So MID. Common blood test: decoding and norms

General blood test in children and adults: the main blood indicators, their decoding, value and norm.

Common (clinical) blood test is one of the most common methods of examination, which allows the doctor to find out the causes of some symptoms (for example, weakness, dizziness, an increase in body temperature, etc.), as well as identify some diseases of blood and other organs. To carry out a general blood test, they usually take capillary blood from the finger, or blood from the vein. No special preparation for the general analysis of blood does not require, but blood for this survey is recommended to be handed over in the morning, on an empty stomach.

What kind of purpose is a common blood test?

Common blood test is a survey with which the following main human blood parameters are determined:

  • The number of erythrocytes (red blood taurus).
  • Hemoglobin level is the amount of a special substance that is contained in red blood cells and is responsible for the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to other organs.
  • The total number of leukocytes (white blood cells) and leukocyte formula (the number of different forms of leukocytes is expressed as a percentage).
  • The number of platelets (blood plates that are responsible for stopping bleeding during the damage to the vessel).
  • Hematocrit - the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the blood plasma volume ( plasma blood is part of the blood, devoid of cells).
  • The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESO) is the rate of deposition of red blood cells on the bottom of the test tube, which makes it possible to judge some of the properties of the blood.

Each of these parameters can say a lot about human health, as well as indicate possible diseases.

How is a common blood test?

Common blood test does not require special training. As a rule, the analysis is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach (or 2 hours after meals). Blood for general analysis is taken from the finger (usually, from the nameless) with the help of a special sterile tool - the scarifier. A quick movement of the hand does a small puncture of the skin of the finger, from which a drop of blood will soon appear. Blood is collected with a small pipette in a vessel resembling a thin tube. Less often, blood for general blood test is taken from Vienna.
The resulting blood is subjected to several studies: counting the number of blood cells using a microscope, measuring the level of hemoglobin, the definition of ESO.

The interpretation of the general blood test is carried out by the attending physician, but the main blood indicators you can appreciate yourself.

Decoding of general blood test

Deciphering a general blood test is carried out in several stages, during which the main blood indicators are evaluated. Modern laboratories are equipped with equipment conducted by automatic determination of the main blood parameters. Such equipment usually issues the results of the analysis in the form of a printout, in which the main blood parameters are indicated by abbreviations on english language. Below in the table will present the main indicators of the overall analysis of the blood, corresponding to them English abbreviations and norms.

The number of erythrocyte(RBC - English abbreviation red Blood Cell Count - Number of red blood cells).

Erythrocytes perform an important function of nutrition of the body tissues with oxygen, as well as removal from carbon dioxide tissues, which is then highlighted through the lungs. If the level of erythrocytes is below the norm (anemia), the body receives insufficient amounts of oxygen. If the level of erythrocytes is higher than the norm (polycythemia, or erythrocytosis) there is a high risk that red blood cells glue each other and block blood flow along the vessels (thrombosis).


4.3-6.2 x 10 at 12 degrees / l for men

3.8-5.5 x 10 at 12 degrees / l for women

3.8-5.5 x 10 at 12 degrees / l for children

Hemoglobin(HGB, HB)

Hemoglobin is a special protein that is contained in red blood cells and is responsible for the transfer of oxygen to the organs. Reducing the level of hemoglobin (anemia) leads to oxygen starvation of the body. The increase in hemoglobin, as a rule, speaks of a high number of red blood cells, or about the dehydration of the body.



Hematokritis is an indicator that reflects how blood is occupied by erythrocytes. Hematokritis, as a rule, is expressed as a percentage: for example, hematocrit (NT) 39% means that 39% of blood volume is represented by red blood tales. Increased hematocrit occurs in red blood cells (an increased amount of erythrocytes in the blood), as well as with the dehydration of the body. The reduction of hematocrit indicates anemia (reducing the level of erythrocytes in the blood), or to increase the amount of liquid blood.


39 - 49% for men

35 - 45% for women

Erythrocyte distribution width (RDWC)

The width of the distribution of red blood cells is an indicator that indicates how much erythrocytes differ in between themselves. If large and small red blood cells are present in the blood, the distribution width will be higher, such a condition is called anisocytosis. Anisocytosis is a sign of iron deficiency and other types of anemia.


The average volume of erythrocyte (MCV)

The average volume of the erythrocyte allows the doctor to obtain data on the size of the erythrocyte. The average volume of erythrocyte (MCV) is expressed in femtolytera (FL), or in cubic micrometers (MKM3). Erythrocytes with a small average volume are found in microcolitar anemia, iron deficiency anemia, etc. Erythrocytes with elevated averages are found in megaloblastic anemia (anemia, which develops with a deficiency in vitamin B12, an either pholytic acid).

Average hemoglobin content in red blood cell (MCH)

The average hemoglobin content in the erythrocyte allows the doctor to determine how much hemoglobin is contained in one erythrocyte. The average hemoglobin content in erythrocyte, MCH, is expressed in picograms (GHG). The decrease in this indicator occurs during iron deficiency anemia, an increase in megaloblastic anemia (with a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid).

26 - 34 GHG (PG)

Average hemoglobin concentration in red blood cell (MSNS)

The average hemoglobin concentration in red blood cell reflects how erythrocyte is saturated with hemoglobin. The decline in this indicator is occurring in iron deficiency anemies, as well as under thalassemia (congenital blood disease). The increase in this indicator is practically not found.

30 - 370 g / l (G / L)

Number of thrombocyte(blood plates, PLT -anglian abbreviation platelets. - Plates)

Plates are small blood discs, which are involved in the formation of a thrombus and prevent blood loss in damage to the vessels. The increase in blood platelet levels occurs in some diseases of blood, as well as after operations, after removal of the spleen. Reducing platelet levels occurs in some congenital diseases Blood, aplastic anemia (disorders of the bone marrow, which produces blood cells), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (destruction of platelets due to increased activity of the immune system), liver cirrhosis, etc.

180 - 320 × 109 / l

Number of leukocyte(WBC - English abbreviation white Blood Cell Count - Number of white blood cells)

4.0 - 9.0 × 10 V 9 degrees / l

Lymphocyte is a type of leukocyte, which is responsible for the production of immunity and the fight against microbes and viruses. The amount of lymphocytes in different analyzes can be represented as an absolute number (how many lymphocytes were found), or as a percentage ratio (which percentage of the total number of leukocytes is lymphocytes). The absolute number of lymphocytes is usually denoted by LYM # or LYM. The percentage of lymphocytes is denoted as LYM% or LY%. The increase in the number of lymphocytes (lymphocytosis) is found in some infectious diseases (rubella, influenza, toxoplasmosis, infectious mononucleosis, viral hepatitis, etc.), as well as in blood diseases (chronic lympholecosis, etc.). The decrease in the number of lymphocytes (lymphopenia) is found in severe chronic diseases, AIDS, renal failure, reception of certain drugs that overwhelm immunity (corticosteroids, etc.).


LYM # 1.2 - 3.0x109 / l (or 1.2-63.0 x 103 / μl)


MID # (MID, MXD #) 0.2-0.8 x 109 / l

MID% (MXD%) 5 - 10%

Number of granulocytes(GRA, GRAN)

Granulocytes are leukocytes that contain granules (granular leukocytes). Granulocytes are represented by 3 types of cells: neutrophils, eosinophils and basophiles. These cells are involved in the fight against infections, in inflammatory and allergic reactions. The amount of granulocytes in various analyzes can be expressed in absolute indicators (GRA #) and as a percentage of the total number of leukocytes (GRA%).

Granulocytes are usually increased in the presence of inflammation in the body. Reducing the level of granulocytes occurs during aplastic anemia (loss of bone marrow ability to produce blood cells), after receiving some drugs, as well as with a systemic red loll, (connecting tissue), etc.


GRA # 1,2-6.8 x 109 / l (or 1.2-6.8 x 103 / μl)

Number of monocytes(MON)

Monocytes are leukocytes, which, occasion, soon come out of them into the surrounding tissues, where they are converted to macrophages (macrophages are cells that absorb and digest bacteria and the deceased organism cells). The number of monocytes in various analyzes can be expressed in absolute indicators (MON #) and as a percentage of the total leukocyte (MON%). Increased maintenance of monocytes occurs in some infectious diseases (tuberculosis, infectious mononucleosis, syphilis, etc.), rheumatoid arthritis, blood diseases. Reducing the level of monocytes occurs after severe operations, taking drugs that overwhelm immunity (corticosteroids, etc.).


MON # 0.1-0.7 x 109 / l (or 0.1-0.7 x 103 / μl)

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, SE, ESR.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is an indicator that indirectly reflects the protein content in blood plasma. Increased SE indicates possible inflammation in the body due to the increased content of inflammatory proteins in the blood. In addition, the increase in ESO is found under anemias, malignant tumors, etc. The decrease in ESO is rare and talks about increased content Erythrocytes in the blood (erythrocytosis) or other blood diseases.


Up to 10 mm / h for men

Up to 15 mm / h for women

Back in the middle of the 20th century, that such a MID in the analysis of blood almost no one imagined. Such an indicator simply did not exist, and not because it was not needed or useless, but because its calculation was technically difficult to fulfill. There was no computer equipment then, the automated calculation algorithms was also not, the leukocyte formula was considered manually, and were, on the contrary, such indicators in the blood, which are not practically not used now.

Of course, it was sometimes necessary to learn some derivatives on the basis of a general blood test, which could explain to the doctor the direction of this or that process. Thus, one of the most common derivatives in the Soviet Union was the so-called leukocytarian intoxication index. To do this, it was necessary, using, conduct a series of multiplications, additions, divisions with the participation of neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and other blood cells. All this was carried out manually, and the resulting indicator was used in the clinic.

Currently, blood test performs an automatic hematological analyzer, the decoding of blood test is performed fully automatically, and the result is processed by the computer processor. This made it possible to completely eliminate the influence of the human factor, and to upload a set of additional indices into the software, which immediately calculated and seem to take care of the doctor.

Such indexes can be attributed, for example, IMM #, or ATL%. In the first case, we are talking about the absolute content of immature granulocytes, which include all leukocytes besides lymphocytes and monocytes, and the second indicator indicates a relative content of atypical lymphocytes. It can be seen that indices have a rather narrow orientation, but can help in any situation and additionally assess the condition of the body. Let's figure out what MID is, and what is MXD in blood test.

What is MID and MXD?

It is known that all leukocytes, women, men and children perform one big protective function. It can be implemented in various ways: participation in allergic processes, like eosinophils, learning immunocompetent cells, like lymphocytes, migration in tissue and participation in the form of tissue macrophages, as is customary from monocytes.

Finally, the largest population of leukocytes, which are called neutrophils, is engaged in direct search and fishing of pathogenic microorganisms, their phagocytosis and destruction. If, in general blood test, the doctor simply sees the total number of leukocytes, then it is approximately imagined that the overwhelming part of this amount is neutrophils.

In order to determine what subpopulations of other leukocytes, you need to calculate the leukocyte formula, and modern analyzers are perfectly coping with this. But in some cases it was necessary to find out, and in what dynamic state are those groups of leukocytes that exist in our blood in a small concentration. All the same neutrophils in their amount suppress them all, and it is their production mainly, and is busy red bone marrow.

And for this, it is not at all necessary to separately consider the minor concentrations of basophils, eosinophils or monocytes. This doctor sees perfectly in the leukocyte formula. For this, special indexes that we consider were introduced. They simply show the ratio of little occurring leukocyte populations to frequently encountered populations.

In other words, neutrophils and lymphocytes are in a numerator, and monocytes, basophiles and eosinophils are in the denominator. If we speak simple completely simple language, then if we take the total number of leukocytes for the population of a multinational country with one leading nation, then this indicator will say, for how many representatives of the country will have a person from national minorities.

The difference in indicators and boundaries of reference values

Blood decoding in these indicators may exist in two versions: MID (MFA) and MXD. What do these characters mean?

  • The MID analysis is an absolute number of leukocytes, as well as their predecessors or young forms, which are circulated in peripheral blood in small quantities in relation to neutrophilas and lymphocytes;
  • MXD is the same value only taken in the relative version.

What is the difference between absolute and relative content, and what does it mean? The answer is very simple: any absolute value is expressed by the number of cells per unit volume, and any relative value is expressed as a percentage relative to the overall population. Since currently computerized algorithms can make almost any calculation of the laid formula, there are a variety of erythrocyte and leukocyte indices, many of which do not require a doctor, but they are still output, "just in case."

In the blood, the MID norm is 0.2-0.8 x 109 / l. It is in such a quantity and are rarely encountered cells of white blood. If you compare this value with the number of leukocytes in the blood in general, that is, from 4-9 x 109 / l, then it can be estimated at how much there are fewer them. As for the relative content, it is usually from 5 to 10% of the general population of leukocytes.

And why determine this?

But now the most interesting. We learned what it is - MID in blood test. We learned how MXD decoded. And now imagine that the doctor on the table lays the analysis in which one of these indicators is raised. What does it mean? A smooth account - nothing. No useful information does not turn out of this analysis. He can only reliably establish what, due to some of the subpopulations of "rare" leukocytes, a jump occurred.

It may be an increase in basophils, but it is unlikely, since they are extremely few, about 1%. Most likely, this is to blame or eosinophils, or monocytes. What will the doctor do after that? That's right, but before he will look for reasons, he will want to understand which blood cells are in an increased quantity. It will open the deployed leukocyte formula, which is located right there, in the analysis of blood. And in this formula will already be shown, what is the relative content of each of the subpopulations of leukocytes.

But the opposite situation arises much more often: the doctor first looks at the leukocyte formula, and already there it becomes clear what has changed.

Of course, now it would be possible to start listed the reasons for increasing or decreasing the concentration of blood stream, monocytes and basophils, and to present a rather an impressive list. But this shaft of reference information will not have any practical value For the reader.

There may be allergies and pregnancy, and purulent processes and gliste invasions, and autoimmune diseases and malignant tumors, the use of drugs and other diseases and conditions. The only thing that cannot be here is bleeding. When bleeding, leukocytes often occurred and frequently encountered, and other groups of blood cells will be limited.

Therefore, you need to remember that this indicator is technical. Those groups of blood cells that are serviced by this indicator have different points of use in the human body, and they got into one group only by one indicator: frequent / rare ratio. Therefore, use MID and MXD indicators can only be statistically.

Practically never occurs a situation in which an increase in these indicators beyond the limits of reference values \u200b\u200bcan be attributed due to proportionally equal growth of all rarely encountered cellular elements. Most often, eosinophils are broken forward, which are a marker allergic reactions.

Therefore, this indicator does not facilitate the doctor diagnostic search: he only suggests that with the "rare" cells of white blood that happened, while the number of "frequent" remained normally (during accounting and absolute and relative values) .

In order for the results to be reliable, the fence must be carried out by following the following recommendations:

  • Blood is given on an empty stomach. After the last meal or liquid must pass at least 8 hours.
  • The patient must be in the sitting position.
  • Fits both capillary and venous blood.
  • At least three days before the examination, it should be refused to eat alcohol, as well as fatty, fried and salty foods.
  • Before analysis, it is impossible to smoke.
  • During the day before putting the material to limit physical exercise and exclude stressful situations.

The process of fence and research material

For the general analysis of blood in most cases, capillary blood is gaining. For this, a disposable scarifier is pierced unnamed finger And they collect blood into a sterile tube. This procedure is the same for both children and adults.

The scratched material is examined on:

  • percentage of leukocytes to the total volume;
  • the content of the leukocyte class, which includes the MID indicator;
  • hemoglobin level;
  • the number of platelets;
  • hematocrit level;
  • erythrocytic component;

After the readiness of the results and their decryption, the attending physician conducts an assessment of indicators and, if necessary, prescribes treatment.

Why do you need to take this analysis?

To learn about the presence of a violation in the body, in addition to MID indicators, other data is also evaluated. Common blood test helps to identify:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • disorders in the bloodwatch system;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • anemia, which is very important during pregnancy and in childhood.

What are the results of the analysis

Basically, all the designations in the MID analysis are manufactured as a percentage ratio. At the present time, decryption makes special equipment, withdrawing data in printed form, so errors are extremely rare as a result.

It should be noted that the norm in women does not differ from the male indicator, the exception is the period of menstruation when a hormonal restructuring of the body occurs.

Value ranges from 0.2 to 0.8 * 10 9 / l, in percentage ratio it is 5-10%.

Change in monocyte levels

Monocytes ensure the protection of the body from foreign cells, absorbing them. Reducing the number of cells is noted when:

  • Pregnancy. This is due to an increase in the volume of fluid in the body in the process of tooling the fetus.
  • The use of certain medical preparations that lead to anemia.
  • The depletion of the body. During this period, malfunctions occur in the work of many systems of a whole mechanism.
  • Diseases of infectious nature and purulent processes.

The increase in the indicator occurs when diseases caused by various viruses and infections. For example, when infecting blood, glides invasion, blood diseases, such as leukemia, chronic infectious states, cancer.

Violation of the amount of eosinophils

  • the presence in the body of the Glice Invasia;
  • allergic reactions of different character;
  • oncological diseases;
  • reception of drugs;
  • diseases of the breathing apparatus;
  • autoimmune organism reactions;
  • the presence of infectious diseases and purulent processes in the body.

The reduction of eosinophils indicates the presence of infection or pathological change in the tissue structure.


Speaking about what it is, it is necessary to indicate that basophilies are called white leukocyte cells. They are involved in all inflammatory processes. Basophilia occurs with increasing the number of basophils relative to the total volume of leukocytes. This happens for the following reasons:

  • allergic reactions;
  • infection with viral infection;
  • violation of the liver, hepatitis;
  • some endocrine diseases, for example, diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • gBC diseases, such as ulcers, gastritis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • oncology respiratory tract.

The reduced indicator is observed at:

  • exhaustion;
  • long-term flow of infectious disease;
  • physical overload;
  • lack of stress resistance and permanent oversupply of negative emotions;
  • pregnancy, especially in the first and second trimester;
  • increased intensity of the work of the thyroid gland;
  • reception of hormonal drugs;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • increase in the body of the level of hormones produced by adrenal glands.

Mid indicators norms

Since the level of eosinophils, basophils and monocytes in the total number of leukocytes is rather small, then these values \u200b\u200bwere combined into a single indicator. But each of them has its own functionality, and with a change in one of the factors, the whole picture changes.

If MID is reduced or elevated in blood analysis, separately consider:

  • Monocytes. The norm in men and women in the percentage ratio is 3-10%. The decrease in the indicator may speak of the exhaustion, the formation of tumors, finding in a state of shock, problems with the immune system, abuse of hormonal drugs. Increase indicates the presence of infections, inflammation.
  • Eosinophils. Norm in adults - 0.5-5%. The decrease indicates a decrease in immunity, intoxication, the presence of infection processes of an infectious nature, changes in the system of blood building. The increase occurs during the allergic reactions of the body and various invasions.
  • Basophiles. Their number of total is 0.5-1%. Changes in the large side are observed with allergies, diabetes, lung cancer, the presence of viral diseases, changes in the bloodstream system. The decrease is characteristic of the period of receiving hormonal drugs, stressful situations, infectious diseases.

The rate of indicator in children

It should be remembered when deciphering the analysis, which for MID the norm in children is slightly different from the values \u200b\u200bin adults.

  • From birth to 12 years old, the norm of monocytes is in the interval of 2-11%. After 12 years and to the adulthood, the indicator is slightly higher and ranges from 3 to 12%.
  • In children, the level of eosinophils from the first day of appearance to light and up to 18 years is located within 1-5%.
  • The number of basophils in the child changes with age. At birth, it is usually equal to zero. From 1 month to 11 years - 0.5%. From 12 to 18 years - 0.7%.

What do other meanings say in general blood test

To put an accurate diagnosis, MID values \u200b\u200bare correlated with such indicators as:

  • The number of erythrocytes (RBC). They are involved in exchange processesBy transporting oxygen into the body and deriving carbon dioxide. If their number increases, then the patient diagnose the high risk of blood cloves by sticking cells. When anemium decreases, anemia arises, that is, the body lacks oxygen, the cells are starving. The female rate is 3.9-5.5 × 10¹² / l, men's - 4.4-6.2 × 10¹² / l, children's - 3.8-5.5 × 10¹² / l.
  • The hematocrit (HCT) shows the percentage of erythrocytes to the total blood volume. The average rate in children is 32-63%, men - 39-50%, in women - 35-45%.
  • Hemoglobin (HB). A separate part of the erythrocytes, the main function of which is the saturation of the body with oxygen. A decrease occurs with anemia, a large blood loss. Increase indicates an increase in the number of erythrocytes or dehydration of the body. The value is determined depending on the age: children - 110-120 g / l, adults - 120-140 g / l.
  • Definition of erythrocyte sizes (RDWC). If their meaning is very different, then this indicates the presence of Malokrovia. Total norm is 11-14.5%.
  • The volume of erythrocytes (MCV) allows you to identify the type of anemia. Norm - 82-100 FL.
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (SE). The increase indicates the appearance of neoplasms. Norms for women - up to 15 mm / h, for children - up to 2-15 mm / h, for men - up to 10 mm / h.
  • Granulocytes (GRA). The level of grainy leukocytes increases with inflammatory processes, and decreases with the diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Monocytes (MN) destroy harmful microorganisms. The overall rate is 4-11%.
  • Lymphocytes (LYM) are responsible for the immune response when bacteria, viruses get into the body. The value decreases in the presence of chronic diseases, increases with blood diseases and infectious illness. The norm is 25-40%.
  • Platelets (PLT) are involved in the cessation of bleeding, forming blood clot at the place of injury. Norm - 175-320 × 10⁹ / l.
  • Leukocytes (WBC) protect the body from alien bodies. Their increases occurs in the presence of an infection, and the decrease in the body to weaken and exhaust the body, as well as if there is violations in the system of blood building. Normal is the indicator 4-9 × 10⁹ / l.

Healing procedures

Therapy will depend on the cause provoked an increase or decrease in MID. At a low level:

  • recommended the abolition of drugs that could lead to changes;
  • it is necessary to increase the rest time, during the treatment period, physical and emotional loads should be limited;
  • it is worth revising the diet;
  • when identifying infectious diseases, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

If MID indicators in general analysis do not correspond to the norm, this may mean that an inflammatory process is present in the body or an infectious disease begins. But before making the final conclusion, it is necessary to compare other indicators of the decryption, since the MID content in the total leukocyte mass is slightly and does not exceed 10%.

  • Diseases
  • Body parts

The subject pointer to the frequently encountered diseases of the cardiovascular system will help you with the rapid search of the desired material.

Select the part of the body you are interested in, the system will show the materials associated with it.

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Let's talk about the MID indicator in blood analysis

To obtain MID analyzes in the blood, it is necessary to go through the blood pressure from the finger, less often from the vein. This analysis will be called a common (also clinical) blood test, then from the document with the results of analysis from the decryption of indicators, it will be possible to familiarize themselves with the results of MID in the blood in one of the graph. Therefore, let's talk first about the general analysis of blood and the basic requirements for it.

Clinical analysis

Clinical blood test is one of the most frequently used examination methods. Thanks to the clinical analysis of blood, the doctor may form a more or less complete picture characterizing the patient's condition. That is why each planned inspection is accompanied by a mandatory analysis of blood. When applying with weaknesses, unexpected increase in temperature or pressure, dizziness and many other patients, the patient is given blood for analysis. So on analysis can be determined internal organs, hidden diseases, the presence of a disease, the causes of malaise (for example, reduced hemoglobin) and even the condition of the body of a woman and the fetus during pregnancy.


Common blood test is carried out in the morning and an empty stomach. And this means that it is not standing late in the evening before analyzing and in the morning of analysis. It is necessary to refrain from the use of tea and coffee. Also refrain from the use of alcohol during the day before the alleged analysis. Neglecting these rules may entail the result distortion when even healthy organism According to analyzes, the norm threshold will not pass.

Details about the analysis and preparation for it

After the procedure, be sure to have breakfast!

Blood collection process

Blood is most often taken from a nameless finger using a sterile scarifier. The doctor pierces the skin of the finger, then a drop of blood comes out of the place of the puncture. Further, the doctor, stimulating the process of flowing blood with the help of a light molding of the pillow of the finger, collects blood with a pipette in the extended vessel resembling a thin tube. After the wound is processed, the rush is applied to it. Vatka must be held on the finger until the blood stops stand out. Rarely blood can take from Vienna.

And this looks like blood taking from veins, which is also possible with this analysis

Research obtained blood

The list of blood studies includes:

  • counting the number of erythrocytes using a microscope;
  • measurement of the level of hemoglobin (determination of the amount of a special substance contained in red blood cells responsible for the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the organism organs);
  • counting leukocytes;
  • leukocyte formula (the number of all forms of leukocytes is expressed as a percentage);
  • the number of platelets (plates corresponding to the cessation of bleeding in a damaged vessel);
  • hematokritis (expression of the ratio of the volume of red cells to the volume of blood plasma);
  • EE (the rate of deposition of red blood cells).

The results of the general blood test interprets the doctor himself. But the patient has the ability to independently evaluate the indicators on the document with the results of the analysis.


After the blood fence, the time of analysis of the resulting material comes. It also consists of several stages. During the passage of the stages, the main indicators are evaluated. So in most laboratories, this feature performs special equipment that independently defines the basic parameters, and after it provides decoding of indicators. This equipment upon completion of the analyzes issues a printout with the results (abbreviation of indicators in English, their characteristic).


MID in terms of meaning and destination means the same as MXD.

MXD (produced from Middle Cells) reflects the content of the mixture of the same monocytes, basophils and eosinophils. But due to the fact that monocytes, basophiles and eosinophils are generalized called medium cells, MXD is called MID.

MID is an indicator reflecting the content of mixtures of monocytes, eosinophils, basophils and immature cells.

The MID records the percentage of middle cells to which monocytes include, basophiles (partially) and eosinophils, from the total number of blood leukocytes (MXD%). Also, the result may indicate both the absolute number (MID # / MXD #). The result MID is installed using an automatic hematological analyzer. When considering the attending physician establishes the rate or deviation (increased / reduced) the number of one of the types of cells in the indicators.

Why do this analysis need

This analysis is necessary when suspicious infectious diseases, allergies, anemia, cancer, STD, with common inwineamies.

Normal indicator

The MID # norm (MID, MXD #) is 0.2-0.8 x 109 / l (this abbreviation means the absolute cell rate per liter).

The norm MID% (MXD%) 5 is 10% (the ratio of medium cells in the body).

The parameter of the norm for men and women is one and can vary in the specified range.

Also, with detailed analysis, the concentration of some specific cells forming MID may have a value. In this case, an increased or reduced number of a certain species is established separately.

The MID analysis, as we have already found out, is associated with the concentration of the above cells in the blood. So in cases of the presence of unhealthy indicators, one type of cells simply prevails over the other / concentration of some kind of species is insufficient. This is not the norm.

So the presence of an increased amount of these cells, established when analyzing the MID, may indicate allergies, infection with worms, asthma.

Therefore, if one of the specified ailments, the doctor sends a patient to a clinical blood test, so that then explore MID indicators in decoding and assign treatment.

The reduced concentration / absence of cells is observed in severe infectious diseases, bone marrow damage, anemia. Also, a reduced may be an indicator during acute damage: shock, after surgical interventions, during injuries.

Adults and children from 13: from 0.5 to 5% of the total leukocyte / 0.02-0.3 x 109 / l.

There are also monocytes (MON) responsible for cleaning blood from all foreign onwards that can absorb fragments of alien microorganisms.

Increased parameter indicates monocytosis.

Increased value in monocytosis reports the presence of foreign in the blood, which can be characteristic of tumors and infectious diseases.

The causes of monocytosis can be:

  • acute infectious diseases (from influenza to measles and diphtheria);
  • tuberculosis;
  • connective tissue diseases (with rheumatism, red lupus);
  • protozoes / rickesciosis (for example, malaria);
  • lymphoma;
  • leukemia.

To the most frequent reasons Drops of monocytes applies to anemia.

In children from 2 years old and adults: from 3 to 9.

In children up to 2: from 3 to 15 (depending on age).

Basophiles (BA), the most small leukocytes affect the allergic states of the body.

  • with allergic conditions (after the peak of the manifestation of allergies);
  • in infectious diseases (with wind pump);
  • for diseases of the whole blood system;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • increased in the blood is also observed in women during the start of menstruation / during ovulation, which is normal.

The absence of basophils (basement) in decoding or their small amount in some cases means heptrosis, acutely occurring infections. But there is no diagnostic value at all and is usually the norm.

For all the norm is a concentration of 0-0.5.

Lymphocytes (LYM) (Helpers, Killers, Suppressors) are responsible for the body's immune response.

The increase is characteristic of ORVI, toxoplasmosis, viruses, leukemia, as well as when applying some drugs.

The decrease can be observed with tuberculosis, lupus, AIDS, when passing chemotherapy, radiotherapy.

Children up to 16: from 30 to 60 (depending on age).

Children from 16 and adults: from 20 to 40.

Neutrophils (Neut) are responsible for the destruction of pathogenic bacteria in the blood and tissues.

Neutrophilia in decoding indicates that the body is infected, when infected with the body, the number of neutrophils increases at times (to perform their main function - neutralization of bacteria).

Neutropenia (disadvantage) may be associated with blood diseases, some inflammatory processes weakening the body (flu, windmill, rubella, etc.)

In children: from 16 to 60 (depending on age).

In children from 16 and adults: from 50 to 70.

In children from 16 and adults from 1 to 3.

Remember, with ailment and doubts about the analyzes received, it is worth contacting a specialist. Both elevated and reduced indicators may indicate serious diseases.

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Mid in blood analysis is enhanced by what it should be normal?

Upon receipt of the results on the MID blood test, is elevated - what does this mean for the patient? First of all, this means that there are pathological processes in the body that affect the fluctuation of the normal level of this indicator. MID, which is also called MXD, is an analysis of a certain leukocyte complex, i.e. cells responsible for maintaining immunity and resistance to external factors. That is why the increase in its level means that the body is struggling with those or other pathological phenomena.

MID analysis, its key indicators and norms

MID is an analysis for a complex of three types of cells:

Their norms look like this:

The reduction of the level occurs simultaneously with the decrease in the amount of all other leukocyte cells, indicates a decrease in immunity, intoxication, the development of infectious inflammatory diseases

The decrease in the level causes acute infectious diseases, hormonal therapy, stress.

The decrease in the level is caused by a drop in immunity, treatment with hormonal preparations, shock, oncology.

Other indicators analyzed when blood fence for MID

In addition to MID, with a general analysis of blood, attention is drawn to other indicators.

  • erythrocytes;
  • hemoglobin;
  • hematokritis;
  • platelets;
  • leukocytes;
  • lymphocytes;
  • granulocytes;
  • some erythrocyte parameters indicating changes in the composition and properties of blood.

Their norms and features look like this:

(Counting is seafding)

The elevated level of erythrocytes threatens the formation of thrombosis due to increased blood viscosity.

The reduced level occurs with anemia.

Increased level is observed during dehydration.

The reduced level causes anemia, injuries, a lack of iron in the blood.

An increase in the rate of sediment indicates the development of the inflammatory process or tumor.

Increased level causes abundant blood loss as a result of injuries, operations, childbirth.

The slide often provokes liver cirrhosis.

Level raising cause infections.

Lower - exhaustion, blood loss, reception of some drugs.

Increase occurs during acute infectious diseases.

Level decreases in the presence of chronic diseases or AIDS.

Inflammatory processes are able to increase the level.

Downgrade - pathology of the hematopoietic system

Deviations from the norm can also cause states that are not related to diseases:


Indications to the delivery of general blood testing can be almost any complaints, as well as the need to control the course of pregnancy or therapy of the previously diagnosed previous disease.

Its accuracy is ensured by compliance with several important principles:

  1. The last meal must be at least 12 hours before the blood fence. It should not be used fried, salty or acute food as well as fast food. No need to eat too much. An analysis is carried out in the morning, until noon.
  2. You should not use alcoholic and caffery drinking drinks per night (tea relates tea), as well as - drinks with high sugar (juices, etc.). Pure water It will be best.
  3. At least 10 hours before the analysis should not smoke.
  4. During the day before the analysis, it is necessary to avoid physical and nervous voltage. On the day of delivery, the analysis is better to sleep.
  5. During the day, the analysis should also be abandoned from the reception of medical drugs or coordinate them with the attending physician, if it is impossible.
  6. Do not take the analysis during menstruation.
  7. It should not be given a general blood test immediately after passing other medical research: ECG, X-ray, fluorography.

Thank you for your understandable and explanatory article! I figured out with the analyzes, how to pass when, what to do before analyzes. Because of his stupidity, the first analysis was wrong, and now everything fell into place.

The benefit now there are many sources from which you can draw useful and understandable information. I also encountered incompetent doctors and had to resort to the help of the Internet.

What is MID and MXD indicators in blood test and what their deviations say

Upon receipt of the results of the analysis, I want to make sure of your health. It is important to know what is what the MID indicate indicates.

Blood for analysis

Causes of MID deviations

MID, or MXD laboratory indicators. They show the number of leukocytes, indicate their percentage when analyzing blood. They include monocytes, eosinophils and basophils. These components are in a small amount of blood. In violation of their normal indicator, the specialist can judge the violation of the normal operation of the body, the beginning of the development of pathogenic processes.

Depending on the change in the parameters of one of the type of leukocytes, the value of the indicator changes. For greater performance, analyzing information is carried out by a clarifying procedure using a special leukocytic formula. It includes the main components.

For female and male, the monocyte indicator is 3 - 11%. For a kindergarten, the normal level is in the range of 2 - 12%. In the case of a decrease in value, the immune system is observed, the depletion of the body. This situation is characteristic of the passage of the course of treatment based on the reception of hormonal drugs. An increase in normal value is possible in the presence of neoplasms of individual types, or infectious diseases, inflammatory nature.

The level of basophils in the human body is 0.5 - 1%. If this level is exceeded, you can judge the presence of allergic reactions, or infectious ailments. Sugar diabetes can provoke the occurrence of this situation, or pathological blood processes. An excessively low border of basophils indicates therapy with hormonal means, frequent stressful situations, or acute infectious diseases.

Mid analysis

When analyzing the blood, Mid blood is surrendered from the finger. In rare cases, the syringe for the fence of venous blood is used. Most often for the surcharge prefer the ring finger. The choice is explained by the low frequency of use during everyday work. The skin on it is quite subtle, which contributes to the rapid healing process.

Blood from finger

The tool use scarifier. It is also possible to use automatic tool - lancet. Its feature is a needle in a special plastic case. When patient, the tool opens. Thus, the risk of reuse is minimized due to this infection.

Important! In children, this procedure often causes negative emotions rather.

This can be explained by the fact that the procedure is a bit painful, especially if strongly before the bunch is strained. In order to minimize easy sensations It is worth a pre-ask if there is a lanceset. With it, you can in a short time, with a controlled depth to make a puncture. The painful sensations will be minimal.

  • before passing an analysis should exclude the use of tea, drinks containing caffeine, food 10 - 12 hours before the procedure start. The only thing that is permitted is even recommended by experts, is the use of pure water;
  • it is necessary to minimize, it is better to abandon physical activity at all, eliminate stressful situations, emotional loads. The day before it should be well able to rest over the procedure;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages, smoking is prohibited.

Analyzed indicators

In order to evaluate the patient's health status, a general blood test is needed. With it, a specialist can evaluate the clinical picture, to make respective conclusions. The procedure can be both a detailed type and abbreviated option.

Important! The abbreviated analysis is often used in cases where the patient has no specific complaints. Then the procedure for such a plan is assigned to preventive purposes.

Hemoglobin counting, leukocyte mass. Other indicators who also have their own weight include the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

If the pronounced symptoms of the disease is present, and after the procedure, deviations from normal values \u200b\u200bare visible, then the detachable option is used. It involves the use of leukocytic formula, assessment of the volume and width of red blood cells.

Adopted norms

Certain norms of MID blood components should be considered, assess their condition.

When deciphering RBC, the exact amount of red blood cells count. This is the basis of the type as part of the blood. The main functional tasks that fall on it are to transport the most important to the body of the organism. This is oxygen, carbon dioxide, amino acids. Components take part in interaction regarding the immune system. In addition, they are maintained in a balanced state acid - alkaline environment.

Upon exceeding this indicator, it is possible to conclude about the thickness of the blood composition. Such a phenomenon is dangerous, threatens the cells of the cells, which is formed by the thrombus. With a low value, specialists make conclusions about an unbalanced diet, possible starvation. Pathologies include anemia. For a female body, 3.8-5.5x10 12 / l is considered the norm, while for men this value is higher, namely 4.3-6.2x10 12 / l. The most optimal for the children's body is considered to be the value of 3.8-5.5x10 12 / l.

It should be estimated with hemoglobin. This indicator is one of the components of the units of erythrocytes. Its main functional task is to saturate the organism with oxygen. With different agers, pathological changes, or bleeding can be observed a low hemoglobin value. With dehydration, or increased quantity of red blood cells, the indicator will exceed the highest border. For men and women, the indicator 120-140 g / l is considered normal. For a children's body 110 - 120 is considered the optimal level. When evaluating the results, it is worth considering the age of the patient.

It is necessary to evaluate the distribution over the width of the erythrocytes. This process takes place with RDWC. With its increase, large and small cells are diagnosed in the blood circulation process. This leads to the development of Malokrovia. For a healthy person, the norm is considered to be the indicator 11.5 - 14.5%.

To count the number of erythrocytes, NST is evaluated, that is, hematocrit. With it, it is possible to determine the percentage ratio of red blood cells to the total blood volume. For male, 39 - 49 is considered the norm. Indicator 35 - 45% characteristic of women. For the children's body, the most optimal value is 32 - 62%.

It is necessary to estimate the volume of erythrocyte with MSV. Due to its parameters, it is possible to estimate the presence of Malokrovia in the human body. For example, in this condition, an increase in vitamin B9 and B12 is observed.


Upon receipt of the results, especially if you detected a deviation from a normal value, do not be discouraged. It is necessary to compare the indicators with others, if necessary, to carry out additional procedures. Appointment and accurate decoding clinical picture Specialist is engaged.

Small deviations in this context also depend on the state of the person. For example, indicators that do not correspond to certain parameters are observed in pregnant women, as well as after the birth of the baby. With excessive overwork, emotional overvoltage or due to transferred operational intervention, the same picture is observed.

How to get rid of varicose

The World Health Organization officially declared varicose veins from the most oparate maccasy bullies. According to the provisions for the provider of 20 years - 57% of the boiling varieties are lazy in the first 7 years, there are 29% of them in the first 3.5 do. The reasons for Cemerty are divided - from the trofext of the Torphic ulcers and caused by their cancerous opium.

About how to save your life, if you were diagnosed with Varikoz, the head of the Research Institute Phlebology and Academician of RAMS said in an interview. See full interview here.

Each of us at least once in life had to pass on the analysis. Therefore, how this process occurs, everyone knows. But there are cases when we do not know everything about what you can do, but why it is impossible, before analyzing the analysis. A few words about it.

Important rules

So, refrain from conducting x-ray research and physiological procedures before laboratory tests. The indicators will affect excessive mental load and drug intake on the eve, especially intravenously or intramuscularly. If these simple rules are not fulfilled, the results may be erroneous, and will lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

So, pretty sleep and come to the laboratory. Do not forget to calm down before the fence.

Learning to interpret the results

The alphabet of blood is not so complicated. But for many, normal indicators are mystery. How to read them right alone? What is the initially pay attention to?

Here and now will deal with the forms, with graphs, where some elements with numbers are listed.

General blood analysis

So, you already have knowledge, but to independently assign treatment yourself, customizing the rates of norm, of course, cannot be.

It should be remembered that our body is a wise system. And in the Commonwealth with an experienced doctor, it will be easier to establish all its functions. And the blood mirror will significantly help it.

Upon receipt of the results of the analysis, I want to make sure of your health. It is important to know what is what the MID indicate indicates.

Causes of MID deviations

MID, or MXD laboratory indicators. They show the number of leukocytes, indicate their percentage when analyzing blood. They are included, and. These components are in a small amount of blood. In violation of their normal indicator, the specialist can judge the violation of the normal operation of the body, the beginning of the development of pathogenic processes.

Depending on the change in the parameters of one of the type of leukocytes, the value of the indicator changes. For greater performance, analyzing information is carried out by a clarifying procedure using a special leukocytic formula. It includes the main components.

For female and male, the indicator is 3 - 11%. For a kindergarten, the normal level is in the range of 2 - 12%. In the case of a decrease in value, the immune system is observed, the depletion of the body. This situation is characteristic of the passage of the course of treatment based on the reception of hormonal drugs. An increase in normal value is possible in the presence of neoplasms of individual types, or infectious diseases, inflammatory nature.

The level in the human body is 0.5 - 1%. If this level is exceeded, you can judge the presence of allergic reactions, or infectious ailments. Sugar diabetes can provoke the occurrence of this situation, or pathological blood processes. An excessively low border of basophils indicates therapy with hormonal means, frequent stressful situations, or acute infectious diseases.

Mid analysis

When analyzing the blood, Mid blood is surrendered from the finger. In rare cases, the syringe for the fence of venous blood is used. Most often for the surcharge prefer the ring finger. The choice is explained by the low frequency of use during everyday work. The skin on it is quite subtle, which contributes to the rapid healing process.

The tool use scarifier. It is also possible to use automatic tool - lancet. Its feature is a needle in a special plastic case. When patient, the tool opens. Thus, the risk of reuse is minimized due to this infection.

Important! In children, this procedure often causes negative emotions rather.

This can be explained by the fact that the procedure is a bit painful, especially if strongly before the bunch is strained. In order to minimize the unpleasant feeling, it is worth a pre-ask if there is a lancet. With it, you can in a short time, with a controlled depth to make a puncture. The painful sensations will be minimal.

  • before passing an analysis should exclude the use of tea, drinks containing caffeine, food 10 - 12 hours before the procedure start. The only thing that is permitted is even recommended by experts, is the use of pure water;
  • it is necessary to minimize, it is better to abandon physical activity at all, eliminate stressful situations, emotional loads. The day before it should be well able to rest over the procedure;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages, smoking is prohibited.

Analyzed indicators

In order to evaluate the patient's health status, a general blood test is needed. With it, a specialist can evaluate the clinical picture, to make respective conclusions. The procedure can be both a detailed type and abbreviated option.

Important! The abbreviated analysis is often used in cases where the patient has no specific complaints. Then the procedure for such a plan is assigned to preventive purposes.

Hemoglobin counting, leukocyte mass. Other indicators who also have their own weight include the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

If the pronounced symptoms of the disease is present, and after the procedure, deviations from normal values \u200b\u200bare visible, then the detachable option is used. It involves the use of leukocytic formula, assessment of the volume and width of red blood cells.

Adopted norms

Certain norms of MID blood components should be considered, assess their condition.

When deciphering RBC, the exact amount of red blood cells count. This is the basis of the type as part of the blood. The main functional tasks that fall on it are to transport the most important to the body of the organism. This is oxygen, carbon dioxide, amino acids. Components take part in interaction regarding the immune system. In addition, they are maintained in a balanced state acid - alkaline environment.

Upon exceeding this indicator, it is possible to conclude about the thickness of the blood composition. Such a phenomenon is dangerous, threatens the cells of the cells, which is formed by the thrombus. With a low value, specialists make conclusions about an unbalanced diet, possible starvation. Pathologies include anemia. For a female body, 3.8-5.5x10 12 / l is considered the norm, while for men this value is higher, namely 4.3-6.2x10 12 / l. The most optimal for the children's body is considered to be the value of 3.8-5.5x10 12 / l.

It should be estimated with hemoglobin. This indicator is one of the components of the units of erythrocytes. Its main functional task is to saturate the organism with oxygen. With different agers, pathological changes, or bleeding can be observed a low hemoglobin value. With dehydration, or increased quantity of red blood cells, the indicator will exceed the highest border. For men and women, the indicator 120-140 g / l is considered normal. For a children's body 110 - 120 is considered the optimal level. When evaluating the results, it is worth considering the age of the patient.

It is necessary to evaluate the distribution over the width of the erythrocytes. This process takes place with RDWC. With its increase, large and small cells are diagnosed in the blood circulation process. This leads to the development of Malokrovia. For a healthy person, the norm is considered to be the indicator 11.5 - 14.5%.

To count the number of erythrocytes, NST is evaluated, that is. With it, it is possible to determine the percentage ratio of red blood cells to the total blood volume. For male, 39 - 49 is considered the norm. Indicator 35 - 45% characteristic of women. For the children's body, the most optimal value is 32 - 62%.

It is necessary to estimate the volume of erythrocyte with MSV. Due to its parameters, it is possible to estimate the presence of Malokrovia in the human body. For example, in this condition, an increase in vitamin B9 and B12 is observed.


Upon receipt of the results, especially if you detected a deviation from a normal value, do not be discouraged. It is necessary to compare the indicators with others, if necessary, to carry out additional procedures. A specialist is engaged in the appointment and accurate decoding of the clinical picture.

Small deviations in this context also depend on the state of the person. For example, indicators that do not correspond to certain parameters are observed in pregnant women, as well as after the birth of the baby. With excessive overwork, emotional overvoltage or due to transferred operational intervention, the same picture is observed.