What can be watered with ammonia in the garden. Ammonia in the country - a universal remedy

To obtain a bountiful harvest from your garden plot, you need to think in advance about methods of combating various diseases and pests. Plants die in garden beds for many reasons, including due to aphids, which completely cling to the leaves and feed on the sap of young shoots. These insects are sensitive to ammonia substances. Therefore, experienced farmers recommend the use of ammonia against aphids, which has a detrimental effect on pests.

Composition of the drug

The pharmaceutical product is a colorless aqueous solution ammonium hydroxide. A liquid with a strong specific odor is used in medicinal purposes and for household needs.

On farms, the use of ammonia in the garden is an integral stage of agricultural technology. The composition of the drug is a diluted 10% ammonia solution, which has a detrimental effect on aphids. Do not confuse ammonia with ammonium chloride, which is extremely rarely used when growing vegetables and fruit trees.

For active growth, plants need to grow foliage, which provides chlorophyll. The green mass further participates in the formation of buds, inflorescences and fruits. Therefore, it is important to use nitrogen fertilizers in agricultural technology. The concentration of this substance in ammonia is 82%, which explains its popularity among gardeners.

Mechanism of action on pests

This pharmaceutical product is not an insecticide, since the reaction of insects to it is of a side nature. Initially, the drug was developed for medical purposes and was used for alcohol poisoning and loss of consciousness. Later, housewives began to use ammonia solution to wash windows, remove old stains from clothes, and clean jewelry.

Now gardeners use ammonia against aphids when spraying fruit trees and beds. It is this pharmaceutical product that has an irritating effect on the respiratory and digestive systems of insects. Due to this effect, it is possible to save the crop from destruction.

Unlike insecticides, ammonia against aphids can be used during the active formation of ovaries, since it does not accumulate in the fruit and is quickly eliminated. To the benefits of use pharmaceutical drug when growing include:

  • low cost and availability;
  • To completely destroy pest colonies, 2 procedures are enough;
  • ammonia acts as an irritant to aphids, but its composition is safe for humans;
  • the effect manifests itself during processing;
  • can be used as fertilizer.

Harm to aphids

Early spring colonies of these insects are found on many trees, shrubs, and vegetable crops. They do not spoil the fruits, but suck the juices from the green mass and buds.

You can tell if a plant is infected by white plaque on the leaves of currants, raspberries, gooseberries and other shrubs. As a result, the shoots become deformed and twisted. Aphids secrete sugary excrement, which becomes a favorable environment for fungal growth.

As photosynthesis declines, overall yields and product quality suffer. These insects are carriers of infection, and one individual is enough to become infected. Trees and plants damaged by aphids become weakened and cannot withstand frost. Therefore, it is necessary to use aqueous solutions for spraying.

Plant treatment procedure

The effectiveness of ammonia is confirmed by many years of experience of farms using this product for the prevention and destruction of pests. The use of a 10% ammonia solution in folk recipes implies an addition in the form of shampoo, laundry or potassium soap, which are necessary for better adhesion to stems and leaves. There are several ways to get rid of aphids using ammonia. Gardeners spray this product on infected areas or use it as root feeding.

Preparation and types of solutions

The procedure for working with this pharmacy means compliance with certain rules. Before using it, you must carefully examine the infected plants, remove curled leaves and burn them.

The consumption of the drug is selected depending on the method of treating the area:

After treating the area, the pungent odor of ammonia will disappear in 5-7 minutes, while the constituent components are not absorbed into fruit or vegetable crops.

Popular recipes for solutions to combat aphids:

  1. You need to mix 40 g of pharmaceutical preparation and washing powder and fill in all 10 liters of water. In this way, currant bushes, raspberries, and ammonia are treated with ammonia. fruit trees.
  2. To prepare the infusion, dilute 20 ml of ammonia in 8 liters of water. The container with the liquid should be placed in a dark place for 2-3 hours. After infusion, the solution is sprayed on the plants in the area.
  3. In order to treat aphids on peppers with ammonia, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of the drug, 15 g of grated laundry soap and 10 liters of water. Wipe the affected leaves with the resulting mixture or add to the root.
  4. Use a diluted tablespoon of ammonia in a liter of water for 2 months as root feeding for transplanted plants. open ground seedlings.
  5. To prevent aphids, mix 10 ml of pharmaceutical preparation and 10 liters of boiled water. In this form, the product is used for root feeding not only of damaged plants, but also of healthy ones.

Precautions during work

The popularity of ammonia is due to its composition, which is harmless to humans. When inhaling a 10% ammonia solution, burns of the nasopharynx do not occur, but it provokes a sore, dry cough.

If the product gets into the mouth, it causes food poisoning, and if it gets into the eyes, it causes lacrimation, redness, and burning. The lethal dosage for humans is 10-15 g of ammonia. Therefore, solutions need to be prepared outdoors so that volatile substances evaporate quickly.

When processing a garden plot, use protective latex gloves, a gauze bandage or a respirator, and special glasses. If you feed seedlings indoors with a pharmaceutical product, open the windows. This need is due to the fact that ammonia vapors corrode wall coverings and wiring. For this reason, this product should not be used in greenhouses.

Ammonia formed when ammonia and water combine. This substance is successfully used by amateur gardeners to protect plants from pests and fertilize. Using ammonia in the garden is a safe method that does not cause accumulation harmful substances in fruits, therefore it can be used in growing environmentally friendly products.

There is no need to confuse ammonia and ammonia. The first is the same substance that will be used in the garden in diluted form, which has a characteristic odor. The second is ammonium chloride - colorless, odorless crystals, but if it is heated, the smell of chlorine will also be mixed with ammonia.

Interesting! Ammonia does not contain ethanol. Its name comes from the English spirit, which means spirit. Chemists called all volatile substances this way.

Why should you use ammonia in the garden?

Ammonia is a source of nitrogen nutrition for plants. Why is it necessary to apply ammonia as a fertilizer if plants can obtain nitrogen from the air? There are several reasons for this:

For each case, you need to correctly calculate the dosage so that the problem is solved in favor of the plants.

How to use ammonia to feed plants

Use an ammonia solution for fertilizing garden crops- it's fast, simple and safe. Therefore, to the question of which plants can be watered with ammonia, the answer is everything. Another issue is dosage. For fertilizing - one concentration, for pests - another.

Vegetable crops in open ground and greenhouses are fed with nitrogen. Some people prefer to fertilize on a schedule, regardless of the condition of the foliage and shoots. If there is no discipline in the garden, then you will have to feed the vegetables urgently when all the signs of nitrogen deficiency are visible:

  • pale green leaves;
  • delayed shoot growth;
  • fall of the ovaries;
  • small fruits.

Nitrogen nutrition is introduced in the spring during the growth of greenery. Fertilizers are applied by root and foliar methods, using solutions of different concentrations:

  • For root plants - 10 ml/1 l of water.
  • For foliar - 10 ml/bucket of water.

For spraying against pests, laundry soap is added to the solution.

For cucumbers and tomatoes

Ammonia in the garden is used for cucumbers and tomatoes, starting from the seedling stage. Some people prefer to soak cucumber seeds in a solution before germination. This method works well if the shell is hard. Seeds germinate on the 3rd – 4th day.

An Internet forum describes a method when A 10% solution was simply dripped onto the seeds, kept for 1–2 minutes, washed and planted in the ground. The result is quick germination and healthy plants. We tried the same thing on zucchini and pumpkin seeds - the result was confirmed: ammonia for cucumbers is a germination accelerator.

At the stage of growing seedlings, they are sprayed with a solution of lower concentration to maintain the amount of nitrogen in the tissues. This will determine how the transplant into open ground will go and how the cucumbers will bloom. Fruiting depends not only on nitrogen, but also on potassium and phosphorus, so along with ammonia you need to add nutrition for the development of the root system.

Tomatoes at the seedling stage need 5 ml of ammonia solution per 10 liters of water. This will help the plants survive transplantation and continue to grow. You especially need to pay attention to weak plants, because fertilizing is more beneficial for them. If the leaves and shoots are in good condition, feeding is not necessary.

For adult tomatoes, double the dose. You need to feed with ammonia three times a season. This is especially true for light sandy soils, where fertilizers are poorly retained in the upper layer and after rain go into the lower horizon, where the root system does not reach.

For cabbage

It is not possible to grow cabbage without using fertilizers and pest control. One of the universal drugs is ammonia, which repels:

  • cruciferous flea beetle;
  • cabbage fly;
  • slugs;
  • caterpillars;
  • grape snails.

Concentration of the substance is 100 ml/10 l of water. Spray regularly once every three days if there are signs of damage to the leaves or head of cabbage. If slugs attack, you can spill the soil around with the same solution. At the same time, nitrogen reserves will be replenished, so it is better not to add other nitrogen fertilizers to avoid overdose.

Cabbage seeds are also treated in an ammonia solution before planting. Because of this, they germinate faster. The seeds are placed in gauze and dipped in a solution prepared for 10 minutes. 1 part ammonia and 3 parts water.

For strawberries

Ammonia for strawberries is useful in the spring so that the bush gains strength for flowering and fruiting. Ammonia is used in the garden for strawberries in concentration 40 ml per bucket of water. It is carried out at the end of March - beginning of April when the first leaves appear.

Video: Using ammonia for strawberries

This is both feeding and preventing the appearance of pests, because in the spring not only plants wake up, but also fungal spores, and the larvae of beetles and caterpillars that eat the foliage. For sticking to the leaves, you can add half a bar of laundry soap. The procedure is carried out in the evening after sunset to avoid chemical burns.

It is practiced to fertilize strawberries with ammonia three times a season. The second time is applied before flowering, 7-8 days in advance, so that the solution has an effect on the plants, but does not scare away the bees that participate in pollination and affect the harvest.

The soil and bushes are watered for the third time after harvesting in the fall. Fertilizing strawberries after fruiting with ammonia is needed to destroy pests preparing for winter and fungal infections in the form of spores. This will protect strawberries from a spring outbreak of diseases.

For flowers

A pharmaceutical ammonia solution contains 82% nitrogen. This is more than any other nitrogen fertilizer. But plants absorb it without much enthusiasm: exactly as much as needed. It is impossible to overfeed plants with ammonia.

Ammonia for indoor and garden flowers ornamental plants– a complete and safe source of nitrogen. The dosage most often recommended is for root application. 30 ml of ammonia per 10 l of water, or 3 ml/1 l.

For foliar spraying and for young plants it is enough 1 teaspoon per liter or under the root.

Ammonia is used:

  • for peonies;
  • dahlia;
  • pansies;
  • bulbous plants.

If ornamental plants are attacked by aphids or other insects, the concentration can be increased to 50 ml/bucket.

Video: Fertilizing with ammonia works wonders

Ornamental crops that were not fertilized early in the growing season will have an inappropriate appearance. If you do not feed enough nitrogen at the stage of green mass gain, the flowering phase will come late, there will be few buds, because half of them will fall off.

Without nitrogen fertilizing, potassium fertilizers, which are responsible for the color and brightness of plants, do not work well. In addition, midges, flies, and caterpillars appear on sick and weakened flowers.

Ammonia for pests in the garden and vegetable garden

Ammonia is used in the garden against the following pests:

  • Medvedki. These pests can swim, dig tunnels underground, and try to fly. They are very difficult to deal with using conventional methods. The only way out is to scare off the insect with chemicals or ammonia with a pungent odor. The solution is poured around the plants so that the mole cricket cannot reach the root and cut it with its claws.
  • Wireworm. Has solid, so you won’t be able to crush it. The adult individual, the click beetle, lives for about a year.

Wireworms are a larval stage that lasts 2 years and causes much more damage than adult beetles. In spring it rises to the surface to find food. At this point, you need to start etching the soil with an ammonia solution. Or plant legumes near vegetables because the click beetle doesn’t like them and leaves.

  • Aphid. Sucks juice from leaves and shoots. Two sprays with an ammonia mixture and laundry soap are enough for the colony to die.
  • Cabbage whiteweed, whose larvae eat plants of the cruciferous family.
  • Summer shield.

Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia, a substance with a strong and very pungent odor. In everyday life, it is usually used to induce vomiting or to revive an unconscious person. Ammonia has not only medical, but also economic use: It is added to water for washing glass and to remove dirt from jewelry. But experienced gardeners use ammonia for completely different purposes. We will tell you why plants are watered with ammonia in our article.

Ammonia as a fertilizer

Ammonia is a source of nitrogen in a form easily absorbed by plants. It is especially well received by garden plants such as onions, garlic, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, peppers, eggplants, rhubarb, cabbage and tomatoes. Of the trees and shrubs, plums, cherries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries and blackberries respond gratefully to fertilization with ammonia. Fertilizing the soil with ammonia promotes more luxuriant flowering of lilies, hydrangeas, peonies, roses, dahlias, geraniums and clematis.

How to dilute ammonia for irrigation? Add three tablespoons of ammonia to 10 liters of water and pour the solution under the root to better growth bushes tomatoes once or twice a season. cucumbers water with a solution of 3 tablespoons of ammonia in 10 liters of water regularly: once every 10 days.

Watering the beds with a solution of 1 tablespoon of ammonia in a bucket of water onions promotes the rapid and lush growth of its greenery, and if you want to get large and juicy onion heads, then water the beds with this solution once a week.

Watering garlic ammonia to increase yield is carried out twice a season. To prepare the fertilizer, a tablespoon of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water.

To speed up the ripening of the crop due to impending frosts, you need to spray the unripe fruits with the following composition: 250 ml of apple cider vinegar, one bottle of ammonia and 100 ml of baby shampoo are diluted in 90 liters of water.

Ammonia for pests

Treating the beds with ammonia will help you get rid of harmful insects such as aphids, carrot flies, secretive proboscis, ants, wireworms, mole crickets, slugs and house flies. To prepare an insecticidal solution for aphids, you need to pour 50 g of ammonia into a bucket of water, add a few tablespoons of liquid soap, mix the composition well and immediately spray the plants with it on the leaves.

carrot fly repelled from the beds by treating the crops and the soil underneath them with a solution of 5 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water.

To combat wireworm a stronger solution is needed: 10 ml of alcohol is mixed with 10 liters of water, after which half a liter of solution is poured under each plant.

To get rid of secretive proboscis, you will need to dissolve 25 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water. The plants are treated with this composition and the soil in the garden is sprayed. Garlic and onions are treated with a solution of ammonia from the secretive proboscis every week at the beginning of summer.

From weevil on strawberries, the beds are treated every week, starting in summer, with a solution of 25 ml of ammonia in 5 liters of water.

Remove from cabbage and tomato plots mole cricket it is possible by treating them at the beginning of the season 1-2 times with the same solution as for the secretive proboscis.

An excellent remedy for ants is a solution of 100 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water, which must be poured into the anthill, and the plants inhabited by ants are sprayed over the leaves of the cooled boiled water with 8 ml of aqueous ammonia diluted in it.

Flower growers who cannot get rid of small flower midges on indoor plants, a solution of 1-2 ml of ammonia in 5 liters of boiled water, sprayed on plants and the surface of the substrate in pots, will help.

Among the bright bags of seeds and fertilizers that have been purchased since winter, there is always a place for small bottles purchased with the pharmacy names ammonia and ammonia. Ammonia gas, first obtained in 1774 under the name “alkaline air” near the ancient Libyan temple of Amun, has long taken the place of an indispensable assistant for curious summer residents. What secrets, possibilities and applications does ammonia carry for plants as a fertilizer, which has become a common element in the care of vegetables, trees, and flowers?

Important! The substance is a solution of ammonia in water. From the point of view of chemical terminology, the names ammonia, “ammonia” refer to another type of inorganic compound from ammonium nitrate NH4Cl. On summer cottages it is not used.

Bottles purchased at a pharmacy are filled with a 10% solution called “Ammonia”, “Ammonia”.

The beneficial qualities of ammonia are determined not only by the high percentage of nitrogen (82%), which is vital for the development of any plants. The fact is that they absorb the main amount of nitrogen not from the air, where the content of the element reaches 78%, but in bound form, from the soil.

The drug is beneficial in the following cases:

  • Soil reclamation. In poor areas useful action soil microorganisms are weakened. Their activities are intensifying organic fertilizers. The process of their decomposition continues for several years. Financial and labor investments are required. The period of soil restoration passes faster and does not affect the reduction in yield or product quality when using ammonia.
  • Fertilizing plants with ammonia. The use of ammonia as a fertilizer for plants makes their development process quick and simple.
  • Prevention of soil acidification. The solution is a medium strength alkali. The need for frequent liming of the soil disappears. It is done when an acidic reaction has been confirmed. After fertilizing, nitrogen compounds do not accumulate in parts of the plant.
  • Pest control.

The advantage of the substance is that it does not penetrate plant tissues, accumulating in them, requiring time to decompose. Remembering to wash vegetables and fruits before eating is required for many reasons.

The following deviations in plant development serve as a signal for the use of ammonia:

  • Thin, easily damaged stems with small leaves.
  • The appearance of a yellow tint of leaves on the bottom row.
  • Slow growth, lack of flowers, falling ovaries.
  • Negative reaction to frost in trees and berry fields.

What plants can be fertilized with ammonia?

The life cycle of any plant is associated with the process of growing green mass, flowering, and fruit formation. Nitrogen types of fertilizers help it make development efficient. The nitrogen needs of all plants are different.

Among them there are big lovers of nitrogen; fertilizing with ammonia is most useful for them:

  • Cabbage.
  • Eggplant.
  • Pumpkins, zucchini.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Pepper, potatoes.
  • Perennial bulbous flowers.
  • Peonies, dahlias, clematis.
  • Raspberry, cherry, plum, strawberry, blackberry.

It is useful to feed any seedlings with an alcohol solution while growing at home, when transplanting to a permanent place.

Which plants are not suitable for ammonia fertilizer?

Weak solutions are suitable for any plants, performing the functions of fertilizer, for the purpose of prevention in the war against pests. For example, strawberries. The plant absorbs nitrogen from ammonia poorly. The use of ammonia during specific periods of growth is done taking into account the need for nitrogen for optimal development.

The average amount of it required by plants is:

  1. Cucumbers.
  2. Tomatoes.
  3. Beet.
  4. Garlic.
  5. Annual flowers.
  6. Corn.
  7. Gooseberry and currant bushes.
  8. Apple trees.

Methods of working with ammonia

The solution is delivered to the plant by watering and spraying.

Important! The correct dosage will help prevent excess green mass, lack of flowers, accumulation of nitrates in tubers, and prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Due to the high volatility of the drug, it is recommended to spray in bad weather using a watering can that produces noticeable splashes. The flow, similar to a drizzle, loses the main part of the active substance in the air. It is recommended to treat seedlings and indoor flowers with a weak stream directed at the roots of the plants. It is recommended to treat seedlings and indoor flowers with a weak stream directed at the root.

The toxic drug is effectively used for spraying against garden pests.

  1. Onion, carrot fly. A single watering of row spacing with a solution of 5 ml of 25% ammonia in 10 liters of water is used.
  2. Medvedka. There is no reliable method of exterminating the pest. All events are repeated annually. The pest does not like strong odors. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to dilute 10 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water. 0.5 liters of solution is added to the hole planned for planting seedlings, for example cabbage.
  3. Wireworm. The pest attacks root crops. It is not always possible to use them in food. The larva of the click beetle, which eats all types of plants, is neutralized with a solution of 10 ml of 25% ammonia in 10 liters of water. The process is carried out during planting of a tuberous, nightshade plant.
  4. Aphids, ants. A solution of 50 ml of alcohol, 25 ml of liquid soap in a bucket of water is considered an effective preventive measure. You can spray plants in greenhouses weekly with a solution of 15 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water.

Weevil, Drosophila, onion stalker die after preventive treatment with ammonia.

Ammonia as a fertilizer

  1. Emergency watering is done with a solution of 1 large spoon of 25% ammonia per liter of water. This is the maximum permissible dose of the drug, which does not have a harmful effect on the plant.
  2. Floral, bulbous plants It is recommended to water by dissolving 25 ml of alcohol in 10 liters of water.
  3. Watering at the roots of vegetables is done with a solution of three tablespoons of 25% alcohol in 10 liters of water.
  4. Spraying the majority garden crops Produce a solution of 50 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water.
  5. Processing of seedlings, foliar feeding It is recommended to make flowers with a solution of a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water.

Fertilizing plants with ammonia

The soil in small summer cottages often becomes depleted and becomes less fertile. The effect of using ammonia to fertilize plants is immediately visible.

It is beneficial to do it for vegetables and berry gardens, which are especially popular among plot owners:

  • Benefits for onions and garlic. A signal of nitrogen deficiency in plants is the appearance of yellow, drying feathers. Feeding onions with a solution of 60 ml of alcohol in 10 liters of water will help restore the growth of onion and garlic bushes. It is done in 6 days. To obtain a quality harvest large onions Experts recommend starting watering in July with a weak ammonia solution, consisting, for example, of a tablespoon of the drug per 10 liters of water.
  • Fertilizing cucumbers with alcohol. It is carried out several times before the fruit appears with a solution of low concentration of the drug. The solution is prepared using three large spoons of alcohol in a bucket of water. Water at the root, spray the cucumber vines once a week if necessary.
  • Ammonia for tomatoes. A good harvest is guaranteed a large number strong fruits ripening on strong bushes. Feeding with a weak concentration solution once every 10 days helps to grow a powerful bush. The solution is poured onto the soil under the tomato bush that is damp after watering.

Important! It is better to water more often, using a weak composition, than to quickly destroy the plant with a strong one.

Using ammonia in the garden

To increase the growth of shrubs, trees, berries, for example, cherries, plums, raspberries, it is recommended to use solutions of varying concentrations. This is determined by the strength of the plant appearance. The effective time for feeding is considered to be the period of appearance of buds, flowers, and formation of fruit ovaries.

Flower beds respond well to the use of ammonia solutions.

Great benefits for the garden explained hypersensitivity wasps, caterpillars, ants to the smell of low concentrations of ammonia used. To fix solutions on treated tree branches, they are used fatty acids included in soap. Dissolve 30 ml of liquid soap and a spoonful of sugar in 10 liters of water. Spray the garden in calm, non-rainy weather.

Precautions for use

It's easy to get poisoned by toxic ammonia. The poison enters the body through respiratory tract. It works suddenly. Poisoning occurs quickly and severely. All work with ammonia is carried out wearing a respirator, gloves, an apron, and a plastic cap. Signs of poisoning are nausea, vomiting, burning sensation. Before the urgent arrival of the doctor, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk. The likelihood of ammonia poisoning increases while working in greenhouses. You can avoid poisoning by opening windows, doors, and lifting the film to allow air to enter.

During the period of growth, flowering and formation of ovaries, plants especially need support and protection. Such a popular and proven remedy as ammonia is used in the garden to solve several problems at the same time. It helps saturate the soil with nitrogen, promotes the growth of green mass by plants, and repels pests. An aqueous solution prepared from this universal preparation is used throughout the warm season. To use fertilizer effectively, you need to know how to properly use ammonia in gardening.

Description and chemical composition

Ammonia, or aqueous ammonia solution at a concentration of 10%, is available as a liquid in bottles. Active ingredient, ammonia (NH3), is a colorless gas. Its peculiarity is sharp, caustic, bad smell, resembling urine. The aqueous form of the solution is used both in gardening (as part of fertilizers and protective products) and for medical purposes.

In everyday life, people call this drug ammonia, ammonia, ammonia water. In fact, the name “ammonia” belongs to ammonium nitrate (NH4Cl). This chemical substance It is used to a limited extent in large-scale agricultural technology for cultivating large areas. It is not used at all in small private farms. Thus, ammonia and ammonia are one and the same, and ammonia itself, or ammonium nitrate, is separate chemical compound.

The use of ammonia in gardening

The use of ammonia solution for plants has two main directions. It is used as a powerful nitrogen fertilizer and a handy remedy in the fight against common pests. In practice, this means that both functions are performed simultaneously, making it easier to grow fruits and vegetables. Feeding with ammonia can be done either in the form of watering plants at the roots, or by wetting their green parts.

The preparation contains nitrogen in a form accessible to plants, so it is easily and quickly absorbed without going through lengthy stages of transformation in the soil. Why is ammonia used in the garden: it is used to water almost all vegetables and many trees. Flowers and decorative foliage crops are especially responsive to this drug. It is also used as a universal foliar fertilizer, which easily penetrates plant cells through the surface of leaf blades. This is especially true for those flowers, trees and shrubs that require a long period of time to transport fertilizer through root system to ground units.

It is convenient to use ammonia to destroy and repel common insect pests such as different types aphids, secretive proboscis, caterpillars, slugs and snails. In the garden it is used to get rid of ground pests in the form of spraying, and with the help of root watering you can destroy underground species of insects, for example, mole crickets, wireworms, larvae and soil flies.

As a fertilizer

The main reason for fertilizing vegetable and garden plants ammonia is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. This can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the plantings. Nitrogen is involved in photosynthesis and affects the production of chlorophyll in plant cells. If there is a shortage of it, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and fruit ovaries do not form. Crops that do not have enough nitrogen during the period of active growth stop in their development and may die.

Watering the beds will give noticeable results in just 4-5 days. Spraying allows you to speed up this process and support plants that are experiencing acute nitrogen starvation. Ammonia solution - suitable fertilizer specifically for such urgent cases. The specimens processed by him come to life and transform before our eyes.

Ammonia solution in the country will be useful in the following situations:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes require nitrogen throughout the entire period of growth and development. They need to be fed with the drug in small and medium dosages.
  • You can water root vegetables with an ammonia solution: potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes. For these vegetables, it makes sense to apply root fertilizers during the growing season and flowering, and later, during growth underground parts, they will no longer be as effective.
  • For cabbage, peppers, pumpkins, and zucchini, nitrogen fertilizer is always a welcome supplement, to which these plants respond very positively. The drug can be applied using both the root and air methods, as well as alternating these types of treatments.
  • Fertilizing ornamental plants with ammonia is carried out during the growing season and flowering. They can be treated by root method and spraying. It is better to water beautifully flowering and especially decorative deciduous species with ammonia water regularly; they are very responsive to all types of procedures with nitrogen preparations. But at first the dosage should be small, otherwise the flowers will burn, that is, they will devote all their energy to the growing season and slow down the formation of buds.
  • To grow seedlings, ammonia is used in the form of watering at the root and spraying with a weak solution. The dosage should be increased gradually, observing the reaction of the seedlings. They show it very quickly and clearly.
  • To rehabilitate mineral-poor or tired soil, preventive treatments are carried out throughout the summer season, as well as in the fall, after harvesting.

Pest control product

To protect plants and preserve the harvest, ammonia is used both in the form of spraying and watering. Measures that are suitable for pest control also help to support the plantings with nitrogen fertilization. In case of extensive damage to beds by insects, a combination of treatments is needed different methods: adding the solution to the soil and spraying alternately.

Watering is done at the root of the plant, as well as at a distance of half a meter around it. It is better to cultivate slightly moist soil rather than completely dry soil. It is necessary to water abundantly until the soil near the plants is completely wetted. For processing by air the plantings are sprayed with a spray bottle.

Summer residents often water the green mass from above using a watering can with a small divider. This way you can reduce the amount of ammonia that gets on the skin and respiratory tract of the gardener.

Some large specimens, for example, cabbage, do not need to be sprayed, but rather washed with a solution to ensure that the entire surface of the green mass is covered with the preparation. Garden sprayer with strong pressure - no best option, it forms a cloud of fine water dust, from which the drug quickly evaporates. You can also accidentally inhale toxic ammonia.

You need to know what pests ammonia water helps against:

  1. Flying and crawling insects: ants, wasps, Colorado potato beetle larvae are afraid of the smell of ammonia. They can be easily repelled by spraying green matter, but the effect will be temporary. Once the smell dissipates, the pesky pests may return. The problem is solved by regular procedures.
  2. Colonies of voracious aphids, which love to settle on the youngest and most tender shoots of vegetable and garden crops, are completely destroyed as a result of treatment. This is a reliable and safe way to get rid of insects.
  3. Snails, slugs and caterpillars, which pose a danger to tender young plants during the active growing season, cannot tolerate the smell of ammonia, even in small concentrations. But after a single treatment they return quite quickly, so it is important to repeat the procedure.
  4. Underground pests: mole crickets, wireworms, soil flies, including onion and carrot flies, are also sensitive to the drug. Ammonia is capable of destroying both adult flying flies and larvae located in the top layer of soil.

It is necessary to begin work on fertilizing garden and vegetable plantings with nitrogen in the form of ammonia water already at the stage of sowing seeds or planting seedlings. The dosage for the first treatments is taken as low as possible so that the plants do not experience shock. Gradually the concentration needs to be increased, but taking into account the frequency of treatments and the reaction of the plants. Exceeding the maximum dosage of the drug once may cause burns to the root system.

Too much high level Nitrogen content in the soil leads to the so-called fat loss: vigorous growth of leaves, late and weak formation of ovaries. The maximum permissible concentration of ammonia in the working solution: 120-150 ml per 10 liters of water.

For a small garden, it is convenient to dilute ammonia in a bucket of water. The drug does not tolerate combinations with chlorine, so the water should be soft, preferably natural. If you have to use tap water, it should be boiled and then left for several days. The prepared product must be used immediately; the working solution cannot be stored, as the ammonia will begin to evaporate.

  • In case of obvious nitrogen starvation of plants, you need to prepare a strong solution at the rate of 80-85 ml per 10 liters of water. At the same time, foliar treatment gives the fastest results.
  • For preventive regular treatment, a low concentration is suitable, 45-50 ml of ammonia solution per 10 liters of water. With this composition you can water and spray any garden and vegetable crops once every 2 weeks. There is no need to worry about excess nitrogen, and insects will not have time to damage the plantings with such a frequency of application.
  • Even a weak ammonia solution helps get rid of soil pests. For 10 liters of water take 20 ml of ammonia. You can water the ground not only under the plantings, but also around the beds, at a distance of 50-70 cm from them.
  • To protect against flying and crawling pests using the foliar method, prepare a solution of 50 ml of ammonia, 50 ml of any liquid soap and 10 liters of water. The active substance is needed so that the drug lingers on the surface of the stems and leaves. This also helps to distribute the product evenly.

To feed seedlings and young plants, a large amount of working solution is not required. For the first treatment, you need to use half the dosage of the drug, and then carefully monitor the reaction of young shoots. If they look healthy and strong, nitrogen fertilization can be continued.

General instructions by application:

  1. Add 6 ml (1.5-2 teaspoons) of ammonia solution per liter of water and stir.
  2. You need to water the seedlings not on dry soil, but after lightly moistening the substrate in the pots with plain water.
  3. This procedure can be repeated once every 10-14 days, depending on the condition of the plants.
  4. When planting seedlings in open ground, pour 0.5 liters of solution under each plant into the prepared hole. This will help protect the plantings from pests and create favorable conditions for growth and nutrition.


It is no coincidence that ammonia has such a repulsive odor. This product is toxic to humans; it can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin and especially in the bronchi. When adding ammonia to the soil, you need to use rubber gloves and closed clothing. A respirator will reliably protect the respiratory tract while working with the drug. If the substance is accidentally ingested, drink plenty of clean water and induce vomiting. After finishing work, change clothes, take a shower and wash your hair.

It is advisable to treat plants in warm, dry and windless weather. Evening time is ideal for such procedures; in this case, the risk of sunburn on the leaves from drops of liquid is eliminated.

Please note that ammonia damages some objects and surfaces, especially paint and varnish coatings.

Affordable and universal remedy, combining a number useful functions, can be found in pharmacies and garden stores. Subject to the precautionary rules and permissible concentrations, ammonia is safe for humans and plants; it does not contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances in fruits. This drug is considered a panacea for the health of most garden and vegetable crops.