Selection of greenish color and itching. Green allocations in women

The discharge of various intensity and consistency is rejected by the body of a woman with almost all life. In fact, they are an indicator, thanks to which you can independently follow the health of the reproductive system. The physiological norm is bright, almost the intensity of which varies depending on the phase menstrual cycle. But what if the woman noticed the green discharge from the vagina? Can this process be a physiological or phenomenon indicative of pathology? What does the appearance of yellow curl plugs mean? Let's figure it out together.

Causes of green vaginal discharge

Green allocations in women often indicate the presence of an inflammatory process that has passed into the chronic stage. Turning to the gynecologist with similar symptoms, many women are interested in where it takes in the greenery mucosa. What is it? Pus? Not always. You can talk about the gnome if the selection of a woman has a light yellow or gauge color. Exceptionally green pigment is formed in a refrred substance due to the presence of a huge number of leukocytes. A similar phenomenon characterizes a sharp inflammatory process in the structure of the genital organs: ovaries, cervix, uyatar pipes or, directly, in the vagina.

Experts identify several factors provoking highlighting greenish color in women. The catalyst serve as infections that hit the reproductive system and changes in the work of the whole organism against the background of hormonal bursts. Here are some of the main reasons, in the presence of which from the vagina, women can stand out a clots of green or yellowish painting:

Bacterial vaginosis

One of the most common causes of the selection with a greenish tint in women. Specialists argue that this disease is directly related to the imbalance in the microflora of the vagina. Provoke such a deviation capable:

  • sexually transmitted diseases or microflora imbalances in the sexual partner;
  • non-compliance with the principles of intimate hygiene;
  • avitaminosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • frequent reception of antibiotics;
  • permanent stress.

Due to the increase in conditionally pathogenic bacteria, Gardnerella prevailed in the vagina microflora. The physiological norm in the reproductive system of a woman is based on the domination of milky-acid bacteria. Pathological deviations are diagnosed with an increase in other microorganisms in microflora. Gardnellosis, developing in parallel with bacterial vaginosis, is characterized by white-green secretions.

It is worth noting that this disease is diagnosed not only in connection with the change in the color pigment of the mucus liquid, but also the appearance of unpleasant odor, temperature and burning in the groin area. Many women familiar with the ailment note that they smell. A similar sharp fragrance cannot be confused with anything.

Bacterial vaginosis needs immediate treatment already when the first symptoms appear. Pain in the process of urination, temperature and uncomfortable sensations in the genital paths during Koitus, characterize the transition of disease in chronic stage. Experts note that the treatment of the ailment is divided into several stages. The first implies the reception of a woman of the course of antibiotics, the second includes a point exposure with the help of ointments and gels that restore the microflora.


Such a disease is amenable to diagnosis exclusively in laboratory conditions. Gynecologists advise to take tests immediately, as a woman noticed the appearance of greenish odorless discharge, accompanied by burning in the groin area.

Colpits and vaginites

These acute inflammations in the organs of the reproductive system of women are characterized by the presence of yellow-green discharge from the vagina. Such diseases, in improper treatment or, at all, ignoring are able to entail serious complications associated with the addition of various infectious diseases affecting the reproductive system of women.

Green selection and itching in the crotch characterize sharp salpingitis and adnexites. In addition to the presence of an atypical color component in the mucous discharge discharges in large quantities, the symptoms of diseases include a sharp increase in body temperature. Such abundant greenish discharge from the vagina often have a curly consistency and is amenable to treatment exclusively in stationary conditions.


Green allocations of cotton consistency without smelling in women may indicate the complicated flow of thrush. Such a stage is fraught with serious complications affecting the work of the entire reproductive system. Experts argue that in this case it is better to be treated in a hospital. At the end of the antibiotic course, women are recommended for long supporting therapy.

Green selection during pregnancy and after childbirth

Yellow-green isolation without smelling from the vagina, they are often marked in patients during the period of gestation. This phenomenon is associated with the general hormonal perestroika of the body. As you know, the perinatal period is accompanied by the exhaustion of the immune system, and it may only mean one thing: the risk of lesion by various infections increases.

Green allocations, regardless of the cause of the occurrence, are not the norm and require immediate appeal to the observing woman of the gynecologist. Acute pain at the bottom of the abdomen, accompanied by yellowish splashes in the fluids rejected by the body, indicate infectious damage to the urinary channels.

Present period

Allocations having green colorFor women who passed through Caesarean sections, according to statistics, not uncommon. This phenomenon is associated with incomplete purification of the uterus. When diagnosing such symptom It is necessary to immediately contact the specialist and go through the scraping procedure. Explore the characteristics of normal and signs of pathology in more detail.

Other reasons for green secretion

Sometimes symptoms passes as suddenly, as it arises. Specialists argue that in this case you can talk about a short-term hormonal failure. A similar phenomenon takes place in the occurrence of strong stressful situations in the life of a woman and eliminate symptoms in the form of green mucous membranes, rejected by the vagina, can be at the reception of sedatives. To prevent this reaction of the body, it is necessary to take special, "female" hormone-containing drugs for a long time.

It is extremely difficult to highlight the cause of the appearance of green mucus-shaped clots based on the anamnesis provided by patients is extremely difficult. Gynecologists are recommended, in front of a visit to a specialist to pass general analyzes, among other things, at the level of hormones.
Read more Examine the consistency and color pigmentation of the selection is possible with the help of photographic materials posted on the site.

Prevention of green vaginal discharge

Whether to prevent the problem is much easier than eliminating it. Several simple rules familiar with every woman and recommended by gynecologist doctors will help to maintain the normal vaginal microflora and avoid the development of an inflammatory process complicated by the presence of green mucous membranes rejected by the body.

  1. Gynecologists are recommended to carry out the ablution of the perineum after each visit to the toilet. Especially during menstruation. This procedure is recommended to be carried out using chamomile flames, turn or calendula.
  2. Do not abuse gels for intimate hygiene containing artificial fragrances. The consumer can not know what is part of the cosmetics.
  3. Prefer the children's soap or special drugs for intimate hygiene, aimed at maintaining the vaginal microflora and the stabilization of the pH level.
  4. During menstruation, change the gaskets as often as possible, give the use of tampons to a minimum. Similar means of intimate hygiene do not withdraw "bad" blood from the vagina, but on the contrary, concentrate it in it.
  5. Do not neglect contraception by means, especially when changing sexual partners.
  6. Avoid frequent sources. Regular intervention of this kind is bright example Postulate: "It's often treated, it's like to cripple." Why? The answer is simple. Systematic sinking "flushes" not only pathogenic bacteria, but also the natural microflora of the vagina, and therefore "erased" the physiological barrier that prevents the development of infectious diseases. Gynecologists note that yellow-green selection without smell, most often, appear in women, too often practitioners this procedure.

Treatment of green vaginal discharge

Diagnosing the appearance of the appearance with characteristic light green or green-yellow splashes, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. To establish an accurate diagnosis and appointment of drugs for subsequent treatment, the gynecologist must assign a number of analyzes, including the scraping of the vagina. You can pass biomaterials in both government and private laboratories, at the discretion of the patient. Based on the results obtained, the specialist will appoint a course medicinal preparationswhich can include and supporting herbal therapy.

Speaking of traditional therapy, several drugs can be distinguished, allowing you to quickly get rid of green mucus bunches, rejected by the vagina. These include:

  • Fluconazole;
  • Mans;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Pimaflutsin;
  • Various ointments of local exposure restoring the microflora of the vagina.

Many experts argue that to cure diseases that entail the appearance of green engines in the rejugated vaginal fluids at an early stage, possibly with the help of therapeutic fees. The greatest distribution in gynecology received:

  • complex herbal collection -;
  • bums of oak bark;
  • tincture and scales of the Hypericum;
  • baths for the groin area with extracts of evergreen plants: needles, eucalyptus, pines;
  • nutric juice used inside;
  • drawing a vagina with a branch of blueberry leaves;
  • drainage of sex tract with dry leaf of mistletoe;
  • drawing a vagina with the help of a decoction of the scratched root of plums.

Before applying any medicinesbelonging to both the traditional and to folk medicineBe sure to consult a specialist!

In a healthy, gynecological plan, women, from the genital tract there is a small amount of transparent or milk color of the discharge, almost no odor, which is considered a physiological norm. Woman almost does not notice them. Other thing when the allocation is acquired abundant character, have a sharp nasty smell, Change the color (from yellowish-white, to greenish or succinous), on their background there appears irritation of the mucous coverings of the genitals.

If yellow-green isolations appeared, it may indicate the beginning of the pathological process in the organs of the sexual sphere.

Timely appeal to the gynecologist will help not only reveal the causes of the appearance of white, but also to eliminate the risk possible complicationsBy appointing appropriate treatment.

Reasons why yellow-green sequels appeared

Based on the uncharacteristic color of the selection, the disease cannot be established.

The herbs of a yellowish green shade are observed with different gynecological illness of inflammatory and other character (vaginitis, adnexitis, salpingitis, salpingo-phorite, colpit, bacterial vaginosis). Such a sign may be noted when infected by the simplest or as a result of a venereal disease (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, gardnerellosis).

Often, women are interested in a doctor, why is the selection acquire a characteristic greenish tint of green-yellow color? Does this mean that purulent contents are present in them? Often, such white staining is due to the result of rejection of the significant volume of dead leukocytes that perform their protective function. This occurs during acute inflammatory processes in the tissues of the organs of the sexual system (ovaries, the cervix, the Fallopiev pipes, the mucule of the vagina). It should be noted that inflammation have a number of symptomatic signs in addition to the presence of yellow-green discharge, for example, the soreness at the bottom of the abdomen, burning, heavy itch in the vagina, and the allocation themselves are often distinguished by an unpleasant odor.

The release of yellow-green color from the genital paths of women is not a sign of the norm, but their appearance can be associated with certain changes due to various states of the woman's health. Sometimes the causes of such unhealthy secretions are pathological problems, that is, diseases of various nature, in other cases, symptoms in the form of green or yellowish oscillations or abundant discharges may be causes of a physiological problem. Next, the most common cases are listed when the reason may be in pathology, and when the reason may be in the development of a certain stage of the disease.

State of pregnancy, postpartum and highlighting of the vagina

The condition of pregnancy is accompanied by a serious transformation of the hormonal system, an increase in the load on all organs and systems. It depletes the imune system of the woman, and without serious support, it is more vulnerable before the attack of various infectious agents. Therefore, if a pregnant woman noticed that the discharge was thick, with the inclusions of the greenish shade, it is necessary to seek advice to the gynecologist. The penetration of infection in the vagina is fraught with its propagation on urinary paths.

In the postpartum period, some women noted the appearance of greenish lochs (discharge accompanying the restoration of the internal uterine layer after childbirth).

Normally, Lochi should be brownish, without stench, with a barely noticeable smell of sharpness. If the manufacturer appears from an admixture of greenish bunches, even without smell, you can suspect the development of endometritis. In the absence of proper treatment in the woman in labor, due to the weakness of the uterine muscles after childbirth, there is a delay in the secrelectable secret, which is able to exacerbate the situation. Then the discharge, emerging from the vagina, there is a sharp unpleasant smell, which indicates the progression of the inflammatory process. In such cases, a woman needs serious treatment.

What else maybe if the selection of yellow-green color?

There are situations where yellow-green allocations without smell, appearing without apparent reason, pass without making any measures. According to gynecologists, such a phenomenon can be considered as a short-term hormonal failure. This can occur against the background of a stressful situation, a woman experienced. Woman without smelling with a specific greenish tint may appear in a woman as a result of long-term reception of medicines. It is possible to identify the true cause of the discharge of the discharge on the basis of the study of the history of the patient, research results of analyzes, including the level of hormones in the blood.

Summing up, among the most common reasons for the appearance of yellow-green discharges in women without smell, it is possible to call: some diseases of the intimate sphere of inflammatory nature, short-term hormonal failures, consequences of stressful situations, vaginal microflora dysbiosis, the result of a long medical treatment.

If magenets or are green-yellow discharge, what diseases may be?

The discharge of a specific nature with a greenish tint is often found in cases of bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, collision, vaginitis.

Vaginosis and unhealthy vagina

With a vaginosis, women impose complaints of itching and burning in the mucous membrane.

Isolations have a curly or foam structure. Disorders and soreness in the process of urination are often observed, sexual contact is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. Vaginosis is due to dysbiosis of the vaginal microflora, when a milky and sour medium predetermined by useful bacteria is replaced by the pathogenic due to the growth of the colonies of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, they appear with greenish inclusions, gradually designate their unpleasant odor.

Treatment of such a problem as greenish odorless discharge during vaginosis is carried out in stages, starting with the suppression of pathogens. To do this, use local (intravaginal) ointments, creams, candles, which contains:

  1. hexicone;
  2. clindacign;
  3. metronidazole;
  4. chlorhexidine.

Antihistamines are also prescribed (Tuesegil, Supratin), anesthetics, relieving itching and burning. The next stage includes the use of medicines that contribute to the restoration of the normal flora of the vagina due to the population of the flora with useful lactobacteriums. For oral administration, gastropharm, bifiform, lines are prescribed, for local treatment, bifidumbacterin, acilakt, bifidum, bifinorm are applied for local treatment.

Trichomioniasis and odor selection

This pathology is caused by a vaginal trichomonade, the presence of which is detected only by the results of a laboratory scope of the smear. The disease is accompanied by the presence of greenish discharge from the vagina without odor, burning in groin. Therapy is carried out more often by metronidazole, in some cases an ornidazole is used, thymozole, tinidazole. Medicase treatment is common and local.

Colpit, Vaginit

The main symptoms with colpites and vaginites includes the presence of greenish-yellow discharge of thick consistency, itching, burning in the vulva and vagina region. Without treatment, sharp inflammations go to chronic form And they can cause serious complications that negatively affect the reproductive functions of the sexual system of women. Self-treatment - the path to the progression of pathologies, only a doctor should be prescribed treatment.

What to do how to treat unhealthy allocations

You can quickly get rid of unpleasant green discharge discharges, observing the basic principles of therapy:

  1. true selected medication treatment;
  2. following the basics of healthy nutrition;
  3. compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene.

In the presence of secretions with a greenish-yellow tint of odorless, but the lack of other symptoms, you need to get a consultation of the gynecologist and use local drugs (vaginal candles). The doctor has the right to appoint a systemic medication to prevent the development of complications. With yellow-green secretions under the power to cope with fluconazole and its counterparts: flukostat, micacossa, dieflucan, tsiscan, diflazon. Gynecologists also recommend itraconazole, manholes, Irunun, ITRAZOL. The effectiveness in the fight against greenish vaginal discharges based on ketoconazole are noted. Good reviews received candles "Pimafucin".

The choice of medicines is better to entrust your attending gynecologist. Assessing the patient's condition by studying the results of the tests, it calculates the dosage of medicines and the duration of reception. Strengthen the therapeutic effect can be compliance with the diet, refusing the use of oily, acute food, alcohol. Patient It is advisable to enrich your diet food with high content of vitamins (carrots, apples, sorrel, parsley, spinach). In the season, as a secrets, recommended "berry treatment" (strawberries, blueberries, Kalina).

The hygiene of the genital organs implies the use of funds to help save the natural flora of the vagina, which reduces the risk of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

It is preferable to use cosmetic agents containing lactic acid. But it should also be noted that the treatment of yellow-green discharge should be appointed only by a doctor by a specialist, because Self-treatment often leads not only to ineffective treatment, but also to the exacerbation of the existing problem, the emergence of complications.

Diagnostics, what tests to take?

Based on the fact that this kind of selection is often a sign of pathology, gynecological disease or other problems in the body, becoming the question of which analyzes should be passed. What doctor to appeal if yellow-green allocations appeared, what tests should be passed to determine the cause of the discharges that can talk about the development of pathology? Most often, the doctor sends a patient to the following types of tests: everything begins with a visual inspection in the gynecological chair, then the doctor usually sends to bacterial sowing of biomaterial, PCR analysis (polymerase chain reaction, the method is aimed at identifying the DNA of the pathogen of problem symptoms), an ultrasound (ultrasound of organs Small pelvis), biochemical blood test, serological blood test. If necessary, the doctor can be directed to the capture of the oncological marker or the scrapets of the vaginal walls, the scraping from the region of the cervix on the determination of the vaginal microflora.

Whether dyeing from the selection of odorless, how to do them

It is worth noting that the douching can help get rid of vaginal yellow-green discharges, but this effect may be short-lived, if not eliminating the main disease. Therefore, douching is used as a manipulation that complements the main treatment. The scripture procedure is carried out using a special pear not with a plastic, but a rubber tip to avoid traumatization of the mucous membrane. Before filling the pear with the healing solution, it must be quickened. It is desirable to introduce a solution without a strong pressure so as not to provoke the flushing out of the vaginal flora.

For douching, weldings are used on the basis of medicinal herbs. They have a cleansing, disinfectant, astringent, migrating, anti-inflammatory effect. Recipes for solutions for douching:

  1. Calendula, chamomile. Anti-inflammatory properties of calendula and daisies are used to combat yellow-green secretions. From these herbs, you can prepare the mixture, pour 1 tbsp. l. Mixtures of 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and insist. Stattering, used in warm form.
  2. Omel leaves. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. Dry herbs on 250 ml of water. The mistleta needs to boil 15 minutes, strain and use to perform the procedure.
  3. Oak bark. The crushed oak boring (1 tsp.) Is poured 0.5 liters of hot water, boiled for 10-15 minutes, cool and filtered, used as a solution to douch.
  4. Cuff. This grass (2 tbsp. L.) It is preferable to insist after brewing in the thermos (0.5 liters of boiling water) in the evening. The script procedure is better to spend in the morning after filping the ragger. The blade of the cuff helps well with vaginites.
  5. Solution with the addition of apple vinegar. 0.5 l warm boiled water Enter 3 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar and evincible up to 3 times a day, last time on the eve of sleep.
  6. Solution with adding honey and borogo alcohol. On 1 l of water take 4 tbsp. l. Honey, add as much borogne alcohol, well everything is stirred and use this solution for squeaks in the case of vaginosis, trichomonaceous collision, gonorrhea, chlamydia.

It should also be aware that the discharge of an unhealthy type must be necessarily examined by the doctor, because Drying can be effective only with proper diagnosis. If self-treatment, you can choose the inappropriate composition of herbs. There are a number of cases when an independent scripture, without prior approval with a gynecologist, leads not only to a little efficient or ineffective treatment, but also cause a number of exacerbations of pathology, progression of the existing problem, disease.

Treatment of green-yellow secretions by folk methods at home

Unconventional treatments are characterized by efficiency, often commensurate with the use of drugs, but rarely have undesirable side effect. Therefore, they are recommended, in coordination with the attending gynecologist, for conducting medical measures for different pathologies. With inflammatory processes in the sexual sphere, an important factor that enhances the effect of drug treatment is the quality of nutrition. Women recommend consuming fresh juices from spinach, carrots, apples, celery.

Decorations, infusions, whims from therapeutic herbs, having a good fitting effect, contribute to improving the immunity and resistance to the body by the effects of pathogenic bacteria. To quickly get rid of yellow-green discharge from the vagina, recommend:

  1. nettle sap, which you need to drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day;
  2. a decoction of the Cmina (immortelle) sandy need to be prepared from 1 tbsp. l. Dry grass and glass of water, boiling mixture 10 minutes, after insistenceing the decoction take 50 ml twice a day.

Local treatment is carried out with the help of baths, irrigations of the vagina. Some of the most effective are coniferous seating baths, which are not difficult to prepare from dry needles or finished coniferous extract purchased in a pharmacy and diluted in warm water according to the instructions. For self-preparation, the bath should be taken 100 g of dry pine needles, boil it in 2 liters of water for 20 minutes, insist and strain in the pelvis. Taking the bath is needed in a warm form.

An universal means of many gynecological pathologies are called multicomponent collecting, from which a decoction used for vaginal irrigation is prepared. Collection composition: chamomile, calendula, lavender (flowers), wormwood, lovers, dried dryers (grass), raspberry (leaves), rusty elm (slippery).

Grinding components are brewed with boiling water (2 tbsp. L. Collection of 1 liters of water), insist for up to 8 hours (preferably in thermos). After filping the bravery, the vagina irrigation is carried out.

Prevention, what to do to make allocations not appeared again

Taking timely preventive Mer In some cases, it allows you to prevent the appearance of unpleasant vaginal discharge. The main methods of prevention include:

  1. high quality intimate hygiene;
  2. responsible attitude towards sexual contacts;
  3. timely appeal to the gynecologist when the first alarming signs appear.

Sexual contacts In the absence of a permanent partner, it is necessary to protect the use of condoms.

Competent personal intimate hygiene is a guarantee of women's health.

If you maintain a natural vaginal microflora background, the natural milky-acid medium is able to actively resist the penetration of various infectious agents into the organism. The arrangement of external genital organs needs to be carried out using hypoallergenic hygienic tools up to 2 times a day. It should be treated with caution, since excessive passion for this procedure may disrupt the natural biocenosis of the vagina. Wipe intimate places only with an individual towel made of natural fabric.

It is important to remember that antibiotic therapy for the treatment of pathologies not related to the sexual system may adversely affect the microflora of the vagina and weaken its protective functions. Therefore, it is desirable to take the analysis of the smears and, if necessary, take care of the restoration of the vaginal flora, using the means that the gynecologist recommends.

An important health indicator of the female reproductive system. Depending on or the microflora state, their amount, consistency and color may change. We understand, in what cases of selection in women become green.

Green allocations in women: reasons

Violations of vaginal microflora can change the color, odor and consistency of the selection, but it is necessary to take into account the presence of concomitant symptoms (itching, burning, pain during urination or during sexual intercourse). By itself, the color is a weak diagnostic criterion.

The green color of the vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection: what it is darker, the more leukocytes are contained in the vaginal mucus. The increased number of leukocytes in the urethra and the vagina is an index of the inflammatory process (colvicit, cervicitis, urethritis, gonorrhea, chlamydia or inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs).

The most common causes of green discharge in women will consider in more detail.

Green allocations in women: bacterial vaginosis

The cause of bacterial vaginosis is a violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora: normal healthy bacteria (in particular, lactobacterium) are displaced by others, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (for example, Gardnerners).

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis - watery, white, grayish or greenish discharge from the vagina with a fish smell. However, about half of all women with bacterial vaginosis have no specific symptoms.

Antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis:

  • Metronidazole in tablets, gels or suppositories. During his reception, it is impossible to drink alcohol to avoid stomach disorders, and nausea.
  • Clindamycin is often prescribed in the form of creams or candles. While using this semi-synthetic antibiotic, it is better to avoid sex with latex condoms (it reduces their strength).
  • Tinidazole in tablets can also cause nausea and stomach disorder in combination with alcohol.

If a bacterial vaginosis is recurring during 3-12 months, a sub-course meteridazole may be required.

Green allocations in women: Trichomoniasis

The symptoms of trichomoniasis may include abundant silent discharge of greenish or white, redness, burning, pain when urination. In men, the symptoms of infection are less common.

Trichomoniasis is treated with metronidazole and tinidazole. Within 72 hours after taking medication, it is impossible to drink alcohol, otherwise the patient has nausea and vomiting. Until full cure from sex it is better to refrain

Green allocations in women: acute inflammation of pelvic organs

Inflammatory infectious diseases Pelvic organs (phallopy pipes, uterus, ovaries) can lead to severe damage to the female reproductive system. Their cause is usually various bacteria, including the causative agents of the STIs.

Symptoms of acute inflammation include yellow and green discharge from the vagina, an increase in body temperature, painful urination ,.

In light cases, acute inflammation in women is treated with antibiotics, but if the disease is launched, a surgical intervention may be needed. The surgeon removes an abscess to prevent the spread of infection to other fabrics and organs.

Green Allocations in Women: Vulvovaginitis

Vulvovaginitis is the inflammation of the vulva, the mucous membrane of the vagina and the external genital organs. The cause of it can be irritation caused by means of intimate hygiene, cramped clothing or allergic reaction on lubricant. Vulvovaginite symptoms include itching in the vagina, greenish discharge, redness, burning during urination.

The treatment of vulvovaginite depends on its cause. If the causative agent of the disease is a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. The doctor can also recommend a cream or ointment that will accelerate healing and reassure pain.

Green allocations in women: chlamydia

Chlamydia is another common sex infection. It is striking men and women of all age groups, but often proceeds asymptomatic. If chlamydia still manifested itself, it is characterized by painful urination, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, yellow or green discharge from the vagina or penis, painful sexual intercourse in women, or bloody issues After sex.

Treat chlamydia antibiotics - azithromycin, doxycycline, and so on. Usually the infection takes place in 1-2 weeks. During this time, Intim is better to refrain.

Green Vaginal Selection: Gonorrhea

Among young adult gonorrhea is one of the most common genital infections. Bacteria that cause it (gonococci) can infect genital paths, oral cavity or anus. Consequently, it is possible to infect gonorrhea during vaginal, oral or anal sex. A pregnant woman can also transfer gonorrhea to his child during childbirth.

It is difficult to understand when the allocation of a woman is normal, and when there are a disease signal, especially if there is no unpleasant smell. It is important to pay attention whether there are other symptoms. If there is no burning path, painful sensations, then, most likely, this state is temporary, it will take place, without treatment. But at the slightest discomfort, it is better to be examined, since the green discharge discharge can be evidence of serious diseases with implicit symptoms. If not to be treated on time, complications appear.


Why green selections appear

Normal mucous membranes from genital organs in women are not abundant. They are transparent or have white, sometimes with a weak tint. By the nature of the selection, one can judge the state of reproductive health.

The reason for the selection of greenish shades can be:

  1. Changes in the ratio of sex hormones.
  2. Such changes arise, for example, during pregnancy. At the same time, the selection is abundant, they are, as a rule, white color, but can acquire a greenish tint.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages or vagina.
  4. Allergies to cosmetics for body care.

Green selection as a symptom of inflammatory diseases

The cause of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women can be:

  1. Bacterial infection by sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Violation of the ratio between the useful and malicious bacteria microflora vagina. The occurrence of such disorders can be facilitated by the vaginalism of bacteria from the intestines, from the urinary organs or from the skin when non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, a frequent scripture, long-term use of antibiotics, injury to the genitals.
  3. Irritation of the mucous membranes by allergens (they can be to care products, the material from which underwear was made).

The greenish color appears at the discharges that the woman arise when changing the sexual partner or the beginning of sexual life. At the same time, bacteria included in the alien microflora of the genital organs of the genuine in the vagina microflora. This leads to a change in the color of the selection of a woman. The appearance of smell means infection with sexually transmitted.

Provoke the appearance of white green diabetes, Tumors of genital organs, as well as the omission of vaginal walls. Greenish tint is the discharge of leukocytes, the content of which increases sharply when the inflammatory process occurs. Therefore, such a condition is called Leikhai.

Video: Causes of bad vaginal discharge

In which diseases there are green discharge

Inflammatory processes may occur as a result of a bacterial infection in the vagina, and from there - in the cervix and other departments.

Trichomoniasis. The beginning of this venereal disease can say the emergence of yellowish or green discharge in women. They are usually abundant, have a frothy consistency, sometimes an unpleasant smell may appear. Other symptoms of the disease are strong itching, skin irritation in the field of genital organs, painful urination and discomfort with sexual intercourse.

The disease is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it can cause premature births. Infection by a household (through bath accessories) is unlikely, since the life expectancy of trichomonas (initial infection) is small. Antimicrobial preparations are used for treatment. We must be treated at the same time both sexual partners.

Colpit (vaginitis). Inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs in the vagina when streptococci, fungi or other types of infection, violating the normal composition of microflora. Reducing immunity, stress, reception of some drugs (hormones, antibiotics) contribute to the occurrence of pathology.

On the initial stage Green selection appear. In women, the rapid spread of infection in the field of internal genital organs is possible. This leads to inflammation of endometrial, uterine pipes and ovaries. At the same time, pus appears in the discharge. There is an unpleasant smell. Consistency is different depending on the type of infection pathogens. The lack of proper treatment can lead to infertility, complications for pregnancy, fetal infection.

Bacterial vaginosis. This disease is not inflammatory. There is a vaginal dysbacteriosis, that is, the displacement of useful dairy bacteria by pathogenic microorganisms. Most often, the causative agents are Gardnerella, but microbes of other species can be found. Allocations are the most characteristic symptom of the disease. In the acute stage, they are abundant, liquid, like water, have a grayish tint. In the transition of the disease in the chronic stage of isolation becomes more dense and scarce, acquire a green or yellow color. Often at the same time the fish smell.

The factors leading to the emergence of dysbacteriosis are improperly dining and the use of unsuitable intimate hygiene products. The weakening of the body's immune protection due to various diseases, hormonal restructuring during sexual maturation, pregnancy, Klimaks also contribute to the development of the disease.

During the period of menopause, dysbacteriosis occurs due to the so-called dryness of the vagina: reducing the thickness of the mucous membrane and disruption of the development of protective mucus in the cervix. The uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, antiviral drugs and treatments for treating fungus also leads to pathological changes in the vaginal microflora. Treatment is, first of all, in eliminating the causes of dysbacteriosis, restoring the normal content of lactobacilli.

Greenish discharge during pregnancy

In pregnant women, the appearance of green discharge discharge is not pathology, if they do not cause burnback, redness, painful urination. They may be associated with temporary hormonal violations. Sometimes their cause becomes irritation of the surface of the genital organs during the gynecological inspection.

However, it is not excluded that such discharges are a symptom of vaginal dysbiosis or various infections that in pregnant women often flow in a hidden form. Green discharge at the same time have an unpleasant smell. A greenish shade of selection speaks in this case about the presence of a pus. This is possible at the initial stage of Gardnerlese, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea. As a rule, the disease is detected at the first inspection. Immediately treatment begins so that the disease does not affect the fetus.

Green selection of girls

Normal discharge (white mucous) in girls appear in about 1 year before the first menstruation. If any, including green, selection of a child under 8 years old, is the reason for the inflammation of the vagina or vulva.

It happens because of the accidental hit in them, for example, small particles of sand, injured close linen. In addition, at this age, there is still no protective mucus, the uterus is under development, and the gland does not function. Lack of mucus with lactobacterium allows infection to easily penetrate the vagina.

Prevention of pathological discharge

To exclude the possibility of a woman pathological dischargeIt is necessary to carefully follow the rules of intimate hygienic care, do not use the means irritating the skin and mucous membrane. You can use douching in case of extreme need when this is recommended by the doctor.

A warning: Preventive gynecological examinations allow us to notice the beginning of the disease in time and conduct treatment.

Prevent the leg control and the lower part of the body, as it contributes to the emergence of inflammatory diseases of the organs gOOD SYSTEM. It is necessary to avoid indiscriminate sexual bonds, use condoms to avoid infectious infection.

Video: Danger of unprotected sex

Women from experience know how their normal vaginal discharges look like. If for some reason the green discharge from the vagina appeared, then it's time to run to the gynecologist. Even if other disturbing bells do not bother - pain at the bottom of the abdomen, itching, unusual smell and discomfort when urination. It is abnormally and requires diagnosis and treatment.

Vaginal allocations: what are they?

The first allocations from the vagina should appear approximately a year before the start of menstruation. Earlier blencers are signs of the inflammatory process of sexual sphere in the girl. The production of lubricant during sexual maturation is associated with a hormonal restructuring of a growing organism. Minor allocations should not have an unpleasant smell. Parents should alert complaints to itching, burning and painful sensations - all this is considered a sign of inflammation and requires medical advice.

In adult women, the amount and consistency of the vaginal discharge varies depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle. It is almost imperceptible to ovulation, a minor mucus is transparent or has white. Closer to the ovulation of the selection becomes mucous membranes, and then they acquire a more dense consistency.

An increase in the discharge can be associated with sexual excitation before or after sexual intercourse, receiving hormonal drugs, as well as hormonal changes during pregnancy or after childbirth. Normally, the vaginal discharge should have white or beige color, the remaining shades are a sign of unhealthy. Naturally, no pain, it should not be that and unpleasant odor.

See also:

: Causes and treatment.

Green vaginal discharge: reasons

Yellow-green or green discharge from the vagina is a symptom of the disease, but what exactly, it is difficult to say. Without passing analyzes and consulting a gynecologist, do not understand. Do not panic and ashamed of "terrible sore." Now almost everything is treated, and such problems happen to many people. Doctors are called to help people, so do not postpone the visit to the gynecologist as long as it is already at all right to the wall.

After the external examination of the vagina, the doctor may make an assumption of a possible infection, but the final verdict will only be swoing after receiving the results of the tests. To begin with, he can take a smear on a microscopic study of the vaginal flora. Leukocyte level will confirm how much the inflammatory process is expressed. In addition, there may be an increased amount of intestinal sticks, kokkock microbes, gardnerell, gonococcal and trichomonads.

If necessary, the doctor will recommend bacteriological research, delivery of the sample from the vagina on the sensitivity of causative agents of infections towards antibiotics and antifungal means. In some cases, doctors guide patients for blood tests to detect antibodies to sexually transmitted diseases - toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, simple and genital herpes, rubella, ureaplasmosis, etc.

Causes provoking greenish selections:

  • candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia.

Candidiasis and selection

The thrush most often causes unbearable itch vulva, as well as redness, swelling and white curls or sour cream-like allocations. Pathological reproduction of genules of the genus Candida destroys the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the external and internal genital organs of a woman. In the launched case, the separated may acquire a green color due to the abundance of dead leukocytes that are struggling with infection. The fungal lesion of the mucosa is incubated deep into and causes the formation of bleeding erosions. In addition, the patients themselves are actively combing mucous membrane, which can be seen when inspection. Treatment is local processings, douching and receiving antifungal drugs.

Nonspecific vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis

Nonspecific vaginitis can be provoked:

  • gardnerella (bacterial vaginosis);
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • enterococci;
  • in touch;
  • mushrooms of the genus candidate;
  • intestinal wand, etc.

Vaginal green discharge is a sign of bacterial vaginosis and vaginite. The inflammation of the vagina is not to measure the propagated bacteria that constitute the normal flora. This may be associated with a change in the sexual partner, insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive hygienic procedures in the vagina, antibiotic therapy, pregnancy, stress or a general decrease in immunity after diseases.

Under the influence of these factors, the level of lactic acid bacteria decreases, and the conditionally pathogenic microflora increases. So it happens with Gardnerners, which are also able to cause green discharge, irritation, redness, swelling and itching mucosa, discomfort when urination and during intercourse. Characteristic sign Gardnerlese is the smell of rotten fish. At first, the vaginal slaves, peeling to the films, have a grayish-white color, and then take the green shade.

Bacterial vaginosis requires immediate treatment. Gardnerell reproduction suppresses the growth of fermented milk bacteria responsible for the local immunity of the vagina. As a result, the risk of infection with venereal diseases increases, and the inflammatory process itself is aggravated.

With acute bacterial inflammation of female genital organs from the vagina, abundant yellow and green selections may leav. In the chronic inflammatory process, they are scarce, but the color will still be greenish. Other features of adnexite and salpingitis include drawing pain in the lower abdomen, subfebrile temperature and general weakness. With implicitly expressed symptoms, women rarely appeal to the doctor. As a result, inflammation applies further and causes complications, which significantly increases the cost and treatment time.

AND inflammatory processescaused by other bacteria includes antibiotic therapy when they destroy the main perpetrator of pathology. Then with the help of local drugs restore the normal microflora of the vagina.

Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia

This disease transmitted by sexually can also cause highlighting greenish color. Now the doctors are increasingly noting a small-axipputic course of the disease, as a result, trichomoniasis is launched. The disease can capture the cervix, the uterus itself and appendages. A woman is trying to raise dumping and local drugs from the disease, then how much easier to go to the doctor, pass tests and treat treatment. The trichomoniasis indicates the foam sections of white, yellow and green with an unpleasant smell, pain, itching and burning in urination.

For gonorrhea, the smelling thick allocations of yellow-green color, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during sex, some lift temperature body, nausea and vomiting. On the mucous membrane, there is a swelling, redness and temperature rise. Intermented bleeding and fertility problems may also occur.

Yellow-green discharge in chlamydia is very unpleasant, they are not abundant, have a thick mucous consistency. The disease manifests itself pain at the bottom of the abdomen, itching and burning in urination, general weakness and some lifting of body temperature. It is possible to pick up chlamydia, not only after sexual contact, but also with domestic communication: through a handshake, dishes, towels, washcloths, etc. After a couple of weeks, sharp symptoms of chlamydia disappear, and the disease passes into a chronic form, weakening the immune system. It causes inflammation in the fallopian tubes, ovaries and abdominal cavities. In some cases, complications affect joints, eyes and internal organs.

Disranged or insufficient attention to his health can deprive the woman of maternity happiness.

Chronic inflammation is concerned only during the period of exacerbation, but the infection continues to invisibly do its "black case" - to destroy the patches of phallopy pipes that guide the egg to the uterus; Create spikes, etc. As a result, a woman happens ectopic pregnancy, There are problems with having to-wear or she cannot get pregnant at all.