In the kindergarten preparatory group. In the kindergarten preparatory group Online games “Number houses”

Q: The first envelope with the number 1, let's play the game “Count on”, the children stand in a circle and call the numbers in order from 1 to 10, passing the ball to each other. (the game is repeated 3 times with the number and direction of the count changing.

Masha: Well done, guys.

Educator: From the unit in which direction will we go? (to the number 2, from left to right from the lower left corner to the lower right corner). Where did you come?

M: Guys, help me complete the next task. 10 baby squirrels ask me to sew each a hat of a different color.

Q: Shall we help Masha? Let's draw caps - caps in the shape of triangles of different colors.

How many hats will we draw? (10)

Children draw hats to the music.

Q: How many hats have you made?

How many of which color?

How did you make up the number 10?

How many baby squirrels have you helped?

Masha: Thanks, guys.

Q: Which direction should we go from number 2? (to 3 from bottom right corner to top left corner)

Masha: Lay out the number line from 1 to 9.

Children call in order.

Q: Find the number 4 on the plan, in which direction we need to go (from left to right from the upper left corner to the upper right corner)

Q: Said a cheerful, round zero
To a neighbor unit:
- With you next to me, let me
Stand on the page for me!
(The teacher places a card with the number 0 in front of 1, to summarize: There are only ten numbers, but many numbers can be made)
She looked him over
With an angry, proud look:
- You, zero, are worth nothing.
Don't stand next to me!

Zero answered: - I admit,
That I'm worth nothing
But you can become ten
If I'm with you.

You're so lonely now
Small and thin
But you will be ten times larger
When I stand on the right.

After the number 9, I put cards with numbers 1 and 0

Q: How many digits does the number 10 represent?

What are these numbers called?

Masha: Find the number 5 on the plan, determine the direction of movement? (from the upper right corner to the lower left corner to the middle of the sheet)

Envelope No. 5

Q: Look at the board (there are triangles and quadrilaterals in two rows)

What figures are in the first row?

What do they have in common? (triangles have three sides and three angles - these are triangles)

What figures are in the second row?

What do they have in common?

What words can be used to name all these figures? (quadrangles).

I put on the board an image of a bear made up of triangles and quadrangles.

What figures is the bear made of?

Consider where and what figures are located?

Model a bear from geometric shapes. (children complete the task independently, individual assistance is provided)

Masha: So I came to Misha. Hello Misha. The guys helped me get to visit you.

Q: What figures were used to make the bear? (children's answers)

When a child goes to school, mathematics becomes an important subject for him. And the teacher’s first task in this case will be to develop computing skills in first-graders. Oral calculations are needed not only for further study of the subject, they form personal qualities child. Therefore, it is necessary to practice calculations with your child every day. However, children do not always immediately understand what is wanted from them.

  1. Surely your child has heard you count out loud to at least ten. Or maybe he himself already knows the rhyme: “One, two, three, four, five, I’m going to look for you.” Or perhaps he himself asks to count some objects: chairs in the room, steps on the stairs, seats on the carousel, flower beds on the street. If not, then invite him to count with you. It's good to count your steps. Or step on a certain color tile and count as you do so. Or on fallen leaves. Come up with it yourself, consult with your child on this issue and consider those subjects that interest him.
  2. Even before school, you need to explain to your child what the difference is between numbers and numbers. Numbers are graphic representations of numbers. Moreover, there are only ten numbers: from 0 to 9. 10 is already a number indicated on paper by the numbers 1 and 0. Numbers show the amount of something. Explain to your child simply and clearly using objects that interest him: fruits, toys, candies.
  3. Simple addition and subtraction. Take a banana. How many bananas? One, write it down as 1. How many bananas will there be if you take one more banana? Count: one, two. The correct answer is two bananas. Show your child this on paper: 1+1=2. Plus means that we take one more such item, and the equal sign replaces the question “how much will it be?” And 2 means there are two bananas.
    Now ask your child to treat you to a banana. How many bananas does he have left in his hands? Do the math. One. Show this on paper: 2-1=1. A minus sign means that we have removed one such item.
  4. After mastering the previous example, take 3 objects, for example, an orange. Show that 3 can be obtained in three ways: 1+2, 2+1 and 1+1+1. Be sure to count objects with your child and choose interesting objects for him to count. You can buy special counting sticks for such things. They are colorful and kids love them. You can count the money (let the child feel like an adult): one money plus the second, etc.
  5. After successfully introducing the first numbers, explain all the rest up to ten.
  6. Give your child a special poster: “Composition of a number” or draw it yourself. And you can not only draw, but also glue small objects: leaves, shells, candy wrappers. It's time to show your imagination. A self-made poster, firstly, will be better remembered, more visual, and secondly, it will develop fine motor skills thirdly, it will allow him to play with his mother once again.
  7. Draw houses for the numbers. For example, a house for 4 looks like a tall rectangle with a roof. Draw the number 4 on the roof. The house is five-story. On the first floor live 0 and 4, on the second - 1 and 3, on the third - 2 and 2, on the fourth - 3 and 1, on the fifth - 4 and 0. This method will allow the child to easily and quickly remember the composition of numbers, as well as play with the residents of the house. You can make a second house later, only not with numbers, but with objects or drawn men, animals or circles. Or one house with four windows, for example. And put “tenants” in the windows - cut-out dogs, for example. How many dogs live in the house? 4. How many dogs will remain if one goes to the store? That's right, three and one windows will remain free. This means that 4 occupied windows minus one dog equals 3 occupied windows.
  8. Buy your child an abacus. Yes, yes, this old toy will interest him, because picking the dominoes is so interesting. This is not your fiftieth car; such a toy is rarely seen among modern children. An abacus is a very necessary thing: you can use it to learn how to count and play “shop.”
  9. When the child can verbally count to twenty, then show him the written spelling of these numbers.
  10. Take 13 candies and write down their number in numbers. Now remove 10 candies and show that there are only 3 candies left. 3 is the number of units, and 1 is the number of tens.
    For greater clarity, take a lot of small objects: parts from the designer, mosaics. Count out 20 parts, write down this number. Show that it consists of two tens (the number of tens is indicated by the number 2) and does not include ones (the number of tens is indicated by the number 0). Show how to read large numbers: 21 – twenty and one, that is, 20+1.
  11. Probably the most difficult stage is to explain to a child how to obtain numbers greater than 10. Why 8+3=11. Why is it written like that? Explain that for convenience large quantities count in tens. And that 8 and 2 make one ten. But we needed to add 3. We have already added 2, and only one is missing to 3. Therefore, it turns out that 8+3 is 8+2 and 1 more. 8+2=10, write this down on paper. Where should I write another added unit? That's right, instead of zero.
    Of course, it will be difficult and incomprehensible for the child right away, but practice. A smart and loving parent will always find a way to interest him. Not all at once, put off studying, ask them to remember about addition the next day. Several such trainings - and the child himself will be interested in adding large numbers.
Do not force your child to learn mathematics, so as not to discourage him forever. Imagine, offer, interest! Do not ignore your child’s desires and requests to count something. Help him, count with him, because mathematics can be turned into a fun game.

A child loves to play football - great, count the goals. Likes to watch cartoons - count series or characters. He loves to sculpt - count the pieces of plasticine. Loves to draw - count markers, paints or brushes. Along the way, don’t forget about little tricks: “Can I take one brush? How many brushes do you have left now? How many brushes do I have? How many brushes are there in the room?" So, while playing and doing what you love, your child will master the basics of mathematics.

Officially, when entering school, a child is not required to be able to count, read and write. However, most children enter first grade having mastered these skills. By helping a preschooler understand the method of counting within 20, parents make it easier for him to start his studies. Learning the composition of prime numbers occurs during the game, in various everyday situations. This allows adults to unobtrusively and clearly teach oral arithmetic and stimulate the child’s interest in learning about the world around them.

How to clearly explain to a preschooler the composition of a number?

To successfully master mathematics at school, you should try to teach your son or daughter the simplest arithmetic before entering school. You need to start with the representation of numbers and their graphic designation - numbers. There are only ten of the latter - from 0 to 9, and the number 10 consists of the numbers 1 and 0, which indicate the amount of something (candies, cubes, apples).

You can learn the number series up to 10 back and forth through games and practical activities in a few evenings. In order for the baby to immediately understand how it is formed, it is important to explain that each subsequent number differs from the previous one in the direction of increasing (when counting from 0 to 9) or decreasing (when counting in the opposite direction). This will teach him to distinguish between ordinal and cardinal numbers (for example, fourth in a number line or four objects).

Fun and effective learning to count

In the company of loving parents, learning to count and form numbers turns into an exciting activity. In order for the child to be able to assimilate and clearly appreciate everything that the elders explain, you will need:

  • counting sticks;
  • scores (they can be attracted by playing shop);
  • cubes;
  • homemade cards;
  • number houses;
  • toys or candy;
  • buttons of different colors.

Lesson 1: concept of number composition

The abacus will help you learn all the numbers. You can apply them while playing in the store

Toys, children's dishes, cubes, and other identical household items will help develop a child's interest in mathematics. The study begins with the number 2, asking the child to put a cube on the table and specifying what needs to be done to make two of them. Usually a 5-6 year old child is able to guess what is going on. A younger child can be given a hint.

The exercise should be reinforced using other objects. It is important for the child to remember that the number 2 in any case includes two units, regardless of what items make it up (2 cans, 2 books, 2 pieces of soap, and so on). Let him place on the table 2 items that he likes (pebbles, cubes, berries, chestnuts or nuts).

  • lay out 3 coins one at a time (on at different distances or “in a column”);
  • add one to two coins (put two coins together, and one at a distance);
  • add two to one coin.

After the child has mastered the “three” (understands that three coins together is the same as two coins with one, and has practiced putting them together), you can teach the number 4 in a playful way. Checkers and a board will help here. The little student should be invited to place 4 checkers on the board white, and then ask the question: how many checkers will remain if you replace one white checker with a black one? How many of them will there be in total if you line up 2 white and 2 black checkers? It is important for the child to understand that the number 4 will be obtained with any rearrangement.

Involving a preschooler in solving everyday problems will help teach the correct composition of numbers. For example, ask him to lay out the forks for a family dinner. First, you can give him one device and ask how many more he needs for the family. After thinking, the child will be able to give the correct answer. Studying the cards together will also allow you to quickly master the composition of the number.

Lesson 2: working with cards

You can easily make cards with numbers yourself

At this stage, it is important to connect 2 types of cards (purchased or made independently). It is desirable that in the first version they consist of two halves. An object can be drawn on one side, and 2,3,4,5 or more copies of it on the other. The halves can be united by a “+” sign, or it can be done separately.

The second version of the cards is a set of pictures where objects are depicted as a single set, without division. When your child can match numbers and numbers, you can make a third set of cards with digital images. There should be enough cards for him to represent the same number in different options(for example, 5 is 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 3 and 2, 4 and 1).

Lessons with cards are held in a relaxed manner. The child should be shown a card that shows, for example, 6 snowflakes and asked to collect the same number of snowflakes from the proposed pictures. It is important to switch roles sometimes. The child gives adults tasks, corrects their intentional mistakes, and learns to control the actions of other people. Similar work conducted with digital cards. The child must learn to select several options for the composition of the proposed number.

Lesson 3: connecting number houses

Number houses can be drawn in a notebook or made from colored paper; the child will put the necessary cards with numbers in the windows of the house

Number houses help strengthen mental counting skills. They are presented in textbooks, but you can draw pictures yourself. Each house has a roof and several apartments located in 2 rows. The height depends on the number to which the combinations are selected. For example, for a double, 2 floors are enough (1+1, 2+0), for a triple, 3 (1+2.2+1.3+0) and so on.

You can draw houses with your child, showing at the same time why and how to fill them. A number from 2 to 10 is written in a triangle on the roof. The child is explained that there are as many residents living in two apartments on the same floor as indicated on the roof (for example, 5 residents). Let one person live in one of the apartments on the lowest floor, then with the help of counting sticks the kid determines that there are 4 residents in the second one.

As the child climbs the floors and populates them, he will determine the composition of the pairs (1 and 4, 2 and 3, 3 and 2, 4 and 1). To consolidate the result, you can hang sheets of houses around the apartment so that the child learns to fill them in with a pencil. When the baby masters composition 10, you can move on to a more complex program.

Options for number houses that can be easily printed or made by analogy:

Option 2:

Mastering the second ten numbers

Explaining to a child in an accessible form how to obtain numbers greater than 10 is not always easy. First, it is important to master mental counting to 20, to show your child how to write all the numbers he has learned. The question of why and why 7+4 is written as 11 will definitely arise. It is important to explain on paper that for convenience, large numbers are counted by 10. Adding 7 and 3 is ten, but you need to add 4, that is, one is missing. It turns out that the result is 7 + 3 and one more, that is, 11.

Another visual exercise can be done with nuts, candies, and construction kit parts. You should count 15 items and write down their number in numbers. Then decompose them into 10 and 5 and show that ten in a two-digit count is written as one, and 5 is the number of ones. It is also worth doing by counting 20 objects and showing that it includes 2 tens, and the number 21 is the same, plus one more.

Teaching numeracy to first graders

If you start teaching a child at the age of 4-5, then by the time he reaches school he will be able to easily operate with two dozen. Sometimes parents are in no hurry, believing that this is the responsibility of the school. Soon after entering first grade, they will have a question about how to explain the composition of a number to their child. Most of his peers come to school prepared, and teachers focus on them, so he will have to catch up at an accelerated pace.

It is better to work with a first-grader in the same way as with a preschooler. You need to give him the opportunity to work with the parts (commands) of the number. For this purpose, problems are suitable where the total number of objects and the quantity of one type are known, and it is required to determine the number of objects of another type. For example, 5 cutlery, 2 of them are forks, and you need to find spoons.

If you hang cards throughout the house, you can repeat numbers or letters at any time and place.

Number houses, drawing segments in cells, and composing numbers using counting sticks are also relevant for first-graders. You can play by asking your child to guess how many candies are clutched in his fist. You should intrigue the child: “if you add 2 more toffees that I hold in my hand, you will get as many as I have in my hand.”

When a student is bad at counting, one can assume problems with memory, concentration, and developmental problems. A consultation with a psychologist, speech therapist, teacher, or pediatrician will allow you to determine the cause.

Learning to count is largely a creative process. The son plays football - count the goals together, the daughter feeds the pigeons - count the birds, compare which ones and how many more. If your child likes to draw, you can ask him to draw a certain number of balls, cars and other objects. If you sculpt, create a given number of figures. Along the way, it’s worth asking “tricky” questions: “can I take one pencil from you, how many do you have left now?” and others like that.

There is no need to force your child to count; this will only discourage him from learning. Each lesson should take no more than 15 minutes in a calm, trusting atmosphere. You can fasten them on walks, counting trees, houses, and vehicles. Additionally, you should include educational cartoons, photos and videos, which are widely available on the Internet. It is important for parents to be consistent and patient. Only then will their child learn to operate with simple and complex numbers.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Psychology of the Reproductive Sphere and the Volgograd State Medical University clinical psychologist by specialty

Target: improve the ability to count within 10, understand the relationships between numbers in the natural series, and the ability to increase numbers within 10.


In the area of ​​"Cognition":
– continue to teach the independence of numbers from the shape and color of objects;
-learn to guess a mathematical riddle, write down the solution;
- strengthen the ability to understand the relationships between numbers;
- strengthen the ability to form the number ten from two smaller ones;
-learn to draw symbolic images of animals, connecting numbers in order;
-learn to form learning task;
-continue to teach students to understand the learning task and complete it independently.

In the field of Communications: fix the names of mathematical operations, numbers, directions (left, right, left, right, etc.).

In the field of “Socialization”: develop the ability and desire to actively participate in the lesson, answer, listen to the opinions of others, and prove the correct answer.

In the field of “Artistic Creativity”: teach children graphic skills, how to hold a pencil correctly, and connect dots with lines.

Activating the dictionary: Previous number, next number, plus, equal, number composition, number series.

In the field of “Physical development”: maintain correct posture, maintain the distance to the plane of the desk, when performing physical education exercises, correctly combine rhythmic movements with the words of the poem.

Form of organization: frontally

Didactic visual material:

Demo material: pictures of polygons, plot picture of a hen and chicks.

Handout: checkered notebooks, a simple pencil, colored pictures of vegetables, pictures with a half-drawn image of an animal.

Progress of direct educational activities:

1. “Let’s count”– the task is performed at the board.
Tasks and questions.
Count how many polygons are on the left, what color are they?
Count the polygons on the right, how many are there?
What can you say about the polygons on the right and left? (the polygons on the left have five angles, and the ones on the right have eight).
What can you say about the number of polygons on the left and right? (there are the same number of polygons, they are equal).

2. “Guess the riddle”
The chicken went out for a walk,
I collected my chickens.
Five ran ahead
Five were left behind.
Their mother is worried
And he can't count.
Help me guys
Quickly count the chickens!
How many chicks does a chicken have? (10)
How did you get the number 10? (5+5 = 10)
Let's write down the solution to the problem and read the entry. (five plus five equals ten).

3. Physical education “We’re tired, we’ve been sitting too long”
We are tired, we have stayed too long,
We wanted to warm up.
We put aside our notebooks
We started charging. (One hand up, the other down,
change hands jerkily)
Then they looked at the wall,
Then they looked out the window.
Right, left, turn,
And then vice versa. (Turns the body)
Let's start squats
We bend our legs completely.
Up and down, up and down,
Don't rush to squat! (Squats)
And we sat down for the last time,
And now everyone has sat down at the tables. (Children sit in their places)

4. “Complete the picture”
Name the numbers in order that we will connect. (1-10)
What animal did we get? (hare).

5. “Salad for the bunny”
How many carrots and cabbage are in each row? Count and write down the solutions to the problems in your notebook.

Lesson analysis.


Composition of the number 10

Program content:

1. Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination, and creative abilities of children.

2.Continue to teach how to form the number 10 from units, introduce the designation of the number 10.

3. Strengthen counting skills in forward and backward order within 10.

4.Give the concept of a polygon using the example of a triangle and a quadrilateral.

5. Strengthen the ability to orient in space using symbols on the plan, determine the direction of movement of objects, and reflect their spatial position.

6. Create an environment of emotional well-being in class.

Organizational moment:

Guys, what do you think we will do today? (mathematics)

How did you guess?

That's right, today we will have a math lesson and we will learn how to make the number 10 from two smaller numbers.

Today you guys and I will take a short trip into the world of fairy tales. You all know this fairy tale, it’s called “Little Red Riding Hood.” Mom baked pies and sent Little Red Riding Hood to grandma. Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, looking at everything, looking at everything. Tree after tree, bush after bush, she stared and lost the path she was following. He sees a clearing ahead, and in the clearing there are animals: little hares, hedgehogs, squirrels. Little Red Riding Hood approaches the animals and asks them to help her find the path to her grandmother. The animals agreed to help her after completing their tasks. But the tasks are not simple, Little Red Riding Hood cannot cope with them and she asks you guys to help her. Well, shall we help her?

Then sit down at the tables and the first task you must complete is to arrange the numbers in order from 1 to 10. (Name your neighbors)

In the next task you need to lay out a ladder of counting sticks. (direct and reverse counting, which step is first, second... tenth?)

Take the stick that represents the number 10 and place it in front of you. What color is this stick? Today we will get acquainted with an orange stick - this is the largest Cuisenaire stick. Now take the white stick that represents the number 1 and place it in front of the orange stick. Think about what color stick should be placed next to the white one so that they are the same size as the orange one? (Blue, which represents the number 9) Well done! What conclusion can be drawn? (1+9=10). Take a stick representing the number 2 (pink). What color stick will we add to it? (burgundy) What number does it represent? Conclusion: 2+8=10. The next stick represents the number 3 (blue). What color stick do we add? (black) what number does it represent? Conclusion 3+7=10. Now we take a stick indicating the number 4 (red). What color stick will we add to it? (purple) What number does it represent? Conclusion: 4+6=10. We take a stick indicating the number 5 (yellow). What color stick will we add to it? (yellow) Conclusion 5+5=10. Well done guys, to reinforce the composition of the number 10 we will hang a number house with the number 10 on the board.