We are planning the zodiac sign of the unborn child. Pregnancy horoscope: Tarot layout for conception for the Aries sign method: proper nutrition

Dear parents, hello! My deepest bow to you for becoming parents! Now, it’s probably worth understanding what treasure was born in your family, and how to treat this treasure?

Let's start with Aries!!! First sign of the zodiac!

Aries personality structure

  1. The Aries child immediately shows his fiery nature. He is impulsive in decisions and actions, open and persistent. He considers himself the main figure in the house, and it seems to him that he is the reason for everything.
  2. He is curious, his fiery nature does not allow him to sit in one place for a long time and do something. for a long time, he is always looking for something new, still unknown. Obstacles irritate him, he goes ahead if something or someone prevents him from getting what he wants.
  3. Children born under this constellation are huge fidgets. They are characterized by impulsive actions: do first, and only then think. In Aries, you need to cultivate the ability to think logically and think before throwing yourself into the pool headlong.
  4. Aries children have a lively mind and a rich imagination; they instantly switch from one thing to another. To accustom little Aries to discipline and finishing things, start by finishing the game in 15-20 minutes and, most importantly, getting a result from it (build a house out of cubes, color a picture, etc.).
  5. Parents need to gradually teach their child to persevere in achieving goals. Lack of perseverance can later become a big obstacle when the child goes to school. It may turn out that he will only succeed in those subjects that he likes. At school their legs will show better results than heads. There will be an "A" in physical education. Mathematics - optional.
  6. The Aries child is quite open. He will not harbor a grudge and is not inclined to withdraw into himself. He usually has good mood- He has nothing to fear, because he is always confident in himself.
  7. Parents should be involved in their children's lives, pay attention to problems, talk more, and take punitive measures as little as possible. The less aggression an Aries child sees, the better. He, of course, will give in to his parents, because for now he is weaker, but then he will show obstinacy and dictatorial habits in adulthood.
  8. To give little Aries the opportunity to throw out his energy for peaceful purposes, he needs to be enrolled in a sports section, allowed to run with his peers in the yard, but under the supervision of adults, otherwise he will definitely put together some kind of team that will explore the world using its own methods. Any active activity is necessary for children of this sign - they must realize their increased energy potential in order to develop normally. Physical labor, joint games and work not only improve family relationships, but also concentrate attention and help acquire the necessary skills. And parents must come to terms with the fact that they will also have to run races, play ball, compete, climb mountains, etc.
  9. He benefits from educational games and logical tasks; he definitely needs to read books, watch films about noble heroes, adventures and exploits. But not for long. Any prolonged game or movie will cause Aries to become bored and lose interest.
  10. If Aries is quiet, it means he is now building something. Because Aries is a builder. Mars is the builder and that is why these children love to build. Among their toys, the most popular ones are those that can be used to build - construction sets, cubes. Sometimes they play doctors because Mars is a surgeon.
  11. Aries has a competitive spirit; they strive for primacy in everything. Winning is very important to them. Aries' interest can be warmed up by challenging him to competitions and setting new challenges for him. For example, you can say: “Let's see which of us is better at washing the dishes, or folding books, etc.”
  12. Aries is better not to give sharp orders like: “Quickly tidy up all the toys!” When raising an Aries child, you cannot resort to harsh measures: you do not need to shout at them, force them, and especially punish them with a belt. Otherwise, the effect of such upbringing will be exactly the opposite. He needs to explain what he did wrong, to clearly justify everything, addressing him in a calm, patient and, at the same time, persistent tone.
  13. To influence Aries' behavior or mood, you can switch his attention to something new.
  14. You should not put harsh prohibitions on him, otherwise he will direct his energy to fight these prohibitions and those who set them.
  15. To prevent little Aries from growing up selfish, be sure to show your love not only to him, but also to the rest of the family. The problem with children of this sign is that they often take into account only their own opinion, regardless of the opinions of others. Aries strives for primacy and only his own desires are important to him. Therefore, from early childhood, he needs to be shown that when solving some issues, the desires of not only one person should be taken into account. Don't forget that you are an example for your child.
  16. If your child has done something wrong, you should not speak negatively about his personality ("You're stupid, stupid, slob..."). It is better to express your dissatisfaction with the actions of the child, and not with his personality ("This is an ugly or wrong thing to do"), and be sure to immediately talk about how other people might perceive it.
  17. Little Aries should be given fortresses, soldiers, weapons, cubes, various construction sets, racing cars. And your baby will be happy!!!


Favorable days for conception

The best time to conceive a child in 2020 for Aries is the period when the Sun moves through the zodiac sign Aries, corresponding to the sign of the woman. Nature itself suggests this time. After all, girls' first periods begin on their birthday.

The period itself is the process of destroying an unfertilized egg. Obviously, by this process, nature indicates that on her birthday, or within 2 weeks before or after it, a woman is best ready to conceive.

Conception calendar for Aries

From January 21 to February 19;
From March 21 to August 23;
From September 24 to December 21.

Do not forget to calculate from these periods - new moons, full moons and eclipses.

Unfavorable days for conception

1. First of all, it is necessary to exclude women from the conception calendar 13 days after the start of menstruation, if menstruation lasts more than 13 calendar days.

2. It is necessary to exclude the period of the Zodiac sign from the conception calendar of an Aries woman Capricorn(12.22-20.01), in which children of the opposite sign of Libra are conceived.

3. It is necessary to exclude the period of the Zodiac sign from the conception calendar of an Aries woman Pisces(20.02-20.03), which can cause the birth of 7 month old children.

If a woman of the sign of Aries conceives a child in Pisces, then 7 months of pregnancy will occur in the opposite sign of Aries - Libra, which can cause premature birth. In this case, this baby will be difficult to go out and raise, since it will not yet be fully developed.

4. It is necessary to exclude the period of the Zodiac sign from the conception calendar of an Aries woman Virgo(24.08-23.09), which can cause the birth of 7 month old children.

Although these are more developed 7 month old children, since their zodiac sign coincides with the mother’s zodiac sign. And it's a small risk, but may be too dangerous for some women.

Astrology today is greatly developing among mothers who are planning a child. The trend of moms towards astrology has even been called “Momstrology”. But before you plan for your child, it's best to reconsider your own zodiac sign. Analyze your own personality traits according to your zodiac. Astrology, of course, is a science rooted in dozens of treatises dating back to ancient times. Although there are skeptics, there are also millions of people who love reading their daily horoscope. Through astrology, you can either plan your child's zodiac sign. Choosing the time to conceive so that the child is most compatible with your own zodiac sign. Read about how to get pregnant quickly based on your sign.


The Aries personality is a born leader. Aries people love a sense of adventure and are always restless. To get pregnant, the best time would be:

  • June 25 - July 15
  • October 25 – November 15
  • February 25 – March 15

Aries is considered a fire sign, and so your child should be too. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Your child will share your interests and adapt to spontaneity. He will be just as curious and always in hyper motion. As an Aries, you can be quite open with your child.


You are extremely focused on specific things in life and will do the same for your children. You are particular about good manners and outward appearances. So if your children are on the wrong side of your nature, it can create a problem that requires more effort than usual. It is best to plan your pregnancy on these dates.

  • July 25 - August 15,
  • November 25 – December 15
  • March 25 - April 15.

Those who prefer to live by tradition and culture are the more earthly signs such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. You can recognize an earth mom because she will always be a stickler for tradition. And that's great because then every holiday will be celebrated as it should be, tradition and family go hand in hand so that's great family stability for you. The children of the Earth will love and respect your values.


They love to play and are not easily upset by stress and life problems. You enjoy a laid-back attitude and take on challenges easily. A Gemini mother should plan to conceive during:

  • August 25 – September 15
  • December 25 – January 15
  • April 25 - May 15

It is best that you plan for a child with an air sign such as Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, as the relationship will be like a walk in the park full of fresh air. You will both be involved in a vibrant conversation as you and your baby enjoy talking. There will be common interests and there will be a good balance with your child. You will be like a mother and a friend.


The type of mother who understands the child and will even understand what the child needs. It's not that other moms don't have maternal instincts, every mom is special. But Cancer will love you especially. However, it may scare some around you. Because you have your mommy instinct tuned to perfection, but you are also your baby's best protector. Cancer moms should plan the concept around:

  • July 25 - August 15
  • November 25 – December 15
  • March 25 – April 15

Although you are a water sign, it is best to plan for Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus, as all three of these signs are also perfectionists. Cancer mom will be more suited to their needs and good for their self-esteem.


Can be cruel and a bit narcissistic. Leo - mothers are confident and will always be proud of their child. Better days for conception for mothers in Lviv:

  • June 25 - July 15
  • October 25 – November 15
  • February 25 - March 15.

The signs that are most compatible with Leo are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius as they are all fire signs like you. Your children will be more in tune with your zeal, passion and youthful spirit. They too can become just as passionate about life.


Mom who loves and protects environment After all, she is an Earth sign. Virgos are perfectionists and prefer everything that is well organized and clear to understand. The best days of conception for Virgo mothers:

  • September 25 – October 15
  • January 25 – February 15
  • May 25 -June 15

The signs most compatible with a Virgo mother are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The only way to ensure stability for a Virgo mom is to have a child with these compatible sign. Although a Virgo mom lacks empathy, she will deal well with her children's problems in life, such as at home or at school. She will be a practical parent.


Extravagant, who is a very cool mother. Libra always wants the best for her child, but she has no sense of balance. They need to work hard to teach their children about the more important issues in life. Best time to be a Libran mom:

  • September 25 – October 15
  • January 25 – February 15
  • May 25 - June 15.

Such dates will give you a child who will fall under the signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. These are emotional signs that will benefit mom with a more positive and brighter attitude. Your children will not want you to live in denial about anything in life, and you will never allow them to be depressed.


An independent mom who can be difficult to handle. Scorpio mom tends to be strong and demands too much. For the most compatible children, a Scorpio mother should plan to conceive during:

  • June 25 - July 15
  • October 25 – November 15
  • February 25 – March 15

These dates will give you an Aries, Sagittarius or Leo child who is passionate about things. There may be differences and arguments, but you will protect and save your child from possible mistakes.


As a mom, you will be energetic, bursting with energy and love. Sagittarius moms are free-spirited, energetic and positive, who will also encourage their children to do the same. They will encourage the child's adventurous nature. The best dates for conception are:

  • August 25 – September 15
  • December 25 – January 15
  • April 25 - May 15

This will give you Libra, Gemini or Aquarius children who will enjoy life just as much as you do. Your children will also be social and curious about everything, and will also be affectionate towards you.

  • June 25 - July 15
  • February 25 – March 15
  • February 25 – March 15

These dates will give you an Aries, Sagittarius or Leo child who will complement your parenting style. These children may feel a little limited at first, but they will soon gain a sense of security. You will teach your children how to manage money and respect its value. They will also achieve great success simply because you will be their biggest motivation.


You'll help your children learn from their failures and emphasize the value of relationships over money. The best time for an Aquarius mother to plan a baby:

  • July 25 - August 15
  • November 25 – December 15
  • March 25 - April 15.

You will give birth to a Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo child who will value you as his hero and an exemplary model for life.


A Pisces mother will be emotional and obsessed with her children. While this is good for the baby, it can be a problem as the baby gets older. When planning a pregnancy, consider the following times:

  • September 25 – October 15
  • January 25 – February 15
  • May 25 - June 15.

These dates will give you compatible signs of Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer. You and your children will be lovers of art and the finer things in life; you will appreciate music together.

Young people, when thinking about having a child, often think about the baby’s horoscope. How to plan the zodiac sign of your unborn child? In this article you will find a table of zodiac signs by date of conception, as well as an astrologer’s opinion on whether you need to plan anything at all.

The most favorable is considered to be the compatibility of signs of the same element:

For example, if the parents are Taurus and Virgo, then presumably the best option for the child would be one of the signs of the Earth element.

The compatibility of zodiac signs of related elements is considered favorable. Fire is with Air, and Earth is with Water.

Sometimes women ask an astrologer about fertile periods. To give birth to an Aries, you need to conceive in what month? Or to give birth to a Libra child? You will find the answer in the table below.

Table for determining the zodiac sign by date of conception

Is it worth planning your child's horoscope?

Many expectant mothers diligently calculate successful dates for conception so that the baby is born under the “correct” sign. But is it worth doing this? Is such forethought necessary?

PERSONAL FORECAST FOR 2020 - calculated based on your PERSONAL birth data. Plus you will receive a calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for the whole year.

The chosen zodiac sign does not guarantee that your relationship with your child will be ideal. Astrologers know that character is influenced not only by the position of the Sun in his horoscope (this is the same zodiac sign we are familiar with), but also by the position of the Moon and planets.

Depending on how all these celestial bodies at the moment of birth, the child’s horoscope may turn out to be harmonious or complex. Every minute matters. Even babies born within half an hour of each other have significantly different fates.

It is obvious that the exact date and time of birth is impossible to predict, even with planned conception. Now we are not talking about a caesarean section (more on that below). The horoscope of a newborn will be as fate wills.

What conclusion follows from this? There is no point in planning the zodiac sign of your unborn child.

In my opinion, it is better to rely on the will of fate. Give her the opportunity to determine best option conception and childbirth for you.

Zodiac sign planning example

Future parents Taurus (Earth) and Capricorn (Earth). After consulting, they decided that they wanted a Taurus child. But fate decreed that the baby was born after the end of the Taurus period, his zodiac sign is Gemini (Air).

It would seem that the compatibility of Gemini with Taurus and Capricorn is problematic. However, in our example, in the baby's horoscope, several key planets were in Taurus. That is, this child’s character is very similar to Taurus, as the parents wanted.

At the same time, a few of the qualities of Gemini will be very useful for the child - he will be more active and versatile than the classic Taurus.

Question: who lost from the described turn of fate? Nobody. Everyone won. But the situation could have turned out differently. The baby would have been born Taurus, but the key planets ended up in Aries (Fire). There's nothing wrong with that. However, compatibility with parents is significantly worse than the first option.

What dates are not suitable for conception?

There are no special restrictions here. However, conception on the days of eclipses, as well as 3 days before and 3 days after an eclipse, is undesirable. Below are eclipse dates for several years in advance.

When can an astrologer help?

It makes sense to contact an astrologer in a situation where you have to... C-section. Usually in such cases, doctors offer a choice of two or three dates.

The astrologer will analyze the dates taking into account the expected time of the operation and will tell you which date is more favorable for the birth of the baby. Which of the horoscopes will be the most harmonious?

Of course, the choice here is very limited - only two or three options. But still, an astrologer will help you avoid the most unfavorable of dates. Of course, to solve such an important issue one should choose good specialist in astrology.

I wish you and your children health and prosperity!

Tarot horoscope for pregnancy for Aries for 2018

The peculiarity of the pregnancy horoscope is that thanks to the Tarot layout, you can find out exactly whether a woman will be able to get pregnant this year and what she needs to pay special attention to.

Also, such a horoscope will help to focus attention on individual issues that will help in solving problems.

Also, such a forecast will become relevant for those who are expecting a child, since it will help determine what character traits a baby conceived in 2018 will have, what it will be like, and what parents must pay attention to.

for Aries

A special Tarot card layout will help answer the most interesting questions for those who are trying to get pregnant.

Having carefully examined the layout, you can determine that it consists of eight cards, each of which provides an answer to a specific question. The first card, which is also considered the most significant, speaks about the state of health of the child’s mother in particular. at the moment and what she needs to pay special attention to.

King of Swords- that's enough strong card for pregnancy plans. Despite the fact that the health of the mother is considered, she is still responsible for masculinity and recommends also paying attention to the health of the other half. From the point of view of this card, life is always like war. Because whoever does not take care of himself will be left behind the ship or will be crushed on the battlefield. You don’t always have to endure pain and discomfort on your own and not pay special attention to it.

Moreover, such a card says that Aries women are quite strong-willed individuals and they are not afraid of many things. At the same time it is King of Swords recommends paying attention to your health this year. Colds, viruses, as well as possible extreme hypothermia can affect the reproductive function of representatives of the sign. You should also be wary in the autumn, as it is during this period that there is a high probability of the body weakening physically. You shouldn't risk yourself.

The second card is the card of conception itself. She answers the question of whether there was conception and when it will happen, if this has not happened yet. It is interesting that most often people pay attention to the active and passive cards in the layout, that is, to their suits. If we look at the second card Four of Wands, then the Wands are an active card, which indicates that conception has already occurred earlier.

If there was no conception, since the Tarot horoscope considers the personalities of all Aries as a whole, then it is worth paying attention to further predictions regarding pregnancy in 2018.

To put it more briefly, the Four of Wands is always in some kind of endeavor, in this case there is a high probability of pregnancy in 2018 for those who will quickly move towards this. Also, the very meaning of the Four card speaks of stability and peace regarding this issue.

In more rare cases, the Four of Wands suggests that a person, after quite a few attempts to get pregnant, is simply tired and needs a little time to rest and recuperate, especially morally. It is abstraction from such an obsession that will help quickly turn your dream into reality. The Four of Wands is a card of temporary loneliness, when the emphasis is placed precisely on the word “temporariness”, you need to put yourself in order, organize your thoughts, and also not isolate yourself from society. Interestingly, such a card also indicates a lack of sex, and also indicates a period of exhaustion and lack of excitability. The forced pause will not last long, and its duration will depend in most cases on Aries.

The third card indicates whether there will be problems with conceiving a child or with pregnancy, and also what you need to be wary of at this time.
Temperance Tarot Card most often speaks of abstinence. Here we need to consider it in several different situations.

For those who are already pregnant, the Moderation card suggests that you need to be very careful about your health. You also need to limit physical contact with your spouse for a while and perhaps consult a specialist.

Those who are just planning a pregnancy should note that sometimes due to physical health conditions there may be problems with conception. The question of the spiritual and moral state of a person is also important here, due to some obstacles and ignorance healthy image new problems may arise in life. The Moderation card in this layout is in upright position, which indicates the fertility of Aries this year. Reproductive functions are normal and the ability to conceive exists.

The fourth card speaks about the thoughts and state of the child’s mother.

Seven of Swords Card speaks of uncertainty. Rather, it concerns psychological issues. Often, just such a card in matters of pregnancy can indicate that a woman is not sure whether she can conceive or bear a child. Sometimes it speaks of psychological immaturity, and pregnancy is desperately planned as such, since “age is approaching.”

Also, if such a card appears in the layouts, then the woman should be very careful about herself. She can also make various attempts and tricks in order to get what she wants. It is worth saying that in the end they will all be in vain, because in this case you will have to play according to the rules.
In other interpretations, the Seven card itself means a challenge. This challenge can be to yourself or even to fate; it also speaks of ingenuity and skill, the desire to get what you need by any means.

Tarot cards say that the Seven of Swords is always some kind of deception. In this case, you should not deceive yourself and try to outwit fate by any means. You just need to wait for your moment, because it will come very soon. Otherwise, any attempts will be pointless, or even incur losses.

The fifth card will tell you about the health of the unborn child (for those Aries who will still be expecting a child this year).

The Eight of Wands is a card of speed; it has the ability to speed up any event. If it appears on a question regarding the child’s health, then it is worth considering that he will develop a little faster than usual. In another situation, it is precisely this card that speaks of early birth. In this case, early birth even means those that occur a week or two before the due date is set by doctors. It is worth considering that it does not signal a post-term pregnancy.

The Eight of Wands is also some kind of surprise, however, it will not upset anyone. Most likely, errors are possible in determining the sex of a child. early stages. Perhaps some Aries will even bear several fruits at the same time. It is also interesting that it is the Eight of Wands that is associated with the number three among tarot readers.

This card indicates the child's hyperreactivity. Often, pregnant women can feel excessive movements of the child and differences in their biorhythms with the child. This does not indicate a deviation from the norm, it only reveals the baby’s character.

The sixth card will tell you about how childbirth will take place for those Aries for whom this awaits in 2018.

Six of Swords literally speaks of success. Regarding issues of childbirth, such a card suggests that pregnant women will not always be able to feel the approach of labor in the first minutes. However, such a card also indicates that pregnant women, long before the birth process itself, will seem to be “sitting on suitcases” waiting. Regarding the process of childbirth itself, such a card is favorable and foreshadows a successful birth without any losses or injuries. In fact, the main issue that a pregnant woman should be concerned about is the correct psychological attitude.

Some people interpret this card as “success through difficulties”, because during the birth itself some difficulties are possible, but with the right approach it will be possible to endure them without any harm to health. It should also be noted that traditionally sixes indicate harmony and strong energetic attachment between mother and child.

The seventh card deals with the issues of the newborn and describes his health if he is born in 2018. It is worth noting that children who were conceived in 2018, but the time of birth falls in 2019, do not belong to this category and the interpretation of the alignment regarding their health should be looked at in the Tarot pregnancy horoscope for 2019.

Chariot Map indicates a strong and strong health baby. It is interesting that these children are very adapted to life and are strong both in body and spirit. Even if after childbirth the baby experiences any health problems, then the Chariot Tarot card indicates that recovery should be expected soon.

Character of the child by month

Many people are interested in what kind of character a child will have depending on what month he was born. This Tarot layout allows you to most accurately determine this and answer exciting questions.

January . To everyone around us, such children early age seem very correct. They always know what to do and how to do it, what’s interesting, and can teach it to even older people. Very pedantic, and at the same time demanding of themselves. They will never be able to set up or deceive a loved one.

February . Children born this month are very attentive. They do not tolerate lies. They can make anyone laugh, they have sharp mind and intelligence. They don’t always know about the limits, they don’t like to limit themselves in anything.

March . It is these people who are called hyperactive from an early age. It is interesting that from childhood they have a clearly expressed “I” and often put their interests above others. But it is precisely such people who are very devoted in friendship and become reliable partners in adulthood. Although during their school years their academic performance is no different from others, over time certain talents for science awaken in them.

April . Such children will always fight any manifestations of injustice in life. They really love open and honest people, and at the same time they themselves try to live up to such people. Unfortunately, they often cannot show flexibility, but on the contrary, they want to achieve their goal by any means.

May. Such children are very trusting from the first years of life. They are often vulnerable; in childhood they can cry even over little things and get very upset. Nevertheless, such people always attract others. They are cheerful, very creative and often associate their lives with more spiritual professions in which they need to show their creativity.

June . From an early age, these children want to do everything on their own without the help of adults. And, interestingly, they often succeed. You shouldn’t impose your opinion too much on your child, but you also shouldn’t indulge him in everything. Such kids should know from early childhood what is good and what is bad. Very lively and cheerful. In adulthood, they often become successful thanks to their ability to feel people and, of course, luck.

July. Shy children are born this month, but do not underestimate them. Despite their vulnerable psyche, such people adapt very well to society. They are very developed intellectually and easily make contact with others. The only thing is that such people take very seriously any unfounded criticism in their direction, and all the time they try to find mistakes in themselves.

August. Cheerful individuals are born this month. They are often very ambitious, but, characteristically, they can easily achieve what they want. Being in the center of everyone's attention is very important for them, and it is also interesting that for the sake of their own interest they can substitute another person. in life they are always looking for benefits for themselves.

September . Fairly friendly personalities. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that such children are very diligent, they can play games for hours, or even read books. Extremely cognitive, they cannot live a day without something new. In adulthood, they may experience some problems in communicating with others and do not always find a common language.

October. Such children constantly require attention, but there is never enough of it for them. They are accustomed to receiving everything from others, while giving very little to others. Quite often in life we ​​encounter difficulties, and sometimes it is difficult to bear them. WITH psychological point They have a stable vision and often associate life with sports.

November . Such children know how to love like no other. They also cannot do without the affection of loved ones. Interestingly, at a more mature age they can radically change themselves, their lives, views and priorities. If they start communicating with the “wrong” companies, they can set up even the closest people. Therefore, it is extremely important to teach and educate such children from the first years of life.

December . Even if it seems that everything is fine, it is worth taking a closer look at such a child. Such children are not always able to talk about their problems, because they believe that they have the right to cope with them on their own. Sometimes they lead themselves into a dead end and cannot find the right way out. In life they are quite gentle and kind, they help others, but do not demand anything in return.

Additional Tarot Advice for Those Trying to Get Pregnant

Aries often try to conceive a child. long time. Medical examinations do not show any abnormalities, but the long-awaited two stripes do not please the couple. In this case, the Tarot gives some advice on what to do in this case and whether anything should be done.

Seven of Cups speaks of past disappointments and the constant expectation of success, but, unfortunately, it was only imaginary. There is no need to build castles in the air and desperately strive for something, because this will not help brighten up the gray everyday life. Interestingly, this card advises you to relax and not think about the result, then there is a high probability that you will be able to get pregnant even this year. Perhaps both partners need a short vacation or a vacation together.

It’s interesting that the Seven of Cups very often talks about fictitious illnesses and problems in the life of Aries. You should not look for trouble in yourself or your companion; it is important to remember that everything has its time.

Card Strength says that before you get something, you need to go through a series of tests. However, she also points out that this year there is a high probability of pregnancy, because Aries have powerful energy and strong desire, courage and even bravery. It is also interesting that in terms of health, such a card does not indicate any deviations, so you should relax and expect gifts from fate.