How to quickly remove the drug from the body. How to remove excess fluid from the body? Removing toxins through fasting

After drug therapy, a person feels extremely weak. And the point is not only in the destructive power of the disease, but also in the effect of the drugs themselves. Helping a person overcome a disease, medications disrupt the smooth functioning of the immune system and the entire body.

Are exposed to the negative effects of drugs internal organs: liver, kidneys, intestines, heart, brain.

Many disorders of the body develop due to the accumulation of toxic substances accumulated after taking medications. First, drug residues settle in gastrointestinal tract, and from there they are spread by blood throughout the body.

To solve this problem, modern and traditional medicine I have collected dozens of cleansing recipes. It is recommended to use such recipes exclusively under the supervision of doctors, and better yet, in special dispensaries.

  • We recommend you read about

Benefits of regular cleaning:

  • In the future, treatment of the body cleared of toxins will become short-term and effective;
  • Systematic cleansing prevents the development of diseases.

Humans are 80% water. Without sufficient quantity the body cannot fully function. Water is involved in all life processes. Water is an indispensable sorbent for human body, provided there are no medical contraindications.


Do not confuse the usual “mineral water” and medicinal water, such as “Borjomi”, “Mirgorodskaya” and others. Using mineral water That's right, you can get rid of excess weight.

Rules for taking mineral water:

  • Take 3 times a day 20–30 minutes before meals;
  • The volume of water is determined by the formula - 6–8 ml per 1 kg of weight;
  • After a week, the dose of water consumed is halved;
  • The duration of the procedure is at least 1 month.


Salt water cleanses are used to cleanse the colon. The practice, originally from India, became familiar to us thanks to amateurs.

Rules for taking salt water:

  • Over the course of 1.5 hours, drink 2.5 liters of salted water (40 °);
  • While drinking water, perform special exercises to remove toxins;
  • The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach;
  • After cleansing, stick to your diet for 2 days.

Due to the presence of salt, water is not absorbed into the intestinal tissue and is excreted naturally, removes toxic residues.


  • It is better to drink melted or boiled tap water;
  • You need to drink 2 glasses of water per day: one in the morning on an empty stomach, the second before bed;
  • Water temperature – 40–60 º;
  • If desired, dissolve a spoonful of honey in water.

TO Repeat the cleaning process no more than 2-3 times a year. Hot water washes away calcium and potassium!

Advantages of water cleansing of the body:

  • Medicines are removed;
  • Internal organs are cleansed;
  • The immune system is strengthened;
  • Heavy metals are removed;
  • Prevention of constipation.

But remember, no matter which of the “water” methods of cleansing the body of drugs you choose, get your doctor’s consent!

Herbal cleansing

Cleansing the body with herbs is a very popular and affordable way. By choosing suitable recipes for herbal tinctures, you can easily remove toxins that have accumulated in the body after taking medications. Herbal products enhance intestinal motility and speed up the process of urination. Slags, poisons and toxins are eliminated through urine and feces. If you take herbal decoctions correctly, your body’s performance and well-being will improve within a month.

Oat decoction

Mix 1 tablespoon each of oats, hawthorn, rose hips, rowan and chopped chicory root. Pour the resulting mixture into 0.5 liters of water and boil for five minutes. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to wrap the decoction and leave for 2-3 hours. Take 5 times a day, 5 tablespoons.

Flax seeds

Blood, normalize work, remove toxic medicinal substances from the liver. Mix with cold water in a 1:1 ratio (no more than 200 ml). Boil the resulting mixture over low heat, stirring continuously. The broth is considered ready when it acquires the consistency of jelly. Remove from heat, strain and drink within an hour. The duration of the procedure is 1 month.


Drink made from nettle leaves - effective remedy to cleanse the body of medicines. To prepare nettle infusion you will need 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves, steamed with 2 liters of boiling water. Infuse the mixture and take throughout the day. The course of the procedure is 2 weeks.

Any method of removing toxic substances from the body can be hazardous to health! Since, together with toxins, some of the vitamins, proteins and minerals essential for the body are removed.


Whatever method you use to cleanse the body of drugs, be sure to combine it with proper nutrition. Then the cleaning will go faster. The main principles of nutrition when cleansing the body:

  • Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, fresh herbs - they contain. Eat bran bread, oatmeal, buckwheat and barley porridge;
  • In winter, nourish your body with juices and multivitamins, which will remove toxins and strengthen the immune system;
  • Eat foods that contain beneficial bacteria - fermented milk, homemade pickles, sauerkraut, natural yogurt, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • Broths – chicken or beef – have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal system.


For rehabilitation, the doctor may prescribe general strengthening procedures: gymnastics, hardening, visiting the sauna.

  • . Spend 15–20 minutes a day doing gymnastics. By using simple exercises for breathing, intestinal function will be restored.
  • Bath and sauna. Waste and toxic substances are removed from the body during sweating. Therefore after drug treatment A visit to a bathhouse or sauna will help you recover.

As you can see, there are many ways to cleanse the body of medicinal toxins. But remember that before each procedure to remove toxins from the body, consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination.


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✅Often, for chronic diseases, some drugs are prescribed for a long period, sometimes for life. And, as we know, there are two ways to remove substances foreign to the body - through the LIVER and the KIDNEYS.

There are a number of medications that have a negative effect on the kidneys. This effect is mainly observed with prolonged use of drugs. But there are medications that can disable this organ even when taken for a short time.

What medications most often damage the kidneys?

I want to talk about the drugs that most often cause kidney damage. This does not mean that you should absolutely not drink them - in most cases, if taken correctly and the dosage is observed, negative phenomena do not develop.

But, if you already have chronic kidney disease, prescribing these medications may cause their condition to worsen - both you and your doctor need to keep this in mind.

What medications negatively affect kidney health?

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs

This is the most popular group of drugs, which in the vast majority are taken without a doctor’s prescription. Agree, in almost every person’s medicine cabinet you can find paracetamol, aspirin or analgin.

Analgin and nimesulide pose a particular danger to the kidneys. This drug reduces blood supply to the kidneys. Long-term and uncontrolled use of NSAIDs can lead to serious organ damage and the development of kidney failure.

2. Antibiotics and antifungals

Here is a list of drugs that have the most nephrotoxic effect:

amphotericin B, vancomycin, rifampicin, ristomycin, neomycin, florimycin, trimethoprim (co-trimoxazole), pyrazinamide, the antifungal drug griseofulvin, as well as ciprofloxacin, vancomycin, sulfonamides.

3. Proton pump blockers

These drugs are very common today - they are used for gastritis and peptic ulcer, they are often taken by patients for heartburn. These drugs include omeprazole, pantoprazole and other drugs in this series. And most often they are bought without a doctor’s prescription.

According to a study at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, taking a PPI twice a day increased the risk of chronic kidney disease by 46%.

4. Antiviral agents

Medicines that are used for herpetic infection and others viral diseases, can have a dramatic negative impact on kidney function. Acyclovir, indinavir, and tenofovir have the most pronounced negative effect.

5. Blood pressure medications

Not all drugs prescribed for high blood pressure, have nephrotoxicity. But it is most pronounced in the group of sartans (to which valsarsan belongs).

Taking ACE inhibitors - captopril, lisinopril, ramipril - can also lead to a decrease in normal kidney function.

In any case, the negative effect on the kidneys of these drugs is indicated in the instructions for use. This negative aspect does not manifest itself in all patients who take the above medications.

The appropriateness of prescribing drugs is determined by the attending physician carefully weighing the benefits of medications and possible harm for health.

Do not self-medicate, or do it very thoughtfully. And if you have chronic kidney diseases, always tell your doctor about them, even if you came to him for a completely different problem. published.

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; be sure to consult a doctor for advice.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Saved the family from a terrible curse. My Seryozha hasn’t drunk for a year now. We struggled with his addiction for a long time and unsuccessfully tried a lot of remedies over these long 7 years when he started drinking. But we made it through, and all thanks to...

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Anti-binge drinking pills are a means of quickly getting both an alcoholic and a person who has taken a large dose of alcohol back on their feet.

Considering that uncontrolled consumption of ethyl drinks threatens with serious consequences (anemia, pancreatitis, nephropathy, gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver), medications are used to combat addiction, aimed at developing an aversion to alcohol, cleansing and restoring the body.

In severe cases, after binge drinking, detoxification therapy is carried out to accelerate the elimination of poisons, which is combined with the use of sedatives and hypnotics.

Let's look at how to overcome alcoholism without the drinker's knowledge and restore damaged health.

Drugs that cause aversion to alcohol

This group of drugs includes substances that suppress the synthesis of the toxic breakdown product of ethyl alcohol (acetal dehydrogenase enzyme). If a person drinks alcohol while taking them, he will feel signs of severe alcohol intoxication (weakness, nausea, sweating, headache, tremor), without even having time to get drunk. Severe vomiting appears, breathing becomes difficult, facial flushing is observed, and fear of death arises. As a result of these phenomena, a negative conditioned reflex reaction to the smell and taste of ethanol is developed.

Averting drugs for drunkenness: “Teturam”, “Esperal” (mistakenly called “Spiral”), “Torpedo”, “Ciamid”, “Lidevin”, “Disulfiram”, “Kolme”, “Tetlong-250”.

Pills that reduce cravings for drinking

Drugs in this group are classified as homeopathic remedies, due to which they have a much gentler effect on the patient’s body than aversive agents. After consumption, the medicine immediately penetrates into the brain tissue through the bloodstream, completely blocking the harmful effects of alcohol, thereby reducing the craving for alcoholic beverages. In addition, the spectrum of action of this category of drugs is aimed at stimulating the production of adrenaline and endorphin, improving the general well-being of the patient, neutralizing the symptoms of irritability, eliminating the feeling of anxiety that torments an alcoholic during the period of abstinence from drinking ethyl cocktails.

The best drugs for eliminating binge drinking and suppressing the craving for alcohol: “Torpedo”, “Vivitrol”, “Balansin”, “Proproten-100”. They are available in pharmacies without prescriptions.

Hangover pills

To return to normal health, the patient is required to be prescribed medicines, eliminating withdrawal symptoms. However, you should not get carried away with them and use them very often, since such drugs contain aggressive acids that have a damaging effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

List of hangover medications at home:

  1. "Zorex Morning" (analogue of "Alka-Seltzer"). Effervescent tablets include: aspirin, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. The product is indicated to eliminate migraines, nausea and dizziness.

Dosage regimen: in the morning (preferably on an empty stomach) drink a glass of water with a couple of dissolved tablets. In case of a severe hangover, it is permissible to consume up to 8 “fizzy drinks” per day. The minimum interval between taking tablets is 4 hours.

In case of an overdose, skin rashes, difficulty breathing, tinnitus, heartburn, Quincke's edema, and epigastric pain may occur.

Main contraindications: bronchial asthma, stomach ulcer, hemorrhagic diathesis, acute liver failure, pregnancy, gout, lactation.

  1. "Alka-prime." The drug contains glycine, citric acid, aspirin and sodium bicarbonate. The medicine not only relieves headaches and nausea, but also calms the nervous system. Alka-Prim is used several times a day, 2 pieces between meals. However, in this case, the maximum period of admission should not exceed 7 days.
  2. "Metadoxil" The drug contains medichronal and B vitamins, which neutralize the toxic breakdown product of ethyl (acetaldehyde), thereby reducing the destructive effect of alcohol on the liver.

"Metadoxil" is effective for chronic alcoholism, liver failure, and acute withdrawal syndrome. Tablets are consumed twice a day (1 piece) for 1-3 months (depending on the patient’s condition). However, in order to relieve a severe hangover, it is better to use a dropper with metadoxyl (for 2.5-3 hours).

During pregnancy, lactation and Parkinson's disease, it is better to refrain from taking this medication.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM for many years. It’s scary when the craving for alcohol destroys a person’s life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and wives lose their husbands. Often it is young people who become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to their health.

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  1. "Limontar." The medicine contains organic acids (succinic and citric), which accelerate the utilization of harmful poison (acetaldehyde) to acetic acid. "Limontar" is used not only for withdrawal symptoms, but also to eliminate fetal hypoxia in case of miscarriage.

In case of binge drinking, take tablets every 2 hours for 8-10 days. Considering that limontar does not have a pronounced therapeutic effect on alcoholics, it is advisable to combine treatment with the drug with other medications.

Contraindications for use: gastric ulcer, glaucoma, hypertension, ischemia.

The duration of use of drugs to relieve withdrawal symptoms is prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the patient’s condition and individual characteristics body.

Sedative therapy for binge drinking

Considering that breaking out of binge drinking is often accompanied by nervous disorders, sedatives play an important role in the fight against drunkenness. These drugs help cope with emotional overexcitement, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, anxiety, seizures, depression and high blood pressure.

The most effective and good sedative pills:

  1. "Relanium" ("Diazepam", "Sibazon"). These are drugs from the benzodiazepine group that reduce the excitability of the subcortical areas of the brain.

For detoxification, use a solution for intravenous administration(10 mg every 4 hours). The drug has pronounced sedative and antispasmodic effects.

  1. "Propazine." A neuroleptic drug used to combat psychoses accompanied by mental and motor agitation.

"Propazin" has a sedative, antiallergic, antiemetic and hypotensive effect on the body.

Dosage regimen: intramuscularly - 10-30 ml (0.5%), intravenously - 1-2 ml injection (2.5%). To dilute the medicine, use a solution of novocaine (0.5%), glucose (40%) or sodium chloride. The frequency of injections is 2-3 times a day.

  1. "Carbamazepine". It is an anticonvulsant with antidepressant and analgesic effects. This tool helps reduce nervous excitability, anxiety, body tremors, and gait disturbances.

To relieve withdrawal symptoms, Carbamazepine is prescribed orally 200 mg three times a day (regardless of meals) instead of a dropper. With prolonged drinking bouts single portion It is advisable to increase the substance to 400 mg.

  1. Thiamine (vitamin B1). Supports work nervous system, eliminates manifestations of psychosis, prevents alcoholic neuropathy, memory impairment and encephalopathy. Thiamine helps to remove a person from long-term drinking and replenish the lack of vitamin B1 in the body.

To treat an alcoholic, thiamine bromide is used, which is administered parenterally at 2-3 ml per day in a 6% solution. The remaining amount of the drug (up to 200 ml) is used orally for 2-4 weeks.

Detoxification products

Drug treatment of binge drinking is aimed, first of all, at accelerating the elimination of toxic products of ethyl breakdown (in particular acetaldehyde). Considering that alcoholics have impaired metabolism of essential substances, with excessive consumption of alcohol, the liver does not have time to utilize the harmful toxin. As acetaldehyde accumulates in organs and tissues, destructive changes occur. Therefore, it is important to help the body remove toxic substances. However, detoxification therapy can only be used after complete sobering up from drinking.

Names of drugs for cleansing the body:

  1. "Unithiol." An effective detoxifying agent aimed at neutralizing harmful substances and restoring the functions of affected enzyme systems of the body.

In case of chronic alcoholism, “Unitol” is used at home as an adjuvant for the relief of acute psychoses, in particular “delirium tremens” (in complex therapy). Dosage regimen: 3-5 ml of solution (5%) 2-3 times a week.

  1. "Sodium thiosulfate". This is a powerful express remedy for intoxication and poisoning. The drug has a pronounced detoxifying, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect on the body of an alcoholic.

The main advantage of this drug is that it once and for all eliminates the craving for alcohol without a hangover. Moreover he colorless and odorless, i.e. to cure a patient of alcoholism, it is enough to add a couple of drops of medicine to tea or any other drink or food.

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Toxins damage cells and interfere with the normal functioning of organs and systems. In the practices of traditional medical systems, there are complexes aimed at cleansing the body of waste and toxins.

Detoxification is a complex of effects aimed at disinfecting and removing endogenous and exogenous toxins from the body. Toxins affect:

  • nervous system;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • immune system;
  • lungs;
  • skin;
  • circulatory system.

When a toxin is introduced into the body, it tries to get rid of the damaging agent on its own, using immune mechanisms. The immune system inactivates:

  • high molecular weight xenobiotics;
  • bacterial toxins;
  • enzymes, etc.

The table lists the main immune-forming organs and their role in natural system detoxification:

Composition of the immune system Major organs Role in providing immunity
Central bodies of the system Thymus gland Maturation of T-lymphocytes, synthesis of thymic hormones that stimulate immunity
Bone marrow Maturation of humoral immune cells (B-lymphocytes, macrophages)
Lymphoid formations Lymph nodes Filtration of lymph, organs of interaction of immunocompetent cells (T- and B-lymphocytes, macrophages), synthesis of immunoglobulins
spleen Filtration, phagocytosis, antibody synthesis
Immunocompetent cells Lymph cells, macrophages Identification, biotransformation of toxins
Organs of natural detoxification liver Detoxification by incorporating medium molecular weight xenobiotics and endogenous toxins into biochemical reactions using enzymes
kidneys Maintaining chemical homeostasis by eliminating toxins and metabolic products in the urine
lungs Biological filter against exogenous toxins
leather Elimination of heavy metal salts and organic toxins with low and medium molecular weight through sweat. Sebaceous glands excrete fatty acids and medicines

However, the immune system does not always cope with intoxication on its own. In order to help the body, you should use detoxification methods.

Depending on the type of toxin, the route of entry into the body and the mechanism of distribution, they are used for detoxification. different types medications and non-drug methods.

To cleanse the body of toxins, drugs administered in various ways are used:

  • directly into the bloodstream - intravenous injections, infusions;
  • into the gastrointestinal tract cavity.

Drugs are selective - antidotes to a specific type of toxic substance and wide range actions.

Also divided into drugs aimed at:

  • enhancing physiological detoxification:

- stimulating motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, including emetic;

- laxatives;

— providing water-electrolytic load;

- diuretics and saluretics;

  • artificial detoxification:

— adsorbents;

- pharmacological antagonists;

- blood substitutes, etc.

Except medications artificial detoxification using hardware methods:

  • dialysis;
  • laser irradiation of blood;
  • hemosorption and lymphosorption;
  • plasmapheresis;
  • blood transfusion.

Drugs used to stimulate the body's natural defenses work when the immune system only needs to be “boosted.”

Stimulators of intestinal motility

Drugs that stimulate intestinal motility are based on several mechanisms. Emetics free the gastrointestinal tract from food gruel and toxins.

Gastrointestinal stimulants inhibit cholinesterase and interact with serotonin receptors, thereby causing an increase in intestinal motility:

  • Kalimin;
  • Coordinax;
  • Peristyl;
  • Prozerin.

Herbal stimulants include juniper berries and oregano herb.

By enhancing the contraction of the muscular wall of the intestine, drugs promote the rapid elimination of toxins, shorten the time of their action in the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the reabsorption of pathological substances.


According to their mechanism of action, laxatives are divided into:

  • chemical irritants to receptors in the intestinal walls;
  • mechanical stimuli to receptors in the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • softening stool.

The group of laxatives includes synthetic drugs;

  • Kafiol;
  • Laminaride;
  • Vegaprat;
  • Glycelax;
  • Guttalax;
  • Duphalac;
  • Mukofalk et al.

Natural include extracts, tinctures or dry raw materials:

  • hay;
  • Joster bark laxative;
  • brittle buckthorn bark;
  • kelp thallus;
  • anise fruit.

Preparations for maintaining water and electrolyte balance

In case of intoxication great value has the preservation of the amount of fluid in the body, the level of nutrients and a certain pH. Any disruption of homeostasis can lead to serious consequences. To maintain water-mineral homeostasis, use:

  • Gastrolit;
  • Dimephosphene;
  • Sodium chloride;
  • Ringer's Acetate;
  • Trometamol;
  • Gelofusin.

In addition to preserving water and minerals in the body, medications increase diuresis and help remove toxins from the kidneys.

Diuretics and saluretics

Increasing diuresis is one of the main methods in the complex treatment of intoxications. Increasing the filtration of fluid in the glomeruli of the kidney does not play such a significant role in therapy as the ability of diuretics to remove fluid from tissues, organs and serous cavities, reducing edema.

The drugs differ in their site of action and results. The following diuretics are used in the treatment of intoxication:

  • Aquaphor;
  • Acripamide;
  • Britomar;
  • Bufenox;
  • Veroshpiron;
  • Hypothiazide;
  • Diuver et al.

In addition to synthetic ones, natural ones based on plant raw materials are also used:

  • birch buds;
  • corn silk;
  • burdock roots;
  • bearberry;
  • black cohosh;
  • juniper fruits;
  • sequences, etc.

The main method is antidote therapy.


Antidotes exist for a limited number of toxic substances, and their mechanism of action is so diverse that all classifications are arbitrary. But in clinical practice it is customary to distinguish the following groups of antidotes:

  • adsorbents, their mechanism is based on physical impactactivated carbon, Enterosgel, Almagel, Hydrolytic lignin, Sorbex;
  • chemical absorbents that neutralize poisons by involving them in oxidation, reduction, and chelating reactions - these drugs are used for detoxification with heavy metal salts;
  • drugs that form compounds with a high degree of affinity for toxins, such as cyanides - Acizol, Bianodin, Desferal, Artamin;
  • biochemical, accelerating the biotransformation of toxic substances, such as alcohol - N-AC-ratifarm;
  • pharmacological antagonists - compete with toxins for “ownership” of enzymes - Flumazenil, Atropine, Esmolol, Naloxone, Nalorphine;
  • immunological antidotes - serums prescribed for the treatment of bites of snakes, insects and poisonous animals.

When detoxifying at home, you should strictly follow the recommended doses, adhere to the regimen developed by your doctor, and take the medications for a certain time.

The use of even over-the-counter medications can lead to loss of trace elements, vitamins, minerals and dehydration.

Often, for chronic diseases, some drugs are prescribed for a long period, sometimes for life. And, as we know, there are two ways to remove substances foreign to the body - through the LIVER and the KIDNEYS.

There are a number of medications that have a negative effect on the kidneys. This effect is mainly observed with prolonged use of drugs. But there are medications that can disable this organ even when taken for a short time.

What medications most often damage the kidneys?

I want to talk about the drugs that most often cause kidney damage. This does not mean that you should absolutely not drink them - in most cases, if taken correctly and the dosage is observed, negative phenomena do not develop.

But, if you already have chronic kidney disease, prescribing these medications may cause their condition to worsen - both you and your doctor need to keep this in mind.

What medications negatively affect kidney health?

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs
This is the most popular group of drugs, which in the vast majority are taken without a doctor’s prescription. Agree, in almost every person’s medicine cabinet you can find paracetamol, aspirin or analgin.

Analgin and nimesulide pose a particular danger to the kidneys. This drug reduces blood supply to the kidneys. Long-term and uncontrolled use of NSAIDs can lead to serious organ damage and the development of kidney failure.

2. Antibiotics and antifungals
Here is a list of drugs that have the most nephrotoxic effect:

amphotericin B, vancomycin, rifampicin, ristomycin, neomycin, florimycin, trimethoprim (co-trimoxazole), pyrazinamide, the antifungal drug griseofulvin, as well as ciprofloxacin, vancomycin, sulfonamides.

3. Proton pump blockers
These drugs are very common today - they are used for gastritis and peptic ulcers, and they are often taken by patients for heartburn. These drugs include omeprazole, pantoprazole and other drugs in this series. And most often they are bought without a doctor’s prescription.

According to a study at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, taking a PPI twice a day increased the risk of chronic kidney disease by 46%.

4. Antiviral agents
Medicines used for herpes infections and other viral diseases can have a dramatic negative impact on kidney function. Acyclovir, indinavir, and tenofovir have the most pronounced negative effect.

5. Blood pressure medications
Not all drugs prescribed for high blood pressure are nephrotoxic. But it is most pronounced in the group of sartans (to which valsarsan belongs).

Taking ACE inhibitors - captopril, lisinopril, ramipril - can also lead to a decrease in normal kidney function.

In any case, the negative effect on the kidneys of these drugs is indicated in the instructions for use. This negative aspect does not manifest itself in all patients who take the above medications.

The appropriateness of prescribing medications is determined by the attending physician after carefully weighing the benefits of the medications and the possible harm to health.

Do not self-medicate, or do it very thoughtfully. And if you have chronic kidney diseases, always tell your doctor about them, even if you came to him for a completely different problem.