Instructions for the use of ambroxol in syrup. Ambroxol


5 ml of syrup contains active ingredient: Ambroxol hydrochloride 0.0150 g 5 ml of syrup contains active ingredient: Ambroxol hydrochloride 0.0300 g.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Expectorant mucolytic agent

ATX code

pharmachologic effect

Ambroxol has a secretomotor, secretolytic and expectorant effect: it stimulates the serous cells of the glands of the bronchial mucosa, increases the content of mucous secretions and the release of a surfactant (surfactant) in the alveoli and bronchi; normalizes the disturbed ratio of serous and mucous components of sputum. By activating hydrolyzing enzymes and increasing the release of lysosomes from Clara cells, it reduces the viscosity of sputum. Increases locomotor activity cilia of the ciliated epithelium. Enhances mucus flow and transport (mucociliary clearance). Enhancing mucociliary clearance improves sputum flow and relieves coughing.

Indications for use

Sharp and chronic diseases respiratory tract with the release of viscous sputum: acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma with difficulty in sputum discharge, bronchiectasis.


Increased sensitivity to ambroxol or one of the excipients; pregnancy (I trimester); lactation period. Fructose intolerance, because the drug contains sorbitol.

Method of administration and dosage

The syrup should be taken orally, after meals. The drug should not be taken immediately before bedtime. Syrup 15 mg / 5 ml - 1 measuring cup or measuring spoon contains 15 mg of ambroxol; 5 ml syrup = 1 measuring cup or 1 measuring spoon; 10 ml syrup = 2 measuring cups or 2 measuring spoons; 2.5 ml syrup = ½ measuring cup or ½ measuring spoon. Adults and children over 12 years old: during the first 2-3 days, take 10 ml of syrup 3 times a day, then the dose should be reduced to 10 ml of syrup 2 times a day. Children from 6 to 12 years old: 5 ml of syrup 2-3 times a day. Children from 2 to 6 years old: 2.5 ml of syrup 3 times a day. Children under 2 years of age: 2.5 ml of syrup 2 times a day. Adults and children over 12 years old: during the first 2-3 days, take 5 ml of syrup 3 times a day, then the dose should be reduced to 5 ml of syrup 2 times a day. Children from 6 to 12 years old: 2.5 ml of syrup 2-3 times a day. Children from 2 to 6 years old: 1.25 ml of syrup 3 times a day. Children under 2 years of age: 1.25 ml of syrup 2 times a day. The maximum daily dose for adults is 120 mg of ambroxol; the maximum daily dose for children from 6 to 12 years old is 45 mg of ambroxol, for children from 2 to 6 years old - 22.5 mg of ambroxol, for children under the age of 2 years - 15 mg of ambroxol. The duration of treatment is selected individually, depending on the course of the disease. It is not recommended to take ambroxol without a doctor's prescription for more than 4-5 days.

Release form

Syrup 15 mg / 5 ml, 30 mg / 5 ml. 100 ml of syrup in orange glass molten glass bottles sealed with plastic stoppers or aluminum caps or without closure, with plastic lids. 100 ml of syrup in polymer bottles with lids.

Ambroxol syrup is available in dosages of 3 mg / ml and 6 mg / ml. When using the drug on your own, you must carefully monitor the dosage, calculating the required amount, taking into account the content medicinal substance in 1 ml of syrup. Ambroxol in the specified dosage form it is prescribed mainly in pediatric practice, since the sweet taste of the medicine is better perceived by children. Care should be taken to ensure that the bottle is kept out of the reach of children. If the child still drank the medicine, you need to see a doctor. Store the bottle in a dry, dark place, away from direct sunlight.


This drug is effective in thinning the viscous mucus and phlegm that forms in a variety of respiratory diseases. It is prescribed for the treatment of cough with sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Ambroxol is also indicated for bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis. This drug is prescribed before surgical intervention on the respiratory system and after it. Ambroxol significantly relieves coughs, including those of children.


Ambroxol syrup is not used in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is not prescribed for individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Method of administration and dosage

Instructions for the use of the syrup recommends taking it orally, during meals or immediately afterwards, in order to reduce the irritating effect of the drug on the gastric mucosa. It should be taken with a sufficient amount of liquid (usually 100-150 ml). You can drink the syrup with water, juice, tea or milk, its healing effect will not decrease from this.

Syrup 3 mg / ml (Ambroxol 15) is taken orally.

Syrup 6 mg / ml (Ambroxol 30) is taken in volumes that are halved compared to 3 mg / ml syrup:

In a severe course of the disease in adults, the dosage after the first 2-3 days of admission may not be reduced, but left at the same level. In children, the dosage of the medication usually does not change during the entire course of treatment.

The course of admission is usually 4–5 days. Longer treatment It is undesirable to continue without consulting a doctor, as the risk of drug overdose and the development of side effects increases.

A second course can be prescribed in 2 weeks.

The syrup can also be used by patients with concomitant diabetes mellitus. It contains sorbitol and saccharin (0.18 XE in 5 ml).


With prolonged uncontrolled intake of Ambroxol syrup, especially if the dosage exceeds that recommended by the doctor, overdose symptoms are likely to develop.

The patient develops abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and loose stools.

Treatment consists in discontinuation of the drug. Sometimes there is a need for gastric lavage. Eating a high fat diet is helpful to suppress these symptoms.

Side effects

At long-term use the drug, especially if the recommended dosage is exceeded, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation may occur. Development is not excluded allergic reaction... It can manifest as urticaria, dermatitis, angioedema with difficulty breathing, or even anaphylactic shock. Sometimes patients complain of dry mouth, headache, weakness associated with taking the drug. In this case, the doctor must decide whether to continue treatment.

In the treatment of colds, which are accompanied by an active cough, in children it is useful to use mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Among them, Ambroxol is a remedy so named due to the main component, its task is to alleviate conditions with coughs of a different nature. The drug turns a cough into a productive one. eyelash

Composition of Ambroxol

The drug is presented on the market in three types:

Specifications Pills Syrup Solution
Ambroxol hydrochloride concentration, mg 30 per pcs. 15 or 30 per 5 ml 15 by 2 ml
Supporting components Magnesium stearate, lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch. Water, hydroxyethyl cellulose, raspberry or apricot flavor, orange essence, sorbitol, menthol, glycerol, propylene glycol, acids - benzoic and tartaric, sodium saccharin. Water, lemon acid, chlorides - benzalkonium and sodium, disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate.
Package Packs of 10, 20 or 30 pcs. 100 ml bottles.
Price, rubles 60 for 20 pcs. 90 per bottle (15 mg per 5 ml). 50 per bottle.

pharmachologic effect

Ambroxol for children has a pronounced effect. Its main task is expectorant, but there is also a secretomotor, secretolytic function. The action of the drug lies in the active stimulation of the cells of the glands of the bronchial mucosa. The correct effect is quickly seen: the secret is produced intensively, due to which the surfactant is released in the alveoli.

According to the statistics of use in different patients, the medicine has a stabilizing effect. It affects the normalization of the sputum composition (equalizes the ratio of components).

An important point: with the intake, the activation of hydrolytic enzymes begins, due to which the lysosomes are released from the cells.

The result is always the same - acceleration (noticeable) of transport of the secret. The effect of Ambroxol after administration will occur in 25 or 30 minutes, and will last up to 6-12 hours. The drug is highly absorptive, and the maximum concentration can be observed after 30-120 minutes. The drug is quickly distributed, its highest level is found in the lungs.

The liver metabolizes the drug, forming glucuronates along the way. Waste residues are always excreted in the urine, the kidneys are involved in the process. One third of the dose taken is eliminated. This occurs during primary metabolism. Half-life occurs from one and a half to 12 hours. The medication does not cumulate.

Indications for use

  1. Bronchitis of a different nature.
  2. Tracheitis.
  3. Pneumonia.
  4. Genetic cystic fibrosis (pulmonary form).
  5. Asthma with difficulty passing mucus (thick mucus).
  6. Respiratory obstruction.

Instructions for the use of Ambroxol

Tablets are prescribed starting from the age of six, Ambroxol syrup - from 24 months (increased concentration - from 6 years). The solution is admissible from the first year of life. Special instructions for the use of the drug:

  1. At diabetes mellitus syrup is allowed, there are only 0.18 bread units per 5 ml.
  2. The remedy is not combined with antitussive drugs, sputum discharge is difficult.
  3. When the drug is combined with Amoxicillin, Erythromycin, Cefuroxime, Doxycycline, their penetration into the bronchial secretions increases.
  4. An overdose is easy to determine by symptoms: nausea with or without vomiting, dyspepsia, manifestations of gastralgia or diarrhea. Symptomatic treatment aimed at relieving current state and relief of seizures.


For internal use Ambroxol tablets are intended. Children are allowed to receive 1 pc. three times a day, after breakfast, lunch, dinner (at the same time).


Ambroxol solution

For oral administration and inhalation, Ambroxol solution is intended. Inside, it is taken with meals, diluted with tea, juice, water or milk:

Inhalations are carried out in 1-2 procedures, 2-3 ml daily for children over 6 years old, and 1-2 procedures, 2 ml each day under the age of 6 years. They can be performed using nebulizers and inhalers. It is forbidden to use the composition in steam appliances. Ambroxol is mixed with saline in a 1: 1 ratio.

Inhalation is carried out shallow, so as not to aggravate the attacks of hacking cough. Before the procedure, the solution is heated to 40 degrees.

In bronchial asthma, inhalations are carried out after bronchodilators have been taken.

Contraindications and side effects

Ambroxol is not prescribed for children with intolerance to the components of the composition, renal or hepatic failure, peptic ulcer stomach. Its possible side effects are:

  • allergic reactions, skin rash, urticaria, dermatitis;
  • dyspeptic symptoms: heartburn, nausea, gastralgia, vomiting, dry mouth;
  • increased excitability.


Cough is a defense mechanism aimed at removing phlegm from the trachea and bronchi. It accompanies most diseases of the respiratory system in children, and can be of a different nature. Of particular concern is always a painful cough with viscous and difficult to separate phlegm. In this case, the appointment of drugs that contribute to its liquefaction and elimination is shown. As the instructions for the use of Ambroxol syrup describe, the drug is useful for children in such cases.

Ambroxol is one of the safest medicines in pediatric practice. It has been in use since 1979 and has been proven to be effective.

How does the drug work?

"Ambroxol" is a derivative of the alkaloid vazicin. When it enters the body, it has a number of therapeutic effects:

  • secretolytic (thinning bronchial secretion);
  • secretomotor (improves mucus excretion);
  • antitussive.

Such an action of the given medicinal product due to its ability to reduce the "stickiness" of bronchial secretions due to the rupture of its long chemical molecules... In addition, "Ambroxol" is able to enhance the movement of the cilia of the epithelial cells of the bronchi and trachea and, thus, improve the drainage of sputum.

It was also found that vazicin derivatives stimulate the formation of a surfactant in the lungs, have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Their ability to enhance the penetration of certain antibiotics (penicillins, macrolides) into the walls of the trachea and bronchi has been proven, which is especially important in the treatment of bacterial infections of the respiratory system.

Forms of issue

Ambroxol is available in various pharmaceutical forms:

  • pills;
  • syrup;
  • solution for oral administration and inhalation administration.

For young children, the most convenient form of application is syrup and solution. The tablets can be given to children from the age of six.

Syrup "Ambroxol" for a child is available in 0.1 liter bottles, 5 ml contains 15 mg of the main active substance... It should be borne in mind that the composition contains additional components (sweeteners, flavors) that can provoke allergies. Therefore, taking Ambroxol syrup may be contraindicated in children prone to allergic reactions.

The solution for inhalation and internal use does not contain additional additives, however, it must be diluted in a drink (tea, water, juice) before use. It is available in 0.1 and 0.04 liter bottles. The content of the main active ingredient in 1 ml is 7.5 mg.

"Ambroxol" for children: in what cases it is prescribed

  • acute or chronic inflammatory process in the bronchi (bronchitis);
  • pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • ENT pathology (sinusitis, otitis media).

How to take it right

You can give Ambroxol to children of any age. According to the official instructions, he is appointed from birth. However, before giving "Ambroxol" to a child under one year old, it is still necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Regardless of the form of release of the drug, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • For better sputum discharge. Give your child more fluids during treatment ( mineral water, weak tea, juices, dried fruit decoction). Vibration massage of the chest should be performed 30-40 minutes after taking the medicine.
  • To prevent stagnation in the bronchi. It is advisable to give the medicine three to four hours before bedtime, since when the child is asleep, the drainage of the tracheo-bronchial tree is difficult.

Features of the use of "Ambroxol", how and how much to take it must be agreed with the pediatrician. In some cases, taking it is inappropriate, for example, when a large amount of sputum is formed, it can cause an increase in the symptoms of the disease.


The required amount of the drug is measured using a special cup with graduations, it is advisable to give the drug after a meal. The dosage of "Ambroxol" for children (in syrup) by age is presented in the following table.

Table - Dosage of Ambroxol syrup for different age groups

The duration of therapy usually does not exceed four to five days. However, exactly how much Ambroxol should be taken by children in each should be clarified with the attending physician.

Internal solution

If the Ambroxol solution is used orally (orally), then it, like the syrup, is dosed using a graduated glass. Before giving the child medicine, the drug is added to any drink. Recommended dosages by age are described in the following table.

Table - Dosages of Ambroxol solution for oral administration by age

How much and how to give Ambroxol to children should be checked with your doctor. Usually at acute diseases it is prescribed for four to five days until the frequency and severity of wet cough decreases. If the child has a chronic pathology of the respiratory system, then the medicine can be used for a longer time.

Solution for inhalation

For inhalation administration of "Ambroxol" it is necessary to have a nebulizer in stock. It is not recommended to carry out procedures using steam inhalers.

Inhalations with "Ambroxol" for children are carried out in four steps.

  1. Pour the required amount of medicine into a small glass.
  2. Saline solution (0.9% NaCl solution) is added in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. The resulting suspension is heated to a temperature of 35-37 ° C.
  4. Pour into an inhaler and carry out the procedure.

For children under five years of age, a mixture for inhalation is prepared from 1 ml of Ambroxol. Older children can add 2-3 ml of medication to the nebulizer.

Inhalation should last no more than ten minutes. During the procedure, the child should breathe calmly, without taking deep breaths. It is necessary to carry out one or two such procedures during the day.


This form of the drug is contraindicated for use in children under six years of age. For adults and children from the age of twelve, "Ambroxol" is prescribed one tablet three times a day for three days, then one tablet twice a day for up to five days. Further - at the discretion of the doctor. Children from six to 12 years old are recommended to take half a tablet two to three times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

Most children tolerate Ambroxol well. According to doctors, side effects are extremely rare:

  • allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • fast fatigue;
  • dyspeptic disorders, abdominal pain.

Syrup or solution "Ambroxol" is not prescribed for individual intolerance to its components. Also contraindications are the following conditions:

  • periods of exacerbation of stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • severe liver and kidney diseases.

Cases of overdose with this drug are rare enough. If the amount of "Ambroxol" is exceeded, then the following symptoms occur: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain. Then gastric lavage, intake of adsorbents, symptomatic treatment is indicated.

Where to buy and what are the analogues

Ambroxol is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. It is produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies, so its price is acceptable. For example, one bottle of Ambroxol (Ecolab) syrup costs 55 rubles on average (data in August 2017).

Also in pharmacies you can find analogues of the medicine, both domestic and imported:

  • Ambroxol-Hemofarm;
  • "Lazolvan";
  • Ambrobene;
  • Ambrohexal;
  • Flavamed.

These drugs also contain ambroxol, the indications and contraindications for their use in children are the same. When calculating the dosage, you should be guided by the instructions attached to the medicine or consult a pediatrician.

"Ambroxol" for cough for children is effective remedy, which contributes to the rapid elimination of bronchial secretions. It is indicated for most acute and chronic pathologies of the respiratory system, its safety has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. Such advantages have long made Ambroxol one of the most demanded drugs in pediatrics.


There is nothing more precious than the health of your baby. The most frequent illness is the common cold. When a child develops a strong and persistent cough, any normal parent is in search of a remedy that will help to quickly relieve their child's well-being.

Doctors prescribe a therapy that includes agents that are effective in getting rid of the resulting phlegm that appears as a result of the inflammatory process.

One of the best drugs, for getting rid of cold symptoms, is Ambroxol or the trade name Ambraxol - Vial. The substance that is part of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride.

Has different types:

A viscous, colorless or slightly yellow liquid, it is a syrup. Children's medicine tastes good: banana, apricot, raspberry, and other fruits. In addition to the hydrochloride, the composition includes: distilled water, glycerol, sorbitol, benzoic acid, fruit lactose, etc.

The amount of the beneficial substance of a delicious suspension for fifteen milliliters is -15 or 30 milligrams. Packing 50,125,150 ml. For convenience, a measuring spoon or glass is included. Solution for inhalation or internal use - transparent, colorless. One milliliter contains almost eight milliliters of active ingredient.

The package contains 40 or 100 ml. liquids. Measuring vessel included. The saline solution for injections is packaged in 2 ml ampoules. For intramuscular injection and intravenously. One ampoule contains 15 mg. Ambroxol.

Tablets in the form of a slightly elongated circle, white. Each contains 30 ml of the active ingredient. The package contains 10 or 20 blisters of 10 or 100 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

On the basis of action on the bronchial tree, Ambroxol belongs to synthetic mucolytic agents. Increases lung activity. It increases the level of mucus production in the bronchi, which allows the substances of the drug to completely dissolve in the lung tissues, normalizes the serous and mucous components, and helps in the discharge of sputum.

Reduces its viscosity, as a result of which coughing is much easier. Has the ability to stimulate the activity of the respiratory tract, increases the movement of epithelial cells. This creates efficiency in the use of the drug. In parallel, active substances stop the breakdown of the surfactant and increase its performance.

When it enters the body, the substance dissolves almost completely, interacting with blood proteins, a cleavage process occurs, the necessary cells move with the bloodstream, and the rest is excreted naturally. The active composition cleans the walls of the lung from microbes, thereby stopping the inflammatory process.

Indications for use

Ambroxol is used in case of development of diseases affecting the respiratory tract:

  • Chronic or acute bronchitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Obstructive pulmonary disease, severe;
  • Bronchiectatic inflammation of the lung;
  • Respiratory distress - distress (in newborns);
  • Cystic fibrosis (purulent cough, congenital disease);
  • Tracheitis - the development of tracheal pathology;
  • Laryngitis (thanks to anesthetics, getting into the throat, clears the mucous membrane, reduces swelling, relieves the symptoms of perspiration, burning).

You should start taking it when you have a dry, barking cough. The drug course continues until the viscous sputum is eliminated. If there is no coughing up, supplement with some remedy until improvement appears.


  • Individual intolerance to certain elements of the drug that cause allergies;
  • The first trimester of pregnancy (there is a risk of negative effects on the fetus, penetration through the amniotic membrane is carried out);
  • The impossibility of the breakdown of fructose, due to the inferiority of the microflora of the digestive system;
  • Ulcer of the duodenum, gastric system (the violation of the structure of cells is accelerated due to a decrease in the protective functions of the mucous membranes);
  • Liver failure;
  • Inflammation of the kidneys (acute or chronic);
  • The development of seizures;
  • Carbon exchange problems;

With caution, pregnant women are prescribed for later dates(2-3 trimester) and during lactation. In this case, a doctor's recommendation is mandatory. When prescribing a treatment course, it is necessary to analyze the therapy for the mother's body, to identify a negative effect on the fetus or baby. The use of any of their forms of Ambroxol suspension, only after a specialist examination.

Side effects

  • Digestive system: changes in stool, the appearance of signs of intoxication - vomiting, nausea, burning in the throat, Skin - rash, swelling, dermatitis, anaphylactic shock;
  • Sometimes there are symptoms of headache, dry mouth, weakness, snot;
  • Nervous web - nervousness, irritability may appear;
  • If the drug is injected incorrectly into a vein, severe headache, shortness of breath, fever, jumps may develop blood pressure chills;
  • The development of Stephen-Jones syndrome is quite rare;
  • Any of the developed signs is a signal that you should immediately stop taking the drug.

Dosage of Ambroxol syrup for children and method of administration

Details are provided in the Application Guide. For babies, it is more effective to use ambroxol syrup. Due to its pleasant taste, this medicine is very popular with young patients, it can be given up to one year old.

Ambroxol is one of the safest remedies for relieving a child from coughing and preventing the transition of the disease to a stage of a more complex stage. Also used for sore throat. The active composition of the drug's substances facilitate the inflammatory process.

The medicine should be used in accordance with the instructions for use of Ambroxol syrup for children. The dosage and frequency of administration is determined according to the age of the child.

Ambroxol tablets are recommended for patients under five years of age at 7.5 mg. This is 1 milliliter of solution for internal reception or half a special spoonful of syrup.

For adolescents from 6 to 12 years old, 15 mg. This is 2 ml. liquids. Concentrated syrup -1 measuring spoon, which corresponds to 5 mg of active substance.

Dosage for adults over twelve years old - 30 mg (one tablet or 4 ml. Solution, or 10 ml of thick syrup). Give twice a day.

Directions for use

Before starting use, you should read the instructions for Ambroxol for children.

Taking the medicine, it is recommended after a meal, in order to protect the gastric mucosa from irritation by the elements of the drug, drink it big amount liquid, which promotes better dissolution. For children early age, Ambroxol is prescribed by a pediatrician.

Taking medicine is recommended no more than twice a day. Older patients, while maintaining the dosage, increase the amount of taking the drug. The first day the initial dose is maintained, then decreases. Relief comes within 30 minutes after taking the medicine.

The duration of the therapeutic course is individual for each patient. Treatment with Ambroxol is discontinued after elimination of the symptoms of the disease and transfer to other drugs.

Inhalation procedures are carried out using a nebulizer. To do this, mix the liquid with saline 1/1. The patient inhales useful material for 10-15 minutes. In the absence of the necessary device, the ENR can be replaced with an inhaler. Treatment procedures are recommended for children from the age of five.

Injections are prescribed for newborn babies. The amount of ambroxol depends on body weight. 1 milligram is equal to 1 kilogram of a child's weight. The procedure can be used 3-4 times a day.


Symptoms appear as a result of uncontrolled use. Characterized by salivation, signs of intoxication, a decrease in the level of pressure, a gag reflex.

When characteristic syndromes appear, it is necessary to cleanse the stomach as much as possible with the help of a manganese solution. Provide the baby with food enriched with fats, if all else fails, consult a doctor.

Storage conditions and periods

You can buy the medicine at the pharmacy. To purchase it, a prescription is required. For a patient - a child, a consultation with a pediatrician is required. The price depends on the form of release of the drug. The cost varies from 35 rubles.

The medicine should be stored at a temperature of plus 25 degrees, in a dry, impervious to sun rays protected from children.

Consume immediately after opening the casing. The medicine should be disposed of if the expiration date stated in the second row on the package has expired. The shelf life of the syrup is two years, and the tablets are three.

Analogues of Ambroxol syrup

If it is impossible to buy the original, it can be replaced. Similar drugs by the action of the active substance include the following drugs:

Ambrobene - manufacturer, country Germany. Pharmacological form of release - syrup. It is used to treat chronic and acute airway inflammation. The active substance is ambroxol hydrochloride;

Ambrosan - medicinal product based on ambroxol. Helps with the development of inflammation of the broncho-pulmonary system. It is prescribed as a prophylactic agent for stagnation in the bronchi, after an operation or traumatological conditions;

Bronchicum is a thyme-based medicine. Copes well enough with the discharge of sputum. The main difference in the action of the drug is that it liquefies phlegm, and changes its composition. Not recommended for combination with other medicines in this group.

AmbroHexal is the most popular prototype of Amobroxal. They have identical properties of the main drug and, in addition, prevent the transition of allergies to an asthmatic state.

  • Bronolac - a remedy for getting rid of a wet cough;
  • Halixol;
  • Bronchus;
  • Medox;
  • Remebox.

Bromhexine - used as medication, with diseases of the respiratory system, are accompanied by the formation of dense, difficult to discharge sputum. It is a prophylactic agent for the development of pneumonia. The active substance is bromhexine. It has contraindications, therefore it is used only after a medical consultation.

  • Mukonens;
  • Bronchostop;

Ambrovix is ​​a well-known analogue of Ambroxol. Children's medicine, which is a banana-flavored syrup. Ambrovix instruction for children: Take 2-3 times a day, in a measuring cup, after consulting a pediatrician.

Pharmacological release of drugs is quite diverse - from tablets to physical. solution for inhalation.

Ambroxol syrup reviews

It is in demand among people who have suffered from respiratory diseases. It normalizes the function of the bronchial cilia, promotes the liquefaction of sputum, and removes it from the body. The use of any of the forms of Ambraxol, clears the pulmonary system and bronchi from phlegm.