Semolina porridge on water without lumps. Semolina porridge without lumps: the best recipes for adults and children

Semolina porridge- this is porridge from childhood, which many of us stopped eating in adult life. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, but those who consider semolina porridge tasteless are deeply mistaken, simply because they do not know how to cook it correctly. After all, semolina porridge requires a special approach, and if the housewife masters a couple of simple secrets, she will be able to prepare a real dessert from healthy and satisfying semolina.

Semolina porridge - general principles and cooking methods

A few words about semolina: semolina is a “by-product” obtained by grinding durum varieties wheat into flour. Despite the fact that semolina does not retain a large amount of vitamins, fiber and microelements, it contains about 70% easily digestible carbohydrates and a lot of protein - this makes the product more filling and energy-providing.

In addition, semolina porridge cooks very quickly, due to which the beneficial substances it contains are practically not destroyed. And increase it even more nutritional value Milk and a combination with fresh berries and fruits will help. For those who are watching their figure, semolina porridge is not often recommended to be consumed, but for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, it can become a real savior, since, having a soft enveloping effect, porridge helps to soothe gastritis and eliminate pain due to peptic ulcer and intestinal colic.

The main secret that will make semolina porridge adored is that under no circumstances should it be cooked in water alone. This way it will turn out bland and almost tasteless. If you want to reduce its calorie content, dilute milk with water (for example, 70 x 30 or 50 x 50). Here you should take into account the fat content of the milk, so select the proportions according to your own taste.

An equally important point is the amount of semolina poured per liter of liquid. As a rule, many people make mistakes in proportional accuracy, and as a result, the semolina porridge is spoiled. To prevent such an incident from happening, add only six tablespoons of semolina per liter of boiling liquid. Initially, the porridge may seem somewhat liquid, but believe me, it will quickly acquire the optimal consistency.

The third rule that should always be followed when cooking semolina porridge: the cereal must be poured only into the boiling liquid and only in a very thin stream, constantly stirring the porridge. To improve the taste, salt, sugar and butter. The first two ingredients are added before the liquid boils, and the last one is added at the very end, after the semolina porridge boils. By the way, don’t let it sit on the stove for too long, add some oil, close the lid and let it simmer with the stove off for 3-5 minutes, and voila, the delicious porridge is ready!

Semolina porridge - food preparation

In order to cook delicious porridge, you should carefully consider the purchase of the main ingredient - semolina. First of all, pay attention to the uniformity of the color of the cereal. Color in this case is the main indicator of its quality: all grains must be identical and monochromatic - cream or yellowish, and also without foreign inclusions.

We choose only fresh milk for semolina porridge! Even the slightest souring is unacceptable! The same applies to butter: it should be fresh, uniform in color and not rancid.

Semolina porridge - best recipes

Recipe 1: Classic semolina porridge with milk and dried fruits

Cooked according to classic recipe semolina porridge turns out very tender and sweet. And the dried fruits included in its composition will add piquancy to the dish. This porridge will certainly please all family members.

Ingredients: (per 500 ml liquid)

- 300 gr. milk
- 200 gr. water
- one third teaspoon of salt
- tea l. Sahara
- a handful of raisins (or any dried fruits)
— 50-100 gr. butter

Cooking method:

1. Mix milk with water and put the mixture on the stove. We make sure that it doesn’t run away (the milk boils quite quickly). After boiling, add salt and sugar and stir.

2. We begin to pour in the semolina in a thin, thin stream, constantly stirring the porridge so that no lumps form. Then wait until the dish boils, remembering to continue stirring.

3. As soon as the semolina porridge begins to boil, add oil and washed dried fruits to it, turn off the stove, close the lid and steam for about ten to fifteen minutes. We serve this delicious treat only hot!

Recipe 2: Guryevskaya semolina porridge

The famous Guryev porridge is a real masterpiece. Even those who don’t like semolina will not be able to refuse it. We definitely recommend making it in the near future, you won’t regret it!


— 1.25 liters of milk (fat content from 3.2 to 4%)
- half a glass of semolina
— 500 gr. mixtures of nuts (walnuts, cedar, hazelnuts)
— 10 pcs. bitter almonds
— almond essence - four drops
- half a glass of sugar
- half a glass of any red jam
— 70 gr. butter
- cardamom pod
- two tsp. cinnamon
- star anise to taste

Cooking method:

1. Pour boiling water over the shelled nuts for three minutes and peel them. Next, dry them in the microwave (oven) and grind them in a mortar. Pour crushed nuts with water in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of water per 1 table. lie nuts Mix.

2. Prepare milk foam. To do this, pour the milk into a cast-iron (or enamel) bowl, put it in a preheated oven and begin skimming off the foam as it forms. In total we need 15 foams.

3. Using the remaining milk, boil the semolina, following the rules described above, add sugar, nuts, crushed spices, and add butter. Mix everything.

4. Pour a little hot porridge into a fireproof frying pan with high walls in a layer of up to 1.5 cm and cover it with foam, pour in a little porridge again and cover it with foam again. In the penultimate layer we put a little red jam, as well as star anise.

5. Close the frying pan with a lid and place the dish in a heated oven (up to 150 C) for five to seven minutes. Having taken it out, pour the remaining jam over it and sprinkle with a layer of crushed nuts. Guryev semolina porridge is ready! Serve to the table in the container in which it was prepared.

Recipe 3: Semolina porridge with banana and chocolate

This dish can be easily compared to a dessert and can be prepared not only every day, but also for a holiday. Your child will be delighted with such sweet porridge and will ask you to cook it every day. Of course, you shouldn’t get carried away with such frequency, but you can pamper the kids with it from time to time.


— 500 gr. not too fatty milk
- three tables. spoons of semolina
- one banana
— 70 gr. chocolate
- a tablespoon of sugar
— 60 gr. butter
- a pinch of salt (optional)

Cooking method:

1. Boil milk, add a pinch of salt and sugar into it. Mix. Add semolina in a stream (as described in the first recipe) and cook in the traditional way.

2. Cut the banana into small cubes, and grate the chocolate on a medium grater. After the semolina porridge boils, put butter in it and keep it on the stove until it dissolves. Then add chocolate, bananas and mix well. Turn off the stove, steam the dish for a few minutes (about 10) and serve. Bon appetit everyone!

Semolina porridge - useful tips experienced chefs

— Instead of regular milk, you can add baked milk to semolina porridge, diluting it with water as desired. This will make it even tastier. The same goes for butter;

— Semolina porridge must be consumed hot or warm. Cold porridge loses its taste. It is also not recommended to heat it, but you can improvise with it. For example, make an excellent semolina casserole by adding a couple of eggs, fruits, cottage cheese, butter and bake in the oven.

You can endlessly argue about the benefits and harms of semolina, but this will not make porridge from this cereal any less loved by children and adults. Her successful recipes are passed down from generation to generation and are constantly improved. And it won’t be difficult for a novice housewife to prepare delicious semolina porridge. Recipes for this dish, which are especially popular among chefs, are published below.

As a rule, full-fat cow's milk is chosen as the basis for the porridge under discussion.

Take 1 full glass. Other ingredients: 7 teaspoons of semolina, 1 spoon of white sugar, a pinch of table salt.

  1. First, pour some water into the saucepan. So that the liquid just covers the bottom of the container. Milk is poured on top.
  2. When the liquid begins to become covered with the first bubbles (a sign of boiling), you can salt it, sweeten it and add the cereal. Do this with the required thin, neat stream and do not forget about continuous stirring.
  3. When the milk boils again, the heat is reduced to the lower limit and the dish is cooked for 5-6 minutes.

Already in the plate, the porridge is seasoned with melted butter.

How long does it take to cook?

It is very important to use non-stick or enamel cookware to prepare such a dish. As soon as the liquid boils after adding the cereal, it is kept on the stove for 2 to 6 minutes.

It all depends on the intensity of heating and on the consistency of the treat you plan to get in the end. It is advisable to let the finished dish brew for another 10-12 minutes under the lid and only then try it.

Approximate proportions of milk and semolina

When preparing such porridge, the proportions of milk and semolina may be different. They depend on how thick you want the dish to be. The generally accepted ratio is 7 teaspoons of cereal per glass of liquid.

If the dish is prepared for children, it should turn out watery. In this case, the proportions of liquid and cereal are 10 to 1.

On water without lumps

Even with a base of ordinary filtered water, you can prepare a delicious treat without lumps. Ingredients: 370 ml of liquid, 35 g of semolina, a pinch of fine salt, 45 g of sugar, 30 g of fatty butter.

  1. A little trick - to ensure the uniformity of the dish, the cereal is soaked in plain cold water for 20 minutes before cooking.
  2. When the semolina swells, the water is drained along with the smallest debris.
  3. The cereal is transferred to a stainless container, filled with the amount of water specified in the recipe and put on fire.
  4. After the mixture boils, the heat is reduced and the remaining dry ingredients are added. Cook the dish with continuous stirring for 8-9 minutes.

After adding oil, the finished porridge will be infused in a sealed container for 10-12 minutes.

Semolina porridge in a slow cooker

Interestingly, it is the “smart pan” that allows you to prepare the perfect semolina. In it, the treat is obtained without lumps - it does not curl or stick together. Both cow's milk and plain water can be used as a base.

Recipe with milk

Ingredients: half a glass (multi-cooker measure) of semolina, 3 of the same glasses of milk, 1 glass of water, 3 dessert spoons of white sugar, 70 g of fatty butter, a pinch of table salt.

  1. All dry ingredients are immediately poured into the device’s container.
  2. The liquid ingredients from the recipe are poured on top.
  3. The butter is lightly spread over the container of the device. The remains are thrown into the base of the future porridge.
  4. In stewing mode, the treat will simmer for half an hour under the lid. From time to time the contents of the container are mixed.

When the semolina reaches the desired consistency, you can spread it out and serve it with fresh berries.

How to cook with water?

Ingredients: 240 g semolina, 6 glasses of filtered water, 2 teaspoons of dry cream, a tablespoon of granulated sugar, a slice of butter, any fruit or berry additives.

  1. The sides and bottom of the appliance bowl are thoroughly coated with slightly melted butter.
  2. The cereal is poured into the container from above and filled with a portion of cold purified water.
  3. After adding the dry ingredients from the recipe, all products are mixed well.
  4. In the “Porridge” mode, the dish is cooked for 12-14 minutes. At the very end of the process, you can add pieces of selected berries and fruits to the food.

All that remains is to divide the porridge into portions and serve hot to the table.

How to cook with milk and water?

To turn this porridge into a real dessert, you should add fresh or frozen strawberries to it. Take half a kilo of it. The remaining ingredients: half a liter of full-fat milk and filtered water, 180 g of granulated sugar (you can take brown).

  1. The cereal is poured into the already boiling liquid. First, the mass is left on low heat for 3-4 minutes. At the same time, stirring does not stop.
  2. Then the container is tightly covered with a lid and the gas is turned off. The porridge will infuse to the desired consistency.
  3. Granulated sugar is ground with fresh or thawed berries. The easiest way to beat the mass is using a special blender attachment.
  4. The already prepared porridge, divided into portioned plates, is topped with a strawberry sweet mixture.

The delicacy is served warm.

Microwave Recipe

This is a simplified recipe that is perfect for those who do not have access to gas stove or wants to prepare a healthy breakfast in minutes. You do not need to use any special device mode. It will be enough to turn on the usual heating at maximum power device. Ingredients: 1 cup fat cow's milk, 40 ml boiled water, 3 tablespoons of semolina, a pinch of vanillin, 3-4 teaspoons of sugar, 30 g of butter, additives in the form of chocolate or nuts.

  1. First, place the butter in a bowl suitable for heating in the microwave.
  2. Pour all the dry ingredients from the recipe on top and mix. It is important to choose high-quality semolina with solid creamy grains. And, if necessary, wash out even the smallest debris.
  3. Ideally, take homemade milk. It is brought to a boil in a separate bowl and only after that is poured onto the resulting dry mixture.
  4. First, the porridge cooks for 5-6 minutes. Next, the ingredients of the dish are mixed well, and cooking continues for the same amount of time.

All that remains is to flavor it with your favorite nuts and melted chocolate.

Semolina porridge: benefits and harms

If a couple of decades ago liquid semolina was used even for feeding babies from birth instead of breast milk. No one even thought about the fact that it could be harmful.

In fact, eating the dish under discussion is useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A viscous substance envelops the intestines and heals cracks in it. True, for such an effect it must be prepared fresh and in water. Semolina can also saturate a person with energy for a long time and protect him from depression and stress.

As for harm, semolina, like any starchy product, is harmful to people suffering from ailments of the respiratory system. It helps increase the amount of mucus in the lungs.

In addition, such a dish does not allow calcium to be fully absorbed. That is why it is not recommended to be given to children under 2 years of age.

With the advent of many different modern dishes, people often face such a problem as the inability to cook the most simple dishes. It would seem that what’s so complicated about cooking semolina? But, without knowing the technology for preparing this porridge, it is very easy to spoil it, and instead of a tasty sweet porridge, you get a lumpy mass of unknown consistency. The undeniable advantage of semolina porridge, of course, is its preparation time. From the start of cooking to serving, you will need no more than 15 minutes. Let's look at all the features of preparing porridge step by step and learn how to cook it no worse than professionals.

How to cook semolina - preparing dishes

It is best to cook semolina porridge in a container with thick walls, since in a thin-walled stainless or enamel pan the porridge will stick and will be difficult to wash. Before cooking the porridge, the pan must be rinsed with cold water to prevent the milk from burning.

How to cook semolina - ingredients

To prepare porridge we will need:

  • Milk – 400 ml.
  • Semolina – 2 heaped tablespoons.
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Vanilla - optional on the tip of a knife.
  • Butter - to taste, 10-20 grams.

The indicated amount of products is designed for 2 servings of semolina porridge, so if you need to prepare more, increase all ingredients proportionally.

How to cook semolina - preparation

Despite the apparent simplicity of preparation, carefully read all points of the preparation process to get the desired result.

  • Pour milk into a cooking vessel and place on low heat.
  • Pour semolina, sugar and a little vanilla into a dry cup, stir well. This secret will allow you to avoid the formation of lumps when pouring into milk.
  • As soon as the milk begins to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, add a pinch of salt to the milk, and begin to pour the mixture of sugar and semolina into the milk in a thin stream, stirring continuously.
  • Cook for 5 minutes. All this time we do not stop stirring the boiling porridge in a circular motion.
  • Remove the pan from the heat. Add oil and stir. This will make your porridge airy and tender.
  • Cover with a lid and let stand for a couple more minutes.
  • Pour into plates and serve.
  • If desired, add berries or fruits to the porridge, so it will become even tastier and more attractive.

Semolina porridge is not only tasty, but also healthy dish. It is easily absorbed by a weakened body; it is semolina porridge that is fed to small children who are underweight. If you prepare the porridge exactly according to the recipe, it will turn out incredibly tasty, as if it were your grandmother’s porridge from childhood. The main thing is not to eat too much porridge, as it is not only healthy, but also very high in calories!

As you know, there is no semolina useful substances, but whatever it was. Still, a huge number of people cannot resist the temptation to start their day with semolina porridge. How to cook semolina porridge without lumps? This is what worries many of us who have already tried to cook this cereal at least once and were not very pleased with the result.

I think that after reading this article you will learn how to cook not only simple semolina porridge, but also with different flavors, since there are such recipes for making semolina that you will simply lick your fingers. And so, let's start cooking from simple to complex. And if you want to cook something delicious, here is a good recipe for you.

In fact, preparing homogeneous semolina porridge is not so difficult. it just takes a little practice. As a child, I even liked to bite through small lumps in porridge. But they came across so rarely that I once even asked my mother to cook me porridge with lumps.


  • Milk 250 grams.
  • Semolina 3 heaped teaspoons.
  • 2 level teaspoons sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Butter 30 grams.

Cooking process.

1. Pour milk into a small saucepan and place on the stove.

2. Pour semolina into a dry glass and place it next to it.

3. Add sugar and salt to the milk according to the recipe.

4. Heat the milk until hot and, without stopping stirring, begin to add semolina to the milk in a thin stream.

It is in a thin stream and without stopping stirring that this is the most main secret preparing semolina porridge without lumps.

5. When the cereal is completely covered, we continue to stir the porridge but with less intensity.

6. Cook the porridge on low heat for another 3-4 minutes.

7. When the cereal swells, you can turn off the heat, place the porridge on plates and add a small piece of butter to each plate.

8. You can also throw the oil into a pan with porridge and stir the porridge until the oil is completely dissolved, and then divide it into portions.

The porridge is ready. Enjoy your meal.

Semolina on the water

How to cook thick semolina porridge


  • 1 glass of semolina (200 grams)
  • 3 glasses of milk.
  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Butter to taste.

Cooking process.

1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and salt.

2. Bring the milk to a boil and carefully add the semolina into the milk in portions.

3. Mix the milk in a circular motion and add semolina. Cook the porridge until thickened and turn off the heat under the pan.

4. With these proportions, the porridge will turn out very thick. For that, breakfast will be quite filling.

5. Don't forget to add butter. After all, as the proverb says. You can't spoil porridge with oil.

Semolina porridge with banana and chocolate


  • Semolina 50 grams.
  • Milk 400 ml.
  • Butter 30 grams.
  • 1 banana.
  • 50 grams of milk chocolate.
  • 1 tablespoon sugar.

Cooking process.

1. This porridge is cooked according to a traditional recipe.

2. The milk is heating up. Salt and sugar are added.

3. Add semolina and mix. Then add butter.

4. Divide the porridge into portions. Add grated chocolate and banana slices to each serving.

How to cook semolina in a slow cooker

Semolina porridge with pumpkin and milk


  • 500 grams of pumpkin.
  • Half a glass of semolina.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 glass of milk.
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Butter.

Cooking process.

1. Peel the pumpkin from rough skin and cut into 3-4 cm cubes.

2. Place in a saucepan, fill with water, place on the stove and cook for 30-40 minutes until the pumpkin becomes soft.

3. Fill the pumpkin with milk, add sugar and wait until the milk starts to boil.

4. Add semolina in parts and cook until thickened. 3-4 minutes.

5. Once ready, place the porridge on plates and add butter.

Bon appetit.

You can very easily and quickly prepare semolina porridge without lumps, thick or thin. The consistency will depend entirely on the proportions of the ingredients. People have loved this delicacy since childhood. But not every housewife knows how to properly cook porridge from semolina in milk so that there are no lumps in it. This delicacy is best consumed before lunch. And all due to the fact that it contains a high carbohydrate content.

What are the benefits of the dish?

Semolina porridge does not contain a large amount of fiber or vitamins, but it does contain easily digestible protein and carbohydrates. It has the ability to energize the body for the whole day. This product is recommended for people who have stomach problems or are weakened gastrointestinal tract. It has an enveloping property, which is why it helps to calm exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Being a source of calcium, this porridge helps strengthen teeth and bones. It is indicated for people with chronic fatigue and renal failure. After serious illness or surgical intervention, as well as during the rehabilitation process or during physical exhaustion, experts recommend using this particular product. And it is also hypoallergenic.

But you need to remember the fact that this product is quite high in calories. It is for this reason that overweight people need to eat it, adhering to the dosage.

How to properly cook semolina porridge with milk

Porridge is prepared in several ways. Each of them contains different additional ingredients. This dish should be cooked in an enamel pan with thick walls or a non-stick coating.

Cooked in a slow cooker this dairy dish It will taste great too. In this miracle device it will be cooked at the optimal temperature.

At the discretion of the housewife and her family, you can add a variety of dried fruits or fresh berries: prunes, dried apricots, raspberries, apples, raisins and others. It is best to add salt and granulated sugar at the end, and then wait for the mass to boil. The butter must be placed on a plate before serving.

To prevent lumps from forming, the mixture must be constantly stirred.

The cereal should be poured in a thin stream into the milk, which has already boiled. When falling asleep, you need to vigorously stir the mass using circular movements.

In order to avoid the appearance of lumps, it is necessary to pour the cereal into the milk, and not vice versa (fill it with liquid). You can use a sieve for this purpose. With its help, the cereal will disperse throughout the entire perimeter of the liquid and lumps will not form.

To prevent a crust from forming on the surface of the dish, you need to lightly sprinkle granulated sugar on top. Although if the porridge is cooked correctly, then there should not be such a crust.

In what proportions should you take water, milk and semolina to make the porridge tasty? This question interests many housewives. Depending on how thick the porridge you want, the ratio of products changes at your discretion. It is necessary to take into account the ratio of semolina porridge cooked in milk. This affects the overall calorie content of the dish. This factor should be taken into account special attention people who watch their figure. If you want the porridge to be more nutritious, add more sugar or cereal.

There are several different opinions about the cooking time for this dish. It varies from 10 to 40 minutes. The more time you cook this delicacy, the more viscous it will be in consistency.

Recipes for making semolina with milk

There are many recipes for making this delicacy with milk. Taking into account your and your family's wishes, you can change the taste by adding dried fruits, honey, chocolate or sugar. In addition to the usual sweet dish, some housewives cook it with the addition of salt.

The consistency of finished semolina porridge can be thick, liquid or even mousse-like.


In order for the porridge to have a liquid consistency, you need to add small quantity cereals Low-fat or whole milk is suitable for cooking. It can be store-bought or homemade. If your milk begins to spoil, then after it boils, curd flakes will appear. It will no longer be suitable for cooking. The cooking time for liquid porridge is approximately 20 minutes.

What ingredients are needed to prepare one serving:

  1. Fresh milk - 250 milliliters.
  2. Sugar - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Semolina - 1.25 tablespoons.
  4. Butter - 5 grams.

Thick semolina porridge - how to cook it correctly

In order for the consistency of the dish to be thick, you need to take more cereals Take into account the fact that the longer it simmers, the greater its viscosity will be. This delicacy can also be prepared using baked milk. This will make it even tastier. The approximate cooking time for this porridge is 25 minutes.

You will need the following products:

  1. Semolina - 50 grams.
  2. Fresh milk - 500 milliliters.
  3. Salt - 2.5 grams.
  4. Butter - 20 grams.


  • Pour the liquid into the pan and bring it to a boil.
  • After boiling, add semolina and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Add salt and simmer over low heat for 7 minutes.
  • When you serve the dish, put butter on the plate.

Porridge cooked with water and milk

This cooking option is the most common. The dish has a moderate amount of calories. It is recommended to add fruits or dried fruits to this delicacy according to your desire and taste. You can take figs, dried apricots, prunes or raisins. And very often they add here various types nuts: cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts and others. They will increase the nutritional value of food. Approximate cooking time is 30 minutes.

In order to prepare such a delicacy you need to take the following ingredients:

  1. Fresh milk - 250 milliliters.
  2. Drinking water - 50 milliliters.
  3. Dried fruits - 30 grams.
  4. Cereals - 30 grams.
  5. Table salt - 0.5 pinch.
  6. Sugar - 0.5 tablespoon.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Pour into the bottom of the pan cold water and heat it up.
  • Pour fresh milk here and add cereal.
  • Place the washed dried fruits in a saucepan with the mixture that is being cooked. After the mixture boils, add salt and granulated sugar.
  • Turn off the heat and cover the mixture with a lid so that it can brew.

Porridge with condensed milk

Even the pickiest baby will love this delicacy. It is prepared without adding granulated sugar. And all for the reason that condensed milk is already sweet. This dish is high in calories, so this product is best consumed for breakfast. You can add butter, but it will only saturate your dish even more.

For preparation you need the following ingredients:

Preparation includes the following stages:

  • Pour water into a saucepan and heat it.
  • Add condensed milk to the container with liquid.
  • Salt the mixture and add the cereal (stirring constantly).
  • As soon as the mass thickens, you need to turn off the heat and let the delicacy brew for some time.

Porridge with milk powder

This porridge is no different from regular porridge. If you only have powdered milk at home, then you can also use it to prepare the perfect tasty treat without lumps. The main difficulty in the cooking process is to achieve homogeneity of the mass. To enhance the taste, you can add jam, chopped fruit or chocolate at the hostess’ request.

In order to cook such porridge you will need the following products:

  1. Powdered milk - 2.5 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 300 milliliters.
  3. Semolina - 35 grams.
  4. Salt - 0.5 pinch.
  5. Sugar - 1.25 tablespoons.
  6. Chocolate, jam and fruit - to taste.

Cooking stages:

  • The water should be heated to 40 degrees.
  • Pour the powder into a separate container and pour water into it in a thin stream. All this is done with gentle stirring until a liquid consistency is achieved.
  • After this, the mass is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  • After boiling, add cereal, table salt and granulated sugar into the liquid.
  • In this mode, the porridge must be cooked for 7 minutes, and then turn off the heat.
  • When you serve the dish to the table, you can diversify it with various sweets.

Semolina porridge in a slow cooker

To prepare this porridge you will need:

The cooking method is as follows:

  • The cereal is poured into the multicooker bowl and filled with water and fresh cold milk.
  • Throw in granulated sugar, butter to taste and salt.
  • Close the multicooker lid and turn on the “milk porridge” mode.
  • After this, we wait until the device reports readiness.