What is contained in raisins per 100 grams. Raisins – composition, beneficial properties, contraindications

Raisins are dried grapes that are most popular in the East and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The naming comes from the Turkic word “Üzüm”, which translates as “”. And although raisins and grapes have much in common, they still have different properties and purposes. Therefore, let's look at the features of this product.

Calories, vitamins and minerals

The calorie content of raisins is 264 kcal per 100 grams. For immediate practical application Let's look at the calorie content in spoons and glasses. In 1 tsp. - 13.2 kcal; in 1 tbsp. l. - 39.6 kcal; in 1 glass - 396 kcal. 1 tbsp. l. dried grapes contain 0.44 g of protein, 0.09 g of fat, 9.9 g of carbohydrates.

Dried fruit contains several vitamins:

  1. B1 (thiamine) - 0.03 mg per 1 tbsp. l., this is 2.0% of the daily value;
  2. B2 (riboflavin) - 0.012 mg per 1 tbsp. l. (0.7%);
  3. PP (nicotinic acid) - 0.14 mg in 1 tbsp. l. (0.9%).

Important! But you should still observe moderation in everything and not overeat high-calorie dried fruits. Since in this case the diet will be useless.

How much per day can you eat

A healthy adult can eat 30 g of raisins per day, distributing this portion into 2 even doses. If you follow this rule, dried fruit will be better absorbed and fill the body with useful substances.

Contraindications and harm

Despite beneficial properties raisins, there are cases when it is not advisable to use them. Dried grapes are contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus (type 1 and 2), obesity, peptic ulcer stomach, cholelithiasis, enterocolitis, mouth ulcers, cardiovascular failure, tuberculosis, digestive problems.

If grapes have a lot of sugar, then raisins have 8 times more. Therefore, it is better not to abuse them. Also, you should not eat this product if you are allergic to it.

How to choose raisins when purchasing

Modern technologies and chemicals make it possible to extend the shelf life of dried products. But after their use, the beneficial properties, quality and safety of the product are lost.

Therefore, let’s look at the rules that should be followed when purchasing a product.

Did you know? During the blockade of western Berlin in 1948, the only way to supply food was by air. US pilot Gale Halvorsen decided to save the situation and dropped bags of sweets to the children before landing at Tempelhof. The contents of the bags consisted of chocolate, chewing gum and raisins. By analogy, all cargo planes that transported food products destined for the west of Berlin began to be called “raisin bombers.”

How to store raisins at home

Typically, home conditions allow you to store raisins for 5 to 6 months. First you need to prepare the product for long-term storage. To do this, you should remove small debris from it and check for the presence of larvae, bugs or food moths.

The storage temperature of dried grapes, like all dried fruits, should be +10 °C. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent an increase in humidity in the place where the dried product is stored.

The product will be preserved longer and of better quality in glass or metal containers. Can also be stored in cloth bags, plastic containers or paper bags.

If you store dried fruit in the refrigerator, ventilate the containers in which you keep it, as it can spoil due to lack of air.
To store dried fruit in freezer, place it in plastic containers. Then it will be edible within a year.

What can you do

Dried grapes are often used by cooks. It is added to both sweet and savory dishes.

For dessert dishes, you can make Christmas raisin cookies. For this you will need 1.5 tbsp. flour, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 60 g butter, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. orange liqueur, 2 tsp. lemon zest, 1 tbsp. raisins

Cold (but not ice cream) butter should be cut into small cubes, put them in flour, and rub with your hands until crumbly. Pour in sugar, add raisins, zest, add liqueur and beat in eggs, knead the dough.

Form a roll from it, the diameter of which is 3-4 cm, cut into 20 pieces. Flatten each piece with your palms to form a round cookie.

Place the prepared mixture on a baking sheet coated with oil. There should be a gap of 5 cm between the cookies. Preheat the oven to 210 °C.

Cookies should be baked for 20 minutes. Cooked cookies are greased butter, sprinkled with sugar. Those who love unusual combinations of flavors can cook East African chicken.

To do this, you need to take 3 kg of chicken thighs (cleaned of bones and skin), 3 pcs. , salt and at your discretion, (in powder form) - 1 tsp, the same amount of ground cinnamon, 1 tsp. curry, 0.5 tsp. , grated (2 tbsp.), 1 tbsp. dates, 1 tbsp. raisins, 0.5 tbsp. chicken broth, 1 tbsp. dry

Chicken thighs are fried on both sides until golden brown. Fold into shape.

Add salt to three sautéed onions, 1 tsp. (powder), 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. curry, half a teaspoon, 2 tbsp. l. grated All this is laid out on top of the chicken.

Add 1 tbsp. coarsely chopped dates, 1 tbsp. raisins, half a glass of chicken broth, 1 tbsp. dry wine. The dish is baked under foil for an hour at a temperature of 175 °C. The dish is served with rice.

If you're a fan of Italian cuisine, you might like chocolate and raisin biscotti. You will need 200 g flour, 100 g sugar, 2 tbsp. l. baking powder, 2 chicken eggs, 100 g raisins, 100 g dark chocolate.
To prepare the dough, you need to sift the flour, mixing in sugar and baking powder. The chocolate should be broken into small pieces. The beaten eggs are poured into the flour, dried grapes and chopped chocolate are added, and the dough is kneaded.

Using the dough, you need to form a loaf, the length of which should be 25 cm. Place the loaf on a baking sheet soaked in oil and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. You can easily check the readiness of the dessert by the appearance of a golden crust.

Traditional treatment recipes

People widely use raisins to treat many diseases. It will help cure diseases of the respiratory system: colds, coughs, bronchitis, tracheitis.

To do this, soak 30 g of raisins for 40 minutes in cool water. Then drain the water and eat the entire portion shortly before bedtime, washed down with warm milk.

Another recipe says that you need to take 100 g of dried fruit and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Let it brew for 10 minutes, strain the liquid using gauze or a sieve and add 1 tbsp. l. juice

This anti-cough drink is drunk 2-3 times throughout the day (0.5 tbsp half an hour before meals). Drink this medicine every day until complete recovery.
Raisins help in the treatment of liver diseases (stagnation of bile, heartburn, belching). To do this you need to take 0.5 tbsp. boneless dried fruit, rinse, fill to the brim warm water(boiled).

Insist throughout the day. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink infused water and eat raisins. After this, the patient should lie on the bed for two hours, applying a warm heating pad to the right side.

This procedure is designed for a month, once a week. This will clean the bile ducts.

Dried grapes also help against lichen. To do this, cut the raisin in half and wipe the sore spots on the body. The remedy is used until the lichen is completely gone.

Exists folk medicine against heart disease. To prepare it, you need to sort, wash and dry 2 kg of seedless raisins.

Then divide in half. 1 kg take 40 raisins in the morning before meals (30 minutes). The remaining kilogram should be consumed on an empty stomach, reducing the number of raisins by 1 each day. According to this scheme, you can be treated twice a year.
Dried grapes heal the body from ailments gastrointestinal tract. To do this, you can prepare a liquid that contains oats and raisins.

You will need 0.5 tbsp. washed raisins, 1.5 tbsp. oatmeal, water. Pour oats and raisins into 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave the broth warm for 3-4 hours.

Then filter it all, add honey

20 once already

Raisins are dried grapes with seeds. The name comes from Turkic language, which translated means “grapes”. It is used as food, both “fresh” and cooked. Its popularity in cooking is due to its intense sweet taste and pleasant aroma, which is well transferred to other food products.


Industrial production of raisins involves drying the grapes in direct sunlight with pre-treatment of the berries with boiling water. alkaline solution and oil to give the final product a more attractive appearance. After drying, they are sorted, washed and cleaned, followed by drying and packaging. Most often, sabza grapes are used to make raisins in industrial conditions.

Producing raisins at home involves laying out the berries in a thin layer on paper and then placing them under straight sun rays. The drying process lasts from 20 to 30 days. The final product will be characterized by a lack of shine and the presence of a waxy coating.

A faster way to make raisins at home is to dry the grapes in the oven. Best suited for this modern models with ventilation and the ability to accurately set the temperature. At the first stage, drying occurs at a temperature of 90 degrees with intensive removal of moisture until the berries lose up to half of their original mass. Then the temperature drops to 70 degrees. The entire process takes no more than 30 hours.


Currently, the most popular are 4 types of raisins - raisins (sabza), currants (bidana, shigani), large stone fruit raisins, and regular raisins. Kishmish is made from sweet green or white grape varieties, distinguished by the absence of seeds. Corinka is the name given to several varieties of seedless raisins that are dark in color and vary in degree of sweetness. Large stone stone raisins are made from the Husayne grape variety, better known as lady fingers. It is distinguished by its large size, sweet taste and the presence of several large seeds inside. Regular raisins are medium in size, have one seed inside and are light olive in color.

Calorie content

100 grams of raisins contain about 299 kcal.


For chemical composition Raisins are characterized by a high content of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, ash, vitamins (A, B9, C, K, H), macro- (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine) and microelements (iron, manganese, zinc).

How to cook and serve

Raisins are one of the most popular ingredients in most famous cuisines of the world, especially the Mediterranean countries, as well as the Near and Middle East. Their inhabitants have been using dried grapes for thousands of years, rightfully considering them not only very tasty, but also healthy products. Raisins are eaten both separately, since they are an excellent dessert in themselves, and together with other food products, used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. Most often these are confectionery and bakery products, various alcoholic and soft drinks, as well as meat and vegetable dishes, including, of course, pilaf and kutya.

How to choose

When choosing raisins, the closest attention should be paid to the color of the berries. During the drying process, grapes of any variety darken a little. The pallor and transparency of raisins indicates the use of stabilizers and preservatives in the production process, usually sulfites. That's why, best choice There will be raisins of not bright black, brown and light brown shades. You should also take a closer look at the list of ingredients on food packaging. Some of them often pose a serious health threat.


The shelf life of raisins, depending on conditions, is from 4 to 6 months. Paper is best suited for this. glass jar, plastic container or fabric bag. In all cases, containers with raisins should be placed in the refrigerator compartment of the refrigerator or any other cool place with low humidity and a temperature not exceeding 0 degrees Celsius.

Useful properties

Raisins have been known for their beneficial properties since the times Ancient Egypt, where these dried berries were part of many medicines. This is due to the manufacturing technology, thanks to which it is possible to preserve up to 2/3 of the vitamins and 100% of the minerals contained in grapes. Their high content in the final product explains the presence of immunostimulating properties in raisins, as well as the ability to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the central nervous system. Eating raisins as in fresh, and in the form of a decoction, will be extremely useful in the treatment of recovery from diseases of the oral cavity, as well as the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, and cardiovascular system.

Restrictions on use

Obesity, acute heart failure, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases organs of the digestive system (ulcers duodenum and stomach, enterocolitis), individual intolerance.

The problem of vitamin deficiency is familiar to many of us, and there are many reasons for this. Firstly, the climate plays a significant role, which does not allow growing vegetables and fruits, even if not all year round, but most of it. Personal taste preferences are also important: not all adults eat something just because it’s healthy, let alone children! And yet, even in winter you can find a worthy alternative to expensive fresh fruit- these are dried fruits, including dried apricots, kaisa, apricots, prunes, and raisins. In this article we will talk about the last dried fruit: let's figure out what vitamins raisins contain and in what quantities.

Raisins: benefits and only benefits

There are several varieties of raisins: small and light from the “Kishmish” grape variety, dark blue seedless “Shigani”, light with an olive tint with one seed inside, large, with a large number pulp and a few seeds. On average, the calorie content of dried fruit is 265 kcal per 100 grams.

Raisins are consumed in their original form, that is, as dried berries, and in baked goods, and they can also be added to fruit salads, compotes, and made into fruit drinks, kvass, and decoctions. It has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, bronchi, skin condition.

What vitamins are in raisins? What else is useful in it?

First of all, raisins are rich in potassium. And this is the most important element for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Potassium improves the conductivity of nerve fibers, helps muscles, including the heart, contract, and has a good effect on kidney function.

Raisins also contain other microelements - sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Among the macroelements, dried grapes contain iron. And from vitamins - B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), PP (nicotinic acid). Other useful substances present in raisins are sucrose, oleanolic acid and fiber.

How to choose really tasty and healthy raisins?

Please rate when purchasing appearance dried berries: they should not shine. Real, unprocessed raisins have a cloudy surface, and the shine indicates that the dried fruit has been smeared with oil. An additional argument in favor of the purchase should be the remaining stalks - those same sticks that many of us don’t like to see in a handful of raisins. The presence of stalks indicates that the grapes underwent minimal processing before drying, which means they retained all the vitamins.

raisin rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B6 - 17.5%, potassium - 33.3%, phosphorus - 16.1%, iron - 12.8%, manganese - 16%, copper - 37%

What are the benefits of raisins?

  • Vitamin B6 participates in maintaining the immune response, processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous systems e, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, promotes normal formation of red blood cells, maintenance normal level homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by decreased appetite, impaired skin condition, and the development of homocysteinemia and anemia.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iron is part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the flow of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, and atrophic gastritis.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by slower growth, disturbances in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, and disturbances in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, and the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
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Raisins are one of the most common dried fruits in the world. It is used everywhere: added to confectionery, used as a starter when preparing kvass, added to compotes and drinks, and eaten. Since many people use dried grapes, people are often interested in what beneficial substances are in raisins.

Calorie content of raisins

The total number of kilocalories contained in dried grapes is 229 per 100 grams of product. Of these, proteins contain 5.5% or 3.07g, carbohydrates - 61% or 79.18g, fats - 1.5% or 0.46g, dietary fiber - 10% or 3.7g. What is noteworthy is that the presented dried fruit does not contain a single gram of cholesterol, which affects its beneficial effects on the body as a whole.

Useful substances in dried grapes

When people are interested in what vitamins are contained in dried fruit, they understand that they are responsible for its beneficial effects on the body. It doesn’t matter what variety the raisins are, they have a beneficial effect on work internal organs. A correctly chosen product with constant use will definitely give an effect.

Vitamin substances

The main vitamin substances contained in raisins are:

  • B1 (thiamine) – activates the work of internal organs, promotes the rapid restoration of forces that protect the body. Reduces the risk of developing peripheral paralysis, polyneuritis and other ailments. Helps get rid of diseases that are based on depression;
  • B2 (riboflavin) – helps stimulate the production of hormones, improves vision, protects against the risk of nervous breakdowns. Participates in the process of breakdown of the basic formed elements, improves the condition of the skin and its color, preserves youth;
  • B3 (pantothenic acid) - is involved in providing tissues with oxygen, has properties that promote vasodilation, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Reduces the risk of pellagra;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) – normalizes metabolic processes in the brain, helps improve memory, normalizes the amount of glucose in the genetic material, takes care of increasing performance, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • B9 ( folic acid) – helps improve the growth and development of tissues, bones, and the entire body as a whole. The work of protective forces is established, the functioning of the cardiac system is maintained, the functioning of the hematopoietic system is improved and the body is stabilized after experiencing stress;
  • WITH ( ascorbic acid) – helps improve the composition of genetic material, takes part in the protein-carbohydrate metabolic process, and takes care of the rapid absorption of collagen by the body. Normalizes the state of the body in times of stress;
  • E (tocopherol) – stimulates the reproductive system of men and women, is used in the presence of asthma and diabetes mellitus, promotes cleansing blood vessels, has an antioxidant nature of action;
  • K (phylloquinone) – normalization of the process of coagulation of genetic material. It takes care of accelerating the processes of cell and tissue regeneration, has a rejuvenating effect on the body, and promotes the rapid absorption of vitamin D and calcium.
Vitamins per 100 grams of productContent
Vitamin A6 mcg
Vitamin B10.16 mg
Vitamin B20.08 mg
Vitamin B30.8 mg
Vitamin B50.6 mg
Vitamin B60.24 mg
Vitamin B93.3 mg
Vitamin C3.3 mg
Vitamin E0.7 mg
Vitamin K3.5 mg
Vitamin H2 mcg

The presence of vitamin substances largely determines the beneficial properties of dried grapes, called raisins. However, it also contains other beneficial components.


The main minerals that make up the dried fruit are:

  • potassium – creates favorable conditions for creating membrane potential, muscle contractions, normalizes acid-base balance, normalizes the osmotic concentration of genetic material, takes care of normalizing the body’s water balance;
  • phosphorus - normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, takes part in the process of breakdown of carbohydrate-containing elements, and is the main component of bone tissue. Promotes the accumulation of energy in the body;
  • sodium – regulates metabolic processes, normalizes osmotic pressure, regulates blood pressure, improves the functioning of the “heart” organs, makes tissues more resilient, takes part in the digestive processes, brings them back to normal;
  • calcium – together with other minerals, helps strengthen bone tissue, ensures the normal functioning of the “heart” and nervous systems, has a direct effect on the process of blood clotting, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • magnesium – takes part in the formation of bone tissue, maintains the cardiovascular system normally, takes care of reducing cholesterol in the genetic material, and is an excellent anti-stress agent;
  • iron - catalyzes respiration processes, is one of the components of hemoglobin, takes care of the destruction of peroxide oxidation products, promotes the creation of nervous impulses, their transmission, and normalizes brain function;
  • sulfur – participates in metabolic processes, takes care of activating the body’s defenses, improves the condition of the tissue components of the body.

In addition to the indicated minerals and vitamins, raisins are rich in glucose, fructose, pectin and fiber. This, in turn, imposes a taboo on its use for certain groups of people.

The benefits of raisins for the human body

The main beneficial properties of raisins are:

  • prevention of constipation, normalization of stool during diarrhea;
  • rapid weight gain with maximum safety for the body;
  • cancer prevention;
  • prevention of the development of hypertension;
  • decreased amount of insulin in the blood in diabetes mellitus;
  • elimination of anemia and the causes that influenced its occurrence;
  • eliminating fever, providing an antibacterial effect on the body;
  • reduction of problems associated with visual acuity;
  • prevention of development risk increased acidity blood;
  • stimulation of sexual desire in both men and women;
  • elimination of painful sensations in bones;
  • normalization of the oral cavity, reducing the risk of caries and other dental diseases;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • increased lactation during pregnancy, which ensures faster weight gain for the baby.

Harm of dried grapes

Despite the fact that raisins are considered a healthy dried fruit, there are certain groups of people who are contraindicated in consuming them. These include those who suffer from:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • ulcers;
  • tuberculosis;
  • enterocolitis.

The risk group also includes children under one year of age. You should definitely pay attention to the quality of the product you choose at the time of purchase. Otherwise, the risk of poisoning and other negative reactions body.

Consumption of raisins by pregnant, lactating and children

There is an opinion that raisins must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman, as well as one who is breastfeeding. Eating dried fruit will help normalize the nervous state, help eliminate anemia, as well as constipation and swelling. However, you should not deviate from the norm established by the doctor during this period.

As for the lactation period, it is necessary to include raisins in the diet only when the child has reached the age of two months. Naturally, you should pay close attention to the child’s reaction - whether he has developed colic, flatulence, or allergic reactions. If such manifestations occur, it is worth removing raisins from the diet of a nursing mother.

Children are not recommended to introduce dried fruit into their diet until they reach two years of age. Moreover, it should not be used in pure form, care must be taken to ensure that the child receives it in quantities not exceeding one teaspoon per day. Also, do not introduce raisins in case of observation allergic reactions at the baby's.

Rules for selecting and storing dried grapes

When choosing dried grapes, it is necessary to take into account the size of the berries, the integrity of the top layer of the peel, and their elasticity. The taste of the product should be sweetish. If there is bitterness or acid in it, then it was added inside chemical substance to increase shelf life. It is best to give preference to dried fruit that is in a sealed package, where you can see that each berry has a “tail” in place. The shelf life of the product is no more than four months, storage conditions are glass containers, a cool room or a refrigerator door. If stored properly until the end of use, raisins will not lose their beneficial properties and qualities.

About the benefits of raisins