Rh group 4. Fourth negative blood group: pros and cons

Type AB (blood group 4) is a man of mystery. People with the fourth blood group make up 8% of the world's population and have unique immune characteristics.

What is contraindicated for people of the second blood group and the third blood group is most likely harmful for a person of the fourth blood group.

This type of blood arose as a result of evolution from the fusion of two opposite types - A and B.

Type IV blood appeared quite recently, only about 1000 years ago. It can be assumed that this is a transitional blood group, and its formation has not yet been completed.

This is the only blood group that arose not under the influence of the external environment, but as a result of mixed marriages. It is quite rare and biologically the most complex.

Numerous antigens make it sometimes resemble blood of the second group, sometimes the third, and sometimes a combination of both.

Therefore, when choosing a nutrition plan that is optimal for a person with the fourth blood group, it would be useful to study the recommendations for people with the second and third blood groups.

If we characterize as briefly as possible the diet that is preferable for representatives of the fourth blood group, paying attention to its most significant aspect, it will sound like this: what is contraindicated for representatives of the second and third blood groups is most likely harmful for a person of the fourth blood group.

This warning is especially relevant given the often unpredictable reaction of the digestive tract of people with blood type IV to changes in nutritional conditions and even the environment.

Features of people with the fourth blood group AB (IV)

1. The unsolved mystery of the evolutionary process.

2. A more modern, closer to our time, “cross” of organisms with A and B-type blood.

3. Chameleon-like (adaptive) reaction to changes in the environment and nutritional conditions.

4. Sensitive digestive tract.

5. Too tolerant immune system.

6. The best way stress relief - intellectual, accompanied by physical vitality and the release of creative energy.

7. Strengths: the youngest blood group flexible, very sensitive immune system combines the advantages of types A and B

8. Weaknesses: sensitive (delicate) digestive tract; too open immune system, not resistant to microbial infections; combines the disadvantages of types A and B

9. Risk groups: heart disease, cancer, anemia

Blood type AB (IV) is a “chameleon”. Depending on the circumstances, it may exhibit characteristics similar to other blood types.

The digestive characteristics of AB people are close to those of A people, but they, like the owners of group B, benefit from eating certain types of meat.

In the body of AB people, an increased need for animal proteins, characteristic of group B, is genetically programmed, but at the same time, the acidity of gastric juice and the level of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase in the intestine are reduced, as in A ancestors, and because of this, meat is digested and absorbed in their body is not good enough.

Data from available genetic and psychological studies indicate that AB people are characterized by developed intuition and spirituality, the ability to look at familiar things from an unconventional point of view.

Conflicting desires to be independent and at the same time accepted in society can give rise to conflicts; AB people have many characteristics that are most valued in modern society.

In addition, they are quite resilient physically.


1. Manifest social activity in a friendly environment, avoid situations involving intense competition.

2. Avoid ritualistic thinking, do not get hung up on any topic, especially if you are not able to control the development of events or somehow influence them.

3. Develop a clear plan of tasks and goals for the year, month, week and day.

4. Change your lifestyle gradually, without striving for revolutionary changes in everything at once.

5. At least twice a week for 45-60 minutes, engage in physical exercise or sports that provide aerobic exercise, plus do daily relaxation and stretching exercises, do meditation or yoga.

6. Participate in any form of cooperative group activity.

7. Practice psychological visualization techniques daily.

8. Set aside time to be alone, find at least one activity (hobby, sport or some other activity) that does not involve communication or dependence on other people.

Blood type 4 is the rarest and youngest group, which was born about 500 years ago. There are several theories of its origin, but no one has yet been able to reliably substantiate any of them.

What characteristics do people with such a rare blood type have and what impact does this genetically programmed information have on their character, suspected diseases and the ability to have offspring? Compatibility of blood group 4 with other groups as a donor and recipient.

Something about the history of appearance

Modern medical science defines 4 blood groups, which differ from each other by the presence of antigens present in red blood cells. There are many types of them, but group membership is determined by two - A and B.

The fourth blood group (BG) has both of these antigens, while the first does not have them at all, the second has antigen A, the third has antigen B. It is the presence of AB antigens that makes this group so rare and completely unpredictable. Only about 8% of the planet's inhabitants can boast of such a “treasure”. But is this a treasure, let's find out.

The three most common hypotheses about the origin of the AB blood group are:

  • Mixing of blood, which is called interracial unions. The combination of representatives of different races led to the appearance of AB (IV) blood. Since such unions appeared relatively not so long ago, humanity received the fourth group along with this opportunity. It is necessary to separately explain that each individual race was characterized by its own distinctive features that appeared in the process of evolution, including blood type.
  • Counteraction to environmental factors, in particular viruses. The spread of viral diseases, which literally “mowed down” entire nations, led to the fact that the human body began to produce the corresponding antibodies. The instinct of self-preservation worked at the gene level and compatibility of AB antigens arose.
  • Changing your diet. Some scientists consider the compatibility of AB antigens to be a consequence of human consumption of thermally processed and synthesized food. You can say: “My blood protects my body from myself.”

Until now, scientists have no unity on the issue of the emergence of AB (IV). But to the question of which group is less common than others, the answer is clear - blood group four.

Physiological characteristics of people with a rare blood group

Blood group AB is the result of evolution, which is not questioned by any of the representatives of various hypotheses. It arose from the combination of the second (A) and third (B) groups. And as a result, the characteristics of this combination absorbed all the best and worst features of the “ancestors”.

The positive side of the issue:

  • universal recipient. 4 positive blood group can accept blood of any group, which often saves lives in extreme situations. 4 negative blood group - blood of any group, but only with negative Rh (required!). But it is still better for a person with negative Rh to have a donor with the same indicators. That is why AB (IV) Rh (-) donors are considered extremely rare and are specially registered in blood transfusion centers. But as a donor, such blood is suitable only for those with the same indicators and nothing more;

  • The peculiarity of the fourth group is that its owners have a very flexible immune system and good adaptability. Antigens A and B provide this unique opportunity.

Negative points:

  • increased blood clotting. This means that people with such indicators are at risk of thrombosis, strokes and heart attacks;
  • the concentration of immunoglobulins is quite low, which affects the functioning of organs gastrointestinal tract and breathing. May occur pathological conditions associated with exacerbation of inflammatory processes;
  • Low acidity makes the digestive system very weak and tender. Dietary changes that include heavy foods are poorly accepted;
  • Women with this blood type often develop osteoporosis (especially during menopause) and a tendency to cancer. Men are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases;
  • mobility and lability nervous system does not guarantee psycho-emotional stability. These people tend to hide their experiences and often suffer from nervous and mental disorders.

The fourth blood group Rh (+) or Rh (-) are rare indicators that leave an imprint on the physiological characteristics, character, lifestyle and possible diseases person. You should also pay attention to the possibility of procreation.

4 GK and pregnancy

Doctors do not impose any special requirements on those with the fourth blood group when planning a pregnancy. But as in other cases, special attention is given to the determination of rhesus.

Rh (-) plays a key role, because women with this indicator have many risks:

  • If expectant mother has AB (IV) RH (-), and the future father RH (+) - a Rh conflict may occur in the parents, which can lead to the impossibility of conception.
  • In case of pregnancy, a Rh conflict between the mother and the unborn child may occur, when the mother's antibodies will attack the fetus if it inherits the father's Rh. Miscarriages or quite severe pathologies of the baby are possible.

  • Each subsequent pregnancy (not necessarily ending in childbirth) causes an increase in the concentration of antibodies and pathology in the course of bearing a child, as well as the possibility of the birth of an heir with severe congenital diseases.

Negative Rh with the fourth blood group does not mean a death sentence even if antibodies are detected. In the eighth month of pregnancy, the mother is injected with anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, which destroys the antibodies, and the child is born completely healthy. In addition, if you do this during the first pregnancy, then all subsequent ones will pass without pathologies.

Interesting fact. In women with indicators of the “fourth negative blood group” during pregnancy, in some cases, a change in Rh is possible as a mechanism for protecting the child. This phenomenon was observed in other blood groups, but with the fourth it occurs more often.

4 Civil Code and character

The primacy in assigning certain character traits to blood type belongs to the residents of Japan. It was they who noticed the connection between these indicators and human temperament. Let us also listen a little to the opinion of scientists from the land of the rising sun.

Owners of this rare and youngest blood group are characterized by a soft, accommodating disposition and the ability to compromise. Their thirst for knowledge is very great. Trying to understand the essence of things, they do not pay much attention to details and are not interested in the consequences. For them, the process of comprehending truth and knowledge in its purest form is important.

The 4th positive blood group gives these people the opportunity to have many friends and associates thanks to their sociability, tact, and ability to be a diplomat in any circumstances. They are not vindictive, which means they can forgive their offenders, but they are wary of people who are not very clear to them.

Rh positive gives the following defining features:

  • softness and balance;
  • sense of collectivism;
  • clear prioritization;
  • the ability to achieve one’s goal through competence in a specific issue;
  • persistence and rationality;
  • secrecy, which becomes the cause of mental suffering and psycho-emotional problems.

Women with this blood type are excellent housewives who strive to create home coziness and comfort for all inhabitants of the house.

Men with blood type IV (Rh negative) have one significant drawback - infidelity in relationships. They gravitate toward love affairs, often change partners, and part with them easily and without regret. That is why such men often remain long time“actively searching”, sometimes without finding your soul mate.

Among the character traits that can play a cruel joke on their owners, the following can be distinguished among representatives of the 4th blood group:

  • they can go from one extreme to another, acting emotionally and irrationally. At such moments they lose self-control and can do stupid things, for which they will worry and pay for a long time;

  • They take insults very hard and react extremely negatively to criticism, sometimes even justified. They hold back all their emotions, which leads to frequent breakdowns and depression;
  • self-discipline and determination are weak when faced with difficult situations that require an immediate reaction to what is happening.

However, among representatives of this particular blood group, extraordinary personalities with an analytical mind and deep knowledge, and in a wide variety of areas of life, are more often found than others.

The ability to sympathize and put oneself in the place of another person leads them into the professional field of medicine, pedagogy and art. Theater with the possibility of transformation is especially close to them.

Blood and nutrition

Principles healthy eating are important for people with the fourth blood group, and especially for those with negative Rhesus.

  1. The risk of anemia dictates the inclusion in the daily menu of foods rich in vitamins and microelements, in particular iron.
  2. Increased formation of cholesterol plaques dictates exclusion from the diet or minimization of the consumption of animal fats. Meat should be eaten boiled, steamed or stewed. Fried, like smoked and spicy, is not recommended.
  3. The endocrine system may suffer, in particular there is a risk of developing diabetes. Therefore, you need to monitor your blood glucose levels and adhere to dietary nutrition and control weight.

Now let’s look at the products that will satisfy all of the above requests and will be able to make your diet varied and nutritious:

  1. Meat must be present in the diet. After all, animal protein is building material for the cells of our body. Moreover, if you are predisposed to anemia, it cannot be excluded from the menu. Give preference to rabbit, lamb and poultry. The liver is best suited for the supply of iron.
  2. Fish, especially sea fish, is a source essential amino acids, easily digestible protein, minerals (in particular iodine). But it is better to limit other seafood (squid, crabs, shellfish) to a minimum.
  3. Fermented milk is an excellent source of light protein, calcium, carbohydrates and fats. In addition, these products provide normal microflora of the stomach and intestines, which eliminates digestive problems due to low acidity. But it is better to exclude “sweet” (fresh) milk or reduce its consumption to a minimum.
  4. Vegetables and fruits are healthy in any form: raw, stewed, baked, boiled. Only those that cause allergic reactions and aggressively affect the microflora and acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Anything can be cereal. Porridges, casseroles, and oatmeal-based jelly will strengthen your immune system and diversify your diet.
  6. Tea and compotes, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices are welcome. Only natural coffee, no more than twice a day. From alcoholic drinks give preference to dry red wine. It is an excellent antioxidant and supplier of iron to the body.

The fourth blood group is rare, almost exclusive. People with this blood type are endowed with many positive qualities, but also have a number of negative ones. Despite all the assumed characteristics, a person adapts to certain circumstances. And it depends only on him what he will be like.

People with the fourth blood group, which is characterized by negative Rh factor, constitute only a small percentage of all humanity. The uniqueness of this phenomenon determines the difficulty in selecting the appropriate partner (recipient or donor) in case of need for blood transfusion. Therefore, most often such blood, which acts as a material for transfusion, is stored frozen. The fourth, like other groups, has certain properties and features.

In relation to the first, considered to be the most ancient blood group, the fourth was discovered by scientists quite recently. According to some theories, the emergence of one or another type of blood composition is associated with the development of civilization on the planet and changes in nutritional conditions. Thus, the fourth blood group is the most lately formed.

However, scientists also adhere to the theory that its appearance is associated not with the influence of the external environment, but with certain mutation processes resulting from the mixing of races. In turn, like other types of classification of immune-genetic traits, the fourth biologically complex group, depending on the value of the Rh factor present in it, is divided into two subgroups.

This term defines the presence in human blood of a certain composition of protein compounds inherent in an animal such as the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). The presence of such an aggregation in a person’s blood allows us to judge the Rh with a positive value, in the opposite situation - with a negative value.

The first type factor is much more common. However, the fourth blood group both types of rhesus has a certain set of advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the uniqueness of the owners of the fourth group is determined by the flexibility of their immune system.

As many sources testify, people who are carriers of the fourth blood group with a negative Rh factor are distinguished by their ability to adapt to different conditions. At the same time, these owners of strong immunity have, at the same time, problems with a weak digestive system.

Therefore any viral infection, which enters the mucous membranes through the respiratory and digestive organs, can lead to diseases of varying complexity. In addition, many of the shortcomings inherent in the second and third groups are embodied in the fourth, which greatly affects the health of its owner.

Compatibility at conception

Presence or absence negative Rh factor in the blood of the fourth group in ordinary life doesn't matter. The question of this phenomenon gains relevance only in two cases:

  • during pregnancy detection;
  • if necessary, blood transfusion.

Many married couples At the family planning stage, they pay great attention to the compatibility of their groups and factors. Often, with a certain degree of probability, a conflict of opposite rhesus values ​​may arise, the consequences of which can be very frightening. However, there is no basis for such fears. Moreover, let's consider possible results compatiblesty rhesus when conceiving a child.

  • Mother (Rh minus) + father (Rh plus) = baby (50% negative, 50% positive).
  • Mother (Rh value minus) + father (Rh value similar) = baby (+/-).

The most acceptable for the normal development of the fetus in the womb of the mother is the possibility of the child inheriting the Rh factor through the mother. Otherwise, they talk about Rh conflict as a phenomenon that arises due to the difference in Rh blood between the woman and the fetus, and can lead to dangers of rejection maternal organism of the embryo.

When a woman’s blood mixes with the Rh factor of the unborn child, the pregnant woman’s body begins to produce protective substances called antibodies. This means that the mother's immune system recognizes the fetus as a foreign body that can pose a threat to the entire body.

Antibodies are able to penetrate the placenta layer and begin a battle with the red blood cells of the embryo until it is completely destroyed. Such a protective reaction of the mother’s body, created by attacking such guards of the body, can become the cause of many pathologies.

For example, a newborn may have jaundice caused by the production of large amount of bilirubin. IN as a last resort a miscarriage may occur. In general, bilirubin can also have a detrimental effect on the child’s brain, in particular, contribute to the pathology of the development of speech skills and hearing organs.

Together with destruction of red blood cells The work of the still underdeveloped but very important organs of the fetus - the spleen and liver - is activated. These organs will try to quickly produce red blood cells and at the same time they themselves will rapidly increase in size. Such a struggle will certainly lead to the development of anemia in the newborn, which will be caused by a low level of hemoglobin.

As a result of the conflict of opposite rhesus factors, congenital dropsy may also appear. In order to prevent such negative consequences, in a pregnant woman with group 4 (-) the blood composition is systematically examined to identify antibodies that can show hostility to fetal red blood cells, and their quantity is analyzed. In this case, antibodies may often not be produced at all or in such a small amount that there can be no talk of danger to the unborn child.

Transfusion compatibility

Blood transfusion is a rather complex medical procedure, during which many factors must be taken into account. Of primary importance is blood group compatibility and Rh factors belonging to the donor and recipient.

As for the fourth with a negative Rh factor, then main feature of this rather rare group is as follows. The human body, in which exactly this kind of blood flows, during transfusion can accept material from a donor with any blood type, but only with a negative Rh factor.

In turn, owner of group 4 with a negative content of a protein compound can only help as a donor to a carrier of similar blood characteristics. In this case, the presence of both negative and positive Rhesus in the recipient’s blood is allowed.

In women

Throughout their lives, representatives of the fair half of humanity may not even be interested in the fact that their blood belongs to the fourth negative group. This carelessness usually manifests itself up to a certain point, namely, before pregnancy or before the need for family planning arises.

When it is discovered that a woman has a rare blood type, and even with a negative Rh factor, then the vector of close attention turns towards her partner. It is known that the unborn child can inherit the blood composition of both the mother and the father.

If, during conception, the immune-genetic characteristics of the blood of a mother with the fourth negative group are transmitted to the embryo, then there are all the preconditions for the development of a normal pregnancy. If the fetus inherits positive Rh factor from the father, then there may be a risk of Rh conflict, as reported above.

So the question is about normal childbearing is the only feature of the presence of a negative Rh factor in the blood of a woman with group IV.

In men

Unlike women who sometimes experience Rhesus conflict during pregnancy, negative Rhesus in men cannot in any way affect the development of the fetus. However, representatives of the stronger sex need to know their blood group and the presence of a positive or negative Rh factor. Such information may be useful if the need for blood transfusion arises, as mentioned above.

A man with a fourth negative blood group needs to be extremely careful when carrying out blood transfusion procedures, which can be assigned with different therapeutic purpose. He must know that under no circumstances should he be transfused with Rh-positive blood, otherwise such an oversight could pose a danger to his life.


Blood loss is a dangerous phenomenon, fraught with a sharp deterioration in health and death. Thanks to advances in medicine, doctors are able to compensate for blood loss by transfusion of donor biomaterial. Transfusions must be carried out taking into account the type of blood of the donor and recipient, otherwise the patient’s body will reject the foreign biomaterial. There are at least 33 such varieties, of which 8 are considered basic.

Blood type and Rh factor

For a successful transfusion, you need to know exactly the blood type and Rh factor. If they are not known, a special analysis must be done. According to its biochemical characteristics, blood is conventionally divided into four groups - I, II, III, IV. There is also another designation: 0, A, B, AB.

The discovery of blood types is one of the most significant events in medicine over the last hundred years. Before their discovery, transfusions were considered a dangerous, risky business - only sometimes it was successful, in other cases the operations ended in the death of the patient. During the transfusion procedure, another important parameter is also important - the Rh factor. In 85% of people, red blood cells contain a special protein - an antigen. If it is present, the Rh factor is positive, and if it is not, the Rh factor is negative.

85% of Europeans, 99% of Asians, 93% of Africans have a positive Rh factor, while the rest of the people of the listed races have a negative Rh factor. The discovery of the Rh factor took place in 1940. Doctors were able to determine its presence after long studies of the biomaterial of rhesus macaques, hence the name of the antigen protein - “Rhesus”. This discovery made it possible to sharply reduce the number of immunological conflicts observed during pregnancy. If the mother has an antigen and the fetus does not, a conflict occurs that provokes hemolytic disease.

Which blood group is considered rare: 1st or 4th?

According to statistics, the most common group is the first: its carriers are 40.7% of the world's population. There are slightly fewer people with type “B” biomaterial – 31.8%, these are mainly residents of European countries. People with the third type make up 21.9% of the world's population. The rarest blood type is considered to be the fourth - this is only 5.6% of people. According to available data, the first group, unlike the fourth, is not considered rare.

Due to the fact that not only the group of biomaterial is important for transfusion, but also the Rh factor, it must also be taken into account. Thus, in the world there are 4.3% of people with a negative Rh factor of biomaterial of the first variety, 3.5% of the second, 1.4% of the third, and only 0.4% of the fourth.

What you need to know about the fourth blood group

According to research data, the AB variety appeared relatively recently - only about 1000 years ago as a result of mixing blood A and B. People with the fourth type have a strong immune system. But there is information that they are 25% more likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases than people with blood A. People with the second and third groups suffer from cardiovascular diseases 5 and 11% less often than those with the fourth.

According to therapists and psychologists, carriers of AB biomaterial are kind, selfless people who are able to listen, show sympathy and provide help. They are able to feel the full depth of feelings - from great love to hatred. Many of them are real creators, they are people of art, sensitive to music, appreciating literature, painting, and sculpture. There is an opinion that among representatives of the creative bohemia there are many people with this type of blood.

Their creative nature is in constant search of new emotions, they easily fall in love, and are characterized by a heightened sexual temperament. But they have their drawbacks: they are poorly adapted to real life, are absent-minded, take offense over trifles. Often they cannot cope with their emotions; their feelings take precedence over reason and sober calculation.

Features of transfusion

The transfusion procedure should be carried out taking into account the Rh factor - both the donor and the recipient. If these laws are neglected, the recipient's immune system will reject the donor's biomaterial, which causes kidney failure, red blood cell clumping, shock and death of the patient.

In order for the donor biomaterial to be ideally combined with the recipient’s immune system, it must be of the same type and Rh factor. However, in some cases blood different types and Rh factors are well combined, as can be seen from the red blood cell compatibility table (horizontally - recipient, vertically - donor).

I Rh-

I Rh+

II Rh-

II Rh+



IV Rh-

IV Rh+

The rarest blood type in the world

According to statistics, the rarest blood group is negative fourth: its carriers make up only 0.4% of the world's population. Ideally, such people need to donate their own biomaterial in advance so that, if necessary, they can have a transfusion at any time. In addition to the eight most common combinations, there are also other, rare varieties. So, in 2013, photo and video evidence appeared of the existence of the Vel-negative type, which occurs in 0.04% of people.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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One of the unsolved mysteries of the evolutionary process is the formation of the 4th blood group. There are three hypotheses on this matter, which are:

The fourth blood group was formed as a result of the mixing of races, yellow with black, and black with red, meaning American Indians. Due to the rarity of such marriages, both in the past and in the present, people with the fourth blood type are a clear minority. On Earth there are no more than 5% of them, according to some data no more than 3%. In addition, the fourth blood group is extremely rarely formed from mixing the second group with the third and the first group with the third.

The fourth blood group was formed as a result of a lesion human body viral infections that raged on Earth after 1500. It is worth noting that until this time people were not sick viral diseases. All diseases then were caused only by microorganisms, and they were several thousand times smaller than viruses. But over the past 500 years, completely new to the human immune system have begun to spread on Earth. viral diseases. Infections such as mumps, measles, influenza, polio, rubella, acute respiratory infections, smallpox, herpes, yellow and hemorrhagic fever, rabies and, finally, since 1990, AIDS and since 2003, nonspecific pneumonia, have hit humanity only in the last 500 years. The successful fight against large pathogens with the help of antibiotics and other drugs does not allow the destruction of pathogenic viruses, because viruses are located directly in the cells of human organs. And if the human circulatory system is not filled with special gamma globulins, healing from a viral infection will not take place. Thus, over 500 years, the human immune system has significantly changed its protein composition in the blood, thereby responding to the spread of viral infections. Hence the hypothesis that the quadruple blood group arose in people as a response to a viral invasion.

Finally, there is an opinion that the quadruple blood group appeared due to the strong increase, over the past 500 years, in the human diet of heat-treated, synthetic and semi-synthetic foods. From about the 16th century to this day, all animal food and plant origin subjected to excessive heat treatment, that is, for a long time boiled, fried, at temperatures above 100°C. Humanity has begun to consume more synthetic food products obtained through processing natural products, for example, margarine, which is made by hydrolysis of acids and vegetable oils. Artificial food products are created from oil, gas, and coal. In almost all food products, today, synthetic components are used. All this enters the human blood and changes its composition. Over the past 500 years, humanity has been changing its blood composition by consuming such foods, which could lead to the emergence of the fourth blood group.

It seems to me that the last, food hypothesis is less plausible, nevertheless, it exists. Considering that among the entire population of the Earth, blood type IV is most often found in the indigenous inhabitants of Japan, Southeast Asia and the indigenous population of Australia, it is unlikely that the reason for the appearance of the fourth group was synthetic nutrition.

Indeed, the fourth blood group is the youngest and rarest, it appeared about a thousand years ago and only 5% of the world's population have it. People with blood group IV have a unique ability to adapt to environment and nutritional conditions, and their body has a high resistance to various diseases. They have an overly sensitive digestive system and a very tolerant immune system. In addition, the mystery of the origin, the more modern mixture of organisms with blood types “A” and “B”, along with everything else, make this blood group special.

A person with blood type IV, in order to relieve stress, engages in intellectual activity, which is accompanied by physical activity and releases more quantity creative energy. He gets along easily with other people, is very calm and friendly. Under the banner of this blood group are the softest, most balanced people who know how to entertain and pull anyone out of a depressive state. At the same time, they are careful, honest and tactful. Their weakness is that they themselves have their own internal conflicts, which results in their indecisiveness, difficulties in choosing or making decisions, as well as fear of new things. However, their penchant for mysticism and mystery, along with high spirituality, makes people with this blood type wonderful soothsayers.