Mineral water with high acidity. What water to drink if you have high stomach acidity

Mineral waters were used as remedy from various diseases for many hundreds of years. There is historical evidence that mineral waters were used in ancient civilizations both as hydrotherapy procedures, and internally as medicines for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

In Russia, places with mineral springs have been known since the 18th century, first near St. Petersburg, and then in Pyatigorsk and Georgia.

Mineral water is mainly used in the treatment of stomach diseases. The modern mineral water market has a fairly wide range. The question arises: what mineral water can you drink if you have gastritis? This article offers an answer to this question.

Mineral water, in fact – ordinary underground water saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide. These components are added to water from rocks, through which mineral springs break through.

According to the saturation of salts contained in the composition mineral springs, they are divided into three groups:

  1. Table mineral waters, with a concentration of no more than 1 g/l. This is a very low concentration and therefore table mineral water is not much different from ordinary drinking water.
  2. Medicinal table waters, their saturation with salts is from 1 to 10 g/l. They contain iron, magnesium, silicon, boron, chlorine, sodium, etc.
  3. Healing waters They are highly rich in salts and bioactive substances. They are only used in medicinal purposes, when prescribed by a doctor.

In accordance with the advantage of salt composition, they are divided into three groups: hydrocarbonate, sulfate and chloride.

It should also be taken into account that mineral water for gastritis can be of natural or artificial origin. In the latter case, it is obtained by entering into drinking water a certain set of salts in the ratios inherent in certain natural analogues.

What are the benefits of mineral water

The effectiveness of treatment with mineral waters depends on their chemical composition, variety of combinations chemical compounds, which are part of its salts.

There are six main mineral components in mineralized waters:

Patients suffering from gastritis often ask the question: is it possible to drink mineral water with gastritis? Mineral water for gastritis is used as a direct remedy and as a prevention of relapses. The goal of therapy is to normalize the secretory function of the stomach. So mineral waters, different in composition and salt content, give positive result in the treatment of gastritis of various etiologies:

  • alkaline or bicarbonate is effective for hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  • sulfate water is good for the liver, gall bladder and its ducts;
  • chloride mineral water improves intestinal motility.

How to choose the right mineral water for gastritis

When choosing mineral water, patients with gastritis in any form should remember that carbonated water is strictly contraindicated for them. Carbon dioxide, which is part of carbonated mineral water, can provoke a complication of gastritis such as reflux - the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, which negatively affects its condition.

The second thing that patients with gastritis need to keep in mind is to take into account the pH of gastric juice when choosing mineral water. Since most gastritis has a high pH, ​​in these cases the best option would be hydrocarbonate, alkaline water. It neutralizes excess acid in the stomach, which is a positive effect in the treatment of hyperacid gastritis.

For hypoacid and atrophic gastritis, you should choose acidified mineralized water. Its effect is not only that it relieves the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but that it restores the functionality of the gastric mucosa.

Mineral water in the treatment of hyperacid gastritis

What mineral water to drink for hyperacid gastritis? For this disease, Borjomi mineral water is recommended. It has a sodium bicarbonate composition, which is useful for normalizing stomach acidity.

How to drink Borjomi for gastritis with hyperfunction of the gastric mucosa? There are nuances to drinking this water. You should drink a glass of water in one gulp an hour before meals. This technique allows water to pass from the stomach to the intestines and then, during meals, have a positive effect on the food lump already from the intestines, which is more effective.

Use of mineral waters for hypoacid gastritis

For normoacid and hypoacid gastritis, they are prescribed Essentuki No. 17 And № 4 . How to drink Essentuki 17 for gastritis? It is taken cold 30 minutes before meals. This mineral water not only eliminates the symptoms of hypoacid gastritis (heartburn, belching, heaviness in the stomach), but also activates the process of digestion and absorption of food.

Mineral water in the treatment of gastritis combined with enteritis

Chronic gastritis and intestinal diseases are usually combined. In such cases, depending on the form of gastritis, low-mineralized water is prescribed. Take it warm, half a glass before meals.

It has an antispastic effect, relieves painful sensations in the intestines, promoting the digestive process and the evacuation of food through the intestines. Sodium-containing mineral water normalizes intestinal motility.

Treatment of gastritis in children and pregnant women with mineral water

In the treatment of children, you can also use non-carbonated mineral water of suitable acidity. The volume of water per day is calculated as 3 ml/kg of the child’s weight.

Therapeutic mineral water for pregnant women is prescribed by a doctor and used under supervision, since the state of pregnancy imposes special requirements on the prescription of such treatment. Unreasonable use of mineral water can cause the formation of kidney stones in a pregnant woman or have negative influence on fetal development.

Dangerous consequences

Long-term intake of mineral water for gastritis is dangerous due to the possible release of gallstones and urinary stones and cause the development of hepatic or renal colic. Therefore, for those patients who have kidney problems, or gallbladder, you should take mineral water only as indicated and prescribed by your doctor.

Useful video

You can learn about the types of mineral water and its use in this video.

Methods of therapy

When treating gastritis of various etiologies, not only drinking treatment is used, but also other methods of therapy:

  1. Gastric lavage. This method is prescribed when there is a violation of evacuation with prolonged stagnation of a food bolus in the stomach. It is also acceptable for large amounts of inflammatory mucus in the stomach, persistent nausea and severe heartburn.
  2. Therapeutic enemas are prescribed when it is impossible to apply drinking treatment.

Gastroenterologist's opinion

Gastroenterologists use the healing properties of mineral water in the treatment of gastritis. But despite all the effectiveness of hydrotherapy, doctors advise not to forget that this product should be treated as a medicine.

Treatment, taking into account all the features, should be prescribed only by a specialist doctor. Unreasonable treatment, even with such an affordable remedy as mineral water, is fraught with worsening of the condition. We must not forget about contraindications. Mineral water should not be taken during exacerbation of gastritis, accompanied by vomiting, pain or bleeding.


Summarizing the above information, certain conclusions can be drawn.

You should not treat mineral water like ordinary water, with which you can simply quench your thirst. Even table mineral water may have contraindications. For treatment purposes, it should be purchased in pharmacies and used as prescribed by the attending physician. Only if the important conditions for taking mineral water, which were discussed in this article, are met, will it bring undoubted benefits in the treatment of gastritis.

If a person has been diagnosed with gastritis, a gastroenterologist will suggest using mineralized water in therapy. Mineral water for gastritis is often used as therapy, as well as preventive measure, so it’s worth knowing how to use it correctly and which brands to choose, what to pay attention to first.


Most often, mineralized water for gastritis is used to normalize the level of gastric acid secretion, when it is necessary to reduce the level of gastric secretion. The mineral water has healing properties thanks to its special composition, which consists of salts, minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to the stomach. Thanks to them, the functioning of organs is normalized gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, gall bladder.

In addition to the fact that medicinal mineral water contains a huge amount of microelements, it also contains substances that are present in small quantities in everyday foods. According to the classification according to the types of ions that predominate in the composition, mineral water is divided into the following types:

  1. Alkaline - the composition is dominated by hydrocarbonates. This water is useful for diseases such as gastritis, gastric ulcers and inflammation duodenum when there is a high level of hydrochloric acid secretion.
  2. Sulfate contains a large amount of sulfates, useful for normalizing the functioning of the gallbladder, its ducts and liver.
  3. Chloride helps improve intestinal motility.
  4. The mineral water, which contains large amounts of magnesium, helps restore the nervous system and helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Glandular contains a significant amount of iron elements. With the help of such water it will be possible to restore the normal composition of the blood and get rid of anemia.

The benefits of mineral water for gastritis of the stomach

If a person has heartburn and excessive acid secretion, you need to drink mineral water.

Mineral water undoubtedly brings great benefits during therapy, as well as during the prevention of gastritis, so it is often recommended to drink it for such an illness. If a person has heartburn and abundant acid secretion, then you need to drink mineral water, which alkalizes the secretion, it is rich in bicarbonates and contains sufficient quantity useful metals. Thanks to its special composition, this mineral water helps bind hydrochloric acid in the stomach and helps reduce its production.

Thanks to bicarbonates, hydrogen ions in the body decrease and they participate in the production of gastric juice. As a result of this, the volume of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases, the patient ceases to suffer from a burning sensation, appetite appears, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus goes away, and the body’s protective functions increase. With constant, regular consumption of mineral water for gastritis, food is maximally absorbed by the body, this promotes regular bowel movements, which improves a person’s well-being.

What kind of water to drink based on stomach acidity?

After making a diagnosis of gastritis, the doctor gives advice on proper nutrition, gives recommendations on the course of drinking mineral water, the choice of which is based on what acid secretion is in the stomach, how developed erosive processes are on the mucous membrane and many other important points. Depending on the level of acid production in the stomach, these brands of mineral water are selected.

With elevated acid levels

If the patient suffers from edema and high blood pressure, this brand should be taken with extreme caution.

For gastritis with high level acid secretion, you need to drink water that has an alkaline property, that is, it neutralizes excess acid produced. Among such waters the following brands can be distinguished:

  • “Mirgorodskaya” contains sodium chloride in its composition, it can be drunk every day, however, it is worth keeping in mind that if the patient suffers from edema and high blood pressure, this brand should be taken with extreme caution. “Mirgorodskaya” helps during metabolic failures, liver and gall bladder diseases.
  • “Luzhanskaya” contains fluorine and elements of silicic acid; it is recommended to drink for people who have overweight, as well as those who for a long time can't quit smoking. Mineral water is used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, and ulcers. If the patient has low hydrochloric acid production, then drinking this water is prohibited.
  • “Zbruchanskaya” contains hydrocarbonates and a small amount of salts. When consuming this brand, the human body is enriched with chlorine, magnesium, potassium and calcium, and iron ions. For gastritis, it is recommended to drink every day both during an exacerbation and as a preventive measure.
  • “Polyana Kvasova” is considered hydrocarbonate water, it is recommended to drink when elevated level acids and gastritis, with ulcers, colic, pancreatitis, with inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • “Bukovinskaya” is taken for high and normal secretion of stomach acid, helps in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, and excessive gas formation. However, if the patient has heart problems or frequent headaches, then you should not take this brand.
  • “Essentuki” is rich in minerals and vitamins, effectively helps to cure a large number of diseases of the digestive system, and is useful for people whose gastritis is accompanied by high acidity. Thanks to this mineral water, inflammatory processes occur on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, excess mucus and liquid are eliminated from the stomach and intestines, the digestion process returns to normal, and harmful toxins and toxic substances are removed from the body.
  • "Borjomi" contains sodium carbonate and is an alkaline product. Widely used for various diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract, with gastritis with a high level of hydrochloric acid secretion. Thanks to Borjomi, enzymes in the stomach are produced efficiently and better, the acid level can be reduced, which normalizes the patient’s digestion and improves his general condition.

In the treatment of gastritis, along with drug treatment hydrotherapy plays an important role. When properly prescribed, water reduces destructive processes on the walls of the stomach, restores secretory and motor functions, and also enhances the production of bile by the liver and digestive enzymes by the pancreas.

However, not all mineral water has a healing effect for gastritis with high acidity. Due to the huge range, each of them has its own characteristic features. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to figure out which mineral water to drink with high and low acidity.

Mineralized water for gastritis has a huge impact on the level of acid formation in the stomach. Sometimes one glass of liquid is enough to get rid of heartburn or resume gastrointestinal function.

The practice of treating various secretory functions has shown that long-term use mineral water promotes:

  • strengthening the body's regulatory abilities;
  • enzyme production;
  • normalization of secretory function;
  • increased gastric motility, intestinal peristalsis;
  • removal of pathological mucus from the body, which is a favorable environment for infection;
  • normalization of the patient’s water-salt balance.

Medicinal waters such as Borjomi and Essentuki are used only as prescribed by a doctor. But water labeled medical-table or canteen can be drunk periodically to quench thirst, but only for people who do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Of particular importance in therapy for high and low acidity is the temperature of the drink, quantity, time of administration, and duration of the course. Therefore, it is necessary to drink mineral water only under the supervision of the attending doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

With increased acidity

In the stomach of a healthy person should prevail acidic environment, which effectively digests incoming food and also neutralizes bacteria and viruses. However, increased production of digestive juice causes inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa and contributes to its further erosion. Long-term dysfunction leads to various acid-dependent diseases, which include gastritis with increased secretion.

Medicinal properties of Borjomi

This water has natural mineralization and is used to normalize stomach acidity. Its effect is especially evident when heartburn occurs, which is an invariable companion to increased secretion.

Borjomi is quite quickly and harmlessly capable of neutralizing the irritating effect of an acidic environment on the mucous membrane. The effectiveness of mineral water lies in the effect of the alkali present in its composition on the acid.

How to drink Borjomi correctly

Such water for gastritis with high acidity is taken taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. In order for Borjomi to effectively neutralize excess acid, it is recommended to take it 30 minutes after meals. If increased acidity in the stomach cavity is constantly present, then mineral water is consumed half an hour before the main meal.
  2. Borjomi can only be drunk when heated to 40˚C. It is not recommended to heat the water again, since after several heat treatments the amount of useful minerals decreases.
  3. Carbonated waters are not used to treat this type of gastritis. Carbon dioxide irritates the walls of the stomach, which causes increased acid production.
  4. The recommended dosage usually ranges from ¼ to 1 glass three times a day. Borjomi should be drunk in small sips.

Low acidity

No less dangerous disease is gastritis with reduced secretory function. Its danger lies in the fact that an insufficient amount of gastric juice is an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines. It is characterized by the appearance of nausea after eating, stool disturbances and flatulence. Insufficient breakdown of food mass in the stomach causes iron deficiency in the body.

While there are a huge number of drugs available to reduce secretion, there are an order of magnitude fewer drugs to increase them. Hydrochloric acid and herbal bitters are often used. Taking water like Essentuki has a good effect.

How to take Essentuki

The therapeutic effect of Essentuki mineral water is explained by stimulation of the secretion of the stomach glands that produce hydrochloric acid.

To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, water for gastritis is consumed according to the following rules:

  1. Essentuki can be drunk either warmed or at room temperature. It depends on concomitant diseases.
  2. The duration of treatment in most cases ranges from 3 weeks to 1.5 months.
  3. To enhance intestinal motility, Essentuki water is taken as a quick drink a quarter of an hour before meals.
  4. It is advisable to start the course of treatment with 100 g of liquid; a single dose should be gradually increased to 200 g.
  5. Drinking this water helps eliminate biliary dyskinesia, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of gastric secretions.
  6. You should not increase the dose, as high mineralization contributes to the formation of sand and stones in the organs of the genitourinary system.

  1. It will not be superfluous to know that for gastritis with high acidity, you need to drink only hydrocarbonate and sulfate waters of low mineralization, with a low carbon dioxide content. It is this composition that does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. But they treat with chloride, chloride-bicarbonate, chloride-sulfate waters.
  2. Patients with low acidity In addition to Essentuki mineral water, Naftusya from the 2nd source, as well as water from resorts such as Pyatigorsk, Kuyalnik and Morshin, are suitable.
  3. In addition to Borjomi, patients with high acidity are recommended to drink Naftusya from source No. 1, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Jermuk, etc.
  4. For treatment, mineral water is used, packaged only in glass containers.

Except general recommendations Each patient must listen to his own feelings. Drinking water should not cause discomfort. Whenever unpleasant symptoms Treatment should be stopped and resumed only after consultation with your doctor.

Gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The bacteria Helicobacter pylori is considered a common causative agent of the disease. Once inside the body, they attach to the cells of the inner surface of the organ and begin to multiply, damaging the membrane. Also, the reasons will be the abuse of alcohol and medications, the quality of food and a sharp change in diet (diet, gluttony of fast food).

How to recognize gastritis in a person? Symptoms include intermittent pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, belching, weight loss, and excess accumulation of gases in the stomach. To fully diagnose the disease, a gastroenterologist will prescribe a fibrogastroscopic examination (using a microcamera), ultrasound, blood and stool tests. If the disease is not treated, it can develop into a stomach ulcer or even cancer.

In case of exacerbation of inflammation, it is necessary to follow a diet, limit the consumption of chocolate, coffee, alcoholic drinks, soda, spicy, smoked, fried foods. In addition to drug treatment for gastritis of the stomach, doctors usually prescribe drinking mineral water.

Depending on the purpose of application, it is divided into three types:

  • Dining room. This includes water sold in regular stores. Its mineralization is extremely weak (1-2 g/l); it can be used for cooking in unlimited quantities.
  • Medicinal water has a slightly higher mineral content (2-8 g/l). The waters include Borjomi and Narzan. It is possible to drink such a liquid, but not regularly or in large quantities, better as prescribed by a doctor. An excess threatens an exacerbation of the disease or a general deterioration in well-being.
  • Medical dining room. The composition contains more than 8 g/l of minerals and trace elements. You need to drink carefully, exclusively in courses, taking into account the temperature and time of day, while at the same time observing the dosage. The mentioned species includes Essentuki 17 and Donat.

Mineral waters are distinguished by the composition of the incoming substances: alkaline (bicarbonates predominate in the composition and soda is strongly felt), chloride (have a bitter-salty taste and consist of a salt of the chloride group), sulfate (have a choleretic effect and a higher concentration of sulfuric acid salts), mixed, biological active and carbonated.

In nature, there are sources that provide water that already contains gas. This liquid has bacterial properties. Helps with reduced secretion of gastric juice. Artificial saturation preserves beneficial properties water.

How to choose the right mineral water for gastritis

When contacting a doctor, he determines whether it is permissible to be treated with mineral water and which category to give preference to. It is recommended to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions; contradictions or reverse actions will lead to a negative effect on the body.

The right medicine stabilizes gastric juice, normalizes acidity, and stimulates wall tone. The choice of water is influenced by the chemical composition.

How does the acidity level affect gastritis?

The acidity of gastric juice is determined using probing, intragastric pH-metry, probeless examination methods (probing is contraindicated in some patients): this is the method of ion exchange resins (when ingesting a resin that colors urine in a certain color, the diagnosis can be determined using a color scale), desmoid test by Sali, acidotest, gastrotest.

Acid in the stomach performs a bactericidal function. With its deficiency, microorganisms freely penetrate inside, affecting the microflora of the stomach, proteins are not completely digested, the fermentation process is activated, and a person cannot avoid constipation, gas, and pain.

High levels of acidity lead to heartburn and bouts of pain. This happens due to prolonged increased release of hydrochloric acid and insufficient acid neutralization.

Depending on the level of acidity, mineral water is selected according to two criteria: either to restrain the effect of hydrochloric acid, or to stimulate the cells of the gastric mucosa to secrete secretions.

Mineral water for gastritis with high acidity should have secretion-slowing properties. Borjomi, Arzni, mineral waters from the Matsesta resort, Slavyanovskaya (from the city of Zheleznovodsk) and other sulfate waters are best suited. Before use, it is recommended to heat the liquid in a water bath, without bringing it to a boil. Drink quickly, an hour before each meal.

Borjomi for gastritis is good with a unique set useful substances: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, fluorine, silicon, aluminum, sulfates - the listed ions lower acid levels, normalize intestinal function and improve digestion. The liquid is of volcanic origin, the source is located at a depth of ten kilometers, and while the water rises, it does not have time to cool. Along the way, it is enriched with additional useful substances. It is useful to drink Borjomi to cleanse the body: water thins mucus, loosens stools, removes toxins and relieves heartburn.

For gastritis with reduced secretion, choose mineral water, which activates metabolism. It is recommended to take shortly before the start of a meal, approximately 15 minutes. There is no need to heat such water; it is recommended to swallow slowly. You should buy mineral water with sodium chloride and bicarbonate composition. For example, Essentuki 17 is suitable. When taken orally, the process of transfer of phosphoric acid, activated by enzymes, slows down. Lack of protons reduces the formation of pepsins (enzymes), secretin (peptide hormone), thereby increasing intestinal motor activity.

The course of taking Essentuki 17 water at the resort is 20 days, outpatient use is allowed for a little more than a month. It is permissible to repeat the reception after six months. For treatment purposes, when drinking, you should release the gas from the bottle; water is sold only carbonated.

How gas formation affects the choice of mineral water

Drinking carbonated mineral water can lead to the formation of gases and flatulence. Food causes a feeling of fullness, gases prevent food from passing further, enlarge the intestinal opening, which leads to pain.

Correct usage

Start treatment mineral water should be taken in small portions. Half a glass, no more. The concentration of salts in water should not exceed grams per liter. When side effects You should consult a doctor and stop using this mineral water.

A person can take 50-200 milliliters of medication per day. The dose may be increased for patients with high height/weight. Mineral water for gastritis achieves a greater effect at a resort without losing its temperature and mineral composition, thus retaining its medicinal properties in full. Mineral water can also be used for baths and enemas, and even inhalations.

Mineral water for gastritis with an integrated approach to treatment will give the greatest results. To achieve your goals, it is necessary to combine water consumption with proper diet, daily routine and physical activity.

Mineral water is drunk without mixing with other medications and without consuming different types. Exceptions are described for patients suffering from constipation or other chronic diseases.

Contraindications for use

There are diseases for which it is better not to carry out drinking treatment with mineral waters.

  1. In case of circulatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, acute pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), intestinal diseases, severe diarrhea with nausea, and bleeding, it is strictly forbidden to drink mineral water.
  2. It is not advisable to drink mineral water with alcohol or take it in the morning during the hangover stage. In the latter case, reactions occur that lead to irreversible consequences for the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Independent uncontrolled use of medicinal water leads to stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  4. It is not recommended to give mineral water to children under three years of age.
  5. During pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist about the volume, temperature and time of administration, the method and nature of the mineral water. For a woman, late toxicosis, threat of miscarriage, vomiting, bleeding, if the placenta is located in the lower part of the uterus, and the presence of scars on the uterus are contraindications.
  6. Even for a healthy person, drinking carbonated mineral water can have disastrous consequences. When ingested, gases affect biologically active substances, slowing down or speeding up metabolism. Carbonic acid resulting from the reactions provokes self-digestion of the stomach. Carbon dioxide stretches the edges, causing belching. Gas carries stomach acid into the esophagus, causing cancer. Refrigerated soda contains twice as much carbonic acid, which causes holes in the stomach, sometimes leading to rupture of the esophagus.
  7. If you drink soda in large quantities, carbon dioxide destroys tooth enamel.