Treatment with leaves of horseradish deposits. Horseradish leaves: useful properties and contraindications

Joint diseases occur in a large number of people, especially the elderly population. The occurrence of pain significantly reduces the quality of life, restricts movement and causes discomfort.

There are many drugs and physiological procedures for the treatment of this ailment. Of great importance is ethnoscience.

Horseradish leaf for joint pain has been used for a very long time, has a positive effect and does not cause side effects on the body.

The entire part of the plant (root, leaves) has medical applications and helps to treat many ailments.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist BUZ VO \ "Moscow polyclinic \".

The causes of joint pain can be diseases such as arthritis or rheumatism. With such ailments, fluid accumulates in the joint capsule, which leads to swelling of the surrounding tissues and the joint, reddening of the skin and the occurrence of constant aching pain.

With age, changes occur in bone and cartilage tissue, the formation of intra-articular fluid decreases, as a result of friction of bones against each other, severe pain occurs and mobility is impaired.

Description of the tool and mechanism of action

  • B vitamins improve the functioning of the central nervous system, are used in the treatment of neurological diseases, have a calming effect, participate in the vital processes of body cells.
  • Vitamin A (retinol) is involved in the normal development of bone tissue, teeth, heals the skin in case of damage, increases immunity, has a positive effect on metabolic processes, protein synthesis.
  • Contains minerals (phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium and others) that are essential for the development of the body.
  • Horseradish contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. Thanks to this, immunity increases, the permeability of capillaries and vascular walls improves.
  • Phytoncides have a bactericidal effect against bacteria, reduce the inflammatory process.

Mechanism of action

Horseradish leaves and roots have the following actions:

  • diuretic;
  • pain reliever;
  • decongestant;
  • antiseptic;
  • improves joint mobility;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • deduces harmful substances, toxins;
  • reduces side effects after taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • restores cartilage tissue.

Indications for the use of the drug

Horseradish possesses unique properties in the treatment of various diseases of the joints and is used in complex therapy for:

  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • arthrosis;
  • rheumatism.


Despite effective medicinal properties, there is a category of patients for whom the use of horseradish is contraindicated in medicinal purposes... The main disease is hypertension. Leaves and roots increase blood pressure, therefore horseradish will strengthen the existing disease and its use will Negative influence on the body as a whole.

Pregnant and lactating women are also prohibited from using the plant in any form, since everything is transmitted to the child and can affect his health.

In the stage of exacerbation of joint diseases do not recommend using compresses... Also contraindicated for use in diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach), bleeding, during colds, accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Patients with endocrine abnormalities should take traditional medicine with caution.

Before use, it is imperative to consult with your doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and not harm the body.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Due to its many beneficial properties, people use horseradish leaves and roots as an external remedy(compresses, lotions, ointments, baths) and internal (decoctions, infusions, fresh application).

To get the most out of your vegetable, there are some guidelines to follow. To reduce burning and irritation, horseradish is best mixed with less burning ingredients. Raw materials can be used fresh or dried.

It is necessary to apply external agents only to the site of the lesion, so as not to cause allergic reactions to healthy tissues.


Fresh horseradish leaves are used for its preparation. They are thoroughly washed with water, cut into strips. Then put it in a jar and watered abundantly linseed oil... Then close the lid tightly and leave for a week in a dark place. During this period, the oil will absorb all the nutrients. After that, the ointment is filtered and the leaves are removed. Apply ointment 2-3 times a day, rubbing well.

Such a remedy will improve blood circulation, have a warming effect and remove excess salts from the body.


To prepare it, you will need fresh plant leaves. They must first be kneaded and dried. Then, for a couple of minutes, you need to lower the leaves in boiling water, allow to cool and apply to the affected area of ​​the body. For the best effect, the place can be wrapped in a warm shawl or scarf. Such a compress is done at night and removed in the morning. After removal, white marks can be seen on the leaves. This is a sign of removing excess salts from the body.

To achieve a long-term effect, it is necessary to carry out at least ten such procedures.

Compress from horseradish root and kefir

Raw materials grind well on a grater, add kefir. Fermented milk product you can use any fat content. The resulting mixture is applied in a thick layer to the diseased area of ​​the body, covered with cling film or cellophane bag.

Sessions must be done at least 8.


Use leaves. They are thoroughly washed, dried and crushed. Then the container is filled with raw materials (preferably a glass jar), poured on top with an alcohol solution or vodka. The resulting mixture is infused in a cold place or refrigerator for a week. Strain it before use and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

The course of application is 1-2 months.

Infusion from the root with the addition of honey.

Grind 200 grams of horseradish root on a grater. Pre him wash and dry... In a three-liter jar, add grated horseradish and 1 kilogram of honey. Pour everything over with water and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Apply the infusion in a tablespoon up to three times a day. The course of admission is two months.

The action of the components is manifested in the removal of excess salts from the body, the splitting of sand and stones.


Horseradish helps with pain well in joints and other inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Also, be sure to watch the next video.

Using folk recipes it is very important not to harm yourself, so first it is better to consult with a specialist about possible contraindications.

In a nutshell

  • Horseradish contains: vitamins A and B, minerals, ascorbic acid, phytoncides.
  • Action: diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant, immunomodulatory, antiseptic.
  • Can be used for: radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, gout, arthrosis, rheumatitis.
  • On the basis of horseradish leaves, you can make: ointment, compress, tincture.

V recent times more and more patients prefer to deal with joint pathologies not with the help of modern medicines, but folk methods treatment. This therapy also produces improvements, but does not harm the liver and kidneys. In almost all countries, traditional medicine recipes include the use of horseradish leaves for joint diseases.

Rheumatologists and astrologers also confirm that tinctures and compresses based on the product are able to strengthen cartilaginous tissue and alleviate the condition in various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Horseradish leaves for knee pain have been popular since ancient times. Such a prevalence of the product for articular pathologies is due to the amazing composition of the plant. Horseradish contains B vitamins, retinol, ascorbic acid, mustard oil and a huge amount of minerals necessary for the body.

The main medicinal properties of horseradish are:

  • reduction of discomfort and pain in the affected area;
  • fighting the inflammatory process;
  • removal of toxins from the body and blood purification;
  • reduction of puffiness in problem areas;
  • strengthening and activation of the growth of cartilage cells;
  • activation of the protective properties of immunity.

If you take the prescribed drugs and regularly use horseradish lotions and tinctures for the joints, the positive effect will not take long.

Reference! The largest number nutrients and minerals are contained in fresh horseradish leaves, therefore, treatment is recommended with their use.


Treatment of joints with horseradish at home is carried out only as an auxiliary therapy, in any case it is impossible to refuse to take medications.

Representatives alternative medicine recommend using it to combat such pathologies:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • excessive accumulation of salts;
  • gout.

Also, horseradish is used to treat bursitis and other diseases, accompanied by inflammatory processes and a violation of the integrity of the joints and capsules.


Despite the fact that reviews on the use of horseradish for articular lesions are extremely positive, this product, like any others, can provoke the occurrence side effects... To prevent the occurrence of unwanted complications, it is recommended to consult with a rheumatologist before proceeding with active actions, who will tell you how often horseradish-based tinctures and compresses can be used.

  • hypersensitivity of the skin (applying plant leaves can provoke and even burn);
  • age up to 10 years;
  • with high blood pressure, horseradish is strictly forbidden to be taken orally;
  • allergy to the main components of the product;
  • availability of internal inflammatory processes;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs.

The most effective recipes

If the painful sensations and swelling of the tissues do not go away for a long time, you can try to cure the joints with horseradish at home. Some patients assure that the use of horseradish-based lotions and tinctures is more effective than the use of expensive chondroprotectors. But it must be remembered that the effect largely depends on the stage of the lesion, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Preparation and application of tinctures

In folk medicine, horseradish has won an honorable place, people around the world are still actively using it to fight a variety of lesions. The largest number of positive reviews have tinctures intended for internal use and external processing.

Reference! Horseradish with honey for joint pain is a classic remedy. You can consume such a tincture only on a full stomach, otherwise it can cause severe discomfort in the digestive tract.

Using horseradish leaves

Applying the leaves to the affected joint will also help reduce inflammation and soreness. It is recommended to use the following recipes:

Reference! Doctors warn that the use of horseradish leaves for external use is also necessary with extreme caution. Lotions and compresses should not be left on for longer than 8 hours.

Horseradish is a spicy plant that can be found on all household plots in different climatic regions. This plant has universal properties and is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Dishes, which include a spicy spice, have an exquisite and piquant taste, and medical and cosmetic procedures with this plant will not only heal the body, but also prevent the appearance of many diseases.

Unpretentiousness and undemandingness to agrotechnical measures make it possible to grow a plant not only experienced summer residents, but also for novice gardeners.


Horseradish is a perennial herb and belongs to the cabbage class. All parts of this plant are used both for the preparation of large quantities healthy dishes and for the creation of medical and cosmetic products. Shaded and moist areas with fertile soil provide a comfortable environment for the growth and development of this plant. It can be found in all countries of the world, except for the desert and regions with permafrost. Among the main advantages, it is necessary to note resistance to low temperatures and unpretentiousness.

Botanists distinguish several types of leaves:

  • basal - rough and tall;
  • the lower ones are rigid and elongated;
  • the upper ones are thin and delicate.

Plants in the first year of growth have the following characteristics:

  • large leaves that form in the root rosette, the height of which can reach more than 80 mm;
  • leaf plate of saturated green color without lint with an openwork edge;
  • thick and large petioles;
  • powerful root system extending to a depth of more than 1 m;
  • a large number of root branches.

Only in plants of the second year of growth, small inflorescences begin to form, which are located on a high stem. In autumn, a seed pod appears on the peduncle. Small leaves are not located in a basal rosette, but on a thick stem. Flowers have a white tint and a fragrant smell, they look attractive.

The great popularity and wide field of application forced the breeders to work on the development of new varieties of this plant. The following horseradish varieties can be found on the agricultural market:

  • "Suzdalsky";
  • Rostovsky;
  • "Rizhsky";
  • Atlant.

All varieties of horseradish have their own individual characteristics and technical specifications.

What are the benefits for the human body?

For many decades, traditional healers have been using all parts of the plant to prepare medicinal preparations that help people of different ages. main feature spices - the presence of a biologically active enzyme lysozyme, which destroys the protective shell of dangerous bacteria and viruses, which significantly reduces the period of illness and has a beneficial effect on the patient's health. The maximum amount of vitamins and minerals is found in a strong and strong root system. Leaves have less pronounced medicinal properties and have a milder effect on the body. Laboratory studies have shown that the content of vitamin C in green mass is at a level with citrus fruits and currants.

The aerial part of the plant is rich in proteins, vegetable fats, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin B, niacin, potassium, iron, phosphoric acid, magnesium, sulfur, copper, amino acids and a lot of dietary fiber.

The phytoncides that make up horseradish are a natural analogue of medicines with antibiotics. The pungency and piquant taste is provided by mustard oil.

The principle of the healing properties of horseradish is based on the irritating effect of the plant on the skin and mucous membrane of all internal organs, as a result of which blood circulation increases and the rate of penetration of nutrients into the body increases. A huge amount of useful components will prevent the appearance of vitamin deficiency and increase immunity.

Among the main medicinal benefits of horseradish leaves, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • a destructive effect on dangerous bacteria and viruses both inside the body and on the skin;
  • removal of hazardous and toxic substances that have a negative impact on all internal organs human and provoking the development of inflammation and tumors;
  • restoration of cartilage and muscle tone;
  • increased appetite and revitalization of the entire digestive system;
  • regulation of all metabolic processes in organism;
  • burning of body fat;
  • treatment of respiratory organs, oral cavity, nasopharynx;
  • reduction of pain in neurological diseases of various origins, arthritis and radiculitis;
  • strengthening immunity and increasing the body's resistance to colds and viral infections in winter;
  • treatment of the kidneys and the entire urinary system;
  • preventing the development of heart disease and circulatory system;
  • restoration of liver cells after hepatitis and cirrhosis;
  • restoration of the reproductive functions of the female and male body;
  • restoration of the structure of hair and nail plates;
  • reduction of inflammation after injuries and bruises.

Learn more about amazing properties horseradish leaves, see the next video.


Like any medicinal plant, horseradish has a number of contraindications, which must be taken into account before starting to take the medicinal composition and adding to the daily diet:

  • gastritis and ulcers of the digestive system;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • colitis, enterocolitis;
  • inflammation of the adenoma and prostate;
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • carrying a child and the period of breastfeeding;
  • liver and kidney diseases.

Uncontrolled intake of large amounts of the plant can cause allergic reaction and severe burns of the mucous membrane.

If horseradish juice gets into the eyes, immediately rinse the mucous membrane of the eye with plenty of water and consult an ophthalmologist.

Before starting the course of treatment, it is necessary to obtain advice and detailed recommendations on the use of drugs from medical professionals. Strict adherence to dosage and admission rules is a prerequisite for the safe treatment of any type of disease. In case of side effects, you must immediately stop taking the composition and immediately contact the nearest medical institution.

How to use it in traditional medicine?

In collections with folk medical recipes, you can find a large number of compounds for treatment and prevention different types diseases. Alternative medicine is used to treat not only adults, but also children.

Decoctions and infusions are used for viral diseases, female and male pathologies, diseases of the digestive system, heart, kidneys and circulatory system, to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, to eliminate dermatitis.

Compresses are used to treat salt deposits, varicose veins, wounds, purulent formations, stomatitis, otitis media, radiculitis, respiratory inflammation, neurological diseases, muscle sprains and bruises, and gout.

To prepare the tincture, you need to collect the leaves during the flowering of the plant. The collected green mass must be washed, crushed, folded into a glass jar and filled with a high-quality alcohol-containing liquid. Traditional healers recommend insisting the components in a dark and cool place for at least 10 days, after which the composition is filtered and poured into an opaque glass container. This drug is used as a rub for arthritis, rheumatic diseases, as well as for the treatment of legs and back. The composition reduces pain with osteochondrosis, radiculitis and neurological diseases. Internal use appropriate for diabetes mellitus and various pathologies of the heart and circulatory system.

For external use of freshly picked herbs in the form of a compress, scald several large undamaged leaves and immediately put them on the problem area. Leaves should be applied with the warm side to the problem area. Leave the compress for at least 12 hours, after covering it with a thick towel.

Healing broth must be done immediately before use, pouring one tablespoon of chopped leaves with a glass of boiling water and infusing for 60 minutes.

Regular application of fresh juice from the aerial parts of horseradish to problem areas of the face will help get rid of unaesthetic skin disorders, and rubbing the oral cavity will get rid of unpleasant dental problems.

To get the maximum benefit from healing procedures, it is necessary to prepare preparations immediately before starting treatment. With prolonged storage of ready-made formulations, their medicinal properties decrease, and they will not have the expected positive effect on the body.

All recipes have a simple composition and their preparation can be done at home without the involvement of special devices and medical devices.

What can you cook?

Horseradish is a unique plant that has a wide range of applications not only in medicine and cosmetology, but also in cooking. This plant is added to summer salads and marinades for winter preparations. Meat and fish dishes with horseradish leaves will acquire a unique taste and piquant pungency, and tomato and mushroom sauces will become not only fragrant, but also acquire bright flavor notes of an exquisite dish.

Large and powerful horseradish leaves become a unique material for the aesthetic design of salads, cold cuts and other dishes of festive events.

Many housewives use not cabbage and grape leaves for meat or vegetable stuffed cabbage, but young and juicy horseradish greens. Such a dish will surprise the guests with the taste characteristics and will become an adornment of any holiday. Pickled leaves with salt and vinegar will allow you to cook borscht, vegetable soups and cabbage rolls even in winter.

For the preparation of leaves for future use, you can apply the drying method. Juicy and healthy leaves without mechanical damage must be carefully cut off, rinsed under cold running water and allowed to drain from the leaf plates. Finely chop the prepared greens and put on a baking sheet covered with parchment. The period of drying the leaves in the oven at 40 degrees does not exceed 120 minutes. Dry leaves should be placed in clean glass containers.

Experienced housewives recommend drying not only in ovens, but also outdoors. Prepared greens should be laid out in a thin layer in a ventilated area, protected from direct sun rays... Drying period no more than 15 hours.

A useful and nutritious preparation is fresh adjika, which contains not only tomatoes, garlic, hot peppers, salt and sugar, but also fresh leaves of this plant. The technology of preparing fresh adjika will not bring difficulties even to novice cooks, and the aromatic taste characteristics will make it a favorite addition to the first and second courses. To prepare this seasoning, you need to wash all the ingredients, remove all rough spots and turn everything in a meat grinder. This dish can be skipped and stored under nylon lids in the refrigerator. Horseradish leaves will prevent mold from appearing and will become an obstacle to the reproduction of dangerous microorganisms.

The greens of the spicy plant go well not only with tomatoes, but also with beets, plums and apples. In cookbooks, you can find a huge number of different spicy sauces and condiments.

Horseradish greens keep well for six months on refrigerator shelves in a sealed plastic bag.

Horseradish root is a traditional spice condiment that is popular in many countries around the world. Traditional healers and professional chefs recommend not to forget about the aboveground part of this plant, which is no less useful. In order to enrich the body with vitamins and prevent the development of dangerous diseases it is not necessary to buy expensive dietary supplements and imported drugs.

An unpretentious plant that can be found on every household plot will become a source of vitamins and minerals. The introduction of hot seasoning into the diet will help diversify the meager winter diet and help create new and mouth-watering dishes.

Horseradish is a herbaceous perennial member of the Brassicaceae family such as mustard, rutabaga, cabbage or radish and daikon. Horseradish is grown mainly for the root, which is used to make the popular seasoning, but the leaves have also long been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It is about the medicinal properties of horseradish leaves that will be discussed in this article.

Fuck is perennial, which is widespread throughout Europe. According to one of the versions, Russia is considered the birthplace of horseradish, but there are suggestions that it first appeared on the territory of modern Hungary. Wherever his homeland was, but it was grown by both the Romans and the Greeks, and in our country almost throughout the entire territory, with the exception of perhaps the most northern regions... It was from Europe that horseradish spread to other continents, including America and Asia, and thrives in temperate climates.

Horseradish leaves are large, oblong-oval with a jagged edge. The texture of the leaf can vary depending on the variety. They taste sharp and bitter. Young leaves are softer in taste than older leaves, which are coarser in texture and more savory in taste. Interestingly, horseradish leaves are poisonous to horses, cows, goats and sheep. Perhaps this is the source of the rumor about their toxicity when consumed excessively.

Horseradish leaves chemical composition

The leaves, like the root, contain an enzyme called glucosinolate, which gives them a spicy, piquant aroma. V large quantities it can be toxic, but in most cases, eating horseradish is safe for humans.

This phytonutrient is not the only constituent of horseradish leaves. Found in them:



Essential oil;


Organic acids;

Dietary fiber;



There is more vitamin C in horseradish leaves than in such recognized champions as lemon and black currant. Other vitamins include carotene, B vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, as well as vitamin E.

Of the minerals, most of all they contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, sulfur.

In terms of nutritional value, they contain 39 percent carbohydrates; 59 percent vegetable protein, 20 percent fat. The calorie content per 100 grams is low and is only 64 calories.

The piquancy of the leaves is given by the essential oil, the main part of which is represented by allyl mustard oil.

Horseradish leaves useful and medicinal properties

All these components chemical composition horseradish together give it many useful and medicinal properties.

The leaves of the plant, along with the root, are widely used in cooking. True, the leaves are more used for canning vegetables and much less often in our country they are used for food as a salad plant. Although in some countries they are often used in salads along with the closest relatives of horseradish, like arugula, cabbage or radish.

Horseradish leaves contain substances that, when preserved, prevent the appearance of mold and give some piquancy. In addition, dried and ground into powder leaves can be used as a seasoning for meat dishes.

Flavonoids give them good antioxidant properties, and phytoncides give them antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Mustard oil not only gives a piquant taste, but also enhances appetite, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Horseradish leaves contain substances that stimulate various glands in the body, including increasing salivation and gastric acid secretion. In combination with dietary fiber, all this improves the peristalsis of intestinal smooth muscles, preventing constipation.

The high content of vegetable protein and dietary fiber gives a feeling of fullness, which reduces the risk of overeating and can be used for weight loss. In addition, the leaves do not contain fat that could be deposited in the body.

Due to their balanced presence of potassium and sodium, their intake will be beneficial for regulating blood pressure... The high potassium content has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke. In addition, they can improve cellular metabolism, reduce fluid accumulation in tissue cells, and reduce edema.

Antibacterial properties can protect against viruses and bacteria.

Eating horseradish leaves in food can improve metabolic processes in the body, helping to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Although horseradish root is much more often used for treatment, the medicinal properties of the leaves cannot be denied, among which it should be noted:






Pain relievers.

Horseradish leaves application

Horseradish leaves are not used in official medicine. But in folk medicine, they have found wider application. They have long been considered one of the better means with the deposition of salts in the joints. To relieve pain, both fresh leaves are applied, and sore spots are rubbed with alcohol tincture.

Horseradish leaves are traditionally used to treat:

Joints: arthritis, arthrosis, gout and others;

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;

Removing salts and toxins;

Sore throat with colds, sore throat;

Wounds and bruises.

Horseradish leaf treatment

For treatment, horseradish leaves are used fresh or in the form of a poultice, applying them to sore spots. For rubbing and rinsing, an alcoholic tincture is prepared on vodka or medical alcohol.

Read on:

Horseradish leaves from salt deposits

Salt deposition is one of the main causes of joint and back pain. Horseradish leaves have long been a well-known remedy for such pain. They not only relieve pain, but also help remove salts. They are used when:



Heel spur;

Knee pain.

For the treatment of salt deposits, both the leaves themselves and the alcohol tincture are used. Leaves, fresh or in the form of a poultice, are applied to sore joints and fixed. Alcohol tincture is used in the form of rubbing.

Horseradish leaves for joint pain

To relieve joint pain, fresh leaves are applied to the sore spot with the upper side and fixed with a bandage. If there is pain in the foot, after wrapping the fingers and feet with leaves, wear warm socks.

The second option: pour over fresh leaves with boiling water, dry and attach to a sore spot. Also fix with a bandage or put on socks. As a rule, such compresses are left on overnight. The duration of the course is at least 10 days. The first relief comes after 2-3 procedures.

Heel spur treatment

Many people are familiar with the pain associated with a heel spur when it is difficult to step on the foot. Horseradish leaf can quickly relieve pain and bring relief.

Before applying the sheet to the heel, you first need to knead it slightly and apply it to the leg. Put on your socks.

This procedure can be done both at night and during the day. In the afternoon, you can replace the leaf with a fresh one after a few hours.

Those who made such dressings with a horseradish leaf are in the first days simply amazed how all substances are pulled out of the leaf, and only veins remain from the leaf. At the site of application, especially in the first days of treatment, you can see salt crystals. So that the skin does not dry out in this place and there is no irritation, after removing the salt, it must be lubricated with cream or cosmetic oil.

At night with such an ailment, you can apply a gruel from grated horseradish root, wrapping it in gauze or a napkin. Cover the top with a plastic bag and put on socks.

Treatment of sciatica with horseradish leaves

One of the main causes of sciatica is salt deposition. In this case, horseradish leaf can also come to the rescue. You can apply to the lower back both fresh leaves and pre-scalded with boiling water.

Fresh leaves are applied with the upper side of the sheet, which before that it is better to knead a little and put on a bandage. Tie a woolen scarf or shawl on top.

The scalded horseradish leaves should be covered with a plastic bag on top and a bandage should be put on and then the back should be insulated. The course of treatment is at least 10 procedures.

In winter, grated horseradish root can be applied to the lower back, which is mixed with kerosene.

Horseradish leaves help with gout, deforming arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis. In summer, you can use fresh leaves, in winter, use horseradish root. In addition to their analgesic effects, they have anti-inflammatory properties and literally draw out salts.

With severe pain, you need to keep compresses from the leaves for several hours. The duration of treatment is at least 10 days, but longer can be done.

Horseradish leaf tincture

Horseradish tincture is used for rubbing, rinsing the mouth and throat. They use it internally for some diseases. It is effective for diseases such as:


Male diseases;

Women's diseases;



Viral hepatitis;

Cirrhosis of the liver;

Metabolic disease.

Prepare the tincture as follows. The jar is stuffed with chopped fresh leaves on the shoulders and poured with 500 ml of vodka. They put it in the refrigerator for a week on a shelf where the temperature is not the lowest. In the latest models of refrigerators, these are the top shelves. The older ones are the lower ones.

Then the tincture needs to be filtered and the leaves squeezed out. Transfer to a dark glass bottle and store at room temperature.

With the deposition of salts, atherosclerosis, to cleanse the body, juice of 2-3 lemons and 2-3 tablespoons of honey are added to 500 ml of the resulting tincture. The tincture is taken in a tablespoon two, three times a day half an hour before meals. Taking the tincture removes salts from the body, improves the regeneration of intervertebral discs, helping to restore their structure.

In case of hepatitis, the juice of 1 lemon and 3 tablespoons of honey are added to the same volume of tincture. Take 2 times a day before meals.

For rinsing the mouth or throat, the tincture is pre-diluted with water.

Horseradish leaves in cosmetology

An infusion of leaves is used to get rid of freckles. To prepare it, pour two tablespoons of chopped leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for two hours. After straining, use as a lotion to wipe the face. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Then prepare a fresh infusion.

A decoction and infusion of the leaves are used to rinse the hair, which allows you to fight hair loss, skin seborrhea.

Horseradish leaves contraindications

For external use, horseradish leaves are not dangerous. Only individual intolerance can serve as a contraindication.

Tincture on the leaves inside is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by high acidity gastric juice.

Since the leaves have an irritating effect on many organs, their use inside is contraindicated (in salads or as medicine) with some liver diseases, impaired kidney function. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should treat them with caution, and be sure to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Horseradish leaves- fragrant leaves of a plant of the Cabbage family. Horseradish leaves are quite large, oval, oblong (see photo). Latin name shit sounds like Armoracia. The vegetable got its usual name thanks to the Old Russian language, where the word "horseradish" meant "smell".

The homeland of this plant is the Mediterranean. Horseradish got its fame in Russia, then German chefs found out about it, who also liked the product. In Russia, there was even a custom of testing the bride and groom with horseradish. At one time, horseradish was ranked among magical plants, it was worn to protect against evil forces, and sometimes it was used as a "love root" to get the heart of a loved one.

In Greece, horseradish was considered not just a seasoning, but a full-fledged dish. In England, it was grown exclusively in medicinal purposes: horseradish was used for fever, digestive diseases, to accelerate hair growth. This plant is widespread throughout Europe, it is used as a seasoning.

Growing and care

It will not be difficult to grow horseradish on your site, it belongs to cold-resistant plants, it grows from early winter to late autumn. The only thing this plant needs is regular watering, with insufficient moisture, the yield will be poor. Horseradish propagates with the help of cuttings, which are cooked in the fall, for which the upper end of the stem is cut horizontally, and the lower end is obliquely. Until spring, cuttings are stored in bunches in a cool place. Horseradish is planted simultaneously with the sowing of early vegetable crops. It can be fertilized, and at the beginning of the growing season it is better to fertilize with nitrogen, and in the second period - with potassium.

Fresh horseradish leaves are harvested as they grow, and the root itself is dug up in early November. It is advisable to store horseradish in the cellar, sprinkled with sand. For simplicity and ease of storage, you can make flour from horseradish roots. To this end, the horseradish roots are thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces and dried in the oven until the root becomes brittle. Small pieces of horseradish are ground in a mortar. Horseradish root flour can be stored all winter, it is better to store it in a glass jar.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of horseradish are due to the presence in its composition of phytoncides - natural substances that kill bad microorganisms. Horseradish leaves contain carotene, vitamins B and C, as well as minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, copper, and sulfur. Horseradish leaves are high in vitamin C, even more than lemons, making it effective remedy against scurvy.

Unlike many other products vegetable origin, horseradish leaves contain protein, carbohydrates and fats, which are due to beneficial features product. Few people know that horseradish leaves cleanse the body of toxins, prevent the deposition of salts... Alcohol tincture of the leaves with prolonged use helps to remove salts from the body, which helps with joint pain. Regular consumption of horseradish promotes moderate regeneration of cartilage tissue.

Horseradish leaves increase appetite and have a beneficial effect on digestion... When horseradish enters the stomach, it activates the production of enzymes and gastric juice. The calorie content of the product is 64 kilocalories per 100 g due to the presence of plant proteins. In order to digest horseradish, the body spends more calories than it receives from it, so horseradish will definitely not cause weight gain.

Horseradish is considered natural antibiotic because it kills bad microorganisms. Outwardly, horseradish leaves can be applied in the form of antiseptic dressings. The bactericidal properties of the leaves have been known for a long time, housewives added horseradish leaves to pickle for cucumbers and tomatoes to prevent the development of bacteria and mold. When horseradish is consumed, its active substances disinfect the oral cavity, contribute to the treatment of inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes.

At osteochondrosis Traditional medicine recommends taking horseradish leaf baths. Young leaves, about 500 g, are washed, dried, and then poured with boiling water (3 l) and left for a day in a closed container. Before taking a bath, the infusion is filtered and poured into a warm bath, the procedure lasts 30 minutes.

In cosmetology, horseradish is used to get rid of freckles and age spots... To remove stains, the face is wiped with an aqueous infusion of horseradish.

Cooking use

In cooking, horseradish leaves are used for conservation, and horseradish itself is used for making sauces. Russian cuisine has long honored horseradish, it was added to salads, pickled vegetables. Horseradish leaves protect pickles from mold. In the description of Russian dinners, horseradish figured as a traditional addition to jelly and roast pig.

Young horseradish leaves go well with meat dishes, add a spicy pungency, a few juicy leaves can be added to the soup or they can be used to decorate sandwiches. Powder from dried horseradish leaves will not only add flavor to the dish, but also benefit the body. Horseradish goes well with jellied dishes, poultry, pork.

Horseradish leaf benefits and treatment

The benefits of horseradish leaves are enormous. They are used to treat many diseases. So, a tincture from the leaves of this plant helps with hepatitis, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis, metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis... With osteochondrosis, the mobility of the thoracic, cervical and dorsal spine is limited, and pain often occurs. Essential oils and phytoncides help relieve pain. The most common treatments for these conditions are horseradish tincture and compresses. Tincture it is very simple to prepare: a glass jar is filled with chopped horseradish leaves, then the mixture is poured with vodka, then the jar is placed in the refrigerator. After a week, the mixture is filtered and taken 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. The tincture can be enriched with lemon juice or 3 tablespoons of bee honey. This remedy is effective for liver cirrhosis, female and male diseases, viral hepatitis. The maximum period for taking the tincture is 3 months. Tincture helps with sinusitis, strengthens the body after winter. Externally, the tincture is used for muscle pain and back pain.

Compresses of young horseradish leaves are applied to the thoracic, cervical or waist region. The leaves are scalded with boiling water and applied warm to the diseased area. The compress is left overnight, be sure to cover it with a film, in addition, you can wrap it up with a scarf or warm scarf. In the morning, the compress is removed and washed white bloom on the surface of the skin. These are the salts that the horseradish pulled out. Compresses should be done in a course of 10 daily procedures, if the case is neglected, then, if necessary, the treatment can be continued.

Fresh horseradish leaves are a good remedy headache... The leaves are applied to the temples for 10 minutes, for the same purpose, the smell of crushed horseradish root is inhaled.

Harm of horseradish leaves and contraindications

Horseradish leaves can harm the body with diseases such as gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, and kidney disease. In large quantities, horseradish and its leaves negatively affect digestion.