Can pregnant women drink chamomile tea? Beneficial properties and uses of chamomile during pregnancy

In the article we discuss chamomile during pregnancy. We'll tell you whether you can drink it in the early and later What are the contraindications for use? You will learn about the benefits and rules for using the product, how chamomile helps cope with coughs, colds, thrush, cystitis and sore throats.

Pharmaceutical chamomile is one of the safest medicinal plants, acceptable for use in the early and late stages of pregnancy. It is used to treat children, adults and the elderly. It is of particular benefit during pregnancy, since at this time the list of approved medications is quite small.

There are certain rules for using chamomile during pregnancy

When used correctly, it can be used throughout the entire period of bearing a child, not only for medicinal, but also for cosmetic purposes. For example, rinsing your hair with chamomile tea helps make it stronger and has a slight lightening effect.

The natural product has the following beneficial properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • painkiller - relieves stomach cramps;
  • calming - effectively eliminates stress, depression, apathy and overexcitation;
  • antiseptic;
  • eliminating the manifestations of toxicosis;
  • wound healing;
  • eliminating gases in the intestines;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Chamomile also enriches the body with important microelements such as calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for proper operation nervous and cardiovascular systems.


Use any medications or drugs traditional medicine, including pharmaceutical chamomile, during pregnancy, should only be taken after consultation with a doctor. Firstly, this is necessary to exclude serious diseases that caused the illness. Secondly, the specialist will determine the exact course of treatment and use of the natural product.

Chamomile is usually prescribed for colds during pregnancy. She copes effectively with inflammatory processes upper respiratory tract for sore throat, flu, ARVI, acute respiratory infections - in this case they gargle with it and make inhalations.

If a pregnant woman suffers from a runny nose, then rinsing the nose or using drops with chamomile infusion will help cope with the ailment. Chamomile tea helps relieve coughs, but during pregnancy you can drink no more than 2 cups a day.

For inflammatory ailments such as stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis, it is useful to use mouth rinses. This procedure relieves swelling and redness of soft tissues, and also soothes the mucous membrane. Thanks to the antiseptic and bactericidal properties of the product, the infection is eliminated.

Decoctions and infusions are prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases: colitis, flatulence, chronic gastritis. Chamomile eliminates increased gas formation, inflammation and muscle spasms.

The use of pharmaceutical chamomile is effective for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area. In these cases, it is used in the form of baths, douches and for washing. Such procedures quickly cope with discomfort and unpleasant sensations, but they will not be able to completely cure the disease; additional medications will be required.

It is useful to drink chamomile for problems with appetite, as it increases it and improves digestion. The active substances contained in the product activate the production of gastric juice, gently affecting the mucous membrane. In case of poisoning, the plant is used as an adsorbent that binds and removes toxins.

The antiseptic properties of chamomile allow it to be used internally and externally to treat damaged skin and mucous membranes.

Decoction and infusion recipes

Pharmaceutical chamomile can be used in various ways: externally, locally and internally. But first you need to prepare a decoction or infusion, which will later be used to treat certain diseases.

Infusion recipe

You will need:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • chamomile flowers - 2 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Place the flowers in a thermos, then pour boiling water over them.
  2. Leave for 3 hours, then strain.

Decoction recipe

This decoction is best suited for internal use.

You will need:

  • dry chamomile inflorescences - 5 tbsp;
  • water - 0.5 l.

How to cook:

  1. Fill the inflorescences with water, then place the container on the fire.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes, then cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Be sure to strain before using.

Concentrated decoction recipe

This product is best suited for local and external use.

You will need:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 4 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water over the chamomile and simmer the mixture over low heat for 30 minutes with the lid closed.
  2. Remove the lid and cool the broth. Strain before use.
  3. Store the product in the refrigerator in a closed container for up to 2 days.


Below we will talk about ways to use infusion and decoction for various pathologies. Remember, consult a professional before using these products. An important rule When using the described products, the temperature of the decoction or infusion should not exceed 38 degrees, otherwise there is a risk of burns, increased inflammation or miscarriage.


Many expectant mothers are interested in whether it is possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy. Yes, but you must adhere to certain rules. Chamomile tea is prepared according to the decoction recipe. It is best to drink it warm, but not more than 450 ml per day. Regular consumption of this drink improves performance nervous system, strengthens the immune system.

If you don’t want to bother with preparing a decoction, then buy special chamomile tea at the pharmacy, made in the form of filter bags. Its cost ranges from 40-80 rubles per package of 20 sachets.


It is necessary to rinse the mouth and throat after eating. Rinse your mouth with warm decoction or infusion for 30 seconds, carry out the procedure twice a day. After this, do not eat or drink for several hours.

Rinsing your nose with chamomile infusion will help relieve a runny nose.

Nasal rinsing

In the complete absence of nasal breathing, the procedure is prohibited. If it is there, at least partially, then use a special teapot, a syringe without a needle or a syringe for rinsing.

Nose drops

For nasal congestion and runny nose, drop 3-4 drops of concentrated decoction into each nostril 3-5 times a day. It is not recommended to use instillations for allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, as in this case you can only do harm.


For the procedure, you can use a nebulizer if its model allows the use of infusions and decoctions. If you don't have one, take a porcelain teapot and insert a paper cone into its spout. Breathe in pairs for 3-10 minutes.


If there are inflammatory processes on the skin or face, use decoctions or infusions. For traumatic lesions of the dermis, soak a cotton pad or gauze in the healing liquid, then blot the wound area.

Washing (gynecological baths)

Take a basin, pour 10 liters of warm water and 500 ml of chamomile decoction into it. Gently sit in the container for 10-20 minutes. This procedure is prescribed for inflammatory pathologies of the external genitalia. In some cases, washing with chamomile can alleviate conditions such as hemorrhoids, cystitis and thrush, but these ailments cannot be completely cured.


Despite the benefits of chamomile douching for genitourinary diseases, such procedures are prohibited during pregnancy, both in the early and late stages of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that douching can cause miscarriage or.


When used correctly, pharmaceutical chamomile will not harm the body of the expectant mother and the fetus. The only exception for external use is the presence of individual intolerance.

You should be extremely careful when using the product internally, as chamomile can cause allergic reactions in the form of redness, rashes and itching. Less commonly, symptoms such as weakness and migraine, attacks of aggression and irritability may be observed.

At increased acidity stomach, tendency to diarrhea and anacid gastritis, it is advisable to avoid using the product.

Pharmaceutical chamomile is an effective and inexpensive remedy that can cope with most diseases during pregnancy. Use it only strictly according to the rules so as not to harm either yourself or the baby.

Video: Chamomile tea

Medicinal herbs are an effective and safe alternative to medications when used correctly. These include chamomile, which is also allowed for pregnant women. It has a pleasant taste and healing effects on the body, and has virtually no contraindications. How to brew chamomile tea correctly, and in what cases should expectant mothers drink it?

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Let's look at the benefits of chamomile specifically for pregnant women:

  1. Kills pathogenic microflora, including fungi of the genus Candida. It is especially useful in case of aggravated thrush.
  2. Relieves nervous excitement and promotes restful sleep. That's why chamomile tea it is worth replacing the usual black or green tea, drunk before bed.
  3. Helps with excessive bloating and constipation, promoting gentle cleansing of the intestines, the outflow of bile and the elimination of intestinal spasms.
  4. It has a wound-healing, analgesic, and bactericidal effect, therefore it is recommended for treating damaged epithelium, rinsing the mouth and washing the nasopharynx.
  5. Ingredients: Plants essential oils normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system,
    Due to the presence of glycosides in chamomile, it has an antispasmodic effect on the body.
  6. Facilitates the progression of toxicosis early stages.

Important point: During pregnancy, any chamomile-based infusion can only be consumed as tea. Douching or microenemas based on it are prohibited. It is possible to wash with chamomile, but such nuances are agreed with the doctor in each specific case.

Chamomile tea: recipes

Ideally, you need to prepare chamomile yourself by drying it properly. But if this is not possible, then it can be found in any pharmacy. If there is no need for a large amount of tea, then it is better to buy bagged chamomile and brew it in teapots.

To get the maximum benefit from a plant, it is very important to follow a certain sequence of actions. The first thing to do is pour boiling water over the teapot. This will make the tea taste richer. For a teapot volume of 0.5 liters, 2 tablespoons of chamomile are enough. But do not use boiling water, but rather cooled water. Optimal temperature for brewing - 95°C. Close the kettle with a lid and leave to brew for 5-7 minutes. As a result, we have a useful and delicious drink, which is superior to regular tea in its healing properties. If you need to reduce the concentration, then take 1 teaspoon for the same volume of water.

This tea is indispensable in case of the first symptoms of a cold, for restful sleep and relief of toxicosis. When chilled, it perfectly quenches thirst and optimizes performance gastrointestinal tract. You can enrich it with honey and a slice of lemon. But it is better to put honey in warm tea or eat it as a snack, but not stir it in hot water.

When is the best time to limit your consumption of chamomile tea?

Despite the beneficial effects, pregnant women should not indulge in chamomile tea. One cup a day is enough for both preventive and remedy. The restrictions are due to the fact that chamomile stimulates the production of estrogen. Normally, during pregnancy, their activity is generally low, since excessive amounts of these steroid hormones lead to termination of pregnancy. The body itself controls this process, but with a large number of external stimulants, a failure may occur. Another reason why you should not drink chamomile large quantities– a possible allergic reaction that needs to be monitored, starting with small doses.

Also, do not brew tea for future use - it will quickly deteriorate and lose its properties. It is better to drink freshly brewed tea, as it contains more healing phytoncides.

How else can a pregnant woman use chamomile?

In addition to its traditional uses, chamomile tea can also be used as a natural cleanser. Many expectant mothers note a deterioration in the condition of their facial skin, especially in the first trimester. It is manifested by the appearance of a characteristic oily sheen and rashes of various locations. Using dried chamomile, you can prepare a concentrated decoction that will help reduce sebum production and act as a mild antiseptic. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. dried herb 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Cool the resulting infusion, pour it into a sealed container, or freeze it by pouring it into ice cube trays. Wipe your face morning and evening.

Chamomile is also widely used in the fight against cough and nasal congestion. To do this, you need to use it in the above proportion (1:200), but brew it in an open container. Inhaling chamomile vapor helps clear the sinuses and speeds up the release of mucus. This is a good alternative to syrups and tablets that are prohibited for pregnant women due to many side effects.

Chamomile is also safe in case of stomatitis. To eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane, use a standard infusion. They rinse the mouth with it 2-4 times a day.

If you experience irritation in the throat characteristic of acute respiratory infections, gargle with warm chamomile infusion every 20 minutes. Chamomile perfectly disinfects areas where bacteria are localized and accelerates the process of epithelial restoration.

Many pregnant women note a significant deterioration in the condition of their hair. Due to the fact that the body is under stress and most of the vitamins and microelements are lost to the fetus, they begin to actively fall out and lose their usual shine. To return your hair to its previous condition, you can rinse it with a standard chamomile decoction.

Chamomile tea is a simple way to improve general condition during toxicosis of pregnant women. It will also be an excellent replacement for medicinal antibacterial agents in case of acute respiratory infections. But before drinking chamomile tea, like any other herbal tea, it is better for a woman to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Video: healing properties of chamomile tea

Carotene, glycosides, phytoncides, pectins, tannins, organic acids, flavonoids, essential oils.

Chamomile is used in various ways:

  • rinsing and inhalation - for respiratory diseases, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
  • mouth rinse - for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • nasal rinsing, drops - for runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • tea - for colds, coughs, as a sedative before bed;
  • decoctions, infusions - for gastritis with low acidity, enteritis, colitis, flatulence, to increase appetite and improve digestion;
  • douching, washing, baths - for diseases genitourinary system;
  • external use - for damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

Can pregnant women drink chamomile tea?

During pregnancy, many medications are contraindicated, as there is a high probability of harming the baby. Uses of chamomile in medicinal purposes allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Pregnant women can take weakly brewed chamomile tea if there are no contraindications. Washing with infusion, rinsing, inhalation and external use is allowed.

  • take only after consulting a doctor;
  • weakly brewed tea is allowed to drink no more than a cup per day;
  • if the doctor prescribed a chamomile decoction, take 2-3 tablespoons warm 3 times a day before meals;
  • the course of treatment is no longer than a week;
  • It is forbidden to independently increase the dosage and duration of use.

Benefits of chamomile for pregnant women

Useful properties plants for pregnant women:

  • kills pathogenic microflora that causes thrush;
  • relieves nervous excitement, headaches;
  • improves sleep, helps with insomnia;
  • eliminates bloating, helps with constipation;
  • analgesic, wound healing, bactericidal effects;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • helps cardiovascular system;
  • relieves spasms;
  • helps with toxicosis;
  • lowers body temperature;
  • relieves swelling;
  • eliminates nausea.

What kind of chamomile can you drink?

There are about 25 types of chamomile. For internal and external use, pharmaceutical chamomile is used. The fragrant variety is used for cosmetic purposes.

Some garden varieties The plants are very similar to medicinal species, but do not have medicinal properties. They cannot be used for treatment. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, it is better to purchase a ready-made mixture at a pharmacy to prepare tea.

Chamomile Tea Recipes

In order for chamomile tea to bring maximum benefits during pregnancy, you need to prepare the drink correctly. In addition to the usual collection, you can buy chamomile in bags at the pharmacy, which is convenient to brew in a cup.

Pour boiling water over the teapot. Place 2 tablespoons of dried plant flowers in it. Pour 250 g of boiling water over it. Cover with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes. Strain and consume a cup once a day. To reduce the concentration, the drink must be diluted with water. You can drink tea with honey, mint or lemon.

A recipe for a healing decoction of chamomile helps with colds, relieves headache, nausea, calms. Pour dry flowers (20 g) with cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. Strain. The decoction is drunk before meals, 2-3 tablespoons three times a day.

Contraindications, restrictions and possible harm

During pregnancy, you should drink chamomile tea at small quantity and only according to the doctor's testimony. Otherwise, tea drinking can lead to serious problems.

Eating chamomile in large quantities increases the level of the hormone estrogen, which causes increased activity of the uterus. In the early stages of pregnancy (up to the 4th month), if there is a threat of miscarriage, or if there is increased uterine tone, you should not drink chamomile tea.

Microenemas and douching are prohibited due to the risk of disturbing the acidity of the vaginal environment, premature dilatation of the uterus and premature birth.

With incorrect and long-term use of chamomile, allergic reactions, redness, itching, burning, cough, dizziness, irritability and sleep problems are possible.

Chamomile should not be taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by low acidity.

During pregnancy, it is forbidden to take alcoholic infusions and essential oils from chamomile.

Expert opinion

Certified nutritionist. 5 years of experience.

Nutritionist advice. Herbal teas do not contain caffeine and are therefore considered safe. The question of whether such teas can be consumed during pregnancy worries many, since there is no accurate data on most herbs and their effects on the developing fetus. There are mixed opinions about the safety of herbal teas for both pregnant and non-pregnant women. Chamomile is on the list of safe ingredients and is considered a very useful herb. The assumption that there is some danger in its use is explained by the fact that chamomile is included in the general recommendation group of herbal medicines that it is advisable to avoid during pregnancy. The opinion of most practitioners is that chamomile tea can be enjoyed in moderation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Other uses of chamomile

Douching. Chamomile helps cope with candidiasis. During pregnancy, douching with chamomile infusions is resorted to extreme cases and only according to the testimony of a gynecologist. Self-medication can lead to a worsening of the situation, causing dryness, itching and tone of the uterus.

Washing and baths. Such procedures are safe for pregnant women and help with cystitis or thrush. However, it is prohibited to wash yourself with chamomile infusions every day.

Inhalations. Steam inhalations with chamomile help with cough, runny nose, pain and dry throat. A safer method during pregnancy is to use a nebulizer. It is allowed to add sage, eucalyptus, coniferous buds, linden, St. John's wort, plantain and marshmallow. Inhalations can only be recommended by the attending physician.

Rinse the mouth and throat. Chamomile water decoctions are used to treat the mouth and throat for inflammation of the gums and stomatitis.

Nasal rinsing. Pregnant women with a runny nose are allowed to rinse their nasal passages with a weak chamomile decoction. No more than 5 times a day under the strict supervision of an otolaryngologist. Concentrated chamomile decoction can cause burning and dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Skin treatment. For various inflammations and injuries, the skin is wiped with a decoction or infusion of chamomile. For oily skin and rashes, you can use a concentrated decoction. The product is poured into ice cube trays, frozen and then rubbed over the face with cubes twice a day.

Hair product. For weak hair and hair loss after washing your hair, rinse your hair with a warm chamomile decoction. The plant returns strength and shine to hair.

Chamomile is one of the safest plants and is used even in the treatment of small children. Is it possible to drink decoctions and teas during pregnancy? There is no definite answer. A woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the health of her child, so she must be careful and consult a doctor.

You can learn about the beneficial properties of chamomile in the video below.

Chamomile is a small flower with a bright sunny core and oblong snow-white petals, which enjoys very popular both in official medicine and in witchcraft. The plant has earned recognition for its wide range of positive effects. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, serves as a carminative and sedative. It is not surprising that when faced with some pathologies, one is tempted to use medicinal herbs. But can chamomile be used during pregnancy? Will it do any harm?

Chamomile is recognized as a fairly safe plant for the body. expectant mother. It will not harm the baby either. But only if used correctly. If medicinal plant If used according to all the rules and taking into account the prescribed dosages, then a small flower with a sunny core will provide good support to the body.

Chamomile during pregnancy: what is useful and when is it contraindicated?

Herbalists claim that it is chamomile that has earned the title of “Queen of Herbal Medicine.” After all, it provides a comprehensive positive effect on the body. This unique plant has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to the content of glycosides, it provides a diaphoretic effect and eliminates spasms. Chamomile has high wound-healing, general strengthening and immunostimulating properties. Is it possible to take chamomile during pregnancy? Doctors say if we're talking about about local use, it is not only possible, but even recommended. In case internal reception Before starting therapy, you need to discuss it with your gynecologist.

Reasons for appointment

How is chamomile useful for pregnant women? In what cases can you turn to the “Queen of Herbal Medicine” for help? Herbalists give the following indications for the purpose of the pharmaceutical flower.

  • Colds or viral infections. Due to its vitamin content, this unique herb is able to boost one’s own immunity to fight viruses and infections. Therefore, taking medicinal tea can be considered both as therapy and as effective prevention during seasonal epidemics.
  • Inflammatory diseases. Chamomile is able to fight any inflammation occurring in the body. It is useful as a rinse for laryngitis, sore throat, and tracheitis. The decoction can serve as a solution for rinsing the sinuses for sinusitis.
  • Increased anxiety, worries. For expectant mothers, especially in the 1st trimester, hormonal levels change significantly. This leads to anxiety and sudden mood swings. Sometimes pregnant women complain of deteriorating sleep quality. Chamomile also copes with these depressive phenomena.
  • Pain of any localization. Chamomile tea has analgesic properties and can eliminate spasms. The product is especially helpful for headaches. It ensures dilation of blood vessels in the brain, normalizes breathing and restores natural heart rhythm.
  • Skin wounds, inflammation. It is recommended to treat such surfaces with chamomile decoction. You can make a compress. Chamomile dressings provide not only effective antiseptics, but also promote rapid healing. The decoction is also useful for stomatitis.
  • Problems with the digestive tract. Pregnant women often experience gastrointestinal problems. Typically, an increase in negative symptoms is observed in the later stages, when the uterus compresses internal organs. Chamomile decoction activates peristalsis, reduces gas formation and, by enhancing bile synthesis, normalizes the digestion process.
  • Excessive swelling. This is another unpleasant phenomenon that often occurs in women during pregnancy. Chamomile tea has mild diuretic properties. Therefore, the expectant mother who drinks the aromatic drink suffers significantly less from edema.
  • Early toxicosis. In the early stages, the expectant mother almost always experiences nausea, often ending in vomiting. To eliminate this painful condition, doctors recommend starting the morning with a cup of warm chamomile tea.
  • Gynecological problems. Healing herb will come to the rescue with many pathologies of the genitourinary system.

We should not forget that a woman should always be beautiful. Therefore, chamomile decoction can be used to strengthen hair. An aromatic infusion will clear the skin of rashes and excessive oiliness, which often occur in response to hormonal imbalances.

Risk factors

Despite its many-sided positive effects, pharmaceutical chamomile can cause serious harm to the body of a pregnant woman. This is usually dictated by abuse aromatic drink. Doctors also warn that chamomile has contraindications.

  • Having allergies. Some people, after using chamomile remedies, develop a rash on the skin, red spots appear, and itching occurs. Such symptoms indicate individual chamomile immunity. For these women, grass is strictly contraindicated.
  • Increased synthesis of estrogen. Chamomile causes an increase in the production of these hormones. But such stimulation is completely undesirable for a pregnant woman.
  • Threat of miscarriage. Taking chamomile is especially not recommended for women who are diagnosed with a threat of miscarriage or a possible risk of premature birth.
  • Pathologies of the stomach in the acute phase. During an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, chamomile remedies will not be beneficial. They can increase negative symptoms.

2 rules of use

In order for chamomile tea to be beneficial and not harmful during pregnancy, you need to take into account not only contraindications, but also dose the drink correctly. Abuse is dangerous for any person, but for a pregnant woman the danger doubles. It is recommended to follow two rules.

  1. Chamomile dosage. When preparing the drink, you must take exactly as much herb as indicated in the instructions. Abuse of tea leaves will not have a calming effect, but will provoke severe dizziness, cause irritability, weakness, and lead to rapid heartbeat.
  2. Amount of tea. It is recommended to consume only one cup per day. Abuse of chamomile tea is undesirable. Chamomile provides ovarian stimulation. This leads to increased production of the hormone estrogen. And the latter can lead to uterine tone. In severe cases, even a miscarriage is possible.

Flower Therapy Recipes

Chamomile will help cope with an incipient cold and relieve cough. The healing herb will help normalize the gastrointestinal tract. It will relieve oral pathologies and eliminate many gynecological problems. Of course, if it is applied correctly.

Tea for immunity

Description. The drink will help raise your tone and strengthen the immune system. Reviews show that chamomile tea effectively protects the body from colds during the epidemic season.


  • chamomile flowers - two teaspoons;
  • water - one glass.

What to do

  1. Dried flowers are brewed with boiling water.
  2. Cover the cup with chamomile with a saucer and leave for three hours. You can infuse the drink in a thermos.
  3. Then it is filtered.
  4. It is recommended to drink a quarter glass three times a day.
  5. Therapy is continued for two to three weeks. You can resume the course after a two-week break.

A decoction for inflammation in the throat and mouth

Description. Chamomile decoction during pregnancy is recommended for cleansing the mouth and throat from infection. This remedy will help with sore throat, cure stomatitis, eliminate sore throat, and help cope with laryngitis.


  • chamomile inflorescences - five tablespoons;
  • water - half a liter.

What to do

  1. The inflorescences are filled with purified water.
  2. The mixture is boiled over low heat for five minutes.
  3. Then close the container with a lid and leave for about 15 minutes.
  4. The broth is filtered and allowed to cool slightly.
  5. Gargling or gargling is done after eating. Repeat the event three to five times a day until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear.

Composition for inhalation for cough and runny nose

Description. If a cold is accompanied by a runny nose and cough, then inhalations are used. For this procedure, you can only use chamomile. But herbalists recommend using it as part of other herbs. This way the therapeutic effect is enhanced several times. Not all herbs recommended in the recipe can be used. Inhalation will not lose healing power, if you exclude an ingredient that could not be found. It is best to use a nebulizer or a special inhaler. If you don’t have such a device, you can brew the herbs in a saucepan.

Composition for the treatment of wet cough:

  • chamomile flowers - half a teaspoon;
  • string - half a teaspoon;
  • wild rosemary - half a teaspoon;
  • yarrow - half a teaspoon;
  • eucalyptus - half a teaspoon;
  • water - two liters.

Composition for the treatment of dry cough:

  • chamomile - half a teaspoon;
  • linden color - half a teaspoon;
  • plantain - half a teaspoon;
  • thyme - half a teaspoon;
  • sage - half a teaspoon;
  • water - two liters.

What to do

  1. Boil the herbs in a saucepan over low heat for five minutes.
  2. Be sure to give the broth time to cool slightly so as not to cause a burn to the respiratory tract and larynx.
  3. If inhalation is carried out only for cough, then breathe through the mouth. If you also have a runny nose, periodically breathe either through your mouth or through your nose.
  4. The duration of the event is ten minutes.

Thermal procedures can only be carried out in the absence of elevated temperature. If the thermometer reaches 37.5°C, inhalations should be abandoned.

Means for cleansing the nose and maxillary cavities

Description. Chamomile is useful during pregnancy for colds. If you prepare a concentrated decoction, you can use it as an effective means for nasal instillation or rinsing the maxillary sinuses.


  • chamomile - four tablespoons;
  • water - 250 ml.

What to do

  1. Flowers are filled with water. Cook the broth over low heat for five minutes.
  2. Infuse it in a closed container for ten minutes. Then filter.
  3. To eliminate a runny nose, three drops of the resulting concentrated decoction are instilled into each nostril. Repeat up to five times a day.
  4. If you suffer from sinusitis, then the decoction is used to rinse the sinuses. But such an event is permissible only if nasal breathing is at least partially preserved.

This decoction is used exclusively for local therapy. It is strictly forbidden to consume it internally. Chamomile decoction is not recommended for use if a pregnant woman has an allergic or vasomotor runny nose. In this case medicinal herb will only worsen the patient's condition.

Therapeutic baths for gynecological problems

If inflammatory pathologies “feminine-style” are detected during pregnancy, then medicinal baths are prescribed. Sometimes the question arises whether douching is acceptable for expectant mothers. Gynecologists claim that such an event cannot harm the baby, but this procedure should not be abused. And it is absolutely not recommended to resort to douching without a doctor’s prescription. It is useful to use chamomile decoction for daily washing. It will provide an antiseptic effect, protect against infection and ensure freshness throughout the day.

For washing, it is recommended to use a regular warm chamomile decoction. This procedure is repeated twice a day. And to get rid of thrush, baths are recommended. To do this, in a basin with warm water pour in concentrated chamomile decoction. They sit in it for 15-20 minutes. The event is carried out exclusively according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor. In severe cases, your doctor may recommend douching.

The water temperature should not exceed 38 °C, since a hot bath is very dangerous for the expectant mother. It can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

When applied topically, chamomile is not capable of causing any negative reactions. The only exception is individual intolerance, which a pregnant woman probably knows about. But when taking the drug orally, you should always remember about the presence of contraindications and possible negative effects. Therefore, before drinking chamomile during pregnancy, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

“She helped me cope with toxicosis”: reviews

Chamomile helps me in the treatment of gingivitis; during pregnancy it is preferred folk remedies, and an infusion of this herb is effective for bleeding gums and inflammation.


I drank chamomile throughout my pregnancy - a mug in the morning and a mug at night. I didn’t buy tea with chamomile in the store, but chamomile in filter bags at the pharmacy. Sometimes I added a slice of lemon - it tastes better! She helped me cope with toxicosis with a bang, and later, when my tummy was already full, she relieved fatigue, tension, and calmed me down. My mood always improved after it and I slept well. When my son was born and he started having problems with his tummy, I resumed taking chamomile and our colic went away completely within a week. At the same time, she did not give anything to the child herself, she only drank! So, within reasonable limits, chamomile is a wonderful remedy!!!


In general, I often saved myself with chamomile before (I have gastritis, and pharmaceutical chamomile relieves bloating and inflammation). So in the early stages I decided to somehow calm my intestines, but I got the opposite effect - I felt very bad after one glass. After that I avoid grass (and green tea too, just in case). But it was pharmaceutical chamomile, not tea.


I drank chamomile tea throughout my first pregnancy. It was summer, I also put all sorts of berries there. And now I also drink chamomile. The doctor advises you to always drink, but not more than two cups a day, otherwise you may become constipated. And so I drink for the intestines.


Used externally, chamomile during pregnancy can relieve many conditions and even treat illnesses. Due to the powerful healing and anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile, it is recommended to rinse your mouth and wash the genital area with its infusion. Chamomile inhalations will improve the condition of the upper respiratory tract, and baths have a beneficial effect on joints. Chamomile tea, carefully used internally, will be very useful for bloating, constipation, gas, stomach cramps, nausea and toxicosis - such frequent and unpleasant companions of pregnancy. But, even without experiencing physical discomfort, a pregnant woman is subject to frequent mood swings and general emotional instability. And here chamomile comes to the rescue, helping to overcome stress and even depression.

You need to drink chamomile during pregnancy with great caution - no more than twice a day. A serious problem may be chamomile's ability to stimulate the body's production of the hormone estrogen, the level of which should normally be very low during pregnancy. A large amount of estrogen creates a high risk of sudden termination of pregnancy. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to 400 ml of weak chamomile tea per day.

Nikitina Aleftina Georgievna Gynecologist, obstetrician,


Medicinal or pharmaceutical chamomile: in what cases is it used? Is it possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy? In this article we give clear, unambiguous answers.

Is it possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy?

Chamomile officinalis (mother herb, camila) is an annual plant, long known for its medicinal properties, the main ones of which are:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • carminative.

In addition, chamomile is used as a sedative and hemostatic agent. With its help, many diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract are treated, including gastritis, colitis, duodenal ulcer and stomach, other diseases. This plant is excellent in treating diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. If your gums are inflamed, rinsing with chamomile infusion will help.

This well-known antiseptic is also indispensable for the treatment of gynecological diseases (cystitis, thrush, cervical erosion). If you strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations, chamomile during pregnancy also does not pose any danger to the health of the expectant mother and the proper development of the fetus.

If necessary, it can be used as a treatment in any trimester of pregnancy.

Chamomile decoction during pregnancy

Since during pregnancy use medicines strictly limited (especially in the first and second trimester of pregnancy), chamomile during early pregnancy is almost a panacea for all problems associated with various inflammatory processes. It is used for indoor and outdoor use. Decoctions and infusions are effective for the following ailments:

  • chronic and acute colitis;
  • colds;
  • headaches, including migraines;
  • flatulence and dyspepsia;
  • bladder diseases,
  • kidney and liver problems.

During pregnancy, chamomile infusion is used to make lotions or compresses for hemorrhoids and conjunctivitis. Treated in the same way inflammatory diseases skin. During pregnancy, chamomile decoction is used to wash skin lesions and purulent wounds.

Chamomile baths are useful for vaginal inflammation or hemorrhoids. However, in order not to cause uterine tone, the water temperature in them should not exceed +400C.

During pregnancy, gargling with chamomile decoction is indicated in case of inflammation of the mucous membranes. Rinsing the mouth relieves inflammation of the gums and stomatitis. It must be done once an hour, as well as after each meal. For respiratory diseases effective means are chamomile inhalations during pregnancy.

Tea with chamomile helps get rid of frequent unwanted “companions” of pregnancy - constipation and increased gas formation. It also has a calming effect, relieves depression, helps overcome insomnia, nausea, and toxicosis.

Chamomile tea should be weakly brewed and should be taken warm, no more than two glasses per day.

Chamomile during pregnancy: contraindications

Chamomile has virtually no contraindications during pregnancy. The only thing that can prohibit its use during pregnancy is an allergy to the flower. In other cases, when used correctly, this plant is completely harmless for all nine months. Chamomile will be your salvation in the treatment of many diseases when the use of other drugs is prohibited.

When asked whether chamomile can be used for douching during pregnancy, the answer will be a categorical “no.” Here we are not even talking about the drug itself, but about the procedure.

If you are prone to diarrhea and increased stomach acidity, use chamomile with extreme caution.