Presentation on the topic of oil and gas. Production and transportation of natural gas Natural gases are extracted from wells of pure gas fields, as well as oil fields along with oil and

The natural regime of a deposit is a set of natural forces (types of energy) that ensure the movement of oil or gas in the reservoir to the bottoms of production wells.

In oil deposits to the main forces moving oil in formations,


The pressure of the circuit water under the influence of its mass is water pressure mode;

Contour water pressure as a result of elastic expansion of rock and water -

elastic water pressure;

Gas cap gas pressure - gas pressure (gas cap mode);

The elasticity of the gas released from oil dissolved in it is

dissolved gas;

The gravity of oil is gravitational.

In gas and gas condensate deposits energy sources are the pressure under which the gas is located in the formation and the pressure of the marginal formation waters.

Accordingly, the modes are distinguished:


elastic water-gas pressure





change in reservoir volume in the process:

1- perforation intervals; 2- oil; 3-water; 4- direction of movement of water and oil; VNK position: VNKnach - initial,

VNKk – final;

In water-pressure mode, the main type of energy is the pressure of marginal water, which penetrates into the reservoir and relatively quickly completely compensates for the withdrawn amount of oil and associated water. During the exploitation of a deposit, the entire mass of oil moves within its boundaries.

The volume of the deposit is gradually reduced due to the rise of the water-water contact.


The regime is characteristic of deposits associated with infiltration water-pressure systems, with good hydrodynamic connection of the deposit with the boundary zone of the reservoir and with the feeding area.

This is ensured under the following geological conditions:

Large size of the contour area;

A short distance of the deposit from the feeding area,

High permeability and relatively homogeneous structure of the reservoir both within the reservoir and in the aquifer;

Absence of tectonic disturbances,

Low viscosity of reservoir oil;

At small sizes deposits and, accordingly, moderate fluid withdrawals from the productive horizon, due to which they can be fully compensated by water penetrating into the deposit.


OIL DEPOSITS (water-pressure regime)

An example of the development of an oil deposit under natural water pressure conditions

R pl

R us

Main development period

q stage IV

0.7 k extract.n

dynamics of key development indicators: pressure: Ppl – reservoir,

Rnas – saturation; annual selections: qк – oil, qл – liquid; B – water cut

products; G – field gas factor; kizvl.n - extraction coefficient

There is a close connection between the behavior of dynamic reservoir pressure and the amount of current fluid extraction from the reservoir - a relatively small decrease in it with increasing extraction, a constant value with constant extraction, an increase with a decrease in extraction, restoration almost to the initial reservoir pressure with a complete cessation of liquid extraction from the reservoir; pressure reduction area

usually limited by the area of ​​the deposit;


An example of the development of an oil deposit under natural water pressure conditions

R pl

R us

Main development period

q stage IV

0.7 k extract.n

dynamics of key development indicators: pressure: Рpl – reservoir, Рsat – saturation; annual selections: q To -

oil, q liquid – liquid; B – water cut

products; G – field gas factor; k extract.n - extraction coefficient

The water-pressure regime is distinguished by the following features of the dynamics of development indicators:

Average values ​​practically unchanged throughout the entire development period

field gas factor;

The achieved high rate of annual oil production during the period of high stable oil production, called stage II of development, is up to 8-10% per year or more of the initial recoverable reserves (IRR); selection during the main development period (for the first three stages) of about 85-90% of recoverable oil reserves;

In water-pressure mode, the highest oil recovery factor is achieved - up to 0.6-0.7..


A mode in which oil is forced out of the formation under the influence of the pressure of marginal water, but unlike the water pressure mode, the main source of energy is the elasticity of the reservoir rocks and the liquid saturating them

In this mode, the fluid withdrawal is not fully compensated by the water penetrating into the reservoir. As a result, the decrease in pressure in the reservoir gradually spreads beyond the reservoir and covers a large area of ​​the aquiferous part of the reservoir. In this area, a corresponding expansion of the rock and formation water occurs. The elasticity coefficients of water and rock are insignificant, however, with large sizes of the area of ​​​​reduced pressure, many times greater than the size of the deposit, the elastic forces of the formation serve as a source of significant energy.

Elastic water pressure regime can manifest itself in various geological conditions. It can be possessed by deposits of infiltration water-pressure systems that have a weak hydrodynamic connection (or do not have it) with the supply area due to a large distance from it, reduced permeability and significant heterogeneity of the formation, and increased oil viscosity.


R pl

The process of displacing oil with water from


water pump

due to less


geological and physical

conditions the share of non-recoverable reserves by

compared to water pressure mode

R us

increases slightly.

me and d a t s

Stage III

Dynamics of main indicators

pressure: Рpl – reservoir, Рsas – saturation; annual selections: qк – oil, qл – liquid;

B - water cut of products;

G - field gas factor; kizvl. - oil recovery factor


R pl





similarities with

dynamics of water pressure regime, and differences from it:

The differences are as follows: when

elastic-water-pressure mode at


R us


is happening

reduction in reservoir pressure; according to





gradually slows down, resulting in selection

liquid when the pressure drops by 1 MPa in

k extract.n

time gradually increases.

Main period


Main similarities is that on

Dynamics of the main




pressure: Rpl - reservoir, Pnas


factor remains


selections: qк


due to


oil, ql – liquid;




B - water cut of products;

The elastic water pressure system is large in size

R us

Dependence of dynamic reservoir pressure Ppl on the accumulated fluid production Ql since the beginning of its development.

Dimensions of the contour area: 1-large; 2-small; 3-contour area is practically absent

Curve 2 reflects the case with a relatively small aquifer area, which is typical for productive horizons in which either the permeability sharply decreases in the aquifer area, or there are disjunctive disturbances at a short distance from the deposit.

The dependence represented by line 3 indicates that liquid production is carried out only due to the elastic forces of the oil-bearing reservoir itself.

area (lithological deposit or sealed deposit). In practice, such a regime of deposits is called elastic.

  • Slide 2

    • Oil is a complex multicomponent mutually soluble mixture of gaseous, liquid and solid hydrocarbons of various chemical structure with the number of carbon atoms up to 100 or more with an admixture of heteroorganic compounds of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and some metals.
  • Slide 3

    The main part of oil consists of three groups of hydrocarbons - alkanes, arenes and naphthenes

    • Chemically, oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, divided into two groups - heavy and light oil. Light oil contains approximately two percent less carbon than heavy oil, but accordingly, more hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Slide 4

    • Alkanes (hydrocarbons, saturated hydrocarbons, paraffins) are the most chemically stable. Their general formulaСnH(2n+2).
  • Slide 5

    • Naphthenes include alicyclic hydrocarbons of the composition CnH2n, CnH (2n-2) and CnH (2n-4). Oil contains mainly cyclopentane C5H10, cyclohexane C6H10 and their homologues. Arenas ( aromatic hydrocarbons). They are significantly poorer in hydrogen, the carbon/hydrogen ratio in arenes is the highest, much higher than in oil in general.
  • Slide 6

    Oil resources and deposits

    • World recoverable oil reserves are estimated at 141.3 billion tons. Given current oil production volumes, these reserves will last for 42 years. Of these, 66.4% are located in the countries of the Near and Middle East.
  • Slide 7

    • In addition to the carbon part, oil contains an asphalt-resin component, porphyrins, sulfur and an ash part.
    • Non-hydrocarbon components of oil include resins and asphaltenes, which play a very important role in the chemical activity of oil.
  • Slide 8

    • It can be added that the geological neighbor of oil, natural gas, is also a substance with a complex composition. Most of all - up to 95% by volume - is methane in this mixture. Ethane, propane, butanes and other alkanes are also present. A more thorough analysis revealed in natural gas and small quantities helium
  • Slide 9

    • The use of natural gas began a long time ago, but at first it was carried out only in places where it naturally comes to the surface. In Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Iran and other eastern regions.
  • Slide 10

    • For many centuries, people have used such gifts of nature, but these cases cannot be called industrial development. Only in the mid-19th century did natural gas become a technological fuel, and one of the first examples was glass production, organized on the basis of the Dagestan Ogni deposit.
  • Slide 11


    • Oil and gas are unique and exceptionally useful resources. Their processed products are used in almost all industries, in all types of transport, in military and civil construction, agriculture, energy, in everyday life, etc. A variety of products are produced from oil and gas chemical materials, such as plastics, synthetic fibers, rubbers, varnishes, paints, road and construction bitumens, detergents and many more etc.
  • View all slides

    Oil production

    Oil production is a branch of the economy engaged in the extraction of natural minerals - oil. Oil production is a complex production process that includes geological exploration, well drilling and repair, purification of extracted oil from water, sulfur, paraffin and much more.

    Russia has one of the world's largest potential fuel and energy resources. About 13% of the world's proven oil reserves are concentrated on 13% of the Earth's territory, in a country where less than 3% of the world's population lives. Since Russia is rich in oil reserves, there are certain mechanisms for oil production, refining and transportation.

    Methods of oil production: fountain (fluid is released due to pressure difference). gas lift installation of an electric centrifugal pump (ECP). EVN installation of an electric screw pump (ESVN) SRP (rod pumps). other.

    Flowing method of oil production: Flowing production of wells, as noted above, is one of the most effective ways oil production, especially in new areas.

    Advantages of flowing oil production: - simplicity of well equipment; -lack of energy supply to the well from the surface; - the ability to regulate the operating mode of the well within a wide range; -convenience of performing well and reservoir studies using almost all modern methods; -opportunity remote control well; - significant duration of the well's overhaul period (MRP), etc. Diagram of an oil gusher: 1 - packer (oil seal); 2 - fountain fittings; 3 - pipeline for oil outflow to storage; 4 - surface casing (conductor); 5 - cement; 6 - intermediate (technical) casing; 7 - production casing; 8 - pump-compressor string; 9 - extractable fluid.

    Gas-lift oil production: With the gas-lift method of operation, the missing energy is supplied from the surface in the form of compressed gas energy through a special channel. Gas lift is divided into two types: compressor and non-compressor. With compressor gas lift, compressors are used to compress associated gas, and with non-compressor gas lift, gas from a gas field under pressure or from other sources is used.

    Advantages of gas-lift oil production: simplicity of well equipment and ease of maintenance; -efficient operation of wells with large borehole deviations; -operation of wells in high-temperature formations and with a high gas factor without complications; -possibility of implementing the entire complex research work for monitoring well operation and field development; -full automation and telemechanization of oil production processes; -long between-repair periods of well operation against the backdrop of high reliability of the equipment and the entire system as a whole; - the possibility of simultaneously and separately exploiting two or more layers with reliable control over the process; - ease of combating the deposition of paraffin, salts and corrosion processes; - simplicity of work on underground maintenance of a well, restoring the functionality of underground equipment for lifting well production. The nature of gas lift oil production: Gas lift scheme

    ESP (Electric centrifugal pump) is the most widely used apparatus for mechanized oil production in Russia. ESP - centrifugal, submersible pump. The need to operate an ESP in a well imposes restrictions on the diameter of the pump. Most of the centrifugal pumps used for oil production do not exceed 103 mm (5A pump size). At the same time, the length of the ESP assembly can reach 50 m. The main parameters that determine the operating characteristics of the pump are: nominal flow rate or productivity (m3/day) developed pressure at the nominal flow rate (m) pump rotation speed (rpm)

    Deep (well) rod pumps (DSP) are the most common type of pumps designed to lift liquid from oil wells. Design features The pumps consist of a solid fixed cylinder with extensions, a movable plunger, discharge and suction valves and a lock. The extensions are screwed onto the cylinder, one on each side. The presence of extensions allows the plunger to be pulled out of the cylinder during pump operation, which prevents deposits on the inner surface of the cylinder, which eliminates jamming of the plunger and creates favorable conditions during repairs. Pump parts under voltage are made of high-alloy steels and alloys, which ensures long-term trouble-free operation pumps The tightness of the fit of the pumps, threaded connections, and the complete interchangeability of all pump parts are ensured by the high precision of their manufacture. In terms of connecting dimensions and threads, all pumps are modified for domestic downhole equipment.

    According to analysts at Amoco, the Persian Gulf states contain two-thirds of all world oil reserves. The Persian Gulf states provided 22.8% of all oil imports to the United States in 2001. Oil fields have been explored in Iraq, containing 112.5 billion barrels of oil. According to the B P Statistical Review of World Energy, Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world, second only to Saudi Arabia(261.8 billion barrels). Kuwait's reserves are estimated at 98.6 billion barrels, Iran - 89.7, Russia - 48.6. At the same time, the cost of Iraqi and Saudi oil is the lowest in the world.

    Topic 1.5. Oil and gas development and production

    Development of hydrocarbon deposits.
    Oil and gas production.

    Development of an oil or gas field is a set of activities aimed at
    ensuring the flow of oil and gas from the reservoir to the bottom
    wells providing for this purpose
    a certain order of placement of wells on
    areas, the order of their drilling and commissioning
    a certain mode of their operation.

    Operating modes of deposits

    Depending on the reservoir source
    energy that causes movement
    oil along the reservoir to the wells, distinguish
    five main operating modes of deposits:
    hard water,
    elastic-water pressure,
    gas pressure,
    dissolved gas

    Hard pressure mode

    hard water pressure
    mode (Fig. 1 a)
    source of energy
    is the pressure
    edge (or
    plantar) waters. Her
    stocks constantly
    are replenished by
    atmospheric precipitation
    and sources

    Elastic-water pressure regime

    With elastic water pressure
    main mode
    reservoir source
    energy serve
    elastic forces of water,
    oil and the rocks themselves,
    compressed in the depths under
    by the action of the mountain

    Gas pressure mode

    With gas pressure
    mode (Fig. 1 b)
    source of energy
    to repress
    oil is
    gas pressure,
    compressed in gas
    hat Than her
    the larger the size, the
    decreases longer
    pressure in it.

    Dissolved gas mode

    When mode
    dissolved gas (Fig. 1
    c) the main source
    reservoir energy is
    gas pressure,
    dissolved in oil. By
    as it decreases
    reservoir pressure gas from
    dissolved state
    goes into free.
    Expanding gas bubbles
    push oil towards
    well bottoms.

    Gravity mode

    Gravity mode
    (Fig. 1 d) takes place in those
    cases when the pressure in
    oil reservoir has decreased
    to atmospheric, and
    the oil it contains is not
    contains dissolved
    gas In this mode
    oil flows into the well
    under force
    gravity, and from there it
    pumped out

    If in oil deposits at the same time
    There are various driving forces at work, then
    this mode of operation is called
    When developing gas fields
    gravity mode and mode
    there are no dissolved gases.

    Methods for increasing oil recovery and well productivity.

    To increase the effectiveness of natural
    Various reservoir operating modes are used
    artificial methods of influencing oil
    formations and bottomhole zone. They can be separated
    into three groups:
    methods of maintaining reservoir pressure
    (flooding, gas injection into the gas cap
    methods that increase formation permeability and
    bottomhole zone (hydrochloric acid treatment
    bottomhole formation zone, hydraulic fracturing and
    methods for enhancing oil and gas recovery

    Methods for maintaining reservoir pressure

    Artificial maintenance
    reservoir pressure is reached
    peripheral and
    in-circuit flooding,
    injection of gas into the gas cap of the formation.

    Rice. 2 Scheme of edge flooding
    used in development
    relatively small
    consists of pumping water into
    reservoir through injection
    wells located behind
    oil potential in the distance
    Production wells
    located inside the contour
    oil reserves in parallel

    flooding is used on
    fields with low
    productive formations in
    part filled with water.
    That's why
    wells are located either
    oil content,
    directly on it.

    Edge flooding method

    flooding is used on
    fields with low
    productive formations in
    part filled with water.
    That's why
    wells are located either
    oil content,
    directly on it.

    In-circuit flooding method

    In-loop method
    flooding is used for
    development intensification
    oil deposit occupying
    significant area.
    The essence of this method
    lies in artificial
    "cutting" the deposit into
    separate sections for each
    of which something is accomplished
    similar to contour
    At the same time, it is artificially created
    hard water mode
    deposit work.

    Method of injecting gas into the gas cap of an oil reservoir

    To maintain reservoir
    pressure apply this
    method for maintaining
    reservoir pressure In these
    petroleum gas is used for
    separated from already mined
    As injection pumps
    in this case use
    spent oil
    wells or drilling
    special wells.
    As can be seen, when gas is pumped into
    artificial gas cap
    a gas pressure regime is created

    Methods that increase the permeability of the formation and bottomhole zone

    As the deposit is developed, the influx of oil and gas
    into the well gradually decreases. Cause
    this is due to the “clogging” of the bottom hole
    zones - filling pores with hard and swollen
    rock particles, heavy resinous
    oil residues, salts falling out of
    formation water, paraffin deposits,
    hydrates (in gas formations), etc. For
    increasing formation permeability and
    near-wellbore zone, mechanical ones are used,
    chemical and physical methods.

    Mechanical methods that increase the permeability of the formation and bottomhole zone

    Mechanical methods include
    (hydraulic fracturing),
    well torpedoing.

    a - layer in front
    b - layer after
    hydraulic fracturing;
    1 - casing pipe;
    2 - wellbore;
    3 - pump-compressor pipes;
    4 - cracks in the rock,
    formed after
    hydraulic fracturing
    Hydraulic fracturing of the formation (Fig. b) is carried out by pumping into it under
    pressure up to 60 MPa of oil, fresh or mineralized water,
    petroleum products (fuel oil, kerosene, diesel fuel) and other liquids.
    As a result, new rocks are formed or already expanded.
    existing cracks. To prevent their subsequent
    closing, sand, glass and plastic are added to the liquid
    balls, walnut shells.
    The use of hydraulic fracturing makes it possible to increase the production rate of oil
    wells by 2...3 times.

    0.9 mm/s.

    It's called torpedoing
    impact on the bottomhole formation zone
    explosion. To do this, in the well opposite
    productive formation is placed
    corresponding explosive charge
    substances (TNT, hexogen,
    nitroglycerin, dynamites) and undermine
    his. When a torpedo explodes, it produces
    powerful shock wave that travels
    through well fluid, reaches
    production string walls,
    strikes hard and causes
    cracking of deposits (salts,
    paraffin, etc.). Subsequently, pulsation
    gas bubble formed from
    explosion products, ensures removal
    destroyed sediment from the canals.

    Chemical methods that increase the permeability of the formation and near-wellbore zone

    TO chemical methods impact on
    near-wellbore zone include treatments
    acids, surfactants (surfactants), chemicals and
    organic solvents.

    Hydrosandblasting perforation is the process of creating holes in
    production casing walls, cement stone and rock
    to communicate the productive formation with the wellbore due to
    energy of the sand-liquid stream flowing from the nozzles
    special device (perforator). Working fluid with
    sand content of 50...200 g/l is pumped into the well at a rate
    3...4 l/s. At the exit from the hammer drill nozzles, its speed is
    200...260 m/s, and pressure drop - 18...22 MPa. Under these conditions
    the perforation speed of the column and rock averages from 0.6 to
    0.9 mm/s.

    a - layer in front
    c - formation (bottom hole
    zone) after acidic
    1 - casing pipe;
    2 - wellbore;
    5 - breed,
    whose permeability
    increased as a result
    acid treatment
    Acid treatments (Fig. c) are carried out with hydrochloric, hydrofluoric,
    acetic, sulfuric and carbonic acids. Hydrochloric acid HC18...15%
    concentrations dissolve carbonate rocks (limestones, dolomites),
    composing productive formations, as well as pollutants introduced into the formation
    The calcium chloride CaCl2 and chloride obtained as a result of the reaction
    magnesium MgCl2 dissolves well in water and is easily removed along with
    well production, forming new voids and channels.

    Physical methods that increase the permeability of the formation and near-wellbore zone

    TO physical methods impact on the bottomhole zone
    include heat treatments and vibration effects.
    The purpose of heat treatments is to remove paraffin and
    asphalt-resinous substances. To do this, use hot
    oil, steam, electric heaters, thermoacoustic
    impact, as well as high frequency
    electromagnetoacoustic processing.
    When subjected to vibration, the near-wellbore zone of the formation
    subjected to pulsating pressure treatment.
    Due to the presence of liquid in the pores of the rock
    of the processed formation, they spread through it as
    artificially created vibrations and reflected
    waves. By selecting the pressure oscillation frequency, you can
    achieve resonance of both types of will, resulting in
    disturbances will occur in the porous medium, i.e. will increase
    formation permeability.

    Methods for enhancing oil recovery and gas recovery of formations

    To improve oil recovery they use
    the following methods:
    displacement of oil with polymer solutions;
    injection of carbon dioxide into the reservoir;
    injection of surfactant-treated water into the reservoir; "
    injection of coolant into the formation;
    in-situ combustion;
    displacement of oil from a reservoir

    When pumping water into an oil reservoir,
    treated with surfactant, decreases
    surface tension at the oil-oil interface
    water, which contributes to the fragmentation of globules
    oil and the formation of a low-viscosity emulsion
    "oil in water" type, for moving
    which requires smaller differences
    pressure. At the same time, there is a sharp decrease in
    surface tension at the oil interface
    with the breed, thanks to which it is more fully
    is forced out of the pores and washed away
    rock surface.

    Displacement of oil with polymer solutions,
    those. water with artificially high
    viscosity, creates conditions for more
    uniform advancement of water-oil
    contact and enhanced ultimate oil recovery
    Various types of water are used to thicken water.
    water-soluble polymers, of which
    most wide application found to improve oil recovery
    polyacrylamides (IIAA). They're good
    dissolve in water and already at concentrations
    0.01...0.05% gives it viscoelastic

    When carbon dioxide is pumped into the reservoir,
    its dissolution in oil, which is accompanied
    a decrease in the viscosity of the latter and co-
    a corresponding increase in inflow to
    production well
    Injection of coolant into the formation (hot
    water or steam with temperatures up to 400 °C)
    allows you to significantly reduce the viscosity of oil and increase its mobility, promotes
    dissolution of precipitated substances in oil
    asphaltenes, resins and paraffins.

    In-situ combustion method (Fig. 6)
    is that after ignition
    or otherwise oil at the bottom
    injection (incendiary) well in
    a moving combustion center is created in the formation
    due to constant injection from the surface
    air or a mixture of air and natural
    gas. Forming ahead of the front
    combustion of oil vapor, as well as heated oil with
    production wells and extracted
    through them to the surface.

    Rice. 6. Diagram of an in-situ combustion source: 1 injection (incendiary) well; 2 - deep
    supercharger; 3 - burnt out part of the formation; 4 - hearth
    combustion; 5 - processed part of the formation (movement
    oil, gases, water vapor); 6 - operational

    Operation of oil and gas wells Methods of well operation

    All known methods of well operation
    are divided into the following groups:
    flowing, when oil is extracted from wells
    using the energy of compressed gas introduced into
    well (compressor);
    pumping - oil extraction using pumps
    various types.
    The choice of method for operating oil wells depends
    on the magnitude of reservoir pressure and depth

    Fig. 7. Well construction for
    flowing oil production
    1- production string;
    pipes; 3- shoe; 4 - flange;
    5- fountain fittings;
    6- fitting
    The fountain method is used if the reservoir pressure is high. In e
    case, oil gushes, rising to the surface through the pump
    flowing is an excess of reservoir pressure
    hydrostatic pressure of the liquid column filling the well.

    Fig.8 Well construction for
    compressor production
    casing pipe; 2-lift
    pipe; 3- air pipe.
    The compressor method is the method of operating oil wells, etc.
    in which the rise of fluid from the formation to the surface is carried out under compression
    gas injected into the riser pipe string.

    To reduce capital investments there,
    where possible, into an oil well
    served under pressure without
    additional compression of gas from
    gas formations. This method is called
    non-compressor elevator.

    1 - high pressure gas well; 2,4,8 - gas separator;
    3 - heat exchanger; 5 - gas distribution battery;
    6 - gas lift well; 7 - gas-oil separator;
    9 - compressor station
    I - high pressure gas from a gas well; II - gas lift products
    wells; III - oil; IV - gas low pressure, containing drip
    oil; V - low pressure gas, purified from oil; VI - compressed gas in
    fishing collection system; VII - high pressure gas after
    compressor station

    For pump operation
    lifting oil from wells to the surface
    carried out by rod and
    rodless pumps.

    In addition to sucker rod and deep-well pumps in
    mining practices are widely used and
    submersible electric centrifugal pumps.
    They are lowered into the well on pumping pipes along with
    electric motor, the energy to which
    served according to a special, armored
    cable attached to the outside
    elevator pipes. The figure shows how
    wells with
    submersible electric centrifugal pump and
    a self-flowing well, i.e.
    fountain way.

    Fig. 11. Production scheme
    oil using
    sucker rod pump:
    1 - suction
    2 - discharge
    3 - rod; 4 - tee;
    5 - wellhead seal;
    6 - balancer of the rocking machine;
    7 - crank mechanism;
    8-electric motor;
    9-balancer head;
    10-pump pipes

    Scheme of installation in a submersible well
    electric centrifugal pump (ESP)
    1 - centrifugal
    multistage pump;
    2 - submersible
    electric motor;
    3- rising pipes; 4 check valve; 5 wellhead equipment
    For electric motor
    armored is used
    cable and source
    power supply

    Submersible screw pumps steel
    be applied in practice comparatively
    recently. Screw pump is a pump
    volumetric action, the supply of which
    directly proportional to rotation speed
    special screw (or screws). At
    rotation, the screw and its cage form
    along the entire length there is a series of closed cavities,
    which move from the pump intake to
    I'll throw him out. Moves with them
    pumped liquid.

    Collection and preparation of oil and gas for transport.

    The following are currently known
    harvesting systems:
    gravity two-pipe,
    high-pressure single-pipe
    and pressure.

    Fig. 13. Schematic diagram of a gravity two-pipe
    collection systems:
    1.-wells;2-separator;3-pressure regulator “up to
    myself"; 4-gas pipeline; 5-2-stage separator; 6-reservoir; 7pump; 8-oil pipeline; UKPN-precinct collection point;
    DSP is the central collection point.

    Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of a high-pressure
    single-pipe collection system:
    1- wells; 2- oil and gas pipeline; 3 – separator 1st
    4 – 2nd stage separator; 5 – pressure regulator; 6reservoirs.

    Fig.15 Schematic diagram pressure system collection:
    1-wells; 2-separator 1st stage; 3-regulator
    “up to yourself” type pressure; 4- gas pipeline; 5 – pumps;
    6 – oil pipeline; 7 – 2nd stage separator; 8- tank;
    BPS - booster pumping station

    The system shown in Fig. 16 a, different from
    traditional pressure one in that it is still in front of the separator
    at the first stage, a demulsifier reagent is introduced into the flow,
    destroying water-oil emulsion. This allows
    separate the main amount of water from the product
    wells at the booster station. At the central assembly point
    the integrated oil treatment plant is located
    before the second stage separator. This is due to the fact that
    oil containing dissolved gas has less
    viscosity, which ensures more complete separation of water
    from her.
    A feature of the circuit shown in Fig. 16 b, is
    that the integrated oil treatment plant
    moved closer to the wells. DNS, on which
    is located UKPN, called complex prefabricated

    Fig. 16. Schematic diagrams modern collection systems:
    - with the preparation of oil in a gas-saturated state at the central processing plant;
    - with the preparation of oil in a gas-saturated state at the CSP;
    1-wells; 2-separator 1st stage; 3-pressure regulator of the “toward” type
    4- gas pipeline; 5 – pumps;
    6 – oil pipeline; 7 – 2nd stage separator; 8- tank; DNS - booster

    Slide 1

    Oil and gas.

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    Oil is a complex multicomponent mutually soluble mixture of gaseous, liquid and solid hydrocarbons of various chemical structures with the number of carbon atoms up to 100 or more with an admixture of heteroorganic compounds of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and some metals.

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    The main part of oil consists of three groups of hydrocarbons - alkanes, arenes and naphthenes.

    Chemically, oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, divided into two groups - heavy and light oil. Light oil contains approximately two percent less carbon than heavy oil, but correspondingly more hydrogen and oxygen.

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    Alkanes (hydrocarbons, saturated hydrocarbons, paraffins) are the most chemically stable. Their general formula is СnH(2n+2).

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    Naphthenes include alicyclic hydrocarbons of the composition CnH2n, CnH (2n-2) and CnH (2n-4). Oil contains mainly cyclopentane C5H10, cyclohexane C6H10 and their homologues. Arenas (aromatic hydrocarbons). They are significantly poorer in hydrogen, the carbon/hydrogen ratio in arenes is the highest, much higher than in oil in general.

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    Oil resources and deposits

    World recoverable oil reserves are estimated at 141.3 billion tons. Given current oil production volumes, these reserves will last for 42 years. Of these, 66.4% are located in the countries of the Near and Middle East.

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    In addition to the carbon part, oil contains an asphalt-resin component, porphyrins, sulfur and an ash part. Non-hydrocarbon components of oil include resins and asphaltenes, which play a very important role in the chemical activity of oil.

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    It can be added that the geological neighbor of oil, natural gas, is also a substance with a complex composition. Most of all - up to 95% by volume - is methane in this mixture. Ethane, propane, butanes and other alkanes are also present. A more thorough analysis revealed small amounts of helium in natural gas.

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    The use of natural gas began a long time ago, but at first it was carried out only in places where it naturally comes to the surface. In Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Iran and other eastern regions.

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    For many centuries, people have used such gifts of nature, but these cases cannot be called industrial development. Only in the mid-19th century did natural gas become a technological fuel, and one of the first examples was glass production, organized on the basis of the Dagestan Ogni deposit.

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    Oil and gas are unique and exceptionally useful resources. Their processed products are used in almost all industries, in all types of transport, in military and civil construction, agriculture, energy, in everyday life, etc. A variety of chemical materials are produced from oil and gas, such as plastics, synthetic fibers, rubbers , varnishes, paints, road and construction bitumen, detergents and many others. etc.