Astra New Belgian care. Description of the best varieties of perennial asters

Asters are the most common and favorite garden flowers. The main thing that attracts gardeners to them is lush, bright and long flowering. Perennial plants are especially good in this regard, in particular the New Belgian aster. Be that as it may, sowing seeds annually and waiting for how many of them will sprout is somewhat tedious and not to everyone's liking. It's a different matter of proven bushes that can please the eye for many years.

Description of the flower

New Belgian aster is a late flowering plant. Depending on the variety, it starts decorating the garden in July and finishes already in October. Some varieties keep flowers until the first frost. Bushes have smooth, glossy leaves and stems, inflorescences of a very wide range of colors with an obligatory yellow center. Again, depending on which variety you bought: the flowers can be small or large enough, up to five centimeters in diameter. Outwardly, they look like lush daisies. The New Belgian Astra is rather low, one and a half meters is its limit. But it blooms very profusely, so that the foliage is hidden behind the flowers. And she does not stop this process for 35-45 days.

Plants of this family are relatively unpretentious. The New Belgian aster does not stand out from the general row: planting and care is not troublesome, no complex gardening skills will be required on its plantations. The only thing that you should pay attention to when choosing a variety is the flowering time. The latest ones in the middle lane simply do not have time to bloom.

Where and when to plant?

When you plan to set aside a place for these flowers on the site, look for sunny areas where there is a lot of light, which the New Belgian aster loves very much. Planting in the shade, and even on too wet soil, will significantly slow down flowering, make it more scarce. In addition, the shoots of the bush will begin to stretch, droop, or even break.

The soil should be neutral, asters agree with slightly acidic, but not alkaline. The seeds can be used both seedling and non-seedling. The main thing is to use them as quickly as possible: in an opened bag, they quickly lose their germination. They are sown for seedlings on the day of purchase, in open ground- just before winter. If you sow aster early, when it is still short, you will have to organize the seedlings backlighting. New Belgian aster, grown from seed, blooms a year or two after gaining permanent residence.

Purely aesthetically, it is desirable to frame the planting of asters with low ornamental plants: the bases of the "new Belgians" are bare and not very beautiful, they need to be camouflaged.

Astra new belgian: leaving

Nothing supernatural is needed. In the presence of periodic rains, the New Belgian aster does not need even regular watering, especially if the ground at the roots is mulched. In a drought, you will have to water, but be careful: the overflow is harmful for flowers and quickly destroys them. Fertilizers are applied complex mineral, during the emergence of buds and in the middle of flowering. If the shoots are very elongated, they will have to be tied up.

New Belgian aster grows strongly, therefore, every two or three years, in early spring, the bushes must be divided, rejuvenating the planting and thus maintaining the ability to bloom. And once every six years, the flower garden moves to another place or the soil is enriched under it.

But no pre-winter processing is required: the Novobelgian aster has high winter hardiness, does not require shelter and does not freeze in the cold. The only reason to additionally insulate the soil is if for some reason you divided the bushes in the fall and they have not yet fully adapted. There is enough sawdust or spruce branches to help the asters survive until spring.

Caution: powdery mildew!

With regard to pests, the New Belgian aster, planting and caring for which is so hassle-free, can make you nervous. She is very vulnerable to and will have to be looked at more often for defeats. And if the summer is also rainy, then the danger increases several times. In order to prevent the death of your flowers, you can begin to irrigate them in spring with preparations that form an infection that does not penetrate. And at the first sign of disease, you need to spray the flowers with sulfur fungicides in the evenings.

To make your flower garden look brighter, more harmonious and richer, you can complement which also bloom in autumn: rudbeckia, heliopsis, echinacea, helenium. Tall cereals will be good on the same flowerbed with asters.

New Belgian aster is a perennial shrub flower that will decorate your site in late autumn. This plant is attractive and undemanding to care for. Several varieties are in demand among domestic florists. Among them are the snow-white yellow Aden and the purple Bengale.

Description of the New Belgian aster species

The main reason for the popularity of asters is their ease of planting and growing. Rhizomes and cuttings of these perennial shrubs is on sale at an affordable price. Cultivated varieties of the New Belgian variety grow in the form of a shrub in an inverted pyramidal or spherical shape. Height - about 1 m.

Characteristics common to all varieties:

  • leaf shape - linear-lanceolate, wide at the base;
  • leaves are arranged alternately, densely;
  • inflorescences - paniculate amalgamation of large baskets, about 2 cm in diameter;
  • flowering - profuse, begins in September.

Aden and Bengale are new varieties. Their flowers are double with a yellow core. Aden has white petals, Bengale has pale purple petals like in the photo. In both species, the crown is densely overgrown with flowers. Only Aden has it a little more magnificent.

New Belgian aster is a frost-resistant shrub. Only for normal development does it require sunlight and protection from cold drafts. This culture tends to quickly take root and occupy new territories. So that the bushes do not take the place of neighboring plants, the aster is divided and planted about once every 3-4 years.

The minimum care for a flower is as follows:

  • keep the soil loose;
  • do not overgrow with weeds;
  • make mineral fertilizers and humus 1-2 times per season;
  • water the bush, keeping the soil constantly moist.

Advice. Watering is especially necessary for the plant when dry weather is established. It is best to take lukewarm water.

Reviews of the New Belgian aster variety

Florists confirm the unpretentiousness of the new varieties. The culture fits perfectly into many compositions. Although the shrub is not tall, it may well become a key element in the flower bed. For example, if you plant it in the center, and place border annuals around the edges. Aster may itself be in the foreground against the background of a green lawn and higher bushes. Just pick up species that can be combined with it in terms of flowering time.

This variety is widely used in cut form to compose all kinds of flower arrangements. Cut inflorescences can retain their appearance for more than 2 weeks. For this alone, flower growers are advised to remove leaves that will get wet and change the water in the vase daily. For better preservation of asters in water, you can dissolve 1 tsp. sugar, potassium permanganate crystal, aspirin tablet or drop a silver coin.

Bengale variety

When planting or transplanting with rhizomes, you can not immediately use the planting material, but send it to the refrigerator. It is important that it is packaged correctly, as in the original package. Moreover, when buying an aster in a store, at first, the rhizome may seem a little dry to you. This is its natural feature. With proper care, the root will take root and grow.

New Belgian aster is prone to typical diseases of its kind. The most common among them is powdery mildew... The Aden and Bengale varieties are gaining popularity among gardeners as they differ from other varieties. appearance... Use them in decorative combinations on your site, provide lighthearted attention and enjoy the beauty of bright asters.

New Belgian aster: video

The brightest and most memorable flowers in any flower bed or flower garden can rightfully be considered the very first spring and late autumn ones. In autumn, when the whole earth is covered with fallen leaves, everything around is dark and gloomy, perennial asters fill the area with glimpses of colors. It is the aster that is a kind of long-liver of a flower bed, which can delight you with its bright and lush flowering even with slight frosts.

On the territory of Russia and other CIS countries, the most popular type of perennial aster is the Novobelgian aster - a lush and beautiful bush with a huge number of small bright flowers-stars. Having planted this culture on your site, you will not experience any difficulties with its cultivation and care, in return you will get a lot of pleasure from contemplating the beautiful flowering of asters.

In this article, we will consider the features and description of the general genus of aster and specifically the New Belgian aster, we will describe its most popular varieties. Let's note the most important nuances of agricultural technology for growing this crop on your site.

Features and description of the New Belgian aster

Affiliation different types asters to certain families are very confusing and few know the really correct classification. Only asters belong to the genus of the same name Astrovye, the natural area of ​​which is considered to be the territory of Europe and Asia. These are Alpine aster, Italian aster, Tatar aster and others. The New Belgian aster and the New England aster, whose natural area is considered to be the territory of America, today belong to a completely different genus - symphiotrichum. However, despite this, all types of asters are still ranked among the general large family of Compositae. The Novobelgian aster is a late-flowering plant, which gardeners often call santabrinks or octobrinks for their lush, bright and long-lasting flowering in autumn. All types of this culture are called asters for the similarity of colors with beautiful stars, because in translation from Greek "aster" means "star". There is another name for perennial asters. For the flowering period of the New Belgian aster and others perennial species coincides with the holiday of the Archangel Michael, the flower was named Mikhailov daisy.

The natural habitat of the New Belgian aster is considered to be North and Central America, Europe, Asia and North Africa... However, most of them still came to us from the territory of America. Asters were brought to Europe from China by a French monk in the 17th century, after which this flower rightfully began to occupy one of the main places in numerous flower beds.

Description of the New Belgian aster

  • Novobelgian aster is a perennial herb that is very often combined into one group together with shrub asters. The difference between these two types is only in the height of the bushes.
  • New Belgian or Virginian asters can be both dwarf and tall. On average, the height of this culture can be from 60 cm to 120 cm.
  • The plant grows in the form of a bush, which consists of tight-fitting stems. When the New Belgian aster grows, it is dense and lush bushes that can be used as curb plants and trimmed.
  • Aster grows very quickly.
  • The root system is represented by a highly branching and creeping rhizome.
  • The stems of the New Belgian aster are very slender, but numerous, completely covered with foliage and flowers.
  • Leaves are oblong lanceolate up to 12 cm in length. They are dark green in color with a glossy surface.
  • Flowers bloom almost the entire upper part of the stems, covering almost half of their length.
  • The flowers of the New Belgian aster are basket-shaped inflorescences, the diameter of which is 2-4 cm.
  • The flowers are ligulate and quite numerous. Sometimes up to 200 pieces can bloom on one bush.
  • The color of flowers can be very different: lilac, pink, white, purple.
  • Flowering can begin both in July and in September, it all depends on the specific variety of the New Belgian aster.
  • New Belgian asters can bloom until the first frost. Flowers and leaves can withstand frosts down to -5 degrees.
  • For planting in Russia, you should choose early and middle varieties according to the flowering period. Late varieties they can not always have time to bloom before the onset of cold weather.

Variety of varieties of Novobelgian asters or Sentbrinks

Varieties of New Belgian asters are quite numerous and differ in the most different characteristics... This culture can be dwarf, medium-sized and tall. It is necessary to select a certain variety of asters from a pre-planned landing site. Consider the most popular and common varieties of this type of aster that gardeners love.

New Belgian aster variety "Marie Ballard"

  • Astra New Belgian Marie Ballard is a tall shrub that can reach a height of 90-100 cm.
  • The stems are quite dense, so the bush does not require a garter and support.
  • This variety belongs to the early ones, so the plant has time to bloom completely in our climatic conditions.
  • The Marie Ballard variety was bred in 1955 by Ernest Ballard, the creator of a large number of aster varieties.
  • The flowering of this variety of the New Belgian aster begins in late August or early September and lasts for two months.
  • The flowers are large enough, up to 5-8 cm in diameter.
  • In color, the inflorescences are lavender-blue, which fully open at the end of flowering and at this time open their yellow core.

New Belgian aster variety "Mont Blanc"

  • It is a tall variety that can reach a height of 120-140 cm.
  • Due to its high growth of a bush, such asters sometimes require support.
  • Flowering begins in September and lasts approximately two months.
  • The New Belgian aster "Mont Blanc" blooms with white double flowers, the diameter of which can be 2-4 cm.

New Belgian aster variety "White Ladies"

  • A perennial herb that can reach a height of 100-110 cm.
  • Flowering begins in September and lasts about one month until the frost. It is a fairly frost-resistant variety of Novobelgian aster.
  • Flowers are small, ligulate, snow-white. The basket itself consists of very thin white petals.
  • Flowers are located on the stems in large numbers.
  • The diameter of the inflorescences can range from 2 cm to 3 cm.

New Belgian aster variety "Royal Ruby"

  • A medium-sized shrub that can reach a height of 80-90 cm.
  • The plant is formed by straight stems that are close to each other.
  • The variety is characterized by a fairly rapid growth and excellent frost resistance.
  • Flowering begins in August and lasts about a month.
  • Abundant bloom in semi-double flowers of bright crimson color.
  • The diameter of the inflorescence can reach 3-3.5 cm.

New Belgian aster variety "Amethyst"

  • Tall perennial which forms dense and dense bushes.
  • Stems are straight and strong, covered with oblong dark green foliage.
  • The flowering of this variety of the New Belgian aster begins at the end of August and lasts about several months before the onset of frost.
  • Flowers are presented in the form of inflorescences of dark purple color, which reach 3.5 cm in diameter.
  • With reed petals and a bright yellow heart, this aster variety is very similar to daisies.

New Belgian aster variety "Sam Benham"

  • This variety of New Belgian asters is considered one of the most popular white-flowered asters.
  • The shrub can reach a height of 150 cm, it is more oval in shape and rather wide.
  • Stems are straight, densely covered with oblong foliage of dark green color with a glossy surface.
  • Flowering begins in September and lasts approximately 30-35 days.
  • During flowering, the entire bush is densely covered with snow-white inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter with a yellow core.
  • When looking at such a bush, one gets the impression that it is completely covered with flowers. This is possible due to the fact that the flowers bloom along the entire length of the stems.

New Belgian aster variety "Royal Blue"

  • This is a perennial herb that grows in the form of a small bush, reaching a height of 120-130 cm.
  • The stems are straight and strong enough.
  • Small oblong leaves of dark green color grow along the entire length of the stems.
  • This variety begins to bloom in September and lasts approximately 35-40 days.
  • During flowering, the entire bush is abundantly strewn with semi-double flower baskets up to 4 cm in diameter.
  • Aster flowers of the New Belgian Royal Blue are light blue with a bright yellow center.

New Belgian aster variety "Sunset"

  • This aster variety is a voluminous shrub that is formed by tall and well-branched stems.
  • The leaves are small and oblong, green in color with a glossy surface.
  • The flowers are pink-purple in color with tubular petals in the center of a bright yellow color.
  • Flowering begins in September, during which time the entire bush is covered with bright flowers resembling chamomile.

Reproduction of the New Belgian aster: the most common ways

The New Belgian aster can be easily bred independently on your site. This culture reproduces in several ways, from which propagation by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush can be distinguished. Each method has its own characteristics, after carefully studying which, you will choose the method that is optimal specifically for you.

New Belgian aster - seed reproduction

  • This method of reproduction of the New Belgian aster is rarely used due to the long germination of seeds and the great work associated with its implementation.
  • In addition, with the help of seeds, only species asters can be propagated, but not varietal ones. Otherwise, you risk getting not exactly the plants you expect.
  • Aster seeds can be propagated in a seedless and seedling way.
  • For the seedless method, seeds are sown directly into open ground before winter. Before that, it is important to carefully prepare the planting material. If you purchased seeds from a store, be sure to stratify them within a week. To do this, place them in the refrigerator, and after the right time, place them in warm water for several hours. Fresh seeds do not need these steps.
  • After preparation in November or December, make small grooves in the prepared bed and cover the seeds in them, then spill well with warm water. Sprinkle with soil gently.
  • After winter, when the soil thaws, the first leaves appear on the seedlings. Be sure to dive for plants.
  • Aster blooms, grown by seed method, only after 2-3 years.
  • New Belgian aster can be grown in seedlings, then you will see flowering shrubs a little earlier.
  • For this, the seeds are prepared in the same way.
  • Next, you need to select suitable containers and fill them with soil, consisting of peat, humus, turf and sand. Before sowing seeds, it is recommended to spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Sow the seeds and place the container in a bright and warm place with a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  • After the appearance of several leaves, the seedlings dive and grow further at a temperature of 15 degrees.
  • You can plant Novobelgian aster seedlings in open ground after 2 months after planting.

Reproduction of the New Belgian aster by dividing the bush

  • This method is most preferred for breeding the New Belgian aster. It does not require much time and large-scale preparation, but it allows you to propagate rare varietal bushes.
  • The best time to divide aster bushes is spring, when young shoots are just starting to grow.
  • Medium-sized bushes must be carefully dug up and divided into the required number of parts with a sharp knife or garden shears. This is done when you need to immediately get a large number of young plants.
  • Large bushes that have a powerful and highly branched rhizome can be divided without digging it out of the soil. To do this, carefully separate one or more parts of the plant with a sharp shovel.
  • The main rule is that there should be at least 5 shoots on each section. If you have less, these young seedlings need to grow before you plant them in the flower garden.

Reproduction of the New Belgian aster by cuttings

  • To obtain young seedlings of the New Belgian aster, the method of cuttings is also used.
  • This method is great for breeding varietal aster bushes.
  • Cuttings can be carried out from May to August.
  • Cuttings for propagation are harvested from the tops of the stems, which must be taken no more than 5-8 cm in length.
  • Prepare a site for planting cuttings. The soil should be nutritious and consist of peat, turf and sand.
  • The cuttings are placed in prepared soil, watered abundantly and covered with foil or separately with plastic bottles.
  • During rooting, cuttings must be regularly ventilated and watered.
  • Rooting occurs after about a month, after which young seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.

Preparation before planting the New Belgian aster

To get a beautiful decorative bush of the New Belgian aster, it is important to carry out everything correctly preparatory stages... It is from the choice of high-quality and healthy seedlings, the optimal place for planting and competent preparation the beauty and splendor of your flowers will depend on the soil.

Stage 1. Selection of varieties and seedlings of the New Belgian aster

  • First of all, it is important to correctly determine the varieties of the Novbelgian aster.
  • It is best to purchase them in specialized garden centers or nurseries that are professionally engaged in plant breeding.
  • It is best to give preference to varieties that have already been tested in your climatic zone... In this case, you will be sure that your aster will bloom on time and will delight you with lush flowering.
  • New Belgian aster seedlings are most often sold in plastic containers, so it is important to check the condition of the plants before buying. There should be no damaged areas on them, the leaves should be healthy and resilient. The plant must be chosen healthy, without signs of diseases and pests.
  • Before buying New Belgian aster seedlings, think about where you will plant them. Taller varieties are perfect for a site along walls and fences, dwarf varieties along curbs and garden paths.

Stage 2. Choosing a landing site for the Novobelgian aster

  • The decorativeness of the New Belgian aster bushes will depend on the correctly chosen area in your yard or flower garden.
  • Asters planted in the shade will gradually bloom more and more sparsely, until they stop producing flowers at all.
  • For this culture, areas of a garden or flower garden with big amount sunlight. Alternatively, some varieties of New Belgian asters can be planted in light shade.
  • The site you choose should be protected from strong winds and drafts, as tall varieties can be damaged by their gusts.
  • Asters also prefer places where moisture does not stagnate, so prefer small elevations.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for planting Novobelgian aster

  • New Belgian aster prefers to grow on light to medium-heavy soils.
  • The soil in your chosen area should be nutritious and neutral. If the acidity is too high, dolomite flour can be added during planting.
  • It is important that the soil is breathable and does not retain moisture. If the aster grows in areas with stagnant water, it will become sick more often, in particular, with powdery mildew.
  • It is best to prepare the landing site in advance, better in autumn... To do this, carefully dig it up, about 2 bayonets of a shovel. The nutrient soil should be at least 30 cm of the top layer, so be sure to add humus during processing. In the spring, dig up the area again, loosen and level well and add superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

New Belgian aster planting technology

  • The best time to plant a New Belgian aster on a garden plot is spring. Focus on the month of May, when the earth warms up enough. The aster planted at this time will be able to harden well and take root before the onset of cold weather.
  • Before planting the selected area for planting, weed well again, remove all weeds and loosen it to a depth of 6-8 cm, and then level it.
  • For planting New Belgian aster seedlings, you do not need to prepare large planting pits. It is enough to make small grooves.
  • It is important to plant the aster correctly, pay special attention to the distance between individual seedlings. Perennial asters grow very strongly, so they need to be replanted every 3-4 years. In this regard, one plant should account for a decent part of the land.
  • If you are planting low-growing varieties, then the distance between the plants should be 20 cm, and between the rows 30 cm. For medium-sized ones - 30 between the plants and 50 between the rows. For tall ones - 50 between plants and 80 between rows.
  • Seedlings in containers before planting can be spilled with water to make them easier to remove.
  • Plant each seedling carefully and sprinkle tightly root system soil, compacting it with your hands. An air pocket should not remain at the roots.
  • After planting, all seedlings must be watered abundantly.

Agrotechnology for growing Novobelgian asters: secrets and nuances of care

Caring for Novobelgian aster is not difficult, it is enough to pay attention to periodically lush bushes and the plant will thank you with bright flowers that bloom until late autumn.

Watering the New Belgian aster

New Belgian aster is pretty drought tolerant plant, because a large amount of moisture can harm this plant. If the season is characterized by a lot of rains, then the aster need not even be watered, natural precipitation will be enough for it. In a drier period, it is necessary to water it rarely, but abundantly, preferably with water heated in the sun.

Loosening and mulching of the Novobelgian aster

Periodically, the soil around the aster must be loosened and all weeds removed, since some varieties of this crop may die from unwanted neighborhoods. Before flowering bushes, it is advisable to spud them about 5-8 cm to strengthen the root system. The soil around the New Belgian aster can be mulched with dry peat or sawdust. So the soil will not be clogged with weeds and this will protect the plant from excessive moisture evaporation.

Top dressing of the New Belgian aster

In autumn and spring, you can add a little humus under the aster bushes. Full dressing is carried out three times per season. The first time you can feed the plant 2 weeks after planting. Add superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate... Apply fertilizer a second time while the buds are forming. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate can be used. The third time is fertilized at the beginning of flowering. You can also use superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Preparing the New Belgian aster for winter

During aster flowering, periodically remove all faded flower buds - this stimulates the appearance of new ones. In the fall, be sure to add a little humus under each bush. Almost all varieties of New Belgian asters are frost-resistant, but there are those that can be damaged by frost, especially if these are young plants. In this case, cut off all dry stems and sprinkle the soil around the plant with a layer of dry peat. In the spring, this layer is removed, and the soil around the plant is loosened. Remember that once every 3-4 years in spring, the aster must be rejuvenated by dividing the bush.

The fight against diseases and pests of the Novobelgian aster

  • Powdery mildew. Signs of the disease are white bloom on stems and leaves. This disease is most common in various asters. To combat it, it is important to start using special preparations on time, it is recommended to spray all plants at once even in the spring. The preparations create a film on the leaves and stems, which prevents the appearance of the disease.
  • Rust. A kind of swelling appears on the lower plate of the leaves - a sign of the disease. To combat such a disease, it is necessary to use a Bordeaux liquid solution.
  • Jaundice. It is manifested by yellowing of the leaves and a stop of flowering. It is insect-borne, so insecticides must be used.


  • Aphid, spider mite, scoop, earwig. It is important to weed the beds in time to combat such pests, and remove all debris. In case of severe damage, you can use insecticides.

The use of the New Belgian aster in landscape design

  • As a single landing. Tall asters look great against the background of the lawn. their stems are usually strong and bend, therefore, such an aster during flowering looks like a tall column covered with flowers.
  • Group landings along the walls of the house, fences, gazebos.
  • Tall asters can be planted in the background in flower beds and flower beds.
  • Low-growing asters are perfect for planting along curbs and garden paths. They will decorate any flower bed or alpine slide.
  • Some undersized asters can be planted in containers.

Photo of the Novobelgian aster in landscape design

More clearly see all the features and options for using the aster in landscape design can be on the proposed photos.

Novobelgiskaya aster is a traditional decoration of gardens and flower beds for gardeners and summer residents. And although this plant has been used for many years, it has not lost its attractiveness, but continues to be appreciated and popular.

It is no secret that the first spring and late autumn varieties are considered the most spectacular and memorable flowers in every flower garden. And with the arrival of autumn, when fallen leaves cover the ground, and the surrounding landscapes take on gloomy tones, perennial New Belgian asters continue to decorate the flower bed with their masterpiece flowering. Planting and caring for a plant is a very relevant topic for every grower.

general information

Currently, the New Belgian aster is considered one of the most popular perennial species grown in Russia and other CIS countries. This lush, incredibly colorful shrub has many small flowers that resemble stars. If you successfully plant an aster on your site and provide it with proper care, it will simply transform the surrounding space beyond recognition. Growing a New Belgian aster is a sheer pleasure, since the lesson does not require a lot of time and effort.

Determining the correct classification of the existing varieties of asters is problematic, since there are some nuances here. The species of the same name Astrovych includes only those varieties that grow in the regions of Europe and Asia ... We are talking about the aster:

  • alpine;
  • Italian;
  • Tatar and others.

The described species is considered a native inhabitant of America, therefore it is customary to refer it to a different group - symphiotrichum. Nevertheless, all species are members of the vast Asteraceae family.

The leaves have an oblong lanceolate shape and are up to 12 centimeters long. Their color can be dark green with a characteristic gloss.

Almost the entire upper part of the stems is covered with small inflorescences with a diameter of two to four centimeters. In shape, they resemble small baskets with compact star flowers. In some cases, about two hundred flowers appear on one bush.

During the flowering period, the New Belgian aster shows a wide variety of shades. Among them:

  • purple;
  • pink;
  • purple;
  • White.

If we talk about the seed method, then due to the low percentage of seed germination, it is practiced less often than all the others. In addition, only a species aster can be produced from seeds, since it is not possible to preserve the distinctive properties of varieties with such reproduction.

Gardeners use both seedling and seedling seed planting methods. In the first case, the planting material is placed in the ground before winter, pre-hardening it. If we are talking about purchased seeds, then they need careful stratification, which consists in keeping them in the refrigerator for a week, after which they are transferred to warm water for a couple of hours.

In November or December, after completing the basic preparatory work, you need to make small depressions on the selected piece of land, and then place the seeds there and spill them abundantly with water at room temperature. After that, they are covered with soil. With the arrival of spring, the seedlings should put down the first leaves. As soon as this happens, they need to dive. Under favorable conditions, the aster planted with seeds will begin to bloom in 2-3 years.

Photo: Astra novobelgian (virgin), recently referred to as Symphyotrichum novi-belgii

Blooming asters are an integral part of the autumn summer cottage landscape. They complete the flowering season and set in place for the long, snowy winter ahead. The species diversity of perennial asters is very great, but today we will only talk about the New Belgian aster (Aster novi-belgii), or Virginian, which has been used in culture since the 17th century.

Often a species "mongrel" is grown in gardens, but modern varieties are more preferable, because have an outstanding appearance and bloom much more abundantly. In addition, an off-grade new Belgian woman can unpleasantly surprise you with her aggressiveness, because thanks to the formation of numerous underground root suckers, she is able to fill the entire territory allotted to her and beat her neighbors in the flower garden in a short time.


In flower catalogs, you can find both old and new varieties. When choosing, pay attention to external characteristics: flower size; bush height (from 80 to 150 cm); loose, decaying shrub or not requiring support, compact and sturdy. The timing of flowering is of no small importance, because some foreign varieties bloom only by the end of October and can be used in landscaping the gardens of only a few lucky southerners. But fortunately, the main flowering dates of the Novobelgian aster varieties imported to us are early September - mid-October.

White: "White Ladies", "Sam Benham", "Mont Everest", "Apollo".
Pink: "Dick Ballard", "Elta", "Rosa Perle".
Raspberry: Royal Ruby, Crimson Brocade, Karminkuppel, Patricia Ballard.
Blue and lavender: Porzellan, Rosenquarz, Saturn, Octoberfest.
Dark lilac and purple: "Amethyst", "Reitlingstal", "Royal Blue".

Photo: New Belgian Raspberry Astra, Royal Ruby variety


The best time to plant a plant is spring, in this case it will delight you with the first flowering in the same year.
Never plant asters in the shade! Only in an area well lit by the sun.
Prepare the seat: dig up the earth on the bayonet of the shovel, apply fertilizer at the rate indicated on the package. Preferred mineral, namely complex flower fertilizer (be careful with organic matter - asters "do not like" its excess). Having shed a good hole, plant your seedling without deepening it. If the nights are still cool and there is a threat of frost, cover the planting site with dry mulching material: compost, bark, peat, etc.
Throughout the summer period, your aster needs care no less than all other inhabitants of the flower garden. She will not tolerate drying out of the soil (as well as waterlogging). Top dressing will be needed three times per season: 1st in 2-3 weeks after planting, 2nd during the beginning of budding and 3rd during the flowering period. For inattention to your person, your aster will "repay" with crushed flowers, meager flowering and susceptibility to diseases, the main of which is powdery mildew.
New Belgian asters do not need special preparation for winter. They are hardy enough to survive prolonged cold weather. But if we are talking about a plant of the first year of life, then take care of the minimum shelter for it (a 10 cm layer of mulch will be quite enough).


Seeds? No, it’s hopeless. Cutting is possible if desired, but the lunge will be very great. The best way is division, which must be done every 3-4 years, preferably in the spring. Having dug up an aster bush, you need to divide it into parts, each of which will have at least 4-5 shoots. Do not forget to add nutrient soil to the hole if you are planting one of the divisions in the same place. The distance between the bushes depends on the variety (from 30 to 50 cm).

Photo: White Ladies Astra


Everything is simple here. The main criterion when choosing a place for an aster in a flower garden is its height. Tall varieties are planted in the background of a flower garden, along a fence, or make a solitary planting on a lawn. The dark green graceful foliage of the growing aster is a good background for the vast majority perennials and letnikov .

At the same time, in the New Belgian aster, the lower part of the bushes is sometimes observed to be exposed due to the death of foliage and medium-sized plants planted in the foreground can compensate for this deficiency, this can be, for example, peonies , sedums, daylilies.

More compact varieties (from 80 cm and a little higher) are good in curbs along the paths.

If desired and space is available, you can combine large groups of different varieties of perennial asters in multi-tiered mixborders in the background ornamental shrubs, diluting them with cereals, especially interesting in the autumn. In addition to New Belgian, you can use New England, shrub, heather, alpine and ageratous asters.