Important characteristics of fire bricks. Weight of fireclay bricks: technical characteristics, standard in cm Fireclay firebrick brand Sha weight 1m3

In the construction of stone structures operating under high temperatures, refractory bricks are used. Special additives are introduced into the composition of the products to prevent the appearance of cracks during strong heating. For the construction of industrial installations that use combustion energy, chimneys and fireplaces, fire-resistant bricks of different classes and sizes are required.

Fire brick dimensions

Depending on the type of additive, firing method and purpose with refractory properties, products are divided into 4 classes:

  • quartz (from sandstone or quartz);
  • fireclay or alumina (clay products with the addition of fireclay);
  • main (differs in calc-magnesian composition);
  • carbon (made of pressed graphite or coke).

The last two types are used in industrial enterprises. They can withstand significant temperatures. For home stoves, baths and saunas, a fireclay sample is usually taken. Quartz brick withstands temperature well, but is destroyed under the influence of acids and other chemical factors.


Outwardly it looks like a golden rectangle.

Has dimensions 230x114x65 mm. The volume of this brand of brick is 1704 m3. According to GOST, the product must meet the following parameters:

  • share of aluminum oxide – 28%;
  • fire resistance – not lower than 1,650 °C;
  • the temperature at which softening begins is absent.

The weight of one piece of such a product is 3.5 kg. Price – from 35 rubles.


The product is used in industrial and private construction. It has a high content of aluminum oxide and is fire resistant. Used for internal masonry (lining) of stove vaults and chimneys. Product characteristics:

Weight 4.0 kg. Dimensions – 250x124x65mm. Price – from 32 rubles per piece. The cost may differ from the indicated price, it depends on the manufacturer and volume of purchase.

You can learn more about red solid brick and its price per piece from this

ShA-6 (narrow)

Suitable for the construction of thermal units with temperatures up to 1,690 °C. The main characteristics of the product do not differ from the SHA-8 brand. The difference is in size. The weight of one product is 3.4 kg. Dimensions – 230x114x40 mm. Price – from 30 rubles per piece.


Dimensions of a product unit are 230x114x65 mm. There are 385 pieces of such bricks placed on a pallet. Unit weight – 3.4 kg. The cost of this brand of fireproof is from 30 rubles per piece. This and other types of bricks are laid using a special fire-resistant mixture.

Size is an important criterion for choosing a building material. The quality of the masonry, durability, practicality and safety of the finished structure depend on the accuracy of the fit. The bricks should not be allowed to fit loosely, and areas with too thin a layer of mortar should also be avoided. Calculation of refractory brick consumption is carried out according to the masonry diagram using design drawings. It’s also useful to read about what else there are.

Those who have already purchased building bricks in order to build a structure with their own hands (house, garage, fence) have an idea of ​​the classification of this building material (silicate, ceramic). They know what, for example, double sand-lime brick M 150 is according to the standards.

Photo: the most popular fireproof material is fireclay

They can say that since it is double, its geometric dimensions are 250 mm x 120 mm x 138 mm. And the brand “M 150” is an indicator of its strength and indicates that this silicate building material will withstand a load of 150 kg per 1 cm2.

Standards, regulatory documents

Anyone who is interested in more complete information on the topic, standards on refractory materials used by humans in construction (laying stoves, fireplaces) today can familiarize themselves with the following regulatory documents:

  • GOST 8691 – 73 “Fireproof products for general purposes”.
  • GOST 24704 – 81 “Fire-resistant corundum and high-alumina products.”
  • GOST 390 – 96 “Fireproof fireclay and semi-acid products for general purpose and mass production.”
  • GOST 24704 – 94 “Fire-resistant corundum and high-alumina products.”
  • GOST 4157 – 79 “Fire-resistant silica products”.
  • GOST 5040 – 96 “Fire-resistant and highly refractory lightweight heat-insulating products.”
  • GOST 21436 – 75 “Fire-resistant and highly refractory products for lining rotary kilns.”
  • GOST 6137 – 97 “Fire-resistant aluminosilicate mortars”.
  • GOST 969 – 91 “Aluminous and high-alumina cements”.

Fire bricks

Ordinary building bricks, depending on the raw materials used in its production, are divided into:

  1. Ceramic– which is made from clay.
  2. Silicate– it uses a mixture of sand and lime, and other additives.

But these brick-made products cannot be used everywhere. For example, with high-temperature technologies (up to 1800 degrees C) in the metallurgical industry, in the glassmaking industries (glassmaking), the same ordinary clay brick (in common parlance, “red”) will not withstand high temperatures for a long time.

In extreme heat and prolonged exposure to high temperatures, it will begin to melt, and then, as it cools, it will crumble. Although, as a masonry and finishing material, it is widely used in indoor fireplaces and stoves in baths, saunas, and residential premises where the temperature is not higher than 800 degrees C.

Types of fire-resistant building materials

In furnaces where glass is blown, porcelain is fired, in blast furnaces where steel is melted, more durable, fire-resistant material is used in the combustion core of hearths. Fire-resistant bricks in accordance with GOST 8691 - 73 can withstand heat with temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees C.

Refractories are produced with different properties and characteristics for different applications.

Fire-resistant material according to its physics - chemical composition, methods and methods of production, temperature range is divided into four classes:

  1. Alumina.

Composition and applications of refractories

  1. Quartz brick– consists of quartz (sandstone), with small additions of clay. As a result of firing, it acquires a cavity-free, full-bodied structure. In fireboxes it is used in places where it has contact only with an open flame (for example, reflective arches in the fireboxes of a fireplace, stove). Stores accumulated heat well.

Important to remember! Quartz refractories should not have contact with alkalis, lime, or iron oxides, which destroy it.

  1. – in a simplified form, this is compressed graphite or coke. It has the highest characteristics in terms of strength and fire resistance. It is used in highly specialized areas of construction (for example, in the construction of blast furnace structures).

  1. – includes a lime-magnesia mass, which allows this refractory to be used for the production of Bessemer steel from phosphorous ores.

  1. Alumina– from its very name it is clear that clay makes up the majority of its structural component (about 70%). Therefore, it better (unlike quartz refractories) resists the destructive effects of alkalis (lime). Easily tolerates rapid temperature changes.

It is easy to produce and its price is lower than other fire-resistant materials. It is widely used in the cores of fireboxes, where the temperature is not higher than 1300 degrees C. Brick of this type is also called “fireclay.” It is marked with the letter “W”, and the numbers following it provide information about its size.

Nature of heat treatment

In the production of fireclay material, products are distinguished according to the processing method:

  • non-firing;
  • burnt;
  • fused cast.

Designation, shapes and sizes of fireclay products (GOST 390-96, GOST 8691-73)

The size of the fire brick and its shape may vary. According to GOST alone, there can be more than a hundred such standard sizes.

Therefore, we present only the most used products in private stove construction. The rest can be found in the standards themselves.

The brand of building material depends on the maximum temperature of its use during operation.

Table: Limit temperatures for use of fireclay products

Depending on the physico-chemical composition and temperature of use, general-purpose fireclay refractories are divided into grades ША, ШБ; their serial number (1 – 109) depends on the shape and size. These brands are most widely used in private stove and fireplace construction.

For information! Fireclay refractories are also produced in other brands, fireclay ladle bricks ShKU, fireclay blast furnace bricks for ShPD furnaces and others.

According to its shape, fireclay bricks can be straight, wedge edge, wedge end, trapezoidal, suspended and shaped. We present tables of standard sizes and shapes of some brands of fire-resistant products widely used in the laying of stoves and fireplaces.

Table: Dimensions and shapes of general purpose fireclay bricks (grades ША, ШБ)

Designation, brand

Dimensions, mm

230 x 114 x 65

230 x 114 x 40

straight (fly)

250 x 124 x 65

300 x 150 x 65

230 x 114 x 65/55

end wedge

230 x 114 x 65/45

end wedge

250 x 114 x 65/55

end wedge

230 x 114 x 65/55

rib wedge

230 x 114 x 65/45

rib wedge

300 x 150 x 65/55 (65/45)

end wedge

250 x 114 x 65/55

rib wedge

230 x 114 x 65

230 x 114 x 40

250 x 124 x 65

300 x 150 x 65

Tables: Straight fireclays

Thus, for standardization, fireclay products are divided into:

  • wedge or straight (normal sizes),
  • large or small formats;
  • shaped large-block, especially complex, complex, simple;
  • special fireclay products for industrial and laboratory purposes.

Weight characteristics of fireclay bricks GOST 390 – 96

The weight of a refractory brick depends on the raw materials from which it is made, its shape and size. How much does fireclay brick of the most popular brand (ША, ШБ) and its packaging (cage) weigh, excluding the weight of the pallet 30 - 40 (kg), see the table below

It will be interesting to watch the video in this article on how and with what you can make figured fireclay bricks with your own hands at the link:


It will be easier to select the shapes and sizes of bricks if you purchase a ready-made row layout for standardized products. Then there will be no difficulties in processing the solid fireclay material into the desired shape with a diamond tool.

You cannot use ordinary red or sand-lime bricks to build stoves and fireplaces, since these types of bricks are not designed to withstand high temperatures and are destroyed when heated significantly. Therefore, special refractory bricks are used for these purposes. The “body” of the stove and the lower part of the chimney are made from it. The main part of the pipe can be laid out of ordinary brick.

Why do you need to know the weight of fireclay bricks?

Before going to the store, you need to calculate the required amount of brick and the approximate volume it can occupy. This is necessary to assess the ability of the selected vehicle to accommodate the purchase.
In some cases, you need to know how much a stove brick weighs. You will definitely need this information if you are planning to install a fireplace on a second floor. Agree that the weight of the finished fireplace will be considerable, and you need to be sure that the ceilings will withstand it. The chimney will also have significant weight, since it is laid from solid brick. Therefore, it is also necessary to know how much a solid brick weighs.
When calculating the amount of refractory brick, you should pay attention to the fact that it does not always have generally accepted standard dimensions, and, therefore, its weight will be different.

Specific numbers

You can use the data in the table below to perform the calculations. It presents the main dimensions of fireclay bricks produced by the most famous manufacturers (without specifying specific factories) and how much they weigh.

Now, knowing how much refractory brick weighs, you can easily calculate the weight of a fireplace or stove and assess the possibility of placing them on the upper floors and the need for work to strengthen the floors.

When manufacturing products, many manufacturers rely on their own specifications instead of the conditions prescribed by GOST. Therefore, when choosing a material, the question arises of which brick to take. Indeed, in terms of a number of characteristics, products manufactured according to GOST and according to the manufacturer’s specifications very often do not coincide. In this case, it is better if possible purchase goods with a GOST mark, because it is of better quality.

As for geometric parameters, GOST specifies the size of a standard rectangular product as 230x113x65 mm, and this is considered the optimal material for the construction of brick structures. But today other dimensional characteristics are also acceptable, so the market is filled with a variety of products from different manufacturers.

The mass of products also has different indicators and fluctuates in the range from 2.8 kg to 4.5 kg , with permissible weight according to GOST – 3.7 kg. When purchasing, do not forget about this, since the thermal conductivity of the material depends on the mass. To maintain heat in a room, you need to choose a material with more weight, because low weight increases its thermal conductivity.

From the quantitative content in the composition of the building material aluminum oxide Resistance to chemicals, alkalis and high temperatures depends. The content of this element in the composition affects the structure of the material, making it porous . And porous brick heats up for quite a long time, but also cools down longer than usual, retaining the resulting heat.

At the same time, as porosity increases, strength decreases. Therefore, it is worth selecting material with an optimal density of 1700–1900 kg/m. Density also affects such properties as: moisture absorption, thermal insulation, adhesion to the mounting mortar and the weight of fireclay bricks.

You can determine the porosity of a brick just by holding various options in your hands.

To summarize, we can say that when choosing such a building material, production standards, dimensions, weight, aluminum oxide content and density should be taken into account.


For ease of classification and ease of selection of this building material, it was developed marking, thanks to which you can immediately determine the properties of the material. It reflects product dimensions, temperature properties and technical characteristics.

The most popular brands of fireclay bricks: SHA, ShB, SHAK, SHUS, ShV, PV and PB.

Using the example of a bar marked ShB 5 SL, we will decipher the data from the manufacturer.

In addition to the standard rectangular shape of fireclay brick, there is also trapezoidal and wedge.

Scope of application

Due to its resistance to temperature changes and the effects of alkalis and chemicals, fireclay bricks have a wide range of applications. It is used in industrial enterprises in installations that emit active chemicals during combustion: blast furnaces, boilers, fuel chambers.

The solution used to create thermal devices is also important. Typically, the same ingredients used in brick production are used for mixing. This gives the oven a high level of heat resistance.

To lay fireclay bricks of the ShB-5 or ShB-8 brand, refractory clay containing crushed brick is used. The resulting solution is called or "fireclay clay".

Before installing furnace equipment, the operating temperature of the future structure should be calculated. The width of the installation seam between fireclay bricks depends on this indicator. The higher the operating temperature, the thinner the masonry layer. Sometimes it does not exceed 1 mm. Such work requires a high level of skill from the performer, and good quality of the prepared solution.

As a result, the consumption and cost of the necessary materials increases, and you need to choose product brands with higher fire resistance.

Despite all the advantages, there are nuances that limit the use of fireclay bricks ( negative points ):

  • hygroscopicity– ability to absorb moisture. This quality reduces the strength of the product when heated and increases its weight.
  • Low resistance to freezing. Fireclay bricks of the ShB-5, ShB-45, ShB-94 brands withstand low temperatures best. It is not suitable for household stoves ШБ-8, because if the stove is not operated continuously, it begins to crumble as it cools down.
  • High product density. Such material is difficult to cut if you need to change the original dimensions.
  • High cost, long warm-up time and the need to prepare a special mounting mixture.

How to distinguish marriage

There are special requirements for the quality of fireclay bricks, since it determines strength future furnace, its high temperature resistance And ability to retain heat . Therefore, it is necessary to exclude even the slightest defect in the product.

This is very easy to check. If you knock on a brick, a high-quality product will make a metallic ringing sound. A dull sound indicates insufficient firing during the production process.

To test its strength, you need to hit it harder. A high-quality briquette will split into large pieces, and small crumbs ultimately indicate a defect.

Low-quality bricks should not be used for laying furnaces. They acquire the non-inherent properties of absorbing and retaining moisture. This kind of material loses three quarters of its beneficial qualities in contrast to dry.


When purchasing fireclay material, you should pay attention to the information
markings to have an idea of ​​the manufacturer and class of refractory. For the construction of some objects, it may be necessary to combine several types of fireclay, depending on the location of the material and the functions assigned to it.

To calculate the optimal amount of fireclay bricks of different brands and sizes, you may need the help of specialists who will help you save when purchasing building materials.

Construction materials should be used only with strict consideration of the load created on the foundation. That is why you should carefully monitor the weight of fireclay bricks. In addition, the organization of transportation of products depends on this.


SHA-8 and SHA-5 are the two most commonly used versions of fireclay bricks. They are obtained by firing a clay mixture of a certain shape under significant heating. To produce the product, a combination of kaolinite with other minerals is used. The technology implies that the finished composition must contain a certain amount of aluminum and silicon oxides. The two brands of fireclay bricks mentioned above are widely used for:

  • installation of stoves and fireplaces;
  • construction of chimneys;
  • lining of melting furnaces at metallurgical plants.

By selecting the composition of refractory bricks, technologists have learned to influence not only its thermal resistance. Differences in chemical composition cause differences in density (specific gravity). So, 1 pc. fireclay brick category SHA-5 weighs 3.4 kg. Moreover, its linear dimensions are strictly prescribed in state standards and amount to 230x114x65 mm. In accordance with GOST 390, a brick measuring 250x120x65 mm must have a mass of 4 kg.

Standard fireclay products

GOST 390-96 also prescribes the mass of bricks laid on 1 pallet. It can vary from 1350 to 1600 kg. This involves laying 385-400 pieces of finished products. Weight of one cubic meter m of refractory brick ranges from 1745 to 2050 kg. Regardless of the total weight of 1 cubic meter. m should include exactly 513 pieces.

Characteristics by brand

When choosing fireclay bricks, there is no need to calculate the mass of products using complex formulas. It is enough to know the specific technical brand of the finished product. So, a lightweight brick of category ШБ 5 should weigh 3.5 kg. It is used to decorate stoves, barbecues, and make fireplaces and barbecues. Fireclay of category ША 5 has a mass of 3.4 kg. It is intended for individual residential construction.

Blocks ША 5 and ШБ 5 must have the same size - 230x114x65 mm. ShA 6 blocks, intended for laying out thermal and heating equipment, are also produced in standard dimensions - 230x114x40 mm. Moreover, the mass of such a product is 3.4 kg. The heaviest products are SHA 8. They are needed to form internal masonry in heating stoves and smoke ducts.

Example calculation

Let the construction of a furnace with a height of 2400 mm (with a base of 24 bricks) be planned. Each row has a height of 70 mm, and 300 mm is subtracted from the planned height for “cutting”. In total, 30 rows of masonry remain, and after multiplying by 2/3 (the usual proportion in the construction of “Dutch buildings”), only 20 rows will remain. The result is 480 bricks (plus 50 for “cutting”).

If you order fireclay brick ShB-5 straight, then 1 pallet will contain 385 blocks with a total weight of 1309 kg. The total requirement in this case is 530 bricks with a total weight of 1802 kg. We can conclude: 1.37 pallets of building blocks are required. You can bring them in a Gazelle-type car, but the car will be overloaded.

If you order straight fireclay ShB-8, 1 pallet will contain 297 blocks with a total weight of 1188 kg. The weight of a single product will be 4 kg. Thus, 530 pieces will weigh 2120 kg. Therefore, you will have to order a full-fledged truck to deliver a batch of fireclay bricks to the site. Of course, in reality, the size of the stoves and the number of blocks used for masonry varies, and the chimney should also be taken into account, but the general principle of calculation remains unchanged.

You will learn more about fireclay bricks from the video.