Electric reinforced concrete support. Overall dimensions of overhead power transmission line supports

The overall dimensions of the supports are influenced by the operating voltage of the overhead power line, the section of the suspended wires, the material from which the supports are made, the presence and absence of a lightning protection cable, the climatic conditions of the area, the length of the span of the overhead line.

The design and dimensions of the supports are greatly influenced by transmission line operating voltage... At voltages of 6-10 kV, when the distance between the wires is about 1 m, the wires of all three phases can be easily positioned on a support in the form of a single column of relatively low height. On 35 - 220 kV lines, the distances between the wires lie within 2.5 - 7 m, and on 500 kV lines, they reach 10 - 12 m. For the suspension of wires with such distances between them, high and transversely developed supports are required.

In addition, with an increase in the voltage of the overhead power line, the section of suspended wires... If on 6-10 kV lines, wires with cross-sections of more than 70-120 mm2 are rarely used, then on 220 kV lines, wires with cross-sections of the current-carrying aluminum part of at least 300 mm2 (AC-300) are suspended. On lines 330-500 kV, each split phase has two or three wires. The total cross-section of aluminum in the phase reaches 1500 mm2. Such wire cross-sections cause more transverse and longitudinal forces acting on the supports, which leads to an increase in their size and weight.

Great influence on the structure of the supports overhead lines power transmission has material from which the line supports are made... On lines with wooden supports, the support structures have the simplest form: a single post, an A-shaped truss and a portal. Complex composite wood supports are not economical.

The same simple forms are most appropriate for reinforced concrete supports. The individual elements of these supports are often made hollow cylindrical or slightly conical.

Metal supports are made in the form of lattice spatial trusses. On 35 - 330 kV lines, the most economical, as a rule, are single-column supports. With more high voltages portal supports with rigid free-standing struts or reinforced with cable guides are used.

Supports with lightning protection steel cables, of course, are larger than cable-free supports.
will be small. The consumption of materials for each support is relatively small. But a significant number of supports will have to be installed on the line, which will require a large number of insulators, foundations, etc.

By increasing the span of an overhead power line, the number of towers required for its construction is reduced. At the same time, the consumption of materials during construction for each support increases, but in general, the consumption of materials for 1 km of the line will decrease. Other components of the final cost of the line - the cost of insulators, transport, foundations of supports and installation work during construction are also reduced. In total, the cost of 1 km of the line decreases.

But it is not profitable to increase the length of the span infinitely, since the decrease in the cost of the line with the increase in the span occurs only up to a certain limiting value, and a further increase in the span leads to an increase in the cost of the line.

There is a concept - "economically span"... This is the span of the power transmission line, at which the costs of its construction are the lowest. It is believed that with an economic span, the minimum capital investment corresponds to the minimum operating costs, and, consequently, to the minimum estimated costs.

Metal poles VL 330 kV

In order to find the economic span, you need to perform a series of calculations, setting different lengths of line spans. For each given span at, the cost of 1 km of the line is found. At the same time, along with this, the most appropriate structural scheme of the support is selected, which will be used in the construction of the overhead power transmission line.

Supports welded for pipelines

Pipelines are the most important technological element of many production cycles. Their trouble-free operation depends on many factors. The key one is the high-quality fastening of the pipeline to the supports. The supports are subjected to loads both from the weight of the pipes and from the temperature difference. According to the method of attachment to pipes, the supports are subdivided into and welded. The last method of installation gave the name to one of the most popular and inexpensive types of supports - welded supports.

Design features of welded pipe supports

Welded supports are manufactured in strict accordance with the developed standards (OST 36-146-88) and mechanical engineering standards. They can work as fixed welded supports (exclude the movement of pipes in any direction), and can have a movable functionality - welded movable supports(rigid resistance to vertical loads and "loyalty" to axial and lateral loads arising from the temperature difference).

The design of the welded supports (both movable and fixed) is simple and functional. They are based on standard quality rolled sections (corners, T-bars, channels), or hot-rolled sheets (for mounting the support body). The body welded supports are welded from several elements with the addition, if necessary, of stiffeners, radius cutouts and bent pillows (lodgements).

Types of welded supports

  • Welded body supports
  • Supports welded channel
  • Welded T-supports
  • Welded movable supports
  • Fixed welded supports
  • Welded sliding supports
  • Carbon Welded Supports
  • Supports for welded vertical pipelines

Supports for vertical pipelines are made in the form of a stamped or welded body. This type of product is manufactured in strict accordance with OST 36-146-88 and TU-04698606-001-04 "Pipeline supports". The technical conditions make it possible to use material for the manufacture of vertical supports for pipelines both for the northern version 09G2S and the usual st.3.

The support of vertical pipelines is designed for fastening technological pipeline structures made of carbon and low-alloy steel, transporting substances with a temperature from 0 to +450 C and a nominal pressure of PN up to 10 MPa at a temperature environment to minus 70 C.

Welded supports are often used to support vertical pipelines. Welded supports can be both fixed and movable. Welded vertical pipe supports are stamped or welded stops that can be reinforced with linings. They are used as movable supports for insulated and non-insulated pipelines.

Welded body supports consist of a welded or bent frame with a welded stiffener.

Welded tee supports consist of a high-quality rolled tee or welded tee welded to the pipeline during its installation.

Channel welded supports are made of channel according to GOST 8240-72.

Sliding welded supports are used for a wide range of different pipelines. Sliding supports are necessary to protect the pipeline from vertical loads and thermal deformations, ensuring longitudinal movement of the pipes.

The simplest design of a sliding support is a rigid base, metal holders and their fasteners, as well as spacers to prevent surface abrasion. A sliding welded support is welded to the pipe and slides along the base. Basically, these products are used in technological steel pipelines, the outer diameter of which ranges from 57 to 1600 millimeters. Sliding welded support TS-624.000 series 5.903-13 issue. 8 is manufactured in accordance with GOST 30732-2006. For better performance, sliding bearings are often equipped with additional protection against corrosion and stray currents.

Features of the installation of welded pipe supports.

Supports welded to a fixed functional are welded not only to the base, but also directly to the pipe of the route. Welded seams are made in accordance with GOST or OST. Welded movable supports are welded to the pipe, leaving "backlash" at the points of contact with the base for lateral and axial shifts at different temperature conditions, thereby preventing the risk of gradual abrasion of the pipes and even their possible destruction.

Welded supports are used for all types of pipelines at the place of their laying (underground installation, or aboveground). With a fixed method of installation, expansion joints of various types and designs are used, which are mounted between the supports. Also, such supports are more often used when installing non-insulated pipelines, inside which there is an environment with a relatively low temperature (no higher than 300 ° C).

Materials for the production of welded supports

The general rules for mounting supports fully apply to their welded "colleagues". The material of the supports must always match the material of the pipes. For areas with low temperatures, alloyed steels are used, with moderate temperature conditions - carbon steels. It is possible to use heat-resistant grades for the corresponding operating conditions and stainless steels in food and pharmaceutical industries.

Calculating and manufacturing a welded support for a specific pipeline is not an easy and responsible task. Thanks to the great experience of our engineers and the professionalism of the workers, everything will be done in strict accordance with regulatory documents and the wishes of the client. Timing, prices and delivery will also be a pleasant surprise.

Sliding supports, production and delivery in Russia

Our pipeline support factory is ready to offer customers different types of pipe supports. We not only manufacture pipeline supports, but also ensure their delivery, which is carried out both in St. Petersburg and throughout Russia. The purchase of pipeline supports from our company has many advantages:

  • We produce supports for all types of pipes, which allows you to choose a solution for any engineering system. We offer you supports for high pressure pipelines, as well as supports for pipes made of steel, PVC, cast iron and other materials. All types of pipeline supports, which are manufactured by our company, are presented on the pages of the site. You can find out the cost of supporting pipelines of the variety you are interested in on your own by studying our price list.
  • Supports for pipelines comply with GOST and all technical standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. The metal products of the ST N3 pipeline support plant are successfully implemented and operated throughout the country, proving their reliability and impeccable
    perfect quality. We are focused on long-term cooperation, therefore we strive to achieve complete mutual understanding with the customer on all issues.
  • Our company produces not only standard designs, but also offers the manufacture of movable supports with specified technical parameters and functionality. The design of pipe supports is carried out by experienced engineers in strict accordance with current regulations. This allows you to solve problems of any complexity associated with the construction and repair of pipeline networks. of various types and destination.
  • Unlike many other manufacturers of pipeline supports, our company does not set any restrictions when placing an application. The sale of pipe supports is carried out in any volume of interest to you. We offer individual terms of cooperation to each client wishing to buy movable pipeline supports or any other
    products that make our partnership truly beneficial. Among the regular business partners of our company are many well-known enterprises and organizations Russian Federation interested in purchasing high-quality and inexpensive metal structures.
  • We produce not only metal supports for pipelines, but also other components for the installation of engineering systems, which saves you time and effort in finding the necessary parts.
  • Due to the availability of modern industrial equipment, the production of pipeline supports is carried out in a short time, so even a large order will be completed promptly and without delay.
  • Our proposed cost of support for pipelines and other types of products is extremely beneficial, which allows us to reduce the total cost of implementing a project for the construction of a pipeline system. In this respect, our products successfully compete with those of other manufacturers of pipeline supports in St. Petersburg and other regions of the country.
  • For the purchase of pipeline supports or any other products of the ST N3 UTPC, it is enough to send us your online application indicating the technical requirements or contact us at a free contact phone number. If you need more information, our experts will advise you on the choice of metal supports for pipelines of any type and
    values. On the pages of our website, you will find a lot of information about the design features of pipeline supports, the requirements for these products, installation and operation of products, etc.

Sliding pipe support: design properties and purpose

As you know, there are 2 main types of pipeline supports: movable and fixed. The structures of the pipe supports and the method of their installation differ depending on the type of product. For example, a movable support provides the possibility of displacement of the elements of the pipeline system, caused by the effects of external factors and the influence of the working environment. A characteristic feature of the mounting of the movable support is the absence of rigid attachment to the pipe. The pipe guide supports include special runners that allow the pipes to move in a horizontal plane to compensate for horizontal axial stresses and avoid deformation. The use of sliding supports is most relevant in networks, which are characterized by frequent changes in the temperature of the working medium, since this makes it possible to avoid vertical displacement, but does not limit the temperature elongation and contraction of pipes.

The design of sliding supports includes a base made of a channel or angle, metal pipe holders, fasteners, as well as special gaskets that protect the pipe body from rubbing. In general, sliding supports can be divided into 3 main groups: independently sliding, supports on brackets and supports on an overpass.

The price of a sliding support is primarily determined by the type of construction and the material of manufacture of the product. For the manufacture of sliding pipe supports, steel of various grades is used. The choice of steel grade for the production of movable pipeline supports is made without fail taking into account the material of the pipes and operating conditions... If it comes For steel piping systems, the steel grade for pipes and supports must match.

The use of sliding bearings in industry and agriculture

Sliding movable supports are widely used. This type of sliding support is suitable for pipes made of any material, be it steel, cast iron or polypropylene. Sliding supports for the pipeline are used both in the construction of ground systems and underground utilities. Sliding supports are indispensable when the construction of heating mains and other communication networks of housing and communal services is carried out. The oil and gas industry, which uses sliding supports in the construction of oil and gas pipeline systems, also does not do without movable pipeline supports. And, finally, the use of sliding supports is in demand in the construction of technological pipelines at industrial enterprises.

Sliding pipe supports are also required in the process of reconstruction or renovation works pipeline system, when new pipes are laid into existing ones, which serve as an insulating case.

When choosing supports for movable sliding ones, factors such as the height of the structure, the location and diameter of the pipes, the presence or absence of an insulating layer must be taken into account. In each case, the sliding support for the pipeline is selected individually, taking into account the material and weight of the pipes, the technical properties of the working medium and other criteria.

Varieties of sliding supports for the pipeline

According to their design features, sliding supports are of several types:

  • Sliding clamp support, which got its name due to the presence of clamps, into which the pipes are laid. This type of sliding support design is used in the installation of above-ground piping systems and duct pipe laying. Sliding clamp support is very practical. Unlike welded structures, the use of sliding supports of this type can be repeated, since after disassembling the pipeline network, the product retains its integrity.
  • Dielectric sliding supports, which are equipped with a special dielectric gasket and are used when installing steel pipelines to protect pipes from stray currents. By the type of construction, dielectric supports can be different. In some cases, the best option is a sliding dielectric clamp support or another type of product.
  • Sliding ball bearings for pipelines are also in high demand. This type of pipe support got its name due to the fact that the structure body is filled with balls. This type of movable support is used in the construction of turning sections of pipeline systems.
  • With regard to roller slide bearings, this type of design is characterized by the presence of a roller block, which allows the pipe to move in one axial direction. There are single-roller and double-roller options. A characteristic feature of this type of sliding pipe supports is the minimum coefficient of friction.

Power transmission line supports are made of reinforced concrete for the construction of power lines, fastening external lighting fixtures... We offer you to buy supports at the best prices in RusGradStroy.

Supports (poles) of power lines

Production of power transmission line poles is carried out in accordance with TU 5863-002-00113557-94 (for poles 11 meters), TU 5863-381-00119675-97 (for poles 9.5 meters) and GOST 13015-2003. Used prestressed reinforcement At-V 12 mm, A-Sh, A500s, concrete of class B30 for compression, for outdoor use up to - 40 degrees Celsius, for power lines 0.38, 6-10 kV.

Products of the SV brand are important and responsible for human life: they can be dangerous if improperly manufactured, but at the same time, no modern settlement can do without them. Power transmission line supports carry a torsion load, from top to bottom, the mass of lighting fixtures, wires, and bending, lateral load. Bending load of supports SV 9.5 - 19.6 kNm, SV 110 - 35 kNm.

The installation of the power transmission line support is carried out in the ground or on special power transmission line supports of the PT brand, called attachments. Manufactured according to Series 3.407-57 / 87 "Reinforced concrete attachments for overhead power transmission lines with voltage up to 35 kV and communication. Working drawings" from concrete of class B25 for compression. The cost of the power transmission line support is primarily determined by the quality of the materials used in the manufacture.

RusGradStroy company offers Power transmission line supports, which you can buy by sending us an application for e-mail, or a feedback form.

Prices for reinforced concrete power transmission line poles 09/10/2017

Prices are valid

Nameprice, rub.Weight, kgDimensions, mm LxBxH
Power transmission line supports Series 3.407.1-157.1
SV-110-3.5RUB 6,6231150 kg.11000x185 mm.
SV-110-5RUB 78911130 kg.11000x185 mm.
SV-9.5-2RUB 4942750 kg.9500x165 mm.
SV-9.5-3RUB 5438750 kg.9500x165 mm.
P-10-5757 r35 kg.995x495x60 mm.
P-15-5973 r139 kg.1495x495x70 mm.
Power transmission line attachment Series 3.407.1-157.1
PT-33-22521 RUB255 kg.3250x180 mm.
PT-33-3RUB 2713255 kg.3250x180 mm.
PT-33-4RUB 2934255 kg.3250x180 mm.
PT-43-2RUB 3018355 kg.4250x180 mm.
PT-45RUB 5163510 kg.4500x220 mm.
PT-60RUB 6184650 kg.6000x220 mm.