliminate them.

One of its indicators is the level of amylase in the blood. It indicates the state metabolic processes. If amylase is low or high, it means that there are pathological processes in them.

The role of amylase in the blood

This is a digestive enzyme involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, starch, and glycogen. It is formed in the pancreas and salivary glands. If there are failures in carbohydrate metabolism, its indicator deviates from acceptable standards.


By breaking down carbohydrates, the enzyme becomes a participant in the digestive process. The main function is the hydrolysis of starch. Its breakdown begins in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva. During this period, salivary amylase works.

Its activity decreases with poor chewing of food.

Hydrolysis of starch continues in the intestine under the influence of alpha-amylase produced in the pancreas.

The digestive enzyme becomes active at night if meals are taken. Therefore, late snacks, as well as poor chewing of food, are harmful to the body. An enzyme excluded from the digestion process provokes the development of pancreatitis and other diseases.

Types of amylase

There are two types: pancreatic and diastase (alpha-amylase). The first is produced in the pancreas, and the second in the salivary glands. More than half of the amylase (about 60%) is of the latter type. The first is part of the pancreatic juice transported to the duodenum.

Alpha-amylase, produced in the salivary glands and pancreas and is a component of digestive juice, is adapted to the conditions of the human body. The enzyme is excreted by the kidneys during the separation of urine. Therefore, it can also be detected in urine.

Indicator norm

Maintaining average enzyme volumes is important for health. The norm for women and men is from 28 to 100 units/liter. In persons over 70 years of age, values ​​up to 160 are acceptable.

The average volume of alpha-amylase is 25-125 units/liter. The norm for pancreatic enzyme content is up to 50 units/liter, but the less the better.

The desire to reach zero indicates that the pancreas keeps the enzyme under control. However, its sharp decrease causes a pathological process.

For a comprehensive examination, the enzyme content in the urine is detected, the norm of which is from 1 to 17 units/liter. During the day, the indicator may change.

Low enzyme levels in children

In a child from birth to 17 years of age, the norm gradually increases from 0 to 77 units/liter. During the first year of life, the enzyme level in children is especially low. This is due to the low carbohydrate content in their diet. “Therefore, babies produce additional amylase in the oral cavity, which is necessary for the process of assimilation of breast milk.

For a child under 2 years of age, the norm is from 5 to 65 units/liter.

What are the indications for checking amylase levels?

Analytical studies are carried out to monitor the performance of the pancreas and salivary glands, as well as to identify or exclude pathologies:

  • if you suspect diabetes mellitus;
  • with “acute abdomen”;
  • when making a diagnosis chronic pancreatitis", other problems with the pancreas;
  • if ovarian pathology is suspected;
  • at inflammatory process parotid gland (“mumps”);
  • when studying the functioning of the salivary glands;
  • for viral infections.

Testing is also indicated when the thickness of the vessel walls decreases.

Analyzes to determine the indicator

Venous blood is collected on an empty stomach. If the examination is planned, you should prepare for it in advance. More on this later.


  1. The collection of biomaterial is preceded by at least 10-12 hours of fasting. A two- or three-day abstinence from heavy food is recommended, excluding fried and fatty foods.
  2. During the day you should not drink coffee or strong tea. Avoid alcoholic drinks (for a week), as well as liquids that increase the amount of enzyme in the blood.
  3. Physical activity is not recommended before the study.
  4. Eliminate stressful situations.
  5. Half an hour or an hour before the test you need to stop smoking.

It is worth limiting and, if possible, eliminating medications that increase performance (listed below).

In case of emergency indications, blood sampling for tests is carried out without special preparation.

The quantitative content (titer) of this substance is also determined by urine analysis. Only a qualified doctor can accurately decipher what the results are and what it means.

The influence of medications taken on the accuracy of the result

The technique can distort the true result of the analysis medications, such as:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Furosemide;
  • corticosteroids;
  • analgesics;
  • oral contraceptives.

Pancreatic enzyme levels may falsely increase after using these medications. If you cannot refuse them, you should warn your doctor about taking them.

Reasons for low performance

Low amylase is less common than high amylase. It may indicate a decrease in enzymatic activity or destruction of the pancreas, severe malignant tumors, and symptoms of hepatitis.

Alpha enzyme levels may decrease due to pancreatic surgery. Performance may decline due to injury.

What does enzyme deficiency mean?

A reduced level of amylase is associated with tissue destruction of the pancreas and can signal diseases such as:

  • insufficiency of the vital functions of the pancreas, its complete absence;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • chronic or acute hepatitis;
  • severe liver failure;
  • pancreatectomy;
  • cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis of the pancreas).

A low limit of the indicator is typical for people with high total cholesterol.

A low level of pancreatic amylase against the background of an increase in its overall activity indicates a low probability of pancreatic damage. In this case, you should pay special attention to the ovaries, skeletal muscles, intestines and exclude pathologies associated with them.

Level normalization

After the examination has been carried out, the main cause and the provoking factor have been identified, appropriate therapy is prescribed to normalize the enzyme values. An important step is the treatment of the disease that led to a deviation from the norm.

Therapy depends on the stage of the pathology. In addition to treatment, a balanced diet is recommended, which includes:

  • exclusion of foods: fried, smoked, fatty, spicy, baked;
  • ban on alcohol, coffee;
  • predominant consumption of food prepared in the oven, steamed;
  • fractional portioned meals at least 4-5 times a day;
  • exclusion of fasting.

Medicines prescribed by a specialist:

In addition to therapy, you may need surgery. Treatment folk remedies It is imperative to agree with the attending physician who made the diagnosis.

The importance of bringing the indicator back to normal

Making the optimal amount of amylase is very important.

The pancreas is an extremely sensitive organ, easily susceptible to pathological changes.

The consequences are often severe, even causing death.

Possible complications

The risk of negative events is reduced by competent therapy in combination with proper nutrition And in a healthy way life.

The most common complications:

  • dysfunction of the gallbladder;
  • anemia;
  • development diabetes mellitus;
  • flatulence, pain in the intestines.

A low level of amylase in the blood is a unique marker for diagnosing pancreatic diseases: diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, viral diseases. Maintaining it normally is very important for maintaining health.

When amylase is low, the reasons can be very different, including indicating the development of some quite dangerous diseases. This also applies to its increase, therefore, an analysis that reveals relative fluctuations in amylase levels is usually included in a set of diagnostic measures designed to determine the disease developing in the body.

What is amylase, its norms

Amylase is an enzyme designed to break down complex carbohydrates.

It is contained in:

  • saliva;
  • organs of the digestive system.

In young children, an additional type of amylase is produced in the oral cavity, intended for the absorption of breast milk.

Thanks to this, carbohydrates enter the intestines already decomposed into simpler and more easily digestible components.

Amylase provides diagnostic benefit as a clear indication of disease. gastrointestinal tract. During a biochemical blood test, pancreatic indicators are processed, i.e. amylase produced in the pancreas. This is not the only, but its most diagnostically significant subtype.

The norms of this enzyme are as follows:

The optimal level of pancreatic amylase is one that is close to or equal to zero, however, the main interpretation of the results obtained should be carried out by a specialist.

Fluctuations in amylase levels

Any strong deviation of amylase from the norm is a sign of the disease. Those cases where amylase is low are considered more dangerous.


When amylase in the blood is elevated, then pancreatic disease will be suspected first. Minor deviations of a few units are not a reason to sound the alarm - everything is truly serious when the indicator of this enzyme has increased by 2 or more times.

This can be caused by:

  1. Diseases of the pancreas, including pancreatitis.
  2. Tumors.
  3. Lesions of glandular tissues, such as mumps.
  4. Peritonitis and other purulent inflammations of the abdominal area.
  5. Development of diabetes mellitus.
  6. Development of pancreatic tissue necrosis, including as complications after illnesses.
  7. Alcohol intoxication.
  8. Kidney diseases.

It is kidney diseases and pancreatic diseases that cause the greatest increase in amylase levels.


The production of this enzyme can primarily be reduced by the pancreas, which for some reason reduces its activity.

When amylase is low, the reasons may be:

  1. Development or exacerbation of hepatitis.
  2. Advanced oncological disease.
  3. Pancreatic injuries.
  4. Advanced necrosis of pancreatic tissue.
  5. Cystic fibrosis, which affects most of the glandular tissues of the body, as well as the respiratory system.

Reduced levels of this enzyme may also occur as a result of acute long-term toxicosis. In addition, low amylase is a natural consequence of pancreatic surgery.

Amylase test

Analysis for this enzyme is part of the general biochemical analysis.

Indications for testing

  • pancreatitis of various types;
  • mumps;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus

Or in case of the following symptoms:

  • cyst development;
  • penetration of the enzyme into the blood;
  • reduction in the thickness of the walls of blood vessels;
  • development of tumors.

Most pathologies are diagnosed early using an amylase test.

Features of the analysis

Blood for biochemical analysis is taken from a vein.

To successfully complete it, you must follow several key rules:

  1. Donate blood no later than before noon, and no earlier than 8-10 hours after your evening meal. Dinner should not include unhealthy, fatty and spicy foods.
  2. In the morning it is not recommended to drink anything other than clean water.
  3. It is important to give up alcohol and smoking one day before.
  4. Make sure you are free from physical and emotional stress before taking the test.

It is also important to avoid taking certain medications that affect the level of this enzyme:

  • analgesics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Captopril;
  • Furosemide.

If this is not possible, it is important to notify your doctor about taking them.

In some cases, when we're talking about, for example, about suspected acute peritonitis or other diseases requiring emergency intervention, the analysis can be carried out immediately after the patient’s request.