The cucumber variety is like small watermelons. Curiosity on the site: mouse watermelon

African cucumber Melotria is still a new product in gardens. It's decorative. A powerful vine entwines the arch in a short time. The fruits look like small watermelons. Pumpkins and root vegetables are edible.

This cucumber is an African native. Grows in the equatorial zone. Belongs to the pumpkin family. At home perennial, in Europe it is cultivated as an annual.

There are 80 known varieties of mouse watermelon. IN middle lane They grow one - Hummingbird.

Description of watermelon cucumber:

  • vigorous vine (grows up to 3 m);
  • stem 1.5 cm in diameter, pubescent;
  • leaves are triangular in profile, covered with villi;
  • flowers are bright yellow, male and female on the same plant;
  • With simple care, the plant produces a yield of 5 kg/bush.

Melotria prefers sunny places, but tolerates partial shade. Female flowers grow singly, male ones - in bunches. The cucumber is pollinated by bees. He ties the watermelons himself reluctantly.

Mass harvesting of fruits begins 2–3 weeks after planting. Mini pumpkins ripen together. If desired, fruiting can be extended. Watermelons are collected, the vines are trimmed, and nitrogen fertilizer is applied. After 3-5 days, Melotria will begin to set new fruits.

What is attractive about edible parts?

Melotria has edible fruits and tubers. Description of the mini pumpkin:

  • elongated fruits;
  • color - pale green with dark green stripes;
  • rough to the touch, non-prickly;
  • combination of taste of cucumber, melon, radish with sourness;
  • The size of the African cucumber is 2.5–3 cm.

Plants are actively used for landscaping the site. Summer residents organize living screens, divide the space into zones, and weave gazebos and pergolas.

Gardeners are attracted to mini-cucumbers by their unusual taste and benefits. The fruits contain:

  • fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium;
  • vitamins PP, C, A, B1, B2, B6, B9;
  • pectins.

The calorie content of a mouse watermelon is 14 kcal. The value of Melotria: reducing the feeling of hunger and satiating the body useful substances on diets.

Gardeners are satisfied with the purpose of the fruits. They are delicious fresh and pickled. The unusual sourness is revealed in hot dishes (stews, solyankas).

Root vegetables are also suitable for consumption. Their taste is similar to sour radishes. Experimental gardeners prepare fresh salads with the addition of tomatoes and onions. The edible parts of the mini-pumpkin must be processed immediately: they will soon spoil.

Mini cucumbers are tasty 2–3 days after they grow 2–3 cm. Gardeners collect them first. After the harvest is released, the turn of the tubers comes.

Medicinal properties of Melotria

Studies have shown the beneficial properties of mouse watermelon. They are conditioned chemical composition. Noticed:

  1. Cucumber contains a lot of fiber. Regular consumption of Melotria improves intestinal motility. When dieting, it reduces the feeling of hunger.
  2. Cucumber reduces blood pressure. Cleanses blood vessels.
  3. Combination chemical elements increases immunity, has an antibacterial effect.
  4. Mini pumpkin is indispensable in cosmetology. Masks based on it cleanse and tone the skin.
  5. Relieves swelling. Melotria is a mild diuretic.

Mouse pumpkin is not recommended for people to consume during an exacerbation of kidney diseases, after a heart attack. Salted or pickled cucumbers are contraindicated for pregnant women. Melotria is undesirable for high acidity, stomach ulcers, and gastritis.

What does a cucumber like?

Mini pumpkin is a heat-loving plant. In the southern regions, growing without seedlings is permissible. In other regions, advance preparation is required. Melotria Kolibri - variety. Gardeners are advised to collect seeds.

Sequence of actions:

  • prepare your seeds (disinfect them in pink solution potassium permanganate, hold for 30 minutes in a growth stimulator);
  • prepare nutritious soil as for a regular cucumber;
  • spread the seeds on top, sprinkle a little sand;
  • water with a sprayer;
  • When 2-3 true leaves grow, pick them up into separate cups;
  • it is necessary to harden the seedlings and highlight them;
  • at the end of May - beginning of June, plant in open ground;
  • landing according to the scheme: 60 cm X 60 cm;
  • Watering is required (every 2 days, 10 liters per bush).

There is no need to pinch the lashes. The plant forms itself independently. When growing to decorate a site, it is recommended to trim the stems and direct their growth.

You should take care of the support for the mini-pumpkin: the vine is actively growing green mass. No tying is required: Melotria weaves around the stand with antennae.

Horned cucumber is responsive to mineral fertilizers. During flowering, it is recommended to add potassium and phosphorus according to the instructions. Nitrogen causes the growth of vines. If Melotria is planted to grow fruits, it must be applied once before flowering.

The achievements of modern crop production can fascinate, surprise and shock. You can enchant, for example, with purple ones or from the geneticists of the Japanese company Suntory. Those who managed to add the natural pigmentation of the humble “pansy” to the gene code of a noble flower.
Well, the wonders of nature can surprise and shock with a hybrid of watermelon and cucumber!

Cucamelon, grown for many years in Mexico and Central America, is such a hybrid. Appearing in appearance as if the size of a grape (up to 4 cm long), with a characteristic green-white spotted skin color.
As for the internal contents, it is quite easy to recognize the cucumber pulp with its inherent seeds.

The common English name for the fruit cucamelon, which grows on “cucumber vines” climbing along trellises, is made up of two words that define the parents of “watermelon cucumber”. Namely, cucumber (cucumber) and watermelon (watermelon).

The scientific name of the crop is rough melotria (lat. Melothria scabra). In practice, watermelon cucumber is also called “Mexican sour gherkins” or “mouse melon”. The last term, perhaps, best characterizes the size of the fruit: in relation to the size of a mouse, it really looks like a full-fledged watermelon for a person.

The fruits of watermelon cucumber are edible and are characterized by a combination of cucumber taste and light citrus sourness. They can be eaten simply like grapes. In the lungs - for example, with radishes and spices. As a decoration for exotic cocktails.

And even in pickled form: fresh watermelon cucumbers are stored for only a short time, but in the form of seaming they can be used all year round.

In addition, even with minimal care, a couple of cucamelon vines can produce a good harvest: the plant is unpretentious and tolerates drought well. Allowing owners to admire miniature watermelons on green vines - and enjoy their refreshing cucumber-citrus flavor in a variety of dishes.

This funny plant has many different names. They call it American cucumber, mouse watermelon, sour gherkin, watermelon cucumber, and hummingbird cucumber. There is also a scientific name - rough melotria (lat. Melothria scabra). The watermelon cucumber, or cucumber watermelon, cucamelons came to us from the Central and South America. The name itself is interesting: cucamelon is a derivative of English and

Cucumber exotic

The fruits of the sour gherkin are edible. They are very small, from 1 to 4 cm, light green in color with dark stripes, like a watermelon. Their skin is covered with a thick edge, hard, and sour. This is where the name “sour gherkin” comes from.

These mini-watermelons are very juicy and crispy, and taste like their relatives, regular cucumbers. They are salted, fermented, pickled, and eaten raw. Ripe fruits need to be picked when they are still young, otherwise the pulp is not so tender and they contain a lot of seeds. From one bush you can collect from 4 to 6 kg of fruits and up to 1.5 kg of tubers. An overripe cucumber watermelon becomes sweetish in taste, the seeds harden, its color becomes less bright, the dark stripes lighten and turn yellow. There are also other varieties of mini-watermelons. Their netted coloring is more reminiscent of a melon. In Latin America they are called Sandita or "mouse melon".

Delicious bonus

You can't ignore root vegetables. They are also edible, tasting similar to sweet potatoes, radishes and cucumbers and good in salads with greens and seasonal vegetables. They just don’t last long, so immediately after digging you need to put them on a plate.

Stems and leaves

This is a perennial liana-like plant with small oval-shaped fruits, like large grapes, with colors reminiscent of mini-watermelons, and a taste like cucumbers.

It is often grown as an ornamental plant, because its stems reach a height of three meters. Melothria has a lot of leaves and fruits. It is well suited for landscaping garden gazebos, canopies, and fences. This vine curls and grows very quickly, clinging to everything with rough tendrils, so it needs supports of at least 2 meters in height. The flowers and leaves of mouse watermelon are similar to those of cucumber. Only in males the flowers are collected in inflorescences, while in females these are single flowers with a pleasant aroma that attracts bees. Unlike its relatives, the watermelon cucumber remains green all summer, does not turn yellow or shed its leaves, and its fruits retain their color and shape until the first frost. Melothria is very easy to care for, does not require frequent watering and a large amount of soil, it can even be grown on the balcony.

Useful properties

As you know, cucumber-watermelon is used not only as ornamental plant. Its fruits are edible and beneficial to the body. Thus, the fiber included in their composition normalizes intestinal function, relieves constipation, and helps eliminate toxins and waste.

Low calorie content promotes weight loss in people who want to lose weight. Regular intake of these vegetables has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas and kidneys, reduces swelling, improves function cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure.


Despite a number of beneficial properties sour gherkin, it is not suitable for everyone. So, people suffering increased acidity, you should refrain from eating it. Due to the acid contained in the peel, cucumber-watermelon can cause gastritis and stomach ulcers. Salted and pickled fruits are contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases.


Mini watermelon cucumbers are good in pickles and marinades. Sometimes red is added to them hot pepper, which only improves the taste. They are also good in assorted pickles: with tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini and broccoli. To emphasize the unusual and exotic nature of the dish, miniature dishes in light colors are used for serving.

They can also be used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. When raw, they are suitable for salads, one of which is offered below.

Vegetable salad with melotria

You will need:

  • melotria - 5 pcs;
  • cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs;
  • feta cheese - 100 g;
  • olives - 5 pcs;
  • olive oil.

Place lettuce leaves on a wide plate, cut cherry tomatoes and melotria into halves, add feta, olives, season with olive oil.

Meat salad with melotria, arugula and tomatoes

This dish is very light, nutritious and contains few calories. If desired, mayonnaise can be replaced with low-fat yogurt, and instead of beef, use chicken for variety.


  • boiled beef - 300 g;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
  • melotria - 10 pcs;
  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs;
  • arugula;
  • dill;
  • green onion;
  • rye crackers;
  • mayonnaise.

Wash the arugula and place in a shallow salad bowl, add chopped dill. Slice mini watermelons too. Boiled beef chop into strips, mix everything and season with mayonnaise. Before serving, top with croutons.

This is a fairly light and satisfying dish. Of course, cucumber-watermelon can be replaced with lightly salted cucumbers. But it is its spicy taste that gives the dish tenderness, freshness and slight sourness.

American cucumber, mouse watermelon, mouse melon, sour gherkin, hummingbird cucumber - all these are names of one plant. Scientifically, a small cucumber, colored like a watermelon, is called melotria rough.

Melothria is a perennial herbaceous vine, although it is very often grown as an annual. This plant is cultivated as an ornamental plant, but occasionally they also pay tribute to the fruits of melotria - small oval cucumbers of a light green color.

cucumber vines

Melothria is a vine plant, so it can surprise any gardener with the length of its lashes. Sometimes they reach 3 meters! The plant climbs quickly, so it is very important to provide it with support at least 2 m high.

This plant is often used in vertical gardening– for decorating gazebos, canopies, fences. The fact is that it curls well and grows quickly, clinging to supports with rough tendrils.

Leaves and flowers

Melothria has many leaves, and at each interlacing the plant produces numerous fruits. Both the leaves and flowers of the American cucumber are similar to those of the American cucumber. However, there is a small peculiarity: male flowers are collected in small clusters, while female flowers bloom one at a time.

Exotic cucumbers

Melothria fruits are very original: they are very small (1.5-2, maximum 4 cm), colored light green color and the colors of watermelons. Fruits appear on the cucumber vine before cold weather.

Mini cucumbers taste like their “big” relatives. Their skin is quite tough and sour (hence the name “sour gherkin”). It is best to eat melotria fruits raw in salads. However, you can salt and marinate them.

It is very important to pick mini cucumbers before they become overripe, otherwise there is a risk of encountering a large number of seeds. The fruits ripen very quickly, so don’t hesitate - put the cucumber watermelons on a plate!

Cucumber "bonus"

The root system of melotria is quite developed - it can also be eaten. The roots taste like sweet potatoes, so it is appropriate to use them for making salads. However, it is worth remembering that melotria roots store very poorly, so they need to be cooked and eaten immediately after digging.

How to grow melotria

The best choice is land on which tomatoes, onions, legumes and green manure grew. You definitely can’t plant melotria in the ground after pumpkin and its relatives.

The plant is planted like this: the seeds are sown in open ground to a depth of 1-2 cm (deeper is not necessary, because the seeds are very small). The first shoots appear within a week. Melotria grows best on sunny place, but can grow in slight shade.

Mouse melon, hummingbird cucumber, African cucumber, sour gherkin, ... This is the name of the plant, which is called “melotria rough”. This climbing plant has very unusual miniature fruits that hang from it like green beads. Very often, rooms and gazebos are decorated with melotria vines.

The achievements of modern crop production can fascinate, surprise and shock. You can enchant, for example, with purple or blue Applause roses from the geneticists of the Japanese company Suntory. Those who managed to add the natural pigmentation of the humble “pansy” to the gene code of a noble flower.

The wonders of nature can surprise you with a hybrid of watermelon and cucumber!

Melotria rough is a miniature fruit that measures about three centimeters in size. Their appearance resembles tiny cucumbers, however, the color of melotria is quite unusual.

Watermelon cucumber (cucamelon, melothria scabra, Mexican cucumber, Mexican watermelon) is a vine that produces grape-sized fruits that taste a little like cucumbers with a hint of lime. Watermelon cucumber is a very refreshing addition to salads.

This unusual plant originally from Central America and Africa, it gradually became widespread in Europe. Watermelon cucumber is easier to grow than regular cucumber.

Cucamelon, grown for many years in Mexico and Central America, is such a hybrid. Appearing in appearance like miniature watermelons the size of a grape (up to 4 cm long), with a characteristic green-white spotted skin color.
As for the internal contents, it is quite easy to recognize the cucumber pulp with its inherent seeds.

The common English name for the fruit cucamelon, which grows on “cucumber vines” climbing along trellises, is made up of two words that define the parents of “watermelon cucumber”. Namely, cucumber (cucumber) and watermelon (watermelon).

The scientific name of the crop is rough melotria (lat. Melothria scabra). In practice, watermelon cucumbers are also called “Mexican sour gherkins” or “mouse melon”. The last term, perhaps, best characterizes the size of the fruit: in relation to the size of a mouse, it really looks like a full-fledged watermelon for a person.

The fruits of watermelon cucumber are edible and are characterized by a combination of cucumber taste and light citrus sourness. They can be eaten simply like grapes. In light, refreshing salads – for example, with radishes and spices. As a decoration for exotic cocktails.

And even in pickled form: fresh watermelon cucumbers are stored for only a short time, but in the form of seaming they can be used all year round.
In addition, even with minimal care, a couple of cucamelon vines can produce a good harvest: the plant is unpretentious and tolerates drought well. Allowing owners to admire miniature watermelons on green vines - and enjoy their refreshing cucumber-citrus flavor in a variety of dishes.

Melotria fruits contain a lot of fiber. They are rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They also contain minerals such as:

In addition, African cucumbers contain vitamins B9 and C.

The benefits of melotria rough
As already mentioned, melotria is rich in fiber. Regular consumption of its fruits has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system (restores blood pressure), prevents the development of cancer, removes excess bile from the body and reduces cholesterol levels.

Melotria helps you stay at your weight. It can cause a feeling of satiety, thereby protecting the body from overeating. But despite this, the calorie content of one fruit is very low, only 15 kcal. Therefore, this vegetable can be used in the preparation of healthy dietary dishes.

It is known that the inclusion of melotria in the diet has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.

Medicinal uses (health benefits and weight loss)
Melotria helps with weight loss. With the help of this vegetable you can arrange for your body fasting days. Since the fruits taste like cucumber, they can be used in the preparation of usual summer salads.

Harm and contraindications
From fresh fruits melotria should be avoided by people with high acidity of gastric juice, stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Melotria cucumbers should be eaten when they are still young. Ripe fruits with thick skin must be pickled or pickled. But ripe cucumbers in this form should not be eaten by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis, hypertension

Use in cooking
Melotria fruits are consumed raw, pickled or salted. Salads are prepared from fresh mini-cucumbers, with the addition of tomatoes and peppers. African cucumbers are also very good for decorating meat and fish dishes.

But in melotria, not only the fruits are edible, but also the tubers. They taste like cucumber and radish at the same time. You need to use the tubers immediately after you dig them up, because they store very poorly. You can prepare salads and vegetable stews from melotria tubers.

Secrets of melotria
Melotria has its own secret: tubers are formed on the roots in the ground, similar to slightly elongated potatoes. The tubers accumulate moisture necessary for the life of the plant during drought. The slightly sweet taste of the tubers resembles something between daikon and kohlrabi cabbage. They can also be eaten, but cannot be stored; the tubers quickly deteriorate.